Document 6468042
Document 6468042 Welcome to Ike Sded iradin ¢ Co. Lilce Sded's Perfectty A$ed iob aao, we lake extra fime a ud care In maldug all oi our ¢oods . Take your time and browse around . When you're ready to trade, Selcct Proois arc all you aeed . So see what t6c Select iradir¢ Co . 6as In store ior you . 1 51330 8742 We Take our'time . {9ins(on , Like fine wine or whiskey, tobacco mellows as it ages . We take extra time to age our tobacco for smoother flavor. Taste the difference perfect aging makes . Available in all 6 styles . SELECT Carfon of Wfnsfon Selccf (#101-#106) ~ Winston 150 Selecl Pronfs SEL~ ' ( ij Sc1C[I PJchS) U SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide . 51111111E~ With Select . it's perfectly aged tobacco . With Owens Pottery in North Carolina . t's a family tradition of making handcrafted . one-of-a-kind stoneware . This mug features our exclusive tobacco leaf design . Pour your favorite slow-roasted coffee into this Select Trading Co . original 8 oz . mug . Therl take your time . . . ' we did . And so did Owens . Handmade Cofiee hu g (#107) 120 Selecl Proofs per muQ 00 scl ca Packs) Colleclibie Craffsmanship, just like the coffee mug, each Select Trading Co . original stoneware ashtray is hand detailed with our exclusive tobacco leaf design . And initialed by the Owens Pottery artisan who made it . The approximate 5" diameter makes it the perfect place to rest your Select cigarette . Handmade Ashiray (#105) 120 Select Proofs (00 Stl M PacAS) Here s V a striking difference trom the ordinary matchbox . A 3'/1„ x 5'/n' x 2 collectible tin embossed and decorated with our original Select Trading Co . design . Over 100 years of craftsmanship and pride go into each one and it shows . . .right down to the wooden matches . iin wifh Wooden Maiches (' I#1 50 Selecl Proofs (2 ; sa«, Patk,) I SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide . Perieci A g fa¢ Is The ifey To Smooiher Fiavor . Lihc evergfhin$ at the Select TradinQ Co ., Seled tobaccos takc time. ihere are no shortcuts 10 high qualily . Or to smoother Ilavor . Thai's why Seled tobaccos demand perieel aQin¢. You Can't Rush Smooth Flavor. The Tasfe Of 'fime . ~ Time is the ultimate flavor enhancer . Especially when it comes to Select Trading Co .'s gourmet baby back ribs . First, they're smothered in tangy barbecue sauce . Then slow-cooked to tender . juicy perfection . Get a cercificare good for three pounds, delivered fully cooked . Packed in dry ice . /ust heat on the grill or in the oven . Baby Back Ribs (#110) 650 Select Prools ® y y r IN ` . { Y ~ ~ •. ~ . (325 f(lecl Pac6s) I 0 Periecfiy Aged ~ The Minuie You Gel lf . Here's a shirt so comforzable it won't spend much time in your closet . Select Trading Co starts with timeless styling - the classic 3-burton Henley Short Sleeve Shirt . Then we take the time to pre-wash the 100% cotton jersey fabric for a more relaxed look and feel . Selectively detailed with metal buttons and embroidered Select Trading Co . design . Available in your choice of Tobacco Gold or Wine, Adult M, L . XL . Nenley S4or1 Sleeve Shirl (#111- #116) 250 Selccl Proofs (t25 scica rucks) Here's What To Save. Here's How To Order. I8749 0 51330 ORDER MUST BE RECEIVED BY 2/29/96 IAllow 2 weeks for order to reach us) It OFFER RESTRICTED TO SMOKERS 71 YEARS Of AGE OR OIDER .F Fot responsible for illegible/incomplete 1 . Cut our wnrf ,wve tbe required number o/ felecr Proof, from i orders orlost,late, damaged, misdirected, v xyle wlnston seiea tar eeuh nem you wlsn ro mder 111( . I pack nf seleer - x le/ea rruof . . slow-delivered orden/proofs or pov .cge .due mail. Prouf of mailing does not constitute proof of delivery . l . Fill uuc a0lnrormwtinn un me fronr and buc4 of the order form ino cuplesAceepted) . You mmt IneluAe yuur,ign .aure and binbrGre. 41r<r II4nr, Sob P.r4 /e1U{ - Winstun t . rrinr cour nwme entl arhl .e„ clently . Plea,e Inemne eanat xia sneer nndres, . Y s„rr Pa. . ELE CT C• ~ 1~ 94 ro,lage mxy cary depending on the number of selut rrooh you mr out wnd submN . Be surt ro cbeck wlrb rbe pou oeflue to ensure you put rbe proper poauge on your eme/ope . We remmmend w palJerl envelope and Ix Claa mwll . Send In ori¢inal Select Proois alone or Ip combinatfon with our new Seled Proofs leaturfn g the Perfectly A¢ed Tobacco symbol . And remember, each pack of Select is worth 2 Sclect Proofs . N19stoA I ~LECT 1 Wx~.flOB ~ ~. Ht m. St c.~CT 5.5ena your mmpletrd orderform wlong wlm yoor seleU rmoFS to ; ~ on w105100 S ! Select TradinQ Company P.O . Bo . 1006 ~E .curclr.1Uir T Maple Plaln, MN 55592-1006 Xlerllf~nBo.-~~'-., noal 6 . Allow / a wee4s fol tlell .wry Ilteep a rocnrd a Yem orynd anC date maYlerll . We'R pay slrlppbg a .d \ort&y ~ Itl~. ~. : • •-~.Ity/E , r6a ` _ Itenn ofCeuell [on~+are rcaMayssif7RdrF~ . :JCt- 1 .earew s! ~ d. ..,a.r 4S1p0 :IG1111Snb .I . 104 . Soh ..a- . ~ ; leat 5/1m lCtNf I Oo~ -y ~ IW 'ti.p-1 ~ .o1 'Umh 20 Mano per .Edress . InA1NAUdl ar huuvh°Id, of vltl<h only I Ircros mq be unons nl Wln+ran Sekar . OflerlorcartonaelWinslanSeledoqarettesvmdmUlendnceNiolncalcammomtrteclnolAertlateseadeherepmhihitedhylae HespaudenBlmmEl .GA,IA .Ig,FS lA MA . NN, MY, YI, WI1, and in terlain local commumbes in alher taless and .Aere prohibited ly lav. .ho request produn nll rtcuve a slare redeemable caupnn gnod lor one Iree prlon of Wroslan Select siparelt<s Ihete arder reslntlmns appla lu agarelle orde0 •nly, nol b Select luding Ca Faads QUANTITY e Of SELECT TOTAL REM NUMfeEg OND[0.[D' fROOR FACM ( Heix .urY your xkcnan uselulty . If you're nne sure of rhe conecr uyee, rrwch dre hona of your Selea pu\ ro rhe peckn plclured lo M¢ kh . CARTONS OE WINSTON SELEfE Select Soft Pack SEL CE rgoofS /Careon) ' •l01 ' •102 ISO ISO Select Llshts Soft Pack (Carton) 1103 I SO Seiect Llghes gox (Cuton) 01064 I SO SeleMLlghts100'sSoNPack(Carton) #105 Seled Sllm LE'MS 100's !ox (Carton) 0106 SeledloxlCaaton) ` SELLR TRADING C0. GOODS QUANTITY O0 .DFkED' ITEM NUMgER Handmade Coffee Mug HandmadeAshtray Ti n wH h Wood en Matches ISO . /10] , •10g •109 ~ I SO Of SEI[CT PItOOfS EACM TOTAL SELECT PROOES I ' 120 ---~ 120 ~ '. I su m gnbygackHlbsCerNOCate #110 650 1 Henley Short Sleeve Shln • Tobacco Gold • Adult M Henley Short Sleeve Shirt • TaWcco Gold • AduH L 0111 250 I . ' 0112 250 Henley Short Sleeve Shirt • Tobacco Gold • Adult XL HenleyShort5leeve5hlrt•Wlne•AduNM ' 0113 250 T50 Henley Short Sleeve Shlrt • Wine • Aduh L ' •114 0115 He 1 Shoet Sleere Shlrt • WI • Ad H XL ' IU§-_~ 21ppo Llghter I 0117 o pp _ h fe1 250 ' 250 1 160 row s<k ~.'iC~ h .m,ae<r<a ern~F~.p!s--- noae.r .v°,<n . -~ ORFA RESTRICTED TO SMOKERS 21 YEARS Of AGE AND OLDER 51 F , ----- _ ~~ 9~+~ T' T ~ I ~TTT'' . ~- ~- . I_~._~, ; ~~-T . _ ._._ _ .__ _7 -I_~,~~MI,_Male tl__ieaWe WAa 1s yan USUAL Tr r.0 . so . toos MaPlerleln,MN 5559i-IUO6 Aea.e uYe me eff your nWllns Mt S<<r~T ~iiMt irNTS3CX'0ria T~' mq~rcri6r'e .S~LfC?LIG'I?SE30X'1 S! LF„f I I~u C SFLF_L I~I iS t00S ERANU~of clyueNesr Are your fnuel ayretles 1 l_._ Mentlf W:r xl ,-- . Nen.Mentlwhr pe ro~ vuWy buy than la /~_, rac6r sr eartnnsr Is your blrlMdater pteqke4 / / Today's date? o.d.rm mnn uunN / / mnn m.u 1 certllyM.f I r a[I~.eNe e.pYU ; ll yv. daLe salder; rtl Nat raaa . nfd~ olref• pawh., ee.ryn .. nr6ee dyrtatee drrt ryCe feM b we M IYe ~ .L I ~ndenviq dwgMnafaNe INmrutlm Mwder roa¢~tU~esedfenmaymeEtue a .blaurn of law. 9i- w -PkIsm M1 O~T U/maeeryu E63 ndYwY~rnSlr~rer .rr~rArr+Pw.++rl7 .w~} . . bannam~mnmee.u.aqe,~ooam u . z1 nuo-noea .ecyonwttaNYmonSWnneau .>w :.m.. .. .- .a..e .ri .~mvvaar . 7xe,,I .mx,mwx . ~wm .rrM~ +^o-ouse n•, . OY .. pM .Y1~M11 . VM.~w YaL awYtly . qYYr YiluY. .Y 4qtl..r.rwn. hvr- . . . . q~ iexRw'v am' mmRw . .aNrMnX.61T ~ "M1 wnr ?1MlM meesf n prtpu-S I KI I ~) ~~rl~ IC.flf I Ir i~ _LT N(i ' S in( 3 nl r r ~.r~n S C(' f~~)~ . . .~,ir . ~ g f'I(J Iw'p'Ipn . BV (Y.,` (7U21'F' ~F hp, f T~. OiP' 'QC~ . ! If you'rt nnt vnaklrrs yuur usua• .'Aa 4ruM do you stwoker What SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide . - Select Tra Al o t toop a o y ~' MT ~-' UR.CJI NfiE 6 ArPIICAYE W_ Pleix add rne te yeur wWMS Mn . -- . .' .- Welcome 10 tbe second Issue et Ihc Select Trading Co . likc Sclcd's Pcrtedly A¢ed iobacu, wc tabe cXtra timc and care in mabio¢ all oi our goods . So, lake your time, browsc around, aid see what Ike Seled iradis¢ Co . has in storc tor you . Perfectiy A#ed The ffinute Itou Get It. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy . The Select Trading Co . denim cap combines comfort and great looks . Made of washed 100°io cotton denim , it feeis "broken in" the minute you get it . The fully adjustable leather backstrap gives you a custom fit . Charcoal bill and embroidery provide stylish accents to the,indigo and moss caps . _, Blue ledi go Cap (#118) [loss 6reen Cap (#119) 70 seled Prools (ss sdcd vacus) m Quality Craitmanship . . 513"s~ g755 Like Select, our metalware is the product of ~ people dedicated to quality . Each piece is hand-hammered and features our Select Trading Co . design . No two have ever been produced exactly alike, and each one bears the individual hallmark of the craftsman who hammered it . Approximately 4 3/8" in diameter. WCOM dntw f 0w , AS~ti7f 4#120 14O idtd ?rHfs (NSckdlhdii ~ There's no better wa - to start the smooth [aste of Select than with our genuine leather lighter. This refillable lighter is /Ca1~Q~ g 1 r hand-wrapped in burgundy leather and emboS~{I, 50 SBICCI PIjpiS wttth our exdusive Select Trading Co . design . ~:{~q Sdrd Packs) (#121 We Take Our Time . Like fine wine or whiskey . tobacco mellows as it ages . We take extra time to age our tobacco for smootheiflavor. Taste the difference perfect aging makes . Available in all 6 styles' Winston , SELECT Carton of Winston Select (#101 - #106) 150 Sefecl Proois A (i5 lckd Pachs) S~f Winston eati, ~ SJE~cr SEL~CT I .IGHTS .~_ ~- - ' : i SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer . Heart Disease, Emphysema . And May Complicate Pregnancy . m V 'fhe'faste Oi'fime . ~ Time is the ultimate way to improve flavor . Our spiral-sliced gourmet Virginia ham is glazed with honey . maple and brown sugar . Then it's slowly baked to a moist and tender pertection . We'll deliver approximately 5- 7 pounds, fully cooked, then fresh-frozen for shipment . Delivery confirmation will be made once your order has been processed . Gourmei VirQinia Nam (#124) 540 Selecl Proofs ( 2"10 StIM PacNS) _df ® Some Things Improve With Age . Like the softness of our 100% natural cotton twill long sleeve shirt . Styling details include two buttoned front pockets and our exclusive trademark on the shirt tail . Double needle construction for extra long-lasting durability . Packaged in a unique l ..WMMMW / wooden storage box that has our ~ trademark branded on the lid . Available in Adult M . L, XL . Shid and Box (#125 - #127) 420 Seleel Proofs (zu seieci Pacws) fi A Timeless Classic . Enjoy your favorite music on this classic reproduction of a World War II style radio . The AM/FM radio and cassette use state-ofrhe-art electronics for premium sound . Each cabinet is hand-crafted from choice oak solids and veneers . Extra time and care goes into our 12-step finishing process to preserve its beauty . Each unit is individually numbered for euthenticity . ihomas 1946 Radio (#12S) 720 Select Proofs (a60 Selcct PacKS) 1 51330 8760 . : Here's What ~ To Save. ~ Here's How To order. OFFER RESTRICTED TO SMOKERS 21 YEARS Of AGE OR OLDER . I . Cut out and .ave the requlrM number o/ Select Proofs from any style Wlnston Select for e .sch Item you wlah to order . I pack of Select = 2 Selen prooF . . ~ 2 . Fill out all Informet/on on ehe front and bae M nf the order form Ino coplesacceptedl .lLenur .Im~li~dr . . .i .,,ic . . . .i . . 3 . Prlnr your name and address cleady . Please Include e ..cct sueet address . 4 . Postage may vary depenrling on the n mber of Select Proofs I you PACK OF SELECT = 2 SELECT PROOFS Send io ori¢ Select Proots atoec or fo compiratio>w with our ecw Sclcd Proois tcatari®g Ike Pertedty Afcd Tobacco symbol . And remember, cacd pack ot Select fs worap 2 Select Proois . cut out with the post onice postage on your envelope . We envelope and Ist Class m.sll. and submit . Be sure to check to ensure you put the proper (/ - recommend a padded S . Send your completed orlginal order form along with your klect Proofs to : Select Trading Company Distribution Center P.O. Box 1138 Maple Min . MN 55592• 1138 6. Allow 11 weeks fur dellvery (keep A record of Items ordered .nd date mailed) . We'li p ay shippingand Furrdiing on IEems tudered. Items ordered together are not always shipped together. If your address changes after you place your order. please call rn at I-Ff00-872-g020 wlrh your nese eddress . OHft RF57111CT[D TO SMOIqiS II YEAIS Of Afi AND OIDFA YrtOre ab.. . w,.. crnM 51330 8763 wrt .vs 012 M1L SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy . INCH 11~ llii!M ~ w ~ ®~ OIC NU [YMLKAYL .O~ tO, - . 11 /s q~/ ~lWV almvm ~~ .1J~YWYY.NAIrO~~,i,~Y ~ ~ Is y .. uswu r AM w aa.,ar .? ORDERS WILL NOT BE WWtOyo,vEYtMaee7 PROCESSED . / ~ / WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND BIRTHDATE ~ ToCay'stlMN ~g / ~ / L~If~IV Ir .rvl~1 WLrr ll ~ .n . vf~wM/Y r/lV Iwrr,r.Im.Aq /,rr•,.u7YV.~YVUr,Yv ~. ms r r m r Y r r r uwwna Rr ym~ rr . Hom, .m, .,>er m+mq mr a11n ma mr~~ . vYron ar r.. SPA1111111T RMukee ar ..r .r.,n, .u . .vr d~ . .w .Yr,wr. .rY. Maairamraa .r.wvr,m., rra .r.m o..a i+, .r . ur smwvAavimaaawya r~aesssoym . .nm.,pw~YY'. .m.YVaowpapaM~~ms„q~/ ..o,m/~I. Yrp,ywvuqwr ./NiAOnlvMy{ iM~YIrq~C 4tlMlaybq/imN,l/YYi01YpW oO~ n W .011 .1/Y..AYW f.OYYF's MiN~ .'V~ Nml1 at~ .,, W,wY .Y Yq.nYYL ., .M~{ ~'wL1Y,W,w/,p,\YiY~,.,R'Y,IwMMOYO.+Min,1 W~Ob,a/M .~ tii L.,,O~,liNiq/,~OJYm/,YwM>Y,ImOVbwir~F'bIpIRY'1YVp5itlm~ G1'f SFLFCT SLIM LIGHTS BOX 100'S.10 rng. "tar", 0 .8 mg nicotine . SELECT LiGHTS BOX :11 mg .'',ar", 0 8,,t g. nicatine . SFLECi l IGHTS . SELECT LIGHTS 100'S :11 mg. "tar'", 09 mr, . nicotine. SELELT K1NG_ 18 mr3 . "tar".13 rnqq nicoune, SELECT BOX: 19 mg . "tar"r 14 rrx0 nicptne,av per cigarette by FTC methoo Wclame 10 the ihird Issue o11he Seled iradio$ Co. iihe Select's Pertedlp A¢cd iobacco, we tare extra time and care in mahia$ all ol our foods. So, lake your time, browsc around, and see what the Seled tiradlu¢ Co . has iu store lor you . Quality Craitsmanship . With Select [obaccos . timing is everything . And with our Select Trading Co . watch . there's no better way to enjoy time . Made with qu a rtz movement a nd high accuracy Swiss parts . The genuine Italian design leather band will last for years to come . Packaged in an attractive leather emuossed wooden box . ¢uartz Watch and Box(#129) 300 Selecf Proofs (t50 5[lecl PadW SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema . And May Complicate Pregnancy . W 51330 8766 Attention to derail makes our Select Trading Co . belt buck so unique . The brass plated buckle is hand-finished 1 ni5nnv~m tne queuty aetauin8 . nt5 rno I'/ .,~~ . I'/,' wiriPhel Our Select Trading Co . ashtray is uniquely designed in the shape of a perfectly aged tobacco leaf. Its antiqued brass plated finish is hand-buffed and highlighted, then lacquered for long lasting beauty . Approximately g>/a' long . it's the perfect place to rest your Select cigarette . iobacco Leai Ashtray (#131) 60 Selecl Proofs (3o Sckcl Packs) ' Qualit~,takes time . wtn tn~ - . Select Trading <~ Co . lighter holder. quality begins with teak wood chats approximately 60 years old . To make it even better . its Iastf...e ngraved with our Select Trading Co . design .`lpcludes I free disposable lighter . 132) kalri li¢bier aolder (#132) OG iS (25 Sdcd Pac W 56 Stied IR 0 Timeless Stylin¢ . The Select Trading Co . pocketT-shirt is sure to become one that you reach for time after time . Made from soft 100°'o natural cotton, you can feel the quality . And with our Select Tra O irtg,Co . design printed on the back, it looks as good as it feels . Available in Adult L XL . Natural Cotton i-Shirt (#133 - #134) Pw . 80 Seled Proofs (40 Selecl PocY O ~ U Time To Take It Slow. What better way to relax than under thc warin eomtort of our triple layer wovcn blanket . Made of 100°ih premium <otton with the greatest of care, each blanlcet h~iti over 90 years of exf erienc_e woven into it . The Selec t Trading Co . design is faithfully reproduced in warm . rich tones that will complernent any decor . Fringed un ,tll sides . it measures 47' X 68" . Woven Cotton Blanket (#135) 4b0 Select Proofs ('_' NI Sqrrt PacBf) EA 0 We 'fake Our Time . Like fine wine or whiskey . tobacco mellows as it ages . We take extra time to age our tobacco for smoother flavor. Taste the difference perfect aging makes . Available in all 6 styles : Carton of Wfnslon Selecf (#101 - #t06) ISO Select Proofs (75 Sekcl Pa[ks) SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer . Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy . l4instnn SELECT (sx3Pa wus erz) SIOOJd ha)aS o86 (9£i#) ISea 1B 6a mi nl Pal owS passa~o j d uaaq sYy j ap i o inoA a:)uo apYw aq Ili m uoi Iew J yuoD ~`?>+ /CJanilaa )uawdiys JOJ ua7o1!-ysai1 uayi 'pa,loo-) (Ilnl ' 'spunod b-£ JanqaP II .aN\'/Ca)lJni lejntt°u-IlY ino ao onti y apyns 'Isioui ay~ ~uput yua sdiya tio>ply ;' yooMNJYy Jano sinoy yfiia oi XIS JoJ ya>lows AIIua7 isY .wjAa>Ijni ssalauoy pa>Icnus an as-oj-Aptaj ino a>liy s&uyp l+uYw OS JoJ Op uM Owil ul>le~i Ieynn s,~t yl AsPI 13a1aad M ~~ . Some Things Just Can't Be Rus W' With Select, it's perfectly aged tobacco . With Owens Pottery in North Carolina . it's a family tradition of making handcrafted, one-of-a-kind stoneware . Our pottery features our exclusive tobacco leaf design . The Select Trading Co . original mug is a full 8oz . . and is perfect for your favorite slow-roasted coffee . Add the Creamer and Sugar Bowl with Lid to complete your set . Handmade Colice 110 (#13T) landmade Creamer (#13S) 120 Select Prtmfs 16® Select Proofs (00 Srlrcl PacBs) CM SCkd Packs) Handmade SuQar Bowi wiib Lid (#139) 160 Select Proois (SO Sclcd Packs)0 . ,0 Here's What To SaYe. Here's How To Order. OFFER RESTRICTED TO SMOKERS 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER . i . Cut our and sAVe the requ/red number of Selecf Proofs from Any I style Wlnuon Select for each Item you wish to order. pACk of Selecf = 2 Select Proofs, 2 . fill out All lnformodon on the front And b .uk of the order form,no <opies aaceptedl, You must Include ynnr SIgnAlYre Anrl h/nhdA(e . 3. prlnt your neme And Address clearly . Plewse Include ecAct street address . 3 . Posuge mAy vary depending on the number uf Select Proofs you cut out wnd submit . Be sarr to check with the post offlce to <n .ure you put the proper Iwarage on your envelope . We reaommend a pAdded envelope And lu ClASS mail . 5 . Send your orlglnM complHeA order form Along whh your Select Seed In rrtfleal Scleet Prools aloee or fe co®bleatfoe witb our eew Scled Prools teatortet tbe Perlectly Aied Tobacco spmbel . And rereinber, cacb Pacb ol Scted Is worth 2 Sded Prools . Proofs to : Select lradinQ Company Distribution Center r .O . Box 1140 Maple Maln, MN $5592-1140 6 . Allow /2 weeks for deNyery (keep . record of herns ordered and dwre mAlled) . We'4 pay shipping and IundNns on kems ortlered. Items ordered together +re not always shipped together . If your Address changes aRer you plue your order, please W I tn a /-g00-B72-0020 with your new addreu . 51330 87' 416 ORFi YSTOCCTED TO SMOfLRS 21 YEA[i Of AGE MID OLDEII 1/11f777177 aff 11 b~ Ap w O ~ M s ~~"an ..a .../~ ~ rlmi n. ~~ m~ Y*LMA% ZAW . MM SiS92-1NY . /ohrl. CiLlflftlYAIRKA/li ~'1/YGrtlCrb ~'1 .YYyIY. ~~1 . iIJMeGG~Ylera/t~wr rU le.~r~fM AnriMrWtJy,Gib IaMOS .b1xOMnrMWb6i SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy . Gope .bWrMbM.r ~/NOST'J~JCrcwT rlwhefrr.fa~w .aWamwrmrwf.oYe1 SE1F MLIGnSo~X~iiGS Ur,rdr' .uTsn :l inicr,tir~ ;_SEIFLTLIGi idl;X'.' :rq ar',u8T.y cor:e .SiiECi .iGRTS .ScL[:,T~A-.nTS',ui3 Il :r~ ;' .. . G9 rr,q ~ r.a . SEuJ CNc . ~yirr . ~ iry r T i ~ .TG fllbOfJ ( ; .pV. NP,! Ia,o'C. E LV f'~~~1E ; :I1Gd ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND BIRTHDATE ! WlrtbyqrlttldateTOMW" / / / / Tetlay'sAUd eGO :T. o.~ L.e w L.e nob. IISG~/1Y1r.~A.~rt1~Il~ea/7Gr .1YqWY1 .r/bwaG/,.An.pG .Ir .,m~s.riwaraG I Yr4brG.rYb .rLl,uEec.Mhty.~~WHw„~Ymwor4eroptYSdbmqmabw .wYamdW. ! ~ L b. ..r .rnn ~r. . . .. .rwr.rr~ .r,>rwsmr. wiy. wwawww~ rcq .G . .wm.we ma ~rrv.. an. L~.Yrwi>.e.w a .R iru .~w.LLMmwawsmr,owa .G~Jw ..snwm.. .mmnrawLMn .+ramra . n .m .marwwpnu.o. r . o, m . w,wsaG i .w . . ~r a ur . wr .. . r . ir. r wr a ar, .e w . au m . a w ., mnm w aur w r .awmm. ....•.+w> ~ aGGYla+rrt ..+r.wra .rr.G ~rrrww .rab . .~r wrrryGmwme .rq. . .ra o .. .ww .nwmu /Y~Ib~}OeYy .owpw,wA~ . .~ W w4w,p~~Yril1lGY.YSy/Or Gl L mss. .~ n~ .vunus raucw m.
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