Pastor’s Message How to Make a Good Confession


Pastor’s Message How to Make a Good Confession
Pastor’s Message
How to Make a Good Confession
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a good way to take a closer look at your life and make a fresh start. Penance and Reconciliation
starts with our personal acceptance that we have sinned and done wrong in the sight of God. Our heart is moved to sorrow from
the knowledge that we have failed to act in love and have distanced ourselves from our creator. Receiving the Sacrament is simple
and there is no reason to be afraid or hesitant to do so. Priest know that they represent Christ and they have nothing but compassion and understating for those who come to receive forgiveness. Furthermore they are under a sacred seal never to reveal under
any circumstances what has been confessed to them.
Here is an outline of what you can expect. The priest will be glad to help you.
Go to the priest. You can kneel behind screen or sit and face him. He will welcome you, and you will both make the sign of the
cross. The priest will pray for you and may read a Scripture passage.
Confess your sins. The priest will discuss your sins with you and provide spiritual advice.
Receive a penance. The priest will talk to you about doing something as a sign of your desire to change. It may be saying some
prayers or doing a loving action.
Tell God you are sorry. You can say your own words or an act of contrition that you have memorized.
Receive absolution. The priest proclaims the works of absolution and God forgives your sins.
Conclude. The priest says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, “ and you respond, “His mercy endures forever. The priest will
dismiss you and you can respond “thank you” or “Amen”
St. John Neumann’s Knights of Columbus Council makes your Thanksgiving easy.
THANKSGIVING Holiday Pie Sale…
A great variety of restaurant quality pies will be available to order beginning
St. Anne-Neumann Seniors
will hold their
November Meeng on Tuesday,
Nov 26. 2013 at 1:00 PM at the Farm
& Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road,
Lancaster, PA.
Open to all Seniors. Entertainment
will be provided by Sandy Heisey,
Pianist. Sue Bishop “All In One Tours,
will hi-light 2014 tours. Food Donaons will be collected for the Lancaster County Food Bank. Light refreshments will be served.
News from the Parish To donate your "gently" used furniture and
household goods to the San Juan Bausta Thri Shop, please call the
Thri Shop at 283-0289 or Ron Dell at 569-2637.
Serra Club of Lancaster is hosng a sit down dinner for the Priests of our
Deanery on December 5 at 5:30 p.m.
$30.00 per person: Choice of Beef or Chicken Florenne.
Anyone interested contact Florence Peters 291-9339.
Make checks payable to Serra Club of Lancaster by November 26, 2013.
Please send to 1809 Rockford Lane * Lancaster, PA 17601
Giving Tree
Angela’s Corner
Learn More about Your Headaches
Giving Tree Tags are available in
the Narthex.
The program is coordinated by
the SJN Knights of Columbus
and helps to bring Christmas to
those who otherwise might not
receive anything during this
special me of year.
Help to bring joy to those less
fortunate by taking a tag and
purchasing the suggested gi on
the tag. Wrap the gi and affix
the tag. Return it the social hall
on or before December 1.
The gis will then be distributed to the appropriate agency.
Please do not take a tag unless
you intend to return it with a
gi as the parish must purchase
those gis that are not returned. Thank You.
All gis are due in the Social Hall
by Noon on Sunday, December 1.
Persons of all ages are needed to
help the SJN knights of Columbus
sort, count, and bag the gis from
Noon—1:30 p.m.
Just about everyone has an occasional headache. There are several kinds of headaches. These
include cluster headaches, migraine headaches,
sinus headaches and tension headaches.
To best treat your headache, it is important to
learn more about the types of headaches and
their symptoms. Here is a quick overview of the
causes and symptoms for the different types of
Cluster headaches- pain is severe, localized
around one eye and can last for minutes or hours.
The headaches occur at the same me every day
for a number of days or weeks unl the “cluster”
Migraine headaches- can oen be accompanied
by a heightened sensivity to noise and light, nausea and/or voming. Somemes the headache
can be preceded by aura or visual disturbance
such as spoOy, blurred vision. The pain can vary in
intensity and duraon. They can run in families
and women are more likely to suffer from migraines. Certain foods can trigger the migraine
such as alcohol, aged meats, bread made with
yeast, chocolate, certain cheeses and nuts as well
as smoking.
Tension headaches-is most common type of headache. It results from muscle tension and stress in
neck and shoulder area that may last for several
hours. Pain can be a dull, constant pain that is
oen described as feeling like a ght band being
squeezed around the head. Noise, glare and fague can intensify migraine pain.
Sinus headaches- occur when sinuses are inflamed
or congested. This pain and pressure is felt in the
forehead or around the eyes and cheeks. It may
be accompanied by tender skin and cheek bones
near the eyes. These headaches are usually associated with infecons and allergies.
No. of orders last weekend: 12
Year-to-Date Sales:
$ 35,780
Year-to-Date Earned:
$ 1,697.28
Buy your groceries for Thanksgiving with gi cards from SKH,
Oregon Dairy, Giant and Weis
and you give twice, once to your
guests with your delicious meal
and once to your church community with the money it earns
without cosng you a CENT.
See volunteer outside the Library for details.
Advent Wreath:
Sign-up sheets are available for
lighng of the Advent wreath
before all weekend Masses at
the table outside the library. We welcome families to
join in this wonderful tradion.
Please remember families consist of all different components
i.e. grandparents and grandchildren, sisters/brothers, etc.
Please contact Angela Richards
for details at 569-8531 X227 or
Next week I will discuss treatment opons for the
different types of headaches.
Eleanor Nuffort
Informaon from UCLA Division of Geriatrics Healthy/Years, October 2013, Volume 10/number 10
Saint John Neumann Parish * 601 East Delp Road * Lancaster, PA 17601 * November 17, 2013
PƒÙ®Ý« Cƒ½›Ä—ƒÙ Eò›ÄãÝ
Sunday, November 17
Religious Education 10:15 a.m.
Confirmation Form. 10:15 a.m. & 6:45 p.m.
RCIA/ Room 9
Ukrainian Mass/ 1:30 p.m.
K of C Pie Sales
Monday, November 18
Religious Education 4:30 p.m.
Confirmation Formation 4:30 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal/ 7:30 p.m./ Music Room
Tuesday, November 19
Bazaar/ 9:30 a.m.—3 p.m.
Surviving the Holidays/ 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Religious Education 4:30 p.m.
K of Columbus / 7:15 p.m./ Rooms 13-15
Kairos Debrief/ 4 p.m./ Hosp. Room
Wednesday, November 20
Religious Education 4:30 p.m.
Parish Council/ 7 p.m./ Rm 11
Y.M. NCYC Indianapolis / 3:40 Depart
Thursday, November 21
Italian Club 6:30 p.m./ Rooms 3&4
SJN Ensemble/ 7 p.m./ Church
Y.M. NCYC Indianapolis
Karios 13 Team/ 7:15 p.m./ Room 12
Friday, November
Y.M. NCYC Indianapolis
Saturday, November
Y.M. NCYC Indianapolis
Blood Pressure Checks Music Room
Ladies Auxiliary Advent Wreath Sales
or call 717-569-8531.
If you are new to the parish please
call the Parish Office and
we can help
you register for the parish 569-8531.
Mass Intentions
Monday, November 18
9:00 a.m.
Steve Baidy
Requested by The Baidy Family
Tuesday, November 19
9:00 a.m.
Anna Sauer
Requested by Ann and Frank Errigo
Wednesday, November 20
9:00 a.m.
Hormecinda Alegria
Requested by Carmella Alverez and Family
Thursday, November 21
9:00 a.m.
All Souls Intention
9:00 a.m.
Steve Cassidy
Requested by The Kochanowski Family
Saturday, November 23
4 p.m.
People of Parish
Saturday, November 23
5:30 p.m.
No Mass
Sunday, November 24
7:30 a.m.
Quinn Raffaele
Requested by Josephine Martin
Sunday, November 24
9:00 a.m.
Esther M. Solazzo
Requested by the Bush family
Sunday, November 24
11:00 a.m.
Doris Thornhill
Requested by Ron and Cindy Dell
Sunday, November 24
5:30 p.m.
Dave Hendel
Requested by Joe and Patty Zanghi
Friday, November 22
Ron Hess, Thomas Bertlet, Gerard Rothwell,
Lauren Amanda Campbell, Lillian Minichino, Mary Frey,
Katie Martin West, John Scheuerman, Jr., Mickey Falcone,
Rodger Mulvey, Dennis DeVorchik, Logan Andrew Bomgardner,
Joan Cabry, Silvia Gutshall, Margaret Kropf, Margarete Erker,
Betty McCracken, Helen White, Ed Nimick, Paul Hayden
Gary Bright, and all those in the Prayer Circle.
Sick and Shut Ins
November 23 and 24.
Rest in Peace
Ronald Hess
Please notify the Parish Office, 569-8531, if you have a loved one
from the parish who is in need of our prayers and would like their name placed
in the bulletin. Please notify the Parish Office 569-8531, when you enter the hospital.
Also, call if you desire weekly or monthly Communion brought to you in your home
or if you know of someone who does.
Bazaar CommiOee
Catholic School News
The bazaar is a large endeavor made easier by many helping hands.
We wish to thank all our parishioners who have so generously given of
their me, talent, dedicaon and support to ensure our bazaar would
be successful.
St. Anne School - Your Parish School!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and many blessings in the New Year.
The Bazaar CommiOee
Lancaster Catholic’s Field Hockey team is sponsoring a bus trip to NYC for a “Do AS
You Please” day. The trip is Sunday December 8th. The bus departs from Lancaster
Catholic at 7am sharp! We will be dropped off at the rear of the Winter Garden Theater which is a prime locaon for shopping, the theater district, the museums and
Time Square. NYC will be a buzz with Christmas decoraons and good cheer. Bus
picks up at the same locaon at 7PM for our return to LCHS.
Tickets are $52.00 which includes gratuity for the driver. Please contact Krystal Wnek
at or 717-629-2156 for reservaons or quesons. Deadline for
reservaons is November 29th but don’t delay, space is limited.
Long- Term Substute Needed for Grade 5
St. Leo the Great
Saint Leo the Great Catholic School is seeking a teacher from February 2014 through
the conclusion of the school year, June 5th who can demonstrate:
A faithful following of all the precepts of our Holy Catholic Church
Knowledge of curriculum, materials, and best instruconal strategies
An ability to apply knowledge of current research and theory to instruconal programs
An ability in the use of mul-media and computer technology to enhance
An ability to plan and implement lessons based on our Catholic school
mission and objecves, and the needs and abilies of students to whom
An ability to establish and maintain effecve relaonships with students,
peers, administrators, and parents
A respect for 10-11 year olds
Qualified candidates must hold: Pennsylvania Instruconal I Cerficate, Basic Religion Cerficaon, and Criminal background clearances
Help us proclaim the Gospel, build community, and serve others!
Mrs. Chrisne McLean
2421 MarieOa Ave. Lancaster, PA
717- 392-2441
St. Anne School eighth graders will be aOending Lancaster Catholic High School on Tuesday
for their annual shadow day. This day allows
the “soon to be” high school students a
chance to see what it would be like to walk
the halls of Catholic High and take advantage
of all that it has to offer.
An all school Mass will be celebrated this
Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Leadership provided
by the 3rd grade. All are welcome.
Thanksgiving comes a week early to St.
Anne’s!! The annual Candlelight Thanksgiving
Dinner for our students will be held this
Wednesday in the cafeteria. Pass the potatoes!
At 8:00 on Friday, students will parcipate in
the Living Rosary in the gym at St. Anne’s. All
are welcome to experience this lovely demonstraon of our faith. Visitors please sign in at
the school office.
Friday is a Dress Down Day for the Missions.
Feel free to wear your favorite ouTit – and
remember your donaon for the missions!
Please consult the school handbook for appropriate dress down guidelines.
Please save the date for our annual Shamrock
Fest. The event will be held the evening of
Saturday March 22, 2014 at the Lancaster
MarrioO at Penn Square. It will be a wonderful evening with food, drinks and a silent and
live aucon, all benefing the children of St.
Anne School. The event will also feature the
live music of the renowned Irish Band Celi
Rain who has won numerous UNITY awards
and performed at venues all around the world
including World Youth Day.
Shamrock Fest is our biggest fundraiser of the
year and your aOendance and support will
help make it a success. We encourage you to
grab your friends and aOend this wonderful
event and help our school.
More details for the event can be found on
our official event website starng in
December. We will communicate the website
address shortly.
Please pray for our adults and youth retreatants as they
learn more about God’s Time at our bi-yearly retreat
Youth Ministry Nights
Sunday , December 1, 2013 Beginning this night, youth
ministry will be all Sunday’s (except holidays) from
7 p.m.—8 p.m. All are welcome to aOend from
9th—12th grade. Our first topic will be a fun night.
Youth Participants:
Lucy Amidon, Matt Ball, Joanna Burton,
Davis Carr, Sean Cranney, Kevin Curcio,
Caroline Hissong, Hannah Kochanowski,
Rebecca Lopez (St. James), Christian Mitchell,
Kelly Pozda, Tim Roehm, Delaney Rodgers,
Griffin Schultz, Laura Yohe
Adult Participants:
Anne Barnes (St. Mary’s) , Kathy Flynn,
Michele Grasberger, Fr. Mark Speitel (Millersville
Kairos XIII Team Members
Phoebe Belser, Derek Bodell, Kiersten DePanfilis,
Tyler Newman, Julie Rasp, Boots Stadler, Ryan
Myers, George Stadler, Jean Thompson, Jerry
January 3-5, 2013
9th—10th grade
This is the retreat that you do not want to miss. We arrive at
Saint John Neumann promptly at 6 p.m. travel to Gretna Glen as
a group. Arrive at our location and meet the team. Then the fun
begins. Billy and Emma, will be ready for you at the door.
Retreatants will have a few icebreakers to get to know one
another, will build on leadership skills and have an encounter
with God in various fun ways.
Student Rector: Ashley Noel
Spiritual Director: Yolanda
Director: Barbara Goss
Y.M. Workcamp News
The youth of our parish have chosen Moore, Oklahoma for their
2014 Workcamps/mission trips.
Agape Team Meeting
December 1, 2013
Noon—2 p.m.
All team members will meet in room 11, to
discuss the upcoming Agape Retreat.
Bring your Agape Participant Binders
from your retreat so that we can make
notations for the retreat.
We are hoping to take up to 25 campers (or more).
The next scheduled meeng will be on:
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
7 p.m.
We will discuss upcoming Fundraisers!
We are looking for two chaperones for this trip. If you are interested in
chaperoning or aOending our camps with our youth, please call the
Youth Office at 581-9156 ext. 220.
Thank you, Thank You
Thank you to Mr. Tony Ciro for his donaon of SpagheZ Sauce for our
NCYC Fundraisers. Your dedicaon to the youth is as good as your
pizza, gelato, salads, and much more.