Leave without pay provisions Leave provisions and MilitarySuper MB07


Leave without pay provisions Leave provisions and MilitarySuper MB07
Leave without pay provisions
Leave provisions and MilitarySuper
LWOP—21 days or less
MilitarySuper provides Members with the flexibility of
being able to contribute in respect of certain types of
leave without pay (LWOP).
MilitarySuper Members who proceed on LWOP where
contributions are permitted should carefully consider
the possible benefits of electing to pay contributions for
part or all of the LWOP period.
Contributions must be paid for LWOP of up to 21 days.
LWOP—More than 21 days
Contributions are not permitted if LWOP is more than 21
days, unless the LWOP is granted for one of the reasons
shown in Table 1.
This factsheet should be read by all MilitarySuper
Members who are proceeding on LWOP for periods
in excess of 21 days.
Table 1: Leave Without Pay Summary
Types of Leave Without Pay
May elect to pay
MilitarySuper - Payment will attract Employer
benefit accrual
Maternity or paternity reasons
9 months
MilitarySuper Employer benefit accrual limited
to 9 months
Compassionate reasons
2 years
Accompanying a Defence Force spouse
on a Defence Force posting
2 years
Study, training, or other activity
which is approved as relevant to
Defence Force requirements
No limit
MilitarySuper Employer benefit accrual limited
to 12 months
Defence Force approved full-time employment
No limit
No limit to period of MilitarySuper Employer
benefit accrual provided the LWOP employer
pays the relevant fortnightly employer
contribution. This is currently 27% of salary
for superannuation purposes but as this varies
from time to time you should seek advice from
the Customer Information Centre.
Temporary physical or mental incapacity
No limit
Military Employer benefit accrual limited
to 12 months with the approval of the
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation.
Please note: For information on eligibility for the retention benefit and any impact of LWOP on the benefit please
contact the Department of Defence.
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Any financial product advice in this document is general advice only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on
any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation or needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial
advisor. You should obtain a copy of the MilitarySuper Product Disclosure Statement and consider its contents before making any decision regarding your super.
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) ABN: 48 882 817 243 AFSL: 238069 RSEL: L0001397
Trustee of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme (MilitarySuper) ABN: 50 925 523 120 RSE: R1000306
How does contributing affect my benefit
If you elect to contribute during LWOP in cases where
contributions are permitted:
•Payment of contributions will increase the Member
component of the benefit and, in most cases,
payment of contributions will mean that the
MilitarySuper Employer Benefit will accrue for
part or all of the period.
•If you elect to pay your member contributions there
are LWOP categories that the employer benefit
does not accrue such as compassionate grounds or
accompanying spouse. You may need to consider
the effect any LWOP has on a claim for your
retention benefit, please contact Department of
Defence or your Pay Officer for full details.
MilitarySuper Employer Benefit accrual
Subject to the time limitations and conditions indicated,
payment of Member contributions will mean that the
MilitarySuper Employer Benefit will grow for each
fortnight that a contribution is paid during the LWOP
period where LWOP is granted for one of the reasons
shown in Table 1.
On maternity or parental leave for nine months, for a
Member with an average salary of $44,000, payment
of contributions for the whole period would accrue an
MilitarySuper Employer Benefit of at least $5,480 and,
depending on the period of contributory Membership,
possibly as high $8,530.
•Refer to Table 1 for information regarding accrual
of the employer benefit subject to payment of the
member contributions.
Payment of Member contributions for each of the
above types of LWOP will also count as eligible
service for retention benefit purposes for the period
specified. For employment LWOP the period will
count subject to payment of the full MilitarySuper
notional employer contribution.
•Any contributions made for the period of LWOP
will be subject to preservation requirements under
MilitarySuper scheme rules.
In this example Member contributions for the period
would be about $1,600 so the total benefit would grow
by between $7,080 and $10,130.
Election to contribute during LWOP
Should you be granted LWOP for one of the above
reasons you may elect, before the LWOP ceases, to
pay contributions for part or all of the period.
Where LWOP is granted on compassionate grounds, or
to accompany a Defence Force spouse on a Defence
Force posting, the MilitarySuper Employer Benefit will
not grow even though contributions are permitted.
Continuing to pay member contributions may maintain
continuity of service for retention benefit purposes.
Electing to pay LWOP contributions
You must make an election before the period of LWOP
ceases by lodging a ML3 - Election to pay member
Contributions in respect of a period of Leave Without
Pay (LWOP) form with ComSuper.
The ML3 form is available on the MilitarySuper website
or call our Customer Information Centre on 1300 006 727.
You may revoke the election to contribute at any time
three months after the date of election to contribute.
A revocation takes effect from the first payday following
the date of revocation.
To elect to contribute, you will need to complete an ML3
available on the MilitarySuper website or by calling our
Customer Information Centre on 1300 006 727.
•Send the original to ComSuper together with the
supporting documentation outlined in form ML3; and
•Send a copy to Department of Defence.
The form ML3 outlines the documents which will
be required to be submitted with the Form ML3.
As appropriate this will include a copy of a signed
agreement that LWOP has been approved.
An election to pay contributions can specify a particular
period of payment provided it does not exceed the
maximum period permitted for particular types of LWOP
as shown in Table 1 on the first page.
Employment LWOP
If you are granted LWOP to engage in full-time employment
with the approval of the Defence Force, it may be in your
interests to negotiate a salary arrangement with the LWOP
employer which provides for the employer to pay the
MilitarySuper notional employer contribution.
In the case of employment LWOP, you should obtain
form ML1 from your Pay Office. This form provides
detailed information for you to consider, and includes
a form of agreement to be made with the LWOP
employer. This form can also be obtained from the
MilitarySuper website at www.militarysuper.gov.au.
If your LWOP employer agrees to pay the MSBS notional
employer contribution, payment of Member and the
employer contributions should be made to ComSuper
on the ML2 Employment LWOP Remittance Advice form.
A supply of this form will be provided on receipt of a
signed employer agreement (available by contacting
ComSuper on 1300 006 727 or from the MilitarySuper
website at www.militarysuper.gov.au).
Please note: The current notional employer contribution
is 27% of your MilitarySuper superannuation salary but as
the prescribed percentage will vary from time to time you
should seek information specific to your circumstances.
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Payment of contributions
Unless you negotiate a salary arrangement with your
LWOP employer which provides for the employer to pay
the notional employer contribution there will not be any
accrual of the MSBS employer benefit during this period.
Contributions in respect of a period of LWOP may be
paid in instalments during the leave, or by a lump sum.
ComSuper prefers that payments be made quarterly over
the period of LWOP but Members may pay more frequently.
MilitarySuper benefit cover
A Member has full invalidity and death cover whilst
on LWOP. Salary for MilitarySuper purposes is the
MilitarySuper salary the Member would have received
had the Member not been on LWOP. Higher duties
allowance is not included unless the Defence Force
specifically advises that the allowance would have been
paid if not for the LWOP.
You can estimate your liability for LWOP contributions
by multiplying your fortnightly MilitarySuper contribution
by the number of paydays covered by the LWOP
election to contribute.
Payments must be accompanied by the Member’s full
name, service number and a statement to the effect
that the payments are for MilitarySuper employee
contributions while on LWOP. Failure to do this may
mean the loss of interest on contributions because of
the difficulty in identifying instalments without details.
Payments should be addressed to:
Provisions apply in respect of each period
of LWOP granted
These provisions apply in respect of each separate
period of LWOP granted. For example, if a Member is
granted three separate periods of LWOP for approved
education purposes over a three year period, and
resumes full-time duty during the intervening nonacademic year periods, the provisions would apply
separately in respect of each LWOP period granted.
The Collector of Public Monies
GPO Box 2252
Canberra City ACT 2601
If a Member decides to pay the contributions after the
period of LWOP, then contributions must be paid within
the same time period that the Member spent on LWOP.
For example, if a Member takes three months’ LWOP,
then outstanding contributions must be paid within
three months of returning to duty.
Absence without leave (AWOL)
If a Member is AWOL for a period in excess of 21 days
contributions are not required or permitted during the
period of absence.
In the event of death whilst on salary forfeited AWOL
for a continuous period of more than 21 days there is
no MilitarySuper death benefit available to a spouse,
child/children or to the estate unless the Commonwealth
Superannuation Corporation (CSC) is satisfied that there
are sufficient mitigating circumstances.
Similarly, should invalidity retirement result due to an
occurrence whilst on salary forfeited AWOL fora continuous
period of more than 21 days, there is no MilitarySuper
invalidity benefit available unless CSC is satisfied that
there are sufficient mitigating circumstances.
Where a death or invalidity benefit is not payable in
these circumstances the benefit would be limited to the
resignation benefit.
Please note that the repayment of arrears may not be
made by electing to increase contributions from 5% to
10%. Your pay office is required to report the increase
as a repayment of arrears rather than as an increase in
your contribution rate.
If you need more information...
Customer Information Centre 1300 006 727
(02) 6272 9617
GPO Box 2252
Canberra City ACT 2601
Paid leave including paid leave on
less than full pay
Unit 4 Cameron Offices
Chandler Street Belconnen
ACT 2617
50 925 523 120
Full normal contributions are required during any period
of paid leave, including a period of paid leave on less
than full pay, such as long service leave on half pay.
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1300 006 727
+61 2 6272 9827
GPO Box 2252
Canberra City ACT 2601
+61 2 6272 9623
(02) 6272 9617