Tire Chip Information The Central Michigan District Health Department Tire Recycling Project
Tire Chip Information The Central Michigan District Health Department Tire Recycling Project
The Central Michigan District Health Department Tire Recycling Project Serving the Counties of Arenac, Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Osceola, and Roscommon www.cmdhd.org Tire Chip Information Consumer 80% 20% Discarded Tires Tire Chips as an Aggregate for Drainfields Retreads Auto Dismantlers Passenger Car Tire Dealers Truck Tire Dealers Tire Transporters Tire Sellers Reclaimers and Grinders Retreaders Exports Products Scrap Tire Disposal Tire Stockpiles Landfills Illegal Dumps Funding for this project was made available through a grant from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality CMDHD TRP Pg. 1 Tires in Michigan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Currently, in Michigan, used tires are viewed by the public as a waste product. Tires are slow to decompose and they persist in the natural environment. Tires are often stored in piles that are viewed as an aesthetic nuisance. The United States as a whole generates about 280 million scrap tires per year. Michigan generates about 10 million scrap tires per year. There are currently 24-26 million scrap tires in dumps, tire stockpiles, and other storage facilities throughout Michigan. The Central Michigan District Health Department and its surrounding counties are currently storing about 15 million scrap tires. Current uses of scrap tires include aggregate for septic drainfields, playground mulch, athletic tracks, tire derived fuel, and construction and landscaping material. About ten other states are using chipped tires in drainfields. Currently, there is a $1.50 tire disposal surcharge on each certificate of vehicle title. Collected funds from the surcharge are deposited into the Scrap Tire Regulatory Fund which is established to administer and enforce the scrap tire regulations, provide grants for the cleanup of abandoned scrap tires at collection sites on public and private lands within the state, and for grants to support the development of increased markets for scrap tire material other than tire-derived fuel usage. Through the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) there is a Scrap Tire Cleanup Grant program that provides grants for the cleanup or collection of abandoned scrap tires and scrap tires at collection sites. Since 1991, the MDEQ has funded more than $7 million in grants to remove more than 5.88 million scrap tires from over 1000 Michigan scrap tire sites. In the Central Michigan District Health Department area alone, 1.8 million tires per year could be reused as tire chip aggregate in septic system absorption fields, based on the number of septic system permits issued per year. CMDHD TRP Pg. 2 Current Environmental Problems with Tires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tires can be a fire hazard when stored above ground. A tire fire is very difficult to extinguish. Tire fires produce intense heat and fumes. The fumes produced by tire fires can produce toxins such as carbon monoxide, possibly benzene, and other hydrocarbons. Associated health affects of these large fires are headaches, nausea, respiratory irritation, pulmonary edema, and pneumonia. The current process for extinguishing tire fires is to bury them. Burying tire fires can allow the fire to continue to burn under ground which can cause soil contamination. Another affect of tire fires is soil contamination. When tires burn the oil stored within the rubber can leech into the soil. The contamination of soil as a result of burning tires is caused by the possible release of heavy metals from the material into ground water. The result of a tire fire can be contaminated soil or water which can be categorized as a hazardous material. In fact, 1 tire exposed to an intense enough heat can be converted into about 2 gallons of oily residue which can be leeched into the soil and groundwater. Tire piles also provide homes for animals such as rodents, skunks, wasps, bees, and snakes. Animals such as rodents use tire piles as homes and breeding grounds. These animals also have been suspected of carrying and passing diseases such as salmonella, tetanus, and pathogens. Tires also function as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Some species of mosquitoes prefer to breed in the stagnate water which collects in tire piles. It has been found that mosquitoes reproduce at a rate of 4000 times their natural rate in tire piles. Mosquitoes can carry and pass diseases such as West Nile Virus, encephalitis, and malaria, among others. CMDHD TRP Pg. 3 Tire Chips vs. Stone Drainfields Tire chips produced from recycled tires may be used as a course aggregate in septic absorption systems and may be substituted for mineral aggregate on a one-for-one volumetric basis. Tire chips are not harmful and can be used in the ground. Tires are an inert material when used in accordance with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Designation of Inertness #97-I-004 for Tire Material. A copy of this Designation can be found in the back of the packet. Chipped tires, when used in drain fields for sewerage systems, where the use is expressly authorized by an applicable District/County Health Department Sanitary Code, are an acceptable alternative to stone for use as an aggregate in drain fields. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A 450 ft² drainfield uses 18yds³ of stone. The same size drainfield uses 720 chipped tires. Currently, a 450 ft² drainfield uses about $310 of stone. Tire chips are currently available free of charge (April 2003). The cost to haul stone for the example drainfield is about $75$100. The same amount of tire chips should cost less to haul as a result of the tire chips weighing less. Minimum tile field sizes in sandy soils without a high water table (According to the Central Michigan District Sanitary Code) are: a. 2 BR home 300 ft² = 12 yd³ stone or 480 shredded tires b. 3 BR home 450 ft² = 18 yd³ stone or 720 shredded tires c. 4 BR home 600 ft² = 24 yd³ stone or 960 shredded tires d. Homes containing more than 4 BR’s should add 150 ft² of drainfield per bedroom, starting from the minimum 4 BR size of 600 ft² = 32 yd³ stone or 1280 shredded tires. Adding 150 ft² of 6 yd³ stone or 240 shredded tires. Excavation and fill costs would be the same as if using stone as an aggregate in a septic field. Permit costs are also the same. However, to use tire chips in a drainfield, an alternative system permit must be applied for at CMDHD TRP Pg. 4 your local Health Department. Following the application process, a sanitarian will complete a soil evaluation to determine water table depth and soil permeability of the proposed site. This process is the same as if using stone in a drainfield. (See footnote at end of section) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. All other associated requirements of sewage disposal systems set forth in the Central Michigan District Sanitary Code, under Article IV- The Requirements for the Construction and Maintenance of Individual Sewage Disposal Systems are equivalent and are required to be adhered to. Wear on equipment will be less. Tire chips weigh significantly less than stone therefore heavy equipment may not be needed for installation. If heavy equipment is not needed there will be less wear and tear on the home owner’s property. Tire chips do not give off dust like gravel does. Scientific studies have proven tire chips have no significant compaction, which means 12 inches of stone is equal to 12 inches of tire chips in an absorption field. Stone which is used in drainfields contains fines. Fines are particles or substances which can settle to the bottom of an absorption field and contribute to the clogging or blocking of infiltration surfaces. Fines include but are not limited to dust, dirt, grit, and others substances. Tire chips are inherently free of fines, resulting in tire chips having a longer lifespan than stone. Geotextile fabric must be used to cover tire chips; this fabric also keeps fines from infiltrating the absorption field. Installations within the Central Michigan District Health Department jurisdiction must adhere to the alternative procedure as outlined in the Central Michigan District Health Department Sanitary Code. “Article III- Individual Sewage Disposal System, I. Alternatives- The health officer may authorize a construction permit to provide for alternatives to the standard individual sewage disposal system, and sanitation practices, and to provide for CMDHD TRP Pg. 5 new technical knowledge, if the proposed alternative would provide essentially equivalent protection in the public interest.” CMDHD TRP Pg. 6 Tire Chip Standards for use in Drainfields as an Aggregate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chip Sizes-Chips may not be smaller than one-half inch or larger than two and one half inches in size. Wire strands may not protrude more than one-half inch from the side of chips. Fines in tire chip drainfields are prohibited. Fines are particles or substances which can settle to the bottom of the absorption field and contribute to the clogging or blocking of infiltrative surfaces. Examples of fines are dust, dirt, grit, and smaller substances. Fines can be prevented from entering tire chip absorption fields through the use of geotextile fabric. As with stone, tire chips must be kept clean (free of dirt and soil) during the construction phase. Of the total chips used, a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of all used chips must meet the technical requirements as listed above. Geotextile fabric must be used to cover the system prior to backfilling. Tire recyclers may, at their option, submit samples of chips to the local health department for evaluation. The results of such evaluations, however, will not constitute a general or blanket approval of tire chip aggregate for any producer. The actual, final approval of tire chips occurs at each septic system job site. CMDHD TRP Pg. 7 Hauling Tire Chips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scrap tire haulers must register annually by January 31, with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), and must provide all of the information required by the MDEQ. Septic system contractors are considered to be commercial haulers of tire chips. Scrap tire haulers are required to adhere to all transportation requirements set forth by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). All scrap tire haulers must carry their current scrap tire hauler registration and the original manifest of the load being hauled. Furthermore, the registration number must be displayed on the vehicle transporting the scrap tire load. Anyone desiring to haul tire chips must fill out the Scrap Tire Hauler Registration Application which is included at the back of the packet and submit it to the MDEQ. The MDEQ will then issue the applicant a scrap tire registration as a legal hauler of tire chips. Currently, there is no fee to register as a scrap tire hauler. Scrap tire haulers must maintain records for a minimum of three years of each load of transported scrap tires. Only the Scrap Tire Transportation Record (Form EQP 5128 10/02), provided at the back of this packet, is approved for this use. It is the responsibility of the scrap tire hauler to present the transportation manifest to the retailer upon sale or transfer of any scrap tires. The section of the Scrap Tire Transportation Record required by the retailer to complete must be filled out before any tire chips are transferred. This form must be carried with the load during transport. Furthermore, the record must be kept for a minimum of three years by the transporter. 1 ton =100 passenger tires, 20 truck tires, or 2.5 yds³ 1yd³ =10 passenger tires, 2.5 truck tires, or 40 shredded tires Tire chips weigh less than stone. In fact 18 yds³ of shredded tire chips weighs about 7.2 tons, compared to 18 yds³ of stone which weighs 24.3 tons. CMDHD TRP Pg. 8 Tire Collection Sites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A scrap tire collection site is a property where 500 or more scrap tires are accumulated, or where 1,500 or more tires are accumulated if owned or leased by a retailer, or where 2,500 or more scrap tires are accumulated if owned or leased by an automotive recycler or where 150 or more cubic yards of scrap tires processed material is accumulated if owned or leased by a commercial contractor that is authorized by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to use the material as an aggregate replacement in drainfields. A site is not considered to be a collection site if the tire chip pile is less than 150 yds³. If your site contains less than 150 yds³ of tire chips then no registration, fee, or bond is required. This entire section would not apply to the use of tire chips in drain fields so long as your stockpile is less than 150 yds³. Scrap tire collection site owners must register annually with the MDEQ by January 31 and provide all of the information required by MDEQ. Furthermore, scrap tire collection site owners shall maintain a bond in favor of the MDEQ as required under Section 16903(1) (i). Scrap tire collection site owners must meet the storage requirements listed under section 16903. All scrap tire collection sites must register with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and pay a $200 per year registration fee. Scrap tires must not be stored in piles greater than 15 feet in height, with the horizontal dimensions no greater than 200 feet by 40 feet with 30 foot spacing between rows. Scrap tires must not be stored within 20 feet of property lines or within 60 feet of buildings or structures. Scrap tires must be covered, baled, shredded, or chipped into pieces no larger than 4"X6" and stored in piles which allow for complete water drainage, or sprayed to eliminate mosquito breeding. CMDHD TRP Pg. 9 10. Scrap tire collection sites with accumulation exceeding 100,000 tires must operate as a processor to facilitate recycling by at least shredding the tires. 11. Tire collection sites must contain fully accessible roads at all times to allow fire fighting equipment access into and throughout the site. 12. Collection sites must be secured in an area by a fence which is at least 6 feet tall and has lockable gates to prevent easy access. In addition, at a minimum, a 5 foot high earthen berm must be constructed outside the fence surrounding the facility. 13. The collection site property must be kept free of weeds and vegetation as well as maintained with sufficient drainage in order to prevent water from pooling or collecting on the site. 14. The collection site owner must prepare and post an emergency procedures plan at the site which is to be reviewed by the local fire department and kept posted at all times. 15. Tire collection site cannot accumulate in excess of 10,000 yds³ of scrap tires per acre. CMDHD TRP Pg. 10 Scrap Tire Retailers 1. 2. 3. A retailer of scrap tires is defined as a person who sells or offers for sale, new, retreaded, or manufactured tires to consumers in this state. Retailers are required to maintain transportation records, for a minimum of three years, which indicate the number of scrap tires removed from a site and the final destination of those tires. All records must be maintained and made available to the MDEQ or an officer of the peace upon request for a minimum of three years. CMDHD TRP Pg. 11 Tire Recycling Project Contacts The Central Michigan District Health Department Environmental Health Division Bob M. Patton, R.S., Tire Project Coordinator (989) 426-8985 Ext. 41 bpatton@cmdhd.localhealth.net The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Science & Services Division Pat J. Donovan, R.S., Grant Administrator (231) 775-3960 Ext. 6321 donovanp@Michigan.gov Central Michigan District Health Department Environmental Health Division Offices Arenac (989) 846-6541 Ext. 20 Clare (989) 539-5092 Gladwin (989) 426-8985 Ext. 11 Isabella (989) 773-5921 Ext. 136 Osceola (231) 832-5532 Ext. 22 Roscommon (989) 366-3607 Ext. 10 Further Information can be found at www.cmdhd.org Funding for this project was made available through a grant from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality CMDHD TRP Pg. 12 Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Waste and Hazardous Materials Division SCRAP TIRE HAULER REGISTRATION APPLICATION YEAR 2003 FOR DEQ USE ONLY Date Received by DEQ: Registration is required under authority of Part 169, Scrap Tires, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. Failure to comply the with provisions of Part 169 may result in fines and/or imprisonment. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT STORAGE TANK AND SOLID WASTE SECTION, 517-335-4035. Received by: SCRAP TIRE HAULER REGISTRANT Area Code and Telephone Number Legal Company Name Mailing Address City State Zip Physical Address City State Zip Commercial Hauler for Hire? (Check One) Yes County Contact Person /Phone No COUNTIES FROM WHICH TIRES ARE COLLECTED. Enter county names. Attach additional page if necessary. COLLECTION SITES/LANDFILLS USED BY HAULER, 2002. List registration numbers or license numbers. If site not registered or licensed, or out-of-state, list address and phone number of facility. Attach additional pages, if necessary. LEGAL DESTINATION TO WHICH THE HAULER WILL TRANSPORT TIRES IN 2003. A PERSON SHALL DELIVER A SCRAP TIRE ONLY TO A COLLECTION SITE REGISTERED UNDER PART 169, A DISPOSAL AREA LICENSED UNDER PART 115, AN END USER, A SCRAP TIRE PROCESSOR, A TIRE RETAILER OR A SCRAP TIRE RECYCLER, THAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PART. List registration numbers or license numbers of COMPLIANT SITES. If site is out-of-state, list address and phone number of facility and provide documentation of home state’s approval. If the site is exempt from registration as a collection site, list the basis for exemption. Attach additional pages if necessary COLLECTION EQUIPMENT. List all vehicles used. Attach additional pages if necessary. If rental vehicle(s), provide name, address, and phone number of rental company. Vehicle I.D. Number Description (Year and Make) License Plate Number SCRAP TIRES DELIVERED AND COLLECTED DURING 2002 1. Number of scrap tires delivered to Registered Collection Sites during 2002: 2. Number of scrap tires delivered to Sanitary Landfills during 2002: 3. Number of scrap tires delivered to other locations during 2002: 4. Total number of tires delivered during 2002: I, the undersigned scrap tire hauler, swear and affirm, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, that the statements contained herein are true and correct and that the removal, transportation, and disposal of scrap tires will be performed in accordance with the requirements of Part 169. I certify under penalty of law that the information contained on this form, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. REGISTERED AGENT . IF REGISTERED AGENT IS CHECKED, DOCUMENTATION FROM OWNER THAT SIGNATURE (CHECK ONE) OWNER REGISTERED AGENT IS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MUST BE PROVIDED. PRINT NAME ____________________________________________________________ DATE ____________________________________ SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________________________ SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE EQP 5133 (Rev. 12/02) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SCRAP TIRE HAULER APPLICATION SCRAP TIRE HAULER REGISTRANT INFORMATION: Legal Company Name: Enter name of the individual partnership, corporation, association, governmental entity or other legal entity who owns the hauler company. NOTE: This is to whom the Registration will be issued. Mailing Address: Enter the address where correspondence should be sent. Physical Address:. The address of the business location site even if the same as the mailing address. If there is no actual address for the business location site, please provide a plat map which indicates the location. Commercial Hauler for Hire: If you remove tires for other entities and want to be on the DEQ Web Site as a commercial hauler for hire, please check the “yes” box. If you do not remove tires for other entities or do not wish to be on the MDEQ Web site, please check no. County: List the county in which your facility is located. If out-of-state, provide documentation that hauler is approved to haul scrap tires in the home state. Contact Person: Enter name of person to contact if questions on the application or operation arise. COUNTIES FROM WHICH TIRES ARE COLLECTED: List all counties from which you will be removing scrap tires. If you do not know at this time where you will be removing tires, please indicate all or upper/lower peninsula. COLLECTION SITES/LANDFILLS USED BY HAULER, 2002: List registration or license numbers for all sites to which you delivered tires during 2002. List the name and addresses of any other site that is not a registered collection site or landfill LEGAL DESTINATION TO WHICH THE HAULER WILL TRANSPORT TIRES IN 2003: Section 16902 states: “A PERSON SHALL DELIVER A SCRAP TIRE ONLY TO A COLLECTION SITE REGISTERED UNDER PART 169, A DISPOSAL AREA LICENSED UNDER PART 115, AN END USER, A SCRAP TIRE PROCESSOR, A TIRE RETAILER OR A SCRAP TIRE RECYCLER, THAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PART.” List registration numbers of registered, compliant collection sites or license numbers of permitted and licensed landfills. If site is located out-of-state, list address of facility and provide documentation that the site is approved for operation in that state. If site is exempt from the collection site registration requirements of Part 169 of the NREPA, list the basis for the exemption. For example: a retailer with less than 1,500 scrap tires is not required to obtain a scrap tire collection site registration. If the hauler will be hauling tire chips for use in drain fields, you may indicate “hauling to drain fields in ‘X’ county/counties.” If the location to which tires will be delivered changes during the registration year, the registrant is requested to send a letter to the appropriate Waste and Hazardous Materials Division District staff indicating the change. At least one compliant, legal site of disposal for the tires must be listed for the application to be considered to be complete. Attach additional pages, if necessary. Scrap tire haulers should contact the DEQ district office to determine if the collection site is a registered facility or its legal status. COLLECTION EQUIPMENT: List all of the vehicles to be used for scrap tire hauling. Indicate the vehicle I.D. number, year and make of vehicle and license plate number. If vehicles will be leased, please indicate the leasing company’s name, address and phone number. SCRAP TIRES DELIVERED AND COLLECTED DURING 2002: All boxes must be completed, If no tires were delivered under a certain category, indicate “0”. SIGNATURE: The owner or registered agent must sign the registration application, print the name and date. One of the boxes must be checked indicating if the signee is the owner or registered agent. If registered agent, documentation must be provided that the registered agent is authorized by the owner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No registration fee is required. Incomplete applications will be returned and applicant will not be registered under Part 169. NOTE: ALL LOADS OF SCRAP TIRES TRANSPORTED IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETED SCRAP TIRE TRANSPORTATION RECORD. THE STATE SCRAP TIRE TRANSPORTATION RECORD FORM IS THE ONLY FORM APPROVED FOR USE. YOU CAN OBTAIN A COPY FROM THE DEQ WEB SITE: http://www.michigan.gov/deq. RETURN COMPLETED REGISTRATION APPLICATION TO: SCRAP TIRE PROGRAM WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 30241 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7741 (For express mail: 525 West Allegan, Lansing, MI 48933) EQP 5133 (Rev. 12/02) Department of Environmental Quality, Waste and Hazardous Materials Division SCRAP TIRE TRANSPORTATION RECORD This form provides the information required by Part 169, Scrap Tires, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. THIS IS THE ONLY FORM APPROVED FOR USE BY THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. MANIFEST #: VEHICLE/TRAILER #: This form shall be completed and signed by the scrap tire hauler at the time of collection from the generator. This form shall also be completed and signed by a scrap tire generator or hauler each time that he provides scrap tires for transportation to another facility. A copy shall be retained by the generator before the hauler leaves his site. The end user/processor/disposer to whom the tires are delivered shall complete this form upon receipt of the scrap tires, retain a copy for their records, and within thirty (30) days, forward a copy of the completed form to the generator. The original copy shall be retained by the hauler. PART 1: SCRAP TIRE GENERATOR CERTIFICATION NAME: NUMBER OF WHOLE TIRES BEING TRANSPORTED TRUCK: PASSENGER CAR: MAILING ADDRESS: OVERSIZED: VOLUME/WEIGHT OF PROCESSED TIRES (CUT, SHREDDED, ETC.) TO BE TRANSPORTED: DATE PROCESSED: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: I hereby certify that the above indicated scrap tires were collected in the normal course of business in ___________________ County, and are destined to be transported to the facility indicated in Part 3 below. I certify under penalty of law that the information contained on this form, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false or incomplete information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. STATE: ZIP CODE: SCRAP TIRE GENERATOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:_____________________________________________________ PHYSICAL ADDRESS: CITY: COUNTY: PRINT NAME:_________________________________________________________________ PHONE # (INCLUDING AREA CODE): DATE:________________________________________________________________________ PART 2: SCRAP TIRE HAULER CERTIFICATION MI SCRAP TIRE HAULER REG. #: OTHER ID # (IDENTIFY STATE): NAME: SCRAP TIRE HAULER AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:_____________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: I hereby certify that on this date the above indicated scrap tires were received from the scrap tire generator identified in Part 1 of this form for delivery to the facility identified in Part 3 of this form. I certify under penalty of law that the information contained on this form, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false or incomplete information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. STATE: ZIP CODE: PRINT NAME:_________________________________________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________________________________________ GROSS WEIGHT: TARE WEIGHT: NET WEIGHT: TOTAL PASSENGER TIRE EQUIVALENTS: PHONE # (INCLUDING AREA CODE) PART 3: SCRAP TIRE END USER/PROCESSOR/DISPOSER CERTIFICATION MI SCRAP TIRE COLLECTION SITE REG #: I hereby certify that this facility is approved to receive scrap tires and that I have received the above scrap tires indicated in Part 1 in accordance with that authorization. I certify under penalty of law that the information contained on this form, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false or incomplete information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I certify that within thirty (30) days from the date I receive these tires I will forward a copy of this completed scrap tire transportation record to the generator listed in Part 1 above. NAME: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: SCRAP TIRE END USER/PROCESSOR/ DISPOSER AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:___________________________________________ CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PRINT NAME:_________________________________________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________________________________________ PHONE # (INCLUDING AREA CODE) PROCESSOR END USER EXEMPT SITE RETREADER SCRAP TIRE RECYCLER LICENSED PART 115 DISPOSAL AREA DISTRIBUTION: Original must be retained by the Hauler; Copies must be retained by: 1) Generator; 2) Scrap Tire End User/Processor/Disposer; Scrap Tire End User/Processor/Disposer must within 30 days from receipt of tires send a copy of completed record to the Generator. Additional information required by the generator and/or hauler may be printed on the reverse. See attached instructions on how to complete this form. EQP 5128 (10/02) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SCRAP TIRE TRANSPORTATION RECORD The hauler MUST complete a Scrap Tire Transportation Record (Form EQP 5128) for every load of scrap tires transported. Only the form (EQP 5128) prepared by the state of Michigan, Department of Environmental Quality, is approved for use. While most of the information required on this form is self-explanatory, the following guidance is offered. MANIFEST #: It is suggested that a unique manifest number be assigned to each load of scrap tires. This can be a sequential number assigned by the hauler or generator. This will help in reconciliation of transportation records that are returned to the generator from the scrap tire end user/processor/disposer. VEHICLE/TRAILER #: The hauler should include a vehicle/trailer number on the manifest in order to help track which Scrap Tire Transportation Record is for which load of scrap tires. PART 1: SCRAP TIRE GENERATOR CERTIFICATION All applicable fields must be completed. Fields such as name, mailing address, physical address (actual site location), and telephone number that will not change for the generator may be pre-printed on the form. If the mailing address and physical address (actual site location) for the generator are the same, please indicate. Number of whole tires and/or volume of processed tires must be indicated. One (1) Ton SCRAP TIRE AND SCRAP TIRE MATERIAL CONVERSION FACTORS = 100 Passenger Tires (in any form) = 20 Truck Tires (in any form) = 10 yd3 Passenger Tires = One (1) Cubic Yard (yd3) 8 yd3 Truck Tires = 10 Passenger Tires = 2.5 Truck Tires = 40 Shredded Passenger Tires (approximately 2” X 2”) = 63 Crumbed Passenger Tires (20-30 mesh) = 0.1 ton Passenger Tires = 0.08 ton Truck Tires The Generator must sign and date the form. The Generator retains a copy of the form for their records. These records shall be maintained at the site of removal for a period of three (3) years and shall be made available to the Department of Environmental Quality or a peace officer upon request during normal business hours. PART 2: SCRAP TIRE HAULER CERTIFICATION All applicable fields must be completed. Fields such as Michigan Scrap Tire Hauler Registration #, name, mailing address, and telephone number that will not change for the hauler may be pre-printed on the form. Other ID #: If scrap tires will be transported out of Michigan, please identify the ID number used by the hauler in the state(s) to which the tires will be transported and the state where this number was issued. This is used to help ensure scrap tires are being transported in an appropriate manner in the other state(s). The Hauler must sign and date the form. The Hauler retains the original copy of the form once the entire form is completed. These records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years and shall be made available to the Department of Environmental Quality or a peace officer upon request during normal business hours. PART 3: SCRAP TIRE USER/PROCESSOR/DISPOSER CERTIFICATION All applicable fields must be completed. This section must be completed for the destination of the scrap tires, which is not necessarily the final destination for the scrap tires. If a hauler brings scrap tires to one location for later pickup and delivery by another scrap tire hauler to a second location, the first location must be listed here. Another Scrap Tire Transportation Record must be completed for the transportation of the scrap tires to the second location. Indicate the location where the scrap tires are being delivered: registered collection site (indicate the Michigan Scrap Tire Collection Site Registration Number), disposal area licensed under Part 115, scrap tire processor, end user, scrap tire retailer, or scrap tire recycler (check appropriate box). NOTE: Section 16902 states that a person shall deliver a scrap tire only to a collection site registered under Section 16904, a disposal area licensed under Part 115, an end-user, a scrap tire processor, a tire retailer, or a scrap tire recycler, that is in compliance with Part 169, Scrap Tires, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA). For the check boxes: A Processor is a scrap tire processor. This means a person who is authorized by Part 169 of the NREPA to accumulate scrap tires and is engaged in the business of buying or otherwise acquiring scrap tires and reducing their volume by shredding or otherwise facilitating recycling or resource recovery techniques for scrap tires. An End User means any of the following: (1) A person who possesses a permit to burn tires under Part 55, Air Pollution Control, of the NREPA; (2) the owner or operator of a landfill that is authorized under the landfill's operating license to use scrap tires; and, (3) a person who converts scrap tires into scrap tire processed material used to manufacture other products that are sold in the market but does not manufacture the products that are sold in the market. An Exempt Site means one of the following: (1) A site owned or leased by a tire retailer who has less than 1,500 scrap tires; (2) a site owned or leased by an automotive recycler who has less than 2,500 scrap tires; and, (3) a site that is owned or leased by a commercial contractor that is authorized to use the scrap tire processed material as an aggregate replacement in a manner approved by a designation of inertness for scrap tires or is otherwise authorized for such use by the department under Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the NREPA where less than 150 cubic yards of scrap tire processed material is accumulated. A Retreader means a person who puts new treads on useable tire casings. A disposal area licensed under Part 115 means a solid waste transfer station, incinerator, sanitary landfill, processing plant, or other solid waste handling or disposal facility utilized in the disposal of solid waste which is licensed under Part 115 of the NREPA. A scrap tire recycler means a person who is authorized by Part 169 of the NREPA to accumulate scrap tires, who acquires scrap tires, and who converts scrap tires into a product that is sold or reused in a manner authorized by Part 169 of the NREPA. The Scrap Tire end user/processor/disposer must sign and date the form. The Scrap Tire end user/processor/disposer retains a copy of this form for their records. These records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years and shall be made available to the Department of Environmental Quality or a peace officer upon request during normal business hours. Within 30 days of receipt of scrap tires, the scrap tire end user/processor/disposer must forward a copy of the completed form to the generator of the scrap tires. Additional information required by the generator and/or hauler may be printed on the reverse of the Scrap Tire Transportation Record. The Scrap Tire Transportation Record may be printed on a larger sheet of paper with additional information required by the generator and/or hauler at the bottom of the page so long as the Department of Environmental Quality approved form appears completely unchanged on an 8 ½ X 11 inch portion of the form. EQP 5128I (10/02) STATE OF MICHIGAN JOHN ENGLER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY HOLLISTER BUILDING, PO BOX 30473, LANSING MI 48909-7973 REPLY TO: WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION PO BOX 30241 LANSING MI 48909-7741 INTERNET: www.deq.state.mi.us RUSSELL J. HARDING, Director Designation of Inertness #97-I-004 for Tire Material Pursuant to the provisions of Section 11507(3) of Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA), tire material (material) which is used for the purposes specified below is granted a designation of inertness by the authorized representative of the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (Department) in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of this approval. This Designation of Inertness supersedes the approved #97-I-001 issued on January 21, 1997. 1. The following tires are inert when used as listed below: a. b. Shredded Tires - Shredded material when used at a Type II or upgraded Type III landfill and approved by the Department for the following uses: i. daily cover; ii. leachate collection system protection layer; or iii. access road construction within a lined cell. Shredded Tires - Material less than 3/8 inch by 3/8 inch in size that is free of all steel when used in construction or in the modification of the following sports surfaces: i. golf course turf (soil amendment-high compaction areas); ii. athletic field turf (soil amendment-football fields, etc.); iii. athletic tracks or hiking trail surfaces; iv. livestock, "Show Arena" surface; or v. safety cushion under playground equipment. The use of this material for these purposes must be accomplished in a manner that will prevent the migration of scrap tire material outside of the defined sports arena area by wind, water, or other cause. For uses listed in this condition, the minimum amount of material that will be effective shall be used. Before application of this material for these purposes, the site owner shall provide to the Department's Waste Management Division (WMD), in writing, the site location, the sports surface type, and the defined area of the sports surface where tire material will be applied. EQP 0100e (Rev. 10/96) Designation of Inertness #97-I-004 Page 2 c. Shredded Tires - When used in drain fields for sewerage systems, where the use is expressly authorized by an applicable District/County Sanitary Code that has been approved, in writing, by the Department’s Drinking Water and Radiological Protection Division. d. Crumb Rubber - Granulated material less than 1/8 inch by 1/8 inch in size, free of all steel and all fiber; any use. e. Less than 500 whole tires and/or shredded tires for uses approved on a case-by-case basis, in writing, by the appropriate District Supervisor of the Department’s WMD. f. Five hundred or more whole tires and/or shredded tires for other uses approved on a case-by-case basis, in writing, by the Chief of the Department’s WMD. 2. The material shall not come into direct contact with surface or groundwater or be placed in a floodplain or wetland as defined by Part 115 of the NREPA, unless authorized by the Chief of the Department's WMD. 3. The transportation, use, or placement of the material shall be done in such a manner to prevent nuisance conditions and to control the release of fugitive dust or visible emissions in accordance with Part 55, Air Pollution Control, of the NREPA, or the rules promulgated thereunder. 4. The material shall not be mixed with other wastes that are not inert as defined by Part 115 of the NREPA. 5. All persons collecting, transporting, stockpiling, processing, incinerating, or otherwise using the material, shall be in compliance with all requirements of Part 169, Scrap Tires, of the NREPA, and all applicable State and Federal laws. 6. This inertness designation does not preclude any person from disposing of the material at a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility in accordance with Part 115 of the NREPA, or at an out-of-state facility in accordance with that State's waste disposal regulations. 7. This designation shall immediately become void for any of the following reasons: 8. a. The persons using the material do not comply with the conditions of this designation. b. Additional information demonstrates the material is not inert. c. Additional information demonstrates the material is causing environmental contamination. d. New State or Federal regulations are promulgated which would cause this designation to be invalid. Violations of the terms of this designation are subject to enforcement provisions of the Part 31, Water Resources Protection, of the NREPA; Part 55 of the NREPA; Part 115 of the NREPA; Part 169 of the NREPA; and other applicable State and Federal laws/statutes. Designation of Inertness #97-I-004 Page 3 The effective date of the designation is the date signed by the Director’s authorized representative. STATE OF MICHIGAN Department of Environmental Quality By:____________________________ Jim Sygo, Chief Waste Management Division Dated:__________________________