Wallingford Methodist Church


Wallingford Methodist Church
Wallingford Methodist Church
Rev Katherine Pickering
01235 813242
Sunday July 27th
10.10am Prayers in the Lounge
10.30am Peter Hemmings
6.30pm Rev Peter Bennett
You can find more details about our church life in The
Messenger, a copy of which you can obtain from the steward.
The church is fitted with an induction loop; please switch
hearing aids to the T setting.
The children normally join us for the first part of the morning
service and then leave for Junior Church. There is a crèche for
very young children. When there is a communion service the
children go straight to Junior Church and join us later for
If you would like a particular subject to be included in our
prayers, please place your request with the steward, (if you
want prayers for an individual please make sure you have their
permission first)
Steward – Delia Burns
Friendship Group Summer Party –
see below
Leadership Team Meeting
Thur 10.30am
Loving Hands (knitting group)
Boys’ Brigade - Anchors
Boys’ Brigade - Juniors
BB Company & Seniors
Coffee morning
Sunday Aug 3rd
10.30am Paul Williams
6.30pm Rev Richard Bittleston
For Your Prayers
 Trinity Church, Abingdon
 Local Politicians: the Town Council and SODC,
and for fair policies.
 The families of the passengers on Malaysia
Airlines Flight 17, as they await the return of the
bodies of their loved ones.
Friendship Group - Summer Party
The party is a good chance just to sit and chat to each
other over a cup of tea and a cake. It will be held in the
church hall and there is plenty of room for anyone who
would like to come along.
Ann Watts
Notices from Katherine
Sunday 3rd August – Katherine and Ian invite you all
for Tea in the Garden between 3-5pm at the Manse, 50
Lydalls Close, Didcot OX11 7LA. Parking is available
in Lydalls Close and also in Manor School car park,
opposite the Manse. We will be grateful for any cake
donations or extra folding chairs!
Monday 4th August - Thanksgiving Service at 2.30pm
at Wallingford Methodist Church for David Kershaw,
who died on 18th July. David was very well known for
his dedicated service in this Church and Circuit as well
as for his commitment in many different ways in the
town and local community. He is remembered with
affection by many people and will be greatly missed.
Our prayers for Barbara and their family as we give
thanks for his life.
Methodist Prayer Handbook 2014/2015
The new handbook may now be ordered. Please sign
your name on the list on the Notice Board. The cost this
year is £4.
Dora Smith
Dates for your diaries
Saturday 9th – 16th August, BB & GA Summer Camp
Thursday 21st August – Tea in the garden at Delia &
Philip Burns’ home, 12 Sinodun Road, Wallingford
OX10 8AB, from 3-5 pm.
Saturday 30th August, Trinity Church Abingdon,
welcome to Rev. Ian Griffiths and his wife, 3.00pm
Saturday 13th September, Jumble Sale, 2.00-4.00pm
Tuesday 30th September, Compass – Course/Discussion
Group, 11.00-12.30pm. See Messenger for more
If you would prefer to receive your notices by email
please let me have your email address.
Notices for next week to Barbara Kershaw  01491
837363; bkershaw39@googlemail.com, or put them in
the small brown box in the atrium by noon on
Thursday. Barbara Kershaw