Animal Health Diagnostic Center


Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Animal Health Diagnostic Center
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University
In Partnership with the NYS Dept of Ag & Markets
US Postal Service Address:
PO Box 5786
Ithaca, NY 14852-5786
Laboratory Operations
Courier Service Address:
240 Farrier Rd
Ithaca, NY 14853
Medical Records
Frequently Asked Questions
The Medical Records staff is available to help with a variety of questions and issues. Our staff consists of
Linda, Jen, Angela, Lindsey and Lisa who have 33 years of combined service to the Diagnostic Center.
Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions:
Are you open on Saturdays?
Yes, Medical Records is open from 9am to 12pm on Saturdays.
What is the address for sending samples?
If samples are being sent thru either FedEx of UPS: Animal Health Diagnostic Center, 240 Farrier
Rd, Ithaca, NY 14853. If samples are being sent thru the Postal Services: Animal Health
Diagnostic Center, PO Box 5786, Ithaca, NY 14852
Where are you located?
We are located on the Cornell University campus, near the Hospitals for Animals that are a part
of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Are results available on line?
Yes, pass word protected results are available by following this link:
Where can I find a general submission form?
Where can I find a Histopathology submission form?
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Animal Health Diagnostic Center
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University
In Partnership with the NYS Dept of Ag & Markets
US Postal Service Address:
PO Box 5786
Ithaca, NY 14852-5786
Laboratory Operations
Courier Service Address:
240 Farrier Rd
Ithaca, NY 14853
Do I need an account number before a sample is submitted?
No, an account will be created for the veterinary practice from the information on the
submission form. Be sure to include all information asked for. It is helpful to include the
submitting veterinarian’s license number on the initial submission form. Please note that results
are available by choosing one of the following methods: Fax, Mail or E-mail.
How long does it take to receive results?
Testing information, including turnaround time, can be found for each test at:
Where can I find a copy of your Quality Assurance letter?
Please contact the AHDC Quality Assurance Manager ( when requesting a QA
Letter to meet your inspections and accreditation requirements.
As an animal owner can I submit samples?
Samples MUST be submitted through a licensed veterinarian. Animal owners may not submit
samples directly to the AHDC except in rare cases which require prior approval and
arrangements made with the AHDC.
A submission was sent with incorrect information, can this be corrected?
Yes, submit a written request with the correct information to Medical Records via fax (607-2533943) or email ( The information will be corrected and an amended report
with be sent back to the submitting practice. Please note that this procedure does not apply to
Coggins testing.
If I call medical records, can you give me preliminary results on a case?
Medical Records does not have access to any preliminary test results that have not been
finalized in our laboratory computer system. If you need preliminary results that may be
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Animal Health Diagnostic Center
College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University
In Partnership with the NYS Dept of Ag & Markets
US Postal Service Address:
PO Box 5786
Ithaca, NY 14852-5786
Laboratory Operations
Courier Service Address:
240 Farrier Rd
Ithaca, NY 14853
clinically significant, you will need to talk directly to the testing lab section performing the test in
question. We will either transfer your call or take your contact information to have the first
available staff member return a call to you.
What should I do if I have lost a test result?
Please call us with you account number, the name of the animal, the name of the owner, the
approximate date that the testing was done, and the name of the requested test(s), and we will
help you get a duplicate copy.
What should I do if I have not received a result when I expect one?
Please call us immediately if you think a test result is overdue. We may need the account
number, the name of the animal, the name of the owner, the approximate date that the sample
was submitted, and the name of the requested test(s). We will verify receipt of sample(s) and
check on the status of your testing.
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