Document 6459328
Document 6459328
Lillie Mae's Crafts A Lillie Mae’s Crafts original design by Brenda Greenwalt Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Read through all directions before beginning. For illustrations of the different steps and techniques as well as the stitches visit m y " S t i t c h ' n ' S t u f f " p a g e o n m y w e b s i t e a t h t t p : / / w w w .l i l l i e m a e s c r a f t s .c o m Head: #1. Print out both the pilgrim & Indian head patterns. Trace both on double layer muslin, do NOT cut out. Sew on traced lines, do NOT leave an opening. Cut out about 1/4 inch away from sewn lines. #2. In the center, on back, 1 inch up from the chin cut a small slash for turning. Clip curves and turn. Press. #3. Stuff firmly; do NOT sew the openings shut. Body & Arms: #1. There is one body pattern for both. Print out body and arm patterns. Trace all on double layer muslin (be sure to trace 4 arms – 2 for each doll), do NOT cut out. Sew on traced lines being sure to leave openings where indicated on patterns . Cut out about 1/4 inch away from sewn lines. Clip curves, turn, Press. #2. Stuff the body firmly, sew the opening shut. #3. Stuff the arms to the stuffing line and sew openings shut. #4. Attach arms to body where indicated on pattern. #5. You can attach the heads now or wait until you have the facial features done. Stick the neck into the back of the head where you cut the slash for turning. Either sew on or glue. Stain: Stain with recipe and instructions given at the end of these directions. Face: #1. Eyes: Print and cut out the eyes (in pattern section). Position these on the face where you want them and pin them to the face with straight pins. Very lightly trace around these with a mechanical pencil; use a mechanical pencil as it leaves a thinner line than a regular pencil. If using a regular pencil, your lines will be thicker therefore when you paint the eyes in they will be larger than the pattern. With a very small brush and using your white acrylic paint, very slowly outline eyes first and then fill in. When completely dry, sand lightly. Position your black buttons on eyes where desired and pin with straight pins. Thread your doll needle with black quilt thread and go in from the top of her head (this will be covered with her hair) go down and sew on the eyes. #2. Mouth: Print out mouth patter and position on head where desired; pin with straight pins. Trace only the bottom part of the mouth pattern. Thread your doll needle with 2 strands of brown embroidery thread. Going in at the very top of her head again embroider the mouth using a simple backstitch. #3. Nose: Print and cut out nose pattern. Position on face where desired and pin using straight pins. Very lightly trace around this with a mechanical pencil. Using a double strand of red embroidery thread go in from the top of the head and embroider the nose using a satin stitch. Tip - I usually unthread my doll needle here and rethread on a smaller, sharper needle which makes the satin stitch so much easier. #4. Eyebrows & Eyelashes: With a mechanical pencil and using the picture as a pattern, trace in eyelashes. Tip – use a ruler. Thread your doll needle with a double strand of brown embroidery thread and go in from the top of her head again and embroider these with a simple backstitch. #5. Cheeks: Dip some Barn Red paint onto a paper plate. Dip your stencil brush lightly into the paint and pounce off most of it onto the paper towels. Unless you want her cheeks very bright, be sure to pounce off MOST of the paint. If her cheeks are not colorful enough for you, you can always add more…but begin by applying only a small amount. With your stencil brush and checking picture on pattern for placement of cheeks, in a circling motion, paint on cheeks. Hair – Pilgrim: #1. Cut one long piece of yarn and unwind the 4-ply piece of yarn. Insert one strand in each of the 3 spots on the Pilgrim's head as indicated on the pattern. #2. Wrap yarn around Pilgrim Hair Card 25 times, slide off, clip loops, and tie in center with a matching piece of yarn. #3. Unwind all strands. #4. Lay these across the head and tie tightly in all 3 strands inserted on head. Trim. Hair – Indian: #1. Cut 5 pieces of black embroidery floss and insert in the 5 places indicated on head pattern. #2. Wrap yarn around Indian Hair Card 21 times, slide off, clip loops, and tie in center with a matching piece of yarn. #3. Braid each side. #4. Lie on Indian's head and tie in all 5 places on head. Trim. Dress: Do one in black for the Pilgrim and one in brown for the Indian. #1. Bodice - On double layer material, right sides together, pin bodice pattern and cut out, being sure to place the bodice on the fold as indicated. #2. With right sides together, sew side and shoulder seams. Clip curves and Turn. Press. #3. Turn end of sleeves up 1/2 inch and hem. #4. Put on doll; sew a gathering stitch all around neck line, pull to gather and secure in back. #5. Turn hem of bodice under 1/4 inch and sew to doll. #6. Skirt – on double layer material, right sides together, pin skirt pattern being sure to place on fold where indicated on pattern, cut out. Do this for the brown and black material (for Pilgrim & Indian). #7. Sew one black and one brown together as such – a. Sew one brown and one black, right sides together, along the long edge using 1/4 inch seam allowance. Do this for both of the brown and black. b. Pin these 2 panels, right sides together, and sew using 1/4 inch seam allowance. #8. On the two open ends, sew a gathering stitch; do NOT pull to gather yet. #9. Fold one end down inside the other and press. #10. Put the two open ends that you've sewn the gathering edges on and fit the brown around the Indian's waist and the black around the Pilgrim's waist; pull to gather so that it fits around the waist. Sew to doll all around waist. Collar – Pilgrim: #1. Print out collar pattern and trace on double white material being sure to place on fold where indicated; cut out being sure to also cut out neck hole. #2. Cut a slit in the hem of the collar all the way up to the neck hole so that the collar opens completely. #3. Place around her neck so that it opens in the back; hand stitch the back closed. Apron – Pilgrim: #1. Print out Pilgrim Apron Pattern and trace on double layer white material; do NOT cut out. Sew on traced lines being sure to leave open where indicated on pattern. Cut out about 1/4 inch away from sewn lines. Clip curves, turn, press. #2. Print out Pilgrim Apron Band Pattern and trace on double layer white material; cut out. #3. Fold the band in half and pin. #4. Center the apron on this with the band in front and sew down center of band. Belt & Headband – Indian: #1. Headband – print out pattern and trace on single layer material; cut out. Fold lengthwise and sew down middle. Wrap around head and glue in back. #2. Belt – Print out Indian Belt Pattern and trace on double layer material; cut out. Wrap around her waist and tie in back. Pilgrim Bonnet: Print out all patterns, print out 2 bonnet brim patterns. #1. Trace bonnet back pattern on double material being sure to place on fold where indicated on pattern, cut out 1. #2. Trace bonnet crown pattern on double material, cut out. #3. Tape the 2 bonnet brim patterns together lengthwise and trace on single layer material and cut out one. Putting it together #1. Layer the 2 bonnet crown patterns on top of each other and sew one side seam using 1/4 inch seam allowance. #2. Pin this pattern around the outside of the bonnet back pattern, easing it around the curves and sew using 1/4 inch seam allowance. #3. Turn the bottom up 1/2 inch and sew; with a safety pin, thread your cord through this. #4. Brim; fold the brim lengthwise and sew side seams. Turn. #5. Pin the brim around the outside of the bonnet easing it around the curves and covering where you have turned the bottom up for the cord. Sew using 1/4 inch seam allowance. Turn the brim back. #6. Hand sew bonnet to head just inside the brim so that the hat stays on when she is turned upside down. #7. Tie her bonnet tie in a bow and tack to under her chin. Staining: Combine ¼ cup instant coffee, 2 cups hot water, 1/4 cup Vanilla extract and ¼ teaspoon fragrance oil (Some of my preferred scents are cinnamon bun, sugar cookies, and vanilla) in a glass jar with lid. Shake for few minutes until thoroughly mixed. If the scent is not strong enough for your preference, add another 1/8 teaspoon of fragrance oil and continue this until the scent is to your liking. However, I would suggest only adding 1/8 teaspoon of fragrance oil each time because if you add too much and the scent is too strong for you, you will have to start over. Line an old cookie sheet with old rags and lay what you’re staining here. With a sponge brush or spray bottle thoroughly coat. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Check often as this can catch on fire. If you have to bake longer, only bake at 5 minute increments and always KEEP checking the oven. Store left over stain mixture in glass jar with lid for your next primitive project. You're done with Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll. I hope you enjoyed making them as much as I enjoyed designing them. If you have any problems or questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me or visit my "Stitch 'n' Stuff" page at Terms of Use: I DO NOT offer refunds on my craft patterns. Once you have received your pattern, the sale is complete. All of my craft patterns are copyrighted. You may create a reasonable amount of items from my patterns for craft fairs, bazaars, craft malls, and auctions as long as you give Lillie Mae's Crafts credit for the design. You MAY NOT mass produce items from my patterns. Copying for any reason at all is strictly prohibited. You DO NOT have permission to alter them in any way. No wholesaling of items made from my patterns. My patterns are not to be shared or redistributed in any form without my express permission. If you have any questions, please ask before you purchase. Feel free to e-mail me at X X X X X Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy-Turvy Doll Body Pattern (for both) Pilgrim Head Pattern Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved X X X Leave Open X X Indian Head Pattern X X Leave Open Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Bodice Pattern Place on Fold Stuffing Line Facial Features - Indian Nose Mouth Facial Features - Pilgrim Nose Mouth Eye Eye Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Pilgrim Bonnet – Crown Pattern Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Indian Ties for Pig Tails Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Bonnet Brim pattern Print out 2 patterns and tape together lengthwise. Place on Fold Cut 1 Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Indian Hair Card Wrap yarn around card 21 times, slide off, and tie in center. Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Bonnet Back pattern Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Pilgrim Hair Card Wrap around card 25 times, slide off, clip ends, and tie in center. Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Indian Headband Place on Fold Attach to Bodice Here Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Skirt Pattern for Pilgrim & Indian Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Attach to Bodice Here Fold Fold Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Pilgrim Apron Band & Indian Belt Patterns Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Pilgrim Collar Pattern Leave Open Prim Pilgrim & Indian Topsy Turvy Doll Pilgrim Apron Copyright © 2009 Lillie Mae's Crafts All Rights Reserved Place on Fold