The Official Newsletter of The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Official Newsletter of The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Official Newsletter of The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISSUE NUMBER : 27 AUGUST 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER : The Warrnambool Branch of The Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies does not accept any responsibility for the opinions or the accuracy of the information contained in this newsletter. CORRESPONDENCE : All correspondence should be directed to The Editor, The South West Genealogist, PO Box 607, Warrnambool Victoria Australia 3280 AREA ADMINISTRATOR : The Area Administrator may be contacted by writing to the address given for correspondence. MEETINGS The Warrnambool Branch of The A.I.G.S. meets on the second Thursday of the month in the library of the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, 23 Merri Street, Warrnambool. The Branch Management Committee meets at 7.30 pm, Monthly Meeting is at 8.00 pm. Visitors most welcome. LIBRARY The Warrnambool Branch of the A.I.G.S. staffs the library at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum on a volunteer roster, please enquire if the library will be open on (055) 64 7841 between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm. OFFICEBEARERS : AREA ADMINISTRATOR SECRETARY MINUTE SECRETARY TREASURER RESEARCH OFFICER PUBLICATIONS/PROMOTIONS RESOURCES/PROJECTS Marie Boyce Vacant Irene Sheppard Peter Shipp Betty Beavis Doug Holmes Helen Price SUBSCRIPTIONS A yearly subscription to The South West Genealogist may be obtained by forwarding an annual subscription of $6.00/year to the above address. Subscription will be reviewed annually to take into account production costs and postage rates. PRODUCTION Master copy prepared using facilities of Keltoi Genealogical Services, 5 Clifton Street, Warrnambool. Photocopying courtesy of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, 23 Merri Street, Warrnambool. Edited and produced by Douglas P Holmes. CONTENTS Editorial Area Administrators Corner Marie's Memorabilia Death Notices From The Hamilton Spectator Warrnambool & District Historicals - July 1917 Warrnambool & District Historicals - July 1892 Pages ********************************************************* A BEGINNERS COURSE WILL BE HELD ON 29/8/1992 AT FLAGSTAFF HILL 2 2 3/4 5/6/8 7 8 Page Two EDITORIAL Welcome to this seventh edition of 'The South West Genealogist' for 1992. 1 hope you enjoy it. This month we see the introduction of a third continuing series to join the series on district schools in Marie's Memorabilia and Betty's Warrnambool and District Historicals. This new series is of Death Notices appearing in the Hamilton Spectator commencing in 1859. These notices were transcribed by Irene Sheppard's late mother Dorothy May Bond and are provided for publication by Irene and run through to 31/12/1890. Due to the dearth of material available this month a few regular features are having a rest this issue but will return next issue. 1 The last meeting saw the branch spend freely on the acquisition of new resources mainly microfiche and microfilm. A lot of members are probably not aware of the contents of this fast growing collection so if you have a few minutes have a look through the cupboard you way be pleasantly surprised at what is now available. A small catalog of our microform is planned later on. The last meeting also saw Irene Sheppard volunteer to become Minute Secretary for the Branch. Thanks Irene, its good to have you back again. The September meeting will be addressed by repesentatives of the LDS Library in Geelong who will discuss the holdings of their library and the services they offer to the south west of the State. ******************************* THE AREA ADMINISTRATORS CORNER Dear Members and Friends, I'm off on a well earned holiday with my long suffering husband Jack. We are flying to Brisbane for 5 days with our daughter Rosalie and her husband Paul Jackway, before going to Kirra a nice quite spat just north of Coolangatta. This year I hope to make contact with persons with the MEE surname. There is a family story which appears to connect our family with a Queensland family with the same surname. Grandfather Mee did go to that state before making his way to victoria. I have put this off for a couple of years but I will have to do it this year otherwise my sister Helen Price may make life rather difficult for m. Some pleasing news is that we have now gained a Minute Secretary, Irene Sheppard has commenced to attend Meetings again and is taking up where she left off some sixteen months ago. Welcome back Irene. Readers may be interested to know that earlier this month Noel had his operation at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. While there he has had a setback but I understand he should be home in Warrnambool now. Have a happy convalescence Noel. Looking forward to seeing you at Flagstaff again. Our July effort was won by Doug Holmes who kindly handed back the book on Port Fairy for a later effort. Regards to all Marie Boyce Area Administrator Page Three MARIES MEMORABILIA This month Marie presents Part 3 of her series of items on schools in Warrnambool and the surrounding district. PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE VICINITY OF WARRNAMBOOL INCLUDING THE TERANG, MORTLAKE, CARAMUT, KOROIT AND PORT FAIRY AREAS. PART 3 TERANG School Number 617 see page 893 In 1858 early settlers erected the first school. This was burnt down in 1872 and a stone building, which still stands, was then erected. The present north wing was added in 1891, then in 1907 the south wing. More additions in 1956, 1957 and 1962. First and second year high school courses were conducted for a few years until it became a Higher Elementary School in 1924. This continued until 1949. Eminent past scholars include Sir F McFarlane Burnet, the brilliant scientist, and author Alan Marshall. KOROIT School Number 618 see page 893 An Anglican Clergyman Louis Baker established a Church and school on the south bank of Tower Hill, where John Lee was the first head teacher. A Catholic school opened in 1855, and round these two schools Tower Hill township grew. Land on the north bank of Tower Hill was surveyed in 1857 add named Koroit and land was allocated for a school in what is now the Victoria Park Recreation Reserve. A school was opened 14/12/18571, known as the C~ School it still stands today. Before 1870 a private school also operated about 0.5 mile north of the township on the Spring Creek Road - this is now a residence. A new school building was opened in Boundary Road 28/5/1878. Eminent past scholars include Sir John Eccles, Rhodes Scholar and now famous scientist (his father taught at the school 1911 - 1918). TOWER HILL School Number 625 see page 894 - John H McIlwraith opened this school for the Church of England on 1/4/1855. The district near Koroit acquired an excessive number of small schools and 625 closed 14/8/1862. TOWER HILL School Number 634 see page 894 The Catholic School at Tower Hill was opened 1/10/1852. In 1853 the Head Teacher, was 'Stephen J Madden. Numbered 634 by the Board of Education in 1863, Tower Hill was a Capitation School when the 1872 Act came into operation. It ceased to exist on 31/12/1877 when amalgamated with SS 69 Bridge End. WANGOOM School Number 645 see page 894 This school opened in 1865, the Head Teacher being Thomas Whyte. Teachers conducted night classes between 1878 and 1880, pupils being aged 14 to 40. WARRNAMBOOL School Number 646 see page 894 One of the Colony's earliest schools, opened 9/12/1850 with John McDonald as Page Four WARRNAMBOOL School Number 646 (cont) Head Teacher . The Board of Local Patrons comprised storekeeper T Denney, auctioneer S MacGregor, farmers J Davidson and P Ryan, Dr L Byas, R Osbourne editor of the Examiner, the collector of Custom J B Howard and J Coulstock described as gentleman. Warrnambool was listed as a Common School 646 in 1863. With the opening of SS 1743 Warrnambool on 11/8/1876, SS 646 closed 10/8/1876. see Warrnambool Warrnambool Warrnambool Warrnambool 661 673 680 1743 Page 895 895 895 919/920 WOODFORD School Number 648 see page 894/895 Samuel MacGregor first proposed a school in December 1853, other Patrons were Donald Mackellar Jerrimiah Maloney land Alex Struth. The school began 10/4/1854 in a home occupied by Head Teacher Abraham Lauder. The room of the house were all later converted to class rooms, and stood on the east side of the Merri river in Victoria St., Woodford. In Dec 1874 a new sandstone school was erected on the same site. see Woodford 681 Page 896 WINSL0W School Number 654 ~ see page 895 In 1859 application. was. made to the National Board of Education for the Establishment of a school at Winslow, 11 miles from Warrnambool along the Caramut Road, in the Shire of Warrnambool. A school opened in the front row of a private house 11/11/1861 and the Head Teacher was Thomas Hume. Fees charged were 1 shilling/child, 1 shilling and 6 pence for a family of 2, and 3 pence for each additional child. The new building erected on the present site in 1872 was destroyed by-fire in Oct 1887. The Department erected a new weatherboard building 30ft x 18ft in 1889 on the . present site. The building was enlarged in 1912. Additional classroom necessary in 1962 and in, 1867 the older classroom was replaced. WARRNAMBOOL. School Number 661 see page 895 This Church of England School began 1/1/1855. John H Murphy "s Read Teacher from 7/6/1858 to the end of 1859. The school continued under the Board of Education and the Department until incorporated 1/1/1876 in SS 1743 Warrnambool. WARRNAMBOOL School Number 673 see page 895 The. Wesleyan Church began this Denominational Board School 1/1/1859 with William Nettleton as Head Teacher. By 1863 he had an average attendance of 50 boys and 27 girls for Common School 673. Two rented buildings were used by the Department from 1/1/1873, but the school closed three years later when SS 1743 Warrnambool opened. The above series will continue in the next issue but on the next page we begin a new series on' Deaths extracted from the Hamilton Spectator commencing 1/7/1859. Transcription was done by the late Dorothy May Bond mother of Minute Secretary Irene Sheppard. Thanks Irene for making this material available for publication. Page Five DEATH NOTICES FROM THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR (Transcribed by the Dorothy May Bond dec.) From 1/7/1859 to 31/12/1870. ALDRIDGE ANDERSON ANKETELL-JONES BARTER BELL BELL BOURKE BOYD BROBBIN BROWNLOW CAMERON CAMPBELL CLARKE COLEMAN DOYLE EASTICK FINLAY FINLAY FINNIS GALLIE GOODRICH HALES HALL HARDY HARRIS HAWKINS HEARNE HOGAN INVERARITY JOHNSON JOHNSTONE JOYCE JOYCE KEAN KING KING KRONEE A son aged 2, of Joseph Aldridge, died 2/4/1870 at Heywood. At Ettrick, near Portland, on 20/10/1960, Mr Alexander Anderson, aged 67 years. on 22/9/1868 at his residence, Ellengowan, Edward A AnketJones, Esq. Mrs Barter died at Portland 5/2/1870. A son aged 10, of Henry Bell of Mt Eckersley, died 7/1/1865 at Heywood. Susanna Bell aged 10, of Mt Eckersley, died 3/12/1870. John Bourke, an elderly man from Mt Gambier, died 22/8/1862 at Hotspur Andrew Boyd, farmer of Merino, died 27/1/1865. (1/2/1865) John Brobbin of Byaduk, died 2/1/1867 at Portland. A child drowned at the Second River, Portland 13/1/1869. The funeral of Duncan Cameron was held last Friday, 21/1/1860 (Portland Guardian) A boy about 11, died about 26/8/1870 at Portland. (31/8/1870) Captain Thomas Henry Clarke, poundkeeper of Merino, died on 2/12/1865. Daniel Coleman, an old resident of Merino, died 12/3/1870. A boy, died at Merino from snakebite on 4/5/1861. Ann Maria Eastick, nearly 6, died about 9/7/1863 at Merino. (31/7/1863) on 29/9/1864 at Digby, the wife of Thomas F Finlay. Thomas F Finlay, cattle salesman of Digby, died 17/12/1869. Charles Finnis died at Greenwald on 21/6/1867. D W Gallie, resident of Portland for over 20 years, died on 25/1/1868. Jams Goodrich believed drowned off the coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863). Matthew Hales, about 60, died on the Punt Road, about 17 miles from Portland. (25/7/1866) Mary Hall was murdered on 20/8/1859 at the Digby Hotel where she worked as a house-mid. Buried in the Digby Cemetery. A man named Hardy died at Hey~ on 27/12/1870. On the 28th inst, at Digby, Mr Robert Harris, aged 53, baker. (1/4/1868) On 17/7/1865, at Digby, Mr John Hawkins, aged 50, carrier. Daniel Hearne believed drowned off the coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863) On Sunday 2/10/1870, Frederick William aged 11 years and 11 months, the only surviving child of John Hogan of Portland. (5/10/1870) Dr Henry Inverarity of Merino, died on 19/3/1866. Mr Johnson a married man, died on Mt Clay Station near Heywood on 28/9/1870 . Mr Johnstone, died at Portland on 18/6/1870. Thomas Joyce, old resident of Digby, died (30/10/1867). Joseph Joyce, herdsman, about 50, died at Digby on 5/6/1869. The youngest child of Thomas Kean of Gawler Street, Portland, choked to death after swallowing a Tamarind seed (10/12/1859). on 5/12/1864, James King of Merino, aged 515. Mr King was buried at Hotspur on 1/9/1870. Richard Kronee, a German, died 1/9/1865 at Digby. Page Six DEATH NOTICES FROM THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR (Cont) LACKMANN LAKE CONDAH BILLY McALLUM McCONACHY McDONALD McGREGOR McINTYRE McPHERSON MANNING MATHESON MOUNT MUNRO NICHOLLS NOLTE NORMAN PELLINGER PETERS POULIN ROBERTSON RODERIGUEZ. ROOKING ROW RULE SCULLY SHAW 4 SHEPHERD SILVESTER SMITH SMITH STEWART THURGOOD 1 TOM' TOWNSEND Sarah Lackmann died at Digby, left 9 children, (28/4/1866) A member of the Wannon Tribe , found dead near Digby (14/6/1865) John McAllum, aged 7, died of burns at Digby on 3/6/1865. John McConachy, proprietor of the Rising Sun Inn at Hotspur, died 19/3/1862. Mrs Isabella McDonald, aged 91, died on 12/3/1864. (Portland Chronicle). John MaGregor believed drowned off the coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863) On 24/7/1863 at Snizort Station'#, Hotspur, Mrs Mary McIntyre, wife of Mr Dugald McIntyre, Laggan, Merino, aged 57 years. Peter McPherson, groom, aged 19, died near Heywood (12/6/1867) Mrs Manning died on 7/8/1856 at Portland. Her premature daughter died the previous day. On 31/3/1870, at the residence of his sister-in-law, Digby, Kenneth Matheson, aged 90 years. William Mount believed drowned off the coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863) Mr Munro, former owner of Crawford Station, died in Spain. (26/3/1870) Mary Ann Nicholls, a child, died about 24 June at Merino. (31/7/1863) Marie S Nolte, aged 2 years & 9 months, daughter of Christian Nolte, died between Coleraine and Merino on 12/8/1868. Henry Norman, aged 12, died 24/2/1870 at Portland. George Pellinger believed drowned off coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863) John Peters, a child, died at Merino Downs on 25/2/1867. A boy died at Portland South on 28/4/1861, after being scalded the previous day. On Sunday morning, 28/6/1863, at Merino Downs, John Robertson, aged 27 years (3/7/1863) Dr Roderiguez, almost 80, of Portland, found dead in bed. (7/8/1867) Joseph Rooking, died about 27/12/1861 at Merino. Francis H Row of Portland, died in the Geelong Hospital. (1/2/1865) Joseph Rule died at the Smokey River (16/8/1865) A child, aged 6, of Joseph Scully, died at Portland. (5/7/1865) Richard Shaw, believed dr own ed off the coast at Narrawong. (7/8/1863) Jacky Shepherd, an aboriginal, died at Narrawong (9/8/1865) On the 3 inst. at Spring Bank, Merino, Brian Fitzgerald, son of Thomas W Silvester, aged 3 years & 10 months. At Merino on 19/3/1870, at the residence of her son, George Smith, Wilhelmina Ernestina Smith, aged 74 years (23/3/1870). James Smith, Actuary of the Savings Bank, Portland, died 9/8/1870 & was buried 11/8/1870 in Old Cemetery. Alexander Stewart, a West Indian Mulatto, died at Digby. (27/8/1859) 0 A son aged 9 months of W Thurgood, died at Portland. (11/9/1863) 1 'Tom' a bullock driver for a Ballarat photographer was found dead on the roadside at Merino on 4/10/1862. Eliza Townsend, married, died at Digby &,was buried there. (1/11/1865) (Continued-on page eight) Page Seven WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS (Compiled by Betty Beavis, Branch Research Officer) AUGUST 75 YEARS AGO - 1917 (As reported in the 'Warrnambool Standard') MARRIAGES / NOTICE OF MARRIAGE WELCOME HOME Silver Wedding 10 August 1892 MORSE Septimus George Albert to Annie WHITE. (Family details given) GREENHILL C J of Devonport, Tas. to Stella BECKMAN. (Long description) Pte W H McKENZIE Stan MITHELL of South Warrnambool Pte J SHEPPARD Lance-Cpl R WYND at Ellerslie FAREWELLS & PRESENTATIONS 70 SOLDIERS PRE-WEDDING SOCIAL For Miss Millie DAY at Ellerslie OBITURIES, ETC. Mrs M A BENDALL of Caramut Mrs Mary GLEESON, aged 82, at Purnim Frederick GRANTER Mrs M KENNEDY of Winslow Mrs Margaret KEYS of Colac Thews MAHER of Winslow Mrs Sarah NELSON, aged 80, relict of Hugh Nelson. Michael NOONAN of Illowa Father O'REGAN Sgt W ELDRIDGE (Sec of Citizens' Band) D GARDNER of Allansford Pte 'Jack' LINDSAY of Woolsthorpe Driver Arthur MARKS (Bandsman) R PAGE at Allansford LETTERS, ETC. FROM SOLDIERS Lieut J BENNETT (Cable) Pte EARLE Driver M GILLIN at Allansford Pte J McLAREN (Letter re his death) Pte Ken McTAGGART Saddler S MURPHY of the Hopkins. Pte H W REILLY (P.O.W. Germany) Pte J C VILLIERS ITEMS OF INTEREST David EVANS, brother of Mrs E BATTARBEE, in charge of Y.M.C.A. tent in England. Mr & Mrs D CLARKE farewelled at Lang The story of a Bale of Wool donated by Miss GORDON of Ballangeich. George MATHIESON appointed clerk at Nestle's office. Bravery of Warrnambool soldier, Ralph LEVINGS. Sister Maud SWAN of Koroit Street, Army Nurse, arrives at Salonika. *Nurse SYDENHAM, Warrnambool Hospital trainee, also at Salonika. Both girls disembarked from the 'MOOLTAN' before it sank. Sensational rescue from creek Rev. Father VAUGHAN rescues Matthew RYAN, Mortlake dairy farmer. ******************************* BOOKS FOR SALE There are a number of books offered for sale by Warrnambool Branch, please see Resources Manager Helen Price at meetings to see what is currently in stock. (hand-written on bottom of page) * In March 1914, Zoe Sydenham was nurse at Base Hospital Told Vera King that her stillborn sister Thelma looked like Vera Page Eight WARRNAMBOOL AND DISTRICT HISTORICALS JUNE 100 YEARS AGO - 1892 (As reported in the 'Warrnambool Standard') OBITUARIES, Etc Mrs James MURRAY at Summer Hill. John KAVANAGH of Bush Inn, aged 82 - 2 articles. EVENTS OF NOTE Application accepted for patent for improved wire strainer by Jas MORGAN, blacksmith, of Allansford. Application granted for transfer of licence of Carleton Inn, Killarney, from E LANGTRY to J DWYER. Louis BAYER writes to the Council re acoustics in the Town Hall. F Moore KENNEDY of Kepler Street selling bankrupt stock. Detailed description of. item. G P BARBER shows limelight (magic lantern) views in aid of local needy. Subscriptions raised at Framlingham for Mrs MURPHY and family after her husband drowned in the Hopkins. W H RICHTER to carry on business of the Pieter Both Hotel in place of Edward WILSON. (Insolvent). Benefit concert arranged for Mr W BAYLIS, senior. NAYLOR Bros to erect Butter Factory at Yambuck. J J VILLIERS & Son complete alterations to the Ozone Palace. Cr HYLAND makes farewell speech to Council. Fire at Tattersall's Hotel., (G S M'GREGOR, licensee), formerly brewery worked by John Amon SMITH. Farewell to R SHELDRICK (retiring) and welcome to E H PRICE, the new partner. Sale of Aerated Waters Manufactury - insolvent estate of D D BYRNE trading as J S ROWLEY & Co. Detailed descriptions of building and plant. ******************************* DEATH NOTICES FROM THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR (Cont from page six) TRUTH WARDELL WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Abraham Truth, labourer of Narrawong, died 5/9/1870. Mr Wardell, married, has disappeared from Portland. Mrs Wells died recently in Portland 26/9/1866. The 2 hour old child of John William died at Hotspur about 2/1/1860. (17/2/1860) Leo Williams, Accountant of the Bank of Victoria at Portland, died 27/9/1870.
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