Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP) eNewsletter February 2014 NEWS & EVENTS


Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP) eNewsletter February 2014 NEWS & EVENTS
Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy (ACAP)
February 2014
Teen Pregnancy Rate Improved in 2012
ACAP is pleased to announce that the City of Alexandria's 2012 teen pregnancy rate has dropped 7.5 percent to 30.9 pregnancies per
1,000 10-19 year-old females. This marks the lowest overall teen pregnancy rate in Alexandria in more than 16 years and is a reflection of
the hard work and collaboration of a number of community partners and City agencies. ACAP thanks and congratulates our community
partners for this important achievement!
In 2012, reductions in teen pregnancy in Alexandria occurred among all age ranges and racial/ethnic groups; however, inequities still exist
among different segments of the community. Data from 2012 show that white teens had a rate of 23.5 pregnancies per 1,000 females;
black teens had a rate of 30.7; while Hispanic teens had a rate of 52.5.
We will further explore this data at ACAP's next quarterly meeting through an exciting presentation from the Alexandria Health
Department's (AHD) epidemiologist. Please stay tuned for details and click here to read an announcement from AHD.
ACAP Trains New Community Partners from T.C. Satellite Campus,
Chance for Change Academy and Capital Youth Empowerment Program
to Implement Be Proud! Be Responsible!
On January 30 and 31, staff members, counselors, and social workers from T.C.
Williams' Satellite Campus, the new Chance for Change Academy, and Capital
Youth Empowerment Program gathered at the Lee Center for a training hosted
by ACAP. The training, facilitated by the Healthy Teen Network, taught
participants how to implement the Be Proud! Be Responsible! (BPBR)
curriculum at their sites with a variety of at risk youth populations.
BPBR is an evidence-based program that focuses on pregnancy, STI and HIV
prevention through informed and responsible decision-making. BPBR is
currently being implemented by ACAP and its community partners at six
different school and community sites in Alexandria through a Personal
Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grant from the Department of Health
and Human Services' Administration for Children, Youth and Families.
Participants in the January training learned the details of the curriculum's six modules, practiced how to answer difficult and sensitive
questions from youth, discussed the importance of implementing the curriculum with fidelity, participated in teach-back sessions, and
practiced a condom demonstration. This training initiated a new partnership between ACAP and the T.C. Satellite Campus and Chance for
Change Academy. ACAP hopes to begin implementation at these new sites later this spring.
If you have any questions about Be Proud! Be Responsible! , please contact:
Risky Behaviors Workshop at Jefferson Houston PTA
ACAP, the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria and the Gang Prevention Task Force presented, "It's Never Too Early and
Never Too Late to Talk to Your Kids" to over 25 parents and other caring adults at the Jefferson Houston PTA meeting in January.
Parents learned how to talk to their kids about tough subjects such as drugs, sex, mental health and violence, and specific techniques they
could use to monitor and support their children.
If you would like to host a presentation, contact Lisette at
Keepit360 Club Hosts “Baby Daddy” Event at T.C. Williams
On February 12, the Keepit360 Club hosted an after school event at T.C.
Williams High School in the Library Loft. Students viewed three short video
clips from ABC Family's hit series “Baby Daddy” and had a lively discussion
afterwards in the form of an interactive game. Youth leaders from the Keepit360
Club planned and hosted the event and led the discussion. Students enjoyed
pizza, Valentine's Day goodie bags, and participated in a gift card raffle. The
Keepit360 Club is currently planning activities and outreach for Teen Pregnancy
Prevention Month in May. If you would like more information about the
Keepit360 Club, please email
ACPS Office of Special Education PresentsPuberty and Children with
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism
On March 19, the Alexandria City Public Schools Office of Special Education
will host a workshop titled Puberty and Children with Intellectual Disabilities
and Autism. The workshop will be presented by Mary Ann Carmody, R.N.,
BSN, AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator, who has been working
exclusively with people with developmental disabilities for over thirty years.
The workshop will focus on giving parents the tools they need to teach their children with cognitive disabilities about their changing body,
the resulting hygiene routines, privacy and how to prevent exploitation. Teaching children with cognitive disabilities about puberty poses
daunting challenges not faced by parents of neuro-typical children. The workshop will take place in the Minnie Howard Campus Media
Center from 7-9 p.m. Registration closes on March 12. For more information, please contact
ACPS Mobile Health Unit Named “WOW Bus”
The new ACPS mobile health unit has a name! Ninety-one students, staff and parents
submitted suggestions for a name for the mobile health unit that will be serving the John
Adams, William Ramsay and Patrick Henry elementary school communities. The final
selection for a name was put to a community-wide poll, and 227 people cast their votes.
"Wellness on Wheels" or “WOW Bus” for short received the most votes (198). The
WOW Bus arrived in Alexandria earlier this month and should be ready for operations by
mid-March of this year. Stay tuned for more news and information as this date draws
Read the press release to learn more about the WOW Bus.
Successes and Lessons – Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative
A supplemental issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health with articles from the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) and its grantees
shares successes and lessons learned since the inception of the federally funded Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative. Launched by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in FY 2010, OAH oversees the replication of evidence-based programs to reduce teen
pregnancy, as well as innovative strategies to address this issue.
The supplement is available online
Get Covered: Family Planning
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA) has undertaken a year-long project, Get Covered: Family
Planning, to support Affordable Care Act (ACA) outreach and enrollment activities conducted by its membership. The Congressional
Budget Office estimates that 14 million uninsured people will become insured by the end of 2014 thanks to the ACA. By offering
resources and support, NFPRHA is in a position to make a significant impact on the number of people who enroll in health insurance -either through Medicaid or marketplace plans--by January 2015. Materials include: brochures with information for patients about the ACA
and insurance enrollment; scripts to help staff who interact with the public to talk effectively about enrollment; and posters to draw
attention to enrollment efforts taking place in the health center.
Pregnant Teens Under Age 15 Face Unique Risks: Study
Girls who became pregnant before age 15 were more likely to report having sex with much older partners and initially forgoing
contraception than their slightly older peers, according to a new study in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Nearly 36 percent of girls who first
got pregnant before age 15 had sex for the first time with a partner at least six years older, compared to 17 percent of girls who got
pregnant between 15 and 19. That statistic "is very serious and represents complicated relationships with unequal power," said lead author
and obstetrician Dr. Marcela Smid, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Reuters Health, 2/10/2014)
Sexting and Sexual Behavior in At-Risk Adolescents
This study aimed to examine the prevalence of sexting behaviors among an at-risk sample of early adolescents as well as the associations
between sexting behaviors and sexual behaviors, risk-related cognitions, and emotional regulation skills. It also aimed to determine
whether differences in risk were associated with text-based versus photo-based sexts. Among the findings of the study: 22 percent of the
sample reported having sexted in the past 6 months, and sexting of any kind was associated with higher rates of engaging in a variety of
sexual behaviors. Authors of the study, published in Pediatrics, conclude that phone behaviors, even flirtatious messages, may be an
indicator of risk. Clinicians, parents, and health programs should discuss sexting with early adolescents.
Preventing Unintended Pregnancy: A Pediatric Opportunity
Prevention is the cornerstone of pediatric practice, with immunization the prototype strategy because of its significant effectiveness in
preventing selected infections. Other targets of prevention such as obesity, injuries, birth defects, and drug and alcohol use are important
but lack simple, evidence-based, and equally effective strategies. Authors of the Pediatrics "Perspective" piece suggest that in response to
the improvement in the effectiveness and safety of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs; eg, intrauterine devices [IUDs],
contraceptive implants), pediatricians have a special opportunity to prevent unintended pregnancy, not only in adolescents but in all
women of childbearing age who bring their children into doctors' offices for pediatric care. This commentary provides information about
unintended pregnancy and the safety and effectiveness of LARC methods. Authors suggest specific opportunities for pediatricians to
engage and motivate women to actively choose their reproductive futures and when to have their children.
Concerns Unfounded: HPV Shot Doesn't Lead Teens to Sex
Add another study to a growing body of research showing that despite some parents' concerns, HPV vaccination does not lead teen girls to
start having sex or to engage in unsafe sex. The latest, in the March issue of Pediatrics, published online this month, examines adolescent
girls' and young women's risk perceptions or beliefs about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, whether accurate or inaccurate, and
how they are linked to sexual behaviors up to six months after vaccination. (USA Today, 2/3/2014)
Lisette Torres, MPA MPL
Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy
City of Alexandria, Virginia
720 N. Saint Asaph St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Office: 703.746.3130
Mobile: 703.717.8336