CFSC News Page 1 CFSC N EWSLETTER Oc tober 22, 2 011 V o lu me 7 , I s s u e 10 Columbia Figure Skating Club ▪ P. O. Box 302 ▪ Columbia, MD 21045 ▪ FROM THE PRESIDENT BY COLLEEN TERPOS Dear Skaters and Families, As show practices get started, this newsletter becomes more and more important! Please read through carefully so that you do not miss any costume information, meeting, or rehearsals. Thanks so much for being members of our club. DATE EVENT October 20-25 October 27 October 30 November 5 November 6 South Atlantic Regionals, Aston, Pennsylvania CFSC Board Meeting 7:30 pm First Nutcracker rehearsal Pre-Injury Baseline Concussion Testing General Membership meeting (6pm) Soloist Sketches due to Katina Finks Eastern Sectional Championships, Jamestown, NY Nutcracker on Ice November 15 December 17 &18 Page 2 CFSC News SHOW NEWS BY MIA CHOI Nutcracker Practice begins Sunday, October 30th CLARA PARTY CLOWN JACKNBOX MAID HEAD SOLDIER MOUSE QUEEN SNOW QUEEN SPANISH DANCER GINGERBREAD DOLL DEWDROP FRENCH DOLL SUGARPLUM FAIRY GREEN (1st & 3rd shows) MAYA NEWLIN EMMA POMERANZ KENDALL CLAIRMONT ROSE GLENN KATIE TINCHER KELLY TIMLEN KENDALL ROBEY ERIN DOBYNS GRACE STULMAN TIFFANY WANG FAITH ZARUBA MICHELLE LEE RED (2ND & 4TH SHOWS) ARISSA FALAT MICHELLE BAO MEGAN LYDON KATY KEMP ELIZABETH NEGREA JULIA CHOI GRACE BLOOMFIELD ANA SHIMEALL SARAH ROSSO LEXI FINKS JAMIE LEE SOOAH PARK Nutcracker practice starts next week! Off-ice practices will take place at the The Other Barn located on the other side of Food Lion by the rink. Practices will start promptly, and attendance will be taken at both off-ice and on-ice. Excused absence must be submitted in writing to show directors prior to practice. Repeated tardiness or arriving late to practice may result in your skater being removed or rearranged in the choreography. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes during off-ice. NO JEANS, and sneakers or ballet shoes are recommended. Any questions regarding practice can be sent to: Mia: 410-409-3815 --; or Donna: 443-745-4412 -- OCTOBER 30 OFF ICE PRACTICE SCHEDULE Time Pat 1-1:30 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-4:00 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 Soldiers Mice Sugar Plums (BR) (BR) (BR) Party-Child Party-Teens (BR) (BR) Party-Adults (BR) BY DONNA TIMLEN Martha Melissa Chinese Teacakes Flowers Arabians (SR) Gingerbreads (SR) Snowflakes (BR) BR = Big Room, SR = Small Room Soloists do not need to attend with their groups this weekend but may need to as defined in future. Note: Time slots are subject to change as practices evolve. (SR) (SR) (BR) CFSC News Page 3 SKATER SUCCESS STORY BY KIM ZARUBA Elizabeth Negrea and Aidan Brown deserve a big congratulations this week for medaling at The South Atlantic Regional Non-Qualifying Competition held in Aston, PA! Aidan got second place in his Pre-Preliminary group and Elizabeth came in third place in her Preliminary group. Bronze must be Elizabeth’s lucky color because she also came in third place in her artistic group! Congrats to both Aidan and Elizabeth! GLIDE WITH PRIDE BY SUSAN BLOOMFIELD This week we will do our best to run some Glide with Pride classes, but we will not have our full contingent of instructors present as some of them will be away at the South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships in Aston, Pennsylvania. We will try to work with as many of the participants as possible, but please help your skater(s) understand that things may be a bit more on the informal side than usual. This program is run by volunteers - and hopefully the joy of skating and enthusiasm for the sport is shared between the participants. Please help your skater(s) notice when their color is being called - and encourage them to participate. If a skater misses his or her class it is not always possible for us to accomodate and run another class. All classes are held at the clock end of the rink. Participation is encouraged but it is not mandatory. And remember the classes also help our skaters to better know other skaters. Questions should be directed to our board directors coordinating the program: Wende Jones and Susan Bloomfield. This informal instruction time by volunteer junior instructors and assistants is intended to supplement, not replace, more formal instruction through group and/or private lessons. Page 4 SKATER SUCCESS STORY CFSC News BY KATINA FINKS As things have come further along with the design process of costumes I am able to share more information. Below is the complete list of costume coordinators. Please be sure to provide your contact info to the costume coordinator assigned for your child’s group. It is your responsibility to check with your costume coordinator on Sundays for new information. Remember to get in touch with a seamstress if you cannot sew your child's costume. If you need information on seamstresses within the club, please contact me at This year we are re-using Party Guest dresses, Mice, Teacakes, and Adagio costumes. At this time you may bring in these costumes if you would like to sell them. Mark them with your name and asking price and give it to the appropriate coordinator. If you cannot find her you may give it to me! Costume Coordinators: Party Adult - Becki Dobyns Party Teen - Tara Clairmont / Heather Offenburg Party Child - Susan Lee Soldiers - Sherri Tatum Mice - Kim Scherock Snowflakes - Mona Bao Arabian Dancers - Amy Kemp / Gladys Novak Chinese - Kendra Knoke Russian Dancers - Katina FInks Teacakes - Katina Finks Gingerbread - Andrea Smolen Flowers - Chris Tincher Sugar Plums - Jessica Heinmann Soloists- Katina Finks Below is a list of pattern numbers for most groups. If you are sewing your own costume you will need to purchase these patterns. If you are having a seamstress sew it for you, you may want to check with her to see if she has it or if she needs you to purchase it. Kwik Sewing patterns can be purchase at Sew-n-Vac stores. There is a Sew-N-Vac store located Route 40 in the Normandy Shopping center. The pattern information for Snowflakes, Chinese, and Flowers is not yet available. Pattern Numbers: Party Guest Adult: Kwik Sew 3154 (ladies xs-xl) for bodice and any poodle skirt pattern for skirt Party Guest Teen and Child: Kwik Sew 3153 (child 4-7) Or 3164 (child 8-14) for bodice and any poodle skirt pattern for skirt Soldiers: Kwik Sew 3164 (child 8-14) Or 3154 (Ladies xs-xl) Adult Mice: Kwik Sew 3164 (child 8-14) Mice: Kwik Sew 3103 (child 4-7) Or 3104 (child 8-14) Arabians: Kwik Sew 3154 (ladies xs-xl) Russians: Kwik Sew 2931 (ladies xs-xl) Gingerbread: Kwik Sew 3164 (child 8-14) Sugar Plums: Kwik Sew 3163 (child 4-7) Or 3164 (8-14) TBD: Snowflakes,Chinese, Flowers *****Save your JoAnne Fabrics and Micheals Coupons and give them to your coordinators! *****Soloists sketches due Nov 6th! CFSC News Page 5 SKATER SPOTLIGHT BY JULIA Name: Sophia Velcuescu Age: 6 Favorite food: Spaghetti Favorite color: Blue Favorite skating move: Waltz Jump Favorite subject: Lunch Favorite movie: Wally JUNIOR BOARD NEWS CHOI BY KELLY TIMLEN Pre-injury Baseline Concussion Test By Mia Choi Dear Skaters and Families: Columbia Figure Skating Club and the Children's National Medical Center have been working hard to try and reschedule our concussion testing. The new date for the Pre-injury Baseline Test has been scheduled for Saturday, November 5th, 10:15am and 11:15am at the Columbia ice rink. If you had missed out on registering your skater for the test, please send your RSVP to by Sunday, October 23rd. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to have your child receive this important test as a safety precaution in the event of a concussion. Please include your child's name and age. Can you believe that show practice is only one week away! I am so excited for it to start. Not only is the skating fun but it is lots of time with good friends. On October 30th, the Junior Board is hosting Halloween Theme Night. Wear a costume to Sunday club ice next week! Please wear a costume that is safe to skate in! There will be treats and drinks, too. This Sunday just have fun! Congratulations to our skaters that competed last weekend and good luck to our skaters competing this weekend in Aston, PA Page 6 CFSC News CFSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Colleen Terpos FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AND SHOW DIRECTOR Mia Choi SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Jennifer Ignacio THIRD VICE PRESIDENT AND TEST CHAIR Christine Tincher TREASURER Lad Falat CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Susan Bloomfield RECORDING SECRETARY AND SHOW DIRECTOR Donna Timlen MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSONS Becki Dobyns & Lisa Morgan GENERAL MEMBERS Sandra Ellis Kendra Jolly Amy Kemp Ji Lydon Julie Robey Robert Schindler Diane Stulman HEAD PROFESSIONAL Pat Muth SPECIAL ADVISER (NON-VOTING) Wende Jones P. O. BOX 302 COLUMBIA, MD 21045 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Arissa Falat Hannah Fang Montana Ignacio Kirsten Jolly Maura Kilcoyne Jamie Lee Joanna McNeilly Ana Shimeall Allison Timlen Laura Zheng Fall Recital and Send-Off Photos Are Ready! A big thank you to Alex Xu and Craig Shearman for photographing and editing these two events! You can find the recital photos at: password: skate (with lowercase “s”) You can find the Send-Off photos at: password: Skate (with uppercase “S”)