The Andy Griffith Show ADULT MINISTRY


The Andy Griffith Show ADULT MINISTRY
This month, Windows is featuring one of our younger
staff members, Aaron Bryant, who is the current
Minister to Young Adults. Some weeks back he
brought us two very thought-provoking messages
and many of our senior adults have expressed an
interest in learning more about him and his family.
Meanwhile, before graduation, Aaron
was recruited by the NFL and he had the
opportunity to play with the Tennessee
Titans for one season. However, he felt
that was not his calling and he returned
to Samford to complete his degree.
This time, Riverside was looking for a
part-time youth minister and Aaron was
hired for that position.
aron Bryant joined our church staff as
Middle School Minister in 2002. Yet he has
been associated with Brentwood Baptist
since 1981, when he and his family first
moved to Brentwood. I remember meeting
his parents for the first time when they
joined our church family. You might say I had the privilege of
watching him grow up. His sister, Carrie, was
one of my daughter’s favorite babysitters. We lived in the same subdivision and he
and my daughter rode the same school
bus. I watched him play varsity football at
Brentwood High School. He was active in
the youth group at Brentwood Baptist.
It’s obvious that God had His hand on
Aaron Bryant from the very beginning. During high school, Aaron was recruited
by a number of schools to play football. Aaron chose to play at Samford University
in Birmingham, Alabama. He majored in
public administration. His plan was to work
in city planning. God had other plans for
him, however.
During his junior year, he had to do an
internship for one of his classes. Aaron
chose to work in the student ministry at
Riverside Baptist Church in Birmingham. He volunteered in that capacity for two
years. During this time, Aaron began to feel
the stirring that eventually led him to make
a commitment to the ministry.
While he was working at Riverside, Aaron
began to take extension courses at New
Orleans Baptist Seminary, which were
offered there in Birmingham. He had several
classes with Jay Strother and they became
good friends.
One day, Jay told Aaron that he had been
contacted by Brentwood Baptist Church
to interview for a staff position. Jay asked
Aaron to tell him a little something about
the church so that he could prepare for
his interview. In 2001, Jay was hired as our Middle School
Minister. Jay and Aaron kept in touch, and a
year later when Jay became the High School
Minister and our church was searching for a
replacement, Jay immediately thought of
Aaron. He called Aaron and asked him to
meet him for coffee. During that time, Jay
suggested that he submit a resume to our
personnel committee.
When Aaron came to Brentwood for his
interview he felt like he was in a bit of a
twilight zone. The experience, he describes,
was almost “surreal.” He knew most of the
committee members from his days in the
youth group. Some of the members were
parents of his good friends from high school,
and, of course, he remembered Gayle
Haywood as the Children’s Minister when
he was in elementary school. Bill Wilson was
also a strong presence in our congregation. Nonetheless, he felt at home here, and in
2002 he became a staff member.
August 2010
Brentwood Baptist Church Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
The Andy Griffith Show
In 2005, after three years as Middle School
Minister, he became our Minister to Young
Adults. He now works with young people in
their 20s and 30s. Since he is a part of that
age group it is a good fit for him. He works
with Kairos on Thursday nights. Did you know that one of the most beloved television shows of all time is based on a lot of
scriptural influence? The down-home humor of Andy Griffith’s 249 episodes demonstrated
the value of family love, the importance of doing what’s right, the value of a friendship, and
the love of nature.
said The
Andy Griffith Show (TAGS) is available, somewhere in the
world, every hour of every day, all year long. That’s not bad for a simple theme that’s unique
in its innovative presentation of character and atmosphere.
Aaron believes he is fortunate to have been
mentored by two outstanding preachers. The first by Bill Wilson, who was pastor here
when he was growing up and gave him
immeasurable encouragement when he
returned as a staff member. Secondly, he
has profited greatly from the guidance and
leadership of our Senior Pastor Mike Glenn. How much do you know about TAGS? We’ll review classic episodes
with deep meaning of family love and parental responsibility. We’ll
test your trivia knowledge of TAGS, your ability to whistle its theme
song, and see if you can sing the Mayberry Union High Alma Mater.
Then, we’ll look at scriptural applications to its themes.
One can tell by the depth of his sermons
that Aaron strongly believes in what he is
doing and considers himself fortunate to
serve God in this church. I was recently told
by a friend that Aaron has an uncanny ability
to quote Scripture. It is obvious that he has
been a serious student of the Bible for much
of his young life.
I think Aaron’s description of his service here
sums it up well. He is pleased to be part of
a church where lost people come to know
Christ and part of a church that continues to
disciple the believers.
Aaron has been married to the former Amy
Ousley since December of 2002 and they
have two small sons: Silas, who is five, and
Isaiah, two. Aaron enjoys spending time with
his family, reading, and doing carpentry.
He also loves biking and has been known to
occasionally pedal the fourteen miles round
trip to work. Amy loves tennis, reading, and
mentoring young women. She also loves
to read and is quite good at writing short
His parents, Stan and Shay, and his sister,
Carrie, are all active members of our church
as well.
Brentwood Breakfast Club
Thursday, August 5 | 8:45 AM
Shoney’s on Old Hickory Blvd.
Reservations not required.
Franklin Breakfast Club
Thursday, August 5 | 8:45 AM
Shoney’s on Hwy 96
Reservations not required
55+ Leadership Meeting
Monday, August 9 | 9:00 AM
Mayberry Bible Study
Special Mayberry Bible Study
Wednesday, August 18 | 4:00–6:30 PM
Wednesday, August 18 | 4:00–6:30 PM
The study will be led by Don Caldwell with a
20-minute break for dinner. Sign up online at For more
details, e-mail Tom McMinn at Childcare is
not provided.
55+ Monthly Dinner
Thursday, August 19
Wilson Hall | Cost: $8 | RSVP by Aug. 15
Congregate: 5:30 PM | Dinner: 6:00 PM
Contact Joan Wright at 371.1299
“Mayberry USA”
October 14–15 | Mount Airy, NC
Cost: $150*
Join us for a great time of fun and fellowship
as we travel to Andy Griffith’s hometown—
the inspiration for Mayberry on the TV series
The Andy Griffith Show. You’ll find things the
show captured, great entertainment, small
town shopping and arts district, dining, and
a scenic setting.
The total cost includes round-trip bus
transportaion, bus driver expenses and tip,
guided tour of city and one-night lodging at
Holiday Inn Express (a new facility). The cost
does not include any meals except the motel
breakfast on Friday morning.
*Full amount is due at registration. Deadline
to register is September 16.
Thursday, October 14: Leave front parking lot
at 6:30 a.m. Stop for lunch/breaks, arrive for
3:00 p.m. check-in, and enjoy a steak dinner.
Friday, October 15: Breakfast is at the motel.
Leave at 9:00 a.m. for a guided tour of city.
Shopping and lunch in downtown. Depart
Mount Airy at 2:00 p.m. Arrive late at BBC.
One roll-on bag, which you can handle.
Baggage tips are not included in registration.
You’re responsible for your own luggage.
Guided Bus Tour of Andy’s home
• Wally’s Service/Mayberry courthouse and jail
• Floyd’s City Barber Shop
• Snappy Lunch
• Rockford Grammar School
• Andy’s high school (class of 1944)
• Haymore Memorial Baptist Church
• Andy Griffith homeplace
• And more!
August Program
By Pat Mitchamore
We have a real treat in store for
August when Channel 4 Weather
Woman Lisa Spencer will be our
guest entertainer.
Lisa has charmed many audiences
not only with her appearances on
television, but also as a soloist.
Her rating is superlative among
presenters. You wouldn’t want to
miss this delightful event.
Did You Know?
Over $1,800 had been sent to the Lighthouse
Christian Camp from the sale of Helen Coker’s
paintings. The rest of her pictures will be sent
to the camp to decorate their walls. Quotes
The 50th wedding anniversary celebration
began on Mother’s Day this year with all seven
couples present at the 9:30 a.m. service. They
received beautiful corsages, had their pictures
taken, and were showcased on the big screen.
The celebration continued on June 17 at
the 55+ Dinner. The theme was “Captured
Moments,” i.e., pictures. As the couples
arrived, they were escorted to the beautifully
decorated stage for a “photo shoot.” The
decorations included an antique camera,
several candelabras, greenery, and oversize
prints of their wedding photos along with a
current picture. The individual camera used
for each “shoot” was then given to the couple
to use to document the evening. As guests
arrived, they could watch the photo shoots,
view the five TV sets that were playing DVDs
of the lives of the honorees, and peruse and
sign the beautiful books Betty Stewart made
for each couple.
As everyone was enjoying a delicious dinner
at tables adorned with beautiful hydrangeas
from Judy Campbell’s garden and additional
photos, more videos of the honorees’ lives
were shown with “their song” playing as we
watched their 50 years unfold. Following the
dinner, the evening’s special guest, Dennis
“The Swan” Swanberg, was introduced. He
regaled the crowd for over an hour with his
wonderful impersonations of Barney Fife, John
Wayne, and Billy Graham, all the while weaving
in, as he says, “the funny side of church.”
Many thanks to the committee, the
Communications Ministry, the technicians, the
Leadership Team and all those who helped
make this year’s celebration a success. May
God continue to bless the honorees as
they look forward to many more happy and
productive years together.
The formal festivities began with Master of
Ceremonies, Glenn Stophel, introducing the
honorees. Annette Pryce entertained the
300+ people in attendance with stories and
anecdotes about how the couples met each
other, how they became engaged, and other
interesting facts about their 50 years together. These stories were then retold in a parody to
the tune of “You Oughta Be In Pictures,” sung
by Loni and Tami Pryce and accompanied on
the piano by Jim Hammerly.
Pastor Mike Glenn addressed the crowd,
acknowledging the extraordinary example
these honorees are setting, especially for
today’s young people. They may very well be
the “first glimpse of God’s love acted out,”
he said.
We salute a lady who is creative, skilled,
devoted, determined, untiring, hard working—
a real leader. Thank you for making the 50th
Wedding Anniversary Celebration a huge
success. We love you, Betty.
— From your committee members
Missions Minute by Sue Raley
Just for the fun of it
“As we age we tend to major on memories
rather than dreams.”
—Tony Campolo
Sometimes our mission field is our own family,
or church family. We find ourselves in the
company of children of all ages, serving as
guides, care-givers, and role models.
“The point is for all of us ‘seniors’ to never
quit dreaming good things for our families,
ourselves, our friends, our country, etc.”
—Our own Bill Graham
(on Tony Campolo)
Many of us recently spent a week with children
in Vacation Bible School, while others of us
are enjoying grandchildren’s visits during
the summer. Maybe you’ll enjoy some of
these exchanges between children and
the desk
of Jim & Gail Owens
Jacob (age 82) and Rececca (age 79), living
in Miami, are excited about their decision to
get married. They go for a stroll to discuss
wedding plans, and on the way they pass a
drugstore, so Jacob suggests they go in and
he addresses the man behind the counter:
Are you the owner?
Pharmacist: Yes.
We’re getting married. Can we
ask you some questions?
Pharmacist: Go ahead.
Do you sell heart medication?
Pharmacist: Of course we do.
How about medicine for circulation?
Pharmacist: All kinds.
Medicine for rheumatism?
Pharmacist: Definitely.
How about suppositories and
medicine for memory problems,
arthritis, and Alzheimer’s?
Pharmacist: Yes, a large variety. The works.
What about vitamins, sleeping
pills, Geritol, antidotes for
Parkinson’s disease?
Pharmacist: Absolutely.
You sell remedies for heartburn
and indigestion?
Pharmacist: We sure do.
Wheelchairs and walkers?
Pharmacist: All speeds and sizes.
Adult diapers?
Pharmacist: Sure.
Can we use your pharmacy as
our Bridal Registry?
Seeing a peacock in the zoo, Patrick blurted
out “Look, Grandpa, one of the chickens is in
“Who won the booby prize?” asked Gran’ma.
“We didn’t play booby,” answered Isabella,
rather disgustedly.
“Granddaddy, when school starts I don’t want
a tutor. I want a drum.”
Curious about Jon’s constant reference to
Audrey, Granny asked, “Who’s Audrey?” Jon
answered, “She’s Audrey’s mother’s little girl.”
“Shelly, do you want butter on your toast?”
asked Grandmother. “Of course,” Shelly
answered. “Butter makes bread taste bad
when it isn’t on it.”
Michael spent a week with his grandparents.
He was overheard telling his mother on the
phone: “Granddaddy sleeps out loud.”
Sarah complained, “When I sit on Nana’s
piano bench I can’t reach the brakes.”
“I want a tiny diamond ring for my birthday,”
Macy told her grandmother. “Then we can
grow up together.”
“Jesus’ last name is Christ,” explained Jenny,
with all the wisdom of six years, “and God’s
last name is Blessus.”
Michael’s military family on leave spent a few
weeks with grandparents and visited their
church. One Sunday, Papa asked “What was
your Bible story about?”
Michael (age 8) said, “Moses and the Red Sea.”
“Oh, what happened?” Papa asked.
“Well, the Artillery stood guard while
Transportation took everybody across the Red
Sea on pontoon boats.”
“Is that what your teacher said?” Papa asked.
Michael explained, “No, but if I told you what
she really said, you’d never believe it.”
Happy Grandparenting!
1 of 4 tips from June AARP Driver Safety Class
By Shelley Jamieson
As seniors, we are often told that we should
keep ourselves physically fit. This is especially
true when operating a motor vehicle. We need
to evaluate certain physical conditions that are
common to those of us who are advancing
in age. Vision, hearing, decrease in reaction
time, and medication are some specific areas
that affect driving safety. Some vision tips:
Have regular eye exams. Ask questions to
learn if there are certain conditions that
could affect your driving such as a loss of
peripheral vision.
Don’t use eyeglass frames with wide, heavy
temples that may restrict side vision.
Reduce driving at night, dusk, or dawn,
when visibility is more difficult.
Use extra caution when turning left
and trying to judge the speed/distance of
oncoming vehicles.
Choose roads that are well lit; avoid poorly
lit areas.
Drive more slowly at night and avoid looking
directly into headlights of approaching
vehicles; look slightly to the right.
Degeneration have serious implications for
our driving.
Maintaining fit bodies and improving driving
skills can help us in being safe drivers.
This month’s volunteer opportunities
Shopping with a purpose with Marsha
Miller. Join us on Monday, August 16 at
9:30 a.m. in the Parlor to learn how to
support missions through purchasing
items from Living Hope Crafts and others.
55+ Dinner Program Planning Team Member – We’re looking for individuals to
join the Senior Adult Leadership Team and to assist our current Team Leader in
planning and executing our monthly programs for 2011 and beyond. Would you be a Respite Caregiver? These volunteers will donate time to just
“sit” and talk with friends, who need constant supervision, while their caregivers
run errands or take a short reprieve from care giving responsibilities.
Gal or Guy Fridays – We’re looking for volunteers with versatility and flexibility
who would will be willing to do such tasks as run errands, light grocery
shopping, pick up medications, and/or transport individuals to/from various
Blac n Rice
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Chef’sCoffee, L r Tea
Telephoner: Phone a Friend – Do you like to talk on the phone? Then volunteer
for the Phone a Friend Ministry. Volunteers will be assigned a homebound
member to call on regular basis just to chat and be sure they’re okay. Contact Gayle Haywood | 324.6133