Theta Zeta Chapter, Lehigh University New Member Plan


Theta Zeta Chapter, Lehigh University New Member Plan
Theta Zeta Chapter, Lehigh University
New Member Plan
First Degree: First phase of three part initiation; closed to non-Kappa Delta individuals and
anyone who is not a new member.
Stage 1: Everything You Want to Know about Kappa Delta. You have just joined the
company of outstanding women dedicated to living GREAT! Now you will learn more
about the amazing sisterhood we call Kappa Delta.
Stage 2: Growth Through Lifetime Learning. Last week, you learned about the scope of
Kappa Delta and the support you will have from your sisters as you strive to live GREAT.
This week, we will explore the many opportunities Kappa Delta offers its members for
potential development and growth.
Stage 3: Responsibility for Our Own Integrity and Ethical Actions. Last week, you
learned about the many opportunities for “growth through lifetime learning” as a Kappa
Delta member. This week, you will learn that the privilege of membership comes with
expectations of conduct.
Stage 4: Engagement in Social and Civic Interests. Last week, we talked about accepting
both the honor and the expectations of wearing Kappa Delta letters. This week, you will
learn about the many ways you can be involved in your K∆ chapter, activities on
campus, and interests that help you put your values into action.
Stage 5: Altruistic Service to Others. Last week, you learned about Kappa Delta’s
commitment to civic and social causes. One of the ways you can impact your community
and the world is through altruistic service to others. This week, you will learn more
about the sorority’s philanthropic endeavors and how you can join with your sisters to
make a difference. You will also learn about the Kappa Delta Foundation, the charitable
arm of the sorority, and the programs and funding it offers.
Stage 6: Truth and Loyalty to Each Other… For a Lifetime. Last week, you learned about
Kappa Delta’s altruistic endeavors including our philanthropic efforts and our
community service activities. This week you will learn more about the lifetime
commitment to Kappa Delta. Your Kappa Delta membership – and all it entails – does
not end upon graduation! Soon, you’ll be ready for what’s ahead: a lifetime of support,
camaraderie, sharing, and just plain fun within the bonds of K∆.
Elections: Every member of the Theta Zeta chapter will have the chance to vote for members to
serve as the chapter council. When they vote on candidates, they are remembering that council
officers should be good role models, show initiative, and be able to handle chapter business
and uphold K∆ policy. It’s important to think ahead and elect to entry-level positions individuals
who have presidential potential.
Second Degree: Second phase of three-part initiation; closed to non-Kappa Delta individuals
and anyone who is not a new member.
Initiation: Final phase of 3 part initiation; closed to non-Kappa Delta individuals and anyone
who is not a new member.
Installation: Celebration of chapter installation; chapter becomes fully accredited on Lehigh
Hazing policy:
Kappa Delta does not condone hazing of any kind in any of her collegiate chapters. Kappa Delta
is concerned about the human dignity and well-being of her new members and frowns upon
any activity that is degrading. Kappa Delta does not permit immature action in new-member
activities. Kappa Delta does not countenance anything unkind or any display of an undignified
nature, either on campus or within her household.
Hazing is defined as any activity, action taken or situation created, whether on or off sorority
premises, that has the reasonable potential to produce mental, emotional or physical
discomfort; embarrassment; harassment; or ridicule. Such action need not be maliciously
intended in order to be hazing. Furthermore, hazing often occurs with consent of the victim and
is strictly forbidden by sorority policy and law.
Hazing activities and situations include, but are not limited to:
Scavenger hunts, treasure hunts or kidnaps;
Road trips or any other such activities carried on outside the confines of the
chapter/meeting facility;
Providing and encouraging the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
Blindfolding to disorient or intimidate;
Engaging in public stunts and buffoonery such as the wearing of publicly conspicuous
Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities;
Paddling in any form;
Interrogations or verbal abuse;
Physical and/or psychological shocks;
Creation of excess fatigue; and
Any other activities, which are not consistent with sorority law or regulations and
policies of the university.
The following penalties will be imposed in proven cases of hazing within KD chapters:
Any new member who allows herself to be hazed will be subject to the deferral of her
Any member who individually hazes or is aware of its occurrence will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including national probation.
Any chapter which knowingly allows hazing to occur as an acceptable part of the new
member education program will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
national probation.
Stronger disciplinary action up to and including the loss of the chapter charter may be
imposed by the National Council, if the situation warrants.
Alcohol policy
Kappa Delta Sorority’s National Council has developed this policy on alcohol for our chapters to
protect the sorority and its members and guests from the risks associated with the
consumption of alcoholic beverages.
All Kappa Delta chapters must operate in a manner that is consistent with university, local, state
and federal laws and policies concerning the serving and consumption of alcohol. Each chapter
shall provide its members/new members with the appropriate university alcohol policy and
Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Council alcohol policy. Each chapter shall provide
information to its members/new members regarding alcohol consumption and the laws of the
state in which the university is located.
Anyone planning to consume alcohol at a Kappa Delta-sponsored or co-sponsored event must
present legal, valid identification. No alcohol shall be present at any co-sponsored function or
event held in a men’s fraternity facility. Alcohol can only be served at a co-sponsored function
held at a third-party vendor location.
No alcohol shall be present at any new member program or activity of the chapter. All
membership recruitment programs and functions that deal with the membership recruitment
of new members will be completely dry.
Anyone who arrives at a function already intoxicated will be denied entry into the function.
No chapter members/new members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to or
sell alcoholic beverages to minors at Kappa Delta functions. Members who provide alcohol to
minors will be subject to disciplinary procedures. Minors observed drinking alcoholic beverages
must be asked to refrain. Their refusal to cooperate will result in their eviction from the
function. These underage members of Kappa Delta will also be subject to disciplinary actions.
No alcohol will be dispensed at a sorority-sanctioned function except by a designated person
over 21 years of age who is not a member of Kappa Delta and who has not and will not
consume alcohol before or during the event.
There shall be no possession of any alcoholic beverages in any Kappa Delta house, lodge,
apartment, suite or room or on any property designated or recognized as Kappa Delta property,
regardless of ownership of the property.
No chapter of Kappa Delta may purchase alcoholic beverages with sorority funds, nor may
anyone in the name of or on behalf of the chapter coordinate the collection of any funds for
such purchase. This includes the purchase of kegs, party balls and other bulk quantities of
alcoholic beverages. In addition, no alcohol may be served from common source containers
(kegs, party balls or other bulk containers) at chapter events unless operated by a licensed
third-party vendor.
The sale of alcoholic beverages by any chapter of Kappa Delta is strictly forbidden. No chapter
of Kappa Delta shall participate in any activity or action that creates the impression that the
chapter is selling alcohol. Examples include, but are not limited to, charging admission to
parties, passing the hat, selling drink tickets, selling empty cups, having vending machines that
dispense alcoholic beverages or by using any other direct or indirect means of collecting monies
from persons attending chapter functions.
The chapter hosts no “open” parties (social functions). Individual non-members attending a
chapter function do so only by specific written or approved verbal invitation of chapter
members who assume responsibility for the welfare of said guests and any damage caused by
those guests. A list of individuals' names will be maintained and monitored at the door or entry
to the function. Guests and hosts attendance lists are maintained on file after the function.
No tap system and/or a keg is present at a chapter function unless the tap system and/or keg is
part of a cash bar operated by a licensed and insured third-party vendor.
Kappa Delta chapters are prohibited from holding philanthropic events and/or fundraisers in
bars or in conjunction with any alcoholic beverage company, manufacturer, distributor or
retailer. No philanthropy event or fundraiser may include alcohol, even if served legally per
Kappa Delta guidelines.
Party definition
It is important to understand that Kappa Delta may be considered a “sponsoring organization”
or a "co-sponsoring organization" of an event simply because of the number of Kappa Delta
members taking part in the activity. Consequently, the Kappa Delta Policy on Alcohol must be
followed if there is a substantial number of sorority members (defined as members and new
members) at the event.
If the event is held at a men’s fraternity facility, the event must be alcohol-free. If the event is
held at a third-party location, the Kappa Delta Policy on Alcohol applies to any activity which is
implicitly or explicitly sponsored by Kappa Delta. All functions must be by invitation only; there
shall be no “open” parties.
Co-sponsoring organization
Kappa Delta chapters are prohibited from co-sponsoring an event in which alcohol is served or
is present at a men’s fraternity facility.
If an event is held at a third-party vendor location, Kappa Delta chapters are prohibited from
co- sponsoring a function with an alcohol distributor or tavern where alcohol is given away, sold
or otherwise provided to those present. The chapter shall not co-sponsor or co-finance a
function where alcohol is purchased by any host chapters, groups or organizations. Any
function co-sponsored or co-financed with any chapters, groups or organizations held at a thirdparty vendor location, where alcohol is legally present, must meet the following criteria:
The function is co-hosted with not more than one other chapter, group, or organization,
unless special permission is obtained from the CSC/CS/SA.
All hosts have a liability insurance policy with a minimum of $1 million basic coverage;
The function is in compliance with all organization policies;
All non-member guests are pre-approved by the chapter;
Guests and hosts lists are completed and posted prior to the function and maintained
on file by the vice president-standards for four years; chapter must indicate attendance
or nonattendance of members and guests at function;
Each host has equal representation of sober monitors during the function.
Kappa Delta chapters are prohibited from engaging in the promotion of parties with alcohol or
alcohol-related themes as the focus for such parties. Themes should be in good taste and not
reflect poorly on KD.
Drinking games
No chapter member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games” at any
chapter function.
Types and amounts of alcohol
Hard liquor (above 50 proof) is prohibited from all Kappa Delta parties, including parties cosponsored with other sororities or fraternities, except those taking place at outside locations at
which alcohol is served via a cash bar. Alcohol shall not be served to any person who is visibly
intoxicated. The Kappa Delta chapter shall determine prior to a function what types of
beverages will be allowed at the event. However, alcohol is only allowed in the manufacturer’s
single-serving containers. Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be served as well and must
be available throughout the entire party. Beverages in glass containers, while not strictly
prohibited, should be avoided if possible.
The safety and well-being of Kappa Delta members is of utmost priority. To ensure that all
Kappa Deltas have a safe and enjoyable experience, the following risk management and risk
avoidance policies are in effect.
Safe-transportation policy Third-party commercial transportation (i.e., licensed and
insured chartered buses, taxis, limo service, or university-sanctioned and staffed
transportation programs) must be provided in accordance with the following:
o Chapter Events. If the chapter event is held more than 60 minutes or 60 miles,
whichever is less, from the college campus, whether or not alcoholic beverages
will be served. This includes, but is not limited to, chapter/council/new member
retreats, sisterhood events, recruitment workshops, etc. This does not apply to
nationally sponsored events such as State Days, NCTA, National Convention,
extension presentations, colonizations or installations or any National
Panhellenic Conference event.
o Date Functions. If alcoholic beverages are served at a Kappa Delta-sponsored
date function (and date functions where Kappa Delta co-sponsors the function
with another sorority) such as a date party, formal, grab-a-date, crush party,
match party, etc., regardless of location. Third-party commercial transportation
is the preferred method of transportation, but in the absence of that, Kappa
Delta designated drivers or walkers must be used.
o Mixers. If the mixer (“social,” “function,” “exchange,” “party,” “two-way,”
whatever the terminology is on your campus) is co-sponsored with another
campus organization and it is close to campus, designated drivers/walkers must
be used, but it doesn’t have to be chartered buses. University-sanctioned and
staffed transportation is the preferred method of transportation, but in absence
of that, Kappa Delta designated drivers or walkers must be used.
o All Other Events. If the event doesn’t appear to fall into any of these categories,
you must not assume it is approved. Please contact the chapter CSC/CS/SA for
permission and clarification on how this policy applies to your event.
Guidelines for all transportation
Alcohol may not be consumed by anyone (members and their guests) on the provided
transportation, regardless of age.
If the provided transportation returns members to a centralized location, that is some distance
from the residence areas, a safe means of transportation from the drop-off site should be
utilized. The chapter may hire taxis or use designated drivers/walkers to provide this service.
Designated-driver guidelines:
As stated above, third-party licensed and insured safe transportation is the preferred method.
However, it is recognized that this is not always readily available in a certain location, nor a
reasonable or cost-effective means of transportation for all chapter functions. If third-party
transportation is not required by the above policy, then the following guidelines should be
Designated drivers must be Kappa Deltas or members of the co-sponsoring organization
who do not drink alcohol before, during or after the event and who do not allow alcohol
in the vehicles used for transportation.
The vehicle will have seatbelts for each passenger, and the driver will require each
vehicle occupant to use seatbelts.
Designated drivers must have a current and valid unrestricted driver’s license and
Designated drivers cannot receive monetary compensation, but can receive
nonmonetary incentives such as points, excuses, etc.
Designated drivers can be used for Kappa Delta-sponsored or co-sponsored functions
Designated drivers can receive reimbursement for gasoline expenses.
Designated drivers cannot be a specific group of people being singled out (i.e., new
members only, only members under 21, sophomores only, etc.). Drivers need to be
volunteers or selected by a random assignment.
Drivers understand that they have undertaken additional personal liability for accepting
this role as the designated driver.
Kappa Delta expressly prohibits the use of “Sober Sister,” “Designated Driver,” or
similar-type programs for any non-Kappa Delta related social activities. No Kappa Delta
member or new member, voluntarily or involuntarily, shall be asked, volunteer and/or
be required to “sit by the phone,” or otherwise be “on call” to pick up Kappa Delta
members and/or their guests while in attendance at any personal or non-Kappa Delta
social function (i.e., local clubs/establishments, private parties, fraternity events,
philanthropy events, etc.).
Members and new members may not participate in university or student organizationsponsored designated driver programs in which their participation is required by virtue
of their Kappa Delta membership (i.e., Panhellenic, Greek Council, GAMMA, BACCHUS,
etc). If individual members choose to participate in designated driver activities on their
own accord, such participation cannot be forced, coerced, persuaded or required.
Participation in such university-sponsored and/or approved programs is the personal
choice and liability of the individual member and cannot be attributed to Kappa Delta
Sorority and/or the local chapter.
Designated-walker guidelines:
The designated walker will not consume alcohol or illegal substances on the day she
serves as a designated walker (at least 12 hours prior to her shift and during her shift).
The chapter members will obey all state, local and university laws as to where they may
walk and as to walking with open containers of alcohol.
The chapter members will walk on well-lit, public walkways.
There needs to be an acceptable designated walker/member ratio pre-determined by
the chapter.
Walkers understand that they have undertaken additional personal liability for
accepting this role as the designated walker.
The walker must have another sober walker with her at all times.
Entrance IDs, wristbands and the bar
The Entrance There will only be one entrance to a party. The entrance to the party shall
serve two purposes: (1) to make sure all persons entering the party are either a member
of Kappa Delta Sorority or on the guest list and (2) to check identification of individuals
entering the party. At least one Kappa Delta officer must be at the entrance at all
times. If the party involves another sponsoring organization that organization must
provide a list of its active membership and guests and that list must be available at the
entrance to the party. The guest and host list should be maintained on file by the vice
president-standards for four years.
Identification All persons shall have their IDs checked at the entrance to the party.
Either a valid driver’s license or two other picture IDs shall be considered sufficient
Wristbands Wristbands will be placed on individuals wrists at the entrance to the party
and will only be issued to those of legal drinking age. No one will be permitted to
possess or obtain any alcoholic beverages without wearing a wristband. A list of all
those receiving wristbands and a separate list for those who are underage must be
completed and maintained on file by the vice president-standards for four years after
the function.
The Bar There is to be a single bar area with designated servers who are of legal drinking
age, are not Kappa Delta members, and are not consuming alcohol. No alcohol may be
distributed from any other area of the facility. Designated servers will not continue to
serve any persons who are visibly intoxicated.
Procedures for BYOB parties
Once a person of legal drinking age with alcohol has entered the party and obtained a
wristband, she will immediately take her alcohol to the bar and exchange it for the proper
amount and type of tickets (e.g., four beers for four tickets designated for that brand of beer). A
person may only receive a beverage from the designated server (see above regarding
qualifications for servers) in exchange for a ticket and may only receive one beverage at a time.
Kappa Delta members must be responsible for monitoring the party to make sure that no one is
drinking without a wristband, that no person is in possession of more than one beverage at a
time, and that no one who is visibly intoxicated is being served. All non-alcoholic beverages
must be in a can or bottle. There shall be no non-alcoholic beverages served from a punch
bowl, pitcher or any type of open container at any BYOB party.
Cash bar
Where the laws of the state in which the event is to be held permit a cash bar without requiring
that the sponsoring organization hold a liquor license, a cash bar is the preferred option.
Security and sober monitors
Professional security services shall be hired to enforce and maintain decorum at all events.
Security personnel shall be given a copy of the Kappa Delta alcohol policy and requested to
enforce it.
Chapters will provide sober monitors at Kappa Delta-sponsored and co-sponsored events with
alcohol. The chapter should designate an appropriate number of monitors for the event size. If
the event is co-sponsored, each host will have equal representation of sober monitors during
the event. It will be the duty of the sober monitors to oversee that all Kappa Delta policies and
procedures for events are followed throughout the event. Therefore, monitors are not allowed
to consume any alcohol prior to, during the event and/or shift, if a rotation system is used.
Monitors should be upperclassmen whenever possible, and all monitors shall receive training in
their duties by the chapter risk management committee. See the current Risk Management
Manual for a list of duties and guidelines for sober monitors.
In the event of any discrepancies between the Kappa Delta alcohol policy and university, city,
state or federal laws or policies, the latter laws or policies will control, unless Kappa Delta rules
and policies are more stringent, in which case Kappa Delta rules will prevail.
New member expectations
 Demonstrate good conduct on campus and within the chapter.
 Meet the following attendance requirements:
– Attend Stages 1-6
– Attend NM Retreat
– Attend all ritual ceremonies.
– Participate in one on campus-sponsored activity.
 Pass the NM Exam
Link to Kappa Delta Sorority Member Expectations Form:
To contact someone in regards to any of the above listed events, please contact an in-residence
Leadership Development Consultant for Kappa Delta sorority.
Emily Alexander –
Steffi Morello –
Lehigh Kappa Delta New Member Calendar
10:00 – 1:00
pm –
7:00 pm – Bid
NPC Open
Houses –
Lamberton Hall
7:00 pm Stage 1/ 1st
Degree; UC
Pacing Break
7:00 pm –
Stage 1/ 1st
Degree Makeup; Governor’s
Pacing Break
4:00 pm - Stage
3 Meeting - NV
003 100
Pacing Break
Pacing Break
7:00 pm - Stage
2 Meeting in
MG 102
Pacing Break
New Member
Retreat –
Location TBD
New Member
pm - Stage 4
Meeting - NV
003 100
Twin Week
Twin Week
Twin Week
Twin Week
4:00 pm Stage 5
Meeting - NV
003 100
4:00 pm –
Stage 6 &
elections - NV
003 100
New Member
2nd Degree –
Location TBD
12:00 pm –
Locations TBD