AIR TRAFFIC BASICS FAA Academy Training Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) Instructor
AIR TRAFFIC BASICS FAA Academy Training Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) Instructor
FAA Academy Training AIR TRAFFIC BASICS Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) Instructor Lesson 5 50043/50143 OK-08-1337 LESSON PLAN DATA SHEET COURSE NAME: COURSE NUMBER: AIR TRAFFIC BASICS 50043/50143 LESSON TITLE: NOTICES TO AIRMEN (NOTAMs) DURATION: 2+00 HOURS DATE REVISED: VERSION: 2011-06 V.1.08A REFERENCES: FAA ORDERS JO 7110.65, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL; AND JO 7930.2, NOTICES TO AIRMEN (NOTAM) HANDOUTS: NONE EXERCISES: NONE END-OF-LESSON TEST: YES (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT REFER TO ELT05-NOTAM.PDF) PERFORMANCE TEST: NONE MATERIALS: NONE OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: NONE NOTE: AS YOU PREP FOR THIS LESSON, RECALL AND BE PREPARED TO TALK ABOUT EXAMPLES AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCES THAT ILLUSTRATE OR EXPLAIN THE TEACHING POINTS IN THE LESSON. AMA-500 DISCLAIMER THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED BY THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ACADEMY, AS A COURTESY ONLY, TO ENCOURAGE AND PROMOTE STANDARDIZATION OF AVIATION TRAINING. IT IS SUBJECT TO REVISION, AMENDMENT, AND/OR CORRECTIONS. THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION DOES NOT WARRANT THE COURSEWARE OR ITS CONTENTS AND DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE ARISING FROM THIS DISTRIBUTION AND/OR COURSEWARE USE. USER ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION DISCLAIMS ANY/ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING UNSOLICITED COURSEWARE UPDATES. INTRODUCTION Gain Attention NOTICES TO AIRMEN (NOTAMS) 1 A private pilot and his family were flying on vacation to a remote airstrip near a lake where they were looking forward to camping and fishing. The pilot had carefully planned the trip and called the Flight Service Station just before departure for a complete preflight weather briefing. Since they were scheduled to arrive after sunset, the pilot asked the briefer to confirm that the runway lights were operational. The briefer reviewed the Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for the airport and did not see any reference to the runway lights being out of service. However, an unlighted construction crane was located near the approach path to the runway, and this item was never entered into the NOTAM system. Upon arrival at the destination, the aircraft hit the unlighted obstruction just short of the runway and all aboard were killed. Prompt information to the flying community is important. This information aids the pilot in deciding whether to fly or not. NOTAMs keep the controller informed as to what is affecting his or her work environment. Are there any runways closed? Are all the Navigational Aids (NAVAIDs) working? 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose (Continued) This lesson discusses how time-critical information concerning the National Airspace System (NAS) is received, processed, and disseminated to all aviation interests. Objectives OBJECTIVES On an End-of-Lesson Test you will identify: 1. Methods of disseminating airmen’s information 2. Types of NOTAMs 3. Responsibilities for reporting NOTAMs 2 You will meet the objectives in accordance with the following references: FAA Orders − JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control − JO 7930.2, Notices to Airmen 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 2 NOTICES TO AIRMEN (NOTAMs) Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Definition JO 7110.65, Pilot/Controller Glossary A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) provides information (not known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any component (facility, service, or procedure of, or hazard in the NAS) the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. Dissemination of Airmen’s Information DISSEMINATION OF AIRMEN’S INFORMATION JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 3 The system for disseminating aeronautical information is made up of two subsystems: The Airmen’s Information System (AIS) − AIS consists of charts and publications. The NOTAM system − NOTAM is a telecommunication system. Airmen’s information is disseminated by the following methods: Aeronautical charts: − IFR charts such as: → En Route High Altitude Charts → En Route Low Altitude Charts Continued on next page 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 3 NOTICES TO AIRMEN (NOTAMs) Dissemination of Airmen Information (Cont'd) (Continued) − VFR Charts such as: → Sectional Aeronautical Charts → Terminal Area Charts (TACs) → World Aeronautical Charts (WACs) JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 Flight Information Publications in book form, known as “FLIPs”: − − − − 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A Notices to Airmen Publication (NTAP) Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) U.S. Terminal Procedures (TERPs) Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 4 TYPES OF NOTAMS Types of NOTAMs JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 Originators of airmen’s information are expected to inform the National Flight Data Center (NFDC) in sufficient time before the effective dates of changes to permit publishing of aeronautical data on the various charts or in the appropriate publications. When changes occur so rapidly that time does not permit issuance on a chart or in an appropriate publication, yet the timely issuance of the changes are essential, they are publicized as NOTAMs. NOTAMs are classified into the following four types: 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A NOTAM D FDC NOTAM Pointer NOTAM Military NOTAM 5 TYPES OF NOTAMS (Continued) NOTAM D NOTAM D JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 NAVIGATION AIDS RUNWAYS 4 NOTAM D Consists of information that requires wide dissemination via telecommunication and pertains to: − − − − En route navigational aids Civil public-use airports listed in the Airport Facility Directory (AFD) Facilities Services NOTE: If necessary, explain to students that originally there was a NOTAM D & NOTAM L (representing distant and local). Now only NOTAM D remains, although the “D” does not officially stand for anything. Continued on next page 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 6 TYPES OF NOTAMS NOTAM D (Cont’d) (Continued) NOTAM D EXAMPLES JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 !DCA 09/264 (KDCA A0690/09) DCA TWY G CLSD W TWY J WEF 0909270315-0911252359 !OMA 09/051 OMA RWY 27 REIL N SIDE OTS !ABQ 09/111 ABQ OBST MOORED BALLOON 1 NMR 900/BLW 6.34 NW (3505N10640W) TIL 1009092359 5 NOTE: Decode information: Reagan National, taxiway golf closed west of taxiway Juliet from September 27 (2009) at 0315z until November 25 2359z Omaha runway 27 runway end identifier lights, north side out of service Albuquerque obstruction, moored balloon one nautical mile radius at or below 900’ AGL 6.34 NM northwest of the airport (lat/long is the location of the balloon) Every NOTAM D will have one of the following keywords prior to the stated condition: P/I 6/21/11 P/I 6/21/11 ODP – Obst Dep Procedure TWY – taxiway APRON – apron AD – aerodrome COM - communications NAV - navigation SVC - service OBST – obstructions RWY - Runway (U) - unverified SID - Std Inst Dep STAR – Std Trml Arr DATA - Data CHART – Chart IAP – Inst Apch Procedure VFP – Vis Flight Procedure ROUTE – Route SPECIAL - Special AIRSPACE – airspace (O) - Other All wind shear detection systems (LLWAS, TDWR, and WSP) are reported as: “MICROBURST/WINDSHEAR DETECTION SYSTEM” 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 7 TYPES OF NOTAMS FDC NOTAM (Continued) FDC NOTAM JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 6 FDC NOTAM Consists of information that is regulatory in nature pertaining to flight including, but not limited to: − Changes to IFR charts − Procedures − Airspace usage NOTE: If necessary, explain to students that FDC means Flight Data Center. FDC NOTAM EXAMPLES !FDC 9/7714 (KOKC A0852/09) OKC FI/T WILL ROGERS WORLD, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. RNAV (GPS) Y RWY 35R, ORIG-B... RNAV (GPS) RWY 31, ORIG... CIRCLING CATS A/B/C MDA 1840/HAA 545. TEMPORARY CRANE, 1.92 NM N OF OKLAHOMA CITY/WILL ROGERS WORLD, 200 AGL/1475 MSL !FDC 9/9565 OKC CANCELLED BY FDC 9/9567 ON 09/14/09 18:46 7 NOTE: Decode information: The two approaches listed have changed minimum descent altitude and height above airport due to a crane 1.92NM north of the airport. NOTAM 9/9565 was cancelled by NOTAM 9/9567 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 8 TYPES OF NOTAMS Pointer NOTAM (Continued) POINTER NOTAM !CPR CPR AIRSPACE SEE DDY 12/045 PJE WEF 0802141400-0802141830 JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 To decode: HEADER BODY FOOTER (!) Accountable Location Affected Location Keyword Surface Identification Condition Effective Times ! CPR CPR AIRSPACE n/a See 12/045 PJE WEF 08021414000802141830 8 NOTE: CPR = Casper WY airport, DDY = Muddy Mt VORTAC and PJE = parachute jumping exercise The purpose of a pointer NOTAM is to make pilots aware of the existence of a condition or event that might require a lengthy description, and “point” to the NOTAM containing more detailed information. This practice is intended to help reduce the volume of NOTAM information provided in a standard briefing. Pilots who will be operating in this airspace during the effective time will know where to go to get detailed information, while pilots who are not affected can move on. POINTER NOTAM EXAMPLES !FAI 04/395 FAI SVC SEE ZAN NOTAM 04/063 FOR FAI APCH CTL HOURS OF OPERATION WEF 0904260700 !ENA 04/063 (PAZA A0285/09) ZAN SVC FAIRBANKS APPROACH CONTROL CLSD TRSA AIRSPACE/ TRSA SVC TO VFR ACFT WILL BE UNAVBL FOR APPROACH CONTROL SVCS CTC ANCHORAGE CENTER 120.9/319.2 0700-1400 DLY WEF 0904270700 9 NOTE: Fairbanks NOTAM for ATC services, see Anchorage Center NOTAM 04/063 (it follows) (ENA is Kenai [“key-nye”] AFSS) Anchorage Center NOTAM reference ATC services at Fairbanks – Fairbanks approach will be closed daily from 0700z to 1400z beginning April 27, 2009. During those hours TRSA service for VFR not available, contact Anchorage Center 120.9 or 319.2 for approach control service. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 9 TYPES OF NOTAMS (Continued) Military NOTAM MILITARY NOTAM JO 7930.2, Chap. 2 10 Military NOTAM Pertains to U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine, and Navy navigational aids and airports that are part of the NAS Numbering system is different Generally plain language If formatted properly, they will be published as an FDC or D NOTAM MILITARY NOTAM EXAMPLES M0318/09 - APCH END RWY 30 WIND DIRECTION INDICATOR UNSERVICEABLE. 16 SEP 18:17 2009 UNTIL 25 OCT 23:59 2009. CREATED: 16 SEP 18:18 2009 M0385/09 - RWY 34 MIDDLE MARKER (ILS) UNSERVICEABLE. 21 AUG 13:00 2009 UNTIL 13 NOV 23:59 2009. CREATED: 20 AUG 19:18 2009 M0685/09 - 180 DEGREE TURNS PERMITTED ONLY ON FIRST AND LAST 1,000 FT OF RWY 01L/19R DUE TO ASPHALT PAVEMENT DEGRADATION. 29 JUL 09:19 2009 UNTIL 30 SEP 23:59 2009. CREATED: 29 JUL 09:19 2009 11 NOTE: The military NOTAM does not contain the location identifier in the NOTAM. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 10 RESPONSIBILITIES Air Traffic Facilities Responsibilities Air traffic facilities shall originate NOTAMs for air navigation aids which they are responsible for monitoring or controlling. JO 7930.2, Chap. 5 Air Traffic Personnel Responsibilities AIR TRAFFIC PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES JO 7930.2, Chaps. 1 and 5 12 Air traffic personnel shall: Immediately report any situation or condition considered hazardous to flight to the air traffic facility for appropriate action. Accept all airmen information regardless of source or subject matter, provided the occurrence is no more than three days in the future. Record name, title, address, and phone number of person submitting information, and forward to the appropriate Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS). Coordinate with other affected ATC facilities. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 11 RESPONSIBILITIES Terminals and ARTCCs Responsiblities (Continued) Terminals and ARTCCs JO 7930.2, Chap. 1 They only accept and disseminate NOTAMs. They do not classify NOTAMs. Automated Flight Service Stations Responsibilities AUTOMATED FLIGHT SERVICE STATIONS JO 7930.2, Chap. 1 13 AFSSs shall classify, accept, format, and disseminate NOTAMs, as well as monitor their currency. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 12 RESPONSIBILITIES National Flight Data Center (NFDC) (Continued) NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA CENTER (NFDC) JO 7930.2, Chap. 1 14 The National Flight Data Center, is responsible for: Issuing FDC NOTAMs and NOTAM Ds pertaining to changes to Instrument Departure Procedures (DPs) and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs) Operating the National NOTAM System Managing the FAA’s aeronautical information database Collecting, validating, and disseminating data for use by the charting and publication entities of FAA, other government agencies, and industry NOTE: SIDs and STARs will be taught in a later lesson. Review The facility responsible for accepting, formatting, classifying, and disseminating NOTAMs is ________. A. AFSS (CORRECT) B. Terminal C. Center 15 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 13 RESPONSIBILITIES Technical Operations (Tech Ops) Services (Continued) The Technical Operations (Tech Ops) Services, System Management Office manager (SMO), or representative, is responsible for: JO 7930.2, Chap. 1 Initiating NOTAM information for shutdown, restoration, or any condition that affects the operations of NAVAIDs, frequencies, or other electronic aids that affect safety of flight − This includes forwarding data of programmed changes in the NAS, such as frequency changes, commissioning/decommissioning, etc. Coordinating with appropriate Air Traffic (AT) facilities prior to shutdown or changes that affect safety of flight − Tech Ops personnel are expected to submit approval requests for routine maintenance shutdowns sufficiently in advance to ensure that approval will be received with ample time for issuance of a NOTAM five hours before a shutdown will occur. − Routine shutdowns of air traffic system components should occur during the hours of least traffic activity regardless of the time of day. Aviation System Standards Aviation System Standards National Flight Procedures Office (AVN) is a part of Tech Ops. JO 7930.2, Chap. 1 AVN personnel identify those safety-of-flight conditions which require the issuance of FDC NOTAMs relating to instrument flight procedures. FDC NOTAMs are normally issued for revisions to standard instrument approach procedures, airway structures, and some departure procedures. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A The Flight Inspection Operations Division initiates NOTAMs pertaining to NAVAID restrictions. 14 RESPONSIBILITIES Airport Manager/ Operator (Continued) AIRPORT MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY JO 7930.2, Chap. 5 16 NOTE: Explain to students that airport management and tower controllers must work together in dealing with the runway environment. Airport management is legally responsible for the runway condition. Potential defects observed by Tower controllers are reported to airport management Airports are not owned by the FAA. Airport management is responsible for observing and reporting the condition of a movement area. Airport management must provide a list of personnel authorized to issue NOTAMS. Legally, only airport management can close a movement area. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 15 CONCLUSION Lesson Summary Lesson Review NOTE: Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) Types of NOTAMS − − − − Review and elaborate briefly on the following: NOTAM D FDC Pointer Military Responsibilities NOTE: Hand out and administer the End-of-Lesson Test. The ELT serves as a review for students. Provide feedback on missed items, including explanations about why particular answers are correct, as well as why some responses are incorrect. 50043/50143-LP05 /V.1.08A 16
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