
of St. Matthew’s
April 2014
Mission Statement
Our mission is to be a caring, inclusive community, centered in the Eucharist and grounded in the Gospel,
so that we can reach out as Christ’s hands to the world.
Rector Search Committee update
Our search for the new rector of St. Matthew’s continues according to plan. The process is a
deliberate one, and although the timeline may seem long, the committee remains committed to
finding the best match for St. Matthew’s. As we are fond of telling the vestry and anyone else who
asks, “We want to get it right, not just get it done”.
Current Status:
In February, the Search Committee invited a number of individuals to indicate whether they are
interested in entering into a conversation with us to become a candidate for rector of St. Matthew’s.
In March we reviewed resumes and other information from those who responded positively. We
met as a committee in mid-March to identify candidates the committee wishes to visit.
Next Steps:
Because we do not want to spend resources sending committee representatives to visit a candidate
with a potential problem, background checks will be completed, with the assistance of the Bishop’s
office, on all selected candidates before such visits occur. These checks can take several weeks to
complete. We have also been advised that candidate visits should not occur during Lent or on Easter
weekend. As a result, we expect that visits to candidates will begin in May, and most likely will
continue into June. We need to take into account the availability of our search committee
members, as well as the candidates, as we schedule these visits.
In the meantime, the committee will be working to create a “common core” of questions for all
candidates, as well as specific questions to pose to individual candidates based on their unique
backgrounds and experiences.
Please keep the members of the search committee in your prayers as we enter the next phase of our
search for the new rector of St. Matthew’s.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the Rector Search process.
Linda Wardell, Search Committee Chair
Rick Lotz, Search Committee Co-Chair
Words from The Rev. Thomas A. Momberg, Interim Rector
Getting UN-stuck
In the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark, a paralyzed man is brought to Jesus for healing. Much has been
said and written about what Jesus does – he both heals and forgives the man – but the scripture says nothing
about how the man became paralyzed in the first place. What was the nature of his paralysis? And why did
four men carry that paralytic up to the roof, dig a hole, and lower him down to Jesus? These are questions we
can’t answer, but we can consider how they apply to our lives.
What if you or I were the paralyzed one? When we needed to be carried to Jesus, who would our four friends
be? And what has been the nature of our paralysis?
These questions can also apply to a church in transition. As we consider and celebrate the history and heritage
of St. Matthew’s, how has this congregation been paralyzed? When has St. Matthew’s been carried to Jesus
for healing? A hard, uncomfortable question to ask and to answer is: How might St. Matthew’s still be
paralyzed (or frozen, to borrow an image from our lingering winter)?
Another word for feeling paralyzed or frozen is stuck. Stick in the mud” is an old expression used to describe
someone who refused to change. How are we at St. Matthew’s stuck in some old ways of doing things? And
how might we get UN-stuck?
These last questions were addressed by your Vestry during their annual weekend retreat, held at the Episcopal
Church Home just before the beginning of Lent. Last year, for various reasons, St. Matthew’s Vestry did not
hold a retreat. They did spend a day in mid-November to focus on parish communications, which continues to
be a priority for them and for the parish (Do you get the eSpirit, our weekly electronic newsletter? If not, you
can sign up at and you can read some FAQs about the
website and the eSpirit at ).
The five priorities set by your “new” Vestry – all of which could be described as getting un-stuck from some old
ways of doing things at St. Matthew’s –are:
• Create a year-round STEWARDSHIP team
• Work to recognize and remove INTERGENERATIONAL BARRIERS
• Make more CONNECTIONS WITH NEIGHBORS and others “outside” us
• Create new parish BYLAWS
• Implement required SAFEGUARDING OUR CHURCH training
I was pleased with the work the Vestry did on their retreat, and I am happy to report that progress is already
being made with these priorities. Look and listen, in the months ahead, for more information about how St.
Matthew’s is getting un-stuck and how you can be part of the work that needs to be done. This great church is
moving forward, as we anticipate Lent’s end and new life (and a new rector!), coming soon.
Easter blessings,
– Tom
Thank you!
Thank you, my St. Matthew’s family, for your
generous and thoughtful retirement present delivered to
me by our brand new senior warden. Thank you for the
touching tributes you made in Clingman, and for the
marvelous outlay of delicious food you conjured from
your own hands, delivered by such an army of smiling
volunteers (from all three services)! Some of you were
prime movers: three industrious hosts and our
coordinator of lay ministry. Others set up, cleaned up,
did food and beverages, helped the week before,
cooked and prepared!
The St. Matthew’s Care Team extends a church-wide
invitation for you to participate in a “Lunch and Learn”
session on April 6 from 12:15 until 2:15. Dale
McAbee, Chaplain at Baptist Hospital East, will speak
on “Empathy: The Foundation of Caregiving.”
Please sign up for this session on the bulletin board or
online via the eSpirit no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday,
April 3. A suggested donation of $5 is requested for the
lunch. Please come and learn about this important
Thanks to the fourth and fifth grade class for the
original and brightly painted tiles now lining my kitchen.
Thanks to the person who chose and arranged the
flowers, filling the space with colorful mixed flowers
and my favorite orange tulips on every table. Thanks to
the two persons who brought your cameras. Thanks to
the three guest clergy speakers for your, as always,
articulate words; to our interim rector, the capable
“M.C.;” to our associate rector for your article and
support. Thanks to the musicians with our beloved
violinist for your spirited music in the narthex. Beloved,
yes, you are all beloved. From the beginning worship
service with the blessing of my family at the altar, it
was an emotional and fulfilling day.
For twenty years Dale has worked with Rehabilitation
and Psychiatric patients at Baptist Health Louisville as
well as those in treatment for Chemical Dependency. He
is a Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral
Counselors. For the last four years he has been
Choirmaster at Concordia Lutheran Church. A native of
Spartanburg, South Carolina, Dale earned the BA in
Music from Furman University, the Master of Divinity
in Pastoral Care and Counseling at Southern Seminary
and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia
Seminary. In the spring of 2009 he served as Adjunct
Professor of Pastoral Care at Saint Meinrad Seminary,
Saint Meinrad, Indiana. He enjoys singing, reading,
attending concerts and keeping up with his two cats,
Britches and Lilly.
You are indeed a community of kindness.
In gratitude,
Helen +
ing Fling!
The Community Preschool of St. Matthew’s Episcopal
Church’s annual Spring Fling is Friday, April 11, 6 to 8
The Prayer Box
A Gentle Reminder
This wonderful family event offers dinner, games, and
a GREAT silent auction. Come for the fun, supper and
to try to win great gifts. Come to support this
wonderful preschool!
Nestled on the wall outside
the Myll Chapel is a Prayer Box
available for your use. Record your prayer requests on
the slips of paper in the compartment on the side, fold
the paper and deposit in the slot on the top of the box.
Members of the Hildegard Visionary Chapter of the
Daughters of the King will pray for you as you request.
The box is locked so that confidentiality is protected.
If you would like to donate a gift for the Silent Auction,
please talk with Lauren Becker at 650-4651 or Debbi
Rodahaffer at 895-3485.
The Daughters of the King take a lifetime vow to live
by the Rule of Life that requires a spiritual discipline of
daily prayer, service and evangelism. This box is an
outward sign of our vow of daily prayer and service to
this parish. In January of last year, this box was
dedicated and presented to the parish. We want to
remind you of its presence so that you may take
advantage of this opportunity for prayer.
Still counting your sheep?
The Mayor Fisher’s
Give-a-Day Week of Service
Maundy Thursday Agape
Service and Supper
April 17 –
April 12-20
6:30 p.m., Holy Eucharist & Foot Washing
7:30 p.m., Supper
Even an hour or two, or a day of service in our
community, can have a big impact.
A cherished tradition at St. Matthew’s is our Maundy
Thursday service followed by a simple, shared meal.
We return to the church for the stripping of the altar.
A prayer vigil follows for those who would like to stay
to “keep watch”.
A wide variety of opportunities for you or your family
to volunteer are posted at Some
events are flexible, others last only an hour or so.
Check it out to find an activity and time that’s the
perfect match for you!
Please sign up on the bulletin board at church, on the
St. Matthew’s website or through the weekly eSpirit to
be a part of this evening in community. (Childcare will
be available during the service and for very young
children during the meal.)
See page 6 for more about how our Youth will be
The Ladies’
Lunch Bunch
Easter Egg Hunt
The Ladies’ Lunch Bunch gets
together the third Thursday of each
month,11:30 a.m., at various restaurants throughout the
city. All are welcome! Reservations are needed in
advance so please RSVP with Betty Triplett, 384-0244.
Saturday, April 19
NOTE - New Time: 4:00 p.m.
If your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or neighbor
will be participating in this year’s Easter Egg Hunt,
please bring to church one dozen plastic eggs for each
child attending no later than 10 a.m. Sunday, April 6.
Thank you!
Thursday, April 17 - Chocolate Bar, Westport Village.
Early Bird Theologians
“When I have a terrible need of – dare I say,
‘religion’? – then I go outside at night
and paint the stars.” (Vincent Van Gogh)
All men are invited to join us for breakfast at our NEW
location: Wild Eggs, Westport Village at Herr Lane. We
meet at 8:30 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month.
Please join us! Everyone is invited!
Celebrating the communion of science and faith,
“Painting the Stars” explores the promise of
evolutionary Christian spirituality. Featuring over a
dozen leading evolutionary theologians and progressive
thinkers, this DVD series provides a forum for the
Early Bird Theologians class to view and discuss this
topic of Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
We meet at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church the second
Saturday in April (April 12) at 8:30 a.m. in the EfM
Room. We read the upcoming Sunday Scriptures to
better understand the readings and sermon. No clergy
or lecture - just read and discuss the readings. All men –
young and old – are very welcome.
The Early Bird Theologians class meets every Sunday
at 9 a.m. in the EfM room. This ongoing DVD series
can be joined at any time. Besides coffee and treats,
this class always offers an opportunity for stimulating
and thought provoking discussion.
Debbi Rodahaffer, Director of Christian Education
One of the great joys of ministry at St. Matthew’s for 18+ years is the privilege of being present in the lives
of families as their children grow from infants to teenagers or in the case of Becca Lambert, from the
days of a young child to adulthood. Becca, who is one of our nursery caregivers, has also joined us as
intern during her last undergraduate semester at the University of Louisville. I have enjoyed working with
her on projects for Lent and asked her to write a short article for the April Spirit about her thoughts on
growing up at St. Matthew’s. Her comments here are words echoed by so many of our “grown up at St.
Matthew’s” adults. ~ Debbi
A reflection by Becca Lambert
Lighting the candle at Children’s Chapel on Sunday morning was like being chosen for the big leagues, or being
chosen to carry the Olympic torch. This is how you knew it was going to be a good Sunday at church.
It’s memories like these that make me look back so fondly at my time spent at St. Matthew’s. Now, as an
adult, it’s easy to skip church and say “I’ll get back to it some other time,” but when I am able to leave the
nursery Sunday mornings and come upstairs for a bit, I realize what it is that keeps me coming back.
The large number of people that stop to talk to me, reminding me of how they remember me as a little girl,
always shocks me. I feel more warm and welcome than I would in any other place. The openness and
genuine caring I feel from the people of St. Matthew’s Sunday morning is like being chosen to light the candle
at Children’s Chapel every week. It’s like being chosen to join the big leagues.
The Children’s Program Calendar:
Wednesday, April 2 – The Wednesday Night Lenten Series continues – this time at St. Matthew’s! 6:30-8 p.m.
Supper and program for adults with supper and Stations of the Cross for children. Let Debbi know if you can
help with Stations of the Cross.
Sunday, April 6 – Pancakes in Pajamas!
9 a.m. Saints Hall
(PJs optional – fun guaranteed!)
Tuesday, April 8 – Children’s Program Committee Meeting – 6:15 p.m. Room 114
All parents are welcome to be a part of this important ministry with and for our children.
The April meeting will be the “changing of the guard” as we thank Kim Hillis for her two-year term as chair
of the Children’s Program Committee and welcome new chair, Elea Fox.
Dinner and childcare provided. Please let Kim Hillis ( or Debbi Rodahaffer
( know if you will attend.
Wednesday, April 9 – Lenten Series continues – at Christ Church Cathedral 6:30-8 p.m.
Friday, April 11 – The Community Preschool of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church SPRING FLING 6-8 p.m.
Supper, Games, Silent Auction, fun for the whole family! Support this preschool with your presence!
Palm Sunday, April 13 – Our young children – 4s through 3rd graders lead the procession to church at 10 a.m.
and children sing to begin our Palm Sunday service! Rehearsals during church school.
Maundy Thursday, April 17 – Service and Agape Supper (childcare available)
Saturday, April 19 – Easter Egg Hunt – 4 p.m. Please bring one dozen empty plastic eggs to church no later
than 10 a.m. Sunday, April 6 for each child you will have participating in the Hunt!
No church school or adult education classes after the 10 a.m. service on Palm Sunday or Easter.
Our last church school Sunday for the program year is also YOUTH Sunday on May 18 (Note: Date Change)!
St. Matt’s Youth
Website: stmatt–
Lynn Miller, Coordinator of Youth Ministry • Zach Crouch, Youth Assistant
Note: Date Change ~ **Sunday, May 18, 10 a.m. Youth Sunday**.
Youth will serve as Acolytes, Lectors, Chalice Bearers, and, the Seniors will reflect on their time at
SMEC (during the sermon time). Sign up with Lynn to fill the Lector and CB spots.
Seniors should tell Lynn if they will do a Reflection.
Games and Movies
Cookies and
Easter Eggs
Sunday, April 27
5-7 p.m.
Sunday, April 6
5-7 p.m.
Dinner, too!
We will bake cookies for the next food pantry and will
fill Easter eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt.
(and have dinner!)
Service Opportunities
Babysitting at Cornerstone
Youth CIR Service Project
Sunday, April 13
1:30-4 p.m.
Part of the Mayor’s Give-A-Day of Service.
We will join other church and faith based youth groups
on a service project, organized by the Center for
Interfaith Relations. (lunch between church and service
project, if you wish.) Pick up at church at 4:30 p.m.
Parents and siblings are welcome to join us.
Serving Lunch at
Wayside Christian Mission
6-8 p.m.
Contact Lynn if you are planning to go
11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Contact Lynn if you are planning to go
Easter Egg Hunt
Food Pantry
SATURDAY, April 19
4 p.m.
9 a.m.-12 Noon
Come for all or some
Service hour available to hide eggs
and help young “hunters”.
Help with the Easter Egg Hunt
Happy Easter!
4 p.m.
Sunday, April 20 ~ No Youth Group
This information and more is on the church web site at: stmatt– Check it out!
Questions? Email to Lynn at:
at St. Matthew’s
All services are in the Church unless otherwise indicated.
Morning Prayer is in the Chapel Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m.
Palm Sunday
April 13
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with distribution of palms
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with procession with palms *
5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with distribution of palms
Monday of
Holy Week
April 14
7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
Tuesday of
Holy Week
April 15
7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
Wednesday of
Holy Week
April 16
7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer (Chapel)
Maundy Thursday
April 17
6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing *
7:30 p.m. Dinner * (Saints Hall)
Stripping of the altar follows
Good Friday
April 18
9:00 a.m. Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament
12 Noon Good Friday Liturgy *
Holy Saturday
April 19
4:00 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt
The times of our services for
Easter Sunday are different
from other Sundays, with only 2 services.
Easter Sunday
April 20
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, with choir *
Holy Eucharist, with choir *
* child care is available
Habitat for Humanity
We are looking for people interested in joining our many ministries.
Please contact Marie Koelsch ( or Karen Hill
( for more information.
Saturday, April 5
Habitat for Humanity
House Painting Day
with Holy Trinity.
Paint all day or do half day.
9 a.m. to Noon
or a full day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
(carpool from church, 8:30 a.m.)
Calvary / St. George’s
Food Collection
Sunday, April 6
Please bring non-perishable
items to the narthex (lobby)
coat closet. Both food pantries
depend on our donations
to help them meet the
increasing demand for
food in our community.
Serve lunch at Wayside
Christian Mission
Sunday, April 13
12 Noon to 2 p.m.
For more information, please call
Sarah Weston, 426-6678.
Food Pantry
Saturday, April 19
The St. Matthew’s Food Pantry
is the 3rd Saturday of every
month starting between
10 and 11 a.m. This is a
wonderful opportunity to help
people who really need it.
Call Brian Good, 899-9390.
a program at the Home of the
Innocents for young mothers
learning parenting skills
Tuesday, May 6
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Call Diane Clark (245-5633)
if you can help provide childcare
for the mothers of this program.
Marie Koelsch, Chair of Social Concerns
Food Collection for March
Time for a grade! It was a B for Beautiful!
I was a week late this month, and when loading I noticed I had, what I
thought was tuna, 3-1/2 cases of dog food. I told Dottie Rohrer, who was
working the phones, and she asked me to get the case of green beans out
of her car, which she had purchased for the next month. Isn’t that great!
When I got to St. George’s, the truck with groceries had just unloaded so
we added to the full shelves. Charlene Rhodes, who is in charge at St.
George’s Food Closet said, “the food would be gone by the 20th, and the
next truck wasn’t due until the 27th.” So from that you can tell that we
never take too much.
One other interesting tid-bit. Someone packed their TV remote with the
food. Sounds like one of my senior moments. If this is yours, it’s in the
Keep up the good work. Next month we deliver to Calvary, whose situation
is much the same as St. George’s.
– Don Kissling, chief food deliverer and always looking for an A!
SEAMEN’S Ministry
The Rev. Kempton Baldridge, chaplain of the Ohio River Region,was
thrilled with the “outstanding batch of books and DVD’s donated by
parishioners.” He added, “I have found several timely books of ‘practical
theology’ or which touched on pastoral subjects which I intend to share
with mariners who have recently experienced personal challenges or
setbacks. Thank you so much and warm regards to all at St. Matt’s!”
Please continue to place your books and DVD’s in the marked container in
the coatroom.
Also, if you knit or crochet it isn’t too soon to make scarves for the
mariners. The pattern is easy and works up quickly, especially the
crocheted scarf I’ve been told. Patterns are located on the wall to the left
of the women’s restroom. They are collected throughout the year and
should also be placed in the labelled container in the coatroom. Please
include your name with each scarf.
Many thanks for all donations already given.
–Sarah Weston
A Message from Daniel Ochieng, Shepherd of the St. Matthew’s children in Rongo, Kenya
March 6, 2014
Greetings in the Lord’s name.
The orphans are doing well, we are just paying the money for
Grade 8 Exams registration, and we are celebrating the results for
grade 12 National Exams, all our students have passed, looking
forward to join Universities and other Colleges from August
this year.
Kindly give us some updates, we have started the rains, today, it has
rained well here. We need to have the building to Lintal before the
rains become too much, and we need to transport some materials to
the site before the roads become impassable,
but as God provides the funds. We need to book some maize and beans,
and some seeds and fertilizer for planting this season. We look forward
to the wire for food and basic needs.
Thanks for your love and Prayers and for the update on the happening on
your side.
Rongo Kenya Kids @ Rongo Committe
A letter from a parishioner
To Whom It May Concern:
We have a gem of a library right here at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. More than one Sunday, I
have found myself wandering in as a Gramma checking out the Children’s Corner. They have
many of my favorites and a lot I did not know about and have enjoyed reading.
Recently, I checked out “A Child’s Book of Prayers” by Julie Kangas and “Miss Rumphiius” story
and pictures by Barbara Cooney.
A Child’s Book of Prayers by Julie Kangas has a delightful assortment
of prayers. There were many prayers that I recognized, as well as
quite a few new ones. The artwork throughout this book is quite lovely.
I think it’s important to encourage children to be comfortable saying a
prayer if called upon at the supper table. Although they can speak
from the heart, a memorized old favorite is wonderful to hear. This
book was indeed a joy to read!
The next book I read is Miss Rumphius. It is a warmhearted book to cozy up with this winter. It’s truly a favorite
of mine. The illustrations are dear, and as the story unfolds
it holds everyone’s interest. The main character was called
“The Lupine Lady” and she was little and old and her story
is told as she grew up and how her life unfolded. We all can
benefit from the lessons learned. It’s a delightful story for all
— Wanda Jo Crivits
From the Church Archives
The unidentified photograph in last month’s Spirit was taken on the
Feast of Saint Matthew (September 21, 1980) when the current
Sanctuary was consecrated after paying off the mortgage.
Pictured from left to right:
Rev. David O. Selzer, Assistant Rector at St. Matthew’s
Cindy Blankenship, Crucifer
E. Deedom Alston, Chaplain to the Bishop (Our Merciful Savior)
Rev. Richard H. Humke, Rector of St. Matthew’s
Rt. Rev. David B. Reed, Bishop of Kentucky
Note: At Morning Prayer each weekday, members of St. Matthew’s congregation are prayed for by name. As members of the Christian
community, we are advised to hold each other in prayer. As part of your prayers, please remember all of the St. Matthew’s parish family.
Week of April 7
Week of April 14
Hallenberg: Robert, Susan
Henderson: Roberta
Hamilton: Kitty, John
Hendren: Ann, David
Hamilton: Ellyn
Heuglin: Judy
Hampton: Jennifer
Hibbs: Gini
Hampton: Mike, Anne
Hill: Elizabeth
Hanaford: Nancy
Hill: Ed, Karen
Hardy: Babs
Hill: Stephen, Kelly
Hardy: Jon, Libby, Nathan, Natalie
Hillis: Greg, Kim, Isaac, Sam, Leo
Harrity: David, Amanda, Emmalynne, Elais
Hines: Ann
Henderson: Peg, Rod
Hocker: Monty, Janna
Week of April 28
Week of April 21
The office is closed Easter Monday
Jaracz: Thad
Holman: Carolyn
Jelsma: Franklin, Jill, Henry, Logan
Holmberg: James, Ruthe, Aaron, Emily
Jobson: Robert, Betty
Homan: Marilyn
Johansen: Dave, Sarah
Hood: Charles
Johnson: Mary
Hudson: Judith, Richard
Jones: The Rev. Helen, Tom Pike
Huff: Faith
Jones: Laura, Michael, Henry Putney, Afton Putney,
William Jones
Huffman: Bob, Kitten Lawless
Irving: Will, Nancy
Jones: Paul, Jane
The office is closed Friday, Oaks Day
We pray for members of the parish family serving in the Armed Forces
William Hall, Tanner Drybrough, Marcella Peterson, The Rev. Steven Pike, Milton Turner, Chuck DeHoag,
Mark Jones, Christopher Jones, Ryan Campbell, Lance Lawfer, and Michael Nicholas.
Do you have a family member serving in the Armed Forces or in some form of relief work in a dangerous area?
Please let us know so that we can put them on our prayer list.
Heavenly Father, We ask you to make the door of St. Matthew’s Church a gateway to your eternal kingdom; and grant that all who
worship in this house may also witness for you in the world outside, to your honor and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Weekday Services in the Chapel
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m., Morning Prayer
Tuesdays: 7:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist
Wednesdays: 5:30 p.m., Evening Prayer
Time Warner Cable vs. Insight Communications – With the purchase of Insight Communications by
Time Warner, every customer with an email has to undergo a change to an address.
As you share your new email with friends and family, please send us word as well. That way you can ensure
you’ll continue to receive news, stories, and important information about St. Matthew’s.
Please email any changes to
We extend congratulations to
Naomi and Joe Scheirich on the birth of their granddaughter, Paige Marie, January 19
We are sorry to hear about the death of
Susan Kimbrough’s sister
Pieter Keyzer’s mother
+ + + May light perpetual shine upon them + + +
The next deadline for submissions to the Spirit is April 15.
While we appreciate all submissions, please note that the Interim Rector is the editor of the Spirit.
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Non-Profit Org.
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Clergy and Staff:
The Rev. Thomas A. Momberg, Interim Rector
The Rev. Emily S. Crouch, Associate Rector
Deborah Rodahaffer, Director of Christian Education
Mardi Galvin, Parish Administrator
Barbara Ellis, Director of Music Ministry
Lynn Miller, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Karen Hill, Coordinator of Lay Ministry
Joanne Coleman, Accountant
Office Hours:
Clergy in our midst:
The Rt. Rev. David Reed
The Rev. Dr. Helen Jones
The Rev. Moray Peoples
The Rev. Don Brown
9:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Voice Mail Extensions & E-mail Addresses for the Clergy & Staff
Phone Extension
e-mail address
The Rev. Thomas A. Momberg .....................x102 ....................................
The Rev. Emily S. Crouch ............................ x103 ....................................
Deborah Rodahaffer ...................................... x105 ....................................
Barbara Ellis ................................................. x106 ....................................
Lynn Miller .................................................... x108 ....................................
Mardi Galvin .................................................. x110 ....................................
Joanne Coleman ........................................... x112 ....................................
Karen Hill ...................................................... x113 ....................................
Clergy in our midst:
The Rt. Rev. David Reed .............................. Cell: 762-8289 ....................
The Rev. Dr. Helen Jones ............................. Cell: 797-1317 ....................
The Rev. Moray Peoples .............................. Cell: 836-1278 ....................
The Rev. Don Brown ..................................................................................
Parish Vestry
Edie Nixon, Senior Warden
Bob Nesmith, Junior Warden
Ruthe Holmberg, Clerk
David Brooks, Treasurer
Kate Wagner, Youth Representative
Carrie Bohnert
Bill Bond
Sam Bridge
Steve Cherry
Jay Crocker
Gaylee Gillim
Bob Huffman
Mary Johnson
Margaret Krantz
Jim Moyer
Gibbs Reese
Laura Shaffer
Dwayne Watson