6 College of Magic


6 College of Magic
APRIL 2009
College of Magic
College Strikes it Big in Vegas!
One of magic’s most
respected lecturers, Joshua
Jay, heads to Cape Town
for a Secret Session unlike
any other!
page 6
Showbiz Mania!
A retrospective on the year
that was ... from the Childrens
Magic Festival to Artscape to
Darling - Marian covers it all.
page 8
PO BOX 2479
TEL: +27 21 683 5480
FAX: +27 21 683 1970
Las Vegas is a land of lights,
glitz and glamour - and
home to one of magic’s most
exciting events ... the annual
World Magic Seminar.
A team of six from the College of Magic travelled to
Las Vegas to share with the
world our special brand of
African magic.
Above: Siphiwe Fangase & Nkumbuzo Nkonyana had Las Vegas
alive with the magic of their Laduma 2010 soccer act.
Kicking off the excitement was
the Lance Burton Teen Weekend - an exclusive
gathering just for the teen delegates taking place
the weekend before the actual Seminar. College
students Nicholas Andrews, Siphiwe Fangase,
Michelle Gore & Nkumbuzo Nkonyana joined a
select group of young magicians from across the
globe ... receiving in-depth instruction from such
luminaries as Jeff McBride, Max Maven, Eugene
Burger & Mac King. The weekend culminated in
a one-of-a-kind luncheon for the students at Lance
Burton’s castle that attracted the who’s who of
magic including Banachek, Johnny Thompson as
well as Criss Angel.
The undeniable highlight of the World Magic
Seminar is always the International Teen Contest.
Course 5 student, Nicholas Andrews, performed an
emotion filled act to the haunting strains of Billy
Elliot’s Electricity. Nicholas’ poignant portrayal of
a child discovering the memories of his late grandfather combined with a dazzling display of skill,
left many in the audience with a tear in their eye.
Siphiwe Fangase & Nkumbuzo Nkonyana
brought, too, their own personalities to the stage in
an action packed, comic marathon of a soccer act
featuring a new twist to the much loved sawing in
half illusion. With an end flourish of gigantic soccer balls cascading into the audience, no one could
help but be swept away with 2010 soccer fever.
So unique was the act, that the duo performers
brought home to South Africa the coveted
SARMOTI Legacy Award for Creativity & Originality. A stunning triumph indeed!
NEWS update
THIS IS NOT MAC KING: The College celebrated its 29th birthday with an exclusive
performance by those icons of style, kings of cool, legends of international theatre,
performers of the mysterious ( and hilarious ) - Deb & Don - whose rendition of the
Zig-Zag set a new standard for us all ...
college of magic highlights
NEW YORK FRIENDS: The World Magic Seminar team were very fortunate to meet up
in New York with College of Magic supporters, Peter Bloom, and actor magician, Steve
Cuiffo. Steve last visited the College of Magic in 2007 when he presented a highly
successful series of performance workshops with our students.
the support of theatre maestro, Pieter
Toerien, students from the College of
Magic were treated to the magic of
Beauty & the Beast at Artscape.
WATER WONDERS: Learners from
across Cape Town are experiencing
the excitement of the Magic Classroom’s new water themed school
excursion at the College which uses
magic as an educational tool.
FAREWELL: Jacquee Harris - a familiar face to many at the College of
Magic - left the organisation in January after 5 years of loyal service to
pursue an exciting opportunity in business. We are going to miss you,
Jacquee, and wish you all the very best!
Stuart Lightbody & Aidan Knott
conjured a dozen adult students
through the art of sleight of hand
on Wednesday evenings in March.
A new ‘Mentalism’ course starts in
April – read our minds & register
We welcome Jeannette Georgiades
as well as new interns Keivin Du
Preez and Afika Ndzanzeka from
CPUT. Nkumbuzo Nkonyana,
Monica Nyakatya and Mluleki Tozama have also just joined our new
GAP year programme.
Stay tuned ... advances have been
made in the installation of our very
own “COM TV Station” which
will allow students to experience
the thrill of television production
‘inhouse’ at the College of Magic.
Saturdays will never be the same!
There is great excitement around
the launching of the new Imagine
Show project which will culminate
in 2010. Auditions have taken place
and preparatory sessions and rehearsals are now underway thanks
to Chad Findlay and Adri Du Toit.
Sleight of hand
adult course mystifies
College welcomes
new faces
Smile! You’re on
All new illusion
spectacular for 2010
college of magic highlights
NEW ERA: Lawrence Jaeger, now running MIRC /
Library on a Saturday at the College of Magic hears
about Andrew Klazinga’s exciting new ‘COM TV
Station’ project operated by the Theatre Production
Course students.
SATURDAY MADNESS: Jack Christensen, Gregory
Hulsman and Walter Oeschger of Course 2 in the
College of Magic’s new Imagination Centre which
has fast become the College’s hub of excitement on
LEAVING ON A JET PLANE: David Gore bids Course
Four student, Viktor Hiscock, farewell as he sets off to
live in the UK – here’s wishing him all the best and we
hope that he finds an exciting new magical home over
The College celebrated its 29th
birthday with a haunted house
spectacular that would have made
Frankenstein proud. Special thanks
to Hayley Tomes, Matthew van
Blerck and everyone who made the
evening possible.
Renovations continue at the College of Magic. Visitors will notice
new fencing and motorised gates
erected at the rear exit as part of our
continued security upgrade. Thanks
to Simon & Geoff Gore for all their
help !
Course 5 students took their
‘walkabout’ magic skills to the next
level with a practical module by
guest lecturer, Nicholas Rix, coupled with live performances at the
Cape Community Chest Carnival
and Wynberg Girls fete.
College graduates continue to do
us proud - Stuart Taylor appeared
in the Baxter’s Learner Husband,
Larry Soffer at the GrandWest
Comedy Festival, Stuart Lightbody
had a sold out run of 52 and Riaad
Moosa was star of Three Wise Men.
Ghouls Delight Birthday Bash Success
ELECTRICITY: Nicholas Andrews leaves
the stage at the WMS Teen Contest happy
after a heart-warming performance.
Building renovations
Students hone their
magical skills
Graduates take to the
stage across SA
BALLOON MANIA: Seen here are some of the students who started their holidays by honing their balloon-modelling skills
at a special workshop: Savannah Snow, Yadhir Maharaj, Franquay Adamo, Dennis Chung, Daniel Shacksnovis, Thando
Mkwela and Kelton Goertz.
IN THE TRENCHES: Off to keep the Wynberg Girls’ fete supporters entertained are Course 5’s Joel Berman, Mluleki Tozama,
Robbie Weiner, Douglas Newton, Nicholas Andrews and Monwabisi Mbobo with their Children’s Magic Instructor, Craig Mitchell.
MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL: Lance Job at his eerie best with a group of Course Magic &
Showmanship revellers, Robert Chegwidden, Teagan Nolan and Alexander Lumpp, at the College’s
29th Birthday Bash. The evening culminated in a riveting fire display by master fire aficionado Matthew Gore.
3 3
A Performer’s
Journey ...
craig mitchell
he road to the top is a long one for
our performers and their quest for
glory at the College’s many competitions.
The first selection round is the upcoming
Annual Contest ( 15th & 22nd Aug ) in
Close-up, Stage & the Allied Arts. From
here, acts are selected to compete in the
Western Cape Junior Magician Championships taking place at the Baxter
Theatre ( 27th Sept ) The top performers
from the Cape Champs are then invited
to develop their acts further for possible
selection for the World Magic Seminar in
Las Vegas.
Pick up any paper - and all
you’ll read is doom and gloom.
And yet there are a group
of friends, supporters and
organisations out there who are
quietly making a difference,
helping the College make the
magic in so many ways. They
deserve to be honoured.
David Berglas - a man of mystery - whose continued support
has made an indelible impact.
David’s star will forever shine
bright in Africa ...
Above: The road to the top is a long one. Just ask
any of the stars of the Western Cape Junior
Magician Championships.
Peter Bloom in partnership
with the Society of American
Magicians has embarked on
a three year support initiative
which will help us expand the
College’s reach into the community.
HCI Foundation who join
Chevron in redefining how
science can be taught at the
College’s innovative Magic
Classroom programme. Bus
loads of youngsters from the
townships are discovering the
real magic in education.
The National Lottery - tata ma
chance - tata ma magic ... buy
your lottery ticket - they are
doing amazing work!
Martin Mayer of Germany who
has incredibly adopted eight
students - giving the gift to
these young people that in life,
nothing is impossible.
Ed Bastian who has allowed
our dreams to take flight. Thank
you, Ed, for believing in us.
Bill & Becki Wells who along
with Bob Rossi continue to
open their hearts.
Members of the Siegfried &
Roy North American Fan Club
... our special friends whose
generosity and love knows no
And lastly, to our Godfathers
in Magic ... Roy, Siegfried and
honorary fairy godmother Lynette - who some 13 years
ago showed that in all of us
there is an elusive melody
which when heard & followed
leads us to the fulfilment of our
fondest dreams & wishes.
Thanks to you all for caring.
- craig@mitchell.co.za
Trophy Award Winners
Back Row (Left to Right) Matthew Ross, Yuveer Maharaj, Nicholas Andrews, Nikita Montlake, Neil Mackay, Tim Gore. Middle Row: Monica Nyakatya,
Yu-Jean Lai, Bruce Hutchison, Michelle Gore, Linesri Thaver. Front Row: Mawonga Gayiya, Michael Saharin, Alex Gregory & Nkumbuzo Nkonyana.
upcoming events
Calendar Dates
Sat. 9th May - College of Magic
A chance for Course 1 & 2 students to share their
performances with friends & family.
Top: 2008 Junior Students of the Year - Sesethu Ndengane & Erik Mulder.
Bottom: The graduating class of 2008 - Ongama Stokwe, Simon Miller, Michael
Saharin, Alex Gregory, Luke Fletcher, Nikita Montlake, Trudie Fourie, Yu-Jean
Lai and Linesri Thaver with the College of Magic staff.
Night of the Magical Stars
Annual Graduation
The Herschel Theatre once again played host to our very
own glitzy event with staff and students dressed to the
Congratulations to all graduating students
and Top Junior award winners: Ryan Jones
– Houdini, Franquay Adamo – Balloonmodelling, Olivia Martin – Ventriloquism,
Stuart Bristow and Nicholas Field – Puppetry, Luke Africa – Community Service,
Adam Penton – Close-up, Sive Yedwa
– Progress, Ryan Stevens – Juggling
and Creativity, Viktor Hiscock – M&S
Close-up, Sinethemba Bawuti – JMD Act
and Drama and Erik Mulder and Sesethu
Ndengane – joint winners of Junior
Student of the Year. Sinethemba’s ‘dreamy
domestic’ act had us all thoroughly mesmerised.
The Illusion Act is always a much-anticipated highlight – and this year it was highly acclaimed as the Course 6 Class of 2008
led us on a flashy fun fantasy with Elvis
wannabe Michael Saharin, his cohorts and
their bevy of beauties!
Course 4 honours going to Nicholas
Andrews and Matthew Ross, in Course 5
Mawonga Gayiya, Yuveer Maharaj, Nkumbuzo Nkonyana and Monica Nyakatya
came out tops and in the Course 6 class
the awards went to Alex Gregory, Nikita
Montlake, Michael Saharin and Linesri
Thaver and the Vegas 2008 Team won
the Colin Marshall Memorial Trophy. The
coveted Senior Student of the Year went
to a radiant Linesri Thaver.
Sat. 16th May & Sun. 17th May - College of Magic
One of magic’s greatest lecturers presents a two day
Secret Session of the most mindblowing magic ever!
Sat. 23rd May - Waldorf Constantia
Junior Magicians Diploma students tread the boards as
they present their mid-year group performances.
Thanks as always go to all our precious
sponsors and especially long-time supporters Siegfried and Roy, with the Sarmoti
Scholarship for 2009 being awarded to
Michelle Gore.
Sat. 30th May - College of Magic
Course 3, 5 and Magic & Showmanship students dazzle
us with their newfound close-up skills.
Staff Development Certificates and special
Thank You awards were also given out and
Secret Stars for long and dedicated service
went to Dean Bodenham and Lance Job.
Silver Medallions were awarded to
Phumile Dyasi, Timothy Gore and Neil
Mackay – well done on this great achievement, guys!
Bruce Hutchison, Chairman of the College of Magic Board, and graduate of the
College from the 1980’s was honoured for
his amazing contribution to the organisation and presented with the David Berglas
Millennium Award.
Sun. 7th June - Artscape Theatre
Course 1 & 2 students receive their course certificates at a
very special graduation being held at Artscape!
Sun. 7th June - Artscape Theatre
The country’s top entertainers in a special one-night only
gala show in support of the College. Not to be missed.
Joshua Jay
he College of Magic is fortunate
to be welcoming another superstar
of magic to South Africa - Joshua
Jay! Joshua Jay is one of the best of his
generation. Michael Ammar claims: “Josh
Jay rocks.” Greg Wilson calls him “The
anti-Criss Angel.” Named International
Magician of the Year - Josh is unlike any
performer you’ve come across.
Joshua Jay is truly a phenomenon in magic - MAGIC Magazine’s most celebrated
columnist for the last seven years, author
of numerous best-selling trade books (the
first published in five languages), star of
DVDs, Champion at the World Magic
Seminar, featured on ABC, CBS & CNN,
TV appearances in no less than eight
countries - the list goes on and on ...
But for many in the magic community,
Joshua Jay’s most interesting performance venue is his time spent with other
magicians. Over the past three years,
this true professional has toured FIFTYFOUR countries, allowing him to hone
his art into one of the most mind-blowing
sessions of its kind. And now it’s South
Africa’s turn!
Taking place at the College of Magic on
the 16 & 17th May, students will spend
the weekend in the company of one of
the world’s best instructors of magic.
Josh will teach his most closely guarded
routines & share secrets behind some of
the most jaw dropping magic imaginable.
Marvel at the genius behind his greatest
creations. Discuss the mechanics behind
the technique, jam the day away, see a
classic of magic rediscovered and learn
some of the most unbelievable magic ever
... and that’s only the beginning !
“I always tell
people I didn’t
find magic. Magic
found me.”
you’ve never seen here. Joshua lectures
on bonus routines that he has never tipped
before, and shares unique insights into
performing and creating.
“Good magic hides the trick,” he says.
“Great magic reveals some sort of truth.
It’s a form of self-expression. I want my
magic to be meaningful. I want people
to find more in it than deception. People
should enjoy it, of course, but they should
also feel connected to others through it
and to reconsider what they think they
know and the way they perceive things.”
Joshua does plenty of things that will
make you reconsider what you think you
know. His main performance style is
close-up. Coins, ropes, even a television
remote—vanishing, stretching, and defying expectations in countless other ways.
But his passion is cards. (“I’m up to two
packs a day,” he says.) Not your uncle’s
card tricks, mind you. These are headturning, jaw-dropping pieces of perfection
that have garnered Joshua international
renown as a magician extraordinaire.
Joshua’s magic is up-close and personal—
simple, clear and undeniable. It happens
when you’re watching, no matter how
close you’re watching. The secret is right
in front of you.
And the secret is Joshua.
You’ll learn not only powerful, roadtested magic, but more importantly, you’ll
discover how to elevate your magic from
the mundane to the miraculous. Whether
your interests run to cards, coins, closeup, parlour, stage, mentalism or walk
around - whether you are just a beginner
or a superstar in the making - Joshua Jay
If you have never seen Joshua live, he is
unlike any performer you have ever seen:
interactive, fast-paced, contemporary and
packed with the most diabolical magic
you will use. If you have seen Joshua lecture before, there is STILL tons of content
Don’t miss out ...
 Joshua Jay - Live in South Africa
Sat. 16 & Sun. 17th May 2009
College of Magic
Live in South Africa
Secret Session 16 & 17 May
biz Mania
As the Cape Town winter welcomed
a wet crowd to the Annual Children’s
Magic Festival, they were suitably
warmed by the fare on offer – and
in a brand new venue, the College’s
Imagination Centre, featuring its first
major event … loads of fun was had
by all – both visiting little ones, and
their young-at-heart escorts, and the
enthusiastic and creative cast of College students and ‘guest graduates’
Matthew Gore, Craig Mitchell, Marcel
Pretorius and Ryan Sharp. Whoops of
joy and screams of laughter filled the
air. Juggling, circus, teach-a-trick, stage
shenanigans, young close-up stars,
sweet treats and colourful clowns were
the order of the day – for the week…
This culminated in a great show and
teach-in by visiting American magician, Bill Herz, and family, who also
provided a delicious pizza dinner for
top student College supporters – certainly a week to remember!
Our very own sleight-of-hand maestro,
Stuart Lightbody, went public with his
Professional Show ‘52’ which played at
the Kalk Bay Theatre. In the lovely, intimate setting Stuart kept his audiences
mesmerised with not only his skilful
sleights and amazing card control, but
also with his dreamy story-telling ability – a show not to be missed!
Another Pro Show hitting the circuit
was Aidan’s Bryan Miles’ ‘Theatre of
the Mind’ at the Intimate Theatre in
Cape Town. Intriguing, amusing, puzzling, mind-boggling – what a wonderful display of a magical technique with
a difference – if you get a chance to
see his show – go!
Stars of Comedy & Magic is a not to be missed event on
the magic calendar. Past stars included Riaad Moosa,
Monica Nyakatya, Ryan Sharp & Erika Swart of The
Mystiques, Stuart Taylor, Bryan Miles and Tanya Nefdt
of ETV fame.
It was Festival Time in Grahamstown
and Chad Findlay (giving his glorious
voice a break from hectic rehearsals for Artscape’s My Fair Lady) and
Lance Job braved the Eastern Cape
temperatures, taking the talented team
of Mawonga Gayiya, Alex Gregory
and Monica Nyakatya to warm the
hearts of patrons with their awardwinning acts.
Back home, young College entertainers kept the art alive by participating in
the Annual Close-up and Stage Contests, strutting their stuff and showing
their skills – with excited students
thrilled as they claimed top honours in
their respective categories – well done
guys, and keep up the inspiration!
Gracing the stage at Artscape Theatre
was the incredible Stars of Comedy
and Magic Show. This popular medley
of mirth and magic was once again
sold out and showcased South Africa’s
funny man Riaad Moosa as MC and
our own hilarious ‘Learner Husband’
Stuart Taylor showing the roots, or
is it routes, of his magic career, the
renowned ventriloquial comic Conrad
Koch with his lively, and cheeky, puppets, the enigmatic Bryan Miles, who
played mysterious mind games with
the masses, and Ryan Sharp’s amazing
Mystique of Illusions. There was quite
a buzz surrounding Ryan’s instant onstage vanish of lovely Cape Town celebrity, Tanya Nefdt… and yes, she did
come back again – some time later..
Darling – Scene of the renowned
Voorkamer Festival – saw the College
branching out as Stuart Lightbody
took his awesome sleights to the country. Stuart and his team performed in
a small home on the outskirts of Darling, where the Voorkamer had a pillar
dividing the sight lines. It was amusing
to watch as the eager audience resembled spectators at a tennis match as
eyes darted rapidly from side to side so
as not to miss any of the magical miracles. Mawonga Gayiya charmed with
his slick golfing ball magic and Monica
Nyakatya had everyone gasping as her
table floated majestically.
Magic was the name of the game and
entertaining performances was their
aim - as the year sped by with the
Salesian Youth featuring in their own
Magic DVD Shows, a College team
stunning the delegates at the World
Economic Forum Africa Summit,
Matthew Ross flying off to Canada
for the Sorcerers’ Safari and Phumile
Dyasi and company as the official
opening spot at the Early Childhood
Development Conference. Roll on the
rest of 2009 – the sky’s the limit!
- Marian Williamson
Photos: Pete Biro, S&R North American Fan Club
008 – one of the College of
Magic’s busiest years to date
– a year of exciting shows –
keeping Cape Town thoroughly entertained!
A giant amongst
magicians ...
Banachek returned ‘home’ to South Africa after
30 years of absence for a special journey to
rediscover those childhood haunts never forgotten.
here are two types
of magicians in this
world ... those who
know Banachek and those
who haven’t had the privilege
of meeting this giant amongst
His background story reads
like an action thriller, his ideas
on magic revolutionary and
his contribution to the art
unparalleled. And despite this
all, Banachek is unaffected ...
quite simply one of the most
disarmingly sincere people you
will ever come across.
Having not been
back to South Africa
since 1976, Banachek’s
‘homecoming’ was a special
journey - not just for those
fortunate enough to spend the
weekend in his company at
the College of Magic - but for
himself personally as well.
Banachek truly opened his heart
to those assembled - magicians,
graduates, students & friends
from across the country were
treated to an inside look in the
mind of one of magic’s greatest.
Open and honest, no holds
barred - this was Banachek
giving of his all. And give he did.
Playing to a packed audience at
the Baxter Theatre, he mystified,
amazed, and entertained
leaving no doubt in anyone’s
mind that Cape Town had been
in the presence of someone
Some visitors come & go - but
Banachek and Heidi share a
special place in all our hearts.
Let’s hope that it’s not long
before they come ‘home’ again.
There are two types of
magicians in this world ... those
who know Heidi and those
who haven’t had the privilege
of meeting this giant amongst
magicians ... but that is a
another whole story ;-)
- Craig Mitchell
Top: Banachek lectured to a capacity audience
at the College of Magic and followed this with a
sold out performance of his stage show at the
Baxter Theatre. Bottom: Africa’s king quickly
succumbed to the mindpower of Banachek
& his wife, Heidi ...
2009 starts with a bang!
Top: Course 1 instructors Hayley Tomes and Phumile
Dyasi with new Course 1 students. Bottom: New staff
member, Tim Gore, adds his magic in Course 3.
n February of each year the College
of Magic opens its doors for enthusiastic new students to enter our exciting world of magic
the results of the generosity and support
of parents, graduates and friends from
across the globe who helped make this
dream a reality. Thank you to you all!
The 2009 Course One classes were quick
to explore their magical new ‘home’ with
teachers Hayley Tomes and Phumile
Dyasi waving the wand. High school students found themselves in the illustrious
“Magic & Showmanship” Course with
magical direction by David Gore, Lance
Job and Aidan Knott.
Many are unaware that the College’s
teaching staff are purely voluntary - and
drawn nearly exclusively from our graduate body who freely give of their time to
give back to the art. The new-look 2009
teaching staff comprises graduates from
last year’s staff training programme.
Andrew Klazinga is helping make
technical magic in the Theatre Production department, Tim Gore is bringing his
close-up skills into Course 3 while Adri
du Toit is injecting new vigour into the
senior stage magic training. In the library
you will find two new faces – Lawrence
Jaeger has taken the role of librarian with
Neil Mackay recently joining him to help
promote, develop and safeguard this important resource. Tim Gore and Matthieu
Snaith will be found helping develop
diabolo and stilt-walking in the juggling
With just over 170 students enrolled this
year at the College of Magic, 2009 is
proving to be one of the most exciting
years yet. The College has undergone
an amazing transformation thanks to
the completion of Phase One of the
Imagination Centre - our fantastic new
multi-purpose addition to the building.
Ask any staff member and the response
is the same - “how did we ever manage
without it ?” Phase Two will see further
development of the interior, verandah,
Secret Garden and surrounds. Those new
students joining us in 2009 are enjoying
2009 is off to a magical start indeed!
THE FIRST 100 DAYS i n p i c t u re s
TOP: Mphumelelo Makeleni demonstrates his Course 3 close-up skills; Jared Lipsitz prepares to
tackle his JMD Class; Course 5 students Olwethu Dyantyi and Mluleki Tozama relax for a moment; newcomer Gus Robins practises weaving a spell; Jesse Brooks and Ryan Jones from M&S
Course enjoying magical ‘College life’; Nicholas Andrews (Course 5), Nkumbuzo Nkonyana,
Michelle Gore (both in Course 6) and Marian Williamson meet up with hilarious entertainer Mac
King in Las Vegas. BOTTOM: Lance Job sporting his new College lecturer garb; Aidan Knott
spends some time with Course Four’s Connor Rosslind, Ryan Stevens, Luke Africa, Viktor Hiscock
and Olivia Martin; Olwethu Dyantyi and Carlo Penso show off their Birthday Bash make-overs;
elastrix-in-action as Viktor van den Dyssel assists Josh Stein in the busking competition at this
year’s birthday bash; new Course One’s get together to start on their magical journey at the
College; Course 5’s Matthew Ross and Nicholas Lytwynchuk after many walk-about performances
at the Cape Community Chest Carnival.
in touch with the heart ...
There’s been an amazing upsurge in ‘heart matters’ at the College of Magic with the number of students doing
charity shows on the rise. They are experiencing the warmth of giving and sharing and they have started an exciting
wave of discovery – get out there, reach out, and a warm magical feeling comes bounding back … The Course 5 class has
been caught up in the movement and Yuveer Maharaj in Course 6 is championing the cause – calling on all out there to get
with the programme! They have performed at fetes,
schools, hospitals, retirement homes,
clowning, conjuring &
caring, having fun
all the while.
vanishing fast
Stars of Comedy & Magic
a one-night only gala show
Sun. 7th June @ 6 pm
Artscape Theatre
Bookings @ Computicket
Water Theme Launches for 2009!
he Magic Classroom
“Water Activity Area”
has burst into life. Situated
at the rear of the College,
the area has undergone an
amazing transformation
for all our Aqua Kid school
visitors! With over 10 000
school students having
already visited The Magic
Classroom - it is no wonder
that it has become the ‘#1
school outing ever’ !
Above: Action education excursions not to be missed at
The Magic Classroom!
David Berglas
“igniting the joy of learning through the power of magic”
The Power
of Magic
The College’s Magic Classroom programme ignites
the joy of learning through the power of magic.