International researchers @ KU Leuven – Intl Admissions & Mobility Bob Geivers
International researchers @ KU Leuven – Intl Admissions & Mobility Bob Geivers
International researchers @ KU Leuven Bob Geivers – Intl Admissions & Mobility Unit Annemie Dumoulin – HR Department Table of contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Your contact Your student and/or staff status at KU Leuven Scholarship, salary or selfsupporting? Registration Taxes Social Security Insurances Family allowances Leaves Benefits & perks Contact information Questions CONTACT Your contact depends on your student/staff status: International Office, International Admissions and Mobility Unit (IAM): Bob Geivers HR Department: Annemie Dumoulin YOUR STATUS: STUDENT Exchange student Bachelor’s and Master’s student Predoctoral student Doctoral student International scholar Visiting scholar International Admissions & Mobility Unit (IAM) YOUR STATUS: STAFF Administrative & Technical Personnel (ATP) Doctoral scholar (BAP): scholarship/salary Postdoctoral Fellow (BAP) Postdoctoral Researcher (AAP or BAP) Research Associate (BAP) Selfsupporting Visiting Researcher (BAP) Voluntary Research Associate (BAP) Research Assistant (AAP) Teaching Assistant (AAP) Visiting Professor (BAP) Professor (ZAP) HR Department SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP: - Predoctoral Student Administration and payment: IAM - Doctoral Scholar non-EEA (BAP) Administration: IAM Payment: HR Department - Doctoral Scholar EEA (BAP) - Postdoctoral Fellow (BAP) Administration and payment: HR Department SALARY SALARY: - Administrative & technical personnel members (ATP) - Research assistant (AAP) - Teaching assistant (AAP) - Research associate (BAP) - Postdoctoral researcher (except. postdoctoral fellows) - Visiting professors (BAP) (salaried) - Professors (ZAP) HR Department SELFSUPPORTING SELFSUPPORTING: - Selfsupporting students - Scholarship from outside the university Your contact is: IAM - Selfsupporting Visiting Professors - Selfsupporting Visiting Research Associates - Voluntary Research Associates Your contact is: HR Department YOUR STATUS? REGISTRATION: UNIVERSITY Intl Admission & Mobility Unit: - as a student - as a non-EEA doctoral scholarship holder - (as a visiting/international fellow/scholar) HR Department - as an employee - as a postdoctoral fellow - as an EEA doctoral scholarship holder Registrar’s hall - as a student: all (pre)doctoral students REGISTRATION: BELGIUM Registration at the city hall of your place of residence - annex 15 - residence card AFTER: - registration at the university - Leuven: finding accommodation: rental contract Remark: opening a bank account with annex 15 “LIVING IN LEUVEN” TAXES Not taxed in Belgium: selfsupporting students/staff members and scholarship holders: - Exchange students - Bachelor’s and Master’s students - Predoctoral students - Doctoral students - International scholar - Visiting scholar - Postdoctoral fellows - Selfsupporting visiting professors - Selfsupporting visiting research associates - Voluntary research associates TAXES Taxed: salaries: - Administrative & technical staff - Research assistant - Teaching assistant - Research associate - Postdoctoral researcher (except. postdoctoral fellows) - Salaried visiting professor - Professor Everybody must fill out the tax form Net amount scholarship/salary Gross salary - social security contributions (13,07 %) = Taxable income - withholding tax on income = Net salary Gross scholarship - social security contributions 13,07 % (full coverage) 4,70 % (partial coverage) = Net amount scholarship SOCIAL SECURITY: SYSTEM No social security: - Bachelor/Master, predoctoral scholarships, selfsupporting doct. scholar, international scholar, visiting scholar/fellow Partial social security: - Doctoral scholarships - Postdoctoral fellowships from non-EEA-country with NO bilateral social security agreement with Belgium Full social security: - All salaries + - Doctoral scholarships - Postdoctoral fellowships from EEA-country or non-EEA-country WITH a bilateral social security agreement with Belgium: Algeria; Australia; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Canada; Chili; Croatia; India; Israel; Japan; Macedonia; Montenegro; Morocco; The Philippines; Québec; San Marino; Serbia; South-Korea; Tunisia; Turkey; United States; Uruguay; (Brasil; Argentina) SOCIAL SECURITY: COVERAGE Partial social security coverage - Health insurance - Occupational hazard & illness - Family allowances: - maternity allowance - child allowance for dependent children in Belgium or EEA Full social security coverage - Health insurance - Occupational hazard & illness - Family allowances: - maternity allowance - child allowance for dependent children in Belgium or EEA + - (Unemployment rights) - Retirement rights SOCIAL SECURITY: FAMILY ALLOWANCE Maternity allowance - attestation at 6th month pregnancy Child allowance - for children in Belgium or EEA Any changes in your family situation? Inform your contact person immediately as this may influence your scholarship/salary: - IAM - HR Department SOCIAL SECURITY: OCCUPATIONAL Occupational hazard (see further) o o o o scholars/staff subject to social security study/work-related accident way from home to work abroad on study/work-related trips (Eurocross) (fill out form for insurance: Contact Insurance Office Occupational illness Contact IAM/ HR Department SOCIAL SECURITY: UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment allowance - Only in case of full social security - Requirements: - Worked for minimum 1,5 year - Forced unemployed - Residency in Belgium + valid residence card - Available for the labour market - Flemish Public Employment Service (VDAB) - Hulpkas voor Werkloosheidsuitkeringen SOCIAL SECURITY: RETIREMENT RIGHTS Retirement rights - Only in case of full social security - EEA + bilateral social security agreement: application at national pension office in country of residence - Non-EEA: application at national pension office in Belgium INSURANCES: HEALTH INSURANCE Health insurance – OBLIGATORY - Affiliation with Belgian health insurance fund OBLIGATORY! - Done by IAM for some scholarship holders - Registration fee to be paid ‘Living in Leuven’ INSURANCES: ACCIDENT INSURANCE Travel insurance - Occupational hazard - abroad on study/work-related trips - only for scholars/staff members subject to social security Travel insurance : please fill out the form for the travel insurance Specific procedure! Abroad - Schengen country: Belgian ID card + passport - Non-Schengen country: visa - Travel insurance INSURANCES: THIRD PARTY LIABILITY Third Liability Insurance (private life) covers damage caused to third parties (private life) Doctoral/predoctoral Students: - non-EEA: obligatory upon registration - all: university policy at 13 EUR/year Others: - strongly recommended - all major banks and insurance companies ‘Living in Leuven’ INSURANCES – HOSPITALISATION Hospital insurance - Additional cover for medical costs due to hospitalisation or serious illness which are not covered by public health insurance - Only for salaries and scholarships with social security + min. 20%-appointment - Standard cover >< enhanced cover LEAVES: HOLIDAYS Staff members and doct scholars EEA > HR Department - Paid holidays for research staff members: - depends on previous employment - max. of 25 work days/calendar year - Via KULoket (not for postdoc fellows) - Staff members: if no holidays due to former (non-)employment in Belgium: contact HR Department Students & doct scholars non-EEA > IAM - Max. of 20 work days - In agreement with promoter - No administrative formalities - Not via KULoket LEAVES: ILLNESS Sick leave - Always immediately inform your head of unit - AAP-BAP: if longer than 2 work days: ATP: if longer than 1 work day: • • immediately inform the Chair of the Department or the Dean send a medical certificate to the HR Department or IAM - If more than 28 days: contact your contact person at IAM or HR - Statuses with social security: payment by the health insurance fund after one month - Long fulltime sick leave: doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships: possibility extension LEAVES: MATERNITY Maternity leave - 15 weeks - Payment by the health insurance fund - For scholarships: (possibility of) extension of the scholarship period with 15 weeks - immediately contact IDEWE (= Occupational Medicine Department) Benefits & perks Student/staff card: - Access to all university libraries - Discounts in Alma restaurants, other restaurants, shops, … - Sports card - For students: cultural card - For students: medical centre: Transport - Bus card - at reduced price - For paid staff members: annual season ticket for train/bus - For paid staff members: university bicycle (2WD-bike) Benefits & perks Competence profile and training sessions for doctoral students: & Internet facilities at competitive prices For paid staff members (at least 20%-appointment): free hospital insurance (basic cover) For staff members: KU Leuven Child care … For staff members: LIVING IN LEUVEN Information Brochures: - Travelling to Leuven - Living in Leuven - Website: International Admissions & Mobility Unit: - HR Department: - - (go to intranet) Registrar’s Office: - University Hall, Naamsestraat 22 - (016/324040) EU: KULoket in English Questions?