Document 6442796


Document 6442796
Parish notice board
†Recent Baptisms
As a parish we welcome, through the grace of
Baptism: Mekah Mary Corry (Shergrim Grove) who
was Baptised at the Easter Vigil in Christ the King,
Cassie Ann Boyle (Fairways), Charlie Eamon Sean
Dore (Slievard Rise), Sarah Teresa McCarron
(Shergrim Glen), Leo Richard Doherty (Rylagh Rd)
and Hannah McGuigan (Retreat Heights).
†Recent Deaths
We extend our sympathies and prayers to the family
and friends of Alice McDermott and Canon Moss
(Shergrim) who have died recently. Requisite in pace.
†Parish Dance
Friday, 9 May | 10pm to 12midnight | Parish Centre
Dancing to Larry & Co. Admission is £5 which
includes supper. All proceeds go towards Parish
Development Fund.
†Precious Life public meeting
Thursday, 8 May | 7.30pm | Convent of Mercy,
Killyman Rd, Dungannon
Make your vote count for unborn children we must
ensure that our politicians represent the pro-life
views of the vast majority of people here. To hear
more on this most serious issue please come along.
For further information, contact Precious Life on
(028) 9027 8484 or
†Flower arranging in CTK
Thursday, 8 May | 7.30pm | CTK conference room
A demonstration will take place for those interested.
†Knockmoyle Hall Committee AGM
Wednesday, 7 May 2014 | 8pm | Knockmoyle Hall.
New members welcome.
A generous €140 has been received towards the cost
of the flowers in Corpus Christi over the Easter
Octave. Thank you!
The coffee morning in aid of Friends of Africa last
Sunday raised £2,000. Thank you all for your
generosity and support.
†St Comgall (c. 510–520 – 597/602) was an early
Irish Saint, and the founder and abbot of the great
Irish monastery at Bangor.
†Ulster Project table quiz
Thursday, 8 May | 8pm | Silver Birch Hotel
Admission is £3 per adult with a concession
available at £2. Maximum of 5 people per table.
†Irish Pilgrimage Trust
Weekend of: 10 and 11 May | All our Churches
The Trust will hold a collection outside each of our
Churches on the above weekend. Although the
group has already travelled this year money raised to
the 31 May 2014 is used to pay for the pilgrimage
costs incurred. The Trust would also welcome
applications from carers, especially male, who would
be willing to volunteer to travel with the Group
at Easter 2015. If interested please contact Maureen
on 077 1773 2550 or Donna on 077 5490 4097.
†Big Bingo
Thursday, 8 May | 9pm | St Enda’s, Gortin Rd
£6,000 in prizes to be won!
†Sponsored Walk
Sunday, 11 May | 3pm | Starting from McCrea's
Pub, Glenhull, Greencastle
Six and three mile routes in Coneyglen. Proceeds
will go towards Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity
(PKDC). Registration is £10 or Sponsor Sheets
available from Roisin Hood 07789 697238.
Refreshments served afterwards.
†Lost and found
One of our parishioners repaired a set of silver
Immaculate Conception Rosary Beads for someone
but can’t recall who. If they belong to you, they can
be claimed from Parish Office.
A man’s wedding ring was lost outside the Castle
Pharmacy on Saturday, 5 April. Can the person who
kindly retrieved same please telephone 07784238804
to return it.
†Parish office
The parish office will be closed this Monday.
†Killyclogher GAA Lottsodoo
Winning numbers were were 4, 10, 12, 17 and 26. 22
winners each received £5. Jackpot remains £5,000.
Stay informed
Follow us on Facebook:
Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services
PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 7131 4090
Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of church
personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated persons,
who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities.
V33 | I14
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Sunday III of Easter
Easter Sunday
Weekly: £4,645
27 April 2014
Weekly: £3,354 | Reno: £1,284
Bishop McKeown’s first visit to Cappagh.
ishop McKeown's first visit to Cappagh was a great success during which he
inducted Fr Kevin as our new Parish Priest. Sincere thanks are due to all
those who were involved in the organisation of the Liturgies and to those
who participated in them. Thanks also to those who organised and provided the
hospitality in the Parish Centre after the Induction. If you missed Fr Kevin's induction,
you can still catch it on (the recording is listed on the lefthand side
along with the churches - 'killyclo[u]gher recording'). We are sure that Bishop Donal
was impressed by the great example of the living and vibrant faith we have in Cappagh.
Thank you!
This Lent, the UK government
will match all donations from
Northern Ireland pound for
pound. With Gift aid too, every
pound you donate becomes
£2.25. Please return your boxes
at the weekend Masses.
Community Heroes Award
†Parish stewardship
Over the next few weeks we
hope to update the parish
website with details of our parish
groups. Can active groups in the
parish (for example the cleaning
teams, prayer groups, flower
arrangers, choirs, SVP etc.)
provide the following details:
name of group, principal contact
person, contact details, when and
where the group meets, how to
join the group and a brief
description of what the group
does. Please email the details to or
call the Parish Office.
This week’s anniversaries
Congratulations to Benny Monaghan the worthy recipient of
ODC’s Community Heroes Award for volunteering. Benny
has spent his life helping others and so it is only fitting that
this community orientated man be formally recognised. We
wish Benny good health so that he may continue to bring joy
and his example of community spirit into our lives.
Tom Gray (Circular Rd) on Tuesday, 7.30pm in KC; Roy
Wilkinson MM (Willowmount) on Wednesday, 7.30pm in
CTK; Alan Eggleston (McIvor Villas) on Friday, 7.30pm in
KC; Arthur McConnell & Sr Nora Hagan on Saturday,
7.30pm in KC; Annie Carlin (Inisclan Rd) on Sunday, 10am
in MF.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Parish Draw
Many thanks to those who
organised and took part in
last week's service to mark
Divine Mercy Sunday and
the Canonisation of SS John
XXIII and John Paul II.
The next draw will take place
this Monday, 5 May. Watch
our facebook page on Tuesday
morning to find out who the
lucky winners are. Best of luck
to everyone!
Watch what’s happening in St Mary’s (KC) live:
5 May 2014
8 May 2014
Optional memorial of Blessed Edmund Rice
Week III of Easter
Our parish week at a glance...
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King
†Parish Draw | 8.30pm
Parish Centre
†GAA Bingo | 9pm | Parish Centre
Psalter Week III
Week III of Easter
5 May to 11 May 2014
†Mass | 9.30am | Christ the King
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Flower arranging demonstration | 7.30pm
Christ the King conference room
Pray for Fr Gary Wade
9 May 2014
Week III of Easter
Pray for all priests
6 May 2014
Week III of Easter
†Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s Killyclogher
· Novena prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
· Anniversary for Tom Gray, Circular Rd (7.30pm)
†Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC)
Anniversary for Alan Eggleston, McIvor Villas (7.30pm)
†Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3 to 7pm|
St Mary’s (KC)
†Parish Dance | 10pm to 12midnight | Parish Centre
Pray for Fr John R Walsh
10 May 2014
Optional memorial of St Comgall, abbot
Pray for Fr John Ryder
Week III of Easter
7 May 2014
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King
Month’s Mind for Roy Wilkinson, Willowmount
†Faith Session 5: Praying with your child | 8.15pm
Chirst the King Church
†Knockmoyle Hall AGM | 8pm | KM Hall
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Confessions | after 10am Mass and 6.45 to 7.20pm
St Mary’s (KC)
†Confessions | 5.45 to 6.20pm | Christ the King
†Vigil Mass | 6.30pm | Christ the King
†Vigil Mass | 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC)
Anniversary for Arthur McConnell & Sr Nora Hagan
Pray for Fr Alex Anderson
Pray for Fr Gerard Sweeney
11 May 2014
Sunday IV of Easter [Good Shepherd Sunday]
See Saturday for Vigil Masses
†Sunday Mass | 9 and 11am | St Mary’s (KC)
Eucharist will be taken to the sick, nursing homes etc directly after 9am Mass
†Sunday Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KM)
†Sunday Mass | 10am | Corpus Christi (MF)
First reading | Acts 2:14, 36-41
Anniversary Mass for Annie Carlin, Inisclan Rd
Psalm | Psalm 22:1-6
†Sunday Mass | 12noon| Christ the King
Second reading | Pt 2:20-25
Gospel | Jn 10:1-10
There is no Children’s Liturgy at this Mass
†Baptisms | 1pm | St Mary’s (KC)
†Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3.30 to 6.30pm| Christ the King
†Rosary | 6.15pm | Christ the King
To book month’s minds, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms etc. please contact the parish office.
Please remember month’s minds and first anniversaries take precedence over other anniversaries and your booking is subject to change.
Notices for the CPN in writing by 12noon on Wednesday.
Parish Office
Emergency mobile
Fr Kevin McElhennon PP
Fr Stephen Kearney CC
Baptismal Programme
8224 3375
8225 1055
8225 2643
Contact us by email at:
Keep informed: