BEST The Towerlight /œÜܘ½Ã Thursday


BEST The Towerlight /œÜܘ½Ã Thursday
The Towerlight
Published by and for the students of Towson and Baltimore -- twice-weekly
Doc the Tiger brings the Best of
Towson together, eating Pasta
Mista and drinking Starbucks
Coffee in Souris’ Saloon while
surfing Facebook.
Check out more of
Towson’s Best
inside on pages 13-22.
Eleventh Annual
Photo Illustration by Patrick Smith and Jenn Long/The Towerlight
Perspectives........4 News.......7 Beyond....12 Towson’s Best....13
Puzzles.......26 Classifieds......27 Sports.......32
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Add an event
to the calendar:
• Call 410-704-5139
• E-mail
• Visit
pu s C a
Graduation deadline
The last day for graduate students to apply
for Spring 2007 graduation is today.
Jan. 28th
Jan. 26th
WTMD countdown submission
This is the last day for WTMD listeners
to submit their choices for the station’s
“897 greatest songs of all time”
countdown on Starting Feb.
1, WTMD will begin playing the songs as part
of their winter fund-drive. Weekly prizes will
be awarded to listeners until Feb. 9.
Polar Bear Plunge
2 p.m.
Sandy Point State Park
Students can join members of Lambda Chi
Alpha Fraternity, as they raise money for the
Maryland Special Olympics. Students can also
participate in the event. For more information, e-mail or call
Men’s Basketball vs. Hofstra
7 p.m.
Towson Center
The Tigers are looking to avenge a fivepoint loss to the Pride from last week when
they visited Hempstead, N.Y. Gary Neal leads
the Tigers in scoring, averaging 25.1 points
a game.
Jan. 27th
2nd Annual Welcome
Back Movie Night
Pro Musica Rara- Superbach
Sunday: Bach and the
French Taste
3:30 p.m.
Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall
Center for the Arts
Students are invited to a performance by
Pro Musica Rara musicians, including performances by Soprana Ann Monoyios and
Baroque flutist Sanda Miller. Tickets are $10
for students. General admission is $30.
Jan. 29th
Semester begins
Classes begin and change of schedule period begins.
Jan. 31st
Men’s Basketball vs.
7 p.m.
Towson Center
Entering the week, the Tigers were 9-10 overall and 3-5 in the CAA. Senior center Dennard
Abraham is second on the team in scoring,
averaging 10.4 points per game.
9 p.m.
Paws Lounge
University Union
Students are invited to
a free movie, free
food and prize
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Housing and
Life and
Welcome back to campus:
URG are
Spring semester move-in starts
the event.
Saturday, Jan. 27 and continues Sunday, Jan. 28.
Arts Editor Rob Scheer
Assoc. Editor Amanda Doran
Asst. Editor Elizabeth Malliakos
Sports Editor Kiel McLaughlin
Assoc. Editor Darnay Tripp
Asst. Editor Daniel Abraham
Feb. 1st
News Editor Sharon Leff
Assoc. Editor Jazzmen Tynes
Women’s basketball vs.
Georgia State
7 p.m.
Towson Center
Freshman guard Shanae Baker-Brice leads
the Tigers against the Panthers.
Feb. 2nd
Ice Hockey home game
8:30 p.m.
Mount Pleasant Arena-Baltimore
Towson will play a home game against
University of Delaware. The game is sponsored by Campus Recreation Services.
TU After Hours
9 p.m. - 2 p.m.
All three floors
University Union
Students can enjoy free food, games and
entertainment throughout the University
Union. Students must have a valid TU
OneCard in order to participate.
Feb. 6nd
Drop/Add Classes
This is the last day students can drop or
add classes.
Staff Writers Nick Di Marco
Ryan Reed
Jeremie Guy
Keith Price
Alex Plimack
Josh Dombroskie
Becki Lee
Rachel Frederick
Proofreaders Lauren Svrjcek
Aileen Prunesti
Photo Editor Patrick Smith
Asst. Photo Editors Louis Jay
Kris Marsh
General Manager Mike Raymond
Business Staff Rossana Lamberti
Cheryl Johnson
Art Director Jenn Long
Assoc. Art Director Matt Laumann
Online Editor Stefanie Lis
Production Staff Eddie Grove
Circulation Manager Jason Stelter
Circulation Staff Darnay Tripp
Nick Di Marco
Will Trebach
8000 York Road
University Union Room 313
Towson, MD 21252
voice: (410) 704-2288
fax: (410) 704-3862
The Towerlight is published by students
of Towson University every Monday and
Thursday classes are in session during the fall
and spring. The organization is autonomous
and financially self-sufficient. The newspaper
is produced on Power Macintosh computers
using Adobe Creative Suite software.
The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines
are firm: classified advertising & display
— Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday,
noon for Monday. Line classified ads will
only be accepted during morning hours. For
advertising information, visit http://www. or call (410)
The newspaper encourages letters to the
editor and online feedback. For the complete
Feedback Policy, visit
Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content
expresses the opinions of their authors and
not necessarily the views of the newspaper.
The Towerlight does not discriminate
based on age, color, condition of handicap,
marital status, national origin, race, religion,
gender or sexual orientation.
©2007 by The Towerlight,
University, Towson, MD 21252. All rights
Please recycle!
January 25, 2007
Editor in Chief Brian Stelter
Senior Editor Krysten Appelbaum
The Towerlight
This weekEND
The Towerlight
Living in London
(for two weeks)
Learning how to study abroad
I came to
To w s o n ,
I wanted
to take
as many
oppor tunities as
T h a t
came to include a winter break
short-term study abroad adventure. I spent two weeks in the
United Kingdom as part of the
Crime and Punishment CrossNationally program through the
Sociology, Anthropology, and
Criminal Justice Department.
Some of the highlights included a variety of walking tours
around London, an in-depth tour
of the Houses of Parliament, a
talk at the Home Office (similar to the U.S. Department of
Justice), and a tour of one of
their prisons. Oh, and we had
some time in the classroom,
Each of us took away something different from the experience. Some enjoyed the London
nightlife, others enjoyed the
shopping, and still others
enjoyed the sights. But for me,
the best part was the culture
and history. England has a rich
history, with London’s going
back 2000 years. It was aweinspiring to visit places that had
been standing since the 11th
and 12th centuries.
A short-term study abroad
trip is sure to include something for everyone. But the one
thing that American students
should remember when going to
another country is that they are
indeed going to another country.
Food will be different, prices will
be different (sometimes higher,
sometimes lower, when converted to U.S. dollars), and the very
way of doing day-to-day things is
sometimes very different.
Janne Perona
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Many things will also seem
very similar, however. In the
case of London, it might seem as
though you would have to look
long and hard to find differences, but that is not so. The currency is an obvious difference,
but aside from that there is the
matter of accent (much more difficult to understand than people
may think, especially when people talk rapidly) and the attitude
towards Americans which take
getting used to.
Smaller things also required
adjustment. For example, customer service in stores and restaurants is not what we expect
in the States. At times it is a
blessing not to be bombarded by
store clerks, but in restaurants
you have to ask for refills on
drinks and more importantly,
the check.
There were several times
where we were refused service or
treated quite differently simply
because we were Americans. At
first we took offense, but were
told that sometimes pubs and
bars are very neighborhood-oriented and would do the same to
Londoners from the other side
of town.
Study abroad can be an adventure unlike anything you have
ever experienced. But remember
that you are no longer in America
and things will not be the same
as they are here. It is the home
of nearly everyone around you,
and they are very proud of their
country, their life, and their history and culture. Take advantage
of what the country has to offer,
and enjoy their ways of life.
Even if you are unable to
study abroad, I would strongly
suggest traveling abroad at some
point in your life. If you are able
to do so, I sincerely hope that
whichever country you visit will
hold the same charm as England
does for me.
Janne Perona is a junior criminal
justice and political science major.
What did you do over winter break?
Emily Head
Gordon Amato
Justin Unger
mass communication
“[Hung out with] my
“Swam every day and
ate at Paws.”
Josh Geland
Mia Catalfamo
Babacar Niang
exercise science
mass communication
“Slumber parties,
golden tigers, and
blue hens.”
“I relaxed, worried
about entering the real
world in May, and got
engaged on a hot air
“I worked, hung out
with friends, read,
sports, and looked for
an internship.”
Compiled by Louis Jay. Word on the Street is comprised of the first six students who are randomly
approached by a Towerlight photographer on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Less Than Three
By Steven Baird
The Towerlight
December 8, 2005
Catholic Mass
in the
new year!
Spring Semester
Sundays at 6:00 p.m.
Beginning Sunday, January 28, 2007
Masses are held in the
Newman Center Chapel
Located directly across from
Stephens Hall on York Road
For more information please call
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Talk Back: Call the News desk at 410-704-5139 or e-mail
Study Abroad program sends students to New Zealand, Mexico, Panama for minimester
Students visit foreign lands on break
Sharon Leff
News Editor
While some students used winter
break to catch up on sleep or earn a
few dollars for the spring semester,
others traveled across the world
as part of Towson’s study abroad
Jimmi Miller, a senior sports
management and business admin-
istration major, studied for three
weeks in New Zealand. Along with
about 15 other TU students and
one professor, Miller’s trip began in
Auckland and continued to Dunedin
and Queenstown.
He said he decided to travel
abroad after he found out one of
his professors was chaperoning the
“Dr. [Joshua] Newman is by far
the best professor I have ever come
across. He basically changed my
life and I don’t know how much I
can thank him for that. I have huge
respect for him as a man, a person
and a professor. So when I heard
that he was setting up the New
Zealand trip, I was eager to jump
on,” Miller said in an e-mail from
New Zealand.
Miller said he found Queenstown
to be the highlight of his trip
because of its association with
extreme sports.
“Coming here, my goal was to
bungee jump and skydive. Where
else is there a better place to do that
than the extreme sport capital of
the world,” he said.
Although he only knew one person before he left for New Zealand,
by the end of it Miller considered
the group his family.
“Now that this trip is over, I feel
like a have a bigger family now. All
of the others I can call very close
friends and vice versa,” he said.
Yekaterina Kuchik, a junior
finance and international business
major who studied in Panama, also
said the experience led her to a new
group of friends.
See ABROAD, page 8
Photos courtesy Shawna Schweitzer and Yekaterina Kuchik
Left, Shawna Schweitzer poses with her first and second grade students as part of the Vamos teaching program. Right, a view of the Decameron Resort in Panama.
Price chosen to direct center Cancer claims life of
Army veteran comes to TU for Homeland Security position
Alan Wingrove dies after more than
30 years teaching, leading Towson
Sharon Leff
News Editor
See SECURITY, page 11
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
Robert Price is director for the Center of Homeland Security.
Chemistry professor Alan
Wingrove, known for his love of
‘60s music and an eclectic range
of interests, died of cancer three
weeks ago.
Wingrove, who came to Towson
in 1973, was always willing to help
students, and tried inventive ways
of teaching. He even incorporated
rock lyrics on his exams.
“Everything I know about him
[involved] his love for teaching
and his willingness to devote
hours to students to spend time
with them, not just in the classroom but outside the classroom
to help them learn chemistry,”
Gerald Intemann, dean of the Jess
and Mildred College of Science
and Mathematics, said.
His chemistry classes were
See CANCER, page 8
January 25, 2007
Sharon Leff
News Editor
Courtesy Towson University
Alan Wingrove wearing his
“trademark” tie-dye shirts.
The Towerlight
After a four-month search, Towson
appointed Robert Price as director
for the Center of Homeland Security
in the Division of Economic and
Community Outreach in December.
Jim Clements, vice president for
economic and community outreach,
said Price was selected from a pool
of about 70 candidates. He called
Price’s background and knowledge
“He applied like everybody else
and I think as soon as he came in for
the interview we all fell in love with
him,” Clements said.
Price submitted a resume after
discovering the open position on the
Internet, and then went through several telephone and in-person interviews.
In 2002 Towson was designated a National Center of Academic
Excellence in Information Security
and Assurance Education, and in
2004 Towson started its Homeland
chemistry professor
ABROAD: Students bond on trip Smyth issues WTMD
membership challenge
From page 7
“I left with 16 strangers and
came back with 16 friends,” she
Lauren Sutton, a junior marketing and mass communication
major, also went to Panama and
said that after a few days she didn’t
feel like a visitor because she had
become so accustom to life abroad.
Though she said the group was kept
on an intensive schedule, there was
also free time to take in the culture
of the country.
“I met amazing people in Panama
and became close with a group of
people from Towson that I probably would have never met if I had
stayed here and taken classes. You
get to experience such beautiful
things. When we were all laying
out on the beach one day we kept
saying ‘I can’t believe we’re getting
6 credits for this,’” she said.
Kuchik said she had always
wanted to travel but didn’t want to
be away for an entire semester.
“I wanted to study abroad for
the last couple of years but I didn’t
really want to go away for the whole
semester,” she said.
While for some students
minimester was their first time
studying abroad, senior Spanish
and mass communication major
Jazzmen Tynes
Associate News Editor
Courtesty Shawna Schweitzer
A study abroad group visited pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
Shawna Schweitzer was not new to
She visited Spain in 2005 and
for minimester this year she went
to Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Schweitzer said that as a double
major studying abroad helped her
reach her credit requirement.
While there she taught first and
second grade students in impoverished areas, and learned about
Mexican culture at places like the
“They had two huge pyramids
you about died walking up them,”
she said. “There was one that was
big and the second one was even
[bigger]. I can’t even tell you how
many stories it was.”
While she enjoyed her trip, she
did get sick from drinking the water
and said she felt safer while in
“The thing that I didn’t like as
much about Mexico than when
I studied in Spain was the safety
factor. Me and my friends didn’t
feel safe walking alone at night,”
she said.
When she left Mexico, Schweitzer
said she left more motivated to be
“It motivated me to be more
successful and try harder because
some of the people in Mexico don’t
have a chance. I need to do more
with my life because I have been so
blessed,” she said.
The Towerlight
wants you...
to write articles
take photos
design ads
or deliver papers!
If you’re interested in becoming a member of
The Towerlight staff or want to know
more about us then come to a
Towerlight recruitment meeting.
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Towerlight recruitment meetings will be held on...
Monday, January 29
Monday, February 5
at 3:00 p.m
University Union, Room 313
See you there!
Towson University’s public radio
station, 89.7 WTMD-FM, will receive
$15,000 from Smyth Jewelers in
Timonium if the station can reach
897 new or renewal listener memberships by Feb. 9.
WTMD program director Mike
Vasilikos said the station is underwritten by several businesses in the
Towson community, which assist
in the station’s fund-raising efforts.
“We’ve worked with [Smyth Jewelers]
in the past and I think that they are
a great company, so I’m really excited
about working with them for this
fund-raiser,” he said.
Listeners can renew their existing memberships or
WTMD members by completing
form on the station’s Web site,
A basic membership is $50, and
donor levels range from $65 to
$10,000. Vasilikos said the station
relies on member contributions to
fund the station’s day-to-day operations. WTMD holds three fund-raisers every year.
“We’re a listener supported station so we need everybody to get
involved with this fund-raiser. That
means Towson students, their
friends, their co-workers and their
families. Every listener counts,”
Vasilikos said.
Currently, the station is working
on acquiring equipment to broadcast programming in high definition. According to the station’s Web
site, “WTMD is just beginning to
plan to convert to HD and to
raise the funds we’ll need
to make the jump. We estimate the project will cost
about $200,000 from
start to finish.”
Leading up to the
Feb. 9 fund-raiser
will air its “biggest
countdown ever”
by playing 897 songs,
selected by WTMD listeners beginning Feb. 1. On the
station’s Web site, listeners can
vote for their top 10 greatest songs
of all time. The station asked listeners to “cast your votes on whatever
the word greatest means to you.”
Voting ends Friday.
By completing the online survey,
listeners are automatically entered
in the station’s weekly prize drawing. Previous prizes included tickets
to Rams Head Tavern, and a Red
Hot Chili Peppers concert. Two VIP
passes to the fifth annual Langerado
Music Festival in Sunrise, Florida
will be awarded this week.
CANCER: Wingrove was
known for ‘unique’ style
From page 7
always popular among students.
“He taught at Towson for over 30
years. As soon as registration began
each semester students would fill
up his sections or they would wait
a year to get into his sections,” acting chair and associate professor in
the chemistry department Richard
Preisler said.
Preisler said Wingrove had a
unique rapport and made chemistry
“His command of the chemistry
was really firm and he gave very precise, well organized, lectures, very
understandable,” he said.
Wingrove was also known for
his trademark dress style, which
included tie-dye T-shirts. Intemann
recalled spotting Wingrove at a dimly
lit restaurant in Timonium a few
years back.
“I saw this fellow having his dinner and he was wearing this tie dye
T-shirt and it glowed in the dark and I
thought it could only be one person…
and sure enough it was him. It was
his signature dress item,” he said.
While at Towson, he also served as
chair of the College Council, was part
of the Statewide Faculty Senate and
was chair of the University Council
of Chairpersons. He also served for
a time as the chemistry department
“He came at a time when the
[chemistry] department was just
beginning to build itself up. He had
a major role to play in his leadership
of the department. [He made] major
hires in the department and helped
to develop the new chemistry curriculum,” Intemann said.
One of those hires included
Towson President Robert Caret,
who started out as a chemistry
professor before he went to San
Jose State University. Wingrove and
Caret also co-authored an organic
chemistry book.
In his spare time Wingrove
enjoyed listening to rock music,
excursions to Atlantic City, NJ, and
playing bridge. His biggest hobby
was growing exotic orchids in the
two-story greenhouse attached to
his home.
Preisler said Wingrove did not
want any kind of memorial service
but the department would like to do
something in his memory.
“One idea is to do it in conjunction with a new scholarship he set
up in his will, the Alan and Eileen
Wingrove endowment for chemistry
scholars through the TU foundation,” he said. “He was a unique
individual. He had a very wide range
of interests. He was a man of many
Graduates cross stage, join ranks of alumni
Towson awards more than 1,800
diplomas in two Jan. ceremonies
Josh Dombroskie
Staff Writer
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
A graduate accepts her diploma during winter commencement at the Towson Center on Jan. 7.
and I will be going to my full-time
job,” Andus said. “Since the ceremony is in the winter it doesn’t feel
like graduation, it just feels weird.”
Graduation can also be an emotional time, both for the graduates
and for their families.
“It’s been five and a half years,
and it’s been a long road. I’m very
proud of her because she had a lot
of obstacles to overcome,” Carol
Allen said, tearing up when speaking
about her daughter, Laura Kessler.
For some parents, graduation is a
familiar process.
“This is my last child to graduate
and it feels good,” Jim Menone said
See GRADS, page 11
January 25, 2007
wait until I finished classes to actually start it.”
The winter commencement exercises can be strange for some graduates because it’s in the middle of the
school year.
“When next semester starts it’s
going to be extremely weird watching all my friends go back to school
The Towerlight
University Board of Visitors and
the Alumni Association. A graduate
student address and an undergraduate address also took place at each
Dressed in black robes, more
than 1,800 students earned the title
“Whether you’re on the four
of alumni as they crossed the stage
year plan, the five year plan, the
at Towson University’s 142nd comseven year plan or the 10 year plan,
mencement exercise in the Towson
take pride in your
Center on Jan. 7.
Board of Visitors
master’s and docWhen next semester
toral degrees were
starts it’s going
to be
Shock said in her
handed out in
extremely weird
two ceremonies,
watching all my friends
Fine Arts and
in the College
go back to school and
of Business and
I will be going to my
Andus said she is
full time job.
now ready to face
Education and
College of Health
Jen Andus the challenges of
the post-college
Professions gradTowson graduate
world and has
uating at 10 a.m.,
already found a
and the College
of Fine Arts and Communication,
“I have already faced one of the
College of Liberal Arts and Jess and
hardest challenges, which is finding
Mildred Fisher College of Science
a job after graduation,” Andus said.
and Mathematics following at 2
“I was lucky enough to have a job
offer a month and a half before the
Both ceremonies featured repsemester ended and I just had to
resentatives from the Towson
The Towerlight present
Valley View site of armed robbery
The Towson University
Police have no leads on three suspects in Dec. 23 crime
Reported by The Towerlight
Jan. 3: In Enrollment Services, a subject left property in the drawer of
a public desk unsecured over the school holiday. Upon returning to the
desk, the complainant found the property missing.
Jan. 8: In the Burkshire Apartments, jewelry was taken from a room.
Jan. 9: In the Towsontown Garage, an unknown subject spray painted
graffiti on the garage walls.
Jan. 9: In the Towsontown Garage, subjects were skateboarding.
Jan. 10: In Prettyman Hall, marijuana was found in a dorm room.
Jan. 12: In General Services, a subject was made aware of a warrant
and was told to turn himself in.
Jan. 13: In the Auburn House, an unknown suspect gained entry to the
building by breaking window glass and screen and damaged property.
Suspect also consumed food items that were in the staff refrigerator.
Jan. 15: In the Residence Tower, a known suspect entered a victim’s
closed but unlocked dorm room and removed property.
Jazzmen Tynes
Associate News Editor
Baltimore County Police are still
looking for three suspects in connection with a Dec. 23 armed robbery and assault on the 7700 block
of Greenview Terrace at Valley View
The apartment complex is located
off Cross Campus Drive, across from
Towson University.
As of Wednesday, Jan. 24 there
were no new leads or information
in the case.
According to the crime alert
issued last month, at approximately
9:30 p.m. on Dec. 23, three suspects approached two Valley View
residents, one male and one female,
as they entered an apartment building.
The suspects then forced the residents into one of the victim’s apartment at gunpoint, robbing them of
money and a cell phone.
All three suspects are described
as black males. One suspect, a
40-year-old male, 6’3”, wore a blue
jacket and a black baseball cap.
He was armed with a silver semi-
automatic handgun, according to
a TU crime alert issued Dec. 28.
The other two suspects wore black
ski masks.
The incident marks the second
armed robbery of the school year
at Valley View.
Unfortunate these
o the way
folks were on
to their apartment
night, so sometimes
it’s difficult to prevent
these things.
Bill Toohey
Baltimore County
Police spokesperson
The first occurred in October
when two suspects robbed two
Valley View residents at gunpoint
in the parking lot of the apartment
Following October’s armed robbery, gasoline soaked rags were
found in the basement of an apart-
ment building in the Valley View
Apartment complex in November,
in what appeared to be an arson
attempt. Both of those incidents are
still under investigation, Baltimore
County Police spokesperson Bill
Toohey said.
Toohey said that Valley View
residents should take precautions
to avoid becoming crime victims.
Toohey suggested that residents
traveling at night should “always be
with someone else.”
“Try not to have a lot of money
or credit cards with you; carry only
what you need. And try walking
in well lit, well traveled places,”
he said. “Unfortunately these folks
were on the way to their apartment
at night, so sometimes it’s difficult
to prevent these things.”
In August the managers of
Development Corp., purchased the
Valley View Apartments and said
future renovations or redevelopment
of the apartments are possible.
Anyone with information about
the robbery should contact the
Baltimore County Police at 410-3072020.
Jan 19: At the Administration Building, subjects were skateboarding
and asked to leave.
Jan. 20: At the Towson Run Apartments, subjects were sitting in a
vehicle for an unusual amount of time and had no business on campus.
Jan. 21: In Parking Lot 21, a complainant returned to his vehicle after
leaving it on the parking lot for two days and found his license plate
Jan. 22: In the Glen Garage, a complainant parked their vehicle on
campus and returned to find that the vehicle’s tired had been removed
and there were bricks in the tires’ place.
The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes
occurring on campus during the past week. The blotter is not intended
to be all inclusive. For a full list of all campus crime reports, visit www.
File photo/The Towerlight
The Valley View apartment complex is located on Cross Campus Drive across from Towson’s campus.
Woman fights off robbery attempt
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Jazzmen Tynes
Associate News Editor
Baltimore County Police are looking for a suspect in a Jan. 19 attempted robbery along Washington
Avenue near Pennsylvania Avenue.
At 8:20 p.m., a suspect approached
a woman from behind and attempted to take her purse, but she would
not let go of it. The suspect then
fled on foot.
The suspect is described as a
black male in his late teens wearing
dark clothing.
Following the robbery, Towson
University Police Department
issued a crime alert via e-mail
to inform students, but students
didn’t receive it.
After performing an administrative audit, the Office of Technology
Services found that the University’s
e-mail spyware program blocked
the message, TUPD Capt. Joe
Herring said.
“The program read the message
as spam, so it did not distribute the
messages,” Herring said.
Students received the e-mail
when it was re-sent on Wednesday.
“Typically it takes four to four
and a half hours to get the e-mails
to all of the students,” Herring
Anyone with information about
the attempted robbery is asked to
contact Baltimore County Police at
Also, on Jan. 7 on Pennsylvania
Avenue, two suspects attempted
to rob two victims and then fled
on foot.
They were arrested on a bus stop
on the corner of Aigburth Avenue
and York Road.
--Josh Dombroskie contributed to
this report.
SECURITY: Price wants to expand, pair with schools
TU honors
Paul Jones
tance we as an institution can provide to help the new governor and his
leadership team achieve the state’s
goals and objectives,” Price said.
Price also wants to “expand the
center into a regionally and nationally recognized center of excellence just as the University has
done with Information Assurance,
and to increase the coordination of
Homeland Security efforts with all
the other schools in the university
system to leverage each others expertise and opportunities so we can
create an even more cooperative environment.”
year college students to provide them
with the skills and the technological
expertise necessary to succeed in
these future jobs.”
Price said the program would
involve partnerships between academic institutions and employers in
order to develop curriculum, promote
improvement in the studies of technology and establish an internship
“Additionally, we are writing several proposals to conduct emergency management plan assessments
including one for conducting a statewide top to bottom review,” he said.
a telephone line to assist students with any
question they may have about the university.
LIFE Line is staffed and ready to assist callers
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
From page 9
about his daughter Jenna. “We’ve
had two other children graduate
so this is our last. It’s quite exciting that she got her degree and it’s
quite exciting that it’s our last to go
through this.”
Professor Paul E. Jones, of the
department of instructional leadership and professional development,
received the 26th President’s Award
for Distinguished Service to the
University at the 10 a.m. ceremony.
“For me this is an overwhelming
honor,” Jones said. “I’m delighted
because it’s a wonderful tribute to
receive through my last year of service to the University.”
Jones joined TU’s department of
instructional technology in 1971 and
over his 35 years he has served alternately as a faculty member, graduate
program director, chairperson and
graduate program coordinator until
1993. After that he chaired the
department of reading, special education and instructional technology
from 1993 until the department’s
restructuring in 2005.
“While we say thanks to faculty,
I know today truly belongs to you,
our graduates, your families and
your loved ones,” Jones said. “This
is a day that you have worked for,
that you’ve earned and you so richly
He compared the way graduation
presents a new beginning to life, to
the way morning presents a new
beginning to the day.
“It is morning for each of us,”
Jones said, referencing a poem by
Maya Angelou. “You have demonstrated the determination and the
skills and knowledge that you will
need for this and all the mornings
to come. From me, and on behalf of
my faculty colleagues, we wish you
every success.”
Currently Price is working on several projects.
“One is a joint project between
two directorates in the Division
of Economic and Community
Outreach. My Directorate, the Center
for Homeland Security, and Mike
Schroder’s Extended Education and
On-Line Learning are developing a
proposal that addresses industry
trends in homeland security which
indicate that the ongoing threat of
terrorism continues to create employment opportunities,” he said. “Our
proposal focuses on the education of
secondary, community college and 4-
After these hours, a voice mail message can
be left and will be responded to the next
business day.
You can also contact us with your questions via
e-mail at
January 25, 2007
Security center.
After 22 years in the army, Price
said he had multiple reasons for his
interest in Towson.
“First, I have had very enriching
work experiences in the Homeland
Defense and Homeland Security area
in the past 22 years and I wanted
to return to the homeland security arena,” he said. “Second [and]
third, I thought the development of
a Center for Homeland Security at
Towson provided a unique opportunity to utilize not only the business
aspects of the division of economic
and community outreach, but also
leverage the academic excellence
here at Towson.”
Price said he will provide policy,
leadership, integration and direc-
tion for the University’s initiatives
in Homeland Security and Base
Realignment and Closure (BRAC).
He will also work with DECO’s
chief operating officer to maximize
growth opportunities and will work
with Academic Affairs to enhance
the Integrated Homeland Security
Management master’s degree program.
In his new job, Price said he also
wants to work with newly elected
Gov. Martin O’Malley.
“The first thing I would like to do
is engage the new state leadership
and see based on that, what assis-
The Towerlight
From page 7
Beyond Baltimore
Bush offers new
domestic agenda
College elevator
safety in question
Ohio student’s death prompts concerns
about elevator overuse nationwide
Associated Press
President Bush gestures as he gives a speech on Wednesday, one
day after delivering his State of the Union address in Washington.
signing on to his solutions, lawmakers on Wednesday welcomed
President Bush’s appeal to take up
problems in energy, health insurance and immigration, seeing a
prospect for common ground starkly missing when it comes to the
Iraq war.
Bush tended his new domestic
proposals in a trip to Delaware promoting research into ethanol production and put the government
on a stricter energy diet by signing
an executive order requiring federal
vehicles and buildings to use more
alternative fuels.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
speaking to mayors, seemed intent
on out-muscling Bush on that and
other domestic fronts.
Without giving details, the
California Democrat pledged action
to achieve energy independence in
10 years and welcomed the pres-
ident’s words on climate change
with the qualification: “We cannot
afford to wait.”
Consensus on Iraq was even
more elusive.
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee issued a striking rebuke
of a wartime commander in chief
when it passed a nonbinding resolution opposing Bush’s deployment
of additional troops in Iraq.
“There is no strategy,” Sen.
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, the only
Republican to join Democrats in
the 12-9 vote, declared in a fierce
attack on the Bush administration’s war management. “This is
a pingpong game with American
Bush appealed to Congress in
his State of the Union speech on
Tuesday night to give his Iraq strategy a chance to work, running into
a wall of skepticism, especially from
Democrats who control Congress.
on malfunctioning dorm elevators
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Like
involve someone trapped inside.
many students at the country’s
The problems aren’t unusual
largest college campus, Melissa
for a campus the size of Ohio State
Nail now thinks twice before
with an enrollment of 51,818 or
boarding crowded elevator cars.
for elevators used frequently in a
It was on her campus three
residential setting, said Norman
months ago that an 18-year-old
Martin, the state’s top elevator
freshman was killed while trying
to wriggle out of an overcrowdBut the data enforces the need
ed dorm elevator that was stuck
for students to use and ride elevabetween floors.
tors responsibly, Martin said.
“I’ve always had a little bit of a
“It’s not playground equipment
fear of the elevators and definitely
it needs to be
now I just don’t
respected,” he
get into overcrowded ones,”
’ve always had
a little said.
said Nail, 18, a
fea of the
bit of fear
elevators are
freshman at Ohio
subject to far
State University.
elevators and
more misuse
While getting
definitely now. I just
than elevators
trapped in an
don’t want to get into
in commercial
OSU elevator is
buildings and
uncommon, that
overcrowded ones.
other nonresifear is not comMelissa Nail dential facilipletely out of
ties, said Jeff
place, according
Ohio State University freshman
Cooper, elevato an Associated
specialist at
of hundreds of
Purdue University.
pages of elevator service reports.
“They’re high-use environRecords from November 2003
ments,” said Cooper, founder of
through October 2006 showed
Elevator U, a national campus
technicians responding to about
elevator safety association that
1,100 calls for service for everycounts among its members unithing from stuck cars to cell
versity facility managers, consulphones dropped down the shaft
tants, vendors and others with
of the school’s 29 regularly used
ties to the industry.
Nationally, there were 70 eleMost of the complaints involved
vator-related deaths from 2001
stalled cars, including 230 reports
through 2006, and about 8,800
of trapped passengers.
elevator-related injuries in 2005.
One in every five service calls
Minimum wage
bill stalls in Senate
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats’
promise of a quick increase in
the minimum wage ran aground
Wednesday in the Senate, where
lawmakers are insisting it include
new tax breaks for restaurants and
other businesses that rely on lowpay workers.
On a 54-43 vote, Democrats lost
an effort to advance a House-passed
bill that would lift the pay floor from
$5.15 to $7.25 an hour without any
accompanying tax cut. Opponents
of the tax cut needed 60 votes to
12 The vote sent a message to House
Democrats and liberals in the Senate
that only a hybrid tax and minimum
wage package could succeed in the
But any tax breaks in the bill
would put the Senate on a collision
course with the House, which is
required by the Constitution to initiate tax measures.
In a separate vote, the Senate also
effectively killed a modified line-item
veto bill. The Republican-inspired
measure would have permitted a
president to pluck individual items
out of spending bills and submit
them to Congress for a vote.
Kiichro Sato/Associated Press
A student walks by Stradley Hall, an 11-story dorm built in
1958 on the south side of Ohio State University campus, Jan.
16, in Columbus, Ohio. Freshman Andrew Polakowski, of Erie,
Pa., was pinned and killed when he tried to crawl out of an
elevator car in the builiding after it stalled Oct. 20
faces ethics
charges in
rape case
Aaron Beard
Associated Press
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - The state
bar lodged new and more serious
ethics charges Wednesday against
the district attorney in the Duke
lacrosse case, accusing him of withholding evidence from the defense
and lying to both to the court and
bar investigators.
Mike Nifong who withdrew from
the case earlier this month could be
disbarred if convicted by a disciplinary board.
The bar previously charged Nifong
with making misleading and prejudicial comments about the athletes
under suspicion.
The new charges are tied to
Nifong’s decision to use a private
lab for DNA testing as his office
investigated allegations three men
raped a 28-year-old stripper at a
team party last March.
Those tests uncovered genetic
material from several men on the
woman’s underwear and body, but
none from any lacrosse player.
The bar complaint alleges that
those results were not released to
the defense and that Nifong repeatedly said in court he had turned
over all evidence that could benefit
the defense.
The new charges “have significantly increased the chances for a serious
sanction, possibly including suspension or disbarment,” said Thomas
Metzloff, a Duke law professor and
member of the bar’s ethics committee, which is not involved in prosecuting the case against Nifong.
Nifong’s trial on the ethics charges is set for May, though bar officials
said Wednesday they expect it to be
delayed until June. He declined to
comment Wednesday.
“I’d say any time any charges are
filed with the state bar, they’re all
serious, and we want to make sure
we handle them all properly,” said
his attorney David Freedman.
Citing the conflict of interest created by the ethics charges, Nifong
asked the North Carolina attorney
general’s office earlier this month to
take over the lacrosse case.
Nifong dropped rape charges against the three athletes in
December after the accuser changed
a key detail in her account, but the
players are still charged with sexual
offense and kidnapping.
North Carolina’s attorney has said
he will conduct a thorough review of
the remaining charges against Dave
Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade
Towson’s Best is an annual compilation of everything that’s best about Towson
from bar to athlete to sushi to coffee to parking spot, as chosen by Towerlight editors.
except that a photo of Caret opening
his present is posted on Facebook
for all to see.
Place to shop:
Plato’s Closet
Patrick Smith/File Photo/The Towerlight
If you don’t have a problem with
wearing “gently used” clothing, try
Plato’s Closet on Goucher Blvd.
Plato’s is a chain of consignment
shops that have standards. Goodwill
is great but Plato’s consists only
of the secret treasures found after
extensive searching at Goodwill.
Clothes can be bought and sold at
Plato’s Closet.
Only items that are chosen as
worthy end up on the racks. Imagine
twice worn Seven Jeans for 15 bucks
or walking out have spent $10 on an
entire outfit!
Plato’s has clothes for ladies and
gents, including accessories, movies
and books.
Students strapped for money can
also take their gently worn clothes
and accessories to Plato’s Closet in
exchange for cash.
When you’re ready to go shopping
for the Spring, don’t go to the mall
and empty your wallet, go to Plato’s
Closet and still have money left over
to stop at the nail place next door
and get a manicure.
The new bronze tiger statue, revealed in November, will be placed in front of Stephen’s Hall; quite possibly the best place to hide it.
Place it outside
Stephens Hall
Parking Lot 7
After having its tail broken and
being spray-painted blue, Towson’s
old fiberglass tiger statue was
removed from outside the Cook
Library and a new bronze tiger was
ordered to take its place; however,
some students won’t be able to see
the mascot on their way to class
anymore, because the new statue
is set to reside in front of Stephens
The new bronze edition of
the tiger debuted at the Capital
Campaign kickoff in November and
was then put into storage.
It is supposed to make its debut
on campus on Thursday, Feb. 8 at
3:30 p.m. The Towson University
Alumni Association will host the
unveiling and dedication.
Students who don’t have classes
in Stephens, which primarily houses
College of Business and Economics
classes, may have to get their dose
of tiger-loving when Doc appears
atsporting events.
In October, Parking Lot 7 proved
to be more dangerous at night than
it is when trying to find a parking
space during the day.
It was in Lot 7 that two students
were held at gunpoint and robbed
by two suspects, while a third suspect acted as a lookout.
The lot is located between
the Residence Tower and the
Towsontown Garage.
After robbing the victims of their
money, the suspects escaped on
The incident was the first armed
robbery on campus since two suspects in Tower A held a resident at
gunpoint in November 2005.
Place to park:
Parking lot 24
For students roaming the garages in the hopeless hours for oncampus parking between 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m., a little-known parking
lot with a plethora of open spaces
Caffeine fix:
lies hidden, nestled between the
Administration Building and Valley
View Apartments.
Lot 24 seems to be a well-kept
secret with more than half the
spaces open at peak parking times,
providing a haven for frustrated
commuters who happen to stumble
upon it.
While it is still a good walk to
most of the campus’s main buildings, the lot is closer than the
Towson Center, and is the best
option for the aggravated commuter
when class is just a few minutes
away, and the rest of campus’s parking options aren’t cutting it.
Daedalus Books & Music
Located five minutes south of
Towson in Belvedere Square,
Daedalus Books and Music just
celebrated its one-year anniversary
of selling discount literature and
Although Daedalus is a little farther than Barnes and Noble, it is
significantly cheaper.
The slightly skimpier selection
is compensated for on the store’s
Web site.
To avoid paying inflated prices
or list price at B&N for novels for
classes, try Daedalus, which claims
to be up to 90 percent off list price.
In case you can’t wait until you
get home to start reading your purchase, there is a Starbucks attached
to the store and several other shops
and restaurants just around the corner.
Starbucks in Cook Library
The addition of Starbucks in Cook
Library made the means by which
students get their caffeine fixes even
more convenient, moving the closest
source of Soy Lattes and Caramel
Macchiatos from Burke Avenue
across to the center of campus.
The Starbucks also carries a vari-
See BEST, page 14
Best Christmas
A life-size poster of
President Caret
Who wouldn’t want a life-size
poster of themselves hanging on
their wall? Towson University
President Robert Caret received a
unique gift for Christmas: a sixfoot-tall portrait picture of… Robert
The poster features a posed picture of Caret, dressed in a suit, smiling for the camera with a Towson
logo in the background.
We wouldn’t know about it,
President Caret recieves
the best present: a life-size
poster of himself.
What do you think?
Do you agree or disagree with our Towson’s Best choices? Log online to share your opinion:
January 25, 2007
Police blotter
The Towerlight
Way to hide
the mascot:
towson’s best
crunch of the leaves in the fall can
only mean one thing: ice cream.
Not just any ice cream though.
Only Beach Bums’ Pumpkin ice
cream makes the fall season complete.
The creamy blend of pumpkin,
nutmeg and other spices is a summation of the best of fall in downtown Towson.
When the weather begins to warm
up though, the best ice cream treat
can only be found at Rita’s in the
form of a Gelato.
Thick, creamy custard, chocolate
or vanilla, layered with and surrounded by any flavor Italian ice
available that day is a little piece of
heaven, or at least of Towson’s Best,
in a red and white striped cup.
Both Beach Bums and Rita’s can
be found on York Road; Beach Bums
at 501, near the circle, and Rita’s at
7206, near Stevenson Lane.
Sushi Hana
From beginning to end, Sushi
Hana is the best place to get sushi
in Towson. Being seated to the
trickling sounds of the fountain and
being offered a warm towel is how
you will begin your visit, but friendly
service is only one of the perks you
will experience by choosing to dine
at Hana.
What really shines at this sushi
joint is, oddly enough, the sushi.
The ingredients are notably fresher
than neighboring sushi restaurants,
with sushi staples like aromatic avocado.
But Hana doesn’t stop at staples;
in one roll crisp apples are added to
complement the savory rice and seaweed with something sweet. Ands
let’s not forget one of the best parts
of going to Sushi Hana: that fruity
gum that is handed out with the
Heidi Greenleaf/File Photo/The Towerlight
Towson Dine, Towson’s Best place for a late-night meal offers a practically unlimited menu 24 hours.
From page 13
January 25, 2007
ety of coffee cakes, muffins and
pound cakes, as well as pre-made
salads and sandwiches for a quick,
on-the-go lunch.
The ability to use OneCards for
the tasty treats only adds to the
convenience, not to mention to the
line of customers.
But the convenience and goodness of a Starbucks caffeine fix far
outweighs the wait.
Late-night meal:
Towson Diner
The Towerlight
Whether one is heading for a
severe hangover in a few hours, or
is just a night owl, the best place
for meal of French toast, fries and
a strawberry milkshake at 3 a.m.
undoubtedly is the Towson Diner,
located at 718 York Road. And you’ll
14 probably reconnect with all the new
friends you met at the bar earlier in
the evening.
The prices may or may not be
reasonable, but the menu choices
are practically unlimited, whether
it’s 2 in the afternoon or 2 in the
On-campus meal:
The Den
When it comes to a good meal,
Towson’s dining halls aren’t the
first thoughts in the minds of some
But for those times we’re in a
hurry, out of cash, or just don’t have
a way to get down the street for
something better, the Den is a great
While most of the food offered is
typical, unhealthy college fare, this
a la carte location is open later and
offers bigger portions at a comparable cost to other on- and off-campus
Students on the hunt for earlymorning delicacies or late-night
munchies still have old favorites
from bagels to cheese steaks, and
this year there are some new additions to the Den’s counter.
The delicatessen brings iconic
Charm City to Towson with sandwiches like the Baltimorean and the
Lastly, these Carnegie Deli-style
sandwiches are made quick so students can stay on schedule, and
each is wrapped to go to avoid spills
across campus.
This campus eatery beats out
every other campus dining option.
as well) it is all too evident: the
pizza in Maryland just is not very
good, with the exception of one
Pasta Mista, located at 822
Dulaney Valley Rd., across from the
Towson Town Center.
The acronym found on the backs
of the shirts of employees at Pasta
Mista says it all: V.I.P., Very Italian
In other words this isn’t that
Papa John’s or Dominos nonsense
students tend to order in the wee
hours when they get the munchies.
This is the real deal. And they
go far beyond pepperoni. Toppings
include baked ziti, tortellini, chicken
ranch, as well as the hefty spaghetti
stuffed option.
You can’t miss at this place.
Pasta, salads, sandwiches, pizza, all
are prelibato (Italian for tasty).
Towson bar:
Souris’ Saloon
Many spots in Towson come and
go, but one place remains the same:
Souris’ Saloon. Generations of graduates have memories of the Towson
Circle bar, located at 537 York Road.
It’s located inside a hundred-yearold building, used as a bakery until
the 1930s.
Souris’ may not have the best
specials – it’s not easy to compete
with $5 all-you-can-drink at CVP’s
on Thursdays – but it has the best
It’s laidback: Even when it gets
crowded, it doesn’t become an
unmanageable mess like some others bars in town.
And the wide variety of draft
beers is a definite attraction: Two
dozens brews are on tap, ranging
from to Blue Moon and Hefeweizen
to Newcastle and Woodchuck Cider.
Baltimore bar:
Thirsty Dog Pub
Pasta Mista
At first sight, the Thirsty Dog
Pub on Cross Street in Federal Hill
looks like any other bar you’d find
in Baltimore.
Transformed into a cozy bar from
a three-floor row house, Thirsty Dog
has what most bars have: the 21-35
Pizza. It seems simple enough.
Nothing too complicated or fancy
about it.
For students who grew up in the
Philadelphia area (folks from New
Jersey and New York can empathize
See BEST, page 19
Ice cream:
Beach Bums in the fall,
Rita’s in the spring
The cooling of the weather,
the crisp smell in the air, and the
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
Souris’ Saloon, on the Towson Circle, is a reliable, laidback bar.
2 S 8E \ S R *S S H ˆ 7 %: ) 6IXEMP:IRHMRK4SMRXW
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Keep track of this week's events with the CAB Calendar!
On the Prowl
A monthly collection of events compiled by the Student Government Association for the enjoyment of the student body.
Welcome back everyone, the SGA hopes
you had a wonderful
winter break!
Blood Drive
Men’s BBall v. Northeastern
Towson Center
Deadline for Grad Students
to apply for Spring ‘07
Women’s BBall v.
Georgia State
Towson Center
Groundhog Day
Grab a FebFest
booklet from the
Office of Student
Activities for a full list
of events!!
Last day to
drop/add classes!!
Disability Services Work
7720 York Rd
∆ΣΘ’s Workout w/
the Deltas
Chesapeake 1
IFC Rush Begins
Speed Dating
Chesapeake 2
Panhellenic Rush
Study Abroad Fair
Friday, February 2nd
CAB Sponsored events
Reggae Music
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Fire Eating Illusionist
9:30 p.m.
Mad Chad
Chainsaw Juggler
12 a.m.
Tuesday, February 6
8 p.m. • PAWS
Participants should prepare a
five-ten minute stand-up comedy routine
* Winner will open for Chris Porter on Feb. 9th
* Sign up in the CAB office
Last Comic Standing's
Chris Porter
Friday, February 9
7:30 p.m. • PAWS
Check us out @ • Visit UU 226 or Call us @ 410.704.2070
∆ΣΘ Glove & Mitten
Women’s BBall v.
Towson Center
Delta Sigma Theta’s
Delta Week Begins
Tigerthon registration
week begins
Drive Begins
∆ΣΘ Board & Game
UU 306
Dance Alumni Week
Student Organization
Zeta Sigma Chi
Sorority, Inc.
UU 309 6-9pm
∆ΣΘ Diabetes Awareness
Chesapeake 3, 7-9pm
Student Involvement Fair,
Union 2nd floor
TU After Hours
Susq Terrace
T-Unit Meeting
Volunteer Day
PB&J for Our Daily Bread
UU 2nd floor
“Peach PaZZion” Jam
Comedian Porter
Valentine’s Day
Outside of Stephens
Leadership out loud,
UU 315
Surviving a breakup
Glen Esk
A Tribute to Harlem
Center for the Arts
Mainstage Thtr
Shellie Calloway
Towson Ctr
Men’s BBall v. James Madison
Towson Center, 7pm
Fall in love w/ Finance
22 Tiger Pride Day in
Women’s BBall v.
Towson Center
President’s Day
Multicultural Sorority Info
UU 309, 7-9pm
Appreciation Day
Potomac, 3pm
Kayaking Clinic
Burdick Pool
URG’s Ski Bus Trip
Loading Docks, 4-11pm
Central Maryland College
Career Fair
Towson Center
Rush Day 1
UU Ches. 1&2
Sorority Rush
Ches. 1&2, 7-9 pm
Off-campus apt fair
Tigerthon Dance Marathon
Multicultural Sorority
UU 314 &315
Women’s BBall v. UNC
Towson Center
V-Week Begins
(to end violence against
Women’s Lax v. American
Unitas Stadium
Campus Rec’s $25
Ski Bus Trip
Loading Docks
The Vagina Monologues Play
Ctr for the Arts
Mardner Theater
Student Organization
Warning Signs of
Glen Esk
Congratulations to
Zeta Sigma Chi
Multicultural Sorority
Newest Members!
De'ja' Vu Fall 06'
#1 Sylvia Johnson
#2 Laura Skidmore
#3 Hannah Shaw
"Fire n' icE"
#4 Jessica Bond
Time Management
Cook Library 513
Mock Interview Social
7800 York Rd
Suite 206, 5-7pm
Motivational Speaker
Stephens Auditorium
Women’s BBall v. Drexel
Towson Center
LEAD Strong Info
UU307, 1pm
Intro to Meditation
Glen Esk
everyone back
to school.
We hope you have
a great
second semester!
Men’s BBall v.
Georgia State
Towson Center
Men’s Basketball
v. Drexel
Towson Center
Come donate
blood and help
save lives!
January 30, 2007
Chesapeakes 1+2
8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
January 25, 2007
after hours Open Comedy Night
The Towerlight
Campus Activities Board
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
is a part of the Student Government Association and
provides the campus community with a variety of activities.
50 2+
$! ) . '
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
towson’s best
From page 14
year old student and young professional demographic, both traditional and innovative pizzas served late,
and rockin’ tunes from classic rock
to Sexy Back.
What isn’t typical about the bar?
Its diverse microbrews that are
friendly to both the connoisseur and
the first-time beer drinker.
From the light and refreshing
Peach Dog, to the sharper Hoppy
Dog, there is something for everyone on the beer spectrum.
The third floor recently opened
for shuffleboard and the fireplace
provides atmosphere and warmth.
Oh, and don’t bother to get someone to walk your dog while you’re
out - you can bring him to the bar!
Kenilworth at Charles
Valley View
apartment complex
Students anxious to make the
police blotter can increase their
chances by hanging out at the Valley
View apartment complex on Cross
Campus Drive across from TU.
In the past four months the apartment complex has been the site of
two armed robberies, an attempted
arson and an assault.
In October, two suspects robbed
two victims at gunpoint sitting in
their car in the parking lot. In
November, rags drenched in gasoline were found in the basement of
the temporary leasing office (though
no fire was set), and in December
three suspects robbed two victims
at gunpoint.
Capstone Development Corp.,
the company that also manages
Millennium Hall, purchased the
apartment complex in August.
Though a Capstone representative
told The Towerlight in August there
were talks of renovations, no plans
have been released.
Anti-abortion display
Towson’s student body showed
signs of actually caring about something last fall, with protests supporting a suspended Jewish police
officer and condemning an on-campus appearance by radio talk show
host Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
But the most memorable protest came in November when a
new student group called Towson
ProLife brought the Genocide
Awareness Project to campus. The
group showed poster-size photos of
aborted fetuses with comparisons to
genocides like the Holocaust.
The protest attracted a couple
dozen pro-life counter-demonstrators. The two sides occasionally bickered near the Lecture Hall,
while police officers and campus
administrators watched from the
sidelines. The display was shocking
and striking – and it brought attention to the issue, just as the organizers hoped.
other theatres and halls.
In the fall semester a successful production of “Urinetown” was
performed, and this April a production of “Angels in America” will be
brought to the Mainstage Theatre.
Don’t miss the chance to see a
show during your four (or five or six
years) here.
Use of Facebook
Persuasive political groups
Students are now using the
social networking site Facebook to
express things aside from their love
of movies and beer pong. They have
used it to take a stand, support a
political candidate and voice an
opinion, on both on-campus and
worldly issues.
Over 300 students joined The
“Support David Brown, Jewish
Police Officer” group when a TU
police officer claimed he was suspended because he would not work
on the Sabbath. Students posted
comments of support, and following the resolution of the issue
Brown thanked his supporters via a
Facebook group post.
Before the midterm elections,
Facebook groups popped up in
support of candidates Gov. Robert
Ehrlich, Baltimore Mayor Martin
O’Malley, Sen. Benjamin Cardin,
and Lt. Gov. Michael Steele.
After the election, the online posturing continued, with groups like
“Don’t Blame Me When O’Malley
Screws Up, I Voted For Ehrlich!”
and “Governor Martin O’Malley for
President 2008.”
Place to have sex
on campus:
The parking lot outside
Residence Tower
Sure, you could drive yourself
crazy trying to experience the
“thrill” of public sex either outdoors or inside a campus building,
but security can make it a disappointment.
The Glen Woods? That’s a risky
spot now, since no-trespassing-afterdark signs were put up last semester.Bathrooms can be hot, but all
too often you’ll be surprised by
a student or faculty member who
needs an adjacent stall, and then
you and your partner are trapped
inside ‘til God knows when.
See BEST, page 20
Hidden treasure:
Center for the Arts
One of the best but relatively
unknown parts of TU are the theater productions and facilities of
the recently renovated Center for
the Arts.
As impressive as the building is
on the outside, it is just as remarkable on the inside in its New Studio
Theatre, Mainstage Theatre and
January 25, 2007
Place to be the
victim of a crime:
File Photo/Kris Marsh/The Towerlight
In November, the Towson University ProLife group demonstrated their views by bringing the Genocide Awareness Project to campus.
The two-day display drew counterdemonstrators, creating a sometimes vocal debate and making it Towson’s Best protest of the year.
File photo/Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
The Towerlight
Students living at Kenilworth at
Charles don’t have to fight traffic and fellow students for parking
spaces since the apartment complex
welcomed a free TU shuttle to and
from campus last semester.
So far, the Kenilworth at Charles
is the only complex to pair with TU,
but according to parking and transportation services, the University is
open to going other places.
Towson started the shuttle service to alleviate the high demand for
parking spaces on and around campus.The service runs every half-hour
from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to
Friday, and parking and transportation services is considering adding some weekend service since the
number of daily shuttle riders rose
to over 100 in November. Busiest
hours for the shuttle are between 8
and 10 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m.
Students can pick up the shuttle
from the complex and are then
dropped off outside Prettyman Hall.
This is the first fully off-campus
route for Towson.
Theater and musical productions in the Center for the Arts are Towson’s Best hidden treasure.
“Urinetown” was performed last fall, and “Angels in America” is set to be shown at CFA this spring. 19
towson’s best
From page 19
A prime spot is the (admittedly
small) parking lot adjacent to the
Residence Tower and Ward/West
Halls. It’s not well lit, and it’s not
frequently traversed. There are only
about 30 parking spots, but staking
out and waiting for one is worth it.
The only possible disturbance
during your hookup is a fellow student getting in his or her car to
Movie theater:
The Charles
Patrick Smith/File photo/The Towerlight
Towson’s men’s soccer defeated Fairfield 2-0 to reach the round of 16 of the College Cup on Nov. 15.
Though you won’t catch them
playing “Epic Movie” or “The
Hitcher,” the Charles continues to
have the best selection of quality
movies anywhere in Baltimore.
The elitist staff straight-out-ofMICA is still a notable issue, but
that minor annoyance is worth it
for the movies, atmosphere and the
More often than not the only theater to turn to for more independent
fare, the Charles also shows mainstream movies with a quality/arty
Conveniently located on Charles
Street, the Charles also brandishes
an easily accessible parking garage
directly across the street for only a
$2 charge.
Place to nap:
The perfect nap place has to be
comfortable, with the proper light-
ing, and the right amount of privacy.
(Nothing is worse than being rudely
awoken from a mid-day power nap.)
The booths located on the first floor
of the University Union in Paws
offer all this and more.
With their circular shapes the
padded booths offer the right
amount of privacy for the napping
Towson student. The seats offer a
comfortable makeshift mattress and
are ideal for those wishing to set up
a blanket and pillow for a mid day
Possibly the best aspect of these
booths is the lighting.
The dim lighting offers the perfect setting for a restful nap. Both
the location of the booths and their
design also aids in giving them a
relatively quiet setting so the loud
noises of passersby are limited.
Towson win:
Men’s soccer vs. Fairfield
Before a crowd nearing 1,000 that
packed the bleachers and spread
fans across the hill behind the
Towson Center field, the No. 15
Tigers men’s soccer defeated the
Fairfield Stags 2-0 to reach the
round of 16 of the College Cup for
the first time in program history on
Nov. 15.
Freshman forward Kevin Ruck
struck first, heading in the game’s
first goal of the game off a corner
kick from Sean Cunningham. Shortly
after the halftime break, junior midfielder Nino Mangione padded the
lead, finishing a shot off passes
from Pat Healey and T.J. Thompson.
See BEST, page 21
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
5 . ) 6 % 2 3 ) 4 9 3 4 / 2 %
File photo/The Towerlight
The Charles in midtown Baltimore is Towson’s Best movie theater.
towson’s best
Patrick Smith/File Photo/The Towerlight
Natural scorer Shanae Baker Brice is Towson’s Best female althletic newcomer averaging 15.2
points per game through Sunday. She recently has been moved to an off-guard position.
Female athletic
Shanae Baker-Brice
Hardly the prototype college
guard, Shanae Baker-Brice stands
just 5-foot-6. However, it has hardly
After sitting out last season and
learning the system, Baker-Brice
become the top priority of opposing coaches as they plan to stop
the Tigers. A natural scorer with
a knack for getting to the basket, Baker-Brice has already been
named CAA rookie of the week
four times.
Male athletic
Chiles answered all questions while
shutting down opposing forwards
after transferring in from Rutgers.
Standing 6-foot-3 and weighing
near 200 pounds, Chiles is hardly shy about throwing his weight
around, whether it’s tipping a ball
over the cross bar or taking out the
legs of a potential goal scorers in
one-on-one situations.
Chiles split time with fifth-year
senior Greg Flaherty this past season for the No. 15 Tigers, tallying
6.5 shut outs.
His 0.33 goals against average
and .935 save percentage rank
among the best in the NCAA.
The Silver Spring product will
start for the Tigers next season as
they pursue a second consecutive
College Cup appearance.
Billy Chiles
After the 2005 season, questions circled around the Tiger soccer team due to the graduation of
goalkeeper Zak Thompson.
With status of the position in
limbo, CAA foes rejoiced in no longer having to face the stout keeper.
The party ended as junior Billy
Patrick Smith/File Photo/The Towerlight
Basketball player Gary Neal is Towson’s male athlete of the year.
Male athlete of
the year:
Gary Neal
Late in the second half of a gut
wrenching contest against Temple
on Dec. 16, Gary Neal felt his team
needed the help of a packed student section. As he backpedaled
past half court Neal lifted his arms
to encourage the masses. Without a
moment’s delay, the people and the
volume in the Towson Center rose.
That sort of thing generally does
not happen at TU.
It’s no surprise that Neal literally has the Towson faithful in the
palms of his hands – and deservedly so.
A year ago he led the Tigers to a
double-digit win total for the first
time since 2001-2002. This year
Towson is already up to 10.
After finishing fourth in the
nation in scoring a year ago, Neal
is averaging a fifth best 25.2 points
per game this season, including a
season-high 41 against Hartford
early this year.
See BEST, page 22
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January 25, 2007
Goalkeeper Billy Chiles kept the
scoreboard clean, including a saved
penalty kick attempt late in the
With the win, the Tigers extended their program-record of games
without a loss to 14, solidifying
themselves among the best in the
Whether it’s in transition, driving to the basket or knocking down
the open jumper, Baker-Brice has
always found a way to get the ball
in the basket as she leads the team
in scoring, averaging 15.2 points
per game through Sunday.
Recently, Towson head coach Joe
Mathews has moved Baker-Brice to
an off-guard position with sophomore captain Alis Freeman taking
over majority of the ball handling.
Mathews feels this will allow her
to score more in the open court
and take advantage of her ability to
move without the ball.
The Towerlight
From page 20
towson’s best
From page 21
In Wednesday’s win over Delaware
he scored 36 points to reach 2,000
for his career, including his two seasons at La Salle.
The NBA may very well be in his
future, but for now the hopes of a
rejuvenated basketball program lay
in his hands.
Female athlete of
the year:
Christina Ghani
It’s hard to argue against someone
whose team has won its conference
championship in each of the last two
seasons, and who, in the process,
has won back-to-back Gymnast of
the Year awards.
And Christina Ghani has done
just that.
Ghani has established herself as
the ECAC’s best, and one of its most
well-rounded performers. In 2006
she won the conference’s vault and
all-around titles. In 2005 she delivered the ECAC’s best performances
on floor and all-around.
This all following a knee injury
that caused her to miss the majority of 2004, and instead spend 10
months rehabbing.
“Dominant” is not much of a
stretch when describing Ghani’s performance a year ago.
File Photo/Patrick Smith
/The Towerlight
Gymnast Christina Ghani.
In the Tigers’ 13 meets, she won
vault 11 times, floor nine times,
all-around eight times, and bars and
beam twice.
No surprise, she was selected
ECAC Gymnast of the Week on three
occasions. In Towson’s lone meet of
2007, Ghani won vault, and got second in all-around and tied for second
on floor.
Krysten Appelbaum, Amanda
Doran, Sharon Leff, Elizabeth
Malliakos, Kiel McLaughlin, Rob
Scheer, Brian Stelter, Lauren Svrjcek,
and Darnay Tripp contributed to this
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January 25, 2007
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It’s something that’s always
around you: either in your pocket, your backpack or your hand.
It’s a good distraction, it keeps
you entertained during class, and
sometimes it’s a necessity to call
for help. But in an exhibition at
the Contemporary Museum that
began on Sunday, it’s now being
utilized as art.
At a museum known for its
innovative artwork is an exhibit
dedicated entirely to that distracting and necessary device: the cell
phone. Featured at the museum in
Baltimore through April 22 is the
exhibition “Cell Phone: Art and the
Mobile Phone,” displaying the different uses for the technology.
“It focuses on how technology
impacts our lives and artistic production,” Irene Hofmann, executive director of the museum and
curator of the exhibit, said.
The exhibit is part of a lineage
of artwork, Hofmann said, which
started with the inception of the
camera through the video camera
to the computer. The exhibit, however, doesn’t feature the typical
artwork that would be found in a
conventional museum.
“People can contribute texts;
they can contribute pictures,”
Hofmann said.
Certain pieces like TXTtual
Healing and cell:block invite visitors
to send text messages and pictures
from their own cell phones, contributing to the work as a whole.
“There’s potential for people to
see their cell phone in a new way,”
Hofmann said.
Other pieces allow visitors to
download pictures to their cell
phones and take a part of the
exhibit with them.
She referred to featured French
artist Beatrice Valentine and her
piece Videos Lustre, which features
twelve cell phones arranged as a
chandelier with a different short film
featured on each phone’s screen.
“It’s dramatic in scale. The exhibition also focuses on how technology impacts artistic production,”
Hofmann said.
The exhibition is free to the public, with suggested donations of $5
for adults and $3 for students and
it features an audio tour available
on cell phone.
“Hopefully we can get people
excited about where art is going,”
Hofmann said.
For more information on the
exhibition, visit
Katherine M. Hill
Contributing Writer
Singer, songwriter and acoustic
guitarist Joshua Radin intends to
scrap his usual set list and devote
his night at The 8 x 10 in Baltimore
to Megadeth, and maybe, if the
crowd is lucky, other metal hits
including Slayer’s “Raining Blood.”
“I will be biting the heads off
animals and spitting blood on the
crowd,” Radin joked in an interview by phone, describing the stage
effects as similar to a Pink Floydesque light show. Radin’s kidding,
and not because the 8 x 10 will hold
less fans than The Rose Bowl.
“For anyone who’s seen me
before it’s not a different show,”
Radin said, who has played The
8 x 10 twice before. “I’ll play the
‘hits,’” he added, before noting his
distaste for performers who deviate
from the usual and ruin his night.
“I really hate when I go to a show
and someone busts out the new
material,” he said.
Fans can expect material from
Radin’s first album, “We Were
Here,” released in May 2006,
including songs featured on “Grey’s
Anatomy” and “Scrubs.”
Radin mentioned the songs that
made him “famous” unabashedly,
recounting the lucky break with
“Scrubs” that led him to a career as
a professional musician.
“I was broke for many many years
doing the starving artist thing,” he
said. “I was painting and writing
screenplays in New York. I’m having
a little more success with this. I just
appreciate this newfound career.”
Radin wrote his first song as
personal therapy, only to find it on
cable television a month later. This
positive response garnered an audience, and led to a studio album,
he said.
“Writing music is ‘selfish,’”
Radin said. “I write the songs [as]
catharsis. It’s floating around my
head and it’s really the only way I
can…rest. Performing music provides the same relief. I just think it’s
cool when I get up there and people
are listening to the words and taking something away from the stories
I’m telling.”
Radin wants fans to enjoy the
music and relax at his shows. While
selling out venues on the headlining
is important, the acoustics of the
venue are most important to him,
he said.
“Moreover, I want to play somewhere where people can really hear
the music…and an intimate setting
cam really accomplish that,” he
said. “Usually the energy in the
room is really chill. It’s a more
intimate setting. It’s so nice to see
people respond to this.”
Photo courtesy Press Here Publicity
Joshua Radin, whose songs have been featured on “Grey’s Anatomy”
and “Scrubs,” will be performing Sunday at the 8 x 10 in Baltimore.
2006 Oscar nominations offer surprises
‘Dreamgirls’ leads with eight nominations, but misses out on Best Picture
Rob Scheer
Arts Editor
On Tuesday at 8:38 a.m the
nominations for the 79th Annual
Academy Awards were announced
by Academy President Sid Ganis
and former Oscar nominee Salma
Hayek. For better or worse, one
can’t accuse the Academy of prsent-
ing another set of predictable nominations; this year they delivered
more than a few shockers.
The most egregious and surprising was “Dreamgirls,” long considered to be THE Oscar frontrunner
this year, being snubbed in every
major category. However, almost as
shockingly, it still managed to garner
more nominations than any other
film this year, marking the first time
in 55 years that a film without a
Best Picture nom earned over seven
nominations (“Dreamgirls” got 8).
Besides “Dreamgirls,” the big
nomination news was that Spanishlanguage fantasy “Pan’s Labyrinth”
(my favorite film of 2006) drew a
whopping six nominations, more
than three of the five Best Picture
nominees. Other surprises included one of Academy favorite Pedro
Almodovar’s most praised films,
“Volver,” being left off the Foreign
Film nominees, as well as “Borat’s”
unexpected inclusion in the Best
Adapted Screenplay category.
Best Picture
-- “Babel” (seven nominations)
-- “The Departed” (five nominations)
-- “Letters From Iwo Jima” (four
-- “Little Miss Sunshine” (four
-- “The Queen” (six nominations)
Photo courtesy Paramount Vantage
“Babel” received seven Oscar nominations on Tuesday morning,
including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay.
Virtually every Oscar prognosticator worth his or her salt was
predicting the same five films this
year: “Babel,” “The Departed,”
Sunshine,” and “The Queen.” In
fact many had complained that this
year’s Best Picture nominees were
the most locked-in they’ve been in
years, due to almost all the guilds
(the Actors, Directors, Producers,
and Writers) agreeing on them.
But where there’s a Clint, there’s
a way. Despite a complete lack of
support by the guilds, and strong
suggestions that Oscar voters didn’t
even see the film they nominated,
“Letters From Iwo Jima” proved
that, regardless of quality or content, whenever Clint Eastwood
makes a movie, it will almost assuredly be praised as a “masterpiece”
and garner an Oscar nomination
for Best Picture. Its presence here
also solidifies this as the most
wide-open Best Picture race in over
a decade. “Iwo Jima” and “The
Queen” are easily the critical favorites, and if not the most loved, at
least the most admired. “Little Miss
Sunshine” took home the Producers
Guild Award last weekend, “Babel”
won the Best Picture prize at the
Golden Globes, and “The Departed”
won the leading honors at the
Broadcast Film Critics Association
January 25, 2007
Alex Plimack
Staff Writer
Josh Radin comes to 8 x 10 on Sunday
The Towerlight
‘Art and the
Mobile Phone’
on display at
See OSCAR, page 25 23
o v
Chaotic crime flick ‘Aces’
for fans of frenetic action
Joe Carnahan’s ultraviolent shoot-em-up lacks
substance, but provides mindless entertainment
By Rob Scheer
Forget the Academy, here’s my ballot
Admittedly, the Academy’s taste
has improved in recent years – for
nominees at least. But the better/
hipper they get, they still aren’t cool
enough to acknowledge movies like
“Children of Men” in main categories. They got some right this year,
while making other horrific calls.
Here were my picks for the best of
2006 (my picks for deserved winners
are in bold). Some categories have 6
contenders instead of 5, while others have 3. Why? Because I can.
Best Picture
-- “Babel”
-- “Children of Men”
-- “The Fountain”
-- “Pan’s Labyrinth”
-- “United 93”
Foreign Film
-- “Volver”
-- “Pan’s Labyrinth”
-- “Curse of the Golden Flower”
Photo courtesy Universal Pictures
Ryan Reynolds (left) plays an FBI agent in the middle of mayhem in Joe Carnahan’s “Smokin’ Aces.”
Alex Plimack
Staff Writer
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
“Smokin’ Aces” is the epitome
of a guy movie. People get shot,
curse words are dropped, shit goes
boom and it all involves the mob,
the FBI, a snitch, and a bunch of
hit men. There’s blood, some guts
and a good amount of humor to
keep the movie from taking itself
too seriously (for the most part).
“Smokin’ Aces” is escapist cinema
at its finest.
With a rather large cast featuring Ben Affleck, Andy Garcia, Ray
Liotta, Jeremy Piven, and Ryan
Reynolds (just to name a few), it
would seem like the plot would get
lost in all of the star power, but it
doesn’t. Instead, there’s a rather
straightforward (albeit confusing
at times) story of Mafia boss Primo
Sparazza looking to take out his
former protégé Buddy “Aces” Israel
(Jeremy Piven, in subdued/cokedout form) after Israel decides to
snitch to the FBI. The FBI wants
to protect their witness and their
case from Sparazza and the various groups of assassins hired to
kill Israel.
Enter the clichéd but hilarious assortment of contract killers, ranging from a lesbian couple
(Taraji Henson and Alicia Keys), to
the bail bondsmen (Affleck, Peter
Berg and Martin Henderson), to
the sadistic redneck brothers The
Tremors (Chris Pine, Kevin Durand
and Maury Sterling). The introduction of the hit men is inter24 twined with the FBI learning of
the threat on Israel’s life. As the
FBI discovers what’s at stake, so
do the assassins and in turn, the
audience. Director Joe Carnahan
(“Narc”) cleverly uses this as a
way to include the viewers in the
movie, instead of having information forced down their throats,
they are another party in the revelation and understanding of key
Carnahan doesn’t shy away
from creating a self-aware movie.
He knows that what he’s crafted
is a witty concept and makes no
apologies for it. Many of the cuts
between scenes feature a character
in one scene saying something and
the character in the subsequent
scene seemingly responding. For
example, one scene ends with a hit
man talking about “a couple a dead
dudes” followed by the next scene
beginning with a character saying
“so these fellas.” It’s a smart way to
link the parts of the movie together
and create a flow throughout.
The script, written by Carnahan,
features the assassins’ paths beginning to cross when they all eventually convene on the Lake Tahoe
hotel where Israel is hiding out.
It’s fun to watch all the characters
that started the beginning of the
movie apart and having nothing
to do with each other all coming together in the end in bloody,
frenetic shootouts. However, certain scenes throughout the movie
are completely superfluous and
practically a chore to sit through.
Thankfully, these cumbersome
sequences are usually book-ended
by action or humor scenes and
sometimes both.
In the final twenty minutes,
the movie tries to make sense of
all of the frantic action that the
film undertakes. Its biggest flaw is
that there’s absolutely no message
behind what took place in the preceding hundred minutes. It would
seem like Carnahan wants to comment on loyalty, following Israel’s
bathroom conversation with his
bodyguard, Ivy (Common). When
it’s all said and done, the concluding scenes and twist are forced and
try too hard to achieve a sort of
Does it detract from the overall
film? It depends. Don’t go into
“Smokin’ Aces” expecting to think
hard with an intriguing crime
thriller. Go for the action and the
mindless entertainment; stay for
the humor and clever script.
-- Guillermo Del Toro,
“Pan’s Labyrinth”
-- Alfonso Cuaron,
“Children of Men”
-- Paul Greengrass, “United 93”
-- Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu,
-- Martin Scorsese, “The Departed”
-- Sacha Baron Cohen, “Borat”
-- Leonardo DiCaprio,
“The Departed”
-- Ryan Gosling, “Half Nelson”
-- Hugh Jackman, “The Fountain”
-- William H. Macy, “Edmond”
-- Forest Whitaker,
“The Last King of Scotland”
Supporting Actor
-- Robert Downey Jr.,
“A Scanner Darkly”
-- Eddie Murphy, “Dreamgirls”
-- Steve Carell,
“Little Miss Sunshine”
-- Greg Kinnear,
“Little Miss Sunshine”
-- Jackie Earle Haley,
“Little Children”
-- Sergi Lopez, “Pan’s Labyrinth”
Supporting Actress
-- Jennifer Hudson, “Dreamgirls”
-- Adriana Barrazza, “Babel”
-- Rinko Kikuchi, “Babel”
-- Phyllis Somerville,
“Little Children”
-- Jill Clayburgh,
“Running With Scissors”
-- Catherine O’Hara,
“For Your Consideration”
Original Screenplay
-- “Pan’s Labyrinth”
-- “United 93”
-- “Volver”
-- “Stranger Than Fiction”
-- “Brick”
Adapted Screenplay
-- “Little Children”
-- “Thank You For Smoking”
-- “The Departed”
-- “Children of Men”
-- “Tristram Shandy: A Cock & Bull
-- “The Prestige”
-- “Shut Up & Sing”
-- “Deliver Us From Evil”
-- “An Inconvenient Truth”
-- “Wordplay”
-- “Jesus Camp”
-- “Dave Chappelle’s Block Party”
-- Helen Mirren, “The Queen”
-- Kate Winslet, “Little Children”
-- Judi Dench, “Notes on a Scandal”
-- Penelope Cruz, “Volver”
-- Cate Blanchett,
“The Good German”
Animated Film
-- “Monster House”
-- “Happy Feet”
-- “Flushed Away”
-- “A Scanner Darkly”
--“Over the Hedge”
Genre: Action/Thriller/
Rating: R
Running Time: 114 min
Who's in it: Ryan
Reynolds, Jeremy Piven,
Ray Liotta, Ben Affleck,
Martin Henderson, Peter
Berg, Common, Alicia
Keys, Taraji Henson, Andy
Garcia, Chris Pine, Jason
Towerlight Rating:
Photo courtesy Picturehouse
Guillermo Del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” is now playing everywhere.
‘Catch,’ ‘Release,’ it’s all right to throw this one back
Photo courtesy Sony Pictures
Rob Scheer
Arts Editor
It’s difficult to even muster up any
thoughts or feelings about Susannah
Grant’s “Catch and Release” because
it really doesn’t leave much of an
impression. It’s certainly diverting
enough to pass two hours, but it’s
tough to imagine anyone being really taken with it, or actively despising
it. Grant is the reigning queen of
GOOD chick flicks, having written
“Erin Brockovich” and the wonderful, under-seen “In Her Shoes.”
Here in her directorial debut, she
crafts something significantly more
familiar and run-of-the-mill.
If anything, the film deserves
mild praise for a somewhat unconventional premise for a movie of this
type. The upcoming wedding of Gray
(Jennifer Garner, whose lips have
never looked bigger) is transformed
into a funeral when her fiancé Grady
(Gray and Grady? All I kept thinking
of was ‘Julia Gulia’) dies in a boat-
ing accident. Soon after his death
she discovers he not only was significantly wealthier than he let on,
he also made monthly donations to
Maureen (Juliette Lewis), who Gray
finds out Grady cheated on her and
fathered a child with.
On top of that, Grady’s mother
(Fiona Shaw) is badgering Gray to
give back the family engagement ring,
Gray begins a far-too-soon romance
with Grady’s friend Fritz (Timothy
Olyphant) and she’s forced to move
in with her friends Sam (Kevin
Smith) and Joe (Sam Jaeger).
This is the first time filmmaker
Smith has been given a significant
part in a major motion picture other
than his own, and as himself, he
does a pretty good job. The guy
looks more massive than usual, and
Grant doesn’t do him any favors
by having him scarfing down some
sort of food in virtually every scene
he’s in. Much of his dialogue is
comprised of quotes he reads off
of herbal tea boxes, but aside from
that, he provides the majority of the
laughs in the movie and even has a
scene where he gets to emote.
Though Smith carries much of
the humor of the film on his shoulders, he also embodies one of its
chief problems. While he’s funny,
almost all of his scenes are extraneous comic relief that only serve
to bump up the running time to a
bloated two hours.
Garner is her regular charming
self, and even though she has some
crying scenes, she doesn’t do anything here beyond what she’s done.
Though Gray has trials and tribulations, this is basically a “nice”
movie in which everything works
out well for everyone. Everyone gets
a love interest to spend their life
with and by the end of the movie
that I half-expected Grant to provide
the little kid with a little girl to hook
up with.
“Catch and Release” provides a
decent afternoon at the movies, and
people who like this sort of thing
will have a nice time. But there are
certainly lots of better movies at
your disposal at this time of year.
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 117 min.
Who's in it: Jennifer
Garner, Timothy Olyphant,
Kevin Smith, Sam Jaeger,
Juliette Lewis, Fiona Shaw
Towerlight Rating:
OSCAR: Clint Eastwood strikes again with ‘Iwo Jima’
Best Director
-- Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu,
-- Martin Scorsese, “The
-- Clint Eastwood, “Letters From
Iwo Jima”
-- Stephen Frears, “The Queen”
-- Paul Greengrass, “United 93”
The Picture-Director matchups
for “Babel,” “The Departed” and
“The Queen” make complete sense
and were widely expected, and the
Academy has made their hard-on
for Eastwood widely known by this
point in time.
So the one true surprise here
has to be the much-deserved nomination for Mr. Greengrass. While
Greengrass received numerous
awards this season for his direction,
many had assumed that Academy
members (like audiences) would
find the 9/11 drama too difficult to
watch and/or nominate. However,
his nomination itself should be considered a victory, as this is most
assuredly Mr. Scorsese’s year.
Best Actor
-- Leonardo DiCaprio, “Blood
-- Ryan Gosling, “Half Nelson”
-- Peter O’Toole, “Venus”
Though in recent weeks, some
(including myself) had deluded
themselves into thinking that Sacha
Baron Cohen could make it in here
for “Borat,” generally these were the
five that were universally expected, with the biggest “get” being
Ryan Gosling for his work in the
little-seen gem “Half Nelson.” The
real surprise in this category is not
DiCaprio’s inclusion, but for which
film he got the nomination.
Despite his career-best work in
“The Departed” and that film’s Best
Picture nomination, voters apparently preferred his vastly inferior performance in the overblown, self-important “Blood Diamond.” Though the
Oscar could go to O’Toole if voters
want to reward the living legend
before he kicks the bucket, it’ll
likely go to Whitaker, who’s swept
every award he’s been eligible for
all season.
Best Actress
-- Penelope Cruz, “Volver”
-- Judi Dench, “Notes on a
-- Helen Mirren, “The Queen”
-- Meryl Streep, “The Devil
Wears Prada”
-- Kate Winslet, “Little Children”
This was the most predictable
category of them all, with the same
lineup that has been repeated at
award show after award show, and
rightly so. If these aren’t the five
best leading female performances
of the year, they’re pretty close.
Kudos to the Academy for getting it
right. Oh, and if you can bet on anything on Oscar night, it’s that Helen
Mirren is taking home this trophy.
Best Supporting Actor
-- Alan Arkin, “Little Miss
-- Jackie Earle Haley, “Little
-- Djimon Hounsou, “Blood
-- Eddie Murphy, “Dreamgirls”
-- Mark Wahlberg, “The
Djimon Hounsou gave possibly
my least-favorite performance in a
film this year in “Blood Diamond.”
The one-note performance consist of
nothing but him literally running and
screaming “My Son!” for two and a
half hours, all while re-using character elements he’s played before. But
no matter; if Oscar loves anything
it’s the “noble black man” archetype they’ve rewarded time and time
again to show they’re progressive,
even if the performance is subpar.
Good on Alan Arkin for getting
his sentimental career-rewarding
nomination, even if he wasn’t nearly
as impressive as “Sunshine” co-stars
Steve Carell or Greg Kinnear. Eddie
Murphy was perhaps the only lock
this category had, and he’s your
Photo courtesy Warner Bros.
Leonardo DiCaprio received a Best Actor nomination for ‘Blood
Diamond,’ not his infinitely superior performance in ‘Departed.’
likely winner.
Wahlberg surprised the hell out
of me for getting in here over his
“Departed” co-star Jack Nicholson,
but, hey, I love the performance so
I can’t complain. But perhaps my
most joyful moment on nomination
morning was Jackie Earle Haley’s
nomination for “Little Children.”
Though the film has yet to open in
most parts of the country (including Baltimore) and many thought
Haley’s role as a childlike sex
offender would be too off-putting
for the Academy, the stunning performance made it through. Though
Murphy is the front-runner, Haley’s
(best known as Kelly Leak in the
original “Bad News Bears”) performance and real-life comeback story
may be too good for them to resist.
Best Supporting Actress
-- Adriana Barrazza, “Babel”
-- Cate Blanchett, “Notes on a
-- Abigail Breslin, “Little Miss
-- Jennifer Hudson, “Dreamgirls”
-- Rinko Kikuchi, “Babel”
Aside from past Oscar-winner
Blanchett, these are all first-time
nominees, making this category
the poster-child for racial diversity.
All five ladies were deserving of
their nominations in this fairly predictable category, though the Oscar
will probably go to former “American
Idol” loser Hudson, for her first-ever
performance in a film.
January 25, 2007
awards. This is a category where
truly anything can happen.
-- Will Smith, “The Pursuit of
-- Forest Whitaker, “The Last
King of Scotland”
The Towerlight
From page 23
Sudoku consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into 9 smaller grids of
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For the solutions to
today’s crossword and
Sudoku puzzles,
turn to page 28.
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Distributed by Tribune Media Services.
Reprinted with permission.
FghWXag4W`\ff\ba C?HFBA8 9eXXj\g[BaX6TeW
The Towerlight
looking for a FULL TIME position that will be flexible with your
school schedule? Look no further...
1st Mariner Bank is in need of
Tellers in your area: Columbia,
Dundalk, Loch Raven, Lutherville, Owings Mills, and Towson.
Please submit your resume to 1st
Mariner enjoys a drug/alcohol/
smoke-free workplace. E. O. E. /
NEEDED Chili’s Restaurant in
Timonium is hiring lunch servers
and hosts. If you need a job that is
flexible with your school schedule,
this is it. We are looking for people
available some day shifts Monday
thru Friday, weekends and nights
are also available. Please come in
& fill out an application MondayThursday between 2 & 4. We would
love to hear from you. 410-3088740.
to assist doctor with patient care.
No experience needed. Fax or
Email resume 410-252-7774, 2527770.
Musically inclined w/4 yrs. piano
- Flexible hrs. Teaching children piano. -Fun Job! We supply students
and materials -$20/ HR. Bonuses.
MUST HAVE CAR. 410-654-9131.
great pay, days/evenings/weekends
avail, no experience necessary, will
train, No canvassing, No coldcalling, all majors welcome, 100
scholarships, conditions apply. Call
Now 410-821-7870.
STUDY Jobs. Art Office seeks
friendly receptionists with MS
Word, Excel exp. Center for Arts.
$5.15 - $7.15. Call Lynne Ross: 410704-3639.
We are looking to hire experienced
servers, hosts/ hostesses, bartenders,
cocktail servers, runners, bussers,
and barbacks. Qualified applicants
should have 1-2 years previous
experience in a high volume, fine
dining establishment. Apply in
person: Ruth’s Chris Pier 5 - 711
Eastern Avenue 410.230.0033 and
Blue Sea Grill - 614 Water Street
com Fax 410.602.2873 An equal opportunity employer.
SHOP Seeking PT/ FT help at our
Festival at Bel Air and KenilworthTowson locations. Flexible hrs.
Apply in person or email resume to
WANTED: CAMP COUNSELORS Escape to the Shenandoah
Mountains of West Virginia. Timber
Ridge Camp is a Co-ed overnight
camp seeking, fun, energetic staff,
to work with children for the summer. Top salary, travel allowance.
SALES Local internet company is
looking for sales representatives.
Commission based. Contact info@
NANNY Looking for full-time
nanny for two adorable girls beginning in January. Employers follow
Baltimore County Public Schools
calendar and will provide paid vacations. A car is needed to transport
to preschool. Please contact Christina by phone 853-7345.
WEEKEND BABYSITTER NEEDED Sitter wanted for six year old
twins for Fri. and/ or Sat. nights.
Will pay $10/ hour. Three references required. Please call Caroline
at 410-215-3233.
adorable 7 mo. old girl in Rodgers
Forge! Starting in January, $10/
hr. Tuesdays 3-7, Thursdays 11-7,
Fridays 9-1, and some weekends.
Refs. required. Call: 410-783-1148 or
fun-loving individual to look after 2
kids, 7mo & 3yrs in a loving home
near Hunt Valley. Flexible 1020hrs/ wk. Experience & references
required. $10-12/hr. 410-560-6955.
warm, caring, trustworthy babysitter to care for my infant girl in our
Towson home on Saturdays 12
p.m.-5 p.m.. References required.
Preferably a non-smoker with own
transportation. $10/hr. Please contact me at
year old, 8-10 hours per week in
our Owings Mills home. Additional
evening hours requested for two
children ages 1 and 2. Please email
references and childcare experience
(flexible hours & some benefits)
& Counter Help for all shifts
Apply in person:
11321 York Road, Cockeysville Shawan Plaza next to Giant
sitter needed in Owings Mills area.
Flexible hours. Please call 410-5600858 or 410-627-6030.
Looking for caring student w/ exp.
to care for my 2 children in our
towson home. Must have transportation & be non-smoking. Mondays
from 11:15-5 and some Tuesdays if
available. Please email me if you are
interested at .
Phoenix area family seeking parttime Nanny for our toddler. Approximately 15hrs per week. Competitive salary. Flexibility needed.
Towson area family w/ 2 girls, 9 &
12 looking for afternoon help 3:15
- 5:45, 4 days a week Must have
own car to pick up from school &
transport to after-school activities.
Flexibility for holidays & snow
days a plus. Roommate job share a
possibility. Non-Smoker, must like
dogs. Please email julie.dambrogi@ or call 443-4653114 .
WANTED For after school care
weekdays (3 - 5 days, flexible). Pickup kids, ages 6 & 9, from school at
3:15 near Charles - Cold Spring and
take them to activities (tennis, ballet, etc) and/or home in Hereford.
Day usually finishes by 6:00 PM.
Competitive hourly wage plus mileage allowance. Must be friendly,
responsible and have a clean driving record. Call 443-831-4429.
for two children (ages 2 and 4). 8
to 10 hours/ week: Monday and
Friday, 12:30 - 4:30. Rate: $11/ hr.
Location: Hunt Valley. References,
childcare experience and transportation are required. Email lmarino@ if interested .
Fun, energetic & responsible babysitter needed 2 days and 1-2 evenings per week. Days and nights are
flexible. Two children ages 5 yrs.
and 11 mo. References requested.
Please call 443-386-5577 or email
in Towson area for 5&7 year olds.
Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays
2:30pm-5:30pm. Transportation
& References required. Starting
Feb.1st or sooner. Please contact
Lisa @ 410-321-0312 or
More ADS, next page.
TU Department of Athletics
Study Hall Monitors
and Tutors Needed!
• Juniors and Seniors Preferred
• Responsible and Reliable People
with Flexible Schedules
• Days and Evenings Needed
Contact Info:
Geoff Gordon
Academic Advisor for Student-Athletes
• Be a counselor, instructor, lifeguard at
our day camp in Owings Mills
• Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air
• Be outside with great kids & co-workers
• Have your evenings and weekends free
• Work in a t-shirt and shorts
• Camp dates are June 21--August 18
Sounds good?
January 25, 2007
to do cleaning, yard work, other
odds and ends close to campus.
Flexible hours, good wages. Begin
ASAP. 410-321-0746.
AFTER SCHOOL NANNY Towson, $13/ hour; 10-15 hours a week,
negotiable hours, four minutes from
campus, two sweet, entertaining
boys 11 and 14 years old; five days
a week, starting approx. 3:45 pm
until 6 - 7 pm depending on your
schedule. josephadamsmd@yahoo.
com or 410-812-1447 (cell).
Immediate Positions
The Towerlight
TEACHER My Gym Children’s
Fitness Center in Timonium and
Bel Air is looking for full and part
time teachers to teach movement
classes to children ages 3 mo. to
13 years. Flexible day, evening and
weekend shifts. Will train. Stop
by for application or email us at or Or call
Now Hiring
hours/ wk-afterschool & weekend.
Seeking a reliable, loving, energetic sitter for toddler boy & girl in
Carney/ East Towson area. Salary
Negotiable. References, experience
& car required. E-mail jjwj0427@ or call 882-3508.
our 5 year old boy from school, take
about 3 miles to our Mt. Washington home. Mon., Wed. 5:45- 7:45
min., send references to Julie at, or call
(cell) 410-530-0389 or (home) 410542-0747.
for a fun, energetic, responsible
weekend sitter for our 2 kids (4
months and 2 years). References
and transportation required. Please
call 443-838-0937.
PT nanny needed in my home,
15-20 minutes north of Hunt Valley, for my infant starting in mid
August. Hours include Tues 10-4
and Wed 12-6 and one weekend a
month, Sat/Sun 10-4, with my 4
year old. Transportation is required
as well as a love of animals. Nonsmoker please. Competitive pay.
Email/call Jenny with references
and experience at longbot@hotmail.
com or 443-491-3012.
childhood or nursing student
needed to babysit a few weekdays
and ocassional weekends. Must be
comfortable with children ages newborn and three years. 410.472.432
Center seeks experienced Group
Counselors, Lifeguards, and Teachers of Art, Archery, and Rock
Climbing. Pay commensurate with
experience. Must be 18+, please
dial 410-337-7781 or go to
BABYSITTER! In Towson for 2
sweet boys (ages 4 & 6), avg 20
hrs/ wk, $10-12/ hr (experience
dependent), Wed/ Thu/ some Fri,
Refs/ car/ license required. Email
Lucy @
WE are looking for a fun, reliable
and responsible babysitter to pick
up our daughter from Friends
School. Pick up by 4:30pm-7:30pm
a couple days a week. Responsibilities include driving short
distance from school to our home,
assisiting with bath, overseeing
homewoork is completed, some
fun time prior to bed, and reading stories. Small house trained
6lb is in the home.(No walking or
feeding needed) Must have car and
good driving record. Excellent pay!
Please contact Barry or Robin at
BABYSITTER Babysitter needed
for two days a week for toddler and
5-year-old, Wed. and flex. other day.
Nice and fun family with dog. Close
to Cockeysville and Hunt Valley
area. Please call with references,
Stephanie 410- 584-7669.
FEMALE HOUSEMATES Nonsmoking students share home near
York and Seminary, 1.5 miles north
of Towson Campus. $525.00.
Utilities, high-speed wireless, piano.
No pets. 410-494-0633 dbricha@
teaches Spanish in Middle River,
MD 410-574-1698
or f RM needed - Lg 3 story house
less then mile from campus - 4
RM’s share 2 BR’s - fun relaxed
student atmosphere - $575/ month
+ utilities -on corner of Stevenson
and Hillen rd - no cats/ dogs - contact richie @ -
or call 240-888-6789.
JAN 2007 Remodeled 3 bedroom
Towson Townhouse. New Kitchen,
Baths, Hardwood Floors. Finished
Basement, AC, W/ D onsite.
Available January 2007. Rent is
$1650 a month for 3. $1900 for 4
students (using the basement as the
4th bedroom) Willing to negotiate
price for the right tenants.
Adam - 443-803-6027.
ROOMATE WANTED Non-smoking, drugfree, roomate to share 2 BR
1.5 bath newly renovated townhome
in trendy Hampden just 1/2 block
to The Avenue and 10 mins. to TU.
$500 plus 1/2 utilities. Refs req. No
pets. Call Katie 443-695-2625.
ADOPTION Happy and loving
couple wishes to adopt an infant.
Medical and legal expenses paid.
Call Linda or Ian 703-217-8204
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For info on display ads, click on
“Advertising Info”
and download our
current rate sheet.
The Towerlight
runs Crossword
and Sudoku Puzzles
every issue on the last page of
the Arts section.
Look for solutions here in
Solutions to
today’s Puzzles,
which appear on page 26.
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January 25, 2007
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Tigers find success during break
After 99 games, Kelly Robinson
had accumulated 999 points for
her collegiate career. Just one minute and 48 seconds into her 100th
game, Robinson scored points 1,000
and 1,001, becoming just the 13th
Towson women’s basketball player
to reach the milestone.
The senior forward finished with
16 points on 7-9 shooting to lead the
Tigers to a 74-68 win over Virginia
Commonwealth. This season she is
third on the team in scoring and
rebounding, averaging 10.1 points
and 4.6 rebounds.
The Hazlet, N.J. native is a fouryear starter. Robinson earned CAA
All-Rookie honors as a freshman after
averaging 11.9 points per game.
--Darnay Tripp
Men’s basketball plays
two double-overtime
Pat Kennedy’s team stayed busy in
the first week of January, playing two
consecutive double-overtime games
for the first time in program history.
Neal named co-Player
of the Week
A pair of 30-plus point outings
and a career-high nine assists against
UNC-Wilmington earned Neal CAA
player of the week honors for the
fifth time in his career.
On Jan. 15, Neal tallied 33 points
in a 70-62 win over cross-town
rival Loyola. Three days later in
Hempstead, NY, Neal put up 31
points in a shootout with Hofstra
guards Antoine Agudio and Loren
Stokes. And in the Tigers’ third
game in six days, Neal dished out a
career-high nine assists, to go with
19 points in Towson’s 75-61 win
over UNC-Wilmington.
Neal shared the honors with
Stokes, who scored 25 in Hofstra’s
win over the Tigers.
-Darnay Tripp
Men’s basketball falls
to Georgetown
The Tigers’ first game during winter break came on December 20
against a Georgetown team that
was ranked as high as No. 8 in the
nation earlier this season. Towson
left the Verizon Center with a 69-41
loss, dropping them to 5-5 on the
Neal led all scorers with 26
points, but was the only Tiger in
double figures. The Hoyas had
three players with at least a dozen
points, led by an 18-point outing by
Baltimore native DaJuan Summers.
Georgetown outscored Towson in
the paint, 22-8, and off turnovers,
19-9, in the Hoya victory.
--Darnay Tripp
Baker-Brice named CAA
Rookie of the Week twice
Freshman guard Shanae BakerBrice was named the CAA Rookie
of the Week for the third and fourth
times in her impressive freshman
For the week ending Jan. 1,
Baker-Brice was given her third
CAA Rookie of the Week Award
after scoring 28 points and adding
six rebounds and two steals to lead
the Tigers to a 72-64 victory over
Mount St. Maryís University.
Baker-Brice averaged 20.0 points
as the Tigers split conference games
against Hofstra and George Mason
to earn her fourth CAA Rookie of
the Week Award for the week ending Jan. 21. Baker-Brice leads all
CAA freshmen with a 15.2 point per
game scoring average.
--Matt Vensel
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
Freshman guard Shanae Baker-Brice leads the Tigers in scoring.
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
Senior guard Gary Neal was named CAA co-Player of the Week.
Senior Liz Lebherz was named
the CAA swimmer of the week for
the week ending Jan. 14. Against
George Mason, Lebherz won three
individual events and set a school
record in the 1,000-freestyle. She
also holds the school record in the
200-free and the 500-free.
--Matt Vensel
Gymnastics splits
tri-meet at College Park
The gymnastics team split their
season-opening tri-meet with the
University of Maryland and the
University of Pennsylvania on Jan.
12. Maryland took first place with a
score of 191.75 while Towson settled
for second with a score of 189.225
and Pennsylvania finished in third
place with a 181.825 score. Senior
Christina Ghani won the all-around
competition with a score of 38.375
while freshman Jackie Schweitzer
finished in third place.
--Matt Vensel
Lebherz and Hunt named
Swimmers of the Week
Tigers topple local
rival Greyhounds
The women’s swimming and diving team refused to be outdone by
the men’s team as they also had two
swimmers win the CAA Swimmer of
the Week award.
For the week ending Jan. 7, senior
Aly Hunt was honored as the swimmer of the week after leading the
Tigers to a 173.5-123.5 victory over
Delaware. Hunt finished first in the
100-back, the 50-free and the 100free and swam the second leg of the
Tigers’ victorious 200-free relay.
The Tigers snapped a two-game
losing skid with a huge 70-62 win
over their cross-town rivals Loyola
Jan. 15. The win was especially
significant because the Greyhounds
were sitting atop of the Mid-Atlantic
Athletic Conference and were riding
a four-game winning streak of their
Gary Neal played one of his most
efficient games of the season, scoring 33 points on 9-15 shooting.
After the game, Loyola head
coach Jimmy Patsos used his first
words of the press conference to say
that Neal was undoubtedly a future
professional basketball player.
The Greyhounds were led by
Gerald Brown who exchanged baskets with Neal for the majority of
the sold-out contest. Brown scored
26 points on 9-24 shooting and
grabbed four rebounds.
The Tigers opened the contest
with a 21-13 advantage and survived
several Loyola runs that fell short of
tying the game.
--Daniel Abraham
Will and Godfrey
honored as
Swimmers of the Week
Two members of the men’s swimming and diving team were named
the CAA Men’s Swimmer of the
Week in back-to-back weeks.
Sophomore Ryan Godfrey was
named the Swimmer of the Week for
the week ending January 7. Godfrey
led the Tigers to a 153-147 victory
over Delaware while finishing first
in the 1,000-free, the 500-free, and
the 100-butterfly.
The following week, senior Chris
Will earned the Tigers a second
straight Swimmer of the Week award
after his standout performance in
a 156.5-141.5 victory over George
Mason. Will finished first in the 50free and 100-free, tied for first in the
100-fly, and helped the Tigers pick
up a victory in the 200-medley relay.
The Tigers conclude their regular
season schedule this Saturday afternoon at Loyola.
--Matt Vensel 29
January 25, 2007
Robinson breaks
1,000 points
It started on January 3 at home
against VCU. Towson, who entered
the contest shooting 75.9 percent
from the free throw line, made just
18-31 attempts in the game. Rams
guard Jesse Pellot-Rosa forced the
first overtime by making a pair
of free throws in the last three
seconds of regulation. A 58-58 tie
turned into a 70-70 deadlock at
the end of the first overtime after
a runner by Eric Maynor sent the
teams’ first meeting of the season
into double-overtime.
A 3-pointer by B.A. Walker with
38 seconds remaining in the second overtime gave the Rams an
82-80 edge. Towson senior Gary
Neal missed a runner in the final
moments of the game, leading to a
loss in the Tigers’ first game of the
new year.
Three days later, the Tigers traveled to Atlanta to take on Georgia
St. A 3-pointer by the Panthers’
Rashad Chase knotted the score at
64 apiece. In the first overtime, it
was Neal who hit two of his game
high 30 points in the final seconds to make the score 72-72 after
the first OT. Chase nailed another
three-pointer in the final minute
of double-overtime to seal an 87-81
win for the Panthers.
--Darnay Tripp
The Towerlight
Towson studentathletes hit court,
pool, track during
COACHES: Get chance, shine
From page 32
Charles Arbogast/Associated Press
NFC Champion Chicago Bears
head coach Lovie Smith.
Al Behrman/Associated Press
AFC Champion Indianapolis
Colts head coach Tony Dungy.
scoring in
him about wanting a new contract.
When the Bears first hired him, he
was inheriting a team that finished
11-21 combined in the two previous
seasons. However, the Bears won
the division in his second year at
the helm.
I can only hope that these two
coaching pillars in the NFL will be
remembered not only as the first
African American coaches to lead
the best team in the league, but for
being the great men that they are.
Some say it’s sad that here we
are in 2007 and we’re finally able to
talk about a black coach making the
trip to the biggest individual game
in sports. But to me it’s even more
disheartening that last season there
were only six black coaches in the
National Football League. What’s
sadder than that is the fact that during that off-season all eight of the
first year head coaches hired in the
NFL were non-minorities.
There is clearly some discrimination amongst NFL owners when
it comes to race. Aside from Fritz
Pollard, who founded and coached
a professional football team in 1922,
Art Shell became the first black
coach hired in 1987 when Al Davis
gave him the job with the Raiders.
But the problem is that at least half
of those same owners who took 65
years to hire a minority head coach
are doing the hiring today. I’m not
calling all of the NFL owners racist, but the numbers of some speak
for themselves. It’s like my mother
always used to tell me, if it looks like
a duck, walks like a duck and talks
like a duck…
For those of you who live in
this magical land where rich,
older bosses make decisions on
employees based on the content of
their character and not the color
of their skin, I apologize because
this week’s column doesn’t apply
to you.
But in my world, there are plenty
of other candidates like Tony Dungy
and Lovie Smith who will never get
the opportunity.
So it doesn’t matter who wins the
battle next Sunday between Dungy
and Smith. What matters is that the
message is sent loud and clear to
not only the NFL, but to the NCAA
as well, that minority coaches can
get the job done.
So break out the recorders and
practice your TIVO skills because on
Super Bowl Sunday we will kick-off
black history month by witnessing a critical moment in AfricanAmerican history as well as a huge
step forward for equality.
NEAL: Senior guard
scores 36 points
From page 32
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
four Tigers scored in double figures,
something Mathews credits to her
experience within the system.
“Alis Freeman is one of the
consummate point guards in the
league,” Mathews said. “You can
see that with four players scoring in double digits today. I don’t
know if thatís happened all year.
The success has a lot to do with
Alis knowing where the ball needs
to go, where I want it to go and
Joining Baker-Brice in double
figures were Kelly Robinson with
15 points, Jamell Beasley with 13
points, and Kandace Davis with
10 points.
As a team, Towson shot 20-24
from the free throw line including a perfect 9-9 performance by
Robinson, who moved into 12th on
the Tiger career-scoring list during
the game.
Due to the Tigers’ full court pressure defense, the Patriots turned
the ball over 21 times, including 16
via Towson steals.
The Tigers return to the Towson
Center for a three-game home
stand beginning Feb. 1 against
30 Georgia State.
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
C.C. Williams dealt a program-record tying 13 assists in victory.
From page 32
more of the same as Towson began
with an 11-2 run to take a 32-point
As the Tigers put the ball in the
hoop with efficiency, point guard
C.C. Williams tallied his best performance as a ball distributor.
The junior handed out 13 assists
in the contest, which tied the program record.
“Earlier this year I was adjusting
to the Division I level,” Williams
said. “Now I’ve just been running
the plays and my teammates are
just hitting the shots.”
Center Tommy Breaux also left
his mark on the game by rejecting
five shots and ripping down four
Five different Tigers made 3pointers in the contest including
sophomore guard Tim Crossin who
made all three of his attempts.
Freshman forward Rodney Spruill
recorded his first double-digit scoring outing with 10 points.
“It’s far and away the highest
level we’ve played at since I’ve
been here,” Towson head coach
Pat Kennedy said. “As a coach it’s
been a joy just coaching these guys.
Practices have been different and
guys are just pushing each other
The Tigers will be back in action
this Saturday as they take on
CAA power Hofstra at the Towson
Seniors sent off
with victory
Gymnastics improves record; football
receives academic honors from A-10
Matt McGuire
Contributing Writer
At the final home meet of the
season on Jan. 20, both men’s
and women’s swimming and diving teams paid tribute to their
seniors with a victory over Drexel
at Burdick Pool.
From the women’s team, Aly
Hunt, Liz Lebherz, and Melissa
Leach were honored as well as Chris
Will from the men’s team. Each
senior won at least one event.
The men’s team showed well
with victories in six events, edging
Drexel by a count of 156.5-141.5.
The victory was the team’s third
straight, evening their record at
Will earned first place in the 200meter freestyle and 100-meter butterfly with times of 1:44.52 seconds
and 52.50 seconds respectively.
Junior Michael Toolan-Miller
won the 100-meter backstroke in
56.39 seconds while sophomore
Gordon Amato placed first in the
100-meter breaststroke with a
time of 1:01.47. Sophomore Edwin
Scanlon and freshman Devin Kirby
also placed first in their events.
The women’s team topped Drexel
with a final score of 171-115. The
team improved their record to 8-3
overall, 6-1 in conference and 4-2
at home.
Hunt placed first in the 200meter freestyle at a time of 1:53.78
as well as the 200-meter medley
relay at a time of 1:52.25. Leach
and Lebherz placed first in their
events. Leach in the 100-meter
backstroke at 1:00.84 and Lebherz
in the 50-meter freestyle at 25.15
Three freshmen swimmers also
brought in first place finishes.
Charlotte Wells being one of them,
placed first in the 1,000-meter
freestyle at 10:41.04. Stephanie
Guttenplan placed first in the 100meter breaststroke at 1:10.13 and
the Leslie Powell placed first in the
200-meter butterfly at 2:10.72.
Junior Ashley Lamp as well as
sophomores Dana DiRenzo and
Hillary Rieveley placed first in their
events also. Drexel’s sophomore
Kate Hynes swept the diving events
with scores of 251.20 in the onemeter and 256.70 in the threemeter.
Gymnastic take first at
The Towson gymnastics team
improved its record to 3-1 Jan. 19 at
Ursinus College as the Tigers swept
the tri-meet, defeating both host
Ursinus and Temple. The Tigers
scored 191.175 points as Ursinus
and Temple scored 184.150 and
182.650 respectively.
Freshman Jackie Schweitzer
placed first in the bars with a score
of 9.65 and the beam with a score of
9.75. Schweitzer also placed fourth
in the all-around competition.
Junior Decelia Willacy earned
first place in the all-around competition with a score of 38.725.
Senior Christina Ghani placed second in the all-around with a score
of 37.925 with teammate Christine
Logan placing third with a 37.825.
The Tigers as a team vaulted
well, gathering a score of 48.925,
with Ghani winning the even and
Alise McDonald placing third.
Ten Tigers honored for
The Atlantic 10 released its annual academic all-conference teams on
Jan. 23. Ten Tiger football players
received recognition for hitting the
books as hard as they do one another at Johnny Unitas Stadium.
Back-up quarterback Andrew
Goldbeck, who also serves as the
holder on field goal and extra point
attempts, received the honor for
the third time in as many years.
Along with Goldbeck, place kickers Mark Bencivengo, and Ron
Halbruner, linebackers Marcus
Frisby, and Josh Root, center Dave
Kahl, defensive backs Kenny Scott,
and Troy Ward, defensive end John
Webb and wide receiver Eric Yancey
were honored.
In order to be eligible for a
spot on the team a player must
maintain a 3.0 grade-point average
while being either a starter or key
Indoor Track finishes
fourth at Bucknell
The Tigers traveled to Bucknell
on Saturday to compete in the
annual Bucknell Heptagonal. The
host Bison finished in first, scoring 256 points, as Towson finished
fourth with 63.
Senior Stephanie Rathbauer led
the Tigers in field events, taking
first in the long jump and second
in the triple jump. Her long jump
bound was 5.72 meters while he
distance in the triple jump was
11.46 meters.
Junior Laura Passalacqua also
showed well in the field events,
taking first in the high jump with
a height of 1.7 meters. She also
competed in the 200-meter dash,
placing third.
Freshman Michelle Donadio
competed in two distance events,
taking third in the mile run and
fifth in the 3,000-meter run.
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Call the Sports desk at 410-704-5138
or e-mail
Tigers suit
and play over
See Page 29
Neal, Tigers handle Hens in rout
Gary Neal scores
2,000th career
point in 85-63 win
over Delaware
Daniel Abraham
Assistant Sports Editor
Gary Neal scored the 2,000th point
of his career Wednesday night as
the Tigers dismantled the Delaware
Blue Hens (3-17, 1-8) at the Towson
(10-10, 45) received big performances not
only from Neal, but from fellow
senior Dennard Abraham as the
two combined for 53 points helping
the Tigers to a 85-63 win over the
Blue Hens.
“For a while it seemed as though
he had all 2,000 tonight,” Delaware
head coach Monte Ross said. “He’s
the type of guy where the defense
has no effect on him. He misses
shots because he misses shots.
When he comes and he’s ready to
play he’s a tough match for anybody
across the country. [Neal] is a scorer in every sense of the word.”
The Hens were unable to stop
Neal, who scored a game-high 36
Dungy, Lovie
ready to set
foot at NFL
points on 14-24 shooting. The
star guard also pulled down four
rebounds and collected four assists.
“It felt great, it’s a nice accomplishment,” Neal said. “I wanted to
get it over with as soon as possible.
We got it over with and now we’re
focused on Towson basketball. This
is the best part of my college career
Abraham played well both inside
and out scoring 17 points and grabbing four boards.
“He got good position on us in
the first half,” Delaware forward
Herb Courtney said. “He got us
pretty deep in the post, then he
started hitting some outside shots
because his confidence went up.”
Abraham opened the game on
fire by sinking a 3-point shot from
the wing. He then moved down to
the block and scored on a drop step
post move.
Next time down the court, the
Blue Hens double-teamed him
inside, so he flipped the ball out
to Jonathan Pease who buried a
3-point basket. Neal then joined
in, hitting from beyond the arc.
Abraham would again score inside,
giving the Tigers a 13-0 advantage.
Towson continued to open the
lead taking a 44-21 advantage into
halftime. In the second half it was
Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
See NEAL, page 30
Gary Neal dunks two of his 36 points in the second half against UD.
good to get a win in conference, no
matter how it’s done.”
To begin the game, Mathews made
a slight change in his lineup, moving
sophomore captain Alis Freeman
back to the point, increasing her
ball handling responsibilities. She
had shared time at the position with
freshman guard Shanae Baker-Brice
this season, but Mathews said he
was looking to allow Baker-Brice to
move without the ball within the
As a result, along with full court
pressure defense to open the game,
the high-scoring freshman tallied
eight of the Tigers first 10 points.
Baker-Brice finished the game
with 21 points on 6-12 shooting
while converting 9-10 free throw
With the ball in Freeman’s hands,
Imagine if,
back in 1969,
simultaneously became the
first humans
to walk on the
moon. If only
one of whom
were named
would those
nine letters still mean anything?
I ask that question to spark your
thoughts on another closely related
question. Does having two AfricanAmerican head coaches in this year’s
Super Bowl, when there’s never
even been one, take away from the
separate accomplishments of each
individual? Or does it only add to
the significance of the event?
While having two of the six black
coaches in the league (that’s 33 percent for all you mathematicians out
there) is a great accomplishment,
my concern is that the character
and talents of both of these coaches
will be lost.
Tony Dungy is a family man,
who was an assistant coach for
15 years before becoming a head
coach in Tampa Bay in 1996, and
has endured several racial barriers and setbacks throughout his
career. Not only did he persevere
through the “choker” label he was
given, but he also was booted out of
Tampa the year before the very team
he worked so hard to build won
the Super Bowl. He never curses,
never stabs anyone in the back
and never causes distractions. How
fitting would it be if the man who
brought in and groomed the likes of
Herm Edwards, Mike Tomlin, and
his Super Bowl counterpart Lovie
Smith could become the first black
coach to win the Super Bowl?
But next Sunday, the pupil will
face the teacher as Smith who is
as moral a man as Dungy tries to
make history for himself. He’s currently the lowest paid coach in the
NFL despite winning the Coach
of the Year Award in 2005 and
yet I haven’t heard a peep from
See TIGERS, page 30
See COACHES, page 30
Mason surge falls short, Tigers top Pats
The Towerlight
January 25, 2007
Kiel McLaughlin
Sports Editor
File Photo/Patrick Smith/The Towerlight
Shanae Baker-Brice, left, scored 21 in the Tigers win over Mason.
A slow second half start by the
Tigers allowed George Mason (710, 1-6) to tie the score, 27-27, and
take a lead three minutes into the
Towson (12-5, 3-4 CAA) responded with a 19-2 run, holding the
without a
field goal
for 10 minutes, en route to a 6454 victory Sunday at the Towson
“There wasn’t any intensity in the
first few minutes of the second half,î
Towson head coach Joe Mathews
said. “George Mason came out and
played hard and got back into the
game. I didn’t like our intensity at
all, but we got it together. It’s always
Senior Kelly Robinson breaks 1,000 career points milestone; Senior Gary Neal
receives fifth career player of the week honor; four swimmers recognized by CAA
Recent Scores & U PCOMING G AMES:
W. Hoops: Towson 64, Mason 54
W. Hoops @ Drexel...........7 p.m. 1/25
M. Hoops @ Hofstra..........4 p.m. 1/27
Gymnastics @ Penn..........1 p.m. 1/27