S .T ’


S .T ’
Sharing God’s love
from the heart
of the city.
A warm welcome to any visitors. Please fill in a contact form from inside this
bulletin, so that we can get to know you and leave it in the grey box on the
AUGUST’S SERVICES are on a separate sheet on the Welcome desk.
JUNIOR CHURCH and the YOUTH GROUPS have finished until September
7th. Details of summer service pattern for Children is on another sheet on
the Welcome desk.
Nicola Anderson.
20&30s Summer Meetings
3rd A chance to meet other people in 20s and 30s by having
food before church in the downstairs centre at the back of church, 5.45pm.
10th and 31st. Meet up and have a drink at the chosen pub for the
evening. Meet a 20s and 30s rep. after the evening service.
24th Join us in the Upstairs church centre after the 7pm service for Coff ee
and cake
20-30s Bible Study Looking at the Christian community. Meeting
fortnightly on Mon evenings, 7.45, 4th, 18th August and 1st September in the
upstairs centre.
SUMMER FUN DAY, Summer Fun Day, 10am-2pm, Thursday 14th August, for
under-12s and their families. Bouncy Castle, facepainting, games, crafts and
refreshments. All free - drop in and bring your friends.
We'll need LOTS of cake, all donations of baked or bought cake gratefully
received! More info from Sarah on sarah@st.tees.org.uk or 01524 590418
one of our teams to help share God's love with his children? We're looking for
more leaders for:
Junior Church at 9am and 11am, serving twice a month as part of a great team
leading 10-25 children in Bible stories and activities. Leaders needed in all age
groups from 1-11years.
Refresh, Thursday evenings, serving twice a month as part of a great team
leading 20+ 8-11 year olds in prayer and activities.
Messy Church, 3rd Tuesday afternoon of the month, as part of a great team
leading craft, games or welcoming people as they arrive.
Please get in touch and find out more about what is involved in a particular group leaders work together and nobody needs to be gifted in every area! Our teams are
wonderful and just need some more volunteers so that they can launch well in
September. Contact Sarah on sarah@st.tees.org.uk or 01524 590418
MEN’S CURRY HOUSE CHALLENGE 2014: Men only. Curry. Chat. Bring
friends. Does what it says. Fridays 6-8pm. Curry leaf Morecambe 15th
August. £16 per head The price doesn’t include drinks this time but they do
have a bar book yourself in at http://curry.tees.org.uk .
HOLIDAY AT HOME 19th-21st August at St Thomas’s. 10am til
4pm each day. Thanks to everyone who has offered to help so far.
We are still looking for: people to help in the kitchen; teenagers to
help serve lunch (free lunch included); people to serve tea (2pm
onwards); people to help tidy up (4-5pm); anyone to be a
general helper and cakes and scones for tea. Sign up sheets are on
the welcome desk or you can email Jeanette@st.tees.org.uk
We are also still looking for double knitting wool and 4mm (size 8) knitting needles
for a project knitting blankets for the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital.
TALK-ABOUT CAFÉ CHURCH – the next meeting will be on Tuesday
9th September, 7-8 pm, in Esquires Coffee House at the bottom of
Penny Street. Café church meets monthly (second Tuesday, 7-8 pm)
and is open to all and suitable for all; come by yourself or bring a friend.
Take a look at our blog - http://
talkaboutcafechurch.wordpress.com/ - to see what we do and read
about past events.
Cumbria 10am-4pm. Further details 01524 389764
DAVE CUMMING would like to sincerely thank the church family for the cards
and gifts on his retirement last Sunday. The cheque and vouchers for the
"Fellsman" trip (for an explanation please see Pauline) were very much
appreciated, as was the book. A special thanks to all those who contributed food
to the lunch and who helped to eat it. It was a most special day to end my
seventeen years working for St T's,you folks really are special!
OPPORTUNITIES TO LEND A HAND We need to recruit a team of people to
help open up the buildings on a Sunday morning and ensure the site is safe and
ready to use. We are keen to build a rota so that you would not be committing to
doing this every week. If you are interested in being involved in this vital service,
kick starting the church day and ensuring our ministries have a safe environment
to operate in, contact the office (590410 or admin@st.tees.org.uk) or speak to
Anne Gager, Phil Hendry or Leslie Mann.
REFRESHMENTS Providing refreshments at our services is an important part
of the welcome we provide as a church community. We need as many teams of 4
people as possible (the more teams, the less often they need to be on the rota). So
either get together with your friends and volunteer as a team or sign up as an
individual and we'll find you a team. We are also looking for someone to act as a
coordinator for the teams at the 11am service. If you can help with this email
admin@st.tees.org.uk or give your names to Anne Gager or Phil Hendry
mentioning which service you would like to help at.
Discipleship Year provides a great opportunity for
interns to serve the local church by investing in a
specific ministry area alongside receiving high quality training. It would be great if
members of the church offer to accommodate an intern from the end of August
until mid-July, 2015; offering them a room to sleep in and making arrangements
for meals. In return, the Church will provide an allowance of £100 a month. To
find out more, please speak to Craig.
TEXT-A-PRAYER Got a prayer request? Can't or don't want to come for
prayer ministry? This could be for you! Text your prayer request (big or
small) to 07743 077 727: the prayer ministry team will then read the
text and pray. Texts will be treated in confidence (in line with our safeguarding
policy). Texts will be deleted once read.
If you have recently come to St Thomas’s, we’d like to welcome you & get to know you.
Please fill this information in, & hand it in at the Welcome desk
(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Other
Children (include DOB)
If you are interested in joining a Home Group tick here 
If you are a student tick here 
Is there anything particular you would like to get involved in?
Which service have you
come to?
9am 
11am 7pm Evening
Please could you
indicate your age
20-30 
30-50 
Over 50 
For Office Use
Date card collected
Please tick if you
DON’T wish your
information to be held
on our database 
Followed up? 
SAFETY AND SECURITY: We would like to remind everyone that we are a
large city-centre church, with a number of visitors each week, and a number of exits which lead to the street. At peak times, the foyer is full to the
point of overcrowding, which also brings a risk of hot drink spillage. We
therefore strongly recommend that you take care of your possessions at all
times and that parents/carers supervise their children to ensure they remain safe while on-site. If you wish to discuss any issues of safety further
please speak to Mary-Jayne Carter, Safeguarding Children Adviser (contact details
on the noticeboards).
As a church, we offer prayer
CRAFTAID SHOP We will only open on
Saturdays from Tuesday 22nd July until
Tuesday 2nd September. The Tick and
Collect Scheme will work as normal
throughout the summer. If you want
anything from the
shop in between
ministry after every main service, in the prayer ministry area
at the back right corner of the
main church building. If you
would like prayer for anything at
all, please don’t hesitate to go
over to the prayer ministry corner, and ask a member of the
prayer ministry team to pray
with you.
Please pray for all the children,
young people and families that
are taking part in Christian
camps this year
send your prayer requests to Glad
Kenyon 34247
Church Office—usually open
9:00am to 3:00pm Mon -Fri
Tel: 01524 590410
email admin@st.tees.org.uk
Charity No 113 0550
VALUABLES Keep your valuables
with you all the time while in
church, even when going to take
Communion or for prayer.