Junior Individual Savings Account 0% Application forms


Junior Individual Savings Account 0% Application forms
Junior Individual
Savings Account
Application forms
Terms and conditions
Supplementary Information Document
Junior Individual Savings Account
What is a Junior Individual
Savings Account (Junior ISA)?
Supplementary Information Document
It is a savings account for children – but one that is taxefficient. There is currently no tax to pay on interest, income or
capital gain within the Junior ISA.
Junior ISA terms and conditions
Junior ISA application forms
And also just like ISAs, there are two types available: Cash
Junior ISAs and Stocks and Shares Junior ISAs.
Main features
Allowance of £4,000 per child per tax year, rising in line
with inflation
Account held in child’s name, but opened and managed
by parent or guardian
Once opened, anyone can contribute to a child’s Junior
ISA: you don’t have to be a parent, guardian or relation
No withdrawals are allowed until the child becomes 18,
when the Junior ISA can be transferred to an ‘adult’ ISA –
and the child gains full access to his or her capital
Same tax benefits as an ISA
The annual allowance (currently £4,000) can be split in
any proportion between Cash and Stocks and Shares
Artemis offers only Stocks and Shares Junior ISAs.
Who is eligible?
Any child resident in the UK who wasn’t eligible or did not
register for a Child Trust Fund (CTF). This is most likely to
Children born on or after 3 January 2011
Children born on or before 21 August 2002
Children born on or between 1 September 2002 and
2 January 2011 who didn’t qualify for a CTF
For more information about Junior ISAs please read the
following pages.
Supplementary Information
Thank you for requesting information from Artemis. If you
require any additional information about us or our funds
please contact us;
You can phone us on 0800 092 2051, between 8am and
6pm Monday to Friday. We may record and monitor any
phone calls.
You can also:
• send an email to: investorsupport@artemisfunds.com; or
• write to us at:
independent service that helps you search for an
independent financial adviser (IFA) online at unbiased.co.uk.
The investment
A Junior ISA can invest in any one or more of the following
Artemis managed unit trusts;
Artemis Capital Fund
Artemis European Growth Fund
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
PO Box 9688
CM99 2AE.
Artemis European Opportunities Fund
Documents in alternative formats
Artemis Global Income Fund
If you want any document in another format (for example,
in large print, in Braille or on CD), phone the Client Services
team on 0800 092 2051 or contact us by email or by post at
the addresses shown above.
Artemis Global Select Fund
Please read this document and the Key Investor Information
Document(s) (KIIDs) relating to the fund(s) selected before
making an investment.
We treat all investors who buy our fund(s) as retail clients.
That means you receive the greatest level of protection
under the Financial Conduct Authority’s regulations.
Before investing, you should consider the following.
• Are you comfortable that you fully understand the
features of the fund(s) you have chosen for the child?
• Do you understand that the fund(s) is/are only suitable
for investors who are prepared to put their money away
for at least five years?
• Do you understand and accept that the child may not get
back all of the investment?
• Have you considered all the risks involved?
• Do you understand how charges affect the investment?
We recommend that you get independent financial advice
before making any investment decisions. ‘Find an IFA’ is an
Artemis Global Energy Fund
Artemis Global Growth Fund
Artemis High Income Fund
Artemis Income Fund
Artemis Monthly Distribution Fund
Artemis Strategic Assets Fund
Artemis Strategic Bond Fund
Artemis UK Growth Fund
Artemis UK Smaller Companies Fund
Artemis UK Special Situations Fund
Each fund has different aims and objectives and sector
exposure. Before investing in a fund you must have read the
latest KIID for that fund. This is available from your adviser,
Artemis Client Services or artemis.co.uk.
A unit trust allows investors to pool money with other
investors to buy a wider range of investments than you would
be able to do on your own. This can help to reduce risk by
spreading money over a range of investments and provides
access to the services of a professional fund manager.
All Artemis funds are divided into units, with the number of
units held representing the child’s share.
Additional information and copies of the fund’s latest annual
and interim reports and accounts are available from our
website artemis.co.uk.
What are the Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs)
and Supplementary Information Document (SID)?
The KIIDs and SID are essential documents available to all
The KIIDs contain details of the investment objective, charges
and risks for our funds. A KIID is aimed at helping you assess
whether a particular fund meets the child’s needs. It comes
in a standardised format. The SID provides additional useful
information you should be aware of before investing with us.
When considering an investment in any of our funds, you
should read the KIID for each fund and the SID carefully so
that you understand what you are buying for the child, and
then keep them safe for future reference. To make sure you
have the most up-to-date version of the relevant KIIDs and
SID, please visit our website or contact us.
What is a Junior ISA?
Junior ISA stands for ‘Junior Individual Savings Account’.
Junior ISAs were introduced in November 2011 to allow
children to hold a range of investments in a tax-efficient
account. Children who are resident in the UK, under 18 and
born after 3 January 2011, or any child that does not have a
Child Trust Fund account, can invest in a Junior ISA.
There are two types of Junior ISA – a Cash Junior ISA and
a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA. Depending on limits set by
HM Revenue & Customs, an appropriate adult can invest
on behalf of a child in a Cash Junior ISA and a Stocks and
Shares Junior ISA in the same tax year. A child can only hold
one Stocks and Shares Junior ISA and one Cash Junior ISA
at any one time.
Who can open a Junior ISA?
A Junior ISA can only be opened by a person aged 16
or over. This can be the child themselves, if they are
aged between 16 and 18, or a person with parental
responsibilities. The person with parental responsibility
could be the child’s natural parents, a person who has
legally adopted the child, a person who has been granted
parental responsibility by the courts or a local authority that
has parental responsibility for a child in its care.
This person, named as the applicant in the Junior ISA application
form, will be known as the registered contact and referred to as ‘you’
or ‘I’ throughout this document.
Who can invest into a Junior ISA?
Once an account has been opened by the child themselves
or the registered contact, any person can invest into the
Junior ISA. The person need not be a resident in the UK,
nor do they need to be related to the child. Consent of the
registered contact, i.e the responsible parent or child if over
16, is not required before accepting the subscription from any
person. However, the registered contact must confirm the
fund choice, and that they have read the KIIDs for the fund(s)
Subscriptions are made as a gift to the child, and cannot be
repaid to the subscriber. Subscriptions can still be made even
if a child becomes non-resident in the UK.
Buying and selling
How does the registered contact invest in a Junior ISA?
You can open a Junior ISA:
through a financial adviser;
by phoning us on 0800 092 2051 to make an investment
using a debit card;
by filling in a Junior ISA application or top up form and
sending it to us. If you choose to invest a regular amount
each month, you must fill in a Direct Debit instruction.
You may want to send a cheque for your first monthly
contribution with your Direct Debit instruction as we may
not be able to set up your Direct Debit in time for the next
collection. We will collect your Direct Debit payments in
the first working day of each month.
Are there minimum and maximum investment limits?
Minimum initial lump sum Maximum investment in 2014/2015 tax year
Minimum top-up lump sum
Minimum regular investment Minimum balance in each fund £500
£50 a month
Our minimum and maximum investment limits are set out in
the table above.
If a payment has been made into a Cash Junior ISA during
the current tax year, this will reduce the amount that can be
invested in a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA.
The limit for the current tax year 2014/2015 is £4,000 for
all eligible Junior ISA accounts. You can invest the entire
amount in a Cash Junior ISA or a Stocks and Shares Junior
ISA, or it can be split. It need not be split equally, but the
subscription limit must not be exceeded. Only one Cash
Junior ISA and one Stocks and Shares Junior ISA can be
held at any one time.
We only offer a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA.
If we receive your instruction before 12 noon we will invest
in the funds on the same working day. If we receive your
instruction after 12 noon we will invest in the funds on the next
working day.
Can I top up the investment?
Any person can make extra investments as long as the
amount does not go over the maximum allowed in a tax year.
The minimum top-up lump sum is £500.
The minimum regular investment is £50 a month.
The registered contact must confirm the fund choice, and that
they have read the KIIDs for the fund(s) selected.
What happens if a payment is not made following an
instruction to buy units?
If you do not make the appropriate payment when you have
instructed us to buy units, we may, without giving you notice,
cancel that instruction or, if we have already bought the units,
sell them to pay off any amounts you owe us. If your units
have fallen in value, you would have to pay any shortfall.
How do I make a withdrawal from the Junior ISA?
The child, or any other person, cannot make any
withdrawals from the Junior ISA. Only the child can
withdraw funds when they turn 18 years of age, once
we have received proof of identity and a completed ISA
application form so that the Junior ISA can be converted
to an adult ISA. This can be completed prior to the child’s
18th birthday so that it does not delay the sale of units if
required. Investments can be withdrawn prior to the child’s
18th birthday when a terminal illness claim has been
agreed, and we have received confirmation of this from HM
Revenue & Customs.
Will I receive an income?
No, it is not permitted to receive any income from a Junior
ISA account.
Any income the fund(s) receive(s) is reinvested into the fund
and automatically reflected in the value of your units.
If the High Income Fund is selected, any income the units
earn will be reinvested and will buy more units.
What happens when the child is/turns 16?
If the applicant is aged between 16 and 18 they can apply for
a Junior ISA as the registered contact, with the authority to
make investment decisions.
When a child holding an Artemis Junior ISA turns 16 we will
write to the child requesting their National Insurance number.
We will also confirm to the child that they can take over
the management of the account. If they wish to do so they
should apply in writing to Artemis.
Please remember no withdrawals can be made from a Junior
ISA until the child is 18.
In the tax year in which a child turns 16 they can subscribe
up to the full Junior ISA limit. In addition, from their 16th
birthday, they can subscribe to up to 50% of the adult ISA
limit into a Cash ISA.
In the tax year in which a child turns 17 they can subscribe
up to the full Junior ISA limit, and subscribe up to 50% of the
adult ISA limit into a Cash ISA.
What happens when the child is/turns 18?
When a child holding an Artemis Junior ISA turns 18, we
will write to the child confirming they can take over the
management of the account, and request they complete an
adult ISA application form.
In the tax year in which a child turns 18 they can subscribe
up to the full Junior ISA limit. In addition, from their 18th
birthday they can subscribe up to 100% of the adult ISA limit
2014/2015 is £15,000 into an adult Stocks and Shares ISA or
up to 50% of the adult Cash ISA limit.
Only the child can withdraw funds from their Junior ISA when
they turn 18 years of age. We will require proof of identity
and a completed ISA application form. If required, this can be
completed prior to the child’s 18th birthday so that it does not
delay the sale of units.
How do I close the Junior ISA?
A Junior ISA can only be closed when the child reaches
their 18th birthday, by direct request from HM Revenue
& Customs or the death of the child If there is a nominal
balance, the Junior ISA can be closed to cover management
charges and other specific expenses.
What happens to the Junior ISA if the child dies?
Proof of death of the child must be obtained before the
Junior ISA can be closed. We require sight of the original
death certificate or the coroner’s interim document before
we can close an account. Any subscriptions made after the
date of death will not be valid subscriptions to the Junior
ISA. Interest, dividends or gains after the date of death are
not exempt from tax.
What if I change my mind?
If you have purchased this product as a result of a personal
recommendation from a financial adviser you would be
entitled to cancel your investment should you change your
If you have the right to cancel, we will send you a
cancellation notice. You will then have 14 days from the date
you receive that notice in which to cancel.
Details of how you might exercise these rights will be sent to
you with your contract note confirming your investment.
If the value of units has fallen since you opened your
account, you may not get back the full amount you invested.
Can I stop or change my monthly payment?
Yes. All you need to do is to send us a completed
amendment form. It may take up to 10 working days to
change a Direct Debit instruction. If you change your bank
account details, you must send us a new Direct Debit
instruction form. Please remember a child may have multiple
Direct Debits on their account at any one time.
I am the registered contact, how do I tell you about any
change in my personal details?
What documents will you send to confirm the investment?
You must write to us to tell us about any change in your
personal details. Our address is given at the beginning of this
We will send a contract note to confirm the investment to
the registered contact or the child if they have taken over
management of their account.
If you are not the registered contact and are paying regular
investments, we will send you an acknowledgement letter.
Every six months the registered contact will receive a
statement showing the value of the child’s investments and
any transactions since the last statement. The valuations
shown on the statement will be as at the 12 noon valuation
point on 5 April and 5 October.
How are units priced?
The value of units is related directly to the value of the
investments held by the fund. We work out buying and
selling prices at 12 noon each working day. This is known as
the valuation point.
Can the registered contact be changed?
Yes, we require written consent from the existing registered
contact before we can make any changes, even when the
applicant is the account holder who is 16 years or older.
Written confirmation is not required, where:
a registered contact dies or cannot be contacted
a registered contact lacks capacity
a court order brings an end to the existing person being a
person with parental responsibility for the child
a court has appointed a guardian, orders the existing
registered contact to cease or the new registered contact
has adopted the child.
The offer price is the price at which you would have
traditionally bought units. However, we are currently waiving
the initial charge. Therefore, the price you will normally buy
units at is the creation price, which does not include an initial
We require sight of suitable documentation to evidence this
before any changes can be made.
How will I be able to follow the progress of the child’s
You can find out the value of the investment, unit prices and
the yield of each fund from Artemis. As well as the valuations
we send out, the registered contact will also receive the
fund’s annual and interim short reports. You can get the latest
copies of the report and accounts from us or our website at
A Junior ISA cannot be operated under a Power of Attorney
(POA) for the registered contact.
How will charges and expenses affect the investment?
Unit prices for all funds are available from artemis.co.uk.
When units are bought, a one-off charge is paid which is
included in the price paid for the units. However, this charge
is currently being waived. After that an annual management
charge (AMC) is paid. We work this out each day as a
percentage of the average value of each fund. For each fund
there are other charges for the following:
How are the investments held?
The costs of holding meetings with investors.
The investments will be held in the name of the registered
contact, but the child is the beneficial owner of the account.
Fees and expenses for any legal or professional advice
for the funds.
Can I re-register?
The costs of publishing daily prices and any costs of
preparing, producing (including printing), distributing and
revising fund documents.
Charges related to fund administration and accounting.
Yes. Re-registration is the process through which the
registered contact can transfer units from our register of
the relevant fund to that of a subregister, such as a fund
supermarket which offers access to a wider range of funds.
The registered contact’s interest in the investment is recorded
as a ‘nominee name’ on the relevant subregister. However,
we will not be able to recognise the child as the underlying
holder. If monthly investments are being made, new Direct
Debit instructions will need to be set up with the organisation
transferred to, as your existing Direct Debit will be cancelled.
Smaller charges including trustee fees, registration, bank,
custodial and audit fees and other allowable expenses are
also charged to the funds. Full details of charges are listed in
the prospectus.
The ongoing charge shows, as a percentage, the annual
expenses of the funds. It does not include any preliminary
charge, which is shown separately, or the costs of buying
and selling securities in the funds’ underlying portfolios.
The ongoing charge is the European accepted standard for
comparing the costs associated with funds.
Is there a charge for the transfer of a Junior ISA?
Currently there is no charge. However, in the future we
may charge if you want to re-register a Junior ISA to an
organisation such as a fund supermarket.
Are there any exit charges?
There are no exit charges on the fund(s). However, for large
deals (selling units worth £30,000 or more), we may sell your
units at cancellation price, which can be lower than the bid
price. This is to protect the remaining investors in the fund(s).
Can I switch my investments?
The registered contact can switch the investments between
funds in the Artemis range. If we receive an instruction
before 12 noon, we will carry out the switch at 12 noon that
same day. If we receive your instruction after 12 noon, we
will carry out the switch on the next working day. We will
make the switch by selling the units in the existing fund
at the bid price, and buying units in the new fund at the
creation price. However, your adviser may take up to 3%
commission, in which case your buying price would be
higher than creation price.
Please remember before switching or investing into any
fund you must have read the latest Key Investor Information
Document (KIID) relating to the fund(s) you have selected.
They are available from your adviser, our Client Services
team or artemis.co.uk.
Can I switch from a unit trust to a Junior ISA?
Anyone can switch their investment from a unit trust to a
Junior ISA, providing the amount that is switched is within
the Junior ISA allowance for that tax year. Subscriptions
are made as a gift to the child and cannot be repaid to the
If the switch is remaining in the same fund then the product
switch will be completed at no cost, as we will sell from the
unit trust at the bid price and buy in to the Junior ISA at the
same bid price. If you are changing to a different fund then
we will sell the units from the unit trust at the bid price and
buy units in the new fund at the creation price. If we receive
the instruction before 12 noon, we carry out the switch at 12
noon that same day. If we receive the instruction after 12
noon, we will carry out the switch on the next working day.
The registered contact must confirm the fund choice, and
that they have read the KIIDs for the fund(s) selected. Also
complete a JISA application form.
Can I transfer an existing Junior ISA to you?
As only one Cash Junior ISA and one Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA can be held at any one time, we will only accept
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA transfers in full. We will
accept a transfer of a Cash Junior ISA in full or part into an
Artemis Stocks and Shares Junior ISA. Please be aware
that Junior ISA transfers may take some time to complete,
during which time the money may not be invested in the
stock market.
A Junior ISA can still be transferred even if the child
becomes a non-resident in the UK.
Can I transfer a Child Trust Fund to you?
No, at present a Child Trust Fund cannot be transferred into
a Junior ISA, nor can a Junior ISA be transferred to a Child
Trust Fund.
What about tax?
Tax can affect the funds themselves and the child’s
individual tax position. The following information is based
on our understanding of current law and practice, which
could change in the future. If you are not sure about the tax
position, please get advice from a professional adviser.
How are Junior ISAs taxed?
The child does not pay capital gains tax on the capital growth
of the Junior ISA. Dividends reinvested or accumulated will
suffer a 10% tax credit (that is, 10% tax will be taken) but will
be free of tax once they are paid into the Junior ISA account.
How is the fund taxed?
The fund does not pay capital gains tax on its growth, but
does pay corporation tax at a rate equivalent to the lower
rate of income tax.
Stamp duty reserve tax (SDRT)
Stamp duty reserve tax is due on the total value of units we
cancel, and on certain other transfers of units.
The amount of tax due depends on the pattern of dealing
within each fund and cannot be set at the time you give us
your instructions to buy or sell units. Our policy is to pay
SDRT from the value of the funds. In the last 12 months
we did not charge SDRT to individual investors, and do not
expect to do so. However, we can charge you SDRT if you
sell units with a total value of more than 5% of the value of
the relevant fund.
Data protection
We may make your name and address available to
companies within the Artemis group so they can send you
information about other investment services. They can do
this by post, phone, email or any other reasonable method. If
you do not want to receive this information, please tell us at
PO Box 9688, Chelmsford CM99 2AE or
investorsupport@artemisfunds.com. We and other
companies within the Artemis group will use any personal
information we have about you for the purposes of managing
products and services which we provide to you, preventing
fraud and money laundering, marketing, and analysing the
investment market and products.
We and other companies within the Artemis group may
need to give personal information to any agent, independent
financial adviser or other person who represents you.
We and other companies within the Artemis group may
need to give personal information to service providers,
agents and contractors involved in providing services to us
or the Artemis group.
We and members of the Artemis group may need to transfer
personal information to other Artemis group companies,
service providers, agents and subcontractors in countries
where they may not have data protection laws providing
the same level of protection as those in the European
Economic Area. In these circumstances, we will make
sure that personal information is processed only in line
with the relevant laws and under suitable confidentiality
By buying units in the funds, you agree to personal
information being used in the way described above.
Identification checks
Identity checks may be undertaken on the registered contact,
or any other person making investments on the child’s behalf.
We will check the identity of the child when they turn 18 years
of age and the account is transferred to an adult ISA.
negligence or dishonesty unless that person is an employee
or agent of ours.
This document and the full prospectus set out the terms
and conditions on which we will accept your instructions
for investing in the fund. We may change the terms and
conditions. For some changes, such as those to the aims of
a fund, we will need to get permission from investors first.
Some changes we can make without permission but we
must give investors notice.
Am I entitled to compensation if something goes wrong?
In certain circumstances you may be entitled to
compensation under the terms of the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000. You can get more details from us or from:
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme
7th Floor
Lloyds Chambers
Portsoken Street
London E1 8BN.
Website: fscs.org.uk
What if I have a complaint?
If you want to complain about any part of our service, please
write to, phone or email Client Services:
Our checks may include searches of the electoral roll and
making enquiries through credit-reference agencies.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, your instruction to buy
our unit trusts gives us permission to gather this information.
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
PO Box 9688
CM99 2AE.
We can delay processing an instruction and withhold any
payments due to the child until we receive satisfactory
evidence of identity and address. We will hold any cash in
an account that does not pay interest. We can refuse any
application to buy our funds without giving a reason for
doing so.
Phone: 0800 092 2051.
Email: investorsupport@artemisfunds.com
If you would like a full list of acceptable documents please call
Client Services on 0800 092 2051 or email investorsupport@
If you are not happy with how we deal with your complaint
you can write to:
Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
E14 9SR.
Website: financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Any notices and instructions you give us must be given in
writing and be signed by you. However, we can decide to
act on instructions given by you, or on your behalf, even if
those instructions are not in writing. We will not be liable
for instructions given to us as a result of another person’s
Who manages the unit trusts?
The manager of the unit trusts is:
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Cassini House
57 St James’s Street
Website: artemis.co.uk
Who monitors your activities?
All authorised unit trusts must appoint an independent trustee
to act in the best interests of investors.
The trustee of the fund is:
National Westminster Bank Plc.
The Broadstone
50 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9UZ.
The funds’ auditors are:
Ernst & Young LLP
Ten George Street
EH12 2DZ.
Artemis and the funds are regulated by:
Financial Conduct Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 5HS.
Website: fca.org.uk
Consumer helpline: 0845 606 123.
Junior ISA terms and conditions
Registered contact
Account holding your Investments in a Junior ISA.
Application Form
An Artemis Stocks and Shares Junior ISA Application Form
or in the case of an ISA transfer, an Artemis Stocks and
Shares Junior ISA Transfer Application Form.
The person opening the Junior ISA on behalf of the Child.
Artemis Fund Managers Limited.
Financial Adviser
Any person authorised by the FCA who has entered into
a terms of business agreement with the Applicant which
covers the investment.
The Financial Conduct Authority.
Artemis’ range of unit trusts.
Units in the Funds held through a Junior ISA.
An Individual Savings Account.
ISA Regulations
The Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998 (as
amended from time to time).
Junior ISA Agreement
These Terms and Conditions and the Junior ISA application
Artemis Fund Managers Limited, authorised and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Buying units within the Junior ISA.
The same as the Applicant.
These Terms and Conditions (as varied from time to time
and the rules of the FCA and HM Revenue and Customs (as
amended or replaced from time to time).
Selling units from the Junior ISA.
A subscriber is a person who invests in the Junior ISA. Once
an account has been opened, any person can invest into the
Junior ISA.
Tax Year
A tax year beginning on 6 April in any calendar year and
ending on 5 April in the following calendar year.
Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions (as amended from time to
The Child
The person named on the application form as the child and
as the beneficial holder of the units. They are classed as
a retail client. This means that they receive the greatest
level of protection under the Financial Conduct Authority’s
Units in an Artemis unit trust.
The Junior ISA manager, Artemis Fund Managers Limited.
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Working Day
A day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday)
on which UK clearing banks are open for business.
The registered contact, as the applicant for the Junior ISA.
You are classed as a retail client. This means that you
receive the greatest level of protection under the FCA’s
The Artemis Fund Managers Limited Junior ISA
The Junior ISA will be a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA as
defined in the Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998
(the Junior ISA regulations) and any amendments to them.
We will manage your Junior ISA account in line with:
your instructions;
rules set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA);
the Junior ISA regulations; and
the Junior ISA agreement.
If any term or condition of the Junior ISA agreement conflicts
with the Junior ISA regulations, the Junior ISA regulations
will apply.
Payments into the child’s Junior ISA
We will invest payments in line with the instructions given on
the Junior ISA application form from the registered contact,
as it is only them that can manage the investments within the
Junior ISA. The child can only hold one Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA at any one time. Anyone can pay in a lump sum
or lump sums, or make regular monthly payments. The
minimum lump sum that can be paid in at any time is £500. If
regular monthly payments are made, the minimum payment
is £50 per fund. The maximum that can be paid into the
Junior ISA in the current tax year is £4,000:
All or none of the yearly limit can be placed into a Stocks
and Shares Junior ISA with any one provider
All or none into a Cash Junior ISA with either the same
provider or a different provider.
To open a Junior ISA account you must apply by phone or fill
in an application form. An account can only be opened by a
person with parental responsibility. We may request proof of
this status.
a If we accept your application, we will use your payments
into the Junior ISA to buy units in the chosen Artemis
fund(s). If we receive your instruction before 12 noon,
we will buy the units the same working day. If we receive
your instructions after 12 noon, we will buy your units the
next working day.
If we need to hold any money before it is invested,
we will hold it in a separate account that does not pay
b The registered contact can give us written instructions or
telephone us to switch units to another fund or funds.
The minimum amount to switch to any one fund is £500
(or any other amount we may set from time to time).
The value of the remaining units in a fund you have
switched units from must be at least £500.
To make a switch, we sell the units at the bid price in the
current funds and buy units in the new fund at the creation
price. If we receive your instruction before 12 noon we will
invest in the funds on the same working day. If we receive
your instruction after 12 noon we will invest in the funds
on the next working day.
Your adviser may take up to 3% commission from this
transaction. You can also switch units online.
c Upon closure (see section 11), any proceeds from the
Junior ISA account are currently completely free from
personal income tax and capital gains tax.
d Units are sold to or bought from us acting as principal
(that is, we are acting on our own account and not as
your agent).
4 Ownership
All investments held in the Junior ISA belong to the child
and cannot be used as security for a loan. You or we
cannot transfer or lend Junior ISA investments, ownership
documents or any other property relating to an account to
anyone else.
5 Custody
The units will be registered in the child’s name. We must use
any amount paid into the account to buy units. If we need to
hold it before buying units, we will hold it in a separate account
that does not pay interest. That account will be with the bank
or building society we specify from time to time.
6 Your rights
Artemis does not provide a Cash Junior ISA.
You have the right to receive a copy of the prospectus,
attend and vote at meetings for investors, and receive any
other information we send to people who have invested in a
unit trust. You will also receive the relevant fund’s annual and
interim short reports.
7 Transfer to another Junior ISA provider
You need to contact the other Junior ISA provider and fill in
the Junior ISA transfer forms that they give you. The new
Junior ISA provider will then send us your filled-in transfer
forms and tell us that they will accept the transfer. If you
are transferring a Junior ISA in cash, we will sell the units in
your Junior ISA and pay the proceeds to the other provider.
If you are transferring a Junior ISA in units, we will transfer
your units to the new provider and you may have to pay a
8 Statement of investments
Every six months the registered contact will receive a
statement showing details of all the units that have been
bought and sold over the previous six months, the total
number of units in the Junior ISA account, and the value of
those units. The valuations shown on the statement will be
as at the 12 noon valuation point on 5 April and 5 October.
We will keep all records relating to the Junior ISA account
as specified in the Junior ISA regulations and rules set
by the FCA. We will make tax returns to HM Revenue
& Customs and will give you all the tax information the
Junior ISA regulations say that we must provide. We will
tell you if the Junior ISA account has lost or will lose its tax
advantages because it does not meet the requirements of
the Junior ISA regulations.
10 Charges and commission
Charges made to the Junior ISA account will be limited to
those we make on our funds. Details of the charges for each
fund are given in the Key Investor Information Documents.
We may pay commission, out of the purchase price of units,
to eligible financial advisers. We will value all units at 12
noon each working day.
11 Closing the account
A Junior ISA can only be closed when the child reaches their
18th birthday, on the death of the child, or by direct request
from HM Revenue & Customs.
12 Withdrawals from the account
The child, or any other person, cannot make any
withdrawals from the Junior ISA until the child turns 18
years of age, and we have received proof of identity and
a completed ISA application form. This can be completed
prior to the child’s 18th birthday so that it does not delay
the sale of units. Investments can be withdrawn prior to
the child’s 18th birthday in the event that a terminal illness
claim has been agreed, and we have received confirmation
of this from HM Revenue & Customs. The Junior ISA can
also be closed to cover management charges and other
specific expenses.
You must give your instructions in writing. We will send
confirmation of those instructions to the last address you gave
us. We will only accept instructions given by phone, fax or
email if you also confirm your instructions in writing.
We will only contact you in connection with managing the
Junior ISA account. We may monitor and record phone calls.
14 Excluding our liability
We will be liable for any losses the child suffers as a result
of our negligence or something that we should or should
not have done, or us not keeping to any of these terms and
We will not be liable for any loss or damage you suffer as a
result of circumstances which are beyond our reasonable
We do not guarantee the performance of any funds or of the
Junior ISA account. We will not be liable for any opportunity
missed for increasing the value of the Junior ISA account,
or for any reduction in the value of the Junior ISA account.
The application form authorises us to give any information
about the Junior ISA account to HM Revenue & Customs,
the Financial Conduct Authority, our professional advisers,
auditors and associates, and to anyone else we are allowed
by law to give the information to.
15 Risk warnings
The price of units, and the income from them, can fall and
rise because of stock market and currency movements.
Please remember that past performance is not a guide to
future performance.
Each of the funds has different risks associated with its
underlying investments. These are described in their Key
Investor Information Document, which you should read
carefully before you make any decisions on investments.
Tax laws and practices can change. The tax advantages of
Junior ISAs are those available under current tax laws.
The value of the tax advantages depends on individual
16 Conflicts of interest
A conflict of interest is when our own interests disagree with
or clash with your interests. These conflicts of interest usually
arise from us providing investment services to other clients.
If a conflict of interest arises, we will try to make sure that we
provide our services in a way which does not put any client at
a disadvantage. We have adopted policies and procedures
to manage conflicts of interest. You can get more information
on those policies and procedures from us.
17 Changing these terms and conditions
The Junior ISA account must keep to the ISA regulations,
which may change from time to time. We can change these
terms and conditions by giving you reasonable notice in
writing, as long as the change does not result in the account
not meeting the ISA regulations.
18 Governing law
The Junior ISA agreement will be governed by English law.
It is based on our understanding of current tax laws and HM
Revenue & Customs practice.
19 Appointing a new Junior ISA manager
We may appoint another company within the Artemis group
to be the Junior ISA manager. If we do this we will give
you one month’s notice first. We may appoint any person
(whether or not connected with us) to give advice on or
to carry out any of our roles or duties, and may provide
information about you and your account. Before we appoint
another person to carry out any of our roles or duties, we will
make sure that they are competent.
The day-to-day administration of the funds is carried out by
International Financial Data Services (UK) Limited.
Filling in the application forms
Filling in your application forms
Important information
Before filling in your application, be sure that you
understand the features of the investments you have
chosen. Please make sure you have chosen the fund(s)
that is/are right for the child, have considered the risks
involved and understand the effect charges have on the
child’s investment.
Please make sure that the registered contact reads and
signs the declaration and authorisation. Please also make
sure that the registered contact keeps the Key Investor
Information Document and Supplementary Information
Document as you will be asked to acknowledge that
you have done so when signing the declaration and
Read these instructions and the Terms and Conditions
carefully. The Supplementary Information Document
explains the investment options available and contains
important information about the child’s investments.
You should consider getting independent financial advice
before you make any investment.
Please fill in your application form in block capitals.
If you want to make monthly payments, you also need to
fill in the Direct Debit instruction on page 23.
If you are sending a cheque with your application, make
it out to ‘Artemis Fund Managers Limited’. The cheque
should be from a personal bank account held in your
name or be made out by a building society. If the cheque
is made out by a building society, arrange for it to sign
the front of the cheque to confirm your name. If you are
making monthly payments, fill in the Direct Debit form on
page 23. We will then take your payments direct from your
account on the first working day of each month.
Please note: it takes at least 10 working days to set up a
Direct Debit, so you may want to enclose a cheque, made
payable to Artemis Fund Managers Limited, for the first
monthly contribution.
If you have made this investment through a financial
adviser, make sure they fill in part F (or part E for
transfers or top-ups).
When you have filled in all relevant sections, send your
application, with a cheque, to:
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
PO Box 9688
CM99 2AE.
If you have any questions, phone 0800 092 2051.
Junior ISA opening – Please fill in application form 1
and the Direct Debit form on page 23 if applicable.
This should only be completed by the person with
parental responsibility for the child, and therefore has
authority to open an account.
Junior ISA transfer – Please fill in application form 2
and the Direct Debit form on page 23 if applicable.
This should only be completed by the person with
parental responsibility for the child, and therefore has
authority to transfer the Junior ISA.
Junior ISA top up – Please fill in application form 3 and
the Direct Debit form on page 23 if applicable.
This should be completed by anyone wishing to invest
for the child.
Application form 1 – Investing in a Junior ISA with Artemis Fund Managers Limited
A Applicant’s details (person who applies to open a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child mentioned in section B)
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms and so on)
phone number
Email address
First names
If you already have an Artemis Fund
Managers’ ISA or unit trust, give your
client reference number
The child named below will be the beneficial owner of the account
B Child’s details
Child’s title
Child’s date of birth
Child’s National
Insurance Number
(if they have one)
first name(s)
d d m m y y y
C Subscriber details
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms and so on)
phone number
Email address
First names
D Declaration and authorisation
Please read this section carefully before you sign and date the declaration,
and make sure that the total amount you want to invest over the whole tax
year (as shown in section E) is not more than the Stocks and Shares Junior
ISA limit.
We intend to rely upon our standard Stocks and Shares Junior ISA terms
and conditions. For your own benefit and protection you should read these
terms carefully before signing them. If you do not understand any point,
please ask for more information.
1 I am aged 16 or over and I am the child detailed in section B, or have
parental responsibility for, and will be the first registered contact for, the
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child in section B, who will be the
beneficial owner of the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA.
2 The child detailed in section B does not hold a Child Trust Fund.
3 The child who will hold the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA is either a
resident in the UK, a UK Crown servant, married to or in a civil partnership
with a UK Crown servant, or a dependent of a UK Crown servant.
4 This application is to open a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child
named in section B. I have not subscribed to another Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA for the child, and I am not aware of any other Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA for the child. I will not knowingly make subscriptions that will
result in the annual subscription limit being breached. In relation to monthly
savings, the amount invested under the Direct Debit Scheme will be as set
out in this form or the maximum amount allowed, whichever is less.
5 Any Stocks and Shares Junior ISA transfers I apply for are valid Stocks
and Shares or Cash Junior ISAs.
6 I authorise you to hold the cash subscription, plan investment, interest,
dividends and any other rights or funds relating to those investments and
any other cash and to make on the child’s behalf any claims to tax relief on
the investments.
I understand that you accept no responsibility for any loss I suffer as a result
of any delay in me giving you my application form. I confirm that I have read
and kept a copy of the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA terms and conditions.
As far as I know, the information I have filled in on this application form is
I confirm that all investments I have made, and will be made, belong to the
child in section B.
I will tell you, Artemis Fund Managers Limited, if any of the above no longer
Data Protection Act
We and other companies within the Artemis group will use any personal
information we have about you for the purposes of managing products and
services which we provide to you, preventing fraud and money laundering,
marketing, and analysing the investment market and products. We may
make your name and address available to companies within the Artemis
group so they can send you information about other investment services.
They can do this by post, phone, email or any other reasonable method.
If you do not want to receive any information from us about other products
and services, please tick the box.
Prospectus and the manager’s report
If you would like a copy of the full prospectus or the manager’s
report for your chosen fund, please tick the box.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
E Investment requirements
I want to open an Artemis Fund Managers Limited Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA to invest the following.
Lump sum
Monthly savings
Period you want the ISA open for (Please tick one box)
2014/2015 tax year and later
years into a Stocks and
Shares Junior ISA until
further notice
2014/2015 tax year only
Investment limits each tax year
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA
Lump sum 2014/2015
£1,000 a fund
In the boxes below, fill in the amounts you are investing in each fund and whether you would like accumulation or distribution unit/shares, where
applicable. You can select to invest lump sums, monthly payments or both.
I confirm that I have read the latest Key Investor Information Document (KIID) relating to each fund selected.
Failure to tick this box will result in your application being rejected.
Lump Sum
Monthly payment
Artemis Capital class R units
Artemis European Growth class R units
Artemis European Opportunities class R units
Artemis Global Energy class R units
Artemis Global Growth class R units
Artemis Global Income class R units
Artemis Global Select class R units
Artemis High Income class R units
Artemis Income class R units
Artemis Monthly Distribution class R units
Artemis Strategic Assets class R units
Artemis Strategic Bond class Q units
Artemis Strategic Bond class M units (the minimum investment is £10,000)
Artemis UK Growth class R units
Artemis UK Smaller Companies class R units
Artemis UK Special Situations class R units
Please ensure you indicate the type of units you wish to purchase by ticking the accumulation or distribution boxes. Failure to tick a box will result in your
application being rejected, unless the fund chosen only has one unit type. Income received on accumulation units is reinvested into the fund automatically
and is reflected in the value of units. Income received on distribution units can be paid out to you. Please fill in part E with your account details.
F To be filled in by your financial adviser
Company name
and address
(use Agent stamp
if available)
Agent number
Please tick if advice not given
If you have ticked the box above for advice not given, please complete the
commission box below.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
Application form 2 – Transferring a Junior ISA to Artemis Fund Managers Limited
A Applicant’s details (person who applies to open a Junior ISA for the child mentioned in section B)
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms and so on)
phone number
Email address
First names
If you already have an Artemis Fund Managers’ ISA or unit trust, give your
client reference number below.
The child named below will be the beneficial owner of the account investments.
B Child’s details
Child’s title
Child’s date of birth
Child’s National
Insurance number
(if they have one)
first name(s)
d d m m y y y
D Declaration and authorisation
Please read this section carefully before you sign and date the declaration,
and make sure that the total amount you want to invest over the whole tax
year (as shown in section E) is not more than the Stocks and Shares Junior
ISA limit.
We intend to rely upon our standard Stocks and Shares Junior ISA terms
and conditions. For your own benefit and protection you should read these
terms carefully before signing them. If you do not understand any point,
please ask for more information.
1 I am aged 16 or over and I am the child detailed in section B, or have
parental responsibility for, and will be the first registered contact for, the
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child in section B, who will be the
beneficial owner of the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA.
2 The child detailed in section B does not hold a Child Trust Fund.
3 The child who will hold the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA is either a
resident in the UK, a UK Crown servant, married to or in a civil partnership
with a UK Crown servant, or a dependent of a UK Crown servant.
4 This application is to open a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child
named in section B. I have not subscribed to another Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA for the child, and I am not aware of any other Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA for the child. I will not knowingly make subscriptions that will
result in the annual subscription limit being breached. In relation to monthly
savings, the amount invested under the Direct Debit Scheme will be as set
out in this form or the maximum amount allowed, whichever is less.
5 Any Stocks and Shares Junior ISA transfers I apply for are valid Stocks
and Shares or Cash Junior ISAs.
6 I authorise you to hold the cash subscription, plan investment, interest,
dividends and any other rights or funds relating to those investments and
any other cash and to make on the child’s behalf any claims to tax relief on
the investments.
I understand that you accept no responsibility for any loss I suffer as a result
of any delay in me giving you my application form. I confirm that I have read
and kept a copy of the Stocks and Shares Junior ISA terms and conditions.
As far as I know, the information I have filled in on this application form is
I confirm that all investments I have made, and will be made, belong to the
child in section B.
I will tell you, Artemis Fund Managers Limited, if any of the above no longer
Data Protection Act
We and other companies within the Artemis group will use any personal
information we have about you for the purposes of managing products and
services which we provide to you, preventing fraud and money laundering,
marketing, and analysing the investment market and products. We may
make your name and address available to companies within the Artemis
group so they can send you information about other investment services.
They can do this by post, phone, email or any other reasonable method.
If you do not want to receive any information from us about other products
and services, please tick the box.
Prospectus and the manager’s report
If you would like a copy of the full prospectus or the manager’s
report for your chosen fund, please tick the box.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
E Investment requirements
I want to open an Artemis Fund Managers Limited Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA to invest the following.
Lump sum
Monthly savings
Period you want the ISA open for (Please tick one box)
2014/2015 tax year and later
years into a Stocks and
Shares Junior ISA until
further notice
2014/2015 tax year only
Investment limits each tax year
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA
Lump sum 2014/2015
£1,000 a fund
In the boxes below, fill in the amounts you are investing in each fund and whether you would like accumulation or distribution unit/shares, where
applicable. You can select to invest lump sums, monthly payments or both.
I confirm that I have read the latest Key Investor Information Document (KIID) relating to each fund selected.
Failure to tick this box will result in your application being rejected.
Lump Sum
Monthly payment
Artemis Capital class R units
Artemis European Growth class R units
Artemis European Opportunities class R units
Artemis Global Energy class R units
Artemis Global Growth class R units
Artemis Global Income class R units
Artemis Global Select class R units
Artemis High Income class R units
Artemis Income class R units
Artemis Monthly Distribution class R units
Artemis Strategic Assets class R units
Artemis Strategic Bond class Q units
Artemis Strategic Bond class M units (the minimum investment is £10,000)
Artemis UK Growth class R units
Artemis UK Smaller Companies class R units
Artemis UK Special Situations class R units
Please ensure you indicate the type of units you wish to purchase by ticking the accumulation or distribution boxes. Failure to tick a box will result in your
application being rejected, unless the fund chosen only has one unit type. Income received on accumulation units is reinvested into the fund automatically
and is reflected in the value of units. Income received on distribution units can be paid out to you. Please fill in part E with your account details.
F To be filled in by your financial adviser
Company name
and address
(use Agent stamp
if available)
Agent number
Please tick if advice not given
If you have ticked the box above for advice not given, please complete the
commission box below.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
F Junior ISA transfer instruction form
Instruction to transfer a Junior ISA
Current Junior
ISA manager
Details of the Junior ISA to be transferred
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA
Cash Junior ISA
Full transfer (as cash)
first name(s)
Registered contact title
All units in your existing account will be sold and transferred as cash,
together with any cash balances.
Full re-registration (of Artemis units only)
All Artemis units in your existing account will be transferred to us, together
with any cash balances.
ISA to be transferred and plan number
I instruct my current Junior ISA manager (named in this form) to transfer
these units or sell and transfer cash within my ISA as shown, with
immediate effect, and to transfer where applicable the money to the ISA
Department, Artemis Fund Managers Limited, PO Box 9688, Chelmsford,
CM99 2AE.
First names
Information for current Junior ISA managers
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Artemis Fund Managers Limited’.
You should send a full history of the Junior ISA (or Junior ISAs) to us as soon as
you can. Artemis Fund Managers’ transfer details: tax reference 9024095,
HM Revenue & Customs reference Z1157.
Application form 3 – Topping up a Junior ISA with Artemis Fund Managers Limited
A Child’s details
Child’s title
Child’s date of birth
d d m m y y y
first name(s)
Client reference number
B Subscriber details
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms and so on)
phone number
Email address
First names
C Declaration and authorisation
Please read this section carefully before you sign and date the declaration,
and make sure that the total amount you want to invest over the whole
tax year (as shown in section D) is not more than the Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA limit.
We intend to rely upon our standard Junior ISA terms and conditions. For
your own benefit and protection you should read these terms carefully
before signing them. If you do not understand any point, please ask for
more information.
1 I am aged 16 or over and I am the child detailed in section A, or have
parental responsibility for, and will be the first registered contact for the
Junior ISA for the child in section A, who will be the beneficial owner of the
Junior ISA.
2 The child detailed in section A does not hold a Child Trust Fund.
3 The child who will hold the Junior ISA is either a resident and ordinarily
resident in the UK, a UK Crown servant, married to or in a civil partnership
with a UK Crown servant, or a dependent of a UK Crown servant.
4 This form is to top up a Stocks and Shares Junior ISA for the child
named in section A. I will not knowingly make subscriptions that will result
in the annual subscription limit being breached. In relation to monthly
savings, the amount invested under the Direct Debit Scheme will be as set
out in this form or the maximum amount allowed, whichever is less.
5 I authorise you to hold the cash subscription, plan investment, interest,
dividends and any other rights or funds relating to those investments and
any other cash and to make on the child’s behalf any claims to tax relief on
my investments.
I understand that you accept no responsibility for any loss I suffer as a
result of any delay in me giving you this form. I confirm that I have read
and kept a copy of the Junior ISA terms and conditions.
As far as I know, the information I have filled in on this form is correct.
I confirm that all investments made, and will be made, belong to the child
in section A.
I will tell you, Artemis Fund Managers Limited, if any of the above no
longer apply.
I confirm I have read the Key Investor Information Document for each fund
selected overleaf.
Registered contact
Data Protection Act
We and other companies within the Artemis group will use any personal
information we have about you for the purposes of managing products and
services which we provide to you, preventing fraud and money laundering,
marketing, and analysing the investment market and products. We may
make your name and address available to companies within the Artemis
group so they can send you information about other investment services.
They can do this by post, phone, email or any other reasonable method.
If you do not want to receive any information from us about other
products and services, please tick the box.
Prospectus and the manager’s report
If you would like a copy of the full prospectus or the manager’s
report for your chosen fund, please tick the box.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
E Investment requirements
I want to open an Artemis Fund Managers Limited Stocks and Shares
Junior ISA to invest the following.
Lump sum
Monthly savings
Period you want the ISA open for (Please tick one box)
2014/2015 tax year and later
years into a Stocks and
Shares Junior ISA until
further notice
2014/2015 tax year only
Investment limits each tax year
Stocks and Shares Junior ISA
Lump sum 2014/2015
£1,000 a fund
In the boxes below, fill in the amounts you are investing in each fund and whether you would like accumulation or distribution unit/shares, where
applicable. You can select to invest lump sums, monthly payments or both.
I confirm that I have read the latest Key Investor Information Document (KIID) relating to each fund selected.
Failure to tick this box will result in your application being rejected.
Lump Sum
Monthly payment
Artemis Capital class R units
Artemis European Growth class R units
Artemis European Opportunities class R units
Artemis Global Energy class R units
Artemis Global Growth class R units
Artemis Global Income class R units
Artemis Global Select class R units
Artemis High Income class R units
Artemis Income class R units
Artemis Monthly Distribution class R units
Artemis Strategic Assets class R units
Artemis Strategic Bond class Q units
Artemis Strategic Bond class M units (the minimum investment is £10,000)
Artemis UK Growth class R units
Artemis UK Smaller Companies class R units
Artemis UK Special Situations class R units
Please ensure you indicate the type of units you wish to purchase by ticking the accumulation or distribution boxes. Failure to tick a box will result in your
application being rejected, unless the fund chosen only has one unit type. Income received on accumulation units is reinvested into the fund automatically
and is reflected in the value of units. Income received on distribution units can be paid out to you. Please fill in part E with your account details.
F To be filled in by your financial adviser
Company name
and address
(use Agent stamp
if available)
Agent number
Please tick if advice not given
If you have ticked the box above for advice not given, please complete the
commission box below.
Registered in England, registration number 1988106. Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit
Please return this with your application form
Direct Debit
Please fill in the whole form and send it to:
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
PO Box 9688
Chelmsford CM99 2AE
Service User Number
To the manager (write the name of the bank or building society)
Bank/Building Society
This is not part of the instruction to your bank or building society
To be filled in by monthly savers only.
We cannot accept lump-sum investments through the Direct Debit Scheme.
We will take the funds from your account on the first working day of each month.
Instruction to your bank or building society
Name(s) of account holder(s)
Please pay Artemis Fund Managers Limited Direct Debits from the account detailed in this
instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
I understand that this instruction may remain with Artemis Fund Managers Limited and, if so,
details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.
Bank/Building Society account
Branch sort code
Banks and building societies may not accept Direct Debit instructions from some types of accounts
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit
Please return this with your application form
Direct Debit
Please fill in the whole form and send it to:
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
PO Box 9688
Chelmsford CM99 2AE
Service User Number
To the manager (write the name of the bank or building society)
Bank/Building Society
This is not part of the instruction to your bank or building society
To be filled in by monthly savers only.
We cannot accept lump-sum investments through the Direct Debit Scheme.
We will take the funds from your account on the first working day of each month.
Instruction to your bank or building society
Name(s) of account holder(s)
Please pay Artemis Fund Managers Limited Direct Debits from the account detailed in this
instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
I understand that this instruction may remain with Artemis Fund Managers Limited and, if so,
details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society.
Bank/Building Society account
Branch sort code
Banks and building societies may not accept Direct Debit instructions from some types of accounts
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Registered in England, Registration number: 1988106.
Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street,
London, SW1A 1LD.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(fca.org.uk), 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf,
London, E14 5HS.
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Registered in England, Registration number: 1988106.
Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street,
London, SW1A 1LD.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(fca.org.uk), 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf,
London, E14 5HS.
Direct Debit Guarantee
This guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer.
• This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
• If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Artemis Fund Managers Limited
will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request
Artemis Fund Managers Limited to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at
the time of the request.
• If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Artemis Fund Managers Limited or your bank or building
society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Artemis Fund Managers Limited asks
you to.
• You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation
may be required. Please also notify us.
This document is issued by Artemis Fund Managers Limited, which is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (fca.org.uk),
25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS and is a
member of the IMA. We only market our own unit trusts. Artemis Fund
Managers Limited does not offer investment advice. For your protection,
phone calls are usually recorded.
Registered in England, number 1988106. Authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered office: Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LD.
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LD
42 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HA
Sales Support 0800 092 2090
Facsimile 020 7399 6498
Client Services 0800 092 2051
Facsimile 0845 076 2290
Website artemis.co.uk