Prescribed burn in Cleland Conservation Park NEWS RELEASE


Prescribed burn in Cleland Conservation Park NEWS RELEASE
Prescribed burn in Cleland
Conservation Park
A prescribed burn is planned at Cleland Conservation Park in the Adelaide Mount
Lofty Ranges for Wednesday, 26 March 2014, weather conditions permitting.
The prescribed burn will start at 11am and should be completed by 8pm.
The burn will affect about 14ha in the central eastern area of the park,
west of Mount Lofty Summit Road, Cleland.
Smoke may impact on the suburbs of Greenhill, Waterfall Gully and Mt
Smoke may also be visible into Thursday.
Crews will be onsite until it is safe to leave.
The park will not be closed but access restrictions will apply on the Hartford
walking trail and fire access tracks in the area.
Closure signs will be erected within the reserve near the burn to advise visitors of
access restrictions.
The burn will be carried out by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural
Resources (DEWNR) on behalf of the Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Co-operative.
The primary objective of this burn is to reduce fuels in the area to prevent the
spread of bushfire and is part of a state-wide program of prescribed burning in
high-risk public land areas this spring.
Creating strategically-located, fuel-reduced areas through prescribed burning is
essential in helping to reduce the potential spread and impact of bushfires on
communities and the environment by providing earlier containment options for
A list of the week’s planned burns is available on the DEWNR website, at
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may
be cancelled at short notice. Fire crews will remain on site until safe to leave.
Hayden Ryan
Media Adviser
Department of Environment,
Water and Natural Resources
Phone (08) 8463 4445
Mobile 0417 322 462