Handmade Cards by Village of Hope Children
Handmade Cards by Village of Hope Children
Handmade Cards by Village of Hope Children Prince of Peace is a … • Hub of spiritual transformation using God’s Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, • Equipping us to build networks of vibrant Christian communities, • Extending to our homes, to our neighbors, and beyond, making disciples of Jesus. Vol. 15 No. 39 September 29, 2012 www.poplc.org Jwaye Nwel! That is Creole for Merry Christmas! It is almost that time of year again. Do you have your Christmas Cards yet? Would you like to help support the Lazarus Project in Haiti? The children of the Village of Hope have designed 4 NEW Christmas Cards and 1 NEW Everyday greeting card. They are beautiful, 5x7 high gloss finish and available to order now! They are packaged in boxes of 16 cards for $20.00. A complete information sheet is available in the PoP office. Tiffany Sears 703-451-5855 tiffany.sears@poplc.org Haiti Mission Trip Interest Meeting Tuesday, October 30, 7:00pm ~ in room 21 Join us as we share information and determine interest in our mission trip to Haiti May 16 to 21, 2013. We will be supporting the Lazarus Project missions in Haiti— the Village of Hope School, the Health Center and the Little Children of Jesus orphanage—see www.lazarusprojecthaiti.org for more information. This is a life changing experience where you will be able to spread God’s love to the people of Haiti and add perspective to our lives here in the US. Ray Schaible 703-470-4138 ray.schaible@poplc.org PoP Communicator Page 2 of 8 Vol. 15 No. 39 Student Ministry Wednesday Morning Women Prayer & Praise Service Wednesday, Oct. 3, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary Join us for an evening of song, Scripture, and prayer led by Living Water, the youth band. The Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study warmly welcomes women of all ages, stages and church affiliations. The group meets at 9:15am for refreshments, fellowship and devotions in the Fellowship Hall and then divides into five small groups for study until 11:30am. WAVES At the September 19 gathering, small group facilitators introduced the following studies, which begin on September 26. Select an offering and plan to attend this dynamic group! Confirmation Camp-In Oct. 5, 6pm-Oct. 6, 10 am Required for all confirmation students. Check your email for more details. Let Karin know if you can help and/or bring a tent. FUEL Sunday School Sundays, 9:45-10:45 am in Room 27 Bible Study Wednesdays, 7-9 pm in Youth Room Fall Retreat Oct. 26-28 at Meadowkirk Cost: $150, email Josh to sign up COLLEGE & CAREER Contact Info Update It’s that time of year again – time to update your contact info so that you can get goodies and updates throughout the year! Go to www.poplc.org/collegeinfo to update our records. Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry Blackaby Deepen and strengthen your faith as you learn to have a love relationship with the Lord. Facilitator: Nancy Boriack. Cost- $15 Bridges Learn how to share the Gospel with our Muslim neighbors. Facilitator: Yvette Moy. Cost $15 Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller Explore the unvarnished truth about faith, our hearts’ desires, the pursuit of happiness and where all of it can ultimately be found. Facilitator: Nancy Seemann. Cost- $10.25 Spiritual Warfare: Overcoming the Enemy by Kay Arthur Gain knowledge of our spiritual enemy’s tactics and leave equipped to stand firm against these attacks. Facilitator: Melinda Reidy. Cost $8 1 and 2 Peter by John MacArthur Study two practical and encouraging letters of the New Testament. Facilitator: Lola Coyle. Cost $10 Books will be available for sale on September 26. Lola Coyle 703-323-0669 lola.coyle@poplc.org Susan Herbert susan.herbert@poplc.org Please contact Lola to reserve childcare. http://www.poplc.org/wedbible PoP Communicator Page 3 of 8 Vol. 15 No. 39 Events PoP Chess Group Wed., October 3, 12:00pm Room 24 This group meets the first Wednesday of each month. Each session last approximately two hours, duration flexible to meet individual schedules. EVERYONE IS INVITED (MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, BEGINNERS). Chess sets are amply provided. Please feel free to bring your own lunch and/or friends. Herm Schmidt 703-913-0093 schmh@verizon.net Life Chain Sunday, October 7, 2:303:30pm Franconia Rd & Elder Rd, Springfield This year's Life Chain will be at the southwest corner of Franconia and Elder Roads. We will spend an hour of quiet prayer and witness to the sanctity of life and need to ask God to change the hearts and minds of Americans to respect and protect the unborn. Jim and Susan Herbert 703-9225836 Spike.herbert@gmail.com First Communion Class October 16, 23, 30, 7:00-8:15pm in the library Prince of Peace offers the First Communion Class series a few times during the year so that younger children can benefit from the powerful resources that Jesus provides in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. DCE Karin Meissner teaches the classes. Because our classes are designed for children and their parents, the students are always accompanied by at least one parent. It is important that children and a parent attend all three classes in the series. The First Communion Class we offer is designed for children from 3rd through 6th grade. Class size is limited to 10 students and will fill up on a first come, first serve basis. To sign up, email your child’s baptism date to Karin. Karin Meissner 703-451-5855 karin.meissner@poplc.org Sparklers Friday, October 19, 11:00am Bavarian Chef, Fredericksburg For our next gathering (at the restaurant, Bavarian Chef), Pastor Tim graciously offered his chauffeur services again. Details about the trip will be forthcoming. Our group last met on Friday, September 21st in the fellowship hall. The McKays provided the main meal of ham and potatoes and others furnished an assortment of tasty side dishes and desserts. Pastor Ken informed us about the status of our chosen interim pastor Peter Alexander. A short Q & A session followed his presentation. We always enjoy meeting new people. Please join us (55+). Marlis McKay 703 239-8562 MarlisHH@verizon.net Men's Book Discussion Group Friday, Oct. 19, 7:00-9:00pm Gary Brodersen’s home, 5404 Water Crest Ct, Fairfax The book to be discussed is Interpreting The Holy Scriptures by Herbert T. Mayer. The books are in the church’s office for $7. Gary Brodersen 703-278-8652 GaryBrodersen@verizon.net PoP Communicator Page 4 of 8 Vol. 15 No. 39 Practical Personal Ministry Seminar Fall Workshop Saturday, October 13 9:30am-1:00pm Concordia Lutheran Church, Triangle, VA All Ladies are invited to attend the LWML Fall Workshop. Our theme is God’s People – We are the Church Together “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:24 Join us for a wonderful morning as our Eritrean Sisters teach us about their country, culture and faith! The morning begins at 9:30 with our opening and welcome (registration starts at 9:00 a.m.- $5.00 to cover cost of lunch). Our In-Gathering will be Cheerios or Chex cereal to support the food pantry at Concordia. Sunday, October 14, 1:00-3:30pm in the PoP fellowship hall with lunch at 12:30pm plus Care Ministry Training, 3:00-4:00pm childcare provided Compassion into Action This year’s theme, “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus”, calls us to focus on Jesus and follow His example of obedience and love, which enables us to win the race. Jesus willingly offers us what we need to get out of the grandstand and down on the racecourse of life to do what God has called us to. Still, we may be frustrated as we try to implement our intentions into everyday life. Help is coming. Popular teacher Duane Skjervem will return on Oct 13 & 14 to teach at worship services about putting our compassion into action. Then on Sunday Oct 14 (1-3 PM), Duane will lead a seminar designed for everyone to prepare for personal ministry to our neighbors. We all know people who are troubled. Through his faith-inspiring teaching, Duane will train us in practical and specific ways how to bless others with God’s love and power for living. In fact, if you want to develop these ministry skills and practice them in low risk situations along with other members, our Care Ministry Teams provide ready-made opportunities and could use your help. To learn more, you are invited to attend training after the seminar (3-4 PM) in specific Care Ministry procedures. Gary Miller 703-239-2065 gary.miller@poplc.org PoP Communicator Page 5 of 8 Hispanic Mission Celebration Saturday, October 13, 5:00-8:00pm American Legion, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield You are invited to celebrate another year of Hispanic ministry, hosted by St. John’s, Alexandria along with co-hosts Grace, Woodbridge and Prince of Peace, Springfield, covenant congregations for the Hispanic Mission Development of Northern Virginia. Bring your friends for an evening of fun. State Senator George Barker will address attendees. Testimonials from those served by the ministry as well as an update on the overall program by Pastor Pedro Lopez will complete the formal program. Music and dance demonstrations, silent auction, raffles, and cultural food samples will round out the evening. To learn more about this ministry, please visit… http://www.poplc.org/hispanic http://www.poplc.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=232612 Registration for the event is on line at www.seatyourself.biz/sjlc . General admission (age 13 and up) is $10 plus a nominal service fee. Child care provided for children through age 10. Childcare will be available for those under 13 (please preregister your child/ren). To register for childcare please contact Susan Caputo. Susan Caputo 703-451-4863 sh1sc@verizon.net Vol. 15 No. 39 Themed Baskets Needed Is your family or group (small, music, youth, seniors, prayer, etc.) looking for a project to do together? Use your imagination and put together a themed basket (i.e. gardeners delight, kitchen gadgets, reader’s corner, movie night, Man-cave snacks, Driver’s safety, music lovers, sports enthusiast, or anything that comes to mind!). The baskets will be used as part of the fundraising effort at the Hispanic Mission Celebration on October 13. Your assistance with this project is greatly appreciated. Please sign up at the Hispanic Ministry display in the Narthex. Deliver your basket to church by Sunday, October 7. Cookies are needed for the October 13th celebration. If you can provide a couple dozen or so cookies we would be ever so grateful! Please sign up at the Hispanic Ministry display in the Narthex. Bring the cookies to church by noon Saturday, October 13. Susan Caputo 703-451-4863 sh1sc@verizon.net PoP Communicator PoP Youth Room Hang Out Open for 7th -12th grade kids The PoP Youth Room is open after school until 5pm, Monday-Thursday. • play on X-box, Wii, PS2 • • a place to work on a group project with classmates • • or … homework • • • • • Josh Rusnak • High School Ministry • 703-451-5855 x163 • josh.rusnak@poplc.org • Page 6 of 8 Vol. 15 No. 39 Did You Know? Lutheran Witness If you are interested in receiving the Lutheran Witness please email Marcella. Deadline is October 10. If you are already receiving the Lutheran Witness and want to continue you do not need to respond. Marcella Schmidt 703-451-5855 marcella.schmidt@poplc.org Baby Bottle Campaign You can help CHANGE a life by participating in the Sanctity of Life Ministries Baby Bottle Campaign. Starting Sept 22-23 we will be distributing empty baby bottles. Take a baby bottle home, put it on your dresser on your kitchen counter and fill it with spare change, a check, or cash and return it to PoP four weeks later. Your contribution will allow the Sanctity of Life Ministries to help pay for medical care including sonograms and doctor visits as well as providing new mothers and expectant mothers with material needs such as diapers, wipes, and other baby items. Each year, PoP raises roughly $2000 during this campaign (thanks to all for your generosity!) And thanks to the Debolt and Urps families for helping out again this year! Jay Sonstroem 703 704 1299 jasonstroem@verizon.net Identifying Services and Resources for Older Adults Thursday, October 4, 7:00-8:30pm Kings Park Library, 9000 Burke Lake Rd An Information Session for Faith Communities, Sponsored by Faith Communities in Action Older Adult Ministries & the Long Term Care Coordinating Council. Register by October 2. 703 324 3453 NCSInterfaith@fairfaxcounty.gov BoSL Meeting Summary The first BoSL meeting of September began with a devotion from 1 John 4:13-16. BoSL used these words to reflect on how we acknowledge God in our world and lives. After the devotion and a prayer BoSL focused on the creation of a transition team to work with Pastor Pete when he arrives. This team will assist Pastor Pete with events and creating a congregation profile. The congregation profile will help Prince of Peace in the search for a Senior Pastor that best fits the congregation. BoSL also looked at small group training for Dulles South that will be happening later this month. Finally, BoSL received an update about LINC DC. Please have BoSL and Pastor Pete in your prayers as the transition process begins to ramp up. Many Blessings ~ David Mahen PoP Communicator Page 7 of 8 A critical event is “When one Lutheran Christian gives witness about Jesus of the hope that is within him or her to another person so that person may encounter Christ.” You can share your Critical Event stories by writing them in the “Friendship Folder” at any worship service, or by sending an e-mail to tiffany.sears@poplc.org Germany and the Reformation Tour in June Have you ever had the desire to explore the roots of your Lutheran faith by walking in the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther in the very places where he carried out the Reformation? Have you thought about making a trip back to see the “Mother Church” of every Lutheran and Protestant Christian in the world? Here’s a great opportunity! Rev. Keith Loesch and his wife, Joan, will be leading a marvelous tour to those very places on June 5 – 17, 2013. Called “Germany and the Reformation,” the tour will focus on the roots of our faith and build a deeper connection between your faith in Christ and your Reformation heritage. It will be a veritable pilgrimage to the very places where Dr. Martin Luther lived, taught, preached, made his famous “Here I Stand” speech, translated the Bible, burned the Papal Bull of Excommunication, the Augsburg Confession was presented, and many more. This tour is being offered in Lutheran congregations in the greater Washington area so that the majority of participants will share a common spiritual background and focus. What a joy it will be to learn to know fellow members of other Lutheran congregations and share this common experience together! You are invited to request a full color brochure from Pastor Loesch that provides complete details of the daily itinerary, costs and arrangements. You can trust that every dimension of this tour will be of the highest quality, including the modern tour bus, excellent hotels, meals, and professional tour guides. Pastor Loesch has planned this tour to be an inspirational journey, informative, scenic, fun and fulfilling. He and Joan invite you be a part of it! Rev. Keith Loesch 703-494-0602 kandjloesch@comcast.net This newsletter is published weekly as a service to members & friends of the parish by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church & School 8304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, VA 22152-1695 • Church 703.451.5855 • School 703.451.6177 • Fax 703.569.0978 Worshiping on Saturdays 5:30pm, Sundays 8:15am & 11:00am, Sunday School & Adult Education 9:45am Submitting Material to the PoP Communicator... Submissions need to be sent via the web form page no later than 12:00pm on Tuesday (early submission is encouraged). www.poplc.org/communicator Please read through the “Newsletter Policies and Guidelines” Vol. 15 No. 39 At Your Service Board of Servant Leaders David Shaddrix BoSL Chair home: 703.913.7139 david.shaddrix@poplc.org Mark Boriack BoSL Vice Chair home: 703.385.9587 mark.boriack@poplc.org David Mahen BoSL Secretary david.mahen@poplc.org Carolyn Thomas carolyn.thomas@poplc.org John Storm john.storm@poplc.org Julie Eichhorst julie.eichhorst@poplc.org Ministry Staff 703-451-5855 Pastor Peter Alexander Interim Senior Pastor Pastor.Pete@poplc.org Kenneth D. Green Assc. Pastor, Minister of Equipping Home: 703.455.7959 pastor.ken@poplc.org Tim Christenson, Assc. Pastor Home: 703.644.4228 pastor.tim@poplc.org Wallace Horton, Min. of Worship and Spiritual Transformation wallace.horton@poplc.org Judith Meyer, Minister of Community Outreach judith.meyer@poplc.org Joel Dietrich Family & Children Ministry joel.dietrich@poplc.org Karin Meissner Junior High Ministry karin.meissner@poplc.org Josh Rusnak High School Ministry josh.rusnak@poplc.org Cindy Deatherage, Principal cindy.deatherage@poplc.org 703-451-6177 PoP Communicator Page 8 of 8 Special Events Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Dec. 2 Hispanic Ministry Celebration Prac tical Personal Ministry Seminar All for $1 – Yard Sale Advent Candlelight Gathering Vol. 15 No. 39 If you’re not familiar with any of the events listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us! 703-451-5855 frontoffice@poplc.org Worship Regular Meetings Bible Study Saturday, September 29 5:00p Care Ministry 5:30p Worship (Communion) Sunday, September 30 7:45a Care Ministry 8:15a Worship (Communion) 10:30a Care Ministry 11:00a Worship (Communion) 11:00a Jesus First Korean 11:00a Grace Ethiopian 11:00a S. Asian Church of Christ 12:30p Grace Ethiopian 12:30p Jesus First Korean 12:30p S. Asian Church of Christ 2:30p Grace Ethiopian 6:30p Nepalese Worship Monday, October 1 7:00p Hispanic Praise, Prayer & Wrd Wednesday, October 3 9:10a Preschool Chapel 12:40p Preschool Chapel 7:00p Youth Prayer/Praise 7:30p Grace Ethiopian Prayer Thursday, October 4 9:10a Preschool Chapel Saturday, October 6 5:00p Care Ministry 5:30p Worship (Communion) Sunday, October 7 7:45a Care Ministry 8:15a Worship (NonCommunion) 10:30a Care Ministry 11:00a Worship (Communion) 11:00a Jesus First Korean 11:00a Grace Ethiopian 11:00a S. Asian Church of Christ 12:30p Grace Ethiopian 12:30p Jesus First Korean 12:30p S. Asian Church of Christ 2:30p Grace Ethiopian 6:30p Nepalese Worship Saturday, September 29 7:00p Confirmation Class Witness Sunday, September 30 9:45a Connections Monday, October 1 6:30p TOPS 7:00p Boy Scout Troop 1145 7:30p ESL Tuesday, October 2 10:00a ESL 6:30p Confirmation 7:00p Financial Peace Univ. 7:00p Properties Wednesday, October 3 12:00p PoP Chess 6:30p Toastmasters 7:00p Cub Scout Meeting 7:30p Girl Scout Seminar 7:30p ESL Thursday, October 4 6:30p Brownie Troop 2547 Friday, October 5 9:00a Infant Massage Training 9:30a Infant Massage 10:00a ESL 10:30a Al-Anon 6:00p Confirmation Camp In Saturday, October 6 9:30a Infant Massage 5:00p All for 1 Meeting Sunday, October 7 9:45a What We Believe Saturday, September 29 6:45p Small Group Sunday, September 30 9:45a Sunday School 9:45a Adult Bible Studies Monday, October 1 11:00a Senior Bible Study 7:00p Seekers Tuesday, October 2 7:00p Small Group Wednesday, October 3 9:15a Wed. Women’s Bible Study 7:00p FUEL Friday, October 5 7:30p Ethiopian Bible Study Saturday, October 6 7:30a Men’s Bible Study 6:45p Small Group Sunday, October 7 9:45a Sunday School 9:45a Adult Bible Studies Music Sunday, September 30 5:00p Junior Choir 5:00p Primary Choir 6:00p Orchestra 7:00p HIMnals Monday, October 1 7:00p Bells of Peace Tuesday, October 2 6:45p Youth Bells 7:00p New Canticle Wednesday, October 3 6:00p Living Water Band Thursday, October 4 7:30p Chancel Choir Sunday, October 7 5:00p Junior Choir 6:00p Orchestra 7:00p HIMnals