Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento


Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento
Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento
Vol 2 Issue 13
Member of Zonta International
June 2011
Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide
ZCGS Club News
Speaker: Bethany Young Holt
Imagine… one product that would prevent BOTH unintended
pregnancy and STDs
At the Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento meeng on May 25, 2011, guest speaker Bethany Young
Holt introduced members to a brand new internaonal movement afoot to develop Mulpurpose
Prevenon Technologies (MPTs) for reproducve health that will prevent BOTH unintended pregnancy and sexually transmi.ed infecons and disease (STDs). It is very excing!
To date, researchers have worked either on pregnancy prevenon, STDs, or AIDS prevenon. This
new movement is uning product developers, advocates, health care providers, researchers and
government leaders around the single goal of facilitang the development and introducon of new
products that will prevent simultaneous risk of BOTH unintended pregnancy and STDs. The goal is to
help foster collaborators and bridge silos that can o3en hinder efficient scienfic progress and public
health, and to mobilize as many resources as possible to see to the development and introducon of
these new products.
The aim of the newly formed internaonal Iniave for Mulpurpose Prevenon Technologies
(IMPT) is to develop and introduce combinaon products that women can use to protect themselves
against pregnancy and STDs in one easy step, saving lives and protecng families. Consider these
ο Not only does poor sexual and reproducve health negavely affect women’s
socioeconomic wellbeing, it is a major impediment to global and economic development.
ο More than half a million women die each year from complicaons associated
with pregnancy.
ο Women make up 61% of adults living with HIV in many sub-Saharan African
Continued page 2
Who Are We
Inside this issue:
Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a global organization of
executives and professional
women working together to advance the status of women
worldwide through service and
Speaker: Bethany Young Holt
New Member Welcome
Bethany continued
North American Inter-District Mtg
Zonta International, its districts
and its clubs are nonsectarian
and nonpartisan.
Membership Director’s Message
ZI Yummy Fundraising/next mtg
Volume 2, Issue 13
ZCGS New Members
We are very proud to induct our 4 new members:
Ruth Crowley = Retired Admin Law Judge
Bethany Young Holt = CAMI/Public Health Institute Director
Helen Norris =CSUS Associate Vice President
Colleen Pacca = Fulcrum Management Group
Welcome to our new members,
Picture from left to right: Terri Goldstein, Ruth
Crowley, Bethany Young Holt, Helen Norris, Colleen Pacca and Patti Wilson
Speaker: Bethany Young Holt continued
MPTs are some of the most innovave health soluons in development aimed at simultaneously prevenng
unintended pregnancy and STDs, including HIV. This new category of convenient and easy-to-use products
will meet the needs of women as their reproducve health risks change over me. Women all over the
world will benefit from the simplicity and effecveness of these new products. MPTs in development include drug-device combinaons, mulvalent vaccines, and other novel approaches.
This new iniave is currently supported by the US Agency for Internaonal
Development (USAID) and a few small donors, and is coordinated by the Folsom, California-based Coalion Advancing Mulpurpose Innovaons (CAMI),
a project of the Public Health Instute.
For more informaon about MPTs and how you can support this innovave
approach to improve the health of women and their families worldwide,
contact cami@cami-health.org or visit: www.cami-health.org
Page 2
President’s Message & Events
Dear Zontians,
The North American Inter-District Meeting was awesome. The theme was
“Building a Better Zonta”. The agenda
had four tracks available that you could
choose to move through. Advocacy:
Creating a North American Strategy on
Zonta Issues, Advocacy at the club levelHow to keep Members Informed and
Engaged, Ratifying CEDAW in the US, Joy Orlich Co-Chair and ZCGR Member, Patti Wilson ZCGS Membership
Working for Women’s Total Health.
Director, ZI President Dianne Curtis
Leadership: Addressing Intergenerational Issues-what do women in Zonta
want, Beating Negativity and Driving Positve Change, Growing Leadership in Zonta-what does the data tell us, Mentoring and Coaching Zontians to Excellence. Membership: Best Practices in New Club Building,
Stategies for Membership Growth-An exciting new approach, Working for
Win-Win in Zonta Conflicts, Getting Zonta Business Done Well. Public
Relations: No More Public Relations Planning-Its Time for Doing, Using
Internet Technology to Raise your Club’s Profile, Maximizing Social Media
to Zonta’s Advantage, Branding, Marketing, and Reaching a Multi-Cultural
Audience. Lots of information and I could only attend a small part...great
news it is all on a CD for us to share.
New and Easier Email address: zontagreatersac@gmail.com It
streamlines our email and web address for the purpose of branding.
They are looking at Joy welcoming us
to the meeting, but a great group from
all over North America.
An informational Networking Café at
the opening reception.
Congratulations to our new club President Maury Khon. Because Maury is crazy busy with her other
volunteer position with the Technical Women’s Organization (TWO) and their upcoming national training
conference here in Sacramento she is not able to be inducted until later this summer. Until that time Patti
Wilson will continue to oversee the duties of the President of the Zonta Club of Greater Sacramento.
June 22, Wednesday, Dinner Meeting at Espanol Restaurant with speaker Sister Judy Illig, Executive
Director from Wellspring Women’s Center. Patti Wilson will also share information on an ongoing Zonta International project to have CEDAW (Convention to End all forms of Discrimination Against
Women) ratified by the United States. The club will also be donating single size shampoos, soaps and
lotions, feel free to bring more.
July 27, Wednesday, Location TBD, Dinner Meeting with the Dean of Folsom Lake College, Dr. Monica
August 24, Wednesday, Espanol Restaurant with speaker Jo Carson.
District 9 has sent out a club challenge. In honor of the ZI President being from District 9 we are challenged to raise “Dollars for Dianne”. They are asking for every member of the club to
donate to the Zonta International, the amount of the individual donation does not matter. Our club is around 50% participation. All donations turned in are tax deductible.
All clubs that meet the 100 percent mark will be invited to a special ZI Foundation reception at the International Convention in Torino, Italy. Visit www.zonta.org to donate.
In Sisterhood, Patti Wilson, ZCGS Membership Director
Page 3
June 22, 2011
Wednesday 6:30pm Cost: $25
Includes a 3 course meal
2201 Francisco Dr, Ste 140-362
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Speaker: Wellspring Women’s Center
Espanol Restaurant
5723 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento CA 95819
New E-mail:
Advancing the status of women
Check us out on
Look for more information about the yummiest Zonta International
Foundation Fundraiser you can ever imagine. Internationally considered one of the world’s finest chocolatiers, they still make their chocolate the old fashioned way, following one simple rule: No preservatives, waxes, gums or hydrogenated oils
Make your order through the Zonta District 9 website.
The very best chocolates I have ever had!!!