and Penton Park Church
and Penton Park Church
and Penton Park Church Web-site: Facebook page: WE WELCOME EVERYONE VERY WARMLY TODAY. Please do join us after the service for tea or coffee and chat. If you are new to St. Peter’s Church do please make yourself known to us. Members of our prayer and pastoral team are available after the Service to talk and pray through any issue. Please make your way to the chancel area where they will pray with you. If you’d like to receive Notices and other info electronically, please do contact and we’ll add you to the list. SUNDAY 12tthh OCTOBER 2014 : : TRINITY 17 88..0 00 0aam mC Coom mm muunniioonn :: TTiim m 110 0..0 00 0aam mA AN N IIN NFFO OR RM MA ALL C CO OM MM MU UN NIIO ON NA AN ND D SSEER RV VIIC CEE O OFF TTH HA AN NK KSSG GIIV VIIN NG G FFO OR RG GO OD D’’SS G GO OO OD DN NEESSSS :: TTiim m TThhiiss iiss nnoott aa ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall H Haarrvveesstt FFeessttiivvaall bbuutt aann oop pp poorrttuunniittyy ttoo tthhaannkk G Goodd aanndd rreessp poonndd ttoo H Hiiss ggeenneerroossiittyy iinn aallll aarreeaass ooff oouurr lliivveess.. TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr ggiiffttss ttooddaayy ffoorr R Ruunnnnyym meeddee FFooooddbbaannkk aanndd SSuurrrreeyy N Niigghhttssttoop p 110 0..330 0aam m SSeerrvviiccee aatt P Peennttoonn P Paarrkk :: C Chhrriissttiinnee 66..330 0ppm m ‘‘G Gooiinngg D Deeeeppeerr w wiitthh G Goodd – – B Brreeaakkiinngg B Brreeaadd iinn tthhee R Roouunndd’’ :: TTiim m + WEEK AT A GLANCE + Jesus said: ‘If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Councellor to be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth’ John 14 : 15 th Monday 13 October 2014 9.30am Prayers 1.30pm Stepgates School Harvest Service in the Church 4.45pm Rainbows 6.15pm Pizza & John & Youth Groups meet in the Hall 8.00pm Crossover Home Group meets Tuesday 14th October 9.15am Morning Prayers 10.00am Daisy Chain meets in the Hall 6.00pm Brownies 8.00pm Home Groups meet Wednesday 15th October Our patrons, ‘Haberdashers Company’, are undertaking a Deputation to us here at St. Peter’s Church 9.30am Mum’s the Word meets 7.45pm Bellringing Practice 8.00pm Home Groups meet Thursday 16th October 10.00am Daisy Chain meets in the Hall 7.30pm Choir Practice 8.00pm Twenties Group meets Friday 17th October 9.30am Communion 10am-12nn COFFEE BREAK SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER : Trinity 18 8am Communion 10am Communion Service 10.30am Service at Penton Park 6.30pm ‘Going Deeper with God : Night Prayer Plus’ ‘There is More’ Last Weekend We are grateful to God for a remarkable weekend. A great many people encountered God in new and deeper ways during the course of the events. It was so good to enjoy fellowship together as a whole church and to go deeper in our understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful to Martin and Cesca CAVENDER for their ministry amongst us and for many others who contributed to the success of the weekend. Particular thanks to Christina and Frank PONNIAH and their family for the outstanding Sri Lankan meal on Saturday. Prayers for the Week We pray for our world, our country and our local community. We pray for those known to us and those who are ill, recently bereaved, homeless, lonely, sad or in difficulty and distress. Please do continue to keep in prayers baby Jude SKEATES, for complete healing, and all the family. Prayers are also especially welcomed by Barbara JURY, Peter WARWICK and Jackie MURRAY – that God would continue to pour his healing power in and through their lives at this time. Please pray for Tim and members of the team as they short list potential Curates for 2015 in the next 10 days. We pray this weekend for the family of Deborah McBEAN, of Eastworth Road whose funeral takes place at St. Peter’s Church at 1pm on Monday 20th October. ‘We give thanks to God for the life of Gerry (Geraldine) HARVEY, the oldest member of our church community who died at the age of 97 earlier this week. Gerry had a living faith and for many years worshipped regularly with us until infirmity prevented this. She has been supported regularly by Christine Pattinson and other members of the pastoral team in recent years. Details of her funeral will be available next week.’ Tim. Continue to pray for Canon Andrew WHITE, Anglican Vicar in Baghdad, for protection and for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to transform the crises in the Middle East. A REMINDER FOR PCC MEMBERS ... there is a Special PCC Evening of Prayer taking place between 8pm and 9.30pm on Monday 20th October in the Chancel. + OUTWARD GIVING : THIS MONTH WE ARE SUPPORTING WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS + We hope you’re supporting this year’s SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX APPEAL. Please fill a festive shoebox with goodies for children in need throughout the world and return by 16th November for transport across the globe. There are knitting patterns available for ‘crafty’ friends, and leaflets to include your donation and give an idea of suitable gifts. We thank Chris DUNSTER for her work co-ordinating our appeal here at St. Peter’s, Stepgates School and Penton Park. There are also ‘ready made’ boxes if you don’t have time to wrap. If you are unable to fill a box, donations to help with funding are welcomed, too. LAUGHTER AND LIGHT PARTY! FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER 4.30pm – 6.30pm at St. Peter’s Church Hall with fun, games, food and treats Wear Light and Bright Clothes : Prize for the best outfit! Primary age 4 – 11 years. Places are limited - book with by 29th October with your child’s name, school, school year and details of any allergy, medical conditions or special needs. £2 per child payable on the door. Office: 01932 570155. NORMAN’S QUIZ for CHURCH FUNDS : pick up a sheet today, £1 in the wall safe please. ADVANCE DIARY NOTICES FOR NOVEMBER There will be a MAINTENANCE MORNING on Saturday 1st November from 10am – 1pm just to tidy up the grounds and church before winter. Do bring along gardening & cleaning gear. Coffee and Buns provided for the workers! Dave & Wendy. ALL SAINTS’ SERVICE Sunday 2 November at 6.30pm nd Everyone is warmly welcome to attend this special service, giving an opportunity to remember before God the lives of loved ones who have died. All will be invited to light a candle in memory as we thank God for the lives of those no longer with us and we invite you to remain for refreshments afterwards. BONFIRE, FIREWORKS AND BBQ in THE VICARAGE GARDEN : SATURDAY 8th NOVEMBER Don wellies, gloves and hats and come along to the event of the year – not to be missed – bring friends! Prices next weekend, but it’s always great value URGENT : BUMBLE BEES needs volunteers to help look after the little ones on Sundays – please contact Mena if you can help with the children’s rota. DAISY CHAIN (Tues/Thurs 10am-12nn) would welcome more practical help – are you an older friend who could serve teas/coffees and chat, or someone who could help set up? Contact Sandra on 07598 143529. Also, following recent meetings of the Young Church Team, Mena is looking into a ‘Family Outreach Idea’. In early 2015 we are looking to begin a monthly event aimed at non-church families within our local community. So far ideas include Messy Church/Church Cafe but as we are only in the planning stages, we would ask for your PRAYERS going forward and for anyone interested in finding out more or helping in any way, do please contact Mena. CONTACTS Vicar/Minister: Tim Hillier Associate Minister: Christine Pattinson LLM’s: George Hobbs Sue Browning David Ingoldby Verger & Website: Richard Stoker Church & Hall Administrator: Jackie Loveridge Church Office Mon/Wed/Fri 10am-4pm Families & Children Worker: Mena Evans 01932 563141 01932 570527 07742 278931 01932 565588 07788 921730 07754 901324 01932 855768 01932 570155 01932 567665 Youth Worker: Gerard Oglesby 07887 894358 Music Co-ordinator: Rosemary Richards Churchwarden: Wendy Greaves Dave Phillips 01784 442100 01932 841667 01932 565904 We do not take a collection within the service. As a church we are 100% self-sufficient in terms of funding. Many give by standing order or via our Planned Giving Scheme. If you would like to leave a donation there is a plate available at the back. Thank you.
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