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Invest Bulgaria
issue 9 (12), year 2
InvestBulgaria Agency’s Monthly Electronic Publica9on
Economic News -­‐ Business, Investments, Trade
Headlines from the European institutions 
Analysis of Sector
Investment Opportunities of Municipality
Interview Marin Dimitrov, Sol Bulgaria
Chambers of Commerce in Bulgaria
Macroeconomic Indicators
Upcoming Events
Mr. Ognian Zlatev is the head of the European Commission Representation in
Sofia since May 1, 2013. He joined the European Commission as Head of
Communications Unit of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in
December 2011. He has over twenty years of professional experience in
communication, media development and NGO management. His assignments
took him to a number of transition societies and environments across the
World (South-East Europe and Western Balkans, Southern Caucasus, Central
Asia, Middle East) where he worked as a consultant for international
institutions (UNESCO, OSCE, The World Bank) and media (BBC).
The new European Commission will take office on November 1, 2014, and the newly elected president Jean-­‐Claude Juncker has already presented his team and prioriBes.
One of the highlights in the forthcoming work of the European Commission will be to improve the Europe's compeBBveness and to sBmulate investments and job creaBon. In pursuance of this objecBve, the priority of President Juncker is the presentaBon and implementaBon of an ambiBous package for investments, growth and jobs, which is expected to enable the mobilizaBon of about 300 billion euros in addiBonal public and private investment in the real economy over the next three years. In charge of this task will be the Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and CompeBBveness Jyrki Katainen.
For us, as a European Commission RepresentaBon in Sofia, whose main task is to support the communicaBon between Bulgaria and the European Commission and to inform the Bulgarian public of European policies, programs and projects, that means to deepen and broaden our work with the Bulgarian business and to support it. Because more informaBon for the business means more job and development opportuniBes.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320, e-­‐mail:, hWp://
issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
My experience shows that Bulgarians definitely have an interest in European issues. Bulgaria is now in the seventh year of EU membership, and as in the beginning it seemed that the European Union was associated with the funds and the annual monitoring report on the judiciary, now our ciBzens are seeking informaBon on a variety of topics -­‐ from agriculture to science and innovaBon.
We receive many quesBons -­‐ both directly in the EP informaBon office in Sofia and during our informaBon events across the country. InformaBon centers Europe Direct -­‐ a total of 15 in Bulgaria, also respond to inquiries daily.
IBA reported growth in the investments in the poorest region in Bulgaria Growth in the investment in the poorest region of the European Union reported InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) at the round table on the InternaBonal Technical Fair in Plovdiv. The last five projects that are launched are in the northwestern Bulgaria, said Svetoslav Mladenov, ExecuBve director of IBA.
Another posiBve trend is the fact that over the past few months the investments are in high-­‐tech industries, in the field of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemistry, rather than the construcBon, as it was before, Mladenov said. This gives the opportunity for workers with higher educaBon, because innovaBve companies come with the latest technology, he said. Sectors which are a_racBng interest are also the food industry, logisBcs, tourism, outsourcing, IT.
Reason for the growth are the amendments to the Investment promoBon act, because they facilitated entrepreneurs, said the director of IBA. He pointed as an examples the reducBon of documents from 12 to 1, lowering the thresholds for the amount invested and number of jobs, which encourages small and medium enterprises. Significant importance were the reimbursement of costs for contribuBons. Two months ago, the government returned a total of BGN 13 million to 13 companies, recalled Mladenov.
He is convinced that the changes have a strong posiBve effect. They were presented to the parBcipants in the Autumn Fair, along with a project for the promoBon of the benefits for invesBng in the country.
European companies, presented at the InternaBonal Technical Fair show posiBve abtudes. I'm glad that this year is increasing the interest among foreign companies in Bulgaria as a desBnaBon for imports of equipment and technology, said Ekaterina Zaharieva, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructural Planning, in her speech before opening the 70th ediBon of the most presBgious business forum for investment goods and technologies in Southeastern Europe.
The fair conBnues to October 4 with the parBcipaBon of 870 companies from 37 countries. Their exposiBons are modern developments in the field of engineering, construcBon, electronics, electrical, energy, ecology, water management, informaBon technology, chemical and mining, transport and auto service equipment. InnovaBon is the main focus of the exhibiBon, organized by InternaBonal Fair Plovdiv.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 2 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Serg Shcmit CEO of Italcemen> Group Bulgaria
“I believe that this country has a big poten5al for growth and development not only in our sector but in others as well. As a whole, Bulgaria is dis5nguished with financial and poli5cal stability. It has key geopoli5cal loca5on with its access to the Black sea. The country represents a peculiar crossroad between Europe and Asia, which is extremely important for our company. Devnya Cement is the second largest current investment of Italcemen5 in Europe. As far as I am concerned, un5l now this is the most essen5al project as it is one of the biggest investments made in Bulgaria in the last 25 years. It also confirms Italcemen5’s certainty in the future of Bulgarian economy and development of infrastructure.”
H.E. Mr. Shin Meng-­‐ho
South Korean Ambassador to Bulgaria !
“Lately I see great signs for the further development of our rela5ons. The number of Korean business representa5ves and tourists visi5ng Bulgaria is increasing. Meanwhile, many young Bulgarians have more pronounced interest in the Korean culture. I think Bulgaria and Korea are friendly open countries. The level of Korean investments has increased significantly. The total amount is around EUR 300 million, which makes Korea the largest investor from the Asian countries..” !
Marco Montecchi President, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
For being more compe55ve and increase their business into European market, Italian companies can have this chance by inves5ng in Bulgaria, one of the 28 Member States in which you can find a lot of opportuni5es and great poten5ali5es to create business and get successful projects.
Manpower really high level and well qualified, costs of produc5on the lower in Europe as well as the lowest cost of electricity and easy taxa5on in the whole Country with special reduc5on and incen5ves in some Bulgarian Regions: these are the main key factors for aVrac5ng Italian companies in penetra5ng Bulgaria, that is also really close to Italy 1 hour flight far from our Country.
Besides, Italian companies can benefit from qualified and reliable partners to create their business and have the possibility of receiving assistance and customized services fro their interna5onaliza5on process directly from Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and InvestBulgaria Agency, who cooperate strongly for increasing business into the Country.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 3 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
"Lukoil" has invested 35 million dollars in new facili>es
The Burgas refinery Nefochim has invested оver 35 million dollars in treatment installaBons in Burgas, which will reduce air emissions, reported
In the plant are carried out reconstrucBon and modernizaBon of the exisBng kotel and is installed filtering system. The technology is a new generaBon in the field of oil and this is one of its first applicaBons in the EU. Her dust emissions from catalyBc decreased several Bmes compared to currently used faciliBes. The value of the investment is over 20 million dollars. The faciliBes operate fully in accordance with the requirements of the European Union.
Another significant investment for 15 million dollars is the construcBon of systems for the purificaBon of flue gases of two furnaces in producBon "and water treatment faciliBes."
F o r e i g n D i r e c t I n v e s t m e n t s , January-­‐July (2013 nd 2014), mln. euro
Source: BNB
Infla9on measured by CPI by months
The Bulgarian government approved increase of the capital of Fund FLAG
The Council of Ministers approved increase of the capital of the Fund for local authoriBes and governments – FLAG, trough emission of 30,000 new bonds with BGN 100 nominal, which to be acquired by the state through the Ministry of Regional Development.
During the first six months of 2014 have been submi_ed 86 loan applicaBons from 57 municipaliBes with a total value of BGN 160.4 million.
67 requests were approved worth a total of BGN 65.2 million. With them will be co-­‐financed projects under OP "Regional Development" and "Environment" program for rural development and cross border cooperaBon programs.
Source: NSI
Main Interest Rate
0.04% -­‐ 25.09.2014
Amway is to invest USD 0.5 mln into launching a business in Bulgaria
Source: BNB
External debt
MulB-­‐level markeBng company Amway is to invest USD 0.5 mln into launching a business in Bulgaria. Amway is to set foot on the Bulgarian market in June 2014 with an iniBal investment of USD 0.5 mln. The company will start a series of online and offline trainings of its distributors under the planorm Amway Academy.
Bulgaria is Amway’s 30th market in Europe. The company offers a total of 110 products on the Bulgarian market but it intends to give consumers access to its full product range consisBng of over 500 items.
Source: BNB and MoF
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 4 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Provident Financial Bulgaria plans to increase its investment in 2014
Consumer credit company Provident Financial Bulgaria will strengthen its presence in Bulgaria and for this purpose it intends to increase its investment in the country to BGN 12 million during the current calendar year. So far the company has invested in the Bulgarian market BGN 6.7 million, reported
The company started its business in Bulgaria in September 2013 and currently has operaBng subsidiaries in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven and Ruse. Reportedly its client pornolio includes 5,000 customers currently served by 300 employees. Future investments by Provident Financial will seek expansion of the customer base to 100,000 people and presence in 30 ciBes. For this purpose, 1,200 employees are expected to be hired.
SOFIX: 01.09.2014 – 30.09.2014
Source: bse-­‐
BGREIT: 01.09.2014 – 30.09.2014
The first stage of Economic zone Bozhurishte finished
"The successful realizaBon of projects in the Economic zone Sofia-­‐
Bozhurishte will a_ract new investors. Every company can benefit from its advantages (locaBon, logisBcs links, uBliBes) in order to realize their business ideas right here", said Vasil Shtonov, Minister of Economy and Energy at the official ceremony, marking the compleBon of the the first stage of construcBon of the infrastructure of Economic zone Sofia-­‐Bozhurishte.
The industrial zones give an excellent opportunity for economic development and reduce the regional dispariBes in the country by encouraging the investments and creaBng new jobs, said Minister Shtonov. He added that Economic Area Sofia-­‐Bozhurishte is the biggest project of the NaBonal Company "Industrial Zones" and the biggest project in Bulgaria for new economic zone in recent years.
Economic zone Sofia -­‐ Bozhurishte has an area of 2.55 million m² and has two phases -­‐ Phase 1 (581,000 m²) and Phase 2 (1.914 million m²).
Source: bse-­‐
BGBX40, BGBX40 TR: 01.09.2014 – 30.09.2014
Source: bse-­‐
BGTR30: 01.09.2014 – 30.09.2014
New chair factory will open in Bansko
Source: bse-­‐
A new chair factory will open up in Bulgaria's ski resort Bansko and will provide dozens of jobs. The Municipal Mayor George Ikonomov has been negoBaBng for several months with the investor from Trojan, who has been in the business for 20 years.
The factory will open by the end of the year. In the first phase of its work will be employed 70 workers with a tendency to rise to 150 in the coming years. The new investment will keep the tradiBonal producBon for the city of furniture and chairs.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320, e-­‐mail:, hWp://
issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Bulgaria’s export to the EU increased in the first half of 2014
In the period January -­‐ June 2014 Bulgarian exports to the EU increased by 2.8% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and amounted to 12.6 Billion BGN, according to data of the NaBonal StaBsBcal InsBtute.
Main trade partners of Bulgaria were Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece, France and Belgium which accounted for 72.3% of the exports to the EU Member States.
In June 2014 the exports to the EU increased by 10.6% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 2.3 Billion BGN.
Bulgarian imports from the EU in the period January -­‐ June 2014 increased by 3.6% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and added up to 14.9 Billion BGN at CIF prices. The largest amounts were reported for the goods imported from Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece and Spain.
In June 2014 the Bulgarian imports from the EU Member States increased by 3.1% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 2.6 Billion BGN at CIF prices.
Selected Decisions of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 03.09.2014-­‐24.09.2014 г.
24.09.2014 г.
17.09.2014 г.
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry announces Business Top 100 Ranking
The leading Bulgarian companies register lower debts and higher revenues, the ranking of the Top 100 Bulgarian Companies organized by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry shows.
According to the ranking, the companies from the machine building sector are among the best performing Bulgarian firms in 2013. These companies registered highest increase in their revenues and highest profit against their own investments. They are followed by the companies in the construcBon sector. The companies operaBng in the transport and shipping sector, as well as some of the engineer and consulBng services also mark a very good performance in 2013.
RICS: Strong growth in investment in commercial real estate is expected in Bulgaria
Most commercial real estate markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) gradually leave behind the period of difficulBes. Rents and asset values in Bulgaria and Hungary are expected to increase in the next 12 months in all sectors. This shows the survey of the global organizaBon of professionals in real estate -­‐ Royal InsBtuBon of Chartered Surveyors / RICS /, which examines abtudes in the sector to the second quarter of 2014.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320, e-­‐mail:, hWp://
issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Abtudes to demand for real estate by tenants in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania are posiBve and with low negaBve values in the Czech Republic. Demand is growing in all sectors in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania, especially for offices in Bulgaria and for office and retail properBes in Hungary.
Rents are expected to increase in all three sectors (office, commercial and industrial areas) in Bulgaria and Hungary in the next 12 months. In Bulgaria, the strongest growth is expected in the office areas.
Investors prepare a huge factory for produc>on of synthe>c fibers in Haskovo
Investors in the Turkish city Chorlu bought the former factory halls of the plant Mlada Gvardia in Haskovo and prepare a huge factory for producBon of syntheBc fibers. The premises are simultaneously repaired and supplied with machinery for the texBle industry, which according to the plans of the depositor must have 3 shifs in the clock cycle.
According to the intenBons of the investors, not less than 1000 people should be employed by the end of 2015, which will automaBcally make it the largest employer in Haskovo. Hiring employees is underway. It currently has a staff of about 70 people, but constantly hires more people.
Owner of the future factory is C&C TexBles Ltd. Its manager is Ayse Ilknur Chelikyalmaz. The company is solely owned by the Turkish texBle giant Eurotext TexBles Ticaret Limited ShirkeB based around the town Chorlu.
Plant in Mezdra will open new 800 jobs
800 new jobs will create the plant in Mezdra, producer of cables for automoBve industry. This is part of the new project for expansion of the capacity of the enterprise. The management of the company envisage this to be made by the end of the next year. The vacancies are for installers, specialists and supervisors in the departments of quality management and planning. The plant -­‐ LocaBon Mezdra opened in early 2008. The company is a supplier of components to the internaBonal automoBve industry. The plant currently employs over 1,100 people in municipaliBes Mezdra, Vratsa, Roman, SlaBna and Borovan. InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320, e-­‐mail:, hWp://
issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
The unemployment in Bulgaria decreased for seventh consecu>ve month
The unemployment rate in Bulgaria has dropped for seventh consecuBve month. In August it was 10.4%, which is a decrease by 0.2% compared to July, according to the Employment Agency.
The unemployed started work on the primary market in August are with nearly 2000 more than in the same month last year. Most vacancies in the labor offices have been announced in the processing industry, commerce, administraBve and support acBviBes, and educaBon and construcBon.
The shrimp plant in Aitos started work
A group of thirty, already trained workers, technicians, technologists and administrators gave the start of producBon of the new plant in Aitos. Within a week or two in the regular producBon will be involved around 80 people and by the end of October they will be 250. Officially, the tape will be cut most likely in the second half of October. RepresentaBves of investors and experts from Sweden and Norway arrived in Aitos for the event.
Bulgaria and Romania with common brand in tourism
Bulgaria and Romania will promote with common brand the tourism of the countries. Nine billboards in the Bulgarian part of the Danube River have already been made and placed. The two countries are working on a common strategy for sustainable development of the cross-­‐project developed by the Bulgarian AssociaBon for AlternaBve Tourism. Partners are another 11 organizaBons in both countries. The leading partner in the project is the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public AdministraBon. 4 million euro is the value of the enBre project, for which was established a common database for the Romanian-­‐Bulgarian border area to be used by all stakeholders.
Labor produc>vity has increased by 1.7% annually
Labor producBvity has increased by 1.7% annually, according to the latest NaBonal StaBsBcal InsBtute (NSI) data. Anyone working at home creates an average of EUR 13.3 per hour. A year earlier, the employed Bulgarians are spent by 20 cents less per hour. However, if the data are compared with the end of the last year, it reported a decrease. At the end of the fourth quarter of last year, every employee has created an average of BGN 15.7 of GDP per hour of work. StaBsBcs shows that the employed people in the economy are over 3.5 million. Total hours that have been worked in the second quarter were 1472.9 billion hours. NSI reported a decline in the share of employment in agriculture and industry in the second quarter of 2014 compared to the same period last year.
Sega Daily
GDP increased with 1.6% in the second quarter of 2014
In the second quarter of 2014 GDP at current prices amounts to 19 517 million BGN, show the data of NaBonal StaBsBcal InsBtute.
In Euro terms GDP is 9 979 million Euro or 1 379 euro per person. According to the seasonally adjusted data, the GDP growth rate in the second quarter of 2014 is 1.6% compared with the same quarter of the previous year and 0.5% compared with the first quarter of 2014.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 8 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Gross value added (GVA) at current prices in the second quarter of 2014 amounted to 16 643 million BGN. As compared with the second quarter of 2013 the agricultural sector preserves its share of 4.8% in the gross value added of the economy. The share of industrial sector reaches 33.6 %, up by 0.9 percentage points. The share of services is 61.6% which is a decrease of 0.9 percentage points compared to the same period of the previous year.
16 new wineries will be opened in Bulgaria by the end of 2014
Over 60 foreign investors in Bulgaria are related to the culBvaBon of grapes and wine, said Krasimir Koev, ExecuBve Director of the Agency of Vine and Wine, quoted by "Focus".
"By the end of the year will open another 16 new wineries, including 12 with foreign parBcipaBon and four with Bulgarian. There are 250 wineries in the country, 70 of which are from foreign investment. On this occasion we can not talk about gray sector in the wine industry ", said Koev.
Three companies will invest EUR 10 million in Burgas
Three companies step in Industrial Zone Burgas this autumn, announced the mayor Dimitar Nikolov. The companies will create more than 120 jobs and the total investment for construcBon and equipment of producBon is 10 million euros.
Within a few days will start the construcBon works of a company based on Gabrovo. The new plant will be on an area of 2324 sq. m.
A company from Burgas has already made its first dig at the place with an area of 4945 sq. m. The third company with investment intenBons in the industrial area will build a showroom, workshop, service and storage area on a total of 4952 sq. m.
Bulgaria is the most preferred outsourcing des>na>on in Europe Bulgaria is the most preferred outsourcing desBnaBon in Europe. Our country is the only European country, which falls in top 10 in the world ranking of the most a_racBve desBnaBons for outsourcing, done by the analysis company A.T. Kearney. Bulgaria is at the ninth posiBon among 51 countries in the world and climbs up eight posiBons in the list since 2011, when the previous survey was done. According to Stefan Bumov, chairperson of the Bulgarian Outsourcing AssociaBon, this was an important recogniBon of the efforts of Bulgaria's outsourcing industry and its contribuBon to the economy. The leading posiBons in the A.T.Kearney ranking are taken by India, China and Malaysia.
The index takes into account 39 criteria in three categories – financial a_racBveness, b u s i n e s s e n v i r o n m e n t a n d h u m a n resources.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 9 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Investment for las>ng growth and jobs: development and good governance in the spotlight at the Sixth Cohesion Forum
See more
How can we make the EU a beeer place for SMEs? Commission seeks the views of the ci>zens
See more
European commission says OECD findings confirm importance of investment in educa>on for EU growth and jobs
See more
€ 11.9 billion to improve European connec>ons
See more
Industrial compe>>veness: Commission reports underline need for incisive ac>on by EU and Member States
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EU 'single market for research' now depends on na>onal reforms, study finds
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EU SME Instrument: first 155 winners of grants announced
See more
Erasmus Impact Study confirms EU student exchange scheme boosts employability and job mobility
See more
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 10 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Ficosota Ficosota will invest BGN 50 million in development of its manufacturing base in 2013-­‐2015, said Krassen Kyurkchiev, manager of Ficosota. This happened during the opening of the new logisBcs center in Shumen. The investment in the new warehouse is for more than BGN 11 million. The logisBcs center is situated on 8500 square meters area and collect 20 000 pallets. Ficosota is Bulgarian company producing FMCG, founded in 1994. It is a manufacturer of popular brands like Savex, Teo, Semana, Pufies, Mareb, Milde, Terter and many others. The company employs over 900 employees and exports the producBon in the Balkans, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, LaBn and North America. Source:
"Her>" The caps manufacturer "HerB" will increase its producBon capacity and its range with the launch of three new machines. AucBons are already underway and according to the schedule, their installaBon should be completed in the spring of next year. The new equipment will allow for the first Bme in Bulgaria to be produced aluminum caps with protecBve plasBc ring. Such products are used primarily in glass bo_les for mineral water and were previously imported from abroad. The modernizaBon project for the plant is approximately 3.75 million leva, half of which are grants under the program "Development of the CompeBBveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-­‐2013 and the other is provided by a loan from UniCredit Bulbank.
"Stoyanstroi" Project for industrial fish farming worth 6 million euro launched Stoyan Sariev, owner of "Stoyanstroi". The farm project has been completed in 14 months, in which Bme four different teams of experts have visited the company from which is purchased know-­‐how. The administraBve and preparatory work will be completed in 6 months, and implementaBon of the project will take up to 2 years. The funding will be done by 3 million euro from European program for aquaculture and 3 million euro own funds. Source:
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 11 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Analysis of Pharmaceu>cal industry in Bulgaria The pharmaceuBcal industry in Bulgaria has a long history and tradiBon. The producBon of medicaBons in the country dates back to 1933, but the modern look began to take place in the second half of the twenBeth century. Since its creaBon, the sub-­‐sector has specialized in the development of generic products but the share of patented drugs is negligible. Currently, the pharmaceuBcal industry is one of the most high-­‐tech acBviBes in Bulgaria that contributes to the producBon of products with high added value, employs highly skilled staff and experiences steady growth in the years of uncertainty and downturn. Local companies are export-­‐oriented, due to the fact that the Bulgarian pharmaceuBcal market has small absorpBon capacity and at the same Bme is characterized by high compeBBon and the presence of almost all major world producers. The major part of the pharmaceuBcal industry is based in the South-­‐western region, where the producBon faciliBes of 53 companies are concentrated, followed by the South-­‐Central region -­‐ with 14 companies, and the North-­‐Central Region with 10.
Among the biggest companies within the sector are: Sopharma Actavis Bulgaria, Unipharm, Balkanpharma Dupnitsa Balkanpharma Troyan, Medica and others such as members of the Bulgarian generic pharmaceuBcal associaBon. The main Bulgarian pharmaceuBcal companies on the local market (with a total of 1,876,547,389 lev) in 2010 are: Actavis 145 523 928 lev (7.8%), Sopharma -­‐ 109 353 876 lev (5.8%) Tchaikapharma -­‐ 38,790 843 (2.1%) and Medica Sandanski with a share of 4,233,515 lev (0.2%).
Leading export partners of Bulgaria for 2012 were Russia, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Denmark and Serbia. Together they form about two-­‐thirds of total exports. But from 2007, there is an unimpressive displacement of the partners of Bulgaria. The proporBon of deliveries to EU countries increased significantly, while the role of other tradiBonal markets of the Balkans and the former Eastern bloc weakened. If in 2007 among the twelve largest export desBnaBons covered only four EU member states it, in 2012 their number increased to eight.
Bulgaria may seek compeBBve advantages in the following areas: • ProducBon of the so-­‐called “hard-­‐to-­‐make-­‐generics” (innovaBon in terms of the formulaBon), as this segment is not interesBng for the large-­‐scale producBon in India and China (in tablet form for example); • Support the parBcipaBon of SMEs in the implementaBon of research, including through the European IniBaBve on InnovaBve Medicines; • As a leader in producBon of generics in the region. UBlizaBon of generic companies in the country has a scale that is greater than the potenBal of the Bulgarian market.
The main challenges that the companies in the sector face are the lack of strategic prioriBes in the health sector, problems in the budget and an ongoing price pressure from the Ministry of Health, the difficulBes for companies to maintain a constant trend and ensure adequate funding from the state.
Researches, based on pharmaceuBcal companies in the EU provide 700,000 jobs, whereas generic -­‐ another 150 000. Due to a highly qualified workforce and legal framework for the protecBon of intellectual property rights pharmaceuBcal industry in Europe is invesBng 30 billion Euros in R&D in 2012. The sector directly employs around 700 000 people (70% of whom are women) with various science and technology degrees and the number of indirect employees is about three or four Bmes larger. The sector is a high quality employer. Its employees have a good educaBon and the industry generates more value added per worker than any other high-­‐tech sector. Compared to other sectors, the pharmaceuBcal companies are more resistant to short-­‐term cycles of ups and crashes in the macroeconomics.
SWOT analysis of the sector
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 12 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
InvestBulgaria Agency
стр. 13 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Municipality Vratza
Area: 679 км²
Mayor: Nikolai Ivanov
Tel: + 359 92/ 663117
Fax: + 359 92/ 62 30 61
e-­‐mail: obshBnavr@b-­‐
Web site: h_p://
Local government supports the business
IntersecBon of two Pan-­‐European corridors -­‐ Corridor 4 and Corridor 7
Transport links to the northern and western borders and to the capital city
Improved infrastructure
Availability of raw materials for processing plants
Availability of industrial land and buildings
Access to network for delivery and storage of natural gas
CondiBons for profitable agriculture and livestock
InnovaBve, creaBve and successful industries
CompeBBve and adapBve workforce, with desire for development
Well-­‐developed network of cultural insBtuBons
Good network of educaBonal insBtuBons, campus
Availability of specialized health faciliBes -­‐ unique for The North planning region
Amazing natural landmarks and condiBons for tourism development
Municipality of Vratza is situated in northwestern Bulgaria, covering parts of the Danube Plain and the Fore (Vratza Mountain -­‐ falls within the Natural Park "Vratza Balkan"). Includes the municipaliBes Varshets, Mezdra, Krivodol, Borovan and SlaBna. The total length of its border is 150 km. The municipality brings together 23 se_lements, of which 1 city (Montana) and 22 villages. The city of Vratza is set as a natural administraBve, commercial, cultural and industrial center not only of the municipality, but also in northwestern Bulgaria. Vratza is one of the most picturesque towns in Bulgaria, 110 km from the capital, 145 km from the Danube Bridge 2 in Vidin, 80 km from the ferryboat in Oriahovo and 83 km from the river port of Lom.
Main objecBves of the municipal policies for economic development and improving the business environment, is to opBmize the local regulatory regimes and incenBves for the development of SMEs and craf. The administraBon works to create condiBons for successful development of industry, agriculture, construcBon and tourism. Among the prioriBes in our work is to improve the technical infrastructure and ecological environment as a condiBon for business development.
Municipality of Vratza has available land for degeneraBon of industrial enterprises, as well as free buildings, that can be provided to foreign investors. Several industrial areas are formed in the city of Vratza and are suitable for establishment of manufacturing plants, warehouses, motels, hotels, restaurants and other sites. Companies from Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Russia and others have invested in Vratza.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 14 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Municipality of Vratza parBcipates in various joint projects with local and foreign partners from Europe. The administraBon works on projects under the operaBonal programs, funded by the EU; in naBonal programs funded from the naBonal budget and loans; European programs funded by the EC.
The projects, on which has worked The Municipality during the first programming period (2007-­‐2013) of our country's membership in the EU are more than 60. It contains signed contracts for funding worth more than BGN 188 million. These projects are under six operaBonal programs of the programming period 2007-­‐2013 (OP "Environment", OP "Regional Development", OP "Human Resources Development", OP "Technical Assistance", OP "AdministraBve Capacity", OP "TransnaBonal cooperaBon", OP “SEE"), seven naBonal programs from MEW, MEE, MLSP (Environmental ProtecBon Fund and Social Inclusion, BeauBful Bulgaria, MF"Kozloduy ", etc.), Norwegian mechanism, three European (Twins towns, INTERREG Intelligent Energy -­‐ Europe).
The projects are focused on solving problems in the technical infrastructure of the municipality, health and educaBon, social services, environmental protecBon, urban planning, transport, modernizaBon and renovaBon of public municipal property, tourism, and the promoBon of the territory in order to a_ract investment. With them, we are taking significant steps to build a modern material environment, creaBng a modern image of the city and the se_lements, to improve the living environment, renovaBon of industrial zones and developing comfort in the overall living.
With the funds from the European Regional Development Fund and with the funds from the state and the municipal budget, we upgraded more than 20 sites of educaBonal infrastructure (kindergartens and schools), more than 10 objects of social infrastructure and 5 sites of health infrastructure. We conBnued with the investments in the regional landfill for municipal solid waste (MSW), and we built a new cell and separaBon plant. The MSW landfill meets the current requirements for environmental protecBon. We performed and conBnue to work on a number of projects, related to the modernizaBon of the underground technical infrastructure. Our biggest project is the Integrated Water Project of the city of Vratza (136 million BGN) for improvement of water supply and sewerage system in the city, the reconstrucBon of the wastewater treatment plant and water supply. In partnership with “Rila Gas” is carried out project for household and industrial gasificaBon of objects.
We implement projects, related to the creaBon of policies to protect the environment, be_er educaBon, creaBon of employment for young people, to solve the problems of migraBon and demographic collapse. Another part of the projects are related to young people, who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out of school and their parents. An integrated plan for urban regeneraBon and development was prepared, with a long-­‐term vision for the city of Vratza. We are working on projects, aimed at creaBng jobs and solving the problems of the individual ciBzen. We help on average of about of 700 people to get decent employment opportuniBes and we provide adequate social services to hundreds of our fellow ciBzens. We develop policies and tools to create a modern and efficient service to our fellow ciBzens administraBon.
This year will be completed several major investment projects, on which we have worked in recent years. As a result, we will have built a themaBc amusement park "Ledenika", 3 centers for Family Type AccommodaBon, a protected housing and a community center for children up to age 7. Forthcoming are public works of large public area and construcBon of a park in complex "Dabnika", renovaBon and construcBon of modern children's faciliBes InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 15 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
in two other parks in the city -­‐ park "Ruski" and "Hizhata". There will be divided sports areas with places for acBve sports and fitness equipment outdoors.
We work on the preparaBon of a number of investment projects, that will execute in the current programming period (2014-­‐2020), and for which we seek funding through both operaBonal programs and other sources. Larger projects are: 1) "Integrated urban transport; 2) UBlisaBon and development of the territory of the former military base to build a public area with cultural, recreaBonal and sports faciliBes, recreaBonal faciliBes and acBviBes for children and adults for the guests and visitors of the city; 3) Create a "European Geopark" in Vratza Balkan 4) AddiBonal water supply for tourist sites in the "Vratza Balkan"; 5) Upgrading of sports faciliBes in the sports complex of the city, including stadium and running track and construcBon of new faciliBes in the neighborhoods; 6) Upgrade of the hospital complex and municipal faciliBes; 7) ModernizaBon of cultural sites -­‐ theater, regional history museum, regional library, youth center, administraBve buildings and other.
With the European Funds we are implemenBng a number of investment projects of the business from Vratza. More than 70 projects were realized during the first programming period (2007-­‐2013) under OP "CompeBBveness of the Bulgarian Economy" and OP "Human Resources Development", totaling more than BGN 14 million. The projects are in the modernizaBon of producBon faciliBes, environmental, high technology and improving staff qualificaBons. Some of the major investments are:
 Increasing the compeBBveness of Holcim (Bulgaria) by commissioning of an innovaBve system for cubng, dispensing, transport and recovery by incineraBon of sorted municipal solid waste".
 New high-­‐tech line Romteh -­‐ 3 S ", with financial support of the Dutch Ministry for Economy and Trade.
 Photovoltaic power staBon Ekosolar 15MW in the area Kolomanova, at the exit of Vratza towards Krivodol. Investor of the project is "Samsung" and the construcBon works were performed by "Schneider Electric France". The start was on November 23, 2011, as planned duraBon for the construcBon of photovoltaic power was 30 weeks and ended in the middle of 2012.
 Plant for producBon of ball valves. "O.M.S. Saleri eastern Europe "-­‐ g. Vratza. The investment is from the Italian company RBO.
Industrial sites in Vratza -­‐ municipal property
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 16 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
We achieved visible changes in the city and our municipality is a_racBve place to live, work and recreaBon. We have the support of the community in maintaining clean and friendly kind of the se_lements and we have introduced new pracBces.
Municipality Vratsa
Total for Vratsa Municipality
Population (number)
) Incl. purchase of land
Leading companies by sales
income (BGN thousands)
Leading companies by profit
(BGN thousand)
57 771
Birth rate
Mechanical growth -­‐ total (number)
Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC -­‐ Kozloduy
733 318
MeBzi JSC -­‐ Roman
7 817
Inertstroy-­‐Kaleto JSC -­‐ Mezdra
7 616
Techceramic M LTD -­‐ Mezdra
4 603
MulB-­‐profile Hospital for AcBve Treatment (MBAL) Sv.Ivan Rilski-­‐Kozloduji SPLTD -­‐ Kozloduy
2 677
42 102
Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC -­‐ Kozloduy
Inertstroy-­‐Kaleto JSC -­‐ Mezdra
PoligrafsBl SPLTD -­‐ Vratza
Techceramic M LTD -­‐ Mezdra
MeBzi JSC -­‐ Roman
Vratsa Province
3 619,7 sq. km.
Total for Vratsa Province
PopulaBon (number)
Natural increase -­‐ from 1000, ‰
Economic indicators Total for Vratsa Province
Employees under labor contracts (number)
and labor market
Average annual salary of employees under labor contracts (BGN)
Economic acBvity rate -­‐ 15-­‐64 years (%)
Employment rate -­‐ 15-­‐64 years (%)
Unemployment rate (%)
Registered unemployed as to 31.12. (number)
GDP (BGN thousand)
GDP per capita (BGN)
Foreign direct investment in non-­‐financial enterprises, as to
31.12. (USD thousand to 2006 -­‐ incl./ EUR thousand -­‐ afer 2007)
193 555
42 157
184 662
41 118
181 574
40 506
8 509
8 657
9 231
12 739
12 981
15 245
178 759.4
172 668.2
152 754.8
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 17 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 Cost of acquisiBon of long-­‐term tangible assets (BGN thousand)1)
Turnover (BGN thousand) *
Produced output (BGN thousand) *
Value added at factor cost (BGN thousand) *
InvestBulgaria Agency
372 632
288 984
269 970
2 165 705
1 866 416
896 515
2 342 547
2 021 699
945 569
2 351 959
2 013 207
974 386
* Data are calculated by the methodology of Structural Business Statis=cs
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 18 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Opera>onal Programme “Regions in Growth” 2014-­‐2020 (OPRG)
OperaBonal Programme "Regions in Growth" 2014 -­‐ 2020 (OPRG 2014-­‐2020) is one of the operaBonal programs included in the Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Commission, that outline the framework of support for Bulgaria for the programming period 2014-­‐2020. The total budget of the OPRG 2014-­‐2020 amounts to 1.54 billion euros (EU and naBonal funding).
The program aims to achieve sustainable and balanced regional development by creaBng condiBons for growth and employment in the Bulgarian regions. The strategic focus of the program is on urban development policy, through the implementaBon of integrated plans for urban regeneraBon and development in 67 targeted towns, forming a pa_ern of moderate polycentric development of the territory, according to the NaBonal SpaBal Development Concept for 2013-­‐2025.
The model is based on 10 towns -­‐ centers of growth and funcBonally connected network of small and medium-­‐
sized towns, evenly distributed across the country. To achieve this pa_ern of spaBal development, the main resource of the program -­‐ 61% is directed towards measures for sustainable and integrated urban development on the basis of the developed towns of integrated plans for urban regeneraBon and development. The remaining 39% of the program's resources are focused on sectoral policies of regional importance as priority measures are based on sectoral strategic documents developed at naBonal level.
The investments in OperaBonal Programme “Regions in Growth” 2014-­‐2020 will be implemented within seven priority axes, containing the following investment prioriBes and indicaBve acBviBes to them.
 Priority Axis 1: "Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development" has the highest indicaBve financial resource -­‐ € 946,153,713 (EU and naBonal funding). It includes several investment prioriBes:
Investment Priority 1.1: "Energy efficiency in residenBal and commercial buildings and student dormitories" -­‐ 17% of the total budget of the OPRG. Energy efficiency in public administraBon buildings is envisaged to be implemented with grants. The measures for energy efficiency in mulBfamily residenBal buildings and dormitories will be in the raBo of 75% grant and 25% loan.
Investment Priority 1.2: "Improving the urban environment and areas with potenBal for economic development" -­‐ 17% of the total budget of the OPRG and grant funding / Financial instruments -­‐ 83% / 17%. The implementaBon of acBviBes under this priority aims to improve the quality of urban environment through the restoraBon of parks, gardens, playgrounds, streets and pedestrian areas, etc. InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 19 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Support for business and industrial zones is included as a combinaBon of grants and financial instruments. Areas with potenBal for economic development are urban areas with predominant purpose of manufacturing and other business acBviBes with funcBonal, areal characterisBcs and condiBon of the physical infrastructure, which do not saBsfy investment demand for the development of exisBng and new economic acBviBes, as well as free territories with similar purpose, determined by development plans.
That investment priority of OPRG 2014-­‐2020 supports the development of areas with potenBal for economic development within already developed from 36 towns of the first, second and third level according to the NaBonal SpaBal Development Concept for 2013-­‐2025 Integrated Plans for urban ReconstrucBon and Development.
OperaBonal Programme "InnovaBon and CompeBBveness" 2014-­‐2020 supports the development of technology parks of naBonal importance and technological centers.
In view of this, the coordinaBon between the two programs will be pursued in the areas with potenBal for economic development, idenBfied in the Integrated plans for urban regeneraBon and development. OPRG 2014-­‐2020 supports the modernizaBon and reconstrucBon of exisBng and construcBon of new technical infrastructure related to the promoBon of business and entrepreneurship, as well as construcBon, rehabilitaBon and reconstrucBon of business and industrial areas, including buildings within areas with potenBal for economic development of Integrated Plans for urban ReconstrucBon and Development. OperaBonal Programme "InnovaBon and CompeBBveness" 2014-­‐2020 will provide priority through criteria for selecBon of projects of eligible businesses that develop economic acBvity or plan to invest in idenBfied areas of potenBal for economic development of integrated urban regeneraBon and development plan. Complementarity between the programs will be achieved in the field of energy efficiency, OPRG 2014-­‐2020 supports measures for energy efficiency in mulBfamily residenBal buildings and office buildings of state and municipal administraBon, and OPIC supports measures for energy efficiency in small and medium enterprises. The measures by OPIC for support of the naBonal markeBng tourism will complement the measures by OPRG 2014-­‐2020 for support of the cultural heritage and the development of regional tourism product.
Investment Priority 1.3: Investment in municipal educaBonal infrastructure -­‐ 6.9% of the total budget of the OPRG by 100% grant funding. The envisaged support includes renovaBon and modernizaBon, including equipment and furniture for municipal general and specialized schools, kindergartens and nurseries.
Investment Priority 1.4: InvesBng in social, sporBng and cultural infrastructure -­‐ 10.5% of the total budget of the OPRG using financial instruments for sports and cultural infrastructure. The objecBves of the investment priority is improving the housing condiBons of the Roma, improvement of social services, such as crisis centers, improving sports faciliBes and cultural insBtuBons, theaters, opera houses, community centers, libraries.
Investment priority 1.5: PromoBng Sustainable Urban Transport -­‐ 9% of the total budget of the OPRG and grant funding / Financial instruments -­‐ 85% / 15%. AcBviBes related to the overall development of integrated sustainable urban transport system, rehabilitaBon and construcBon of street networks and transport infrastructure and its faciliBes etc.
Priority Axis 2: Regional educaBonal infrastructure envisages financial support of 115 million euros, or 7.4 % of the total budget of the program.
The measures are aimed at modernizaBon of vocaBonal, special, support, sports schools and schools of art and culture, as well as universiBes.
Priority Axis 3: Regional health infrastructure is related to the improvement of Ambulance staBons and hospitals for conBnued treatment. The envisaged indicaBve financial resource amounts to 84 million euros, or 5.4 % of the budget of the program will be implemented projects with 100 % grant funding.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 20 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Priority Axis 4: Regional social infrastructure is aimed at supporBng the process of deinsBtuBonalizaBon of social services for children and adults. EsBmated indicaBve resource ammounts to 51 million euros or 3.3% of
the program budget and projects will be implemented by 100% grant funding.
Priority Axis 5: Regional Tourism -­‐ 6.5% of the total budget of OPRG from 2014 to 2020, or 100 million euros is inked to the protecBon, promoBon and development of cultural heritage of global and naBonal importance and is aimed at increasing the supply in the tourism sector of monuments of naBonal importance and generate
growth and employment. Infrastructural investments that will be implemented with priority include projects of cultural heritage of naBonal importance and religious sites, including the addiBonal small scale technical infrastructure in the area of the a_racBons that have the potenBal to develop into a comprehensive tourism product and a_ract tourist interest. The target objects are determined in advance, based on methodology for
prioriBzing cultural heritage sites of naBonal importance.
Priority Axis 6: Regional road infrastructure -­‐ 194 million euros or 12.24% of the program budget. The projects will be implemented by 100% grant funding. The priority axis will support key secBons of the naBonal road network (roads first, second and third grade), providing access to the TEN-­‐T network.
Priority Axis 7: Technical assistance -­‐ 3.4% of the total budget of OPRG from 2014 to 2020 or 52 million euros. The support focuses on strengthening and improving of the administraBve capacity to the managing authority and beneficiaries.
Main beneficiaries under the OperaBonal Programme "Regions in Growth" 2014-­‐2020 are the municipaliBes, that already have solid experience in the management of EU-­‐funded projects. In terms of sectoral priority axes, eligible beneficiaries are state insBtuBons for the implementaBon of predefined projects. Main beneficiaries in the implementaBon of revenue-­‐generaBng projects will be the financial instruments.
It should be noted that at present OperaBonal programme "Regions in Growth" 2014-­‐2020 is in the process of negoBaBons between Bulgaria and the European Commission and there is possibility that the final version of the program might change.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 21 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
You have been on the
Bulgarian market from 15
years. What is your take on
the investment climate in
Bulgaria through the years?
We believe that, over the years, the condi=ons for investment in the Bulgaria has undergone a posi=ve evolu=on.
How did you decide to invest
in Bulgaria? What were the
Our decision to invest in Bulgaria is part of the strategic development plan adopted by our Group since the ‘80s.
What are your expectations
regarding your company ’s
development in 2014?
We believe that the expected result for 2014 could be posi=ve albeit influenced by the low growth climate which s=ll characterises the economy in Europe.
What are the main challenges
that a foreign investor meets
in the country?
We hope that the posi=ve evolu=on s=ll con=nues and that we could obtain a greater certainty regarding the permits and authorisa=ons needed to realize investments.
What are the necessary
measures that need to be
taken by the government in
order to improve the
investment climate in
Define alterna=ve routes with certain =ming in case some appointed En=ty does not provide opinions or does not release some authoriza=ons necessary to realize the due investments.
Do you think that offering
more government incentives
would benefit the process of
attracting foreign direct
Economic and fiscal Incen=ves encourage foreign investors.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 22 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
It is often expressed in the
media that the foreign
investors in Bulgaria flee the
country. Do you find this
statement to be true?
According to our experience, this statement appears to be not true for those investors focused on a serious industrial project. We think to belong to this category since we have always implemented our presence in the country. On the contrary, the statement can be true for such a kind of investment based almost exclusively on the incen=ves and/or low cost of the manpower. What are the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to improve the country’s image interna9onally?
In the recent years, we think that Bulgaria has made a considerable progress in improving its Interna=onal image and it is taking steps in the right direc=on to improve it further. However, there are s=ll some areas where the aStude in approaching the problems should change. A typical example is represented by the payments in the Healthcare Sector where who supply the services is usually a private Company, oUen a foreign investor and not the State that, in the past, could manage the subject internally. This topic, may be some=mes a disincen=ve for new investments that could might help to improve and modernize major areas of the Country system.
From todays’ standpoint,
would you invest in Bulgaria?
It is clear that our long presence in the country implies that we invested in the Country and we are s=ll implemen=ng our investments.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 23 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (ICCB) is a private not-­‐for-­‐profit membership organizaBon, under the Bulgarian Law and officially recognized by the Italian Government in consistence with law no. 518 of July 1st, 1970, which represents the interests of companies that have or that are interested in establishing business and commercial relaBons between Bulgaria and European countries. The ICCB is a member of Assocamerestero, the world associaBon of Italian bi-­‐naBonal chambers, established to evaluate and develop the Chambers acBviBes and to support the SME’s internaBonalizaBon through increasing the level of interest and awareness on the network and its features among InternaBonal insBtuBons and business organizaBons. The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (ICCB) is part of: Assocamerestero a huge network of 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad in 55 Countries collecBng 25.000 companies all around the world (70% of them are local firms interested in different forms of mutual exchange with Italy); Unioncamere, Union of 105 Italian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraf and Agriculture in Italy collecBng 5 Millions of enterprises based in 20 Regions in Italy;
Eurochambres, AssociaBon of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry that represents over 20 million member enterprises in Europe through 45 members (43 naBonal Sofia 1504
1/V Oborishte Str., fl.6
tel/fax: +359 2 8463280/1
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria e un associazione privata, indipendente e senza scopo di lucro, registrata presso il Tribunale di Sofia, e riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano con decreto del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70 (Riordinamento delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all Estero), avente l obiebvo di supportare abvamente e soddisfare le esigenze delle aziende associate, nonche di prestare i propri servizi a tu_e quelle imprese, enB ed associazioni esterne interessate alla penetrazione nel mercato bulgaro.
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria e parte del circuito mondiale dell Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all Estero, Assocamerestero, stru_ura complessa che opera per promuovere lo sviluppo degli scambi commerciali nel mondo, valorizzare le abvita delle Camere e diffondere la conoscenza della rete delle CCIE presso le isBtuzioni italiane ed internazionali e presso le organizzazioni imprenditoriali e i media italiani. Assocamerestero svolge una costante azione di indirizzo strategico per le abvita svolte dalle Camere di Commercio Italiane nel mondo a sostegno dell internazionalizzazione delle PMI e la promozione del Made in Italy.
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria e parte integrante di:
* Eurochambres, Associazione delle Camere di Commercio e Industria d Europa che rappresenta circa 20 milioni di imprese in Europa a_raverso una rete di 45 soci (43 associazioni nazionali di camere di commercio e industria e organizzazioni di camere transnazionali) ed un network europeo composto da 1.700 Camere di Commercio regionali InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 24 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 associaBons of chambers of commerce and Industry and two transnaBonal chamber organizaBons) and a European network of 1.700 regional and local chambers. More than 93% of these enterprises are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The ICCB brings together businesses, ranging from individual entrepreneurs to large corporaBons, advancing the interests of its members through contacts and interacBon with government agencies, trade associaBons and leading internaBonal organizaBons. InvestBulgaria Agency
e locali. Piu del 93% di queste imprese sono di piccolo e medie dimensioni (PMI).
Per svolgere al meglio il proprio ruolo di cerniera tra i due Paesi, la Camera intrabene contab e relazioni isBtuzionali con i principali EnB, IsBtuzioni ed Amministrazioni italiane e bulgare, tra cui l Ambasciata d Italia a Sofia, l ICE di Sofia, l IsBtuto Italiano di Cultura, il Ministero dell Economia e dell Energia di Bulgaria, le Agenzie governaBve, l Ambasciata della Repubblica di Bulgaria a Roma, i ConsolaB Onorari di Bulgaria in Italia, ed opera in stre_o conta_o con l ampia rete delle Camere di Commercio sia italiane che bulgare. I principali obiebvi della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria sono:
-­‐ La promozione e il sostegno delle iniziaBve volte ad incrementare l'interscambio economico, poliBco, sociale e culturale tra l Italia e la Bulgaria;
-­‐ Il sostegno all internazionalizzazione delle PMI e la promozione del Made in Italy;
-La promozione di abvita di assistenza economica, sociale, formaBva e tecnica.
The ICCB provides with specialized services such as market research, domesBc and internaBonal commercial norms and regulaBons, contact informaBon for trade and professional organizaBons, informaBon on incenBves for foreign investment, informaBon on potenBal business partners, and preparaBon of Bulgaria media plans and promoBonal campaigns, organizaBon of commercial delegaBons and trade missions. La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria offre un As Bulgaria entered European Union in 2007, the ampia gamma di servizi specializzaB tra cui ricerche di Observatory on Structural Funds and Other mercato, assistenza e consulenza nella ricerca di partner European Programs was born within the ICCB to commerciali e d invesBmento, informazioni de_agliate sul help businesses, InsBtuBons and other Paese e sulla normaBva commerciale internazionale, organizaBons in taking advantage of European informazioni sul sistema incenBvante in Bulgaria per l a_razione di invesBmenB direb esteri, organizzazione di iniBaBves and financing opportuniBes. incontri B2B, delegazioni commerciali, missioni The ICCB also works on special projects co-­‐ isBtuzionali, evenB e seminari tecnici, partecipazioni di funded by European Union and the Italian delegazioni buyers ai maggiori evenB fierisBci in Italia, Ministry of Economic Development, in tandem organizzazione di campagne promozionali e pubblicitarie.
with other European countries. The ICCB La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria sviluppa e organizes periodic conferences, seminars and realizza, altresi, progeb speciali cofinanziaB dall Unione meeBngs, training sessions in European Europea e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Italiano, cooperaBon with local and governmental in collaborazione con altri soggeb isBtuzionali dei Paesi insBtuBons, local business and professional europei. Organizza periodicamente conferenze e seminari organizaBons, private enterprises. These events ed incontri d affari, sessioni formaBve con EnB ed treat relevant issues of current interest including IsBtuzioni governaBve locali, organizzazioni non trends and new developments in internaBonal governaBve ed EnB privaB. commerce, project financing, and technology and investment opportuniBes for SMEs. Dal 1 luglio 2006, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Since 1st July 2006 ICCB is official representaBve of Fiera Milano in Bulgaria with a promoBonal and informaBon desk within the ICCB and since 2009 ICCB has been represented also Rimini Fiera, two major exhibiBon Italian organizers. ICCB cooperate in a really straight cooperaBon with them in order to foster business opportuniBes for Italian and Bulgarian MSMEs. Bulgaria e il rappresentante ufficiale di Fiera Milano (partner ufficiale mondiale di Expo 2015) in Bulgaria con un desk informaBvo e promozionale sito presso la stru_ura camerale e dal 2009 la CCIB rappresenta, altresi, Rimini Fiera, due delle principali societa di gesBone di manifestazioni fierisBche in Italia, con le quali la Camera di Commercio opera in stre_a sinergia al fine di accrescere le opportunita di business tra le PMI italiane e bulgare.
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 25 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Foreign Direct Investments in Bulgaria
EUR mln
Net cash flow -­‐ annual data
2005 2006
1850.5 2735.9 3152.1 6221.6 9051.8
6727.8 2436.9
Net cash flow – quarterly data
Net cash flow – monthly data
223.8 -­‐268.5 90.0
* Data is updated (as to 01.10.2014 г.) II
Source: BNB
Main economic indicators EU – Bulgaria -­‐ Italy
European Union
GDP (purchasing power parity)
$ mln
GDP -­‐ real growth rate
GDP -­‐ per capita (PPP)
$ thousand
Industrial producKon growth rate
Labor force
Unemployment rate
Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-­‐)
% of GDP
Public debt
% of GDP
InflaKon rate (consumer prices)
Current account balance
$ mln
$ mln
$ mln
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold
$ mln
Debt -­‐ external
$ mln
15 850 000 [2013 est.]
104 600 [2013 est.]
1 805 000 [2013 est.]
0.1 [2013 est.]
0.5 [2013 est.]
-­‐1.8 [2013 est.]
34.5 [2013 est.]
14.4 [2013 est.]
29.6 [2013 est.]
-­‐0.3 [2013 est.]
1 [2013 est.]
-­‐2.7 [2013 est.]
228.6 [2013 est.]
2.551 [2013 est.]
25.74 [2013 est.]
10.5 [2013 est.]
11.6 [2013 est.]
12.4 [2013 est.]
-­‐2.4 [2013 est.]
-­‐3.3 [2013 est.]
18.4 [2013 est.]
133 [2013 est.]
1.5 [2013 est.]
1.5 [2013 est.]
1.2 [2013 est.]
-­‐34 490 [2011 est.]
-­‐182.3 [2013 est.]
-­‐2 400 [2013 est.]
2 173 000 [2012 est.]
27 900 [2013 est.]
474 000 [2013 est.]
2 312 000 [2012 est.]
32 880 [2013 est.]
435 800 [2013 est.]
863 800 [12m 2011]
20 690 [12m 2013]
181 700 [12m 2012]
15 950 000 [12m 2012]
37 850 [12m 2013]
2 604 000[12m 2012]
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 26 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
Stock of direct foreign investment -­‐ at home
$ mln
54 210 [12m 2013]
466 300 [12m 2013]
$ mln
1 939 [12m 2013]
683 600 [12m 2013]
Stock of direct foreign investment -­‐ abroad
Source: CIA /
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 27 от 28 issue 9 (12) / September 2014 InvestBulgaria Agency
New York,
World Business Forum New York 2014
Crowne Plaza Brussels -­‐ European Energy 2014
Le Palace, Brussels, Securing Europe's energy future
13-­‐16 October
16-­‐17 October
London, United Kingdom
The World Investment Forum 2014
Seventh Annual European Investment Conference
A Fresh Perspec9ve: Checking Assump9ons, Challenging Mindsets
The Guoman Tower Hotel Outsourcing Des9na9on Bulgaria
Business Forum
Export Forum 2014 — V4 Countries & Austria
Bulgaria Economic Forum
Bulgaria on the EU road to 2020
InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), 31 Aksakov Str., Sofia 1000
Tel.: (+359 2) 985-­‐5500, Fax: (+359 2) 980-­‐1320 e-­‐mail:, hWp://
стр. 28 от 28