Document 6462127
Document 6462127
Miandetta Primary Newsletter – 13 August, 2013 From the Principal Guinness World Record How exciting! Last week, Mrs Ruffels received confirmation from The Guinness World Records that we had successfully achieved a new Guinness World Record title for “longest finger knitting by a team”. We will receive our official Guinness World Record certificate confirming our world record within a few days. Personal Details/Update It is vital that parents alert the school office if there are any changes to you or your child’s personal details. These include; contact numbers, address details, emergency contacts, medical information etc. Education Forum The Tasmanian Principals’ Association, in conjunction with the Tasmanian State Schools Parents and Friends Association (Tas P&F), are hosting an Education Forum with local Federal election candidates. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend the forum. Remember this is OUR chance to ask our political candidates questions about Education. This will be held at The Gnomon Room, Ulverstone Wharf, on Tuesday 13 August at 7pm. Mandy Beard Devonport Eisteddfod - From Angela McClymont Below are the performance days and session times for our choirs and recorder group. A more detailed program comes out this week and I will then be able to give you approximate performance times. Individual students will receive a detailed notice outlining days, times, uniform etc. We will need two parent helpers for each of the choir sessions and one for the recorder group. Parents need to have a current Good Character Check. Please let me know if you are able to help or leave your name at the office. Junior Choir: Tuesday September 10 morning session from 9:30. Student Councillors Congratulations to Austin (absent), Ayla and Eve who are Senior Choir: Tuesday September 10 afternoon session the elected representatives from our Grade 3/4 classes from 1pm. who will join our Student Council this term. Recorder group and solos: Monday September 16 afternoon session from 1pm. Aboriginal Parent Interest Group Our Aboriginal parent interest group will be meeting on Wednesday 21 August at 2pm. If you would like to join us to help raise awareness of Aboriginal culture within our school, please let the office know. 100th School Day Competition Congratulations to Baynen Lowe for winning the competition. Baynen correctly worked out that the 1st of August was the correct date. Baynen's name along with all other correct entries was put into the draw and Mrs Sally Reminder A reminder that ipods/DS games are not to be brought to Ling drew out his name. school. We also request that slap bands/bracelets are not to be worn or brought to school, as we had a child injury recently. Thank you. D e p a r t me nt of E d uc a t ion In the following weeks, we will feature “4 pics 1 word” puzzles in the newsletter for you to have a go of at home. Our students have had fun creating these. Can you work them out? Good luck! e Ev tto Su Lac hlan ll r Aste Ambe Flyn n Ste Kel ly ia Amel s Well am s Mago r Lachla n Mar shall ffels Thomas Ru ll Wi lson ll ste A ade W Brad Ge or ham ing n n Cu na n ta o M gia S g un o Y Will Dayna y Blake Cassid B h Smit Flet che r ld nsfie a M Kate shaw Tianah t n ewma yP Emil Ale xan der lyn Dyl l wel Max J ace r G o sto hn Hill Kel ly n wma e N e rlott Cha Cor rina Gre en ith ie Sm h c o L ld enfo Liam Kea n Low e ssell ers-Be b m a Bellch ith ridie Sm Ch e lsea Smit h N James Hill i er Bay nen mit h Elly Bro omhall Linc oln ah Hann ven Tahli Boys Ty righ Es the rO utr Gil lie n Ra taj Mayc ie G ale en W es Holm e o l h C 4 and 5 , 3 s e d a r G t NS to our O I T A chmarks a n L e U b T l A a R n G io nat CON e! ieved the h c a programm o y h t e w f s a t s n r e ate stud ing and w m im w s ’s Tary this year Mitch e Jaid Ty len p h ar xS Mansf ield Ayt on n itly Ca all New Riley Ma Angus oys Dylan B la Shay n wn Bro Bailey Mu Evan Lockw ood ner nday-Faulk ne Olive r Kelly The above students successfully achieved stage 2 of the swimming and water safety record of development card. Congratulations on receiving this result. NWPSSA Grade 5/6 Sports Day After the recent sports day Kurtis Walsh was selected to represent the NWPSSA Devon football team to play on Friday August 30. Congratulations Kurtis! Devon Netball For students who wish to participate in the Devon Netball Spring Roster please leave your name at the school office. Team Nominations will close on 4th of September. Grade Prep - 2 Swimming and Water Safety Program Preparations are being made for the Grade P - 2 Swimming Water Safety Program to be held at the Nixon St Primary School Pool during the last two weeks of this term. A detailed note explaining all arrangements will be sent home to all students involved in this program in the near future School Social - Reminder Our school socials will be held on Thursday 22 August. Kinder - Grade 2 social will run from 5pm - 6:30pm The Grade 3 - 6 social will be held from 6:30pm - 8pm. This year’s theme will be based around Book Week. We encourage children to dress as their favourite book character. It will be a gold coin donation. The fundraising committee will be selling drinks and snacks. More information will be provided closer to the date. Grade 3/4/5 Swimming and Water Safety Program After another successful campaign of swimming at the Ulverstone pool, congratulations must go to all who have participated. Importantly, a key to the success of this year’s program was the assistance and help from the many staff and parent volunteers. Thank you, your contribution was greatly appreciated. Attached to this newsletter is a list of students participating in the swimming program who achieved National Benchmark status with their efforts. Additionally this year four students, Hannah Magor, Emily Penfold, Lachlan Marshall and Tianah Hill achieved the Level 5 Swimming Award for their outstanding efforts. Congratulations! Devon Netball The 2013 Winter/Spring Net Set Go Program run by Devon Netball will commence on Wednesday 14th August. Further information is available from the school office or David Carter. Junior Futsal (East Devonport) Registration for the next Futsal roster will be held on Friday 6 September at the East Devonport Recreation Centre from 3:30pm - 5pm. Registration costs $25. For further information, contact Ian 0400 218 109 or Kylie 0425 260 280. School Banking Congratulations to the following students who have received a School Banking Silver certificate for their fantastic efforts in making 20 deposits: Eva Snell, Jordan Cadle, Lara Atkinson, Lily Snell, Logan Cadle, Mackenzie Muir, Mia Atkinson, Nikki Howard and Ryan Donohue. Well done to the following students who have received a School Banking Bronze certificate for their great efforts in making 10 deposits: Abigail Bonfield, Codi Billing and Coco Frankcombe. Miandetta Primary School Berrigan Road, Devonport, Tasmania, 7310 Ph (03) 6424 4428 Fax (03) 6424 9978 Email - Web - School Supervision Hours - Reminder Please note that the school hours of supervision are from 8.30 am to 2.45 pm, with the West playground supervised until 3pm. Please make sure you drop off and pick up your children between these times. Parents and students are not to access the school building outside these times. Thank you for your co-operation. Sporting Group Photos - Reminder Could all coaches of sporting teams please provide the office with a team photo before the end of the rosters. These can be emailed to: or a printed copy can be bought into the office. Thanks. Disclaimer: Parents should note that advertisements for educational services, companies, activities or similar events are published as ‘community service’. Miandetta Primary School is in no way liable for the quality, supervision or integrity of the provider and strongly suggests that parents make their own enquiries before engaging with the advertised event. Dates to Remember August 16 Principal’s Assembly - 1:25pm August 19 Premier’s Reading Challenge Ends August 21 Aboriginal Parent Interest Group - 2pm August 22 School Social August 23 Sharing Assembly - 3/4 Enniss September 10 Eisteddfods - Junior Choir/Senior Choir September 16 Eisteddfods - Recorder Group and Solos Sept 16 - 25 Prep - 2 Swimming (Mon, Tues, Wed) September 19 Reece High School Information Evening- 7pm
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