BFKS Handbook 14 - Big Brothers Big Sisters
BFKS Handbook 14 - Big Brothers Big Sisters
Presented by: What’s inside? Event Sponsors………………………………...1 Introduction……………………………………2-4 Who We Are and How You Help...…….2 About Us………………………………….2 Bowl For Kids’ Sake Overview...……….3 The Coordinator’s Role………….……3-4 Sponsorship Opportunities……………..……4 BFKS Results 2012 & 2013…………………5-6 Bowling Basics…………………………………5 How to Fundraise…..……………………….….7 Schedule of Events………………………….....8 Important Dates…………………………..8 Bowling Shifts / Lane Registration………….9 Bowler Registration……………………………9 Fundraising Website………………………….10 T-Shirts Info & Order Form…………..……...11 Big/Little Bowling……………………………..12 Fundraising Safety……………………………12 Prizes……………………………………………13 Pizza Discounts……………………………….13 Ideas for Success…………………………13-14 Contact Us……………………………………..15 BFKS Week…………………………………….15 Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 1 Introduction Who We Are and How You Help Bowl for Kids’ Sake (BFKS) is about raising awareness and funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa to support youth mentoring for children facing adversity. Teams are the backbone of a successful BFKS. Teams rally the strengths and inspiration of their members to reach far greater goals than most single bowlers can achieve alone. With a goal of 3,000 bowlers and $372,000, Big Brothers Big Sisters NEEDS YOU to assist, motivate and encourage every BFKS participant. Your help as a Company Coordinator is vital and greatly appreciated. BFKS is not about bowling skill levels or bowling at all! First and foremost, BFKS is about understanding Big Brothers Big Sisters’ programs and services and how effective this program is for children in our community. It’s about having fun to help youth succeed! Secondly, it’s about understanding why you are helping out. How have you been affected by Big Brothers Big Sisters programs and services? How do you feel about supporting children right here in your community? Know that and you’ll raise awareness and funds with ease. About Us Big Brothers Big Sisters is the nation's preeminent youth-service organization. With experience in matching volunteers (Bigs) with children (Littles), Big Brothers Big Sisters has the model and method for making these relationships strong, positive and fun. Our service is based on our volunteers. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are, most importantly, friends to children. They share everyday activities and help their Littles experience joy in even the simplest activities. We make a profound social impact and the challenge is monumental. The facts, right here in our community, show that in 2010: 272 teenage girls became pregnant before age 20 427 youth dropped out of school 72 teens live in detention or correction facilities 7,575 children live in poverty 25,376 children live in single-parent homes Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring helps children overcome the challenges of poverty, dangerous neighborhoods and poor school performance. For more than a century, Big Brothers Big Sisters has provided one-to-one mentoring that helps children become successful adults. Locally, children matched in our program have improved by: • 82% improved in areas related to educational success • 77% improved in avoidance of risky behaviors • 97% improved in socio-emotional competency Nationally, research shows that, in comparison with their peers, adults who were Littles are: • 75% more likely to have a 4-year degree • 39% more likely to have income of $75k or higher • Enjoying healthy relationships with friends (72%) • More likely to volunteer in their community (52%) Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 2 The average cost to recruit, screen, match, and support a year-long relationship between a Big Brother or Big Sister (Big) and a child facing adversity (Little) is roughly $1,300. Your role in this effort to help vulnerable youth cannot be overstated: making our community aware of the challenges and asking for their support is what BFKS is all about. Bowl For Kids’ Sake Overview: Bowl For Kids’ Sake 2014 Goal: $372,000 What is it? Bowl For Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ largest fundraising activity which takes place over 18 days when teams of co-workers, families and friends turn in collected donations to bowl together at the Cedar Rapids Bowling Center located at 265 Blairs Ferry Road NE. Last year, the event: o Directly involved more than 2,700 people o Included teams from over 60 major employers o Included coordinated broadcast, cable, print and digital ads o Attracted more Big Brothers & Big Sisters volunteers This year, Bowl For Kids’ Sake events will be held February 4-28, 2014. Who bowls in Bowl For Kids’ Sake? In spite of the name, Bowl For Kids’ Sake is not a competitive event. It’s a bowling party for a good cause! Big Brothers Big Sisters recruits Coordinators from companies, civic clubs and the general public who in turn recruit teams of 6 people. Bowlers agree to raise at least $70 ($40 if under 18) in donations from friends, family, co-workers, etc. In return, bowlers receive 2 free games of bowling and shoes. The Coordinator’s Role As a Coordinator, you are the critical link between bowlers and your support team at Big Brothers Big Sisters. Your role is to understand the services provided to children throughout the community. Finding teammates is easy once you understand how important the success of one-to-one youth mentoring is to changing children’s lives. Not only can participants bowl with their company/co-workers, teams can be set-up with teammates found anywhere: • Family, neighbors & friends • Bigs/Littles • Fellow community service members from Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist clubs • Church • Virtually anyone, anywhere! The easiest way to make a team is to ask! If they decline, thank them sincerely for their time and consideration. Remember, frequently “no” means, “not now.” Teach your team to win: Once your team is set and they know how to raise funds, you provide the energy and ideas to make it fun! (Please see page 13 for Ideas for Success.) As a Coordinator for a companybased team, here are a few additional ideas to help your efforts be even more successful: • Highlight Big Brother and Big Sister Colleagues. Nothing speaks louder than a personal story. If a co-worker is a Big, ask them to share their story. • In-house Email: Arrange to send a company-wide email to identify anyone who has been touched by Big Brothers Big Sisters (current/former Big/Little, parent of current/former Little) and highlight their personal stories in emails, flyers, etc. • BFKS Online: Remind co-workers to make the site a “favorite.” Refer to it often. • Corporate Leadership: If your HR Department is not involved, notify them (and the company leadership) of your employees’ efforts to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 3 • Matching Gifts: Another great source of support is through your company’s matching gifts program. Check with your HR Department to determine if your organization matches donations to not-for-profit agencies. Promote your matching gifts program to employees and make forms or online links available at every opportunity. Give forms to team captains so they can help promote individually to their team members. As a Company Coordinator, your support, energy, time and effort is greatly appreciated! Without you, the agency’s BFKS would not be the success it has become. Remember, this is not about bowling but about changing the lives of children right here in our community, right now. Thank you for your support. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorships are a great way to show your support! Pass this information on to the decision makers at your company, and share why you support Big Brothers Big Sisters. Please contact Kathy Beardsworth to indicate your commitment (or to learn about other agency sponsorship opportunities). Phone: (319) 377-8993 Email: Deadline: Tues., Jan. 14, 2014 Bowl For Kids’ Sake Thank you for your support! Sponsor Benefits Estimated Attendees Picnic & Volunteer Celebration of Gold Pool Party Appreciation Friendship $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 (Limit 8) (Limit 4) (Limit 2) (Limit 2) 400 100 50 Broadcast promotion through radio and/or newspaper Company logo on t-shirts Recognition in Event Kick-off materials Company name displayed on sign throughout event Recognition on agency website and Facebook page Space to display company banner at event Includes event attendance Opportunity to include product as door prize giveaways Recognition on all printed advertising and promotional materials Company logo displayed on PowerPoint and/or table tents at event Recognition in E-newsletter distributed to volunteers Company name mentioned at event 3,000 Silver Bronze $2,000 $750 3,000 3,000 All Sponsorships include: recognition on donor wall located at Big Brothers Big Sisters’ office, employee Lunch & Learn hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters at your business and visibility in the community as a supporter and partner with premier mentoring agency. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 4 Bowl For Kids’ Sake Results COMPANY ADM 2013 Amount Raised 2012 Participants Amount Raised Participants $0 0 $534 3 $1,516 10 $2,400 19 Alliant Energy $12,868 132 $13,217 109 Apache Hose $4,528 35 $5,812 44 $751 9 $956 7 $0 0 $750 6 $13,573 107 $15,441 129 Benchmark $5,817 21 $7,670 20 Bohr, Dahm, Greif & Assoc. PC $4,029 12 $1,920 11 Bradley & Riley $1,275 8 $1,065 8 Cabinet Studios $430 6 $465 7 Cargill $1,495 21 $1,710 18 Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust AEGON Investments Bank Iowa Bankers Trust BBBS Matches $3,210 30 $3,713 33 Cedar Rapids Kernels $875 7 $1,060 8 Cedar Rapids Marriott $0 0 $478 6 Cedar Rapids Schools & CREA $0 0 $1,123 11 $2,001 13 $1,054 14 Centro Inc.* Chrome Horse CliftonLarsonAllen* Clipper Windpower $0 0 $2,011 12 $0 0 $1,431 12 $380 6 $2,135 25 $0 0 $984 8 F & M Bank $6,695 10 $3,265 6 Farmers State Bank $2,270 31 $7,007 56 Frontier Natural Products $2,535 28 $3,060 37 GE Capital/Van Buren School $1,022 9 $1,237 11 General BBBS Supporters $2,914 21 $3,452 33 General Mills $3,110 36 $3,301 35 Great America Leasing Co. $8,318 40 $10,042 46 $800 9 $1,850 12 $0 0 $500 5 $22,109 241 $1,080 10 Hills Bank $0 0 $1,047 14 Holmes Murphy $0 0 $455 6 Daybreak Rotary/Polk School DPS Guaranty Bank Heinz/Quality Chef Foods hibu HR Green $0 0 $210 3 $595 7 $0 0 Hy-Vee* $3,829 55 Imon Communications* $2,392 34 Intermec $6,310 55 $6,810 60 Iowa Realty Hybrid Transit $1,475 20 $2,120 27 Jefferson Service Club $245 2 $553 10 Kirkwood Community College $420 0 $420 0 Lil' Drug Store Products $1,208 14 $1,259 13 Limolink $4,487 17 $9,331 21 Linn Area Credit Union $3,386 17 $2,332 19 Lynch Chevrolet $1,795 14 $2,035 15 $255 3 M & W Manufacturing* McGladrey Mercy Medical Center $755 11 $700 9 $15,542 161 $7,818 86 Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 5 2013 COMPANY Midwest Athletic Club Amount Raised 2012 Participants Amount Raised Participants $0 0 $0 Midwest Metal Products $348 4 $390 6 Millhiser Smith $740 8 $860 10 Mt. Mercy MBA $0 0 $1,355 0 Nations Financial Group $0 0 $1,300 4 $5,880 20 $798 10 $377 5 $734 8 $922 11 $4,028 37 $3,792 36 Nordstrom Our Savior Lutheran Church Ohnward Bank & Trust* Pearson Pediatric Center PC Penford Primus Construction Prototype Consultants Quaker Oats 0 $0 0 $250 0 $4,565 10 $6,630 16 $0 0 $340 3 $935 6 $900 5 $4,295 43 $4,960 60 Raining Rose $1,952 21 $2,185 18 Rockwell CS $12,064 145 $13,498 159 Rockwell E&T Rockwell Ebusiness Rockwell Finance/Legal $4,144 42 $5,100 57 $12,427 150 $12,606 131 $5,575 72 $6,643 77 $11,387 136 $11,966 151 Rockwell HR $4,961 64 $5,665 72 Rockwell Int & SS $5,405 72 $6,730 94 Rockwell Operations $11,001 142 $17,432 188 RuffaloCODY $11,613 65 $11,320 70 Schimberg Co. $6,582 95 $6,305 90 Simmons Perrine Moyer & Bergman $1,626 15 $1,380 10 Skogman Realty $4,420 49 $4,665 49 Skyworks Solutions $545 5 $1,195 10 SourceMedia Group $0 0 $180 3 Rockwell GS Sparkling Clean $0 0 $270 3 St. Luke's Hospital $5,441 46 $5,127 40 Super Target $1,658 19 $1,978 22 $380 3 $755 6 Transamerica $4,132 36 $4,886 37 True North $2,110 15 $2,631 17 United Fire $4,782 45 $3,385 26 $605 6 University of Iowa Credit Union $1,795 22 $995 14 US Bank $2,259 19 $2,565 23 $70 1 $710 10 The Secret Cellar United Way* Veridian Credit Union Washington HS Rotary Club $710 17 $550 13 $1,450 18 $2,695 36 Western Fraternal Lodge $2,066 21 $2,879 24 Whirlpool Corp. $2,177 18 $2,840 25 Windstream $1,351 8 $3,635 19 $0 0 $350 0 $294,002 2,775 $299,230 2,684 Wells Fargo World Class Industries Total Donations Online Donations (unreported) $3,151 $3,307 Sponsorships $81,950 $53,250 BFKS TOTAL $379,103 $355,787 * Indicates New Company in 2013 Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 6 How to Fundraise Share these tips with Team Captains, Bigs and bowlers. The fact is that if you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about Big Brothers Big Sisters, its programs and community impact, you’ll raise more donations and awareness. People catch your enthusiasm! Keep in mind: • It’s true, every dollar helps. All donations are 100% tax deductible. • As long as you are respectful and sincere about your motivation (changing the lives of children, right here, right now, in our community) many people gladly give at a level that is comfortable for them. • Involve family and friends in your awareness and fundraising. See if they can ask their own friends and colleagues to support your fundraising effort. Challenge yourself to brainstorm and consider different groups to which you belong: • Church groups • Community service groups (such as Rotary, Kiwanis, or Optimists Club) • Vendors or clients • Family and friends (near and distant) Know Your Facts: Armed with knowledge about Big Brothers Big Sisters and its work to change the lives of children facing adversity in our community, you are almost ready. Know the current demand for youth mentoring services and the goals. Then, learn the story of a match and be ready to share how it affected you. Make The Ask: The only thing left to do is make “the ask” based on the potential self-interest of the member of that group. How Do I Ask? • Register and collect donations online by going to (see page 10). If all donations are made online, bring the online printout the day you bowl. • Raise donations the traditional way (in-person) and record on your sponsor sheet. Every bowler must turn in their sponsor sheet and donations the day they bowl. This is his/her ticket to FREE bowling. Bowlers should have sponsor sheets ready to turn in the day they bowl, before they get to the lanes. • Ask donors for a flat pledge—not based on bowling score. • All monies raised will go directly to providing children in our community with a mentor. • Be clear and concise. Shoot for the stars! Ask for a specific dollar amount - $25, $50 or even $100 – and realize people will donate at a level that works for them. • Thank donors! We sincerely appreciate your help in continuing our efforts to make people feel good about their involvement. • Personalize, personalize, and personalize! Whether you write a letter, email, or call, success will come from making the ask personal. Be you, sincere and honest. • Remember, 100% of all funding raised stays with our local agency. An ask in-person or email might be: “I’m helping support Big Brothers Big Sisters change the lives of children facing adversity right here in our community. I’m looking for other individuals who are interested in making an immediate impact and important difference. Would you consider making a $50 donation to help me help children right here in our backyard?” If done in person, there’s no need to say another word. And remember: Say, “Thank you”. If they decline the chance to support Big Brothers Big Sisters, thank them sincerely for listening and giving you their input. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 7 Schedule of Events December 6-19 • Request your company or group’s top two choices for bowling shifts by emailing Big Brothers Big Sisters at (dates and details listed on page 9). Lanes requested after December 19 will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. • Big Brothers Big Sisters will confirm your requested bowling shift by December 20. December 20 – January 5 • Lanes remain available on a first come first served basis. • Prepare bowler recruitment plan. • Prepare company materials. Begin internal promotions. • Begin fundraising! Register online and download the app (see page 10). • Involve marketing department to distribute stories featuring Big Brothers and/or Big Sisters within your company during Bowl For Kids’ Sake Week. • Prepare Bowl For Kids’ Sake Week activities. Invite leadership to the Bowl For Kids’ Sake National Kick-off (see page 15 for details). • Contact to borrow the bowling pin costume or King Pin crown to use internally to motivate employees. January 6-10, 2014 Bowl For Kids' Sake Week The time to introduce BFKS to your company/group! Start team sign-up and collecting donations (more details on page 15). Big Brothers Big Sisters helps make the week a success by emailing ideas regularly. Monday, January 6, 2014 Tuesday, January 7, 2014 Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Thursday, January 9, 2014 Friday, January 10, 2014 Community Call to Action: Together We Make A Difference! For Kids’ Sake Day: Fulfilling Their Potential Bowl For Kids’ Sake National Kick-off and Executive Bowl: Working Together to Help Youth Succeed Achieving the Bigger Goal: Be The One! Fundraising Goes Mobile: Limo to the Lanes Reward Prior to Your Bowling Date • Prepare any company events for bowling (pizza, shirts, etc.). • Call Cedar Rapids Bowling Center at 377-9481 to reserve the lounge (optional). • Focus on the fun! Hold a fifteen minute Bowl For Kids’ Sake Kick-off. Bowling Pin costume and “King Pin” hat available for check-out. To reserve contact February 4-28 – Your Bowling Date • Continue recruiting bowlers and collecting donations until the day you bowl. • Utilize our fundraising webpage by going to Download the fundraising app from your HQ. (see pages 10) • Ensure your bowlers bring their completed sponsor sheet & donations with them to bowl. • Arrive 20 minutes before your bowling shift begins. Important Deadlines: Jan. 20, 28 OR Feb. 5 - Deadlines for ordering t-shirts. Please use the form on page 11. Jan. 14 - Deadline for sponsor commitments (page 4). Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 12 OR 19 - Deadline for submitting Bowler Names. Deadline based upon bowling date. Please use format on page 9. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 8 Bowling Shifts / Lane Reservations Matches bowling separate from their company, please see “Big & Little (aka “Match”) Bowling” on page 12 for reservation instructions. COMPANY SHIFT REGISTRATION: Please email your request to by December 19, 2013. Please include the following information in your email request: Company Name Estimated # of Lanes (6 bowlers max per lane) First Choice: Date and Time Second Choice: Date and Time S T W T F S February 2014 Dates: 4 5 6 7 8 **All shifts last approximately two hours. Please arrive 20 minutes early for check in. 3:00pm 3:00pm 9:00pm 12:45pm 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 15 12:45pm 3:00pm 22 3:00pm 9:00pm 3:00pm 27 28 3:00pm 9:00pm 9 M 10 3:00pm 16 23 17 18 25 24 3:00pm 26 3:00pm BOWLER REGISTRATION Help make check-in a breeze! Register your bowlers by the following dates and we will have names listed on check-in sheets at the door and entered into score screens before you arrive. It also helps us keep track of things behind the scenes. You must complete registration for each bowler/team (maximum 6 bowlers per team). An Excel template will be provided. Please include any special payment notes if the company is paying all or a portion of the bowler fees, if teams will be submitting their money in packets, if coordinators or team captains will be bringing all sponsor sheets, etc. To register, attach the completed Excel and email to: DEADLINES for Bowler Names: Tues., Jan. 28 for bowling dates 2/4-2/8 Wed., Feb. 5 for bowling dates 2/9-2/15 Example: Wed., Feb. 12 for bowling dates 2/16-2/22 Wed., Feb. 19 for bowling dates 2/23-2/28 Company Team Name Bowler First Name Bowler Last Name Awesome, Inc. Awesome, Inc. Awesome, Inc. Awesome, Inc. Awesome, Inc. Awesome, Inc. Strikers Strikers Strikers Splits Splits Splits Janice Joe Frank Fran Tom Terry Miller Miller Funny Smith Turkey Jolly Bowler is under 18 Y/N N Y N N N Y Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 9 Fundraising Website Our online fundraising website is easy to use! It’s easier for you and helps out BBBS by tracking online for us! If you have questions regarding the online fundraising system, contact Derek at or (319)377-8993. How to Youtube videos! • How to Register as a Bowler o Search “2014 bowl for kids' sake register” • How to Personalize your Website o Search “2014 bowl for kids' sake personalize” • Use Social Media to Fundraise o Search “2014 bowl for kids' sake social media” • How to send Emails o Search “2014 bowl for kids' sake emails” • How to Add Offline Donations o Search “2014 bowl for kids' sake offline” To register for BFKS: 1. Go to 2. Click on Register Now. 3. Click I Agree if you agree to the event waiver. 4. Select the appropriate radio button: a. Start a Team: i. If you are a Team Captain, begin by starting a team under a group. If your group is not listed, email to be added. b. Join a Team: i. If you are a team member of an existing team, begin by identifying an existing team. 1. Click “Search” to look up the team name you’d like to join. 2. When the team is identified, click “Join team”. c. Join as an Individual: i. If you are not a part of a company/team and are not joining/creating a team, begin here. d. Register Multiple People: i. If you are registering multiple people with one transaction. They will work separately to help collect donations and each have their own personal page. 5. Complete login information. Use your social login or create one of your own. 6. Complete the Online Registration Form and click “Continue”. 7. Click “Continue” at the bottom of the confirmation screen. 8. The “Set Up Your Personal Donation Page” (your personal Headquarters) appears. 9. Click the “Start here!” link. To send emails to your contacts: 1. Click on the Email tab at your HQ. 2. In the “Greeting” field enter a greeting. For example: Sue, Dear Sue. 3. In the “Recipient Email” field enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to contact. 4. To enter greetings and contacts more quickly, click on the “Address Book” link and follow the instructions. 5. Select a template and complete Subject and Body. The link to your personal donation page is automatically appended to the bottom of your email. 6. Click Preview Email to review your message, if desired. 7. To send the email, click Send Email. Offline donations and pledges: To record online, perform the following actions: 1. Enter your personal online BFKS site (login at top right corner). Then, click on the Tools tab. The screen refreshes. 2. Click “Enter Pledge”. 3. Enter all the necessary information for your sponsor's donation/pledge with the following items considered: a. CASH donations: If this is a cash donation, enter “CASH” in the Check Number field. b. Check donations: If this is a check donation, enter the number of the check in the Check Number field. 4. Once all the information been entered, click the Submit button. The screen refreshes and you are allowed to either continue entering offline donations OR stop. 5. Repeat these steps for each "offline" donation or pledge, at any time. To Make a Donation to a Bowler: (without the direct email link) 1. Go to 2. Click “Donate To A Bowler”. 3. A Search page will appear. Enter the Bowler’s first and/or last name and click “Search”. 4. Click the bowler’s name. 5. Complete the donation and donor information. To Download the Fundraising App: 1. Register for BFKS (follow directions to left). 2. From your HQ, Click on the App Store or Googleplay, or scan the QR code. 3. Use this tool to email and call family and friends and request donations. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 10 T-Shirts Purchasing Bowl For Kids’ Sake event t-shirts is optional. It is a great way to boost team spirit and reward your bowlers! All proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters. Step 1: Order. Adhere to order deadlines, complete the form below and fax to 319-377-9205. Step 2: Payment. Make checks payable to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Contact Derek to pay via credit card before pick-up. Step 3: Pick-Up. Big Brothers Big Sisters will inform you when you can pick up your order at Garment Designs, 1080 Lyons Lane, Marion, IA 52302. Please be sure to verify accuracy of your order upon pick up. Company Phone First and Last Name Email ____________________ ORDER DEADLINES! SHORT SLEEVE T-SHIRTS (50% cotton/50% polyester) (Tax included) # of YOUTH Large T-shirts @ $6.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Small T-shirts @ $6.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Medium T-shirts @ $6.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Large T-shirts @ $6.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult X-Large T-shirts @ $6.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult 2XL T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult 3XL T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ _________# of Adult 4XL T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRTS (50% cotton/50% polyester) (Tax included) # of YOUTH Large T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Small T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Medium T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult Large T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult X-Large T-shirts @ $8.00 each Cost _______ # of Adult 2XL T-shirts @ $10.00 each Cost _______ _________# of Adult 3XL T-shirts @ $10.00 each Cost _______ _________# of Adult 4XL T-shirts @ $10.00 each Cost _______ If bowling 2/4- 2/10: order by 12 noon Monday, January 20 If bowling 2/11- 2/19: order by 12 noon Tuesday, January 28 If bowling 2/20- 2/28: order by 12 noon Wednesday, February 5 Orders must be in no later than the deadlines to ensure delivery of shirts by your bowling date. Please no changes to orders once they are submitted. Order extras if you think they will be needed! Optional name on back @ $20 (Minimum 12 Shirts) Cost_______ NAME: _____________________________________ (Be sure to indicate upper or lower case lettering) Total # of T-shirts_________ Total Cost_________ Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 11 Big & Little (aka “Match”) Bowling Big Brothers Big Sisters encourages Bigs and Littles (matches) to participate in Bowl For Kids’ Sake. There are several ways a match/Big may choose to bowl. No matter what, if a Big is bowling, let Big Brothers Big Sisters know! 1) Community-Based Matches: Raise a minimum of $110 ($70/adult and $40/child) and you’ll receive FREE Shoes, two FREE games of bowling and FREE Big Brothers Big Sisters t-shirts! (BFKS event shirts available for purchase. (see page 11) Choose one of the following ways to participate: a) Bowl as a match with your company i) Be sure to communicate names of bowlers to your company coordinator AND t-shirt sizes to Big Brothers Big Sisters. b) Select a date and time separate from your company. Contact your Match Support Specialist to reserve your spots. i) Match Bowling Date: February 23 at 3:00pm We’ve reserved a block of lanes for matches who want to bowl with a group of other matches! Please note: if this date does not work for you, choose a different date to bowl with your Little. c) Can’t bowl on the dates we have available? Mail your sponsor sheets and donations to Big Brothers Big Sisters and we’ll give matches a pass to bowl on your own time prior to May 31, 2014. 2) Lunch Buddy Bigs: Because Lunch Buddies are not allowed to transport their Little, we’re asking Bigs to participate in Bowl For Kids’ Sake in other ways: a) Bowl with your company: You can help get teams together and energize others simply by sharing inspirational stories about your match. b) Your company isn’t participating? Invite your friends and family to form a team. You can still participate by signing up at a time that works for your group. c) Please note: your Little can only bowl with you if their parent/guardian transports them to and from the lanes. Please contact your Match Support Specialist to gain approval. Top Match Fundraisers: In addition to level prizes, the top Big/Little fundraisers will receive a Match Prize (listed in sponsor sheets). Fundraising Safety Please share these safety tips with any Bigs, Littles and/or families who will be fundraising. • • • • • • • • • • • • Be Safe & Be Smart -- Use COMMON SENSE Fundraising for Bowl For Kids’ Sake is meant to be a Match activity, not for the Little to fundraise alone Kids should always fundraise with an adult Use Big Brothers Big Sisters’ online system for fundraising Never fundraise door to door Use the telephone to call family and friends Ask an adult to help you write a letter to teachers, family or friends Make sure an adult has approved who you intend to ask Do not approach strangers Do not enter anyone's house Do not carry large amounts of cash Do not fundraise at stop lights or at street corners Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 12 Prizes All bowlers have a chance to win door prizes! Additional prizes are awarded based on the amount raised for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Raise $300+: Receive either a $10 Hy-Vee or $10 Casey’s gift card. Raise $500+: Also receive a $25 gift card to Biaggi’s. Raise $1,000+: To also be eligible to win a Grand Prize valued at $100-$1,400, plus get $25 + $10 gift cards. (Grand Prizes listed in sponsor sheet) Pizza Discounts The purchase of pizza is optional and not provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters. The following vendors offer discounts for BFKS. Order directly from vendors and mention Bowl For Kids’ Sake to arrange for your pizza to be delivered the day you bowl. Beverages available for purchase at the bowling alley only. Please do not bring in or ask for delivery of beverages. When ordering pizza, please give your first and last name as well as your company name, so they can find you at the bowling alley. Please request the vendor to provide plates/napkins or provide your own, as they will not be available at the bowling alley. Order one day prior to ensure prompt delivery. PAPA JOHN’S Contact: Kortney or Bryson at 373-7722 Large single topping for $6.00; Large specialty for $10.00; Breadsticks (10) with marinara and/or garlic butter for $3.00; Cheese Sticks (14) with marinara and/or garlic butter $4.00. PAUL REVERE’S PIZZA Contact: Manager at 378-1003; Or Offices at 395-9113 14” Single topping pizza for $6.00; 14” Specialty pizza for $10.50; 20” Terminator single topping $14; Breadsticks (14) with marinara sauce for $5.00. IDEAS FOR SUCCESS Coordinators/Team Captains, try out these ideas: • Create desktop Save-the-Date cards for bowlers participating in BFKS. • Add BFKS to your company-wide calendar. • Offer a prize to the top fundraiser within your company, like a gift certificate or a paid day/afternoon off! How about a prize for the top fundraising team? • Try to encourage competition between teams/departments/floors. • Ask your company to provide food/drinks at BFKS as a perk for those participating. • Consider asking your company to donate $5 per bowler (or similar idea). • Hold a Chili Cook-Off, Auction, Jeans Day or Bake Sale to raise money as a group. • Ask your company to let participants bowl on company time during an afternoon shift. • Ask company executives to announce fundraising goals. • Include BFKS in all communications (newsletters, daily bulletins, elevator, etc). Anyone can use these tips: 1. Utilize your personal and team Webpages: We've found that bowlers who use their Webpages typically raise more money. Online fundraising is a breeze, you just log in and send emails through the site to ask for support. Donors simply click the link emailed to them that will send them directly to your page where they will tell us how much they would like to donate. The site is a secure site so all information is kept safe. Your Webpage will keep a running total of your pledges! Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 13 2. Download the Mobile App: iPhone and Android users download the Bowl for Kids' Sake app and login to your personal fundraising site. From here you can text or email your phone contacts that will give them a direct link to make a donation to your page. There is no easier way to get donations! 3. Use Email: Even if you don’t utilize the fundraising website, emailing your contacts works. In fact, the average Bowl for Kids' Sake donation made via an email request is $45. So make sure you take time to email each of your contacts and paste a link to your personal fundraising page right in the email. Mass emails work but individual emails work better. Email your contacts 3 times, most people need at least two reminders. 4. Text your contacts: Try texting including a link to your personal webpage. Email and Facebook posts often get lost in the shuffle and a text will often get a more immediate response. (iPhone and Android users, this is made even easier for you if you download the Bowl for Kids' Sake App.) 5. Facebook & Twitter: A few tips when using Facebook and Twitter • Post a direct link to your personal fundraising page right on your status. • Ask for a specific dollar amount - for example - Please support me by donating to Bowl for Kids' Sake. I'm looking for 10 more donations of $25 to reach my goal. • Post urgent messages. Facebook and Twitter users are more likely to respond to an urgent message. • Tell your story and why you are supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters. • Make sure you take time out to give public shout outs on Twitter and Facebook to thank your donors. 6. Hold Fundraisers: A lot of teams have success by hosting fundraisers for friends, family or at their work place. Some examples of successful past fundraisers include: trivia night, garage sale, backyard BBQ where you bring $ donations instead of a side dish, ice cream sundaes at work, selling breakfast burritos at work, corporate challenges where the boss of the organization takes the winning team to lunch, participants doing crazy antics such as shaving a mohawk or getting dunked in a dunk tank if they reach their goal. Be creative, use your contacts and raise money however you can! 7. Try asking face to face: Many of our bowlers have a lot of luck by simply walking around their office or neighborhood and asking their contacts to support them with a donation. Typically people are happy to help out. 8. Ask for $25 donations: We spend $25 easily these days. A $25 pledge is a reasonable request and in most cases won't break anyone's bank. The quickest and easiest way to meet a $150 individual goal is to ask 6 people to sponsor you for $25 each. 9. Personal story: If you are personally linked to Big Brothers Big Sisters, perhaps you are a Big or know a former Little, or maybe you've just been participating for years in Bowl for Kids' Sake, make sure to tell your story. The more passionate you are about an organization the more likely someone will want to contribute. 10. Sponsor yourself: Be the first donor on your Webpage or pledge sheet. Your potential donors will appreciate knowing that you are financially invested as well. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 14 Contact Us Trina Roos, Development Supervisor: Contact Regarding: General event information and support, Lane Reservations; Individual bowler/team registration, Fundraising tips & brainstorming, Day of Event Questions Derek Stephens, Development Specialist: Contact Regarding: T-Shirt orders, Fundraising website, Mobil App, Matching Gifts, Mascot Costume Steve Worthington, Community Outreach Specialist: Contact Regarding: Scheduling recruitment events; Becoming a volunteer! Kathy Beardsworth, Development Director: Contact Regarding: Organization mission & goals; Partnership, Sponsorship & Funding Opportunities Bowl For Kids’ Sake Week Monday, January 6, 2014 Community Call to Action: Together We Make A Difference! Share the importance of providing one-to-one mentoring relationships to youth in the community. All funds raised during Bowl For Kids’ Sake stay right here in Linn, Benton and Jones Counties. • Tell the world why you/your company think this is so important. Make it personal! • Print and hang posters & begin campaign. Promote fundraising and participation goals. • Ask CEO/President to distribute a message encouraging employee participation. • Provide community statistics to show the need and outcomes. (See page 1) Tuesday, January 7, 2014 For Kids’ Sake Day: Fulfilling Their Potential Remind everyone in the company of the reason for Bowl For Kids’ Sake…providing children with positive mentoring relationships to help youth reach their potential. • Find a current/former Big in your group to share their experience, illustrating how children benefit from one-to-one mentoring. (No Bigs? We’ll provide a story for you.) • Ask a current Big to talk with their Match Support Specialist about the opportunity to bring their Little to work. Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Bowl For Kids’ Sake National Kick-off and Executive Bowl: Working Together to Help Youth Succeed Special Event! Big Brothers Big Sisters of America invites you to join us Wednesday, January 8 from 11:00 am to 1:00pm at Cedar Rapids Bowling Center. Pizza lunch provided for an awards presentation and VIP reception, Local Executive Bowl around 11:20, followed by socializing and open bowling from noon to 1:00 pm. You are welcome to attend all or any part of this event. Help us kickoff our largest fundraiser and deepen our relationships with current and potential supporters. Please feel free to extend the invitation to others. All RSVPs should be directed to: Thursday, January 9, 2014 Achieving the Bigger Goal: Be The One! Encourage bowlers to Be The One! Every goal set, dollar raised and story shared is progress toward serving more youth in our community. • Suggest Individual, Team and Group goals for dollars and participation. The average bowler in Cedar Rapids raised $107 last year! Raise $1,300 as a team to support a match in 2014! • Don’t just bowl, ask your friends to bowl with you! Friday, January 10, 2014 Fundraising Goes Mobile: Limo to the Lanes Reward Raising the dollars just got easier! It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3! • 1 – Register on the Bowl For Kids’ Sake website, 2 – Customize your info, 3 – Raise money • Download the BFKS App and use it on the go! Connect to your social sites to reach everyone! Every bowler who receives online donations of $50+ by January 20 will be entered into a drawing to win their team a limo ride to and from the lanes courtesy of Diamond Limousines! The winner will be announced by email Tuesday, January 21. Big Brothers Big Sisters 3150 E Ave. NW, Ste 103, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319)377-8993 15
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