St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Our Parish Mission


St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Our Parish Mission
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
Our Parish Mission:
We are a welcoming, loving, growing family called by Christ to share, experience,
and celebrate God’s presence and loving redemption.
Weekend Masses:
Sat. 3:00 pm, 4:45 pm, 6:30 pm
Sun. 6:30 am, 8:00 am, 9:45 am,
11:30 am, 1:15 pm, 4:45 pm
Daily Masses:
8:00 am Mon.-Sat.
2:15 pm Sat.,
1st Fridays 7:30-8:00 am
or by appointment
Eucharistic Exposition:
Tues. 8:30-9:30 am, Fri. 8:30-3:00 pm
5323 E CR 462, Wildwood, FL 34785
Telephone (352)-330-0220
Fax (352) 748-6106
Web site—
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Pedro (Peter) Puntal, Pastor …………….330-0220
Fr. Gregg Elliott, Retired
Fr. Howard King, Retired
Fr. Ron Oser, Retired
Fr. Vitalis Ozokpor, Prison Chaplain
Deacon Dana McCarthy …………………... 750-9875
Deacon Dan Miller ………………………... 753-1996
Deacon Byron Otradovec, T.O. Carm …….. 330-0775
Deacon Daniel Pallo ………………………..391-9338
Deacon Richard F. Radford, Ed.D.….............430-4634
Deacon Greg Senholzi ……………….……..350-6345
Deacon Frank Campione
Deacon Claude Curtin
Deacon Pius Gabriel
Deacon Joe Mador
July 13, 2014
Parish Contacts
Business Manager….………….……..Cindi Van Nostrand
Accountant .…………………...…….………. Lee Valente
Office Manager………………………………Kelli Hezlep
Administrative Assistant…………………Carmen Kreeger
Choir Director ………….…….Dean Pattow 352-459-1514
Director of Faith Formation….…..……..Frank Webber, Jr.
Associate Director of Faith Formation….…....Linda Dykas
Director of Liturgy Comm...Dn. Dana McCarthy 750-9875
Music Director….……….…Dawn DiNome 646-236-9759
Outreach Ministry M,Tu,Th 10a-2p by appt. only…...... 689-0129
Food Pantry 210 Wonders St., Wildwood…….... 689-0129
Open: 2nd & 4th Fridays, 10-12
Our Mother’s Attic Resale Shop……….…….…..689-0128
Hours: M-F 10-2, Sat 10-2 ... 115 S. Main St. (U.S.301), Wildwood
Directions & Mass Times......…………..…….….330-0028
Ministries, Club & Community Support
Altar Servers …………………………….……….….....Barbara Cole 753-2055
Bereavement Ministry of Consolation ….……Carmen Lopez-Aquino 751-7052
Building Committee ………………….…………..……...Frank Kosa 753-5849
Caring Neighbors Ministry ………….………………..Faith Vitolano 391-5187
Choir ……………………………………….…..….Dean Pattow 352-459-1514
Council of Catholic Women…………………….………...Sue Miller 748-0015
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ….......Jim Wilson 352-353-0465
Food Pantry ……………………….………………..…Terri Schleich 430-3541
Faith Formation ………………….………………...…Frank Webber 330-0220
Finance Committee…………….……………….............Jerry Rourke 751-3055
Knights of Columbus ………….……………………....…...Pat Klier 391-5129
Library Helpers ……………….……………….……......Jane Nelson 751-4547
Ministers to the Sick ………….……………….………. Mary Wresh 748-3639
Money Counters ………………..……………….……..Lorna Powell 753-9470
New Parishioner Welcoming……………..………….Gerry Haggerty 205-8182
Nursing Home Mass Helpers ……………..…….…..Crestina Vaught 751-4892
Office Helpers...………………….…..………………....Kelli Hezlep 330-0220
Our Mother’s Attic (resale shop) ……..………….……...Mary Liddy 689-0128
Outreach Ministry…..…………………..………….…...Sheila Duffy 430-3761
Readers………………………………………….....Bill Manning 914-523-0469
Respect Life……………………………………………Marge Farrell 430-1261
Sacristans…………………………………………......Carol Jakubiak 430-0923
SVDP Senior Singles Club………………………….Marlene Ferrero 753-2212
Soup Kitchen ….……………………………………..……….Audrey 750-2925
Spiritual Friendship Club ……….……………..….Mariagnes Moran 205-8966
Tech Group……..……………….……………………..Bob Carberry 259-1305
Ushers…………………………...………………....Gil Van Nostrand 430-0004
Baptisms: Please ar r ange with
the parish office to attend a seminar and schedule a baptism.
Reconciliation: 2:15 pm Sat, 1st
Fridays 7:30-8:00 am or by appointment. Penance Services are
held during Advent and Lent.
Sacrament of the Sick: The Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) is
available after Mass and upon request.
Communion brought to the
Sick: Please call our Ministers to
the Sick Coordinator.
Marriage: Contact the Pastor a
minimum of four months prior.
Please refrain from wearing
perfume or cologne to church,
in consideration for those people
with allergies or illnesses, especially
those receiving chemotherapy, who
cannot tolerate scents. Thank you!
Church Calendar & Activities
David & Rose
Golden Anniversary
Sanctuary Lamp
In Memory of
John & Nancy Kirby
By Karen Sholette
*For reservations, call the office: 330-0220.
*ch=church; sh=social hall; m=ministry room; k=kitchen;
conf=confessional; o=office; b=back office, library=l
Saturday, July 12 - Weekday
Healing Mass
Sunday, July 13 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, July 14 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
Library Closed
Medjugorje Prayer Group
Small Christian Community
K of C - Business Meeting
Tuesday, July 15 Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Holy Hour
SCC - New Group
Wednesday, July 16 - Weekday
Spiritual Friendship Catechists 3:30-5:30p
Thursday, July 17 - Weekday
Marian Servants
Incarnation Prayer Group
Music Rehearsal
Charismatic Prayer Group
Friday, July 18 - Weekday
Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday, July 19 - Weekday
Sunday, July 20 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
MASS SCHEDULE July 12 - July 20
Daily Mass
† Robert Novack
Sun 6:30a
Mon 8:00a
Tue 8:00a
Wed 8:00a
Thur 8:00a
Fr. Puntal
Fr. McCracken
Fr. Ozokpor
Fr. King
Fr. McCracken
Fr. McCracken
Fr. Oser
Fr. Oser
Fr. Ozokpor
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Fr. McCracken
Fr. King
Fr. Ozokpor
Fr. McCracken
Fr. McCracken
Fr. McCracken
Fr. King
Fr. King
Fr. Ozokpor
David & Rose O'Malley
† David Compton
† Elizabeth T. O'Connor
† Patricia Conley
Tom & Claire Bell
† Billy Hood
† Salvadore Civitello
† Marie Fisher Smith
Parishioners' Intentions
† Christine Praul
† Anita Pearson & family
† Christopher Dumas
Claire & Tom Bell
Dominader T. & Merly
C. Soliven
† Majorie Feely
Parishioners' Intentions
† Billy Hood
† Russel & Hazel Klass
† Eleanor Rebro
† Joan Russell
Blessed Mother
† Bill Hood
† Jerry Sheffield
† Michael Waldron
Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9,
16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34
Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8;
Mt 11:20-24
Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt
Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21;
Mt 11:28-30
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16;
Mt 12:1-8
Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16;
Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30]
Emmanuel Charismatic Prayer Group: Meets
each Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall.
Everyone is invited to attend and experience the
movement of the Holy Spirit, with song, praise &
worship. For info call Marge DuBuc 248-2556154 or Terry DeLucia 751-1762.
Incarnation Prayer Group: A community with
a lively faith and overflowing love for the Holy
Trinity through Mary, our Mother. Our mission is
to rise to the greatest 'Yes' we can daily give our
Creator, by deepening our prayer life and by
study and sharing. We welcome men and women.
The group meets Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Contact
Mary Jane Haggerty at 205-8182.
Marian Servants of the Word Incarnate:
Please contact Mary Jane Haggerty at 205-8182.
Medjugorje Prayer Group: Meets Mondays at
2 pm. Medjugorje has changed the lives of many
people. Please consider coming. For information
please call Joanne LaNeve at 391-1921.
Small Christian Communities: Meets twice
monthly with focus on the Gospel and exploring
personal faith journeys through prayer, discussion and Christian fellowship. Please contact
Connie Accurso at 750-3130.
St. Therese Lay Carmelite Community: These
lay Catholics belong to the Carmelite Order and
follow the Rule of Carmel, living the Gospel and
following the example of the Blessed Virgin
Mary and Elijah. Formation is provided. Jackie
Harig can be reached at 446-0445.
Tues: 8:30 am—9:30 am; Fri: 8:30 am—3:00 pm
Please come and spend some quiet, prayerful
time with the Lord. Adoration, Rosary, and
Benediction following the
8 am Mass Tues. & Fri.
For info or to schedule an hour on Friday to spend with the
Blessed Sacrament, please contact Gerry & Mary Jane
Haggerty at 352-205-8182 or
Walk-in adorers are welcome at any time.
If you are in need of the
Anointing of the Sick or
at home, please call
the office for a
priest visit.
Please pray for our
ill parishioners:
Please pray for our
recently deceased:
Arlene Owens
William Lockner
Bud Beard
Estelle Pacquin
Charlie Buck
Nora Zapata
Dn. Byron Otradovec
Mary Ann Otradovec
Anita Pullen
Max Morris
Ralph Trondle
Patrick Welk
Don Vargo
Maureen Hagen
Roger Harrell
Joy Kuhn
Kathleen Hagerman
Brian Mattiucci
Rosemary Pantina
Nicholas Gallinaro
Claire Smith-Reilly
Roberta E. Lettieri
Leonard Silvestri
William Hood
Lola Larsen
Aurea Elvambuena
William Drew
Frank Martelli
Stan “The Man” Bazan
Rosemarie Herega
Carol Pinkowski
Geraldine P. Kane
Ingrid Roeder
Nicholas Pietromonaco
Robert Desbrow
Holy Communion
For the Homebound
Our Ministers to the Sick bring the Eucharist to
the homebound and those in care facilities who
are not able to come to Mass. If you or a relative would like the Eucharist brought to your
home or nursing home, please call our Ministry
to the Sick Coordinator, Mary Wresh 748-3639.
If you would like to serve the Lord by bringing
Him to our homebound parishioners, please call
Mary Wresh at 748-3639. Our Ministers to the
Sick attend special training so they are confidently prepared and can focus on the Eucharist
and our parishioner during their visit.
At the Hospital
When you or a loved one is in the hospital,
please inform the staff at registration or later
that you are Catholic and would like to be on
the Catholic list so Chaplains and Ministers to
the Sick know you are there and can visit you.
Attendance — June 28-29, 2014
11:30 am
3:00 pm
6:30 am
1:15 pm
4:45 pm
8:00 am
4:45 pm
6:30 pm
9:45 am
Weekly Collection - June 28-29, 2014
Building Fund
$ 6,365.25
Building Fund Update
What is the Building Fund?
Estimated Construction Project Cost
$ 5,815,000.00
Construction Cost to Date as of May 31, 2014
$ 3,877,997.70
Estimated Remaining Construction Cost
$ 1,937,002.30
Building Fund Accounts Balance as of May 31, 2014
$ 2,475,558.87
Estimate Available Building Fund* Monies after Construction
* Donations received in the second
collection, “Building Fund” are used
to support the new church and furnishings, the expansion as well as the
future building needs and renovations
for our parish including but not limited to updating the infrastructure of
the existing church and parking.
Many thanks to those who regularly
support the St. Vincent de Paul
Building Fund.
Recycling Revenue - Proceeds go to the Building Fund
11 months - $2,519
Our Mothers Attic
(Benefiting the Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry and local Outreach programs.)
Net Proceeds
July 2013-May 2014
Our Catholic Appeal 2014
Did you know? Your gifts to Our Catholic
Appeal bring comfort to the sick.
Ministers to the Sick carry out the healing work of Christ by offering prayer,
compassion, and a listening presence to the sick or those who are unable to
attend the community liturgy. Most importantly, Ministers to the Sick are
called to the important work of bringing the church community and Eucharist
to those who are ill or cannot attend the celebration of Mass.
Please remember that our parish goal is $336,601. The pledged amount to date is
$274,096, which is 81.4% of our goal, with 1,181 (48.8%) families participating. Once we have achieved our goal, the majority of additional funds will be
returned to our parish to support our own local needs. This year, we will commit
our parish over-goal dollars to the building fund.
Save Time and Donate Online!
Our parish now uses an Online Giving
system called WeShare. This allows
you to make your donations without
writing a check each week. You can set
up a recurring weekly or monthly payment, allocate different amounts for our
different collections, and view complete, accurate financial records at any
time. It saves all of us time and is a win
-win for our parish!
Those who wish to continue to use traditional methods of offering may do so;
however, we ask that you prayerfully
consider Online Giving. If you would
like to enroll, please visit our website
and click online contributions. For
questions about the program or setting
up your account, or for our help with
setting up your donation(s), please
don't hesitate to call our parish office at
Faith Formation
Faith Formation classes for gr ades KHigh School will resume on Wednesday
evenings, 6:15-7:45pm beginning September 3rd with a family or ientation
night. Registration forms are available in
the vestibule and will also be available
online soon.
Liturgy of the Word for Children will r esume
September 7 at the 10am Mass.
“SYMBOLON:” Critically acclaimed by prominent members of
the church, SYMBOLON is a new
course by Augustine Institute
which provides a compelling and
comprehensive explanation of the
Catholic Faith through beautifully crafted presentations,
state-of-the-art video and a dynamic team of outstanding
teachers, led by professor, speaker and author Dr. Edward Sri. The course, through a series of ten 90 minute
sessions, provides a clear and compelling vision of what
the church teaches and how to live it amidst the challenges of contemporary society. It will be offered in
RCIA: Any one inter ested in knowing
more about our faith or in becoming Catholic,
please contact Frank Webber.
Bible Study will resume on Wednesday,
September 10. All are welcome!
Catholics Returning Home Program
will be offered again in the Fall (Nov.
16, 23, & 30 and Dec. 7, 14 & 21). It
offers an opportunity for those who
have been away from the Church to
renew their Catholic Faith and learn
how the Church has changed over the
years. For more information contact Deacon Dan Pallo at
391-9338 or
WOMEN OF GRACE: This nine session cour se will
be offered again in January 2015. Please contact Nancy
Elhajj at 609-263-1558 or
“5 minutes with the WORD” for Jul./
Aug. is in the vestibule.
Suggested donation is one dollar.
faith-sharing groups focus on the Gospel for
the following weekend and on exploring personal faith journeys. Prayer, discussion and
Christian fellowship are our trademarks. A
you are interested in joining this or another group or
have questions call Connie Accurso (750-3130) or Frank
Lighthouse Catholic Media (LCM):
Please check out our Lighthouse Catholic
Media kiosk in the vestibule. You may find
something new that will help you strengthen
your faith or that you could send to a family
member or a friend to help strengthen/renew their faith.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin, was canonized on October 21, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. Kateri was born near the town of
Auriesville, New York, in the year 1656,
the daughter of a Mohawk warrior. She was
four years old when her mother died of
smallpox. Kateri became converted as a
teenager. She was baptized at the age of
twenty and incurred the great hostility of her tribe. Although
she had to suffer greatly for her faith, she remained firm in it.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American to be declared a Saint. Her feastday is July 14. She is the patroness of
the environment and ecology as is St. Francis of Assisi.
Ordinary Time
The color green in the church tells us that we are back in
Ordinary Time. Actually the word “ordinary” does not mean
routine but “counted” or “ordinal” time. We enter into these
2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays ... all counted one after another. Winter Ordinary Time is just a few short weeks until we enter
into the season of Lent. Summer and Fall Ordinary Time
comprises the longest portion of the Liturgical Year, covering as much as six months of the Calendar. Ordinary Time
challenges us with the demands of building the Kingdom.
We listen to the Word of God which keeps reminding us of
our call as Christians to internalize the teachings of the Lord
and to live out what we proclaim. The miracles and the parables of Jesus are, for the most part, the subject of the Gospel
readings. The task that we are given is the same task Jesus
had—to proclaim the reign of God in our midst—so this is
hardly an ordinary mission. The prayers of the Mass ask for
the gifts necessary to accomplish this task and they carry the
same message: “Bring forth the Kingdom!
(Copyright 2013, Resource Pubs, Inc.)
Director of Faith Formation: Frank Webber, 352-330-0220 or
Assoc. Dir. of Faith Formation: Linda Dykas, 352-330-0220 or
Parish Happenings
Off-site Mass Intentions
Fr. Vitalis Ozokpor celebrates mass in the Coleman Federal
Prison System. Arrangements have been made to provide
the option of having a mass intention said by Fr. Vitalis.
Dates are available from July 2014 through January 2015.
A warm welcome to our newly registered
parishioners. We are pleased to have you
worshipping with us.
Mass Intention List
Sunday, July 13
Thursday, July 17
Saturday, July 19
Sunday, July 20
† Jim Harrison
† George T. Giatas
† For all the souls in Purgatory
especially deceased members
of F.O.S.S.
† Joseph Stash
Ralph & Dot Trondle
† Catherine Carroll
† Joan Sheehan
† Michael Sheehan
John Burns
Vinnie & Mary-Ann D’Antonio
Stan & Elaine Kend
Steve & Chris Wieland
Joan Wilkins
- PASSION & PURPOSE LIVE with renowned speaker and author,
and special musical guest,
Passion & Purpose Live is the inspiring yet practical experience of dynamic teaching and application of the genius of
Catholicism to every aspect of your life, including prayer & spirituality, work, dating & marriage, personal finances,
health & well-being, parenting, and more!
SATURDAY, February 7, 2015, 9AM – 1:30PM
Keep watching the bulletin for all the details! To buy tickets go online to Once on the website click on the Events tab at the top of the page, then click on Passion & Purpose. You will be directed to a listing of
all of Matthew Kelly’s upcoming events, find Wildwood FL and click that button to purchase tickets.
Come Pray for our Troops at Veterans Park
A prayer group for our troops meets every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. at Veterans' Memorial Park in Spanish Springs. The
group has been meeting for 8 years, and the main purpose is so the people don't forget our soldiers. The names of any
soldier who has lost their life in the past week are read. Then a list is read of approximately 150 men and women who
are now overseas and at home. Then the group says prayers for the safety of the soldiers and their families. At the end,
we sing a patriotic song.
After the meeting there is a fellowship breakfast at Too Jays in Spanish Springs. Everyone is welcome. It is only 20-30
minutes of your time. The troops need to be remembered; they give us so much.
For information call Tom or Barbara Troisi at (352) 430-0175
Parish Happenings
What is the Building Fund?
Donations received in the second collection, “Building Fund” are used to support the new church and furnishings, the
expansion as well as the future building needs and renovations for our parish including but not limited to updating the
infrastructure of the existing church and parking.
Many thanks to those who regularly support the St. Vincent de Paul Building Fund.
New Church Mass Schedule
to begin when church opens
Daily Mass: Mon.-Sat. 8:00 AM
Saturday Vigil Mass:
Sunday Mass:
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM (Noon)
As many of you have noticed the Saturday Vigil
Mass times have changed. The reason for this
change is because the Policy of the Providence of
Miami states: A Vigil Mass cannot be held before
4:00 p.m. We were given special consideration by
the Bishop to celebrate Mass at 3:00pm on Saturday due to the number of masses necessary to accommodate our blossoming parish.
...for your patience and for using caution as we continue the construction of our new church. Please consider wearing closed-toed shoes for safety’s sake.
Please refrain from going near or into the new church, as it is a construction site at this time.
Please note the new parking area, once paved, is still under construction - we cannot park there as of yet.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Church construction as of July 7, 2014.
Parish Happenings
CCW News
Remember to check our monthly newsletter for more information sent to members
via e-mail. Parishioners can also check the
church website.
The Knights of Columbus Council
13300 meets at 7 p.m. on the first and
third Mondays of the month in the
church social hall. Visiting Brother
Knights and transfers are welcome. For information on becoming a Knight, transferring your membership to our council or activating an inactive status, please contact Pat Klier,
SVDP Senior Singles Club
Thursday, July 17, 5 p.m., Dinner at Carrabbas, Rt.
441. Reservations: Carol 552-3259.
Wednesday, August 13, Dinner at Riccardi's in
Brownwood at 5 p.m. Reservations: Edna 750-0995 or
Jan 633-1739.
Any questions contact Marlene 753-2212, and thank you.
Respect Life Prayer Group Gathering
Please come pray with us at the Ocala Women’s Center, 108 SW Pine Ave, in Ocala. We
will be praying to help mothers who are contemplating abortion to make the right decision.
Each Saturday at 10:00 a.m. a group of Prayer Warriors
gather to pray in front of the clinic..
The St. Vincent de Paul parish will be represented on
the 2nd Saturday of each month, beginning in July. We
will be leaving the church parking lot about 9:00 a.m. If
you are interested in joining us or have any questions,
please call Marge Farrell, (352) 430-1261.
"We cannot do great things on this earth,
only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa
During the summer, when many residents and winter
visitors leave Florida, pantries and charities become
busier. Many adults experience layoffs and/or reduced
employment. With children being home and not receiving reduced fee or free lunches, family budgets are
stressed. Now is the time when your donations of food
is needed.
Food requested includes the following: canned pasta: 1
lb. packages of rice and pasta; pasta and tomato
sauce; canned vegetables including baked beans;
canned fruit including apple sauce; canned meat
including stew, chicken, and tuna; cereal; juice and
drink mixes; pancake and cornbread mixes. Soap
and paper products are also appreciated by clients.
The Outreach Ministry realizes that there are many
charities who solicit your donations and appreciate any
help you can give so our volunteers can minister to the
poor in the local area. Volunteers try to follow the example of St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Teresa when
working with the disenfranchised people in our area.
They recognized the poor as children of God. Many
people with limited resources realize that God does
love them because of our volunteers from our parish.
Jesus said to us: "For I was hungry, and you gave Me
food. I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink...."
Together, we can make a difference in Wildwood.
Resale shop benefiting the Soup
Kitchen, Food Pantry and local Outreach programs.
Hours: Mon-Sat: 10am-2pm
Drop-offs should be made 1 hour prior to closing. For
pick up of large items, please call 689-0128.
Location: 115 S. Main Street (Rt. 301) in downtown Wildwood. The shop is a small, cream-colored building located
two stores north of “The Red Door” store and across from
“Kuhn Chiropractic.”
Non-clothing Donations: Furniture, home décor, kitchen
items, children’s items, linens, etc.
We welcome you to come and shop.
Male volunteers needed to help in the resale shop and on the
delivery truck throughout the summer. Heavy lifting may be
required. Please contact Mary Liddy at 689-0128.
Parish Happenings and Around the Diocese
Trinity Catholic High School Trinity High School is looking for 3-4 more host families for incoming international
students. Express your interest as soon as possible to Jennifer
Beckett, our International Program Director, at 352-4275023 or We are now placing students for
the academic year 2014-15, which begins in August.
New Catholic School Scholarship Opportunity The
legislature this year has provided a new opportunity for
parents of K-12 students. All families who meet certain
low-income guidelines can now apply for 2014-2015
Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarships whether or not
their children attended public school the prior year. Thousands of scholarships have already been awarded for the
upcoming school year. The online application deadline for
scholarships up to $5,272 per child is July 15, 2014. For
Catholic Homeschool Conference - July 17 & 18, 2014
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Tampa Homeschool and
Parent Conference will be held at St. Lawrence Parish’s Higgins Hall, 5225 N. Himes Avenue, on Thursday, July 17
(2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.), and on Friday, July 18 (9:30 a.m.-3:30
p.m.) Confirmed speakers include: Fr. John Blum, Prof. Joseph Pearce,, Mrs. Colleen Hammond, Mr. Domenico Ruggiero, and Mrs. Virginia Seuffert! Admission is FREE and
pre-registration is not require! For more information, please
visit www.ihmconference,org or call 540-636-1946.
St. Timothy's Gift Shop -The Villages, Lady Lake
We are remodeling the shop the week of the 13th
and will be CLOSED THURS. and FRIDAY the 17th &
18th. We will re-open Sunday 7/20 and will start our
SUMMER CLEARANCE on Tues. 7/22. The sale will
continue through most of Aug.
Our Gift Shop is overflowing with lots of lovely NEW
things for ALL occasions. Come in early to see and get
the best selection or just to look around for that special
something. Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 9 to 12:00p.m.
Saturday before & after 4:00 mass
Sunday after 7, 9 & 11:00 mass
We look forward to seeing each and every one of you.
Any questions please call Pat Crowdis-Gift Shop Coordinator (352) 259-7822.
To Donate Clothing Organizations in need of lightweight
clothing include: Abundant Life Ministries
748-7283 (corner of 301 & E CR 462) dropbox on 301, and St. Paul’s Catholic Church
in Leesburg, 787-3388, and St. Theresa in
Belleview, 245-0650.
The Lazarus Free Medical Clinic is open Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Please call for appointment 352-748-4567 at
210 Wonders Street in Wildwood. Abierta Los Martes Y
Jueves. Por favor llmar programa para una cita.
America Needs Fatima holds public square rosary rallies
all across America. Volunteers who travel to the volunteer
office near Topeka KS will help recruit leaders and captains. Anyone interested in volunteering will have all of
their expenses paid. Volunteer opportunities are between
July 26 – October 15. If you would like more information
please contact Tom Lynch (352) 205-1432.
Diocese of Orlando News
Rachel's Vineyard: Offer s r etr eats for any woman or
man who has struggled with the emotional and spiritual
pain of abortion. For information contact or 407-246-4819.
Airport Mass Times: at Orlando International AirportSunday at 8:15 am & noon and Holy Days at noon. The
chapel is behind security for Gates 1-59. Mass attendees
must have a boarding pass.
Bishop Noonan opens Twitter account: Bishop Noonan
believes we are called to put technology to good use by
sharing the Good News. To follow Bishop Noonan on
Twitter, search his handle @BishopNoonan on
Vatican YouTube site:
Natural Family Planning: The Diocese of Orlando Office of Family Life and Pastoral Care invites you to learn
more about Natural Family Planning (NFP). Please visit for
Join Catholic Charities: var iety of volunteer oppor tunities are available for all ages and interests. During our
50th anniversary year, all service performed contributes to
our 50,000 Hours of Service Challenge. Visit or call 888-658-2828.
Catholic Community Television: Networ k br oadcasting from Central Florida on Sundays: Brighthouse channel 19, Comcast channel 17, Direct TV & Dish, channel
45. EWTN Sunday Mass, 8 am & 12 pm: Comcast channel 243, Direct TV channel 370, Prism channel 562.
San Pedro Scripture Camp registration is currently open
for students 1st-12th grade. A registration form is available at or call (407) 671-6322
ext. 234 for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Orlando
Vehicle Donation Program - Accepting
used vehicles. For information, please visit or call 1-800-3228284. All donations are tax deductible.
Catholic Cruise to Alaska. A 7-night Catholic Alaska
Cruise with Father Ronald Oser, July 27—Aug. 3, on Holland America Oosterdam. See: Glacier Bay; Haines, Alaska; Juneau, Alaska; Ketchikan, Alaska; Vancouver, British
Columbia. Prices begin at $2,127. Space is limited. For info
or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 /
Catholic Cruise to the Caribbean. A 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise on the Norwegian Epic with Father Ronald
Oser, Dec. 7-14. Stops include Ocho Rios, George Town,
and Cozumel. Prices begin at $1,434 and space is limited.
For info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-3991785 /
Advertiser of the Week:
Emmett Sapp Builders, Inc.
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