Cherokee Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
Cherokee Chatter - Cherokee Water Company
LEASE RENEWAL REMINDER Payment was due April 1st for those shareholders that took advantage of the split payment option for the 2015-2016 lease renewal. A $100 late fee was added May 1st to the amount due but unpaid. If not received in the CWC office by May 31, 2015, another late fee of $100 will be due. Memorial Day The Cherokee Water Company offices will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. We will resume normal office hours on Tuesday, May 31st. photo submitted by Kristina Ritter Brothers- Jeramey Elliott and Beau Hicks, sons of James Elliott, SJ23. Keepin’ it Real is a new article you will find monthly in the Chatter. It’s a Balancing Act! Every year I make a New Year’s resolution to balance my life, you know, not work so much and enjoy the things I like to do more— and every year this doesn’t happen. Well, here it is Spring 2016 already, and I am no closer to that balance than in any other year. So I thought if took a few minutes to think about it, I could force myself take the leap and put a check-mark by that New Year’s resolution. Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 Have a great Memorial Day weekend Lake Cherokee! I like to read—along with a lot of other things—and reading would be enjoyable and balance things a little. Picture it: sitting out by the lake reading a good book, what could be more relaxing? So, reading it is! Reading should be easy to add that daily balance—right? It’s so simple! Pick a book, open the book, and there you are, reading the book. Sounds so easy. Now I’ll confess that I’ve had this as one of my New Year’s resolutions in the past, just because it sounds so easy to accomplish. Sometimes it appears on the list masquerading as a self-help book to refine healthy eating habits or enhance barbequing skills, sometimes as a gardening book to get a little exercise and sun, and sometimes reading a best-seller or a current non-fiction so I have something to talk about at reunions or gatherings. Then I discover that I have no idea about what to pick. There lies my problem: how do I pick a book to read that will be relaxing, and help me balance and de-stress? There was a time when I would just see a The May 2016 Cherokee Chatter Published by the Cherokee Water Co. • NK20 Lake Cherokee • Longview, TX 75603 Keepin’ it Real Board Meeting Minutes Shopper’s Corner Bulletin Board Cherokee Fishing Club Spring Bass Tournament 1 2 6 8 8 9 book, get the book, and read the book, but because I grew up with the idea that if you start something, you’d better finish it, this method probably caused me more unbalance and stress than just not reading would have caused. I often ended up reading entire books that I really didn’t like at all! Then I began to realize if it wasn’t good, I should cut my losses and quit where I was. Some books I stopped reading mid-way, mid-chapter, and even midsentence! To hedge my bet for finding a good book to read, my next method of book selection was to check out several books at the library and sample a few pages of each, then decide which one I would finish. However, this often left me with several good books to finish in a short two to three week time span. Once again, very unbalancing and now I’ve added the stress of a deadline for returning unread books! I tried several other methods for book selection that were just as defeating; reading First Friends LARC Ladies Bridge Knife, Fork & Trowel News from the 19th Hole Preservation Club Calendar 10 12 14 20 21 22 from the monthly best seller, asking a friend’s opinion, selecting from a list of books I had created, or going to a bookstore and reading the comments on the back “This book will having you rolling in the aisles.” It didn’t. “Lots of adventure in this one.” Beginning was slow, so I quit reading. “A good love story. . .” A bit mushy and sad. “This one will keep you riveted to the end.” Not really, again I quit reading, page 20. All these reading attempts did cause me to self-reflect on my mood and the books I liked to read—which was a little unbalancing and way too intense as a homework for balancing life and relaxing. Lately I’ve been browsing websites with reviews, previews, and recommendations. Some sites, like, will let you sample a chapter or two of the book—what a great idea, right? But reading the sample makes me want to read the whole book, but Keepin’ it Real continued on page 6 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 Managers Memo Report by Vicki Faulkner: We’ve hired the 3 seasonal patrol officers. Brenda Jackson comes to us from the Tatum Police Department and has completed her training to obtain her Commissioned Security license. Michael Little is currently a Commissioned Security officer for Federal Courthouses and working in Ft. Worth. He and Brenda began water safety patrol April 16th. Trey Adams will The CWC Board Of Directors meets the be rejoining our force also for the summer. 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Jerry and Erin will be attending OSSF training on May 20th in Tyler - the program recomALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. mended for homeowners that wish to maintain their own systems. I’m looking forward to MINUTES OF THE BOARD them bringing back information and forms to OF DIRECTORS aid in our implementation of the new OSSF program for CWC. CHEROKEE WATER COMPANY April 21, 2016 A meeting of the Board of Directors for Cherokee Water Company was held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 21, 2016, at NK 20 Lake Cherokee, Longview Texas 75603 with the following Directors present: Darrell Wolven, President Randall Latch, Vice President Lynda Whalen, Secretary Mike Lee, Treasurer Bill Adler Wade Johnson Steve Lobue Gary Mapes Justin Smith George Strunk Larry Wayt Also present was Rick Faulkner President Darrell Wolven called the meeting to order. Lynda Whalen, Secretary, pronounced a quorum. A MOTION was made by Gary Mapes and seconded by Randall Latch to approve the Minutes of the March 17, 2016 Board of Directors meeting. The motion passed. Mike Lee presented the Treasurer’s Report. The financial statements for March, 2016 were reviewed in detail at the committee meetings on Monday. The CWC is six months into its budget year and continues to maintain a good cash position on the Balance Sheet. Operating Income and Expenses were in line with the budget. Oil and gas income is falling below the budget for the year and we’re expecting it to come in around $220,000 - $240,000 short. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Lynda Whalen to approve the financial statement and certify bills paid for the period ending March 31, 2016. The motion passed. There are 3 unpaid leases at this time in legal collection. The Spring Cleanup will be held April 22 - 24 (Friday-Sunday) this year. The same services offered last fall will be available. George Strunk, Chair of the Property and Rules Committee, reported that the Committee did meet. There was one item for committee approval and four requests for variances reviewed. A MOTION was made by George Strunk and seconded by Mike Lee that the Board approves the recommendation of the committee for the following: the request FOR VARIANCE from Drew Matthews, NH-12, to construct a boathouse that will be further than 50’ from shoreline. The Committee recommends denial of the request as applied for but recommends approval for the boathouse to extend no further than a string-line between the adjoining lots existing boathouses; the request FOR VARIANCE from Richard Tyler, NI-07, to construct a new carport/shop/ breezeway that will be closer than 50’ from the roadway; the request FOR VARIANCE from Wayne Morgan, SK-26, to allow his son and family to reside in and maintain his home for up to six months while he and his wife travel; and the request FOR VARIANCE from Mike Wilcox, SR-07, to construct a boathouse that will be further than 50’ from shoreline. The Committee recommends denial of the request as applied for but recommends approval for the boathouse to extend no further than 85’. Additionally, the freestanding swim deck/dock is to be removed. The motion passed. The Committee recommends the rule regarding concealed and open carry of handguns on CWC properties be changed to bring consistency in the Rules and Regulations to comply with the Texas statues and signage. A MOTION was made by George Strunk and seconded by Gary Mapes that the Board approves the recommendation of the committee for the following change in the Rules and Regulations: CURRENT WORDING: II. SHAREHOLDER OBLIGATIONS SHAREHOLDER CONDUCT 2. Pursuant to Penal Code Section 30.06, handguns are prohibited at the CWC administrative offices at NK20 and NK21, CWC maintenance buildings, Firecracker Park and Bikini Island. CWC administrators, CWC security personnel and law enforcement are exempt from this rule. PROPOSED WORDING: II. SHAREHOLDER OBLIGATIONS A. SHAREHOLDER CONDUCT 2. Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter the CWC library, maintenance, fuel center, or patrol buildings, Firecracker Park or Bikini Island with a concealed handgun. Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter the CWC administrative offices at NK-20, CWC library, maintenance, fuel center or patrol buildings, Firecracker Park or Bikini Island with a handgun that is carried openly. CWC administrators, CWC security personnel and law enforcement are exempt from this rule. John Morgan, NH 10, named the reestablished trail in the NH section “Veterans Nature Trail” Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. ATTEST: ______________________ Lynda Whalen, Secretary The motion passed. Randall Latch, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. He reported that the trail in the NH Section had been reestablished and a contest held to Name That Trail. Eleven suggested names were submitted and the Building and Grounds Committee selected the winner on Monday. The trail will be named Veterans Nature Trail and was submitted by shareholder John Morgan. He was presented with a basket of CWC logo items as winner of the contest. Mike Lee, Chair of the Natural Resources Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and no action items to bring before the Board. Darrell Wolven, in the absence of Sue Wilson, Chair of the Policy and Conduct Committee, reported that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Lynda Whalen, Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, presented that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Mike Pemberton July 4, 1947-April 18, 2016 Mike passed away on April 18th in Longview after a short battle with cancer. Mike is survived by his spouse, Jeannie, and his son and daughter-in-law, Brent and Sarah Pemberton, of Fort Worth, and grandson, William. In 1974, Mike and Jeannie moved to Longview, and in 1975 he began employment at Louis Morgan #1, which he later owned and operated. Mike served as Secretary of the Cherokee Water Company Board of Directors. Memorials can be made to: Trinity School of Texas, The Boys and Girls Club, Gregg County Historical Museum, or a charity of your choice. National Safe Boating Week: May 21-27, 2016 · For hunting and cold weather: Full coats and suits are available in camouflage colors for waterfowl hunting and for those who boat when air and water temperatures are cool. · For paddling: Special life jackets are designed with large openings for arms to allow ease of movement. · For children: Virtually all styles available are sized especially for children – some with cartoon characters, straps for pulling children from the water and high-visibility schemes. · For pets: Life jackets are even available for our four-legged friends. It’s helpful to purchase one with a handle on top to easily pull your pet out of the water, if needed. Recreational Boating Safety Facts All figures are from the U.S. Coast Guard’s 2014 Recreational Boating Safety Statistics, the latest official record of reported recreational boating accidents. · Drowning was reported as the cause of death in three-fourths of all fatalities. · Approximately 84 percent of those who drowned were not wearing life jackets. · In 2014, the Coast Guard counted 4,064 accidents that involved 610 deaths, 2,678 injuries and approximately $39 million dollars of damage to property as a result of recreational boating accidents. · The fatality rate was 5.2 deaths per 100,000 registered recreational vessels. This rate represents a 10.6% increase from last year’s fatality rate of 4.7 deaths per 100,000 registered recreational vessels. · About 12 percent of deaths occurred on boats where the operator had received boating safety instruction. · Operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, excessive speed and alcohol rank as the top 5 primary contributing factors in accidents. · Where the primary cause was known, alcohol was listed as the leading factor in 21% of deaths. · Twelve children under age thirteen lost their lives while boating in 2014. Seven children, or approximately 58% of the children who died in 2014 died from drowning. (Four children or 57% of those who drowned were wearing a life jacket; two were not required to by state law.) · The most common types of vessels involved in reported accidents were open motorboats (47%), personal watercraft (17%) and cabin motorboats (15%). National Recreational Boating Statistics · Fatalities: 548 · Drownings: 418 · Injuries (requiring medical treatment beyond first aid): 2,678 · Boating Accidents: 4,064 · Property Damage: $38,874,380 · Number of registered recreational boats in the U.S.: 11,804,002 Life Jacket Facts: Style, Variety and Comfort Most boaters know they’re required to have a U.S. Coast Guard-approved wearable life jacket on board for every person on their boat. Boating safety advocates recommend that all boaters and passengers not only have a life jacket, but ‘Wear It!’ at all times while boating. Accidents on the water can happen much too fast to reach and put on a stowed life jacket. Drowning is the reported cause of death in three-fourths of all boating fatalities – and 84 percent of drowning victims in recreational boating accidents were not wearing a life jacket in 2014. The good news is that today’s life jackets are much more comfortable, lightweight and stylish than the bulky orange style most boaters know. No matter what the activity or style chosen, the most important thing is this: Remember to grab a life jacket and ‘Wear It!’ General Boating Safety Tips 1. No matter what activity you have planned – boating, fishing, paddling and more – always remember to wear a life jacket every time you are on the water. Accidents on the water can happen much too fast to reach and put on a stowed life jacket. 2. Make sure your life jacket is U.S. Coast Guard approved, appropriate for your water activity, and that it fits properly. A life jacket that is too large or too small can cause different situational problems. All persons should always wear a life jacket. 3. Know your state’s boating laws before you get out on the water. Rules and laws can differ from state to state and violations can result in ticketing, fines or jail time. Life jackets that use inflatable technologies are cool and comfortable. They may resemble a pair of suspenders or a belt pack. Many inflate automatically when immersed in water. There are life jacket styles available for almost any boating activity. · For cruising in an open motorboat: Comfort is key – choose a life jacket you’ll want to wear. For ages 16 and older, inflatable life jackets are a great option. · For fishing: Vest-style life jackets come with features such as pockets and clips to replace the fishing vest and keep the angler safe. · For personal watercraft and water sports: Inherently buoyant lighter-weight life jackets are rugged, with multiple buckles and clasps to keep them secure after impact with the water. 4. Take a boating safety course. Learn valuable tips that can help save your life in unexpected situations. 5. Make sure your boat is as prepared as you are. There are many items that need to be checked and re-checked on any boat. Top-Ranking States for Reported Boating Deaths Source:U.S. Coast Guard 2014 Recreational Boating Safety Statistics Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 State Total Deaths Florida 70 Texas 39 California 38 New York 27 North Carolina 26 Illinois/Ohio/Washington (tie) 22 Pennsylvania 21 Michigan 19 Louisiana 18 Virginia 17 3 6. Boat capacity. Be sure to know your boat’s capacity. If you have more on your boat than it was designed to handle, the boat may become unstable and capsize. 7. Check the weather, including the water temperature. 8. Dress properly. Always dress for the weather, wearing layers if cooler weather, and bring an extra set of clothes in case you get wet. 9. Always file a float plan. File a float plan with someone you trust that includes details about the trip, boat, persons, towing or trailer vehicle, communication equipment, and emergency contacts. 10. Always follow navigation rules. Know the ‘Rules of the Road’ such as operator’s responsibility, maintaining a proper lookout, safe speed, crossing, meeting head-on and overtaking situations. 11. Don’t drink while you boat. Where the primary cause was known, alcohol was listed as the leading factor in 21% of deaths in 2014. 12. Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning. Gasoline-powered engines on boats, including onboard generators, produce carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless and odorless gas that can poison or kill someone who breathes too much of it. Be sure to install and maintain a working CO detector, never block exhaust outlets, and always dock, beach or anchor at least 20 feet away from the nearest boat that is running a generator or engine. 13. Keep in touch. Communication devices can be the most important piece of emergency equipment on board a vessel, especially in case of emergency. Cell phones, satellite phones, emergency position indicating radio beacons, VHF radios and personal locator beacons can all contribute in an emergency situation. Top-Ranking States for Reported Boating Accidents Source: U.S. Coast Guard 2014 Recreational Boating Safety Statistics Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 State Total Accidents Florida 581 California 379 New York 175 Texas 167 Missouri 142 Maryland 130 N. Carolina/S. Carolina (tie) 124 Washington 122 Louisiana 113 New Jersey/Tennessee (tie) 111 4 Weddings • Reunions • Parties • Milestone Events Hayley Hall Photography 1997 FM 2011 Rd. 903-720-7347 Longview, TX 75603 903-918-6034 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: 5 Who needs the Boater Education Card? It’s the Law! Operators must meet the age and boater education requirements shown below in order to operate any of the following vessels legally in Texas: · A powerboat powered by a motor of more than 15 horsepower or… · A personal watercraft or… · A windblown vessel over 14 feet in length. The Boater Education Course has been set for Saturday, June 4, at CWC, NK 20. A person less than 13 years of age may operate only if he or she is supervised by a person who: · · · That’s me! “Lake Cherokee is my home, let me help make it yours!” Kim Hicks-Graham Vice President and Branch Manager Longview NMLS #: 491196 (903) 643-9151 Ext. 4503 FDIC A person at least 13 years of age and born on or after September 1, 1993, may operate without supervision only if he or she has passed a boater education course that is accepted by Texas Parks and Wildlife. CNB? Member Is 18 years of age or older and… Can lawfully operate the watercraft and… Is on board when the vessel is underway. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Boater Education Pre-registration Last Name:_________________________ First Name:_________________________ MI:_____ M/F:_____ DOB:____________________ Phone Number:______________________ Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________ City:____________________ State:_____ Zip:______________ County:___________ SS #:_______________________ Email address:_____________________________________ CK #/Cash:_________ This form must be completed in full. Please send payment ($20.00) and registration form to: Cherokee Water Company NK-20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 Citizens National Bank is honored to be named one of the best Texas employers for a second year. 877-566-2621 • Don’t miss the Annual “Out of School Bash” Hosted by: The Church at Lake Cherokee When: May 25, 2016 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm Where: The Church at Lake Cherokee 11968 FM 2011 East Henderson, TX 75652 What’s Happening? Food (Hot Dogs, Chips, Snacks) Games (Sand Volleyball, Basketball, Waterslide, Horseshoes, Slip Slip--n-Slide and more) Fellowship, Friends, Music, Food and a GREAT time! 6 LAKE CHEROKEE SECURITY REPORT MARCH 2016 FACILITY CHECK: REMOVE DEAD ANIMAL: 1 1,834 EXTRA PATROL FACILITY: 26 EXTRA PATROL SHAREHOLDER: 210 IMPOUND DOMESTIC ANIMAL: 3 CLEAR ROADWAY OF TREES/ WELFARE CHECK: DEBRIS: 10 DISTURBANCE: 3 3 OPEN DOOR: 10 SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE/ PERSON: 20 MAINTENANCE NEEDED: 9 ISSUE PERMIT: 16 BURGLARY/ THEFT: 0 ALARMS: 11 WATER RESCUE/ DROWNING: 4 VEHICLE/BOAT ACCIDENT: 0 CODE SET OUT/PICK UP VIOLATIONS: 1 TRAP: 10 ASSIST AGENCY: REMOVE ANIMAL 9 FROM TRAP/LOT: 4 Welcome to Lake Cherokee March 2016 Transfers– 16 Shopper’s Corner FOR SALE: FOR SALE: Two Honda jetskis (seat three people) with double trailer. Never been off this lake with less than 100 hours each. Trailered each winter, with custom covers and stored under carport at lakehouse. Purchased new, used by family and friends for five summers, three of which the water was low and they were out of the water in July. Usual wear and serviced each spring. $10,000.00 for both and the trailer. Each jetski was $12,000 new and the trailer was $2500 new. All the paperwork, books, etc ... A GREAT deal for someone. 903-780-1694 FOR SALE: 2011 pontoon boat or party barge that has never been off this lake. Serviced each spring and the only fuel in motor was purchased at the island pumps. Many extras including fuel filter, large fuel tank, cover, changing stall. Bought at Tracker on Eastman RD, and serviced each year before storage, also. Removed from water with custom cover, then covered with tarp each winter. Like new ... $17,500.00 903-780-1694 FOR SALE: 6 month set of Maytag front load, stackable washer and dryer, industrial duty. Paid $900 each, will sell for 600 each. Contact Libbie at 320-496-5588. FOR SALE: Antique wooden icebox, excellent condition. $325 903.643.2079 FOR SALE: 2011 Chaparral 186, 190hp inboard/outboard with 122 hours. Can be seen at SQ18, No trailer. $19,900. Call 903-736-6268. FOR SALE: Undeveloped lot – SJ 46 Make offer (903) 987-4671 or FOR SALE: Unimproved Lot, NQ 10 Share of stock in Lake Cherokee $40,000 (will finance) Carolyn Matter (903) 643-3969 or (903) 720-7700 cell FOR SALE: RV: 2008 Aspen Frontier in excellent condition. King size bed and shower in master. 2 big slides. Original cost $47,000 selling for $21,000. 903.643.2079 FOR SALE: New Tackle Box with 6 new Lures, assorted boppers and weights, new jigheads,new 3-pack of Ball bearing swivel snaps, panfish creatures. 25 Dollars. FOR SALE: Assorted Rifle and Handgun Ammo, To much to list, must come and see Ron. SG-40 Lake Cherokee. 903 918-8712 FOR SALE: Some Things Have GOT to Go! Complete backpacking outfit. Includes frame, tent, sleeping bag and pad, cooking supplies and much more. Gently used. If interested, call 903643-3200. FOR SALE: Frigidaire 17 cu ft stainless steel refrigerator, less than 5 years old. $300 903.643.0334 FREE 1 yr old border collie mix. Very sweet, but shy. She is house trained and fixed, and needs a retired, or semi retired person to spend more time with her. Please contact Libbie at 320-496-5588. WILL BUY: Will buy your unwanted boat, barge, jet ski, ATV/UTV, golf cart, RV or trailer and pay you cash. Please call 903-658-2994. If no answer please leave a message. Thank You. Wanted: Used propane tank 903.315.0535 FOR SALE: 1997 VIP 202 model boat. 400 hours. $9,000. (903) 445-3640 FOR SALE: 2013 G25 Super Air Nautique. 103 hours. Custom wet sound stereo system and custom triple axle trailer. $106,900. (903) 445-3640 Keepin’ it Real continued from page 1 sometimes the sample is the high point! This puts me back in the quit reading cycle. Enter websites like Whichbook (,Wikihow (, GoodReads (http://www.goodreads. com/), Library Things (, GNooks (http://www.gnooks. com/), and The Staff Recommends ( Not only do some of these sites have a good selection of books that you can read for free, most also help you pick a good book—one that will fit your mood. This has helped me learn that my mood often calls for some humor (When the Sun Shines by John Harding), or some thinking with a good mystery, and a little food thrown in doesn’t hurt (Death by Chocolate by Sally Berneathy). Of course anything by John Grisham or Janet Evanovich would suit my mood this summer—entertainment at the lake. If you have any questions regarding a property or stock transfer, please feel free to contact Erin Summerlin at (903) 643-3933 or photo by Jane Wolven So back to my dilemma, I still haven’t picked that special book I will be reading. The only thing I’ve decided is that next year I will not be adding “reading a book” to my New Year’s resolutions. Picking the book is just too much stress and a bit unbalancing! 7 Watercraft Decals The watercraft decals are green this year. All boats operated on Lake Cherokee must be registered in the name of a leaseholder or leaseholder’s spouse; have the owner’s lot number affixed on each side of the watercraft, preferably half-way between the bow and stern and must be at least 3 inches in height and one half inches in width contrasting with the background color of the boat; and have the current green decals affixed on each side close to the lot number. Charlie Boucher Owner 10709 Hwy. 149 Longview, TX 75603 (903) 452-5481 Fines for an unauthorized boat or expired decals start at $100.00. Hill Top Marine Boat & Jet Ski service & repair • All makes & models EASON IRRIGATION B.K. (Kim) Eason Cory Eason 903-238-7926 Casey Eason 903-235-9072 Lic # 16660 Prev. #3181 903-431-3900 Specializing in pumps & sprinkler repairs, updates & installations Replacement decals for watercraft are $50.00 per set. Craig Smith, son of Ray Smith, weighed in a 9.08 lb Bass. 8 Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse We had eighty-three members and Guests for the April meeting. The guests included John Hacker, Shawn Besharse, Brant Besharse, Michelle Jeffcoat, Ken Kennedy, and Louis Kennedy. New members included Edward Buckner and Jason Pratt and we thank our guest and new members for joining us at the April meeting. Our “Cookie People” made sure we had plenty of food that included sandwiches, smoked sausage, a whole pan of fresh fried crappie and an abundance of desserts, The “Cookie People” were Carol Staiti, AIR, HEAT & PLUMBING SERVICES S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903643-9690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & heating service. Lic. #TACLA2575C Call (903) 758-9840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING Why waste your money? SENIOR DISCOUNTS. All plumbing, new construction, remodel & repairs (no job too small.) Repipe, slab leak repair, water heaters, drain & rooter service, electronic leak detection. FREE ESTIMATES. (903) 643-9277 Michael Evans Lic. #M39951 BOAT /WATERCRAFT MAINTENANCE CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general up-keep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 Sharon Lakey, Brenda Wyche, Genia Holland, Linda Steen, Allan Franklin, John T. Smith, Karen Loper, Anna O’Brien, Wiley Thomas and Mayre Drennan. Joe Travis advised the group that our Coppernose, Red Ear Bream and Catfish would be delivered within the week and at the time of this article; all fish are now in the hatchery ponds. Hopefully, we will have a very good season for growing out the fish that will be released in October. Charley Haynes gave the treasurers report and reported that our Benevolent Fund has grown pretty well, as a result of the raffle for the AR 15 rifle. For those that may not be aware, our winner was John T. Smith. Vern Brown reported on the entries for the spring tournament to date and that we should have a good turnout. The day of the tournament, our fishermen had to contend with some high winds but a large number of fish was Longview Cycle & Ski SEA-DOO Maintenance & Repair. Have a certified Sea-Doo Technician come and prepare your water craft for summer fun. $50 per ski pick-up available for in shop repairs. Call Trey or Joseph at Longview Cycle & Ski (903) 236-8865 Today! CLEANING DECKS CLEAN & TREATED with product of your choice. Transparent, semitransparent or solid body. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-297-1766 home 903-7465179 cell. LAWN AND TREE CARE Jose and Vicente Mowing, trimming, raking. Limb and tree removal. Free estimates (903) 917-4794 (903) 917-4495 (903) 7369835 Lonnie’s Lawn Service All types of lawn care. (903) 918-3926 LIMB PICK-UP LAWN MASTERS No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/2352433 for monthly service. MISC NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-yr Lake Cherokee resident). Angie’s Muddy Paws Grooming and pet sitting services. for the Lake Cherokee area. 903-746-7013 PAINTING PAINTING BY MIKE Custom painting, carpentry, pressure washing and general handyman. Over 25 years experience. 10 year Lake Cherokee resident. Call Mike at (903) 987-0592. brought to the weigh-in. At the time of this article, we did have a very good tournament and our fishermen brought in over 280 pounds of bass to the weigh-in. The results of the tournament have been placed into a separate article. Bob Tippit reported that more fish habitats have been placed into the lake and had the GPS information. Bob also advised that he has a word document that list the physical locations of the habitats and will provide them to any member that needs this information. Bob also conducted a program on fishing for crappie, using jigs. Bob displayed the type crappie pole he utilizes for jigging and also the type rod and reel, he feels is best suited for crappie fishing. He said he normally uses four pound line and a 32nd oz. jig. Also, he indicated that from April to October the crappie are suspended at 8’-10’ on the habitats. Bob reported that he fishes with a crappie jig all of the time. For those of you that may fish with minnows, we will have a program that will fo- cus on techniques being used to catch crappie with minnows. We appreciate Bob’s information on Jig Fishing and hope everyone will try out his suggestions. Bob advised that he may be able to give personal tips with members, by showing them the art of jig fishing. As usual, we had five items that were raffled off at the end of the meeting. The winners and the items they won are; Wayne Wolven, a rod and a set of rain gear; Bob O’Brien, Gift bag of baits; Jeff Sutton, gift bag of baits; Jaxon Evans, Lew’s Reel and Craig Randolph won a fire extinguisher and a tournament weigh bag. Our next CFC meeting will be May 9, at 7:00 p.m. the meeting location is the Cherokee Water Company Office, in the downstairs area, located at NK 20 Lake Cherokee. If you have not visited a club meeting, we encourage you to come join us in May. Next month, I would like to see if members would be interested in having other fishing tournaments for other species of fish on Lake Cherokee. Southwestern Backyard Burgers POWER WASHING & DETAILING AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903-235-3914 REMODELING REMODELING: Kitchens, baths, room additions, gutter screens & cleaning, tree service. .Free estimates. Any home repair or improvement. Call Rick Warner @ 903/720-7540. INSIGHT REMODELING Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan903/790-2229. TREE SERVICES Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/ 424-8840 or (903) 4248267. TOTAL TIME: Prep/Total Time: 30 min. MAKES: 8 servings Ingredients · 1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon hickory liquid smoke, optional 1/2 cup crushed butter-flavored crackers (about 12 crackers) 4-1/2 teaspoons chili powder 3 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 pounds lean ground beef (90% lean) 1/2 pound bulk pork sausage 8 slices pepper jack cheese 8 sesame seed hamburger buns, split Lettuce leaves and tomato slices Toppings of your choice Directions 1. In a large bowl, combine the first eight ingredients. Crumble beef and sausage over mixture and mix well. Shape into eight patties. 2. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 5-7 minutes on each side or until no longer pink. Top with cheese. Grill 1 minute longer or until cheese is melted. 3. Grill buns, cut side down, for 1-2 minutes or until toasted. Serve burgers on buns with lettuce, tomato and toppings. CFC Open Spring Bass Tournament By Bo Besharse In almost every competitive contest, the winners are recognized by names and position of their win. However, a fishing tournament is quite different. Yes, some are recognized with the prizes, trophies, ribbons, or money they received but all persons in a fishing tournament are winners too! Individuals come together in teams to brave the elements, find the fish that they had spotted in pre-fishing, and endure nine and one-half hours casting for fish. They are winners in my books. I will be listing those that received “prizes” but every person listed here is a winner and we would like to thank them for taking part in the 2016 Spring Open Bass Tournament. Tommy Hooten, George Steele, Reagan Wyche, Clyde Potter, Shorty Harris, Richard Arden, Joe Rogers, Bob Tippit, Larry Lacewell, Ted Robins, Jarrod ward, Clay Hinson, Mike White, McKinnon White, Bobby Petit, Josie Petit, Buddy Box, John Bagley, rob Lucas, Kirk Hutchens, Mart Freeman, Neal Owen, Viki Faulkner, Mark Hickman, Robert Michlewicz, Ryan Michelwicz, Jeramy Elliott, Megan Elliott, James Elliott, Michelle Jeffcoat, Leonard Martin, Mark Perry, Drew Doerge, Hunter Daughtry, terry Ford, Matt Ashby, Earnum Rinkle, Jim McCain, Joey Pipkin, Shawn Besharse, Rachael Hacker, Heidi Lutz, Willard Jordan, Danny rust, Tim Anderson, Steve O’Brian, Joey and Jill Gardner, Steve Lattery, Sheldon Lattery, Kenny Hinson, Jordyn Hinson, Randy Neeley, David Wilson,Mark Wiggins, Bruce Brown, Robin Palmer, Chase Palmer, David Perez, Jim Reynolds, Taylor Corley, Austin Daughtry, Mason white, Authur Johnson, Randy war- nix, and Beau Hicks. A great group of folks! If I happen to have missed someone’s name that fished, let me know. The prize winners are designated by the heaviest stringer, largest and second largest bass in the men’s and a Ladies big bass, along with a youth big bass.1st Place Willard Jordan/Danny Rust with 20.02 pounds and Willard weighed in a 7.75 pound pass to take large bass; 2nd Shawn Besharse/Joey Pipkin; 3rd Tommy Hooten/George Steele; 4th Matt Freeman/ Neal Owen; 5th James Elliott/Michelle Jeffcoat and Michelle had the Ladies big bass with a 4.72 lb. 6th; Kenny Hinson/Jordan Hinson; 7th Leonard Martin/Mark Perry; 8th Joe rogers/Bob Tippit; 9th Jarrod Ward/Clay Hinson, Clay won 2nd large bass; 10th Shorty Harris/ Richard Arden. Rob Lucas won the youth big bass with 2.90 lb. Genia Holland and Brenda Wyche did an outstanding job in gathering door prizes for the fishermen and collected close to $3,000 in merchandise that was given out to every fisherman in the tournament that attended the weigh-in. Pete and Carol Staiti fed the entire group some chicken nuggets, beans and Genia made some potato salad. Our “Cookie People” brought some outstanding desserts for the group. In next month’s article, all of the vendors that contributed merchandise for the tournament will be listed and we hope that everyone will support them, the way they supported us! 9 10 by Jeanne Collins This month’s third Thursday meeting of the First Friends group was held on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 12 noon in the Fellowship Room of the Longview Christian Church at 2400 McCann Road in Longview. Our hostess this month was Gail Fowler. Her theme was for an “English Tea”, and she had real china plates, cups & saucers on the lace covered tables along with lovely decorations of fresh roses & greenery. Gail served a delightful lunch of finger sandwiches, veggies, fruits, and Scones. Gail’s friend from England, Sally Van Sandt, showed us the proper way to participate in “Tea Time”, from the correct method of brewing, to the correct methods of serving and drinking. Mrs. Van Sandt related some funny stories and was a delightful speaker. Some of our members wore fancy hats and dressy attire to complement the atmosphere of fun and fellowship, and it was noted that today was Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday! The Door Prizes were won by Debbie Hopson and Carol Ehl. Next month’s meeting will be on Thursday, May 19 at NH-10, the home of Judi Morgan. Judi and Betty Heim will be the co-hostesses for a Salad Luncheon. We would love for you to join us – please call me at 903-643-7200 to get on our email list, or to get more information. Guest Speaker, Sally Van Sandt, and Hostess, Gail Fowler Gail Fowler, Hostess, at the beautifully presented food table Several of the ladies wore hats for the Tea - L-R - Gail Fowler, Jeanne Collins, Judi Morgan, Marilyn Moulds, Carol Staiti (her pillbox hat matched her dress) English Tea Door Prize Winners, Debbie Hopson and Carol Ehl. Newgate Mission, founded in 1990, is a day mission that serves the homeless and working poor in Longview and surrounding areas. We are open 365 days, and our work is guided by our belief in Jesus’s command: Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me (Matthew 25:40 NIV). We strive to be a beacon of light for those who live in a seemingly hopeless world, and our purpose is to demonstrate God’s love for all of his children while working daily to inspire hope and transition in our community. The Bargain Center We want to make sure that the Lake Cherokee community is aware of the services we provide, specifically at our Newgate Mission Bargain Center. We are located a few blocks from downtown Longview, and we pick up donations (and make deliveries) 6 days a week. If you are doing a little spring cleaning or planning a move and would like to donate furniture, décor, or clothes, please call us, and we will make a pick up at your home. Please consider shopping with us, too – every dollar spent at the Bargain Center stays at Newgate. For more information or to schedule a pickup: Address: 426 E. Cotton St. Longview, TX 75602 Email: Phone: 903.236.9844 Other Services & Volunteer Opportunities The meals and services we provide are meant to alleviate and eradicate poverty in our community. To that end, we serve hot meals seven days a week and hold a Church service on Sundays. We begin every week day with a volunteer-led morning devotional, and we distribute hygiene products, offer shower and laundry facilities, and allow people to check their mail and use the computer. Our transportation van runs three mornings a week, and we assist our community members with job searches and applications. Currently, Longview’s Bridges out of Poverty group is facilitating a Getting Ahead class for our people, and we offer volunteer-led grief support groups and classes in goal setting, financial responsibility, and job preparation. We rely solely upon the generosity of our donors and volunteers to provide these daily services to our community, and we always have room for families, groups, or individuals to serve a meal, drive the van, work the help desk – the possibilities are endless. Please visit our website ( for details on our volunteer opportunities, or give us a call at 903.757.6146. Boathouses, Retaining Walls, Decks, and Dredging “ 11 The Home of your dreams is with INSIGHT. Call Today for a FREE estimate. The McHaneys Say “Hello” to our latest satisfied customers, the McHaneys. From left to right: Boone, Mary Caroline, John Clark, Matthew, Amy and Stephen McHaney. Find Us On Facebook Randy’s Mobile Power Wash House Boathouse Maintenance Repair Dustin Sullivan 903-790-2229 CUSTOM SIGNS AND CRAFTWORK Randy Neeley (903) 576 576--5519 Prices starting at $65 Wedding season is here. Are you looking for that unique gift for the new couple? Maybe you need a special sign for your place on the lake. A one of a kind custom carved wood sign may be just what you are looking for. 903-987-4671 find us on facebook 12 LAWN MASTERS Fuel Center Hours Ethanol-Free May-September Tuesday-Friday 2:00-6:00 Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 12:00-6:00 “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! November-February Closed ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00pm the Monday before the Property Committee meets. (10 days before the Board meeting) May- May 9, 2016 June- June 6, 2016 July- July 11, 2016 August- August 8, 2016 September- September 5, 2016 October- October 10, 2016 November- November 7, 2016 December- December 5, 2016 Sunday, May 8 Mother’s Day 2016 March-April & October Tuesday 1:00-5:00 Saturday 1:00-5:00 Oil $3.25 Sea Foam $11.00 Credit Card ONLY Gift Certificates available at NK 20 LARCS Ladies Bridge by Bette Slade Bridge cards were dealt after the Larc’s group shared the tasty dishes that the twelve ladies brought to the monthly luncheon on April 6th. The covered dishes were served at the Cherokee Water Company’s recreation room located at NK-20 on Lake Cherokee. The picture shows the heavily laden buffet table. Those attending were Debbie Hobson, Wanda Wallace, Lynda Suter, Carol Ehl, Fredna Harris, Linda Latham, Donna Knox, Jeanne Collins and Bette Slade. Also shown in the picture and seated were Frances Beavers, Peggy Kernohan and our guest Norvella Skarda, a recent Newcomer from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Coincidcences and “small world” stories dominated the social hour of chit chat. It seems we all had a recent happening to tell. Then the games began. The Rule of Eight is our informative note for this write up: Of the 13 tricks in any deal, from 8 to 81/2 are won by honor tricks so that the ratio of honor tricks to low card tricks is about 8 to 5. Each partner may estimate the combined honor trick holding of the partnership by adding his own honor tricks to the honor trick partner has guaranteed by his bids. Mull that one over and “digest it” (no pun intended). Our hostess with the mostest, Mary Nowak and her chef husband, James, have invited the members to their home for the next luncheon date of May 4th...mark your calendars. The next play dates will be the Wednedays of April at noon. It is open play come! One picture here shows Bette Slade and Fredna Harris calling YOU to come play with us! Why don’t you do just that by calling Debbie Hobson or Carol Ehl, our current co-chairmen...and show up! CT J Auto Sales Ronny Summerlin Sales Manager (903) 407-1651 (903) 212-4386 fax 2101 E. Loop 281 Longview, Texas 75605 Free Estim ates! Dangerous Tree Removal • Proper Tree Pruning (903) 687-3333 Tony Cevik • (903) 926-4707 • WE SAVE SICK TREES State Licensed Arborist & ISA Certified Arborist “There is a difference” 13 14 The April meeting of KFT was a great success. We enjoyed pork loin prepared by Danny and Barbara Coates and Charley and Bonnie Haynes. It was delicious. Lori Tyson wooed us with her singing...”another man done gone!” We sang along and tapped our feet to her wonderful music. Next month’s dinner will be at 6 p.m. on May 10 and will be hosted by Pete and Carol Staiti and Gwen Skinner. Special entertianment is planned. You will be a detective and friends will be suspects in a murder. Come and have fun with us as we solve a murder mystery. Help! The Annual Lake Cherokee Fireworks Spectacular has become a cherished annual family event for the CWC shareholders and guests. Please consider helping to fund this event by sending a check made payable to: CWC NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 Or you can donate with a credit card by calling in the number and amount to the office at (903) 643-3933. All firework donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! Sunday, July 3rd at dark (no rain out date) 15 16 17 Dreaming of a Lake Cherokee wedding? Contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 18 It’s time again to visit with kinfolks and friends at church and dinner on the grounds ELDERVILLE CEMETERY ANNUAL HOMECOMING Sunday, June 5, 2016 CENTRE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organized 1889 in Elderville Community, Hwy. 322 & FM 2011 11:00 am Worship Service Rev. John M. Woodard Favorite Old Hymns led by Centre Presbyterian Choir and Cindy Tugwell 12:00 Noon Covered Dish Lunch in the Pavillion Thank you “Cherokee Chatter” for letting me tell everyone how much I love living on Lake Cherokee. I am so excited about our early spring weather and I’m looking forward to another wonderful summer spent on the Lake Cherokee. You all have been so kind to me since I moved here and I really appreciate the friendly waves you give me every day. I’m telling family secrets, but I don’t care, you know my parents thought you were waving at them but now they realize I’m the object of your affection. Thank You. Another big reason I’m excited about this year is my sister, Tutu, will be spending the summer with me. We both worked at Neman Marcus for years until we were retired to make room for the younger generation! So please come by and give her a wave. I am telling secrets again but she has a very shy personality and it’s hard for her to reciprocate with a wave. She told me to let you know she does appreciate your attention. She has also confided in me that she particularly likes it when the waves are from a boatload of good looking men! Now, unlike my sister, I love it most when the children come by to say hello. As you know, some times I move around and try to hide from them but they almost always find me somewhere. Make sure they give Tutu a wave also because she does love the children. Finally, my most favorite activity is to take a boat ride!! It’s not often but I do get around on this lake. In fact, a couple of years ago, on the 4th of July, I was allowed to ride on swim deck of the boat! That really was dangerous because I can’t swim! We were near the island when the Lake Patrol pulled us over and told us I had to be inside the boat. I really love the Lake Patrol because they are always looking after our safety! Thank you Lake Patrol for your great work. You really do keep us safe and sound!! Mannie Kirkland photos courtesy of John E. Petty Photography An Open Letter from “Mannie” to Lake Cherokee Residents, 19 INVASIVE SPECIES HIDE HERE. TRANSPORTING ZEBRA MUSSELS IS ILLEGAL Possession or transportation of zebra mussels in Texas is a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense, punishable by a fine of up to $500. Repeat offenses can be elevated to a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $2,000, jail time up to 180 days, or both. In addition, the TPW commission has approved expanding from 47 counties to statewide, the rule requiring boaters to drain all water from their vessel, including live wells, bilges, motors and any other receptacles, before approaching or leaving a water body. This applies to all types and sizes of boats used on fresh waters, effective July 1. GIANT SALVINIA. What is it? An invasive, free-floating aquatic fern that can double in size in a few days and form a mat three feet thick, taking over lakes and other Water bodies. It is in many lakes already. Why should I care? It prevents light from entering the water, stopping growth of tiny organisms that form the base of the food chain and choking out all life below. It can damage ecosystems and make fishing, boating and other water recreation impossible. What to do? CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY. Remove all plants from your boat and trailer and discard them in the trash. ZEBRA MUSSELS. What are they? Small, freshwater mussels-the larvae are microscopic and adults are usually less than 1 1/2 inches long. They’re already in Lake Texoma and are spread from lake to lake by unsuspecting boaters. Why should I care? They cling to boat hulls and plug your motor’s cooling system. They hinder water recreation, destroy aquatic ecosystems, ruin beaches, and damage municipal water supplies and intake structures. What to do? CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY. Remove all debris from the boat and trailer. Drain all water from the boat, engine and bait bucket. Then let the boat dry for at least a week or wash it with high-pressure, hot, soapy water before boating on another water body. CLEAN YOUR BOAT. SAVE YOUR LAKE. CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY YOUR BOAT, TRAILER AND GEAR. 20 by Celia Taylor The Committees were formed at the last board of Directors meeting and the tournaments have been set: 1) April 30th – 4 Person Scramble – 9:00 am Chili Will Be Served 2) May 28th – String Tournament – 4 Person Scramble – 9:00 am – Chicken Spaghetti Will Be Served 3) June 25th – Annual Fund Raiser for the Course – 9:00 am – 2 Person Scramble – Sandwiches and Snacks Will Be Served 4) July 16th – Firecracker Tournament – 4 Person Blind Scramble – 9:00 am – Fireworks provided – Hamburgers Will Be Served 5) August 20th – Evening Tournament – 5 pm – 2 Person Best Ball – Pitch & Putt – Sandwiches and Snacks Will Be Served 6) September 10th – Par 3 Tournament – 4 Person Scramble – 9:00 am – Sloppy Joes Will Be Served 7) October 22nd – 3 Club Tournament – 4 Person Scramble – 9:00 am – Chili Will Be Served 8) November 12th – Shamble Tournament – 4 Person – 9:00 am - Lasagna Will Be Served Sign-up sheets will be in the Pro Shop at least 3 weeks prior to each tournament and will be in the monthly Calendar. We encourage everyone to play – these are a lot of fun tournaments and not only do the winners make money but the club does too! The June Benefit Tournament for the Club – we ask everyone if they have any kind of donations they would like to give for door prizes, raffle prizes and blind raffle it sure is appreciated. All the money from this tournament goes straight to the club for maintenance, repairs, tree cutting and trimming on the course. May 10th the Ladies Group is hosting a 2 Person Scramble for the Golf Courses in the area. The course will be closed until 2:00 pm. Anyone interested in playing please call the club house and get the ladies information. The Ladies Group meets every Tuesday at 9:00 am – the ladies have some new members and would like some more ladies for the group. On days that it rains the ladies still meet and play cards and usually go to eat lunch. The Saturday Fun Bunch plays every Saturday (except on Tournament Days) at 9:00 am. Everyone is invited to come and play in this scramble. Lots of fun A LITTLE OLD...A LITTLE NEW...A LITTLE DIFFERENT... FRONT PORCH Antiques and Gifts Crosses • Bottle Stoppers & Openers • Aprons • Boot Dryers • Wind Chimes Baby & Children’s Gifts • Hot Air Balloon Spinners • Signs • Yard Art Solar Lights • Outdoor Furniture • Jewelry • Candles • Walking Sticks Lake, Man Cave, Texas Decor & much more 15693 St. Hwy. 322 North • Longview, TX 1.4 miles south of East Texas Regional Airport OPEN WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY OR BY APPOINTMENT (903) 309-0277 We have had lots of rain again since the last Chatter but hopefully by the time this gets out the weather should be getting better. Come out and play a round of golf! Enjoy the course and the nice days. Have Fun! Hit them Long & Straight! Free Golf in May The shareholders of the lots listed here are the winners of FREE GOLF at the Cherokee Country Golf Association Course during the month of May. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of May. NT-30 SB-16 NP-48 SF-12 SP-12 21 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sing along to this tune and drift away. “End of the spring and here she comes back Hi, hi, hi, hi, there Them summer days, those summer days That’s when I had most of my fun back High, high, high, high there Them summer days, those summer days” Hot Fun in the Summertime, Sly and the Family Stone The 7th annual Easter Egg Hunt was a smashing success. This year our chairperson was Janie Pope, our new bunny in charge. She had the help of multitudes, with essential muscle from Clayton Evans, who handled the site prep, set up, and mc’d the event, and Karen Nimmo, whose expertise from years past was invaluable. We had 124 registered egg hunters and gatherers. More than 2500 eggs were hidden, tribute for the service and other invaluable contributions goes out to Vicki and Rick Faulkner, Judy and Wiley Thomas, Lorin Boyd, Larry Wayt, Angela Wayt, John McGowan, April McGowan and friends, Wayne Wolven, Carla Stinger, Kenneth Pope, and Tressie Grant. Brandyce Smythe was the scintillating little rabbit hugging kids and hopping around, couldn’t miss her! Kudos to the team of face painters, Libby Stokke, Sue Wilson, Tucker Dudley, and Pam Gosschalk. The games were facilitated by Tressie Grant, April McGowan and friends, Kenneth Pope, Darrell Wolven, Don Nimmo, and Nancy Nunez and friend. Karen and Don Nimmo, and Kenneth Pope worked hazardous duty with the piñata. Judy Owens promoted creativity with the calendar drawing contest. Our lovely photog, Donna Reader chronicled the event. All the assistance is much appreciated, it would be impossible without the support of the lake community. Speaking of hunting and gathering, the Wet and Wild Boat Rally will be Saturday, June 11th and we are looking for sponsors for the boathouses. It is a delightful way to meet your neighbors on the lake. Last year we had more than 300 contestants, the rally gets bigger every year. Get some friends together and host a boathouse! If you would like to participate, please contact Bart Owens or Jane Wolven. We accept donations for this event, the money goes to projects around the lake such as the navigation lights along the boat rows. There will be prizes for our winners and a raffle for all the contestants. The boathouses will be open from 1:00 to 4:30pm, winners announced on Firecracker Park at the end of the rally. It’s a blast, be there! Don’t forget artwork for entries in the Kid’s Art Contest and Photos for the Lake Cherokee calendar. We will be accepting entries until August 31st. Judy Owens is in charge of the calendar project. Keep your cameras clicking! If you would like to know more or join us in the fun, contact Jane Wolven at d.wolven@ Happy boating to one and all, Jan Pelton, Secretary WRIGHT CONTRACTORS Serving East Texas Ranches, Rustic Cabins & Water Structures Craig Wright, NI 31 Builder (903) 424-9379 • Custom Boathouses • Retaining Walls • Houses • Wood Shops • AddAdd-ons • Metal Shops • Remodels • Decks sponsored by the Lake Cherokee Preservation Club Sunday May 2016 Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 3 Law Day Loyalty Day Thursday 4 Ladies Bridge Luncheon 8 9 Fishing Club 7pm Deadline to Submit Variances and Requests for Outbuildings Mother’s Day 15 10 KF&T 6pm 17 Pentecost 18 National Safe Boating Week 23 National Safe Boating Week 29 24 CWC Board Meeting 6pm 25 National Missing Children’s Day Ladies Bridge National Safe Boating Week 30 National Safe Boating Week 7 13 14 National Nurses Day NEW MOON 12 19 Preservation Club First Friends @ Noon Chatter Deadline 22 Cinco De Mayo National Day of Prayer Ascension Day 6 Golf Course Board Meeting 6pm Ladies Bridge Peace Officers Memorial Day Saturday 5 11 Ladies Bridge 16 Friday 20 National Safe Boating Week 21 Armed Forces Day Wear Your Lifejacket to Work Day 26 National Safe Boating Week FULL MOON 27 28 National Safe Boating Week 31 CWC Office Closed Memorial Day Sunday Monday Tuesday June 2016 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 Saturday 3 4 Boater Education Course Ladies Bridge Luncheon 5 Deadline to Submit 6 Variances and Requests for Outbuildings 7 D-Day 12 Fishing Club 7pm 19 First Day of Summer20 Father’s Day American Eagle Day Emancipation Day FULL MOON 26 8 Flag Day 14 9 15 16 CWC Board Meeting No KF&T Ladies Bridge Preservation Club U.S. Army Birthday Chatter Deadline First Friends @ Noon 21 22 23 29 30 Ladies Bridge 27 28 Ladies Bridge 10 Golf Course Board Meeting 6pm Ladies Bridge 13 NEW MOON 11 Wet N Wild Boat Rally 17 18 24 25 23 Print an updated list from our website anytime @ Ceramic Cooking over Charcoal 903-643-3311 The ONLY Ceramic Grill Manufactured in the USA For the purists! Made in the USA, based on the ancient Japanese Kamado Cooker. You can grill, bake, roast, sear and smoke. Juices are locked in. Lump charcoal gives you even heat & slow burning. Easy to light, ready in minutes, so easy to use. You’ll love the food you cook on the Primo. Visit our Showroom & see all our grills & kitchens. List/Sold Pending Lake Cherokee Annual Boat Parade Sponsored by: Pending List/Sold The Lake Cherokee Annual Boat Parade will be held on Saturday, July 2nd at 10:00 am. So be thinking about what you want your boat or barge decoration theme to be. No registration is required. All you have to do is show up in the area east of the island at 10:00 am and join the procession in front of the judges’ stand at the CWC office pier. You can follow the traditional Patriotic Theme or let your imagination carry you into the Open Theme category. 24 #1 Top Listing. Selling & Producing agency on Lake Cherokee (903) 643-2828 • ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST April 1-September 30 $50 prize monthly for: BASS/BREAM/CATFISH/CRAPPIE All fish MUST be caught on Lake Cherokee by Lake Cherokee shareholders. When? The 30th day of each month. April-September The monthly contest closes at 6:00 on the 29th of each month and a new contest begins at 5:00 the 30th of each month. Who? Lake Cherokee shareholders and eligible privilege cards holders. Contest Rules: All contestants MUST abide by the current CWC Rules & Regulations and of the Texas Parks & Wildlife. All fish MUST be weighed in alive. Please practice catch and release. Weigh-in stations: Bo Besharse SD 14, Skinners in Lakeport, Lee’s Creek Grocery & Cherokee Country Golf. Weigh-in receipts MUST be turned in at the Cherokee Water Company, NK 20 with the date, fish, weight, name, lot and number. Winners will be listed in the Chatter monthly. In case of a tie, the 1st entry weighed is the prize winner. NP 38 $385,000 SN 10 $345,000 3 br/3 ba • Clean & Neat • Boathouse Call Paul 2 br/3 ba • Cozy w/ fp • 1,080 sq ft shop Call Alice NS 10 $550,000 ND 13 $169,000 Stop by for more information 4009 Gardiner Mitchell Pkwy. Longview, TX 75603 3 br/3 ba • Cajun Style • Great Location Call Patty SL 36 $229,000 2 br/2 ba • Cute & Furnished • 2 BH’s Call Carolyn Telephone answered 24 hours Carol Coolidge Broker Kristina Coolidge (903) 720-4838 Alice Berryhill (903) 643-3207 Patty Clark (903) 643-2833 Frances Everett (903) 738-2078 Carolyn James (903) 238-3404 Rick James (903) 445-3541 Paul Oberthier (903) 746-3314 2 br/2 ba • Lake cottage • Outdoor space Call Rick NK 07 $1,295,000 3 bd/3 ba • Contemporary • Ski water Call Paul
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