Music Notes 2009 for Easter and Spring
Music Notes 2009 for Easter and Spring
Pine Lake Music presents new resources for worship... Music Notes for Easter and Spring 2009 Easter east to west East to West From One Scarred Hand to the Other Created by Gary Rhodes Orchestrated by Tim Cates An engaging worship experience created for both Easter and non-seasonal worship celebrations raise the crown Raise the Crown A Musical for Easter Created by Deborah Craig-Claar and David T. Clydesdale Arranged and Orchestrated by David T. Clydesdale Invites you to relive the events of Holy Week through poignant narrations and breathtaking new arrangements of signature Easter titles and popular praise songs beyond the cross Beyond the Cross An Easter Musical for Every Choir Created by Robert Sterling Arranged and Orchestrated by Robert Sterling An easy-to-learn musical thematically focused on redemption, renewal and the Resurrection as featured in EASTER 2009 800.241.3667 CONTENTS Music for Lent & Easter Adult Collections................7 Adult Musicals....................7 Anthems............................11 Children’s Music...............18 Handbell............................18 Instrumental......................18 Keyboard...........................18 New Musical Chart...........19 Nonseasonal Music Adult Collections..............21 Anthems............................22 Children’s Music...............39 Handbell............................42 Instrumental......................43 Keyboard...........................43 Senior Adult......................22 Student Music...................42 Vocal.................................45 Worship Resources............45 Text Books........................45 For the Best-selling Musicals and Anthems from Easter 2008, be sure to visit and click on “Best Sellers.” Conferences & Workshops in partnership with Pine Lake Music Music Atlanta 2009 - January 13-16 4 days of workshops, choral reading sessions, concerts and encouragement for your music ministry. Held at Dunwoody Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Children’s Music Conference - January 31, 2009 Kathie Hill, Darlene Abbott & Pamela Vandewalker will share how to Grow Your Children’s Music Program From The Bottom Up. At Pine Lake Music. Gloria Deo Sarasota, FL - January 31, 2009 (Joseph Martin, Lloyd Larson & Nancy Price) Reading sessions of choral music for traditional and blended ministries and workshops in piano, worship and more. MusiCalifornia 2009 - April 13-16 Held at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene. For information visit: NCMC - April 21-24, 2009 The National Christian Music Conference is held at Plainfield Christian Church in the Indianapolis area. For information, visit Composer Symposium - June 15-19, 2009 This fabulous week focuses on sharpening your skills as a composer with opportunities for one-on-one and group input. This year’s panel of composers include Joseph Martin, Paul Williams, James Stevens, Pepper Choplin, Joel Raney, Jean Anne Shafferman and Mark Cabaniss. Keyboard Symposium - June 19-20, 2009 Be sure to let your church pianists know about this 2 day seminar just for them. This year’s clinicians include Joseph Martin, Heather Sorenson and Joel Raney. To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 IN THE PRESENCE OF JEHOVAH SAVIOR – JESuS MESSIAH Created by Russell Mauldin and Sue C. Smith Arranged and Orchestrated by Russell Mauldin SATB 40 min. Created by David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith and Travis Cottrell Arranged by Travis Cottrell SATB 50 min. A Ready To Sing Easter A Powerful NEW Easter musical presentation from the best-selling Ready To Sing Series! Designed for the small-to-medium size choir, or the large choir with last minute performance needs. Includes heartfelt narration, along with new and classic songs that will touch the hearts of your congregation and choir alike. Songs Include: God’s Love Medley (In the Presence of Jehovah with !ND#AN)T"Es*ESUSTHE/NEAND/NLYs(E'REWTHE4REE s)NTHE0RESENCEOF*EHOVAHs#ALVARYS,OVEANDMORE THE EASTER SONG – A Dramatic Musical for Easter Created by Bradley Knight, Heidi Petak, Johnathan Crumpton and Ed Kee Arranged and Orchestrated by Bradley Knight SATB 50 min. Each year we celebrate Easter by remembering…by retelling THEACCOUNTOFOUR3AVIORSLASTDAYSONEARTH(ISDEATHAND(IS glorious resurrection. The Easter Song tells this remarkable story of redemption in unprecedented fashion. This musical can also be effectively performed with two narrators in place of drama as another performance option. Songs Include: 4HE%ASTER3ONGs)NTHE.AME/Fx s,IKEA,AMB,EDTOTHE3LAUGHTERs4RIALSAND%XECUTION s(EAVENS(ALLSANDMORE Call PINE A Praise & Worship Musical for Easter Savior, Jesus Messiah is ideal for churches that use passionate praise and worship music to minister to their congregation and community. Each arrangement is easily adaptable to large and small choirs and/or praise teams using a live worship band or accompaniment tracks. Full orchestrations are available, as well as a DVD Media Kit which includes videos to four songs, plus Media Shout, 0OWER0OINTANDTEXTlLESFORALLSONGS Songs Include:4RUE,OVEs'OD7HO2EIGNSs(OSANNA 3AVE5S.OWs3AVIORs4HIS)STHE$AYs*ESUS-ESSIAHANDMORE LOVE GREW WHERE THE BLOOD FELL A Simple Series Easter with DVD Accompaniment Track Created by Johnathan Crumpton and Luke Gambill Unison/2-Part 20 min. Celebrate the Easter story with this new 20-minute mini-musical from the highly–acclaimed Simple Series! Easy-to-sing, easy-to-learn arrangements especially created for the Unison/2-part choir with limited resources or rehearsal time! Songs Include: The Wondrous Story Medley (When I Survey the Cross/Tell Me the Story of Jesus/I Love to Tell the Story/Blessed !SSURANCEs(ERE#OMESTHE+INGs,OVE'REW7HERETHE"LOOD&ELLs -Y4RIBUTEs*ESUS)S!LIVEwith7ORSHIP#HRISTTHE2ISEN+ING LAKE MUSIC at 1-800-241-3667 and order today! DVD Accompaniment tracks available! Celebrate the HOPE and EXPECTANCY of great things well beyond the Easter season! Whether you’re in need of stirring drama, powerful worship songs, interactive fun for children, or even a toe-tapping Southern gospel tune, our spring collections carry a message of unfailing hope that permeates them all. Packages of Praise,Vol. 2 Stand and Shout CD Promo Pak 005170505 CD Promo Pak 005110817 Phil Barfoot/ Dave Williamson I Still Believe Parablelooza! CD Promo Pak 005151833 CD Promo Pak 005135536 CD Promo Pak 005153928 Arise, My Love Craig Adams CD Promo Pak 005153107 That’s My King! Keith Wilbanks Cliff Duren Dennis and Nan Allen Jimmy and Gail Getzen Promo paks available at $12.00 each.To order, call Pine Lake Music at 800.241.3667 or visit Usher in the season of the Resurrection with Covenant of Grace New from Joseph Martin A Cantata for Holy Week or Eastertide C ovenant of Go to www.pinelakem to hear excerpts GraCe This compelling work incorporates new anthems as well as familiar hymns and celebrates God’s faithfulness and His everlasting promises to His people. From the promises made to Abraham and David, to their fulfillment in Christ Jesus, Covenant of Grace is a testimony to God’s redeeming work. Song Titles: 1BFBOPG1SPNJTFt$PWFOBOUPGUIF-BNCt'PS(PE 4P-PWFEUIF8PSMEt)PTBOOB-PVE)PTBOOBtćF1SPNJTFPGUIF ,JOHEPNt"O*OWJUBUJPOUP(SBDFt$SZPGUIF$SVDJĕYJPOt)FSF*T -PWFt8F"SF(PET1FPQMFtand more SPECIAL OFFER ! Experience this moving work…order a preview pack today! GN6024 Preview Pack (Book/CD combo)........$16.95 To hear these new Lenten and Easter chorals, visit I Believe in the Old Rugged Cross Incorporating I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary and The Old Rugged Cross Arranged by Lloyd Larson A8838 SATB.................................... $1.90 .% 4UVEJP5SBY$% .................$26.95 The Bells of Easter by Don Besig and Nancy Price A8871 SATB, a cappella ................ $1.90 The Day Our Savior Died by Susan Naylor Callaway A8866 SATB, flute.......................... $1.85 O Sacred, Wondrous Love Arranged by Heather Sorenson A8856 SATB.................................... $1.85 The Rose of Calvary (Theme) from The Rose of Calvary Arranged by Joseph M. Martin A8853 SATB.................................... $1.90 -# 0SDIFTUSBUJPO ...................$60.00 .% 4UVEJP5SBY$% .................$26.95 An Easter Flourish by Jon Paige and David Angerman A8867 SATB, organ, trumpet, handbells, congregation...................... $2.20 For more information or to order, contact Pine Lake Music at 1.800.241.3667. Adult Collections for Lent & Easter He Lives Arr. by David Shipps SATB Take twelve popular Easter hymns, add short, dynamic, creative musical introductions, and you’ve got a recipe that will enliven and energize your Easter worship services! Each introduction includes a “standard” and “alternate” key for flexibility in your worship music planning. The enhanced orchestration includes PDF files of scores and parts, plus a demonstration recording. (Introductions are bundled together and are not sold separately.) Moderate 080689172274 Choral Book 3.50 080689157479 Orch. (PDF) 99.95 Marvelous Light Created by Mark McClure, Dave Williamson and Fred J. Heumann SATB Marvelous Light provides you with FOUR possible performance options for your Easter worship services, utilizing a combination of two well- known contemporary Easter worship songs plus a contemporary and a traditional hymn. Titles include: Marvleous Light, Crown Him With Many Crowns, The Power Of The Cross and Mighty To Save. 50 minutes in length. Moderate 080689666322 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 34.98 080689413094 Acc. DVD (split/stereo) 69.95 080689156472 Orch. (PDF) 99.95 080689159473 Praise Band Charts (PDF) 59.95 The Sunday Singer Easter 2009 Various Arrangers SATB With accessible settings for any choir, this collection includes All Hail King Jesus with All Hail The Power, Open The Eyes Of My Heart with Open Our Eyes, Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone, Jesus Lover Of My Soul and More Precious Than Silver with When I Survey The Wondrous Cross. The kit includes ten choral books, an accompaniment CD and listening CD. Easy 08748917 Acc. CD 49.95 08748921 Bulk CD (10) 39.95 08748916 CD 14.95 08748915 Choral Book 4.95 08748918 Kit 79.95 08748919 Set w/CD 12.00 Visit our website to sign-up for e-mail updates on workshops, conferences and products... Adult Musicals for Lent & Easter Arise My Love Created by Craig Adams SATB As part of the You Can! Series, this Easter production includes scriptural accounts of key events taken directly from the gospels of Matthew and Mark. Audiences will be moved by the heartfelt gratitude expressed by one of the men on the road to Jericho who was healed from blindness; the joyous declarations of the crowd in Jerusalem who recognized their King; Mary Magdalene’s anguish, sorrow and faith at Calvary; and the certain victory of the Savior who defeated death once and for all. 30 minutes in length. Easy 005153105 Acc. CD 55.00 005153925 Bulletins (100) 17.50 005153104 CD 9.98 005110733 Choral Book 5.95 005153106 Kit 69.95 005153107 Set w/CD 12.00 At The Ninth Hour By Tom S. Long and Allen Pote SATB Based on the gospel of Mark, Allen Pote and Tom Long have created a retelling of the last week of Christ’s life with passionate music, riveting lyrics and narration. Performed in its entirety, the musical makes the full journey from Palm Sunday to Easter morning and climaxes with Allen Pote’s anthem On The Third Day. The work may be used as a Lenten cantata by ommitting either or both of the first and last pieces. Allen Pote’s memorable melodies interact beautifully with Tom Long’s lyrics to provide a profoundly moving musical work, which perfectly commemorates the sacrificial death of Christ At The Ninth Hour. 35 minutes in length. Moderate 8413 Acc. CD 70.00 8415 Bulk CD (10) 60.00 8412 CD 17.95 8411 Choral Book 8.95 8414 Orch. 125.00 8416 Set w/CD 15.00 Beyond The Cross Created by Robert Sterling SATB Created and arranged by Robert Sterling, this is a powerful but easy-to-learn musical for your choir and congregation this Easter. Beyond The Cross is thematically focused on redemption, renewal and the Resurrection and only requires a single narrator or worship leader. From the driving, energy-filled anthem Hosanna Holy Savior to the climactic For All You’ve Done, Beyond The Cross will enrich your congregation’s Easter celebration as your choir lifts its voice in praise. 34 minutes in length. Easy 080689820120 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689711725 Bulk CD 59.95 080689783227 CD 16.98 080689431173 Choral Book 7.95 080689450679 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 080689647024 Reh. CD 59.95 080689509360 Set w/CD 9.00 Calvary’s Mountain Arr. by John Leavitt SATB John Leavitt has created a cantata designed for Lent and Holy Week. The arrangements are rich and well crafted. The format is similar to a Christmas ‘lessons and carols’ program. Titles include: What Wondrous Love Is This, Were You There, Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs, Alas And Did My Savior Bleed and Jesus Died On Calvary’s Mountain. 30 minutes in length. Moderate 08749057 Acc. CD 59.95 08749059 CD 14.95 08749056 Choral Book 5.95 08749058 Orch. 150.00 08749060 Set w/CD 12.00 Come Touch The Robe By Pepper Choplin Orch. by Stan Pethel SATB/SAB Unique in concept, soaring in spirit and with music, text and narration by Pepper Choplin, this work uses the simple garment that Jesus wore as a thematic device to recount the interaction of several people who were with Him during His last days on earth. Each encounter brings to light a different aspect of His identity. To a suffering woman, His robe conveyed divine healing. On the mountaintop, the robe shone and filled the disciples’ eyes with His glory and authority. When Jesus laid His garment aside in the upper room, it displayed His humility as a servant as He washed the feet of each disciple. At the tomb, the grave clothes He left behind help us experience His resurrection and His victory over death. 35-40 minutes in length. Moderate 99/2470L Acc. CD 79.95 99/2469L Bulk CD (10) 69.95 99/2468L CD (SATB/SAB) 16.95 55/1124L Choral Book (SAB) 8.95 55/1123L Choral Book (SATB) 8.95 30/2447L Orch. 250.00 99/2472L Reh. CD (SAB) 49.95 99/2471L Reh. CD (SATB) 49.95 55/1126L Set w/CD (SAB) 9.95 55/1125L Set w/CD (SATB) 9.95 Covenant Of Grace By Joseph M. Martin Orch. by Brant Adams SATB This work is intended to celebrate God’s faithfulness and His everlasting promises to His people. Incorporating new anthems as well as familiar hymns, the cantata is appropriate for either Holy Week or post Easter presentations. From the promises made to Abraham and David, to their fulfillment in Christ Jesus, Covenant Of Grace, is a testimony to God’s redeeming work. The digital resource kit contains Powerpoint, poster/program PDF, rehearsal tips, choir devotionals and the composer’s commentary. Moderate MD5609 Acc. CD 80.00 MA5110 Bulk CD (10) 65.00 ND6022 CD 15.98 A8820 Choral Book 8.95 DRK5000 Digital Resourse Kit 55.00 LB5977 Orch. 350.00 IPR5012 Orch. (iPrint) 200.00 RTR6017 Reh. CD 64.95 GN6024 Set w/CD 16.95 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 On the eve of His trial and execution Jesus made it clear that we were to remember Him and His sacrifice. We cannot stand in the distance and casually observe the sacrifice of the Cross. We cannot pretend it did not happen – that it is less than it is proclaimed to be – that it does not touch us or our lives. The Cross is not something that we get used to – not something that we can get comfortable with – not something that we can ever take lightly. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by His own choice died nailed to a Cross for the sins that you and I committed. May we never forget His sacrifice, may we never fail to fall to our knees in thanksgiving for that kind of love, may we never lose the wonder – the wonder of the Cross. 4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\Q]\bOQb>W\S:OYS;caWQOb& "!$$% ]`dWaWb]c`eSPaWbSObeee>W\S:OYS;caWQQ][ ;OgES<SdS`:]aSbVSE]\RS`12>`SdWSe>OQY%'% " &&$ East To West Created by Gary Rhodes Orchestrated by Tim Cates SATB Journey To The Cross By Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson and Ruth Elaine Schram SATB/SAB Combining the best offerings from such renowned songwriters as Third Day’s Mac Powell, Chris Tomlin, Tommy Walker, Reuben Morgan, Darlene Zschech, Tim Hughes, Bernie Herms, Vicki Cook and Steve Fee, this live worship celebration takes the music of notable artists and makes it accessible to your choir. Powerful and versatile, this passionate project not only celebrates the Resurrection, but also issues a call to today’s church to make every Sunday Resurrection Sunday. 50 minutes in length. Moderate 080689819124 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689407093 Acc. DVD 199.95 080689710728 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689782220 CD 16.98 080689430176 Choral Book 8.95 080689449673 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 080689646027 Reh. CD 59.95 080689508363 Set w/CD 10.00 080689508394 Set w/DVD 10.00 Journey To The Cross is an unusually versatile cantata/collection suitable for a variety of uses during the Lenten season. There is an optional narration that creatively links the five pieces to produce an inspirational choral presentation especially appropriate for Holy Week. Each individual anthem may also be used very effectively to enhance worship services during Lent and/or Holy Week. 20 minutes in length. Easy 99/2482L Acc. CD 79.95 99/2485L Bulk CD (10) 69.95 99/2484L CD (SATB/SAB) 16.95 55/1130L Choral Book (SAB) 7.95 55/1132L Choral Book (SATB) 7.95 30/2461L Orch. 195.00 99/2483L Reh. CD (SAB) 49.95 99/2488L Reh. CD (SATB) 49.95 55/1131L Set w/CD (SAB) 9.95 55/1133L Set w/CD (SATB) 9.95 In The Presence Of Jehovah Created by Sue C. Smith and Russell Mauldin SATB Love Grew Where The Blood Fell Created by Johnathan Crumpton and Luke Gambill Unison/2-Part The Ready To Sing series presents a musical for Easter entitled, In The Presence Of Jehovah. Your choir and congregation will follow Jesus’ life through individual characters who each came into His presence through different circumstances, but whose lives were all changed dramatically by being in His presence. This stirring combination of stunning video (from The Visual Bible), powerful songs with dramatic characters, or optional narration gives you flexibility to tell the story in a presentation that works best for your church music program. 40 minutes in length. Easy 4575715983 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575715986 Acc. DVD (split) 199.95 4575715998 Bulletins (100) 17.50 4575715982 CD 16.98 4575715987 Choral Book 7.95 4575715988 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 4575715999 Posters (12) 17.50 4575715995 Reh. CD (Alto) 5.00 4575715997 Reh. CD (Bass) 5.00 4575715990 Reh. CD (Soprano) 5.00 4575715996 Reh. CD (Tenor) 5.00 4575715981 Set w/CD 10.00 This choral presentation brings together new and classic songs, along with best-loved hymns to tell the story of God’s loving plan for fallen man through the sacrifice and shed blood of His only Son, Jesus. Carefully crafted for unison and two-part choirs in an easy-to-sing, easy-to-learn fashion, Love Grew Where The Blood Fell is ideal for choirs with limited rehearsal time and resources. 20 minutes in length. Easy 4575716003 Acc. CD (split) 59.95 4575716006 Acc. DVD (split) 149.95 4575716002 CD 12.98 4575716007 Choral Book 6.95 4575716001 Set w/CD 10.00 May We Never Lose The Wonder Created by Randy Vader and Jay Rouse SATB This musical is about the importance of remembering. On the eve of His trial and execution, Jesus made it clear that we were to remember Him and His sacrifice. He instituted the sacrament of the Last Supper to be a central part of the Christian faith - a time to gather as His Body and remember. We cannot stand in the distance and casually observe the sacrifice of the Cross. We cannot pretend it did not happen - that it is less than it is proclaimed to be - that it does not touch us or our lives. The Cross is not something that we get used to - not something that we can get comfortable with - not something that we can ever take lightly. May we never forget His sacrifice, may we never fail to fall to our knees in thanksgiving for that kind of love, may we never lose the wonder - the wonder of the Cross. Moderate 797242885754 Acc. CD (split) 95.00 797242886508 Acc. DVD 225.00 797242886447 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 797242886201 Bulletins (100) 17.50 797242885648 CD 16.98 797242885594 Choral Book 8.95 797242887697 Drama Companion 19.95 797242887796 Drama Companion (PDF) 19.95 797242885976 Orch. 385.00 797242886072 Orch. (PDF) 385.00 797242886300 Posters (10) 17.50 797242885860 Reh. CD 59.95 797242886102 Set w/CD 15.00 Raise The Crown Created by Deborah Craig-Claar and David T. Clydesdale SATB A celebration of both the sacrifice and sovereignty of Jesus Christ, Raise The Crown invites you to relive the events of Holy Week through poignant narrations and breathtaking arrangements of signature Easter songs from Deborah Craig-Claar and David T. Clydesdale. Classics such as Arise, Where The Nails Were, Michael W. Smith’s Hosanna and Babbie Mason’s All Rise find new life in this emotional retelling of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. 50 minutes in length. Moderate 080689821127 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 90.00 080689408090 Acc. DVD 199.95 080689712722 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689784224 CD 16.98 080689737176 Choral Book 8.95 080689451676 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 080689648021 Reh. CD 59.95 080689510366 Set w/CD 10.00 080689510397 Set w/DVD 10.00 Mark your calendars for the week after Easter... MusiCalifornia 2009 - April 13-16 4 fabulous days of new resources and encouragement for your music ministry. For details, visit To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 up ile s h w ck E FRevEiew pa pr Sovereign Lord An exceptionally powerful and moving musical that boldly proclaims the redeeming, risen, reigning Lord. Gifted songwriter Phil Mehrens and veteran arranger Dave Williamson tightly weave a tapestry of scripture with incredible songs of praise that reinforce the theme of Christ as the risen, exalted, and coming King. Worthy! The Song of the Ages This deeply moving and compelling musical is a beautiful response to God’s loving, sacrificial, and powerful act of redemption. Sacred and cherished hymns, popular worship songs, and new, expressive compositions combine in arrangements that are both poignant and moving, while retaining a level of difficulty that even the smallest choir can master. Wonder of Wonders 10 great arrangements, in a variety of styles, each featuring our Senior Adult Choir distinctive: large print and no repeats! Prices are subject to change without notice. s ena lill om/ c sic. u m 7 ke t Visi .pinela 241-366 www ll 1-800 y. a or c der toda to or Higher Ground Veteran arranger Michael Lawrence brings us a powerpacked collection of bestloved inspirational and gospel arrangements specifically suited for the smaller, volunteer choir. st! s la plie 11 Savior Created by David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith and Travis Cottrell SATB Savior is a modern worship choir musical for Easter. David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith and Travis Cottrell deliver a highly effective combination of dynamic new praise and worship songs, along with several best-loved Easter favorites. Each arrangement within this musical is easily adaptable to large and small choirs and/or praise teams using a live worship band or accompaniment tracks. Adding to the flexibility of this resource, spectacular full orchestrations are available. You may also want to enhance your presentation with the DVD resource kit which includes videos to four songs, plus Media Shout, PowerPoint and text files to all the songs. 45 minutes in length. Moderate 4575716043 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575716046 Acc. DVD (split) 199.95 4575716058 Bulletins (100) 17.50 4575716042 CD 16.98 4575716047 Choral Book 7.95 4575716048 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 4575716059 Posters (12) 17.50 4575716055 Reh. CD (Alto) 5.00 4575716052 Reh. CD (Bass Guitar) 7.00 4575716057 Reh. CD (Bass) 5.00 4575716051 Reh. CD (Drum) 7.00 4575716053 Reh. CD (Guitar) 7.00 4575716054 Reh. CD (Piano/Keyboard) 7.00 4575716050 Reh. CD (Soprano) 5.00 4575716056 Reh. CD (Tenor) 5.00 4575716041 Set w/CD 10.00 Sovereign Lord Created by Phil Mehrens Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB Sovereign Lord is an exceptionally powerful and moving musical proclamation that boldly proclaims the redeeming, risen, reigning Lord. Phil Mehrens and Dave Williamson tightyly weave a tapestry of scripture with incredible songs of praise that reinforce the theme of Christ as the risen, exalted and coming King. From the opening, jubilant hymn arrangement of Praise To The Lord The Almighty to the newly popular emerging worship standard, Sovereign Lord, the musical creatively unites deeply meaningful lyrics with musical melodies that draw one to the story almost as if hearing it for the first time. 42 minutes in length. Moderate 765762103221 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 765762103320 Acc. CD (stereo) 90.00 765762103122 Bulk CD (10) 74.99 765762103023 CD 16.99 9780834176614 Choral Book 8.99 765762103429 Reh. CD 60.00 765762155107 Set w/CD 12.00 The Easter Song Created by Bradley Knight, Heidi Petak, Ed Kee and Johnathan Crumpton Worthy The Song Of The Ages By Marty Parks SATB SATB Each year we celebrate Easter by remembering... by retelling the account of our Savior’s last days on earth, His death and His glorious resurrection. With poignant drama by Heidi Petak and a gripping cinematic musical score by Bradley Knight, The Easter Song recreates this epic narrative from the Scripture with electrifying detail. The musical can also be effectively performed with two narrators in place of drama. 45 minutes in length. Moderate 4575716073 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575716088 Bulletins (100) 17.50 4575716072 CD 16.98 4575716077 Choral Book 7.95 4575716078 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 4575716075 Orch. audio files 250.00 4575716089 Posters (12) 17.50 4575716085 Reh. CD (Alto) 5.00 4575716087 Reh. CD (Bass) 5.00 4575716080 Reh. CD (Soprano) 5.00 4575716086 Reh. CD (Tenor) 5.00 4575716071 Set w/CD 10.00 Touched By The Christ By Lloyd Larson and David Burke Orch. by Brant Adams SATB/SAB This compelling reflection upon Jesus’ final days is viewed through His eyes and the eyes of those surrounding Him. A sequence of dramatic, scripture-based monologues tells the story, alternating with Lloyd Larson’s masterfully inspired music as the “voice of the believer” responds. Flexibly conceived, this work may be presented as simply or as elaborately as you wish, depending upon your resources and preferences. Performance options range from use as a source of single anthems for your seasonal service needs to a short worship program with monoluges and choruses or a special, fully staged production. Flexible length. Moderate 99/2444L Acc. CD 79.95 99/2491L CD (SAB) 16.95 99/2442L CD (SATB) 16.95 55/1121L Choral Book (SAB) 8.95 55/1120L Choral Book (SATB) 8.95 30/2423L Orch. 250.00 99/2446L Reh. CD (SAB) 49.95 99/2445L Reh. CD (SATB) 49.95 99/2492L SAB Bulk CD (10) 69.95 99/2443L SATB Bulk CD (10) 69.95 55/1129L Set w/CD (SAB) 9.95 55/1122L Set w/CD (SATB) 9.95 The top 10 Easter The Crown And The Cross anthems from 2008 By John Parker and Mark Hayes SATB/SAB are available in a pack An alternative to a much longer cantata, this for $10. Ask for Top-10E. dramatic work is perfect for incorporation into regular worship on Palm/Passion Sunday. For audio clips of 9 minutes in length. Moderate 99/2475L Acc. CD 39.95 these titles, visit 10/3827L Choral Book (SATB) 3.95 10/3828L 30/2454L 99/2477L 99/2476L Choral Book (SAB) Instrumental Parts Reh. CD (SAB) Reh. CD (SATB) 3.95 95.00 29.95 29.95 This deeply moving and compelling musical is a beautiful response to God’s loving, sacrificial and powerful act of redemption. Sacred and cherished hymns, popular worship songs and new, expressive compositions combine in arrangements that are both poignant and moving, while retaining a level of difficulty that even the smallest choir can master. Echoing the song of heaven’s eternity, this presentation is assembled in four main sections: Worthy Of Praise, Worthy Of Our Love, A Worthy Sacrifice and Worthy Of Exaltation. 48 minutes in length. Easy 765762102729 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 765762102828 Acc. CD (stereo) 90.00 765762102620 Bulk CD (10) 74.99 765762102521 CD 16.99 9780834176607 Choral Book 6.99 765762154902 Orch. 350.00 765762102927 Reh. CD 60.00 765762154803 Set w/CD 12.00 Anthems for Lent & Easter Abba By Susan Bentall Boersma and Craig Courtney SATB This upper room anthem takes a very different approach, looking at the events of the last supper from the Father’s perspective. Moderate BP1848 Anthem 1.75 Above All with When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Arr. by Arnold B. Sherman SATB Utilizing handbells, SATB choir and rhythm, Arnold Sherman brings both traditional and contemporary elements together in this dynamic anthem for blended worship. Moderate C5559C Acc. CD 24.95 C5559 Anthem 1.90 2470 Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 4.95 C5559R Rhythm Parts 20.00 Alas And Did My Savior Bleed Arr. by Dennis Allen Orch. by Camp Kirkland SATB Pulled from Thine Is The Kingdom, this arrangement of the classic hymn includes a soothing intro that takes on an ethereal quality when accompanied by winds and strings. Moderate 005127635 Acc. CD 24.95 005127626 Anthem 1.60 005127645 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Alive Forevermore By Tom Fettke SATB Here is a joyful acclamation in celebration of the resurrection. This short but effective anthem is ideal for opening at Easter and could move easily into the opening hymn. Moderate A8865 Anthem 1.85 and click on “Bestsellers”. To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 12 Alive with Jesus Christ Is Risen Today By Randy Cox Arr. by Dennis Allen SATB This exciting choral anthem is a joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection and is joined with the timeless hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today. Arranged by Dennis Allen, this SATB setting makes a powerful anthem for Easter Sunday. Moderate EHTD1003 Acc. CD 19.95 08749482 Anthem 2.25 All Hail The Risen Lamb By Randy Cox Arr. by Bruce Greer SATB All Hail The Risen Lamb is a new hymn text setting to the classic hymntune, Marion. This congregation-friendly hymn is elegantly arranged by Bruce Greer and features SATB choir with two trumpets and two trombones for that wonderful Easter fanfare anthem. Moderate EHTD1004 Acc. CD 19.95 08749483 Anthem 2.25 EH1004B Brass & Rhythm (CD-ROM) 35.00 Alleluia Christ Is Risen Arr. by Jane Holstein and Joel Raney SATB w/opt. trumpets Using the definitive Easter text by Christopher Wordsworth, which begins with the proclamation “Alleluia Christ is risen,” here is the perfect choral selection to begin your Easter Day service. Moderate C5570 Anthem 1.70 C5570HB Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 3.25 Amazing Love How Can It Be Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB Charles Wesley’s classic hymn text gains a new musical setting in this strong Lloyd Larson arrangement. Use it for Holy Week or anytime. Moderate BP1851 Anthem 1.75 An Easter Flourish By David Angerman and Jon Paige SATB w/organ, trumpet, handbells Here is the quintessential opener for Easter Sunday morning. This noble anthem scored for organ, brass and handbells will call the service to a festive opening. Incorporating the hymn tune Crown Him With Many Crowns, this anthem is a confident affirmation of life. Moderate A8867 Anthem 2.20 Behold The Lamb Of God Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB Pairing Twila Paris’ Lamb Of God with Dottie Rambo’s Behold The Lamb, this Lloyd Larson setting is an uplifting and powerful anthem for the Lenten/Easter season. Moderate C5568C Acc. CD 24.95 C5568 Anthem 1.95 C5568O Orch. 20.00 Beneath The Cross By Keith and Kristyn Getty Arr. by Tom Fettke Orch. by Kyle Hill SATB/SAB “Beneath the cross of Jesus, the path before the crown, we follow in His footsteps where promised hope is found.” Using the inspired, contemporary hymn by Keith and Kristyn Getty, Tom Fettke creates a thoughtful offering telling us of the promise found in our Savior’s cross. Moderate 29271 Acc. CD 24.95 29270 Anthem (SAB) 1.95 29269 Anthem (SATB) 1.95 29272 Orch. 50.00 Christ Arose Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB Lloyd Larson has taken the basic framework of the traditional Lowery hymn and recreated it with a driving rhythm and soaring lines. Moderate BP1849 Anthem 1.85 Christ Jesus Now Is Fallen By John Parker and Lee Dengler SATB Sorrowful melodic motives and dramatic harmonies vividly convey Johon Parker’s prose, “Never will creation revisit such a thing as this one selfless loving deed: the death of heaven’s King.” Moderate 10/3777L Anthem 1.95 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Arr. by Douglas J. Benton SATB For SATB voices and organ with optional handbells, brass and congregation, this stunning hymn concertato is brilliantly conceived from beginning to end and is an excellent choice for Easter morning! Moderate C5573 Anthem 1.80 C5573B Brass Parts 20.00 C5573HB Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 3.25 Come To Calv’ry’s Holy Mountain By Tom Fettke SATB w/opt. C instrument Tom Fettke has created new music for this classic James Montgomery hymn test. It would make a beautiful anthem for the Lord’s Supper or any emphasis on the cross of Christ. Moderate BP1837 Anthem 1.75 Come To Me Stay With Me By Pepper Choplin SATB An innovative approach to an important moment in scripture is presented in this plaintive yet richly adorned anthem for Lent. Churches of every size and ability can enjoy the message of this piece through the thoughtful part writing and ease of learning. Moderate A8699 Anthem 1.85 Comes The King By Regi Stone and Pete Carlson Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB A glorious Palm Sunday anthem for your SATB choir and organist, this simple anthem is both effective and approachable. Dave Williamson has skillfully created an anthem that projects majesty for choirs of all sizes. Moderate EHTD1005 Acc. CD 19.95 08749484 Anthem 1.95 Easter Morning Medley Arr. by Gary Lanier SATB Easter standards find a home together here in Gary Lanier’s setting for a festive Easter morning celebration. Titles include: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today and Christ Arose. Moderate 08749315 Acc. CD 24.95 08749314 Anthem 1.70 08749316 Brass Parts 35.00 For The Glorious Easter Morning By John Parker and Joel Raney SATB A majestic tune and triumphant text are perfectly paired in this powerful, original anthem which includes all the essential elements needed for a “glorious Easter morning.” With choir, organ, optional brass, flute and orchestral percussion, the forces come together in praise of the “Conquering King of all creation.” Moderate C5555C Acc. CD 24.95 C5555 Anthem 1.90 C5555B Brass Parts 20.00 Garden Of Tears By Ruth Elaine Schram SATB w/opt. oboe Ruthie Schram’s considerable gifts as lyricist and melody-writer abound in this poignant reflection upon Christ as He prayed alone in the Garden of Gethsemane. The music flows in 3/4 with sensitive text declamation and colorful harmonies. Moderate 99/2461L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3787L Anthem 1.95 Glorious Day Arr. by David T. Clydesdale SATB A contemporary setting of the classic hymn favorite, One Day traces the redemptive life of Christ from the manger to the empty tomb. Moderate 080689662324 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689259272 Anthem 1.60 080689257476 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Glory Glory Glory By John Parker and Vicki Tucker Courtney SATB Glory Glory Glory reverberates with gospel style. Regular syncopation, blues harmonies and repetitive layered refrains combine as the choir sings “Jesus Christ is risen! Glory to the King.” Moderate 99/2437L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3784L Anthem 1.95 30/2419L Brass & Rhythm Parts 22.95 Prices are subject to change without notice. 13 God On The Cross By Mosie Lister Orch. by Steve Mauldin SATB Here is a thoughtful ballad reminding us that it was indeed God on the cross, dying for us. Include this anthem during Lent, Holy Week or even in communion services. Moderate 765762106826 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176782 Anthem 1.70 765762157002 Orch. 69.99 Gospel Hosanna By Jack Schrader SATB Jack Schrader’s setting of a popular Palm Sunday text set in a gospel style equals a joyful “gospel hosanna.” Moderate C5569 Anthem 1.90 Grace Flows Down By Nathan and Christy Nockels Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB If you don’t yet use this beautiful chorus of the atonement, Jay Rouse’s arrangement would be a great way to introduce it to your worship. Moderate 797242883859 Acc. CD 24.98 797242883798 Anthem 1.75 797242883972 Rhythm/Drums 30.00 797242884078 Rhythm/Drums (PDF) 30.00 Hallelujah To The King Arr. by Jason Michael Webb SAT(B) Infused with energetic rhythms and exclamations of praise, this exuberant song makes a perfect service opener for Easter Sunday or any Sunday throughout the year.Moderate 080689665325 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689976278 Anthem 1.85 X-KING Orch. 60.00 Happy Day Arr. by Gary Rhodes SATB w/opt. worship leader He Suffered For You By Julia H. Johnston and Patti Drennan SATB/SAB Using the emotive text of the American poet Julia Harriet Johnston (1849-1919), Patti Drennan creates a heart-wrenching, yet reverent account of Christ’s suffering and sacrifice. Moderate 29340 Anthem (SAB) 1.75 29339 Anthem (SATB) 1.75 He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions By Carol Heinrich Graun Arr. by Tom Fettke SATB Tom Fettke has arranged and edited this Baroque gem. It’s a setting of Isaiah 53:5 and would be a wonderful addition to your music for Holy Week. The voice parts are highly independent, so be sure to allow for adequate rehearsal time. Moderate BP1836 Anthem 1.85 He’s Not Here Arr. by Mike Speck and Cliff Duren Orch. by Wayne Haun SATB Looking for an up-tempo, southern gospel piece for Easter Sunday? Your choir and congregation will love this exuberant reminder that “He’s not here, He is risen.” Moderate 765762106420 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176744 Anthem 1.70 765762156609 Orch. 69.99 Here Is Love Arr. by Dan Forrest SATB “Here is love vast as an ocean.” Dan Forrest’s music is moving and passionate, a perfect anthem for Holy Week or a reflective Easter morning moment. Moderate 08749497 Acc. CD 24.95 08749185 Anthem 1.70 08749498 String Parts 25.00 Celebrate “the greatest day in history” - the Resurrection of our Lord - with this high-energy offering for your praise team and worship-leading choir. Moderate 080689647321 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689409097 Acc. DVD 34.95 080689154270 Anthem 1.85 080689139475 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 080689161476 Praise Band Charts (PDF) 49.95 Hosanna In The Highest Arr. by B. J. Davis He Rose Arr. by Michael Whittaker SATB w/duet Hosanna In The Highest By Lloyd Larson SATB w/opt. congregation Easter’s eternal message forms the centerpiece of this life-changing statement: “Death, where’s your sting? He rose!” Moderate 080689648328 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689157271 Anthem 1.85 080689142475 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 SATB Exuberant vocals punctuated with an energetic praise band sound combine to create a terrific offering for Palm Sunday and year round. Moderate 080689649325 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689158278 Anthem 1.60 080689143472 Praise Band Charts (PDF) 49.95 A tightly woven tapestry, this anthem is a practical, flexible and inspired choice for Palm Sunday worship. “Hosannas” fill the air as it opens with a joyous unison refrain that may be sung by children and/or adults and congregation, and repeated as necessary for palm processionals. Moderate 10/3823L Anthem 1.95 Hosanna To The Son Of David By J. Paul Williams and Michael Barrett SA(T)B w/violin/clarinet/cello Written in the style of a Hebrew folk-song, this festive anthem will be something very memorable for commemorating Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The optional instrumentation adds great flavor to the presentation. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate D5815 Anthem 2.20 I Believe In The Old Rugged Cross Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB Bill and Gloria Gaither’s gospel standard I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary is sensitively coupled with the beloved hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. Moderate MD5614 Acc. CD 26.95 A8838 Anthem 1.95 I Have Seen The Lord By John Purifoy and Jan McGuire SATB Jan McGuire and John Purifoy present their lyrical and musical account of Mary visiting an empty tomb and seeing the risen Savior. Moderate 08749153 Acc. CD 24.95 08749152 Anthem 1.70 08749154 Orch. 55.00 I Will Rise Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB w/opt. solo This soaring, elegant song of aspiration by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio challenges us to claim the power of Christ’s resurrection in our daily lives. Moderate 080689650321 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689159275 Anthem 1.60 080689144479 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 I’ll Keep My Eyes on the Cross By Kenny Mann SATB/SAB This powerful anthem opens with a slow, emotional affirmation of faith: “like a beacon in the storm, the cross points the way for all stormtossed souls.” The intensity gradually builds until the dramatic conclusion: “I’ll keep my eyes on the cross!” Moderate 99/2453L Acc. CD 24.95 10/1899M Anthem (SATB) 1.40 30/1329M Orch. 30.00 I’ve Seen Jesus Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB Robert Sterling’s magnetic and accessible brass and rhythm charts provide a perfect accompaniment for this contemporary song of Easter testimony: “I’ve seen Jesus and Jesus is alive!” Moderate 080689651328 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689410093 Acc. DVD 34.95 080689160271 Anthem 1.60 080689145476 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 14 In Remembrance Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB The words from “The Last Supper” are beautifully paraphrased in this timeless communion anthem from Buryl Red and Ragan Courtney. The melody is memorable and the text is thoughtful and relevant. Moderate C5565C Acc. CD 24.95 C5565 Anthem 1.90 C5565F Flute Part 2.50 C5565O Orch. 20.00 In Remembrance Of Me By Mary Kay Beall and Mark Brymer SATB Mary Kay Beall’s communion song is worshipful and contemplative, providing a musical backdrop for communion or Maundy Thursday service. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749366 Anthem 1.80 08749367 Instrumental Parts 25.00 In The Cross By Faye Lopez SATB w/violin This poignant setting of one of the most revered hymns of all time features a memorable violin obbligato. Moderate A8827 Anthem 1.85 Jesus Lives By Susan Bentall Boersma and David Lantz III SATB w/opt. brass & percussion Full of fanfare and triumph, this Easter morning celebration will raise the roof with praise. Moderate BP1845CD Acc. CD 24.95 BP1845 Anthem 1.85 BP1845A Brass & Timpani Parts 20.00 Jesus Lives Alleluia By Lloyd Larson SATB w/congr./trumpet/handbell Herald the good news of Christ’s triumphant resurrection with this exciting Easter processional anthem by Lloyd Larson. A bold choral acclamation announces the news, with optional trumpet and handbells adding to the festal spirit. Moderate 99/2479L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3826L Anthem 1.95 Jesus Messiah By Chris Tomlin Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB This strong, rhythmic song celebrates the unique saving work of our Lord. Moderate 797242885051 Acc. CD 24.98 797242884993 Anthem 1.75 797242885174 Rhythm/Drums 30.00 797242885273 Rhythm/Drums (PDF) 30.00 Jesus Paid It All Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB/SAB Richard Kingsmore creates a hauntingly beautiful offering for the Lenten season using one of the most beloved hymns of all time. Moderate 29348 Anthem (SAB) 1.75 29347 Anthem (SATB) 1.75 Jesus Paid It All Arr. by Gary Lanier SATB Gary Lanier has created gentle and accessible new music for this classic message of the atonement. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749368 Anthem 1.70 08749369 String Parts 25.00 Jesus Reigns Arr. by Tom Fettke SATB Lift Up Your Voice By Susan Bentall Boersma and David Lantz III SATB This lively and compelling offering for Palm Sunday is full of joy. Moderate BP1841 Anthem 1.85 Look To The Lamb with Lamb Of God Arr. by Tom Fettke SATB w/solo Tom Fettke brings his signature style to this moving easy-to-learn testament of the sacrificial love of the Lamb of God. Moderate 080689652325 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689161278 Anthem 1.85 080689146473 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Lord Of Life Arr. by Phillip Keveren SATB w/solo Incorporating the hymns He Is Lord, All Hail The Power and Crown Him With Many Crowns, with the dynamic contemporary favorite, Our God Reigns, Tom Fettke creates a stirring and triumphant medley of praise appropriate for worship throughout the year. Moderate 29363 Acc. CD 24.95 29362 Anthem 1.75 29364 Orch. 69.95 This stirring new hymn features a melody from Holst’s The Planets, and gradually builds to a towering victorious Resurrection celebration. Moderate 080689653322 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689162275 Anthem 1.60 080689147470 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Jesus The Very Thought Of You By Don Besig and Nancy Price SATB w/flute Tom Fettke has given Frank Houghton’s text of Christ’s loving humility a sensitive and sometimes soaring setting. This one is equally appropriate for Lent or Advent/Christmas. Moderate BP1840 Anthem 1.80 This anthem combines both new material and a celebrated hymn to provide a focus for the season of Lent. Moderate A8829 Anthem 1.90 Keep Me Near The Cross Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB w/solo Lord You Were Rich By Tom Fettke SATB Love Beyond Degree Arr. by Victor C. Johnson SATB w/opt. violin Robert Sterling has given William Doane’s 19thcentury hymn standard a country gospel spin that brilliantly contemporizes the hymn while remaining true to its origins. Moderate 99/2458L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3813L Anthem 1.95 30/2441L Rhythm Parts 19.95 Isaac Watts’ beloved Lenten text Alas And Did My Savior Bleed is the inspiration for this profoundly moving anthem. It opens gently and prayerfully, in a quiet unison. The choral texture thickens with each verse, underscored by an accompaniment of increasing drama. Moderate 99/2478L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3824L Anthem 1.85 Let Us Break Bread Together Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB w/piano and violin Mighty Is The Power Of The Cross Arr. by Stephanie Hall SATB Part of the exquisite Piano Plus Series, this arrangement features the violin with choir and piano. It would work especially well for the Lord’s Supper. Moderate 797242885457 Acc. CD 24.98 797242885396 Anthem 1.75 Moderate 4575716443 4575716447 4575716448 Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates Arr. by Benjamin Harlan An ideal Easter morning song for choir and congregation, My Savior Lives makes the joyous declaration that Jesus is alive - today and forever! Moderate 080689655326 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689164279 Anthem 1.60 080689149474 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 SATB This joyful anthem of praise would be appropriate for Palm Sunday or any Sunday. Moderate 08748990 Anthem 1.70 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) My Savior Lives Arr. by Gary Rhodes COMPOSERS... don’t miss this incredibly helpful workshop for polishing your skills: Composer’s Symposium 2009 June 15-19 at Pine Lake Music. See our website for details. Prices are subject to change without notice. 24.95 1.65 74.95 SATB 15 My Savior My God Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB w/solo Aaron Schust’s classic song of dedication is given a fresh setting for soloist and choir by Robert Sterling. Moderate 080689656323 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689411090 Acc. DVD 34.95 080689165276 Anthem 1.60 080689150470 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Not A Word By Douglas E. Wagner SATB w/opt. cello This is a powerful pairing of the Passion Chorale and the traditional spiritual He Never Said A Mumblin’ Word. The listener perceives not two songs but one profound reflection upon our Lord at Calvary. Moderate 99/2481L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3779L Anthem 1.95 Nothin Gonna Hinder My Jesus By John Parker and David Lantz III SATB a cappella In the style of a spiritual, this a cappella anthem tells the story of the Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection. Moderate BP1844 Anthem 1.85 O How Blessed Is He By Jari Houston and Stephen L. Lawrence SATB w/opt. percussion Here is something fresh and appealing for Palm Sunday celebrations. This anthem has an infectious island feel that sets toes to tapping for joy. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8841 Anthem 2.00 O Lamb Of God Most Holy By Penny Rodriguez and Nanci Milam SATB Penny Rodriguez and Nanci Milam have teamed together creating this beautiful expression of prayer to the Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. Moderate 08748795 Anthem 1.70 O Precious Lamb By Dennis and Nan Allen Orch. by Ed Hogan SATB This stirring, original anthem prompts us to remember the sacrifice of Christ. Useful for a variety of stylistic preferences, O Precious Lamb is well suited for Lenten and Holy Week services. Moderate 765762106925 Acc. CD 29.99 765762004337 Acc. DVD 54.99 9780834176799 Anthem 1.65 765762157101 Orch. 69.99 O Sacred Head Now Wounded Arr. by Joel Raney SATB w/opt. cello The Passion Chorale is perhaps the best known ‘timeless’ hymn which is synonymous with Holy Week and the journey to the cross. This emotionfilled rendition by Joel Raney builds intensity through a dramatic piano accompaniment, impassioned choral writing and a lush optional cello part. Moderate C5557C Acc. CD 24.95 C5557 Anthem 1.90 O Sacred Wondrous Love Arr. by Heather Sorenson SATB Creatively combining two beloved hymns, Heather Sorenson fashions a touching tribute to the Savior’s redeeming work on the cross. She sets the scene with delicate atmospheric piano support. Moderate A8856 Anthem 1.85 Of Tears And Sorrows By Joseph M. Martin SATB w/solos There is strength in this song from the cantata The Weeping Tree, evident in every note and phrase. The dramatic text from Isaiah, “Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs,” is vividly conveyed in the interplay between the two solo voices and powerful choral support. Moderate MD5620 Acc. CD 26.95 A8868 Anthem 1.90 LB5986 Orch. 60.00 Oh The Wonder Of Christ By Russell Nagy and Marsha Zimmerman SATB Marsha Ann Zimmerman’s text is reflective of Christ’s life from the manger to the cross, all the while expressing His wonder as Lord, Savior and King. Russell Nagy’s setting and accompaniment is stellar. Moderate 08749052 Anthem 1.70 Once Again By Matt Redman Arr. by Craig Curry SATB/SAB Arranger Craig Curry has transformed this popular praise and worship song into a terrific choral anthem for worship. The thoughtful text invites believers to visit the cross “once again” to reflect upon Christ’s wondrous love. Moderate 99/2456L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3810L Anthem (SAB) 2.10 10/3809L Anthem (SATB) 2.10 30/2439L Rhythm Parts 27.95 Out Of Love He Broke The Bread By John Parker and Benjamin Harlan SATB As Jesus prepared for the ultimate sacrifice, it was out of love that He broke the bread for you and me. John Parker’s lyrics are beautifully set by Benjamin Harlan. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749089 Anthem 1.70 08749090 Orch. 55.00 Passion Suite Arr. by Benjamin Harlan SATB This is a medley of Easter classics arranged by Benjamin Harlan. Worthy Is The Lamb by Handel, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs by J. S. Bach, Tis Finished The Messiah Dies by Charles Wesley and When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Isaac Watts and Lowell Mason are masterfully woven together in seamless fashion. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749186 Anthem 1.70 08749187 Orch. 55.00 Praise The God Of Resurrection By John Parker and Henry Van Dyke Arr. by Mark Hayes SATB/SAB w/brass Boldly triumphant, this Easter anthem opens with brilliant figures in the accompaniment and a majestic choral acclamation. The second verse is more reflective, recalling the crucifixion. The tempo quickens as the fanfare returns, heralding the entrance of Beethoven’s beloved Ode To Joy. Moderate 99/2447L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3794L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3793L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 30/2424L Brass Parts 24.95 Prepare Ye The Way Arr. by David T. Clydesdale SATB Masterful orchestration and vocal arranging make this offering a dynamic setting for a triumphal entry sequence on Palm Sunday. Moderate 080689663321 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689260278 Anthem 1.60 080689258473 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Remember Me By Stephen Andrews and Aaron Adams SAB/2-Part or Unison/2-Part A tender melody in 3/4 meter frames this simple, reverent picture of Christ gathered with His disciples at the Last Supper. Subtle harmonic color and a lilting flute obbligato enhance the scene as Christ intones, Remember Me. Moderate 99/2465L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3786L Anthem (SAB/2-Part) 1.95 10/2459K Anthem (Unison/2-Part) 1.85 Revive Us Again Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB Dave Williamson reinvents this beloved gospel tune with a fresh, contemporary arrangement that your congregation will love to sing. Moderate 080689657320 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689166273 Anthem 1.60 080689151477 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Risen Risen By Deborah Govenor Unison/2-Part w/opt. handbells If you want to feature your children’s choir Easter morning, this would be a wonderful choice. Easy vocal and bell parts blend in resurrection praise. Easy BP1842 Anthem 1.75 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 16 Risen To Reign Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB Poetic lyrics and a soaring melody tell the musical story of the discovery of the empty tomb. Moderate 080689658327 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689412097 Acc. DVD 34.95 080689167270 Anthem 1.60 080689152474 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Room At The Table For You By Bert Stratton, Barbara Furman and Ruth Elaine Schram SATB The wonder and joy found in the observance of communion is expressed in this melodic new offering and text. The words warm the heart and remind everyone that there is place for us at the banquet of grace. Moderate A8869 Anthem 1.90 Rose Of God By John Parker and David Lantz III SATB John Parker’s lyrics are a tender expression of worship. The setting by David Lantz is perfectly suited, making this a beautiful marriage of text and music for the Easter season. Moderate 08749126 Anthem 1.70 See What A Morning By Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Arr. by Bruce Greer SATB/SAB Majestic and victorious, this triumphant hymn tells us of the first Easter morning when Christ conquered death and won our salvation. Here masterfully arranged and orchestrated by Bruce Greer, this is the perfect choice for your Easter celebration. Moderate 29369 Acc. CD 24.95 29368 Anthem (SAB) 1.95 29367 Anthem (SATB) 1.95 29370 Orch. 52.00 Settled At The Cross Arr. by Camp Kirkland Moderate 4575716013 4575716017 4575716018 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) SATB 24.95 1.60 69.95 Soldiers Of The Cross By Pepper Choplin SATB/SAB This haunting portrayal of Calvary focuses on the soldiers as they wager for Jesus’ robe, hear Him take his final breath and stand in silent wonder at the cross. Moderate 99/2487L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3832L Anthem (SAB) 1.85 10/3831L Anthem (SATB) 1.85 30/2458L Orch. 39.95 99/2490L Reh. CD (SATB/SAB) 24.95 Steal Away Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB Superb choral writing distinguishes Lloyd Larson’s arrangement of this familiar spiritual as uniquely distinct from all others. Moderate C5566C Acc. CD 24.95 C5566 Anthem 1.80 C5566R Rhythm Parts 10.00 Take My Yoke Upon You By J. Paul Williams, Douglas Nolan and Joseph M. Martin SATB/SAB The Power Of The Cross By Keith Getty and Stuart Towend Arr. by Mark Hayes SATB/SAB The Bells Of Easter By Don Besig and Nancy Price SATB a cappella The Power Of The Cross By Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Arr. by Jack Schrader SATB From the Holy Week cantata Colors Of Grace, Take My Yoke Upon You is offered for the first time with orchestrations by Brant Adams and an accompaniment track. Based on scripture, this is an ideal choice for Lenten services. Moderate MD5617 Acc. CD 26.95 D5816 Anthem (SAB) 1.90 A-7158 Anthem (SATB) 1.90 LB5984 Orch. 60.00 There is a sense of classic elegance in this Easter a cappella offering. The choir, proclaiming the resurrection of Christ, invites all of the voices of Easter to join the celebration. The theme harkens to a carillon tolling the good news. Moderate A8871 Anthem 1.90 The Cross Says Come Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB Veteran singer/songwriter Babbie Mason has teamed with Eulalia King to create this sensitive musical portrayal of Calvary. You will find this usable as a compelling anthem in any service, or for a more intimate invitation or decision time. Moderate 08749312 Acc. CD 24.95 08749311 Anthem 1.80 08749313 Orch. 55.00 The Day Our Savior Died By John A. Ray and Susan Naylor Callawy SATB w/flute This Good Friday anthem is a heartrending reminder of the price of grace. The cross comes into view as we encounter the crucified Christ and tremble along with creation as Jesus cries, “Father forgive them, they do not know what they do.” Moderate A8866 Anthem 1.85 The Garden Of Gethsemane By Vicki Tucker Courtney and J. Paul Williams SATB w/opt. flute & harp Perfect for Maundy Thursday, this stirring anthem depicts the events from Matthew 26 as Jesus prayed in the garden with his friends at his side. Moderate C5571 Anthem 1.80 C5571P Harp Part 5.00 The King Of Glory By Joseph M. Martin SATB/SAB Fill your sanctuary with Palm Sunday majesty and excitement with this anthem from Joseph Martin. Moderate 99/2449L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3799L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3798L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 30/2425L Orch. 39.95 Mark Hayes’ signature harmonic touches color the settings with shifting shades of darkness and light, rising to a powerful close: “What a love, what a cost! We stand forgiven at the cross.” Moderate 99/2454L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3806L Anthem (SAB) 2.10 10/3805L Anthem (SATB) 2.10 30/2437L Orch. 49.95 From the first restrained moments, awaiting the dawn of the darkest day, to the final acclamations of our forgiveness, this dramatic setting of Keith Getty and Stuart Townend’s powerful song evokes much passion and emotion. Moderate C5558C Acc. CD 24.95 C5558 Anthem 1.95 C5558R Rhythm Parts 20.00 The Prodigal Prayer By John Parker and Vicki Tucker Courtney SATB The Rose Of Calvary By Joseph M. Martin SATB Here is a thoughtful choice for Lenten services that draw upon the themes of repentance and redemption. Attractive music decorates this thoughtful text giving choirs a true “lesson in song” for worship services. Moderate A8710 Anthem 1.85 This theme from the cantata The Rose Of Calvary is available for the first time as a single octavo. Simply beautiful, this anthem is rich with expressive imagery in music and text. Moderate MD5618 Acc. CD 26.95 A8853 Anthem 1.75 LB5985 Orch. 60.00 The Stone’s Been Rolled Away Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB w/duet This powerhouse arrangement for male/female duet and choir boldly, joyfully invites us to “Sing for joy - the stone’s been rolled away!” Moderate 080689659324 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689168277 Anthem 1.85 080689153471 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 080689160479 Praise Band Charts (PDF) 49.95 Then He Bowed His Head And Died Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB w/solo The crucifixion is movingly captured with lush orchestral and vocal colors, making Then He Bowed His Head And Died a perfect addition to any Lenten service. Moderate 080689660320 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689169274 Anthem 1.60 080689154478 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Prices are subject to change without notice. 17 There Is A Balm In Gilead Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB w/piano and cello Featuring cello in this setting of a favorite spiritual, this is another offering in the Piano Plus Series. Moderate 797242886751 Acc. CD 24.98 797242886690 Anthem 1.75 There Is A Green Hill Far Away By Cecil Frances Alexander and Matthew Armstrong SATB Recalling the hill where our Savior bled and died to purchase our salvation, Matthew Armstrong creates a remarkable offering for Lent and Holy Week. Delicate and thoughtful, this is also appropriate for Holy Communion. Moderate 30492 Anthem 1.95 This Glorious Resurrection Day Arr. by Stan Pethel SATB w/trumpet The Lancashire tune is given a lilting feel here. Coupled with Pethel’s additional lyrics to the traditional hymn and the optional trumpet obbligato, this is a strong choice for Resurrection Sunday. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749015 Anthem 1.70 To The Cross Lord Lead Us Singing By Susan Bentall Boersma and David Lantz III SATB This is a tender, sensitive hymn of Christ’s sacrifice and victory. It will make a beautiful addition to your music for Holy Week but is well worth performing often and even congregationally. Moderate BP1843 Anthem 1.75 Two Meditations For Holy Week By Jay Althouse SATB There is a sober bittersweet quality to these two short thoughts for Holy Week. Appropriate as responses or to bring the service into the spirit of reflection, they create wonderful moments for this special time. Titles include: Near The Cross Was Mary Weeping and Jesus Comes To Me. Moderate A8821 Anthem 1.85 We Have Seen The Risen Lord By Stan Pethel SATB/SAB The post-Easter Sundays emphasize the biblical stories of the resurrected Jesus, as he appeared to the women at the tomb, to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and again while fishing. Here is the ideal choral anthem depicting these resurrection scenes with the powerful refrain: “we have seen the risen Lord, we have heard his gentle voice saying, ‘be not afraid.” Moderate GC970C Acc. CD 24.95 C5572 Anthem (SAB) 1.80 GC970 Anthem (SATB) 1.80 GC970O Orch. 55.00 We Shall Behold Him with Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Arr. by David T. Clydesdale SATB w/solo From the empty tomb to the throne of heaven, David T. Clydesdale creates a spectacular new musical showcase for soloist and choir and Dottie Rambo’s cherished classic. Moderate 080689664328 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689261275 Anthem 1.85 080689259470 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Welcomed Home Again By Ruth Elaine SchramSATB/2-Part Using The Salley Gardens, a familiar Irish melody, Welcomed Home Again is a graceful offering for use during Holy Communion or the reflective Lenten season. Moderate 29338 Anthem (2-Part) 1.75 29337 Anthem (SATB) 1.75 When I Am Lifted Up By Pamela Martin and Craig Courtney SATB Craig Courtney’s free expressive setting of Pam Martin’s text paints a vivid picture of our Lord as He ministered to His flock, as He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, and as He suffered at Calvary. Moderate 10/3825L Anthem 1.95 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB Isaac Watts’ unparalleled text, set to the beloved American folk tune The Mountain’s High, creates an elegant portrait of our Lord’s death on the cross. Moderate 080689661327 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689170270 Anthem 1.60 080689155475 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 You Gave Your Life Away By Paul Baloche and Kathryn Scott Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB This song makes a positive statement of the gratitude we have because of what God has done for us when He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave to give us life eternal. Moderate 08749121 Acc. CD 24.95 08749120 Anthem 1.80 08749122 Orch. 69.95 "MFUUFSGSPN "MGSFE4BDSFE .VTJD© Almost everyone loves Christmas. Lent and Easter are different stories. The thought of 40 days fasting in the desert draws few non-Christians. Easter is scary—torture, humiliation, seeming defeat. We know Golgotha’s road leads to redemption, but there’s more. Through Easter, God calls us to return to our roots. Come home. Along the way, we’re asked to commit; to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. Not easy tasks. I hope this brief meditation offers a little time to reflect. Christmas presents “joy to the world”. Lent and Easter define us in ways Christmas cannot. Sitting quietly with God, we know our hope is not in a full calendar. It is in our willingness to love the One who first loved us. It is in our humbly accepting unmerited mercy. It is in steadfast walking with God from Bethlehem to Calvary and beyond. For years, I sat in the choir director’s chair where you sit. I spent evenings searching through music catalogs, listening to endless demo recordings, praying to find food for the flock—food the choir could prepare and offer to enrich the body and enhance worship. Most of the time, I would let God lead me to the Well. There I found what we needed. In 2009–2010, Alfred Sacred Music will offer new music—new worship tools. Tammy Waldrop, Tom Fettke, and I are hard at work, listening for the Spirit’s guiding voice, trying our best, with God’s help, to design those new tools. We covet your prayers. Have a Holy Lent and an extraordinary Easter season. God’s blessings to each of you, Sheldon Curry Managing Editor, Sacred Music To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 18 Children’s Collection for Lent & Easter Three Songs For Spring By Ruth Elaine Schram Unison w/opt. 2-Part Don’t miss this delightful collection of three children’s anthems for unison (opt. 2-part) voices and keyboard. Appropriate for Palm Sunday, Holy Week/Lent and Easter, each of the three anthems has optional narration. Titles included are Hosanna, Welcomed Home Again, which may also be used as a communion anthem and Jesus Rose. Easy 29254 Acc. CD 29.95 29253 Choral Book 2.50 Children's Musical for Lent & Easter The Dogwood Story By Pam Andrews Unison The Dogwood Story is an easy to perform kids’ Easter musical. There are seven songs with narrative easy-to-perform drama (nine speaking parts which may be condensed to be performed by one narrator or expanded to create fifty-four short speaking parts). The kit contains a listening CD with permission to make copies, split accompaniment CD, full piano/vocal/ script with tech script, kids’ scores and lyric sheets (reproducible), teacher resource materials and a movement video/DVD with movement script. Easy TDS04 Acc. CD (split) 54.95 TDS03 CD (reproducible) 49.95 TDS06 Kids Score (reproducible) 29.95 TDS02 Kit 199.95 TDS08 Movement DVD 24.95 TDS05 Piano/Vocal/Tech Script 9.95 TDS01 Set w/CD 12.00 TDS07 Teacher Resource Kit 59.95 Drama for Lent & Easter Handbell Music for Lent & Easter Alleluia Give Thanks Arr. by Sondra K. Tucker 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2. Easy 2461 This inexpensive collection helps you take on your Easter services with ease of planning and preparation. The latest offering in the Program Builder series offers recitations and readings for all ages as well as short scripts and program and service ideas for the season. Also featured is an entire worship service for Palm Sunday. 9780834176829 Drama Book 5.99 4.95 Because He Lives Arr. by Cynthia Dobrinski 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2+. Easy 2472 Handbell Parts 4.95 From The Cross To The Crown Arr. by Lloyd Larson 2-3 Octave w/opt. handchimes The final days of Christ’s earthly journey are captured in the eight stunning hymn tune settings included in this volume. The best feature about this product is that the initial purchase of the collection entitles the director to legally reproduce these titles for his or her ensemble. Level 2+. Easy 20/1472L Handbell Part (reprod.) 39.95 Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise Arr. by Dan R. Edwards 3-5 Octave Level 3. Moderate CGB585 Handbell Parts 4.50 Lamb Of God By Twila Paris, Arr. by Michael Ryan 2-3 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2. Easy 20/1457L Handbell Parts 4.95 Raise Your Joys And Triumphs High Arr. by Sandra Eithun 3-6 Octave Level 2+. Easy 20/1468L Easter Program Builder No. 32 Compiled by Kim Messer Handbell Parts Handbell Parts 4.95 Ride On King Jesus Arr. by Valerie Stephenson3-5 Octave Level 2+. Easy CGB578 Handbell Parts 4.50 There Is A Redeemer By Melody Green Arr. by Lloyd Larson 2-3 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2+. Easy 20/1473L Handbell Parts Twelve Bells +1 For Lent & Easter Arr. by Patricia Cota 4.95 13 Bells Titles include: At The Cross, Jesus Paid It All, My Jesus I Love Thee and more. Moderate 2473 Handbell Book 7.95 Were You There Arr. by Joel Raney and Arnold B. Sherman 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2+. Easy 2468 Handbell Parts 4.25 Instrumental Music for Lent & Easter All Glory Laud And Honor Arr. by David Winkler Orchestra Designed especially for church orchestra, this festive pairing of two hymns works well for the Easter season or in any service where you would like to program an instrumental piece. Parts are included for all band and orchestral instruments, with strings being completely optional. Moderate 08749306 Orchestra Parts 60.00 Alleluia Christ Is Risen Arr. by Douglas E. Wagner Brass Quintet w/piano Instrumentation: trumpets 1 and 2, horn or trumpet 3, trombone 1, trombone 2 and/or tuba and piano. Moderate 30/2452L Brass Parts 15.95 Resurrection Brass Arr. by Charles Evans Brass Quintet Featuring arrangements of five classic hymns, this collection will enable the warm and triumphant sounds of brass quintet to reverberate throughout your worship service. Titles include: Hosanna Loud Hosanna, Were You There, Crown Him With Many Crowns, O Sacred Head Now Wounded and Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Instrumentation: trumpet 1 and 2, horn, trombone 1 and 2 or tuba. Moderate 30/2453L Brass Parts 19.95 Keyboard Music for Lent & Easter Glorious Praise Arr. by Mary McDonald and Larry Shackley Piano-Organ Duet From the meditative sounds of Beautiful One by Tim Hughes and Lamb Of God by Twila Paris, to the triumphant In Christ Alone by Keith Getty, this collection provides a variety of styles and moods suitable for most services, and is especially suitable for Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Moderate 70/1681L Piano-Organ Book 17.95 Hosannas And Alleluias Compiled by Michael Shea Organ This easy, seasonal collection of fourteen festive hymn tunes and original pieces for organ captures the joyous spirit of those two remarkable days in the Christian calendar: Jesus’ palmstrewn entry into Jerusalem and His glorious resurrection. Easy 70/1676L Organ Book 15.00 Prices are subject to change without notice. 19 Near The Cross Arr. by Robert Hebble Organ From the pen of one of America’s most imaginative organ composers comes this innovative collection of music for the observances of Holy Week, including contemplative settings of Ah Holy Jesus, Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross and What Wondrous Love Is This. Advanced 70/1671L Organ Book 15.00 Palms And Passion Suite Arr. by Mark Hayes Piano Here are three expressive piano arrangements for Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Titles include: All Glory Laud And Honor, Let Us Break Bread Together and There Is A Fountain. Advanced 70/1679L Piano Book 12.50 Sacrifice And Triumph Compiled by David SarandonPiano This collection is designed to provide exactly what you need for preludes, offertories, postludes and communion music in the weeks leading up to Easter. Moderate 70/1680L Piano Book 15.00 The Easter Messiah Arr. by Larry Shackley Piano Duet Titles include: Sinfonia, Lift Up Your Head O Ye Gates, How Beautiful Are The Feet, Hallelujah, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth and Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain. Moderate 70/1670L Piano Duet Book 15.00 New Adult Musicals “at a glance” title Arise My Love At The Ninth Hour Beyond The Cross Calvary’s Mountain Come Touch The Robe Covenant Of Grace East To West He Lives In The Presence Of Jehovah Journey To The Cross Love Grew Where The Blood Fell Marvelous Light May We Never Lose The Wonder Raise The Crown Savior Sovereign Lord The Crown And The Cross The Easter Song The Sunday Singer - Easter ‘09 Touched By The Christ Worthy - The Song Of The Ages composer Adams Long/Pote Sterling Leavitt Choplin Martin Rhodes Shipps Smith/Mauldin Various Crumpton/Gambill Williamson Vader/Rouse Clydesdale Moffitt/Smith/Cottrell Mehrens/Williamson Parker/Hayes Various Various Larson/Burke Parks recharge your music ministry .VTJD "UMBOUB voicing SATB SATB SATB SATB SATB/SAB SATB SATB SATB SATB SATB/SAB Unison/2 Pt. SATB SATB SATB SATB SATB SATB/SAB SATB SATB SATB/SAB SATB difficulty length Easy 30 Moderate 35 Easy 34 Moderate 30 Moderate 40 Moderate 40 Moderate 50 Moderate Easy 40 Easy 20 Easy 20 Moderate 50 Moderate 45 Moderate 50 Moderate 45 Moderate 42 Moderate 9 Moderate 45 Easy Moderate Easy 48 format Narr./opt. drama Narr. Narr. Narr. Narr./opt. drama Narr. DVD Music Only DVD/opt. drama Narr. Narr. Music Only DVD/opt. drama DVD DVD Narr. Narr. Narr./opt. drama Music Only Narr./opt. drama Narr. January 13-16 at Dunwoody Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Plan now to attend this great gathering of church musicians. Concerts, premieres, workshops and reading sessions are just a part of what you’ll experience. Save on registration costs by signing up by Dec. 15th. For details visit To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 e1 .mus, Pag Thank You 06 How We 1 ank You How We Th FS FIRST PROO Music by Words and MONS TIM TIM TTS WA and ADAM n Kropf nno Arr. by Sha is Barron and Chr D M7 133 ?? q = ca. 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An impressive list of companion products, including rehearsal tracks for singers and a Worship Band Training Pack, makes this an accessible and useful tool for your ministry. TPOHT$FOUVSJFTs(JWF.F:PVS)BOEs(PEPG&WFSZUIJOHs)PX8F 5IBOL:PVs*8JMM/PU#F4IBLFOs-FBE6T0Os/FWFS8JMMs0.Z-PSEs 5IF.BHOJlDBUs:PVSF&WFSZUJOH ˙ ?# # ˙ # , arr. Shannon Kropf/Chris Barron œ œœ œ mus, ! Company, rding. Copyright on the reco (adm. by The ic (ASCAP) ghout are not s (ASCAP) lone Mus g Praise Song 2-8139)/Dying Ego ved. Consumin 46. , TN 3721 All rights reser © 2008 by 1-800-234-24 is Copyright Box 128139, Nashville s Music (ASCAP). mation call Peak PO n infor I Seve (adm. by ses. For CCL CCLI licen covered by uct is NOT of this prod ying Cop D M7 E: ASE NOT onal) throu notes (opti ?# # # Modern Music in the Ancient sAnctuAry œ œ œ! œ œ œ œ & ## # œ PLE How we THank You œ j œœœ ˙˙˙ A 22 D M7 ww w œ œ œ En 2nd timter His e: MEN gates j œœœ œœœ good. is lone - a F# m www www œ œ ˙ j œ ˙ œ. He ? œ ## # œ ! 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Titles include: I Give You My Heart, How Great Is Our God, He’s Always Been Faithful, God Of Wonders, Fall Like Rain, Days Of Elijah, Come To The Water, Come Build A Church, Christmastime and Can You Hear The Christmas Bells? Easy 8427C Acc. CD 70.00 8427 Choral Book 8.95 8438 Set w/CD 17.95 Everlasting Praise 2 Arr. by Mike Speck and Stan Whitmire Orch. by Wayne Haun SATB w/congregation In this follow-up to Everlasting Praise, Mike Speck has given us sixty-six inspirational favorites that can be sung as part of one of the nineteen medleys, or as individual songs. Flexibility is the key as you choose the best format for your needs from these southern gospel standards, beloved hymns and classic praise choruses. This timeless resource for congregation and choir is usable for years to come. Moderate 765762105126 Acc. CD (split) 99.99 765762105225 Acc. CD (stereo) 99.99 765762105027 CD 16.99 9780834176669 Choral Book 9.99 765762161603 Keyboard (Looseleaf) 59.99 765762158009 Orch. (CD-ROM) 495.00 765762157903 Set w/CD 12.00 Firm Foundation Medley Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB This Package Of Praise for choir and congregation includes A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, The Church’s One Foundation, The Solid Rock and How Firm A Foundation. Moderate 005129945 Acc. CD 35.00 005129944 Extended Anthem 3.50 005129946 Orch. (CD-ROM) 75.00 Higher Ground Arr. by Michael Lawrence SATB Michael Lawrence brings us a power-packed collection of best-loved inspirational and gospel arrangements specifically suited for the smaller, volunteer choir. Since these arrangements are both musically interesting and technically achievable, the whole book will find usefulness for revival choirs, summer choirs or in those instances when something quick, easy and great is needed. Easy 765762104129 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 765762104228 765762104020 765762103924 9780834176621 765762155701 765762155602 Acc. CD (stereo) Bulk CD (10) CD Choral Book Orch. (CD-ROM) Set w/CD 90.00 74.99 16.99 7.99 350.00 12.00 Hymns We Love To Sing Various Arrangers SAB/2-Part Hymns We Love To Sing is a musically satisfying and diverse array of moods and styles that provides a fresh look and feel to universal favorites from our cherished heritage of hymnody. This collection will be a welcome addition to the repertoire for smaller choirs and is economically priced to easily fit into a smaller church choir budget. Arrangers include: Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald and more. Easy 99/2462L Acc. CD 39.95 45/1161L Choral Book 7.95 99/2463L Reh. CD 39.95 I Still Believe Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB This energetic collection from today’s Southern Gospel features twelve songs of this genre’s leading vocal groups. Your choir and congregation will experience inspiring songs of worship from Austins Bridge, The Crabb Family, Gaither Vocal Band, Greater Vision and others. The end result is a toe-tapping combination of upbeat tunes and soul-stirring ballads with songs such as Preach The Word, You Can, I Go To The Rock and There Is No Other Name. Moderate 005135534 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 005135533 CD 9.98 005135532 Choral Book 8.95 005135535 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 005135536 Set w/CD 12.00 O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing Created by Tony Wood, John Lemonis and Russell Mauldin SATB This mini-musical takes a look at the life of writer Charles Wesley and his legacy of stirring hymns that still impact the church more than two centuries after his death. Titles include: Every Moment A Song, Rejoice The Lord Is King, O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing, Hark The Herald Angels Sing and more. 8 minutes in length. Easy 4575715373 Acc. CD (split) 27.95 4575715376 Acc. DVD (split) 69.95 4575715372 CD 12.98 4575715377 Choral Book 2.95 4575715378 Orch. (CD-ROM) 99.95 4575715371 Set w/CD 7.00 Packages Of Praise Vol. 2 Compiled by Keith Wilbanks SATB Engage your choir AND congregation with this powerful collection of medleys that features hymns and new worship songs with arrangements by Travis Cottrell, Richard Kingsmore, Lari Goss, Camp Kirkland and more. Volume Two contains eight medleys with versatile options such as repeats and/or endings so you can create a song set that fits your needs. By combining familiar hymns with new worship songs, your choir can guide the congregation to the next level of worship through an invitation to join voices and praise God together as the Body. Moderate 005170423 Acc. CD 90.00 005170422 CD 9.98 005170421 Choral Book 9.95 005170424 Orch. (CD-ROM) 350.00 005170505 Set w/CD 12.00 Power In The Blood Medley Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB This Package Of Praise for choir and congregation includes There Is A Fountain, The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power, There Is Power In The Blood, Are You Washed In The Blood and Nothing But The Blood. Moderate 005129948 Acc. CD 35.00 005129947 Extended Anthem 3.50 005129949 Orch. (CD-ROM) 75.00 Small But Mighty II Transcribed by Craig Courtney 2-Part/3-Part Here are nine stellar anthems from Beckenhorst Press arranged for small choir. The careful 2-3 part voicing will make your ensemble sound strong and full. Titles include: Celtic Land, Fairest Lord Jesus, Give Me Jesus, Lamb Of God and more. Easy CC15 Choral Book 8.95 Songs And Scenes Created by Johnathan Crumpton and Luke Gambill Unison/2-Part Energize your choir’s presentation and deliver a visual choir experience with Songs And Scenes, the new DVD-driven collection from The Simple Series. Watch as high impact scenes delivered via music videos in sync with the message of these powerful songs, greatly enhance the effectiveness of the easy-to-learn features of these arrangements. Easy 4575715863 Acc. CD (split) 59.95 4575715866 Acc. DVD (split) 149.95 4575715862 CD 12.98 4575715867 Choral Book 6.95 4575715861 Set w/CD 10.00 To hear these new releases and much more, sign up for Music Atlanta 2009 January 13-16 See for all of the details. To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 22 That’s My King Created by Phil Barfoot Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB Transition performers and spectators into worshippers and participants through this powerful collection of praise and adoration of our awesome God. Each song is designed to move individuals toward God, stirring within them a passion to praise and participate in meaningful, life-changing worship. Titles include: That’s My King, Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone, Never Gonna Let The Rocks, Awesome Love with The Love Of God and more. Moderate 005151831 Acc. CD 90.00 005151830 CD 9.98 005110726 Choral Book 8.95 005151832 Orch. (PDF) 350.00 005151834 Reh. CD 60.00 005151833 Set w/CD 12.00 The Ultimate Ensemble Book Vol. 2 Arr. by Christopher Phillips SATB The Ultimate Ensemble Book Vol. 2 features eleven contemporary Christian songs made popular by such recording artists as Avalon-Orphans Of God, Mandisa-God Speaking, Phillips, Craig & Dean-Top Of My Lungs, Casting Crowns-East To West, Point Of Grace- Before The Throne Of Grace and more. Whether you are searching for high-energy, up-tempo vocals, a cappella or worshipful ballads to challenge your ensemble and stir the heart of your church, you’ll love the fresh harmonies and high-impact treatment of each song by the Christ Church Choir arranger, Christopher Phillips.Moderate 4575716483 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575716482 CD 16.98 4575716487 Choral Book 7.95 4575716495 Reh. CD (Alto) 5.00 4575716497 Reh. CD (Bass) 5.00 4575716490 Reh. CD (Soprano) 5.00 4575716496 Reh. CD (Tenor) 5.00 4575716488 Rhythm & Strings (CD-ROM)99.00 4575716481 Set w/CD 10.00 Vocal Ease By Dave Williamson Vocal-Ease is a series of thirteen exercises compiled by Dave Williamson as a result of scanning the globe for over thirty years in an effort to identify a warm-up sequence that really works. The exercises in this collection are the best of the best at actually preparing the voice for singing. The exercises fall into the following five categories: Breathing Exercises, Cobweb Sweeping Exercises, First Song Exercises, Tongue and Lip Exercises and Combination Exercises. Dave makes it easy for you to teach your choir these warm-ups. In the Director’s edition, each exercise is prefaced with Dave’s explanation of its purpose and includes a demonstration by Dave with his choir of how it is to be performed. The Singer’s Edition includes the exercises only, without the explanations of each exercise. If you’re serious about improving the sound of your choir, this series is for you! 4575709733 Director’s CD 19.95 4575709735 Singer’s CD 7.00 Senior Adult Collection Wonder Of Wonders Arr. by Marty Parks SATB Wonder Of Wonders contains ten great arrangements, in a variety of styles, each featuring large print and no repeats! Gospel songs, cherished hymns, inspirational favorites and even a few praise and worship choices make Wonder Of Wonders ideal for choirs presenting individual selections or entire programs. Easy 765762103726 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 765762103825 Acc. CD (stereo) 90.00 765762103627 Bulk CD (10) 74.99 765762103528 CD 16.99 9780834176638 Choral Book 7.99 765762155503 Set w/CD 12.00 Nonseasonal Anthems A Blessing Of Music By Joseph M. Martin SATB This benediction unfolds gradually revealing many beautiful layers of sound and meaning. The perfect concert closer will send your audience home warmed by the beautiful sounds of sacred harmony. Moderate A8788 Anthem 1.90 A Call To Trust By J. Paul Williams and Joseph M. Martin SATB There is a driving confidence in both the message and the music of this new invitation to faith. After a short slower quote from the traditional hymn, Lead Me Lord, the song energizes into a contemporary sound. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) that features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8789 Anthem 2.05 A Future And A Hope By Cindy Berry SATB Calling upon Old Testament scriptures of assurance, Cindy Berry presents an anthem of sweeping power suitable for Memorial services or general use. Crowned with a memorable melody and permeated with thoughtful part writing, this canticle of hope is a moving sermon in song. Moderate A8860 Anthem 1.85 Acceptable By Dennis and Nan Allen SATB Treat your contemporary choir to this new song by Dennis and Nan Allen from the SonPower 2007 collection Made To Worship. Moderate 005111582 Acc. CD 24.95 005110889 Anthem 1.60 005111589 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Adonai Arr. by Terry Winch SATB All Because Of Jesus Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB All Good Gifts By Penny Rodriquez SATB All Hail The Power Arr. by Patti Drennan SATB This wonderful song of reflection, made popular by the group Avalon, reminds us that He is the Maker of each moment and the Father of our hopes and freedoms.Moderate 4575716233 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575716237 Anthem 1.60 4575716238 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Recently recorded by Casting Crowns, this Steve Fee song arranged here by Richard Kingsmore is a musical and lyrical tribute to the Lord and King.Moderate 08749430 Acc. CD 24.95 08749429 Anthem 1.80 08749431 Orch. 55.00 The abundance of good gifts bestowed upon us - found in nature and in our spiritual beings - is but a reflection of God’s unending love for us. This powerful message has a brand new feel in Penny Rodriquez’s gorgeous setting. Moderate 08748894 Anthem 1.70 Here is a marvelous arrangement of a classic hymn. Written for organ and piano with an option for congregational participation, this noble statement of the majesty of Christ is useful anytime. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8817 Anthem 2.00 LB5973 Orch. 35.00 All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises with We Will Worship The Lamb Arr. by Marty Parks SATB Ideal for a service opener or the highpoint of a worship set. These two highly popular worship songs confirm our commitment to the unhindered worship of God. Moderate 765762106321 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176737 Anthem 1.70 765762156500 Orch. 69.99 All The Way My Savior Leads Me By Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman Arr. by Tom Fettke Orch. by Michael Lawrence SATB/SAB Comfort, awe, a mirror of our reliance on God - all these attributes of faith well-up from All The Way My Savior Leads Me. Moderate 32212 Acc. CD 24.95 32211 Anthem (SAB) 1.95 32210 Anthem (SATB) 1.95 32213 Orch. 50.00 Prices are subject to change without notice. 23 Amen Is Where We Begin By Pepper Choplin SATB w/solo This joyous song of service opens broadly quoting the traditional spiritual Amen. It shifts suddenly into a rousing up-tempo message of service to God’s kingdom and includes an infectious calland-response style sequence for soloist and choir. Moderate 99/2439L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3785L Anthem 1.95 30/2420L Rhythm Parts 24.95 Are You Washed In The Blood Arr. by Bradley Knight SATB Moderate 4575716033 4575716037 4575716038 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.60 69.95 As the Deer Arr. by Keith Christopher SATB This arrangement of Martin Nystrom’s classic worship song makes for a personal and intimate choral moment. Moderate 08749500 Acc. CD 24.95 08740834 Anthem 1.80 08749501 String Parts 35.00 At Calvary By Mary McDonald SATB/SAB This is one of Mary McDonald’s truly classic creations. Now at last, there is a fine orchestration plus an SAB voicing available. Moderate 99/2432L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3772L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3771L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 30/2417L Orch. 39.95 Baptized In Water Arr. by Jane Holstein 2-Part w/opt. C instrument Celebrating the sacrament of baptism, this elegant two-part setting by arranger Jane Holstein utilizes the David Haas tune Evening Hymn, along with a scripturally-charged text by Michael Saward, written on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the ministry. Easy C5574 Anthem 1.90 Be In Our Midst By J. William Norris and Douglas Wagner SATB The hope for intimacy with God is expressed in moving tones. The piano part offers a supportive yet rhapsodic decoration for this message of love and grace. A quote of the hymn Near To The Heart Of God acts as a delicate punctuation mark to the central theme. Moderate A8787 Anthem 1.85 Be Thou My Vision Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB This is a gently rhythmic, contemporary setting of the classic Irish hymn. Moderate 797242889257 Acc. CD 24.98 797242889196 Anthem 1.75 797242889370 Rhythm/Drums 30.00 797242889479 Rhythm/Drums (PDF) 30.00 Beautiful Savior Arr. by Marty Parks 2-Part This classic hymn text is introduced in this setting by what is possibly J. S. Bach’s most beautiful melody. Beginning simply and ending powerfully, Beautiful Savior retains accessible and basically two-part choral writing throughout. Easy 765762106628 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176768 Anthem 1.65 765762156807 Orch. 69.99 Because Of That Blood By Randy Phillips and Mark Harris Arr. by Cliff Duren Orch. by Russell Mauldin SATB w/solo This salvation song from You Changed My Name takes a nod from many contemporary epic ballads heard in popular music. Moderate 005127634 Acc. CD 24.95 005127625 Anthem 1.60 005127644 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Because We Believe By Jamie Harville and Nancy Gordon, Arr. by Jay Rouse Orch. by Rolin R. Mains SATB There is a strong narrative introducing this Jay Rouse arrangement of a contemporary creed. Moderate 797242887956 Acc. CD 24.98 797242888205 Acc. DVD 64.95 797242887895 Anthem 1.75 797242888076 Orch. 69.95 797242888175 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Before The Rocks Cry Out By Phil Barfoot and Rebecca J. Peck Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB w/solo Use this powerful praise song from Joy In The House to stir both choir and congregation. Moderate 005127632 Acc. CD 24.95 005127623 Anthem 1.60 005127642 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Before The Throne Of God Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB/SAB Lloyd Larson’s touch on this tune and pairing with one of the most popular songs of the cross, When I Survey, makes for a strong anthem for most any church season. Moderate 08749008 Acc. CD 24.95 08749018 Anthem (SAB) 1.80 08749007 Anthem (SATB) 1.80 Before The Throne Of God Above By Charitie Bancroft and Vikki Cook Arr. by David Angerman SATB This popular contemporary ballad has the elegant tone of a traditional Celtic song. In the hands of arranger David Angerman, it also makes a worthy choral presentation. Moderate A8654 Anthem 1.90 Bless The Lord At All Times By Steve Merkel and Nancy Gordon Arr. by Marty Parks 2-Part Here’s an energetic, two-part anthem based on Psalm 34. Smaller choirs will love and appreciate the fun, “echo” treatment between soloist and choir. Easy 765762106123 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176713 Anthem 1.70 765762156302 Orch. 69.99 Bless The Lord O My Soul By Joel Raney SATB w/handbells/flute Paraphrasing Psalm 103, this Joel Raney original both charms and delights as it declares praise to God from beginning to end. The choral writing sparkles with a touch of syncopation, while grounded with a solid piano accompaniment. Moderate C5562 Anthem 1.80 C5562CS Conductor’s Score 15.00 C5562HB Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 3.25 Blessed Be Your Name Arr. by Marty Parks SATB A popular song in contemporary worship, Marty Parks takes this song to a new choral level in this appealing and energetic setting. Moderate 08749017 Acc. CD 24.95 08749016 Anthem 1.80 Born Again By Chris Harris and Chris Eaton Arr. by Travis Cottrell Orch. by Phillip Keveren SATB From the musical 3:16 The Numbers Of Hope, this song portrays the meaning of the new birth. Moderate 005127616 Acc. CD 24.95 005127618 Anthem 1.60 005127617 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Bow The Knee By Mike Harland and Chris Machen Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB w/solo This popular classic reminds us of God’s faithfulness even in times of trial and uncertainty. Moderate 005127614 Acc. CD 24.95 005110730 Anthem 1.60 005127615 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 But By Love By Dan Forrest SATB w/opt. C instrument But By Love is a gorgeous, harmonically rich call to unity, servanthood and love in the Body of Christ. Moderate BP1846 Anthem 1.75 By Faith And Not By Sight By Lloyd Larson SATB/SAB This majestic affirmation of faith is inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:7 “We walk by faith and not by sight.” Moderate 99/2486L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3829L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 10/3830L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 30/2457L Orch. 39.95 99/2489L Reh. CD (SATB & SAB) 24.95 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 Current Best-Selling Anthems at Pine Lake Music TOP 25 CONTEMPORARY/GOSPEL TOP 25 TRADITIONAL 26433 You Raise Me Up/Fettke 29265 How Can I Keep From Singing/Fettke 8068911727 Don’t You Wanna Go/Mauldin A8726 Blessed Assurance/Sterling 29261 Press On/Sterling A8542 Our God Is God/Martin 0834176225 Everlasting God/Lawrence AO8372 Take My Life and Let It Be/Rouse 8068912227 Yahweh/Goss 10/3734L Speak O Lord/McDonald 8068904927 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)/Mauldin BP1805 Draw Me Near/McDonald 8068912427 Be Unto Your Name/Mauldin 10/3285M Lift Your Light/McDonald 8068911227 Let Your Holy Rain Fall Down/Sterling AO8367 Be Thou My Vision/Rouse 8068912327 You Are God Alone/Goss 10/3627L Hallelujah Thine The Glory/McDonald 4575714947 Jesus Saves/Cottrell 29310 The Prayer w/Lead Us Lord/Fettke 8068911327 Adonai/Knight-Stone BP1817 The Very Thought Of Thee/Fettke 8068913227 Our God Saves/Williamson BP1812 I’m Gonna Sing When The Spirit Says Sing/Helvey 0834176157 It’s All About The Blood/Speck 29277 There Is A Higher Throne/Greer 08747411 In Christ Alone w/The Solid Rock/Cottrell A8743 And Can It Be/Martin 8068905427 How Can I Keep From Singing/Kingsmore 10/3658M We Will Gather/McDonald 8068925127 Majesty Here I Am/Clydesdale A-6223 Jesus Paid It All/Sterling 8068925027 For The Lord Our God Reigns/Clydesdale GG5462 Fairest Lord Jesus/Kirkland 8068963727 Untitled Hymn/Sterling BP1832 Father Of Light/Courtney 8068910127 Glorious/Williamson 10/3638M There Is A Fountain/McDonald 8068997427 Gloria/Cymbala GG5491 This Is My Father’s World/Kirkland 0834176256 He Is Exalted w/We Bow Down/Brandt 08745738 Majestic Holy One/Berry 8068912727 Grace Will Always Be/Goss BP1806 Festival Anthem on ‘Ellecombe’/Courtney 0834176195 Wonderful Grace Of Jesus/Fettke C5540 Song Of Remembrance/Fettke 8068914027 Go Light Your World/Mauldin C5478 He Keeps Me Singing/Raney 8068912827 I Cling To The Cross/Williamson A8730 If God Be For Us/Barnard You may order specially priced packets with one of each of these titles by asking for TOP-25 (for contemporary) and/or TOP-25T (for traditional). The cost of each is only $25. You may also listen to audio clips of these titles and more at our website: Last minute NEW releases from Word Music Adult Collections Let The Worshippers Arise Various Arrangers SATB Twelve dynamic, ministry-driven anthems that will encourage your worship-leading choir and congregation to exalt our Lord together. Titles include: Majestic, Come And Worship, Enough, Our Great God, Beautiful One, Unto The King and more. Moderate 080689824128 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689419096 Acc. DVD 199.95 080689715723 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689787225 CD 16.98 080689433177 Choral Book 8.95 080689453670 Orch. (PDF) 350.00 080689513367 Set w/CD 10.00 080689513398 Set w/DVD 10.00 Majestic Hymns Vol. 4 Arr. by David T. Clydesdale SATB Titles: Sing The Mighty Power Medley, Crown Him With Many Crowns and The Name Of Jesus Medley. An optional accompaniment DVD is available which contains lyrics to help prompt congregational participation. Moderate 080689563324 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 39.98 080689417092 Acc. DVD (split/stereo) 69.95 080689238277 Choral Book 4.25 080689237478 Orch. 179.95 Anthems A New Hallelujah Arr. by Gary Rhodes SATB & children Moderate 080689689321 080689188275 080689176470 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. Big Mighty God Arr. by Lari Goss Moderate 080689668326 080689173271 Acc. CD Anthem 24.98 1.60 69.95 SATB 24.98 1.60 Bullfrogs And Butterflies Arr. by David T. Clydesdale Unison Easy 080689685323 080689263279 Acc. CD Anthem Carried To The Table Arr. by Russell Mauldin Moderate 080689670329 080689175275 080689164477 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. Do It Lord Arr. by Dave Williamson Moderate 080689687327 080689858277 080689875472 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. God You Are My God Arr. by J. Daniel Smith Moderate 080689671326 080689176272 080689165474 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 SATB 24.98 1.60 69.95 SATB 24.98 1.60 69.95 SAT(B) 24.98 1.60 69.95 Hallelujah You’re Worthy To Be Praised Arr. by Carol Cymbala SAT(B) Moderate 080689683329 080689977275 WORTHY Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.85 60.00 I Will Bless The Lord Arr. by Dennis Allen Moderate 080689672323 080689177279 080689166471 Acc. CD Anthem Praise Band Charts SATB 24.95 1.60 49.95 Jerusalem with The Holy City Arr. by Russell Mauldlin SATB Moderate 080689673320 080689178276 080689167478 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 My Lord’s Prayer Arr. by Regi Stone and Lari Goss SATB Moderate 080689674327 080689179273 080689168475 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 Paid In Full Through Jesus Amen Arr. by Lari Goss SATB Moderate 080689676321 080689181276 080689169472 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 Pass It On Arr. by B. J. Davis SATB w/duet Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 Moderate 080689688324 080689859274 080689876479 Praise The Father Praise The Son Arr. by David T. Clydesdale SATB Moderate 080689686320 080689264276 080689261473 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 Psalm 62 (My Soul Finds Rest) Arr. by Gary Rhodes SATB Moderate 080689677328 080689182273 080689170478 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 So Great Arr. by Steve WilkinsonSATB w/trio Moderate 080689678325 080689183270 080689171475 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. There Is None Like You Arr. by Dave Williamson Moderate 080689679322 080689184277 080689172472 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 SATB 24.98 1.60 69.95 We Will Stand Arr. by Russell Mauldin Moderate 080689681325 080689186271 080689174476 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. SATB 24.98 1.60 69.95 You Are Arr. by Regi Stone and Lari Goss SATB Moderate 080689682322 080689187278 080689175473 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 Childrens Musical GPS Created by Celeste Clydesdale Buckle your seat belts for a fun-filled, inspirational ride on the Holy Highway with the GPS (God’s Plan Of Salvation) as your guide. 40 minutes in length. Easy 080689822124 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689414091 Acc. DVD 99.95 080689713729 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689785221 CD 16.98 080689738173 Choral Book 6.95 080689340970 Dir. Res. (digital) 59.95 080689339974 Dir. Res. (printed) 59.95 080689415098 Instructional DVD 29.95 080689511363 Set w/CD 8.00 080689511394 Set w/DVD 8.00 Patriotic Musical There Is Freedom Here Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB This musical reminds us that America’s greatness is solely dependant upon God’s grace, and it is the God of our fathers and His Son that deserve our allegiance and our gratitude. Consider the accompaniment DVD for stirring patriotic imagery. 30 minutes in length. Easy 080689823121 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689418099 Acc. DVD 199.95 080689714726 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689786228 CD 16.98 080689432170 Choral Book 7.95 080689452673 Orch. (PDF) 350.00 080689649028 Reh. CD 59.95 080689512360 Set w/CD 9.00 080689512391 Set w/DVD 9.00 Patriotic Anthems Because Of The Brave Arr. by David T. Clydesdale Moderate 080689684326 080689262272 080689260476 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. Blades Of Grass Arr. by Russell Mauldin Moderate 080689669323 080689416095 080689174278 080689163470 Acc. CD Acc. DVD Anthem Orch. SATB 24.98 1.85 69.95 SATB 24.98 34.95 1.60 69.95 Truth Is Marching On with Battle Hymn Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB Moderate 080689680328 080689185274 080689173479 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. 24.98 1.60 69.95 26 Children Of The Heavenly Father Arr. by Craig Courtney Crown Him King By Cindy Berry SATB This classic Swedish hymn of God’s fatherly care is skillfullly arranged by Craig Courtney. The expressive range covers the spectrum from tender to full-voiced exaltation. Moderate BP1835 Anthem 1.75 Cindy Berry’s regal anthem of rejoicing will lead your congregation to praise for the King. Moderate 08749010 Acc. CD 24.95 08749009 Anthem 1.70 08749011 Orch. 55.00 Come Let Us Give Thanks By John Purifoy SATB w/trumpet Delight In The Lord By John Parker SATB SATB Borrowing from the opening lines of Psalm 103, this jubilant anthem of thanksgiving is a call for all to rejoice in remembering God’s mercy and the many good deeds extended to us. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748947) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08748895 Anthem 1.70 Based on a Psalm 37 passage, John Parker has created a rhythmic and uplifting anthem of rejoicing. Moderate 08748910 Acc. CD 24.95 08748909 Anthem 1.70 08748911 Orch. 55.00 Come To The Feast By Mary Kay Beall and Benjamin Harlan Don Hart gives us a challenging and rewarding a cappella setting of this traditional spiritual. As God delivered Daniel from the lion’s den so also God can deliver us from our enemies if we put all of our trust in the power of the living God. Advanced MFA0042 Anthem 2.00 SATB Here is a communion anthem that is a simple invitation to the banquet of grace. Beautiful imagery and lovely melodic writing caress this most sacred of moments with gentle expressiveness. Moderate A8859 Anthem 1.85 Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel Arr. by Don Hart SATB a cappella Does Anybody Here By Ken Reynolds SATB A joyful, folk-like invitation to gather at our Lord’s table, this communion offering exudes the love of Christ for His family of faith. Moderate 10/3773L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3729L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 This call to worship is arranged in a tasty gospel style. The song asks the question, “Does anybody here want to praise the Lord with me? Yes, we give you glory and honor to your Holy name.” Moderate 08749094 Acc. CD 24.95 08749093 Anthem 1.80 08749095 Orch. 69.95 Come To The Table Of Grace By Luke Woodard Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB Enough with I Need Thee Every Hour Arr. by Richard Kingsmore Come To The Table By Duane Nichols SATB/SAB This is an energetic, celebratory call to the table of the Lord. The specially mixed accompaniment trax will allow the local director with a rhythm section, but no orchestra, to have their instrumentalists play along with the orchestra track. Moderate 765762105720 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176676 Anthem 1.70 765762155909 Orch. 69.99 Count Your Blessings Arr. by Mark Hayes SATB w/solo Mark Hayes’ spirited arrangement of this classic 19th-century hymn boasts a “pop-shuffle” style, call-and-response solos and tight vocal harmonies on the refrains. Moderate 99/2459L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3814L Anthem 1.95 30/2442L Brass & Rhythm Parts 24.95 Creation Is Singing By Pamela Martin and Mark Hayes SATB Pulsating rhythms, colorful harmonies and soaring melodies highlight this glad offering of praise from Mark Hayes. Moderate 99/2452L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3804L Anthem 1.95 30/2428L Orch. 39.95 SATB Here is a praise and worship song with a cherished hymn, a choral presentation with congregational involvement and an attractive arrangement, accessible to any choir. Moderate 765762107021 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176805 Anthem 1.70 765762157200 Orch. 69.99 Fairest Lord Jesus Arr. by Stan Pethel SATB These beloved lyrics sing afresh with a new tune by Stan Pethel that you will find easy to embrace. The soaring melodic line and lush harmonies will lead your choir to a fulfilling singing experience and the congregation to a worshipful moment as well. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748947) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08748957 Anthem 1.70 08748958 String Parts 25.00 Fairest Lord Jesus Arr. by Joseph M. Martin SATB w/flute Something old and something new infuse this version of the beloved hymn. An original chorus raises the curtain for the hymn while a winsome flute part floats above. The contrasting 6/8 section is a pastoral dance, presenting a fresh approach to this pleasant lyric espousing the beauty of nature and the splendor of the Savior. Moderate A8700 Anthem 2.20 Faith And Hope And Love By John Leavitt SATB John Leavitt’s warm setting exemplifies the elements of faith, hope and love. It is usable as a brief anthem or benediction at any time of the year. Moderate 08749039 Anthem 1.70 Flow To You Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB Follow Jesus Arr. by Bradley Knight SATB For All The Saints Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB J. Daniel Smith has arranged this song from Lynn DeShazo for SATB voicing. It is a heart-felt prayer of devotion and dedication. Moderate 08749097 Acc. CD 24.95 08749096 Anthem 1.80 08749098 Orch. 69.95 This great song was created by Chad Cates, Tony Wood, along with Todd Smith from the group Selah. This unique anthem has an energetic “tribal feel” and is perfect anytime of the year, but works especially well for missions. Moderate 4575715873 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575715877 Anthem 1.60 4575715878 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Arranged for symphonic orchestra and chorus, this majestic hymn of Christ’s church would be a great choice for special celebrations and festivals. Moderate 797242889653 Acc. CD 24.98 797242889592 Anthem 1.75 797242889776 Orch. 69.95 797242889875 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 For The Splendor Of Creation By Carl P. Daw and Gustav Holst Arr. by Jameson Marvin SATB a cappella Calling upon the exalted theme from Gustav Holst’s The Planets, this regal anthem was especially written for commencement ceremonies at Harvard University. The text is rich, delivering an ode to the value of true wisdom and the importance of a grateful spirit. Advanced MFA0054 Anthem 1.85 MusiCalifornia April 13-16, 2009 Christmas comes early... and much, much more. Visit Prices are subject to change without notice. 27 For You I Love By Ken Reynolds SATB This song by Ken Reynolds declares the greatness of God, and is a great way to proclaim our faithfulness and devotion to Him. This gospel arrangement is easy to learn and great to sing. Moderate 08749100 Acc. CD 24.95 08749099 Anthem 1.80 08749101 Orch. 69.95 Gift Of Grace By Susan Naus Dengler and Lee Dengler SATB w/violin Expressive melodic writing and meaningful text fill this worship piece with deep spiritual beauty. The moving text from Ephesians 2 centers upon the timeless subject of God’s grace with expansive phrases and rich harmonies. Moderate A8799 Anthem 1.85 Give It Away By Gloria Gaither and Benjamin Gaither Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB w/solo Try to keep from smiling as you listen to and sing Gloria Gaither’s toe-tapping gospel anthem from Joy In The House. Moderate 005111577 Acc. CD 24.95 005110884 Anthem 1.60 005111584 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Glorious Indescribable By Cindy Berry SATB Declaring the glory of God, this anthem focuses on the majesty and grandeur of the Almighty. A very light orchestration from Stan Pethel provides instrumental opportunities and gives the performance of the work an almost Celtic style. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8839 Anthem 1.85 LB5981 Orch. 30.00 Go Ask Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB A Gaither southern-gospel classic is now available for your choir. Moderate 797242890055 Acc. CD 24.98 797242889998 Anthem 1.75 797242890178 Orch. 39.95 797242890277 Orch. (PDF) 39.95 God Great God Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB Hip and upbeat, this tune from the Kurt Karr One Church Project is full of praise and rejoicing. Moderate 08749331 Acc. CD 24.95 08749330 Anthem 1.80 08749332 Orch. 55.00 God Of Grace And God Of Glory Arr. by Keith Christopher SATB A baroque-like setting makes this hymn standard come alive with rhythmic vitality and harmonic interest. Moderate 08749492 Acc. CD 24.95 08749027 Anthem 1.70 08749493 String Parts 25.00 Good News The Chariot’s Comin’ Arr. by Moses Hogan Adapted by Rollo Dilworth SATB Goodbye Valley Hello Mountaintop Arr. by Marty Hamby SATB This well-known spiritual of assurance with its slow gospel tempo and underlying pulsating drive is full of heartfelt emotion and soul. Moderate 08748959 Anthem 1.70 This southern-gospel song is sure to become a Southern favorite for years to come. Life is a journey that often takes us from low to high places. This song will lift your spiritis while encouraging your choir and congregation to remember that all trials will pass. Moderate 4575715943 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575715947 Anthem 1.65 4575715948 Orch. (CD-ROM) 74.95 Great In Power Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB From Russell Fragar of Hillsong Church comes this driving anthem, declaring the awesome power of God over the whole earth. Moderate 08748487 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748486 Anthem 1.80 08748488 Orch. 69.95 Great Redeemer Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB Written by Paul Baloche and arranged by Richard Kingsmore, this is a moving statement of the awe we experience just standing in God’s presence. Moderate 08749103 Acc. CD 24.95 08749102 Anthem 1.80 08749104 Orch. 69.95 Hallelujah To My King Arr. by Marty Hamby SATB Proclaiming “Hallelujah, what a Savior,” this tune by Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown is infectious and fun to sing. Moderate 08748541 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748540 Anthem 1.80 08748542 Orch. 69.95 Hallelujah We Will Sing Arr. by Dave Williamson Moderate 4575716513 4575716517 4575716518 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) Hallelujahs By Chris Rice Arr. by Bruce Greer SATB 24.95 1.65 74.95 SATB With a text derived from Psalm 19 and Psalm 104, this lush and sensitive arrangement brings Chris Rice’s hymn-like worship song to vivid life. The rich choral setting is enhanced by a symphonic accompaniment. Moderate 765762106222 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176720 Anthem 1.70 765762156401 Orch. 69.99 He Gives More Grace By Lyn Robbins and Tom Fettke Arr. by Tom Fettke SATB Tom Fettke gives us a beautiful musical window through which to see more of the grace of our God. Moderate 797242890451 Acc. CD 24.98 797242890390 Anthem 1.75 797242890574 Orch. 69.95 797242890673 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 He Is Exalted Arr. by Larry Shackley SATB/SAB This joyful marriage of All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name with Twila Paris’s contemporary praise song He Is Exalted sparkles with creative energy. Moderate 99/2464L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3817L Anthem (SAB) 2.10 10/3816L Anthem (SATB) 2.10 30/2444L Brass & Rhythm Parts 39.95 He Is Forever By Claire Cloninger and John Rosasco Arr. by Tom Fettke Orch. by Richard Kingsmore SATB He Is Forever is a very singable, joyful celebration of who God is. Moderate 797242884252 Acc. CD 24.98 797242884191 Anthem 1.75 797242884375 Orch. 69.95 797242884474 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 He Is To Me with The Lily Of The Valley Arr. by Mike Speck and Cliff Duren Orch. by Chris McDonald SATB A newer gospel song of testimony is the “glue” for a medley including two of our best-loved gospel hymns. Uplifting and inspiring, it’s also a great, up-tempo service opener. Moderate 765762106727 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176775 Anthem 1.70 765762156906 Orch. 69.99 He Looked Beyond My Fault By Dottie Rambo Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB Dottie Rambo’s classic song of the grace of God is beautifully arranged by Camp Kirkland. Moderate 797242890857 Acc. CD 24.98 797242890796 Anthem 1.75 797242890970 Orch. 69.95 797242891076 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 He’d Do It All Again Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB This song was originally recorded by the southern gospel group, Greater Vision. It is a powerful song that assures us that if Christ had to die again for us, He would. Moderate 4575715953 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575715957 Anthem 1.65 4575715958 Orch. (CD-ROM) 74.95 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 28 Heaven Is Waiting By Jeremy Johnson Arr. by Travis Cottrell SATB Here Am I Send Me By John Purifoy SATB This song by Jeremy Johnson celebrates the brand-new life that can be found in Christ. Moderate 005111570 Acc. CD 24.95 005110819 Anthem 1.60 005111573 Orch. (CD-ROM0 69.95 This John Purifoy song has found its way into several hymnals. This arrangement, in choral form, is perfect for a missions or evangelism emphasis. Moderate 08749371 Acc. CD 24.95 08749370 Anthem 1.80 08749372 Instrumental Parts 30.00 Here I Am To Worship with My Jesus I Love Thee Arr. by Keith Christopher SATB The pairing of this choral setting of a modern worship song with a familiar hymn makes it a perfect choice for blended worship use. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749402 Anthem 1.80 08749403 Orch. 55.00 Here In Your Presence Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB Jon Egan has written this moving statement of while being in the presence of God, everything else becomes unimportant and we are completely focused on Him. Moderate 08748544 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748543 Anthem 1.80 08748545 Orch. 69.95 High And Lifted Up By Don Hall and Jaree Hall Arr. by Mary McDonald SAB A message of soothing assurance amidst the daily rush of our hectic lives, this flowing, folk-like ballod opens with women’s and men’s voices and evolves into a rich SAB texture, all cloaked within the warm Mary McDonald accompaniment. Moderate 99/2434L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3780L Anthem 1.95 30/2418L Rhythm Parts 19.95 Holy God We Praise Your Name By Larry Shackley SATB w/opt. trumpet This beloved, majestic hymn is one of the great treasures of Christian hymnody. Larry Shackley’s masterful arrangement perfectly captures its spirit, with creative choral writing, brilliant organ accompaniment and a festive trumpet obbligato. Moderate 99/2435L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3782L Anthem 1.95 Holy Holy Holy Arr. by Keith Christopher SATB What better combination than a familiar hymn in a Baroque setting? Bach’s Sleepers Awake from Cantata No. 140 in the background will be familiar, allowing you to present a new and comfortable rendition of the beloved Holy Holy Holy. Moderate 08748961 Acc. CD 24.95 08748960 Anthem 1.70 08748962 String Parts 55.00 Honey In The Rock By Frederick A. Graves and Jonathan Adams SATB a cappella Unbounded energy and an infectious rhythm characterize this original spiritual. The text takes an Old Testament reference and turns it into a testimony of confidence in the blessings of the spirit. Moderate A8851 Anthem 1.85 Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Arr. by Travis Cottrell Orch. by Phillip Keveren SATB A great selection from 3:16 The Numbers Of Hope, this anthem celebrates the might and mercy of our Savior. Moderate 005128244 Acc. CD 24.95 005127622 Anthem 1.60 005127641 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 House Of The Lord By Keith Wilkerson SATB This original anthem by Keith Wilkerson will promote a worship moment for Sunday services as well as a building dedication or groundbreaking. Moderate 08749319 Acc. CD 24.95 08749318 Anthem 1.70 08749320 Brass Parts 25.00 How Firm A Foundation Arr. by Jeff Byers SATB w/organ/piano & trumpet The color palette and dynamic ranges are both stretched in this concertato-type setting by Jeff Byers. Uniquely created parts for piano, organ and trumpet make this stalwart hymn come to life in a bold and declarative fashion. Moderate 08748964 Acc. CD 24.95 08748963 Anthem 1.70 08748965 Brass Parts 25.00 How Firm A Foundation Arr. by Dan Forrest SATB Dan Forrest’s stellar setting of this powerful hymn uses a broad pallet of sounds to convey the richness of the text. Moderate HMC2217 Anthem 1.80 How Great His Love By Ruth Elaine Schram SATB/SAB Full of awe and wonder, this song of reverent faith opens quietly with unison voices. The vocals thicken gradually as the verses rise in successive keys, warmly supported by the artful accompaniment. Moderate 99/2441L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3790L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3789L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 30/2422L Instrumental Parts 39.95 Hymn Of Hope By Dan Forrest SATB I Am Arr. by B. J. Davis SATB Hymn Of Hope is an original text and tune by Dan Forrest, commissioned for the 150th anniversary of First Baptpist Church, Lapeer, Michigan. The music and text build to a soaring climax with heaven’s victory in view. Moderate 08749033 Anthem 1.70 Moderate 4575716113 4575716117 4575716118 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.60 69.95 I Am Your Servant O Lord By Don Besig and Nancy Price SATB w/solo A lovely testimony of faith is found in this winsome offering. A pleasant 3/4 meter creates a wonderful foundation for a text of calming assurance. Moderate A8825 Anthem 2.05 I Am Yours with Take My Life And Let It Be Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB Michael Neale has creatively blended this old hymn with a new song he has written, declaring all we have is His. Moderate 08748532 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748531 Anthem 1.80 08748533 Orch. 69.95 I Believe In The Old Time Way Arr. by Marty Hamby SATB Moderate 4575716453 4575716457 4575716458 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.60 69.95 I Have A Hope By Tommy Walker Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB w/solo This title cut from worship leader Tommy Walker’s CD emphasizes the full life God has in store for those who follow His plans. Moderate 005111572 Acc. CD 24.95 005110821 Anthem 1.60 005111575 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Prices are subject to change without notice. 29 I Know Who I Am Arr. by Harold Ross SATB Written by Israel Houghton and Chris Tomlin, this energetic song states that when we are committed to Christ, He also commits to us. Moderate 08748523 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 08748522 Anthem 1.80 08748524 Orch. 69.95 I Saw The Light Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB The choir parts are standard harmony and the verses are easy to sing on this old gospel favorite arranged by Camp Kirkland. This is so much fun, don’t be surprised if you hear your congregation singing along! Moderate 08749417 Acc. CD 24.95 08749416 Anthem 1.80 08749418 Orch. 55.00 I See I Hear I Know By Craig Courtney SATB w/opt. C instrument This is a flowing anthem with a compelling melody and a Herbert Brokering text full of poetry and imagery. Moderate BP1847 Anthem 1.85 I Will Arise Arr. by Howard Helvey SATB w/brass Howard Helvey takes a historic hymn to new heights in this stellar setting. Sounding much more difficult than it is to perform, your singers and congregation will pay fresh attention to this ageless hymn. Moderate 08748999 Acc. CD 24.95 08741017 Anthem 1.40 08749000 Brass Parts 25.00 I Will Arise And Go To Jesus Arr. by Stan Pethel SATB This treasured early-American hymn is given a fresh sound in this contemporary arrangement. The light jazz approach is a delightful innovation, and the minor quality of the tune invites interesting chord colors and accompaniment patterns. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8826 Anthem 1.85 I Will Glory In The Cross Arr. by Landy and Joy Gardner and Bradley Knight SATB Moderate 4575716503 4575716507 4575716508 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) I Will Sing By Don Moen Arr. by Marty Parks 24.95 1.65 74.95 SATB A powerful ministry song from Don Moen, this is a solid affirmation of our first response, even in life’s most difficult trials - praise. Moderate 765762106529 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176751 Anthem 1.70 765762156708 Orch. 69.99 I Will Trust You By Bruce Greer SATB Because of Jeremiah 29:11 we can trust the Lord with all of our heart. This original worship ballad by Bruce Greer is both inspiring and comforting. Moderate 08748370 Acc. CD 24.95 08748369 Anthem 1.70 08748373 Orch. 55.00 I’d Rather Have Jesus Arr. by Joseph M. Martin SATB Joseph Martin thoughtfully arranges one of the most enduring sacred songs of all time. Coupled with the spiritual Give Me Jesus, this very special number is perfect for the journey of Lent or Stewardship Sunday. Moderate MD5612 Acc. CD 26.95 A8835 Anthem 1.90 LB5978 Orch. 60.00 I’ll Keep My Eyes on the Cross By Kenny Mann SATB/SAB This powerful anthem opens with a slow, emotional affirmation of faith: “like a beacon in the storm, the cross points the way for all stormtossed souls.” The intensity gradually builds until the dramatic conclusion: “I’ll keep my eyes on the cross!” Moderate 10/3792L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/1899M Anthem (SATB) 1.95 I’m Gonna Sing And Shout By Mary McDonald SATB Mary McDonald digs deep into her gospel background for this rousing original song of unrestrained praise. The favorite spiritual I’m Gonna Sing makes an appearance as the piece drives to its exciting conclusion. Moderate 99/2450L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3800L Anthem 1.95 30/2426L Brass & Rhythm Parts 24.95 I’m Gonna Tell The Gospel Story By J. Paul Williams and Joseph Graham SATB a cappella Williams and Graham collaborate to bring us an exhilarating call to discipleship in this a cappella choral. Written in a pleasing gospel style, this is sure to be a favorite with choirs and congregations alike. Moderate A8854 Anthem 1.90 Immortal Invisible Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB This modern hymn comes from writer and worship leader Laura Story who penned the song Indescribable which was made popular by Chris Tomlin. Moderate 4575716213 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575716217 Anthem 1.60 4575716218 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 In The Garden By Lloyd Larson SATB Sweet and gentle, this fresh new setting of a 19thcentury gospel gem is full of delightful harmonic surprises.Moderate 10/3781L Anthem 1.95 In This Room By Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse SATB The community we share in the body of Christ is expressed with great sensitivity in this new sacred song. In This Room works as a warm and inviting call to worship. Moderate A8855 Anthem 1.85 Into The Flame By John Parker and Mark Hayes SATB This is a jazzy, fun re-telling of the story of Shadrach, Meschack and Abednego. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8828 Anthem 2.00 Isaiah 53 Arr. by J. Daniel Smith Moderate 4575716123 4575716127 4575716128 Acc. CD Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) SATB 24.95 1.65 74.95 It Is Good Arr. by Harold Ross SATB It Is You By Peter Furler Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB Harold Ross has arranged this song by Lynn DeShazo. This song is most appropriate as a call to worship, and the easy laid back feel will be welcomed by your choir. Moderate 08749106 Acc. CD 24.95 08749105 Anthem 1.80 08749107 Orch. 69.95 This recognition song from You Changed My Name quietly builds alongside a simple, contemporary accompaniment. Moderate 005127633 Acc. CD 24.95 005127624 Anthem 1.60 005127643 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 It’s Alright By John M. Robinson Arr. by Dave WilliamsonSATB w/solo This sweeping, full-bodied song from Joy In The House practically ensures your congregation will clap along to keep time! Moderate 005127636 Acc. CD 24.95 005127627 Anthem 1.60 005128245 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Jesus Draw Me Close with Close To Thee Arr. by Jane Holstein SATB The time-honored Fanny Crosby hymn Close To Thee is combined here with the praise song, Jesus Draw Me Close by Rick Founds in a fresh, contemporary setting for blended worship. Moderate C5561C Acc. CD 24.95 C5561 Anthem 1.95 C5561R Rhythm Parts 10.00 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 • WORSHIP LEADER • CHOIR DIRECTOR • PIANIST • INSTRUMENTALIST • • HANDBELLS • TECHNICAL CREW APRIL 21-24, 2009 Featuring Greater Indianapolis Annie Moses Band Laura Dingman Tom Fettke James Nathan Fuller Dr. Gary Johnson Lloyd Larson Joseph Martin Rory Noland Jezimar Norberto David Payne Joel Raney Dr. Vernon Sanders Linda Sappington Richard Sowers Jennifer Taylor Terry D. Taylor Andrew VanVeld Paul L. Wright Reading Sessions • Workshops • Main Sessions • Worship Services Worship Practicum • Evening Events • Onsite Vendors • Banquet Workshops Tracks: • • • • • • Conducting Children Drama Instrumental Keyboard Organ New 2009 New for for 2008 • Ministry • Technology • Worship Innovations • Senior Minister Over 40 Workshops Offered! Senior Pastor Track Co-Sponsored by Pinelake Music Company & Meridian Music with Gary Johnson bring your WHOLE team! Complete registration and conference information online: Prices are subject to change without notice. CHILDREN’S DIRECTOR • PRAISE BAND LEADER • PRAISE TEAM MEMBER • MUSIC MINISTRY • DRAMA MINISTRY • CHOIR MEMBER • ORGANIST 31 Jesus Lover Of My Soul Arr. by Joseph M. Martin SATB From Testament Of Praise, Joseph Martin’s flowing arrangement filled with light, hope, love and faith, breathes new life into this Wesley classic providing a perfect worshipful moment. Moderate MD5608 Acc. CD 26.95 A8836 Anthem 1.90 LB5976 Orch. 60.00 Jesus Messiah Arr. by Michael Lawrence SATB/SAB Combine a popular, heartfelt worship song by Chris Tomlin with a sensitive arrangement by Michael Lawrence and you have a worship experience deeply enhanced by Jesus Messiah. Moderate 32208 Acc. CD 24.95 32207 Anthem (SAB) 1.95 32206 Anthem (SATB) 1.95 32209 Orch. 50.00 Jesus The One And Only Arr. by Russell Mauldin Unison/2-Part Easy 4575716423 4575716427 Acc. CD (split) Anthem 24.95 1.60 Jesus Thy Blood And Righteousness Music by Christopher Gilliam Orch. by Dan Forrest SATB Noble, stately music carries this historic hymn text of the atonement. A more lyric middle section uses the traditional hymn tune and then returns to the new material. This anthem will serve well for Lent, communion or any time. Moderate 257931 Anthem 1.65 Jesus To The World By Mike Harland Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB w/solo Originally written for the North American Mission Board, this anthem challenges believers to be witnesses to others through missions. Moderate 005111571 Acc. CD 24.95 005110820 Anthem 1.60 005111574 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Jesus Touch My Heart By Ed Rush and Stan Pethel SATB w/flute Here is a tender, intimate prayer for God’s presence and indwelling.Moderate A8818 Anthem 1.85 Joy Down In My Heart By Mary McDonald SATB This upbeat gospel medley combines Since Jesus Came Into My Heart with the beloved Sunday school song I’ve Got The Joy. Moderate 99/2473L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3821L Anthem 1.95 30/2450L Brass & Rhythm Parts 24.95 Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee Arr. by John Leavitt SATB w/children/bells & brass Commissioned by the First United Methodist Church in Huntsville, Alabama, this setting features adult, youth and children’s choirs with organ, brass, percussion and handbells. This carefully designed mass choir piece is ideal for festivals and all-church celebrations. Moderate 08749327 Acc. CD 24.95 08749326 Anthem 1.70 08749329 Instrumental Parts 35.00 Just A Closer Walk With Thee Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB Contemporary soul radiates from Robert Sterling’s arrangement of this classic 19th-century hymn. Optional brass, saxes and rhythm will enhance a truly soulful performance. Moderate 99/2460L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3815L Anthem 1.95 30/2443L Instrumental Parts 24.95 King Of All Kings By Regi Stone and Michael Popham Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB This story song offers great choral harmonies. A gradual crescendo builds to the loud pronouncement of the Lordship of Christ and King Of All Kings. Arranged for SATB choirs by Russell Mauldin, the outstanding dynamic range makes this a splendid anthem for any Sunday service. Moderate EHTD1006 Acc. CD 19.95 08749485 Anthem 1.95 EH1006B Brass & Rhythm (CD-ROM) 35.00 Lay Your Troubles In The Lap By Jackie O’Neill SATB Here is an original spiritual by Jackie O’Neill that provides a little change-of-pace for singers and congregation alike. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748947) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08748955 Anthem 1.70 Lead On O King Eternal Arr. by Joel Raney SATB “Lead us on, Lord, we will follow” is the hallmark of this hymn setting by Joel Raney. It includes original words and music along with the familiar tunes Lancashire and Aurelia. Moderate C5556 Anthem 1.80 Let The Flame Burn Brightly By Ed Rush Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB There is joy and life in this Pentecost offering. Lively choral writing and an idiomatic piano part add spice to the performance, and the inspirational text will infuse your service with purpose and power. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8790 Anthem 1.85 Let There Be Jubilant Praise By Joseph M. Martin SATB Let There Be Jubilant Praise practically sings itself and makes a great call to worship or anthem selection. There is an accompaniament CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8791 Anthem 1.90 Let Us Adore Arr. by Marty Hamby SATB Live To Praise By Twila Paris Arr. by Robert Sterling SATB From the pen of Rueben Morgan of Hillsong Church comes this moving song of worship and adoration. This very singable song works extremely well congregationally. Moderate 08748538 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748537 Anthem 1.80 08748539 Orch. 69.95 Robert Sterling creates a proclamation of worship that can be used anytime of year. Moderate 005110910 Acc. CD 24.95 005110727 Anthem 1.60 005110811 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Living In The Middle Of Love By Phil Cross Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB This an exciting and energetic anthem that encourages us to not take for granted that we’re sitting at God’s table and receiving all of the blessings that come from being His child! Moderate 4575715883 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575715887 Anthem 1.60 4575715888 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Lord I Cry To You By Regi Stone and Randy Cox Arr. by J. Daniel Smith 2-Part Psalm 141 is paraphrased in this beautiful twopart choral anthem. With simple piano and lute-like acoustic guitar, this moving expression of devotion to our Great Provider and ever-listening God is perfect for the reflective parts of any worship service. Easy EHTD1001 Acc. CD 19.95 08749486 Anthem 1.95 Lord I Know I Been Changed By Larry Shackley SATB “The angels in heaven done signed my name! Lord, I been changed.” This spiritual is a must for every choral library. Rhythmic but not rushed, the accompaniment creates a mood of quiet exhiliration with a soulful combination of chords and rhythmic patterns. Moderate 10/3820L Anthem 1.95 Lord Lift Me Up By Joseph Martin SATB Here is an exciting take on a traditional hymn text that is truly inspiring. Joseph Martin takes the well-known Higher Ground and sets it with driving rhythms and soaring vocal lines. Moderate MD5516 Acc. CD 26.95 A8830 Anthem 2.05 LB5979 Orch. 60.00 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 32 Made One In Christ By John Parker and Mark Patterson SATB With a text that reminds all Christians that “we are united, made one in Christ,” this original anthem features words by John Parker and music by Mark Patterson. Moderate C5563 SATB 1.70 Make My Life A Song By Mark Burrows SATB/2-Part w/opt. flute “O Lord of sound and silence, make my life a song.” Just as the psalmist calls the believer to praise God with song, lute and harp, so does this lyric anthem resound with the music of the spheres in praise of the Creator. Images of service, dedication and faith abound. Moderate 99/2433L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3776L Anthem (2-Part) 1.95 10/3775L Anthem (SATB) 1.95 May The Road Rise Up By Dale Grotenhuis SATB/SSA Dale Grotenhuis gives us this creative setting of a perennial lyric favorite. Moderate 08749400 Anthem (SATB) 1.70 08749401 Anthem (SSA) 1.70 Mighty Wind with Revive Us Again Arr. by Bradley Knight and Regi Stone SATB w/solos Soulful and heart-felt, this musical pairing for worship leader and choir helps us express our undying gratitude for the extraordinary gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s perfect for Pentecost Sunday services. Moderate 080689654329 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.98 080689163272 Anthem 1.60 080689148477 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 080689158476 Praise Band Charts (PDF) 49.95 Mountain Mover Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB w/solo This soulful, solo-driven anthem from You Changed My Name was written for the church, from the church. Moderate 005110813 Acc. CD 24.95 005110822 Anthem 1.60 005110814 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Mountain Mover Arr. by Bradley Knight Moderate 4575716473 4575716477 4575716478 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) SATB 24.95 1.60 69.95 My Inheritance Arr. by Johnathan Crumpton and Michael Frazier SATB Moderate 4575716023 4575716027 4575716028 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.60 69.95 My Light And My Salvation By Carl Nygard, Jr. SATB With creative melodic content and musical contrasts mirroring the text phrasing, Carl Nygard’s setting of Psalm 27 will be a welcome addition to your choral library. Moderate 08749038 Anthem 1.70 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need By Lloyd Larson2-Part w/opt. flute This simple two-part mixed arrangement is a heartfelt tribute to the timeless message of the psalmist. The flowing, supportive accompaniment richly complements the two-part texture, making the vocals sound warm and full. Moderate 99/2448L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3795L Anthem 1.95 New Doxology Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB From the Gateway worship team in Ft. Worth, Texas comes this exciting arrangement starting with the well-known Doxology and adding a great new chorus. Moderate 08749109 Acc. CD 24.95 08749108 Anthem 1.80 08749110 Orch. 69.95 New Song By Joseph M. Martin SATB Joseph Martin’s first published choral anthem is now available for the first time in years. New Song displays his signature jubilant 6/8 style of anthem. Moderate MD5602 Acc. CD 26.95 A8813 Anthem 2.05 No Not One Arr. by Travis Cottrell SATB This timeless hymn has been given a contemporary treatment thanks to the creative arranging of worship leader, Travis Cottrell. Moderate 4575715613 Acc. CD (split) 24.95 4575715617 Anthem 1.65 4575715618 Orch. (CD-ROM) 74.95 No Sweeter Name Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB J. Daniel Smith has arranged this song of encouragement written by Kari Jobe of Gateway Church. As the lyrics state, there is no sweeter name than the name of Jesus. Moderate 08748547 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748546 Anthem 1.80 08748548 Orch. 69.95 Nothing But The Blood Arr. by Phillip Keveren SATB In Neo-Classical style, Philip Keveren has set the traditional hymn text and tune against Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusic for a delightful listening and singing experience. Moderate 08748905 Acc. CD 24.95 08748904 Anthem 1.80 08748906 Orch. 55.00 Nothing Compares To The Glory Arr. by Luke Gambill SATB Moderate 4575716743 4575716747 4575716748 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.60 69.95 O Breath Of God By Keith Getty and Phil Madeira Arr. by Larry Shackley SATB/SAB w/opt. benediction Keith Getty is partnering with lyricist Phil Madeira, creating a moving new hymn in celebration of the Word, Love and Breath of God that guides, nurtures and sustains His people. This marvelous setting includes a final verse celebrating the Trinity and is arranged as the perfect worship benediction. Moderate 10/3812L Anthem (SAB) 2.10 10/3811L Anthem (SATB) 2.10 O Come To Me The Master Said By Timothy Dudley-Smith and Larry Shackley SATB Here is a modern text inviting all to take the living bread and wine and to know the goodness of the Lord. Set by the composer as a lyrically flowing song of worship, this anthem is ideal to accompany a communion processional. Moderate A8760 Anthem 1.85 O Praise Him (All This For A King) By David Crowder Arr. by Dennis Allen SATB w/opt. praise team Made popular by the David Crowder Band, this anthem from the SonPower 2007 collection Made To Worship, can be sung traditionally or rocked out with a praise band. Moderate 005111580 Acc. CD 24.95 005110887 Anthem 1.60 005111587 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 O Sing For Joy By John Parker and Stan Pethel SATB John Parker and Stan Pethel have collaborated to create this anthem of rejoicing and praise. The syncopation is easy to attain, making it possible for singers to convey the text with energy. Moderate 08748913 Acc. CD 24.95 08748912 Anthem 1.70 08748914 Orch. 55.00 On Eagle’s Wings By Michael Joncas Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB/SAB w/opt. Spanish Text This brilliant arrangement provides this classic with a fresh voice for the 21st-century. Combining an array of harmonic colors and expressive renderings of the psalm verses, it rises through a succession of uplifting key changes to a glorious conclusion. Moderate 99/2455L Acc. CD 24.95 10/3807L Anthem (SATB) 2.10 10/3808L Anthem (SAB) 2.10 30/2438L Orch. 49.95 Prices are subject to change without notice. 33 On Mountains High Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB Michael Neale’s inspirational ballad will be encouraging and uplifting to all. Moderate 08748529 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748528 Anthem 1.80 08748530 Orch. 69.95 Open The Eyes Of My Heart Arr. by John Purifoy SATB/SAB Here is a perfect pairing of a popular praise song with a hymn standard. The blending of these two songs is seamless, almost as if they were meant to be together. Moderate 08748986 Anthem (SATB) 1.80 08748987 Anthem (SAB) 1.80 Places Deeper In My Heart By David Schwoebel and Terry York SATB Terry York’s introspective text will guide listeners to a deep level of personal worship as David Schwoebel’s music descriptively paints the cry, “Music, more music, Lord, from places deeper in my heart.” Moderate 08749317 Anthem 1.70 Praise The Lord By Jeremy Johnson and Jill Paquette Arr. by Terry Winch SATB w/solo This energetic song contains a small segment of Praise To The Lord, The Almighty. Moderate 005127630 Acc. CD 24.95 005127620 Anthem 1.60 005127639 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Prayer And Alleluia By Keith Christopher SATB A paraphrase of Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart O God,” is the text for this original anthem by Keith Christopher. The flowing lines and warm harmonies carry this lyric well, providing a meaningful anthem suitable for any time in the worship service. Moderate 08749063 Acc. CD 24.95 08748880 Anthem 1.70 08749064 String Parts 25.00 Prisoner Of Hope By Benjamin Gaither, Jeff Silvey and Kim Williams Arr. by Jay Rouse SATB This is a southern-gospel testimony song that your choir and congregation will love. Moderate 797242891250 Acc. CD 24.98 797242891199 Anthem 1.75 797242891373 Orch. 69.95 797242891472 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Psalm 1 By Mark Hayes SATB w/oboe & strings God’s blessing on those who meditate on His law is exquisitely expressed in this lyrical setting of the first Psalm. Moderate BP1838 Anthem 1.85 BP1838A Instrumental Parts 20.00 Psalm Of Celebration By Mark Hayes SATB The uplifting text, exciting rhythms and a stellar piano accompaniment make this a classic that you and your singers will enjoy rehearsing and performing. Moderate 08748657 Acc. CD 24.95 08748656 Anthem 1.80 08748658 Orch. 55.00 Reason Enough Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB A warm, country gospel feel permeates this song of devotion. Centered on the timeless theme of God’s grace and love, these lyrics speak to the heart. Moderate 765762105829 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176683 Anthem 1.70 765762156005 Orch. 69.99 Redeemed By His Grace Arr. by Patti Drennan SATB/2 flutes This is a montage of timeless hymns adroitly joined in celebration of grace. Titles include: Redeemed, Since I Have Been Redeemed and I Will Sing Of My Redeemer. Moderate A8864 Anthem 2.00 Refuge Arr. by Tom Fettke SATB w/solo trumpet & brass The strains of Brahms’s Symphony 1 Movement 4 create the hymn tune for this timeless classic, which features new text adapted from the Scottish Psalter. The strong finale commands all nations to raise their voices in God’s praise and is capped by jubilant amens. Moderate 99/2467L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3819L Anthem 1.95 30/2446L Brass Parts 24.95 Rejoice The Lord Is King Arr. by Keith Christopher SATB PraiseSong presents this premiere title from a new series called Hymns Everlasting. The arrangements in this series provide not only excellent anthem choices, but will allow you to update your congregational singing. The arrangements are congregation-friendly melodically, and are in accessible keys for group singing. Moderate 08749387 Acc. CD 24.95 08749386 Anthem 1.70 08749388 Orch. 55.00 Remember Me By Dan McGowan SATB Whether your church celebrates communion weekly, monthly or quarterly, this lovely melody and text will be a favorite. It is simple to learn and effective with any size choir. Easy EHTD1002 Acc. CD 19.95 08749487 Anthem 1.95 Remember The Cross By Paul Marino and Cliff Duren SATB w/solo With its gentle, fluid movement, this anthem makes an excellent selection for communion services. Moderate 005127631 Acc. CD 24.95 005127621 Anthem 1.60 005127640 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Rising Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB From A Greater Song recording of Paul Baloche and Brewton Brown, this song states, “from the rising to the setting of the sun, from the east to the west, we will always give our praises to God.” Moderate 08748526 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748525 Anthem 1.80 08748527 Orch. 69.95 River Of Life By Susan Naus Dengler and Lee Dengler SATB w/violin This breathtaking anthem is a beautiful choice for Lent or general services that affirm life and bring hope. The melody, reminiscent in character to a folk song, rises like a prayer to adorn this piece; while deep expressive harmonies envelope the sanctuary with a spirit of peace. Moderate A8852 Anthem 1.85 Save Me Arr. by J. Daniel Smith SATB Seek The Lord By Tom Grassi SATB Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Miller have written this sensitive song calling for the graciousness of God to “save me.” This song would be used well as a call to prayer or an invitation song. Moderate 08749112 Acc. CD 24.95 08749111 Anthem 1.80 08749113 Orch. 69.95 Taken from the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near,” this anthem urges us to embrace the merciful healing and grace of our forgiving Lord. Moderate 29360 Acc. CD 24.95 29359 Anthem 1.85 Shepherd Me O Gentle Lamb By Joseph M. Martin SATB This tender statement of discipleship is very quickly learned, and the message of God’s guidance and care is clearly presented with gentle words of assurance. Moderate A8793 Anthem 1.90 Shout To The Lord Arr. by John Purifoy SATB Adult and youth choirs alike will enjoy John Purifoy’s treatment of Darlene Zscheck’s powerful song of praise and worship. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749404 Anthem 1.80 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 Spirituals for the Concert Pianist Part of our American musical heritage is the spiritual. In this collection, you will find arrangements that reflect the joy, sorrow, and hope of African Americans in their search for freedom. These arrangements by Rebecca Bonam are harmonically rich and rhythmically challenging. A CD featuring all of the songs is also available. Advanced. 256065 Book $14.95 260026 CD $13.95 In Remembrance Bless the Lord These solos by Dan Forrest are perfect for Communion services. Flexible endings allow the pianist to adjust song length, and the delicate settings encourage the listener to thoughtfully reflect on Christ’s sacrifice. Late-Intermediate. 252874 Book $12.95 Students will enjoy the variety of styles presented in these 10 early-intermediate arrangements. The beautiful settings are easy to master yet sound full and challenging. Early-Intermediate. 256305 Book 260638 260646 260620 257949 260273 260661 260653 260687 260679 260612 $12.95 Flute (book and CD) Oboe (book and CD) Clarinet (book and CD) Alto Sax (book and CD) F Horn (book and CD) Trumpet (book and CD) Trombone (book and CD) Violin (book and CD) Viola (book and CD) Cello (book and CD) King of Love No Greater Love Instruments of Joy Warren Cook and Dan Forrest have collaborated to create SoundForth’s newest recording, King of Love, featuring 14 anthems for choir and orchestra that exalt the name of Christ and give to Him glorious praise! Our newest vocal solo collection offers original selections from Dan Forrest, Christopher Gilliam, James Koerts, Alexander Kruchkov, David Rasbach, and others. Spiral-bound. Medium Voice. This brand-new series for the young instrumentalist follows Instruments of Praise. Each score includes piano accompaniment, removable solo insert, and demo CD tailored to the specific instrument. Each CD also contains piano accompaniment tracks for rehearsal. 254995 CD 238931 Book Book and CD Set $15.95 $15.95 NEw SpriNg OctavOS frOm SOuNdfOrth O Breath of Life/Joan J. Pinkston The Promised Land/Joan J. Pinkston The Power of the Cross/Richard A. Nichols The Solid Rock/Richard A. Nichols I’ll Cherish the Cross/James Koerts Song of Praise/Richard A. Nichols Merciful God/Molly Ijames Wade in the Water/Bob Burroughs O for a Heart to Praise My God/James Koerts I Will Sing to the Lord/Joan J. Pinkston Wayfarin’ Stranger/John Hudson O Break the Bread of Life to Me/David Mark Rasbach FOr MOre inFOrMATiOn TO OrDer, Pine LAke MuSiC AT 1.800.241.3667. Prices areOr subject toCOnTACT change without notice. $15.95 35 Simple Praise By Craig Courtney and Pamela Martin SATB/SAB Simple Praise is a celebration of life’s simple gifts. Martin’s vivid prose conveys strong images of earth’s changing seasons, a mother’s loving hands and the Creator’s limitless mercy and grace. Courtney’s compelling music magically transforms these images into an anthem of rapturous praise to God. Moderate 10/3791L Anthem (SAB) 1.95 10/3346L Anthem (SATB) 1.85 Song Of Blessing By B. David Wilson and Lee Dengler SATB Lyric choral writing joins with thoughtful text writing resulting in a worship moment of exquisite beauty. It can be used as a lovely blessing or benediction. There is also an option for longer anthem presentation making this piece doubly useful. Moderate A8794 Anthem 1.85 Spirit Of God By Joseph M. Martin SATB The celebrated hymn tune, Morcambe, is given special treatment in this stunning arrangement. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is articulated in the text and the whole rises like a quiet invocation. Moderate A8796 Anthem 1.90 Steal Away Arr. by Howard Helvey TTBB w/opt. soprano sax Howard Helvey’s men’s setting of this spiritual is rich and varied. The instrumental obbligato calling for soprano sax (or clarinet, violin, flute) is included in the choral score. Moderate BP1850 Anthem 1.95 Such Is The Way Of God’s Love By Joseph M. Martin and David Angerman SATB w/flute This simple yet profound moment of sharing is ideal for weddings or general use. “Fresh as the morning, new as the dawning, such is the way of God’s love.” Moderate A8872 Anthem 2.05 Take Root In My Heart By Herb Frombach and Vicki Tucker Courtney SATB w/flute/guitar/rhythm Here is a truly unique song for spring choral presentations that is filled with promises of renewal and restoration. A pleasing 6/8 folk theme contributes an element of dance, while the piano writing is supportive and encouraging. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8831 Anthem 1.85 Thank You For The Cross By Kareem Riley SAT(B) w/solo Be reminded of the cross during communion or anytime of the year with this solo-driven anthem with lush arrangements from Lift Him High. Moderate 005111581 Acc. CD 24.95 005110888 Anthem 1.60 005111588 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 The Church’s One Foundation Arr. by John Purifoy SATB A staple hymn of the church, John Purifoy’s arrangement is full of contrast and emotion, ultimately building to the final “Amen!” There is an accompaniment CD available (08748992) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08749398 Anthem 1.70 08749399 Orch. 55.00 The Greatness Of You Arr. by Harold Ross SATB God’s greatness is beautifully portrayed in this powerful setting by Harold Ross. Moderate 08748520 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748519 Anthem 1.80 08748521 Orch. 69.95 The Love Of Christ Our Savior By Duane Nichols and James Koerts SATB A flowing, confident melody is the vehicle for this rich contemporary hymn. Moderate 250795 Anthem 1.65 The Mercy Seat Arr. by Bradley Knight Moderate 4575716433 4575716437 4575716438 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) The Narrow Road By John Parker and Douglas Wagner SATB 24.95 1.60 69.95 SATB This gently rhythmic anthem reminds us that we are dependent on our Lord to guide and strengthen us through life’s difficult journey. Incorporating the haunting melody from the Southern Appalachian folk song, Wayfaring Stranger, John Parker and Douglas Wagner create a memorable offering. Moderate 29392 Anthem 1.85 The Spirit Makes All Things New By Pepper Choplin SATB w/opt. flute The promise of new life dances with folk-like simplicity in this refreshing musical reverie. The text challenges congregations to open their hearts to God through confession and prayer, and to experience healing and rebirth through the Holy Spirit. Moderate 99/2480L Acc. CD 22.95 10/3788L Anthem 1.95 The Word Is Alive By Steven Curtis Chapman and Mark Hall Arr. by Dennis Allen SATB This popular song from Stand And Shout blends the best of traditional choir parts with contemporary accompaniment to achieve a dramatic declaration of the Good News. Moderate 005127637 Acc. CD 24.95 005127628 Anthem 1.60 005128246 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy Arr. by Ed Hogan SATB A classic, rich hymn text coupled with an updated, beautiful melody, makes this a significant selection for your consideration. This simple arrangement contains some delightful text painting. Moderate 765762106024 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176706 Anthem 1.70 765762156203 Orch. 69.99 This Is How We Know What Love Is Arr. by Marty Hamby SATB Marty Hamby has arranged this song written by Lee Black and Annette Oden. It is a simple statement affirming that because Christ has laid down His life for us, we can know true love ourselves. Moderate 08749115 Acc. CD 24.95 08749114 Anthem 1.80 08749116 Orch. 69.95 Thou Art Worthy By Ronn Huff and Pauline Mills Arr. by Tom Fettke and Ron Huff Orch. by Camp Kirkland SATB The message of this praise chorus from the past has not weakened with time. Symphonic sounds proclaim again Thou Art Worthy. Moderate 797242891656 Acc. CD 24.98 797242891595 Anthem 1.75 797242891779 Orch. 69.95 797242891878 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 Till The Storm Passes By Arr. by Marty Hamby Moderate 4575716463 4575716467 4575716468 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. To Live Is Christ By Kate Wray Arr. by Michael Lawrence SATB 24.95 1.60 69.95 SATB From Australia’s Parachute Band comes this highly-charged song of commitment. Ideal for the worship choir, the energetic orchestration enhances the worship experience. Moderate 765762105928 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176690 Anthem 1.70 765762156104 Orch. 69.99 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 36 Too Splendid For Speech By Thomas H. Troeger and Joel Raney SATB w/opt. handbells Thomas Troeger’s exciting hymn text takes a fresh look at worshiping God through music as all of creation joins in singing a “ravishing tune.” An original melody sets the festive stage but quickly combines with the familiar hymn tune, Lyons, ideal for the celebration of church music and the glory of God’s creation. Moderate C5564 Anthem 1.95 C5564HB Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 3.25 Upon This Rock By Ruth Elaine Schram SATB What A Friend Arr. by Travis Cottrell SATB w/solo This moving hymn medley with solo opportunities includes these favorites: Jesus What A Friend For Sinners, I Stand Amazed In The Presence and Man Of Sorrows What A Name. Moderate 005111576 Acc. CD 24.95 005110823 Anthem 1.60 005111583 Orch. 69.95 When His Presence Fills This Place By Caleb Collins and Twila LaBar Arr. by Cliff Duren SATB w/solo One of the foundational scriptures of the mission for the church is aptly set here by Ruth Elaine Schram. You will find this anthem appropriate for worship services, dedications and other commitment days throughout the church year. Moderate 08748991 Anthem 1.70 This tender anthem with accessible arrangements from You Changed My Name focuses on the presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship. Moderate 005111578 Acc. CD 24.95 005110885 Anthem 1.60 005111585 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 Walkin On The Water By Bert Stratton and Stan Pethel SATB When I Hear Music By Joseph M. Martin SATB Here is a jazzy piece styled as a contemporary spiritual. Taking its cue from the biblical account of Jesus’ miracle of walking on the water, this joyous song reminds us to put our trust in the Lord. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8863 Anthem 1.85 A ballad of expressive beauty, this anthem describes the ministry of music to the ears of the believer and when the chorus surrenders to a soaring alleluia, the effect is extremely moving. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8797 Anthem 2.05 We Are Your People By Don Besig and Nancy Price SATB When Morning Gilds The Skies Arr. by Anna Laura Page SATB w/handbells & trumpet The community of Christ is celebrated in this affirmation of faith. A noble melody weaves throughout as the anthem is sung. Moderate A8832 Anthem 1.90 We Shall Behold Him By Dottie Rambo Arr. by Camp Kirkland SATB The eternal hope of the church is powerfully proclaimed in this symphonic setting by Camp Kirkland. Moderate 797242892158 Acc CD 24.98 797242892097 Anthem 1.75 797242892271 Orch. 69.95 797242892370 Orch. (PDF) 69.95 We’re Gonna Have A Time Arr. by Bradley Knight SATB Moderate 4575716623 4575716627 4575716628 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) We’ve Been Blessed By Keith Wilkerson 24.95 1.65 74.95 SATB Keith Wilkerson brings us this original anthem with an inspiring message of God’s blessing. It is just contemporary enough to be appealing to and embraced by congregations of all styles or ages. Moderate 08749322 Acc. CD 24.95 08749321 Anthem 1.70 08749323 Orch. 55.00 Bring your singers and handbell choir together in a grand season of praise with this uplifting arrangement by Anna Laura Page. The handbell parts are written for five octaves, but may be effectively performed with a three octave choir. There is an accompaniment CD available (08748947) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate 08748967 Anthem 1.70 08748968 Handbell & Trumpet Part 12.00 Worshiping You Arr. by Harold Ross SATB This anthem is a true statement of praise and worship. What a wonderful declaration of love and adoraton: “I live to worship you...forever”. Moderate 08749118 Acc. CD 24.95 08749117 Anthem 1.80 08749119 Orch. 69.95 Yahweh Arr. by Landy and Joy Gardner and Christopher Phillips SATB Moderate 4575716533 4575716537 4575716538 Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) 24.95 1.65 74.95 Yes God Is Good By John Gurney and Clint W. R. Higgs Arr. by James M. Stevens SATB Yes My Jesus Loves Me By Mary McDonald SATB You Amaze Me Arr. by Richard Kingsmore SATB This classic text by John Hampden Gurney poetically declares the goodness of the Lord as revealed in creation and all the gifts great and small that enhance our daily lives. There is an accompaniment CD available (MD5619) which features multiple titles, including this one. Moderate A8834 Anthem 1.85 Inspired by Anna Warner’s beloved children’s hymn, Mary McDonald has written a compelling new melody that is highlighted by the dramatic sweep of her magnificent accompaniment. Moderate 10/3774L Anthem 1.95 This song proclaims that as we stand amazed by the nature of God, we will bow down, completely overwhelmed by His great love and mercy. Moderate 08748535 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 24.95 08748534 Anthem 1.80 08748536 Orch. 69.95 You Are A Great God By Twila Paris Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB w/solo This song by award-winning artist Twila Paris includes optional scripture narration. Moderate 005127629 Acc. CD 24.95 005127619 Anthem 1.60 005127638 Orch. (CD-ROM) 69.95 You Are My All In All By Dennis Jernigan Arr. by Lloyd Larson SATB You Are The Christ By Pepper Choplin SATB You Are The Christ By Joseph M. Martin SATB/SAB This immensely popular praise and worship song by Dennis Jernigan is beautifully crafted into an easy-to-learn, SATB setting by Lloyd Larson. Moderate C5567C Acc. CD 24.95 C5567 Anthem 1.90 C5567R Rhythm Parts 10.00 Based on Peter’s confession of faith, this majestic anthem moves from asking who the disciples said Jesus is to who we say He is. It concludes with a congregational stanza of All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name. Moderate HMC2180 Anthem 1.80 This glorious affirmation of the divinity of Christ is based upon a passage from Matthew’s gospel, in which Jesus challenges His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” Moderate 10/3797L Anthem (SAB) 1.85 10/3796L Anthem (SATB) 1.85 Prices are subject to change without notice. 37 You Reign Arr. by B. J. David Moderate 4575716103 4575716107 4575716108 Your Name with Glorify Your Name By Paul Baloche and Glen Packlam Arr. by Cliff Duren Orch. by Russell Mauldin SATB SATB Acc. CD (split) Anthem Orch. (CD-ROM) You You Are God Arr. by Michael Lawrence 24.95 1.65 74.95 SATB The power of Jesus’ name is expressed in the comforting harmony and contrapuntal writing with this anthem from You Changed My Name. Moderate 005111579 Acc. CD 24.95 005110886 Anthem 1.60 005111586 Orch. CD-ROM 69.95 This modern song from Gateway Worship’s Living For You is full of energy and uplifting praise. Moderate 08749383 Acc. CD 24.95 08749382 Anthem 1.80 08749384 Inst. Parts 55.00 Your Grace Is Sufficient By Jami Smith Arr. by Jay Rouse Patriotic Musical There Is Freedom Here Arr. by Russell Mauldin SATB This musical reminds us that America’s greatness is solely dependant upon God’s grace, and it is the God of our fathers and His Son that deserve our allegiance and our gratitude. Consider the accompaniment DVD for stirring patriotic imagery. 30 minutes in length. Easy 080689823121 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 080689418099 Acc. DVD 199.95 080689714726 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 080689786228 CD 16.98 080689432170 Choral Book 7.95 080689452673 Orch. (PDF) 350.00 080689649028 Reh. CD 59.95 080689512360 Set w/CD 9.00 080689512391 Set w/DVD 9.00 Your Grace Is Sufficient is a personal prayer of love and submissoin to the only One we truly need. Moderate 797242892554 Acc. CD 24.98 797242892493 Anthem 1.75 797242892677 Rhythm/Drums 30.00 797242892776 Rhythm/Drums (PDF) 30.00 Camp Wallaballa With the cast full of memorable characters and the many unforgettable moments throughtout this musical, we know your kids will have a ball on the way to Camp Wallaballa. Watch your kids grab on to the powerful promises from God that will assist them on the journey of life! REE SATB Patriotic Anthems God And Country Celebration Arr. by Dave Williamson SATB/SAB Dave Williamson’s contrasting styles on God Of Our Fathers, Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory and America The Beautiful are dovetailed together creating a tour de force celebration of God and country. Moderate 08747929 Acc. CD 24.95 08747928 Anthem (SAB) 1.70 08747927 Anthem (SATB) 1.70 08747930 Orch. 55.00 One Nation Under God By Johnny Mann Turn to page 25 for some additional Patriotic Music listings. Here We Are An easy evangelistic musical that gives kids the chance to lead worship and to talk about Jesus, and it’s perfect for an evening, morning, or special kids’ service. Invite friends and neighbors who need to hear the simple truths of God through the mouths of young energetic children. le whi k c pa su es ppli ! last as illen day. l / to om pr ic.c o order s u kem 67 t t Visi .pinela -241-36 www ll 1-800 a or c To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 F w evie SATB Veteran singer and songwriter Johnny Mann brings us an inspiring anthem of patriotism. Moderate 08749054 Acc. CD 24.95 08749053 Anthem 1.80 08749055 Orch. 55.00 Prices are subject to change without notice. 39 Nonseasonal Children's Collections Extreme Classics For Kids Created by Steven V. Taylor Unison/2-Part Featuring eighteen songs that have stood the test of time through many generations, your childrens choir will love singing these fun arrangements of some of the best-loved songs for kids. Steven V. Taylor has arranged and produced each of these songs in a variety of styles that will keep your kids singing these classics for years to come. Easy 4575716583 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575716582 CD 16.98 4575716587 Choral Book 7.95 4575716581 Set w/CD 10.00 The Kid’s Praise Team Project Unison/2-Part This innovative collection has been created specifically for praise teams made up of kids. Products include a preview audio CD, split trax and a director’s disc which includes choreography instructions. Titles include: I Know Who I Am, Glorious Open Up The Sky, Everybody Praise The Lord, Welcome To Our World and more. Easy 08749082 Acc. CD (split) 95.00 08749084 Bulk CD (10) 59.95 08749081 CD 14.95 08749080 Choral Book 7.95 08749086 DVD 24.95 08749085 Director’s Kit 59.95 08749083 Set w/CD 14.95 Nonseasonal Children's Musicals Arkeology Created by Dave Clark and Jayme Thompson Unison/2-Part This familiar Bible story is told once again using creative dialogue from the animals perspective as God leads Noah on one of the most outrageous adventures in the history of mankind. Noah’s obedience protected him and his family through the greatest storm the earth will ever encounter. This fun-filled musical is a great reminder to your children and your church that God will help us weather any of life’s storms as we are obedient to His will. 30 minutes in length. Easy 4575716563 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575716568 Bulletins (100) 17.50 4575716562 CD 16.98 4575716565 CD Fun Pak 10.98 4575716567 Choral Book 7.95 4575716566 Demo DVD 19.95 4575716569 Posters (12) 17.50 4575716561 Set w/CD 10.00 Camp Wallaballa Created by Pamela Vanderwalker Arr. by Barny Robertson Unison/2-Part Camp Wallaballa is a fun musical about a group of children going to church camp. On the way to camp, they are sidetracked because the bus breaks down. During this “speedbump” on the road, they learn some of God’s promises. The promises your children learn through this musical will provide encouragement and help in the ups, downs and speedbumps of life. Easy 765762104525 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 765762104624 Acc. CD (stereo) 90.00 765762157606 Bulletins (100) 20.00 765762104327 CD 16.99 9780834176645 Choral Book 7.99 765762003934 DVD (movement) 29.99 765762004139 Dir. Res. (DVD) 79.99 765762157408 Dir. Res. (printed) 69.99 765762157507 Set w/CD 12.00 Here We Are Created by Ray Ressem Unison Here We Are gets your kids ministering to people right there in your church with upbeat and meaningful music. Centering on the themes of love, belief, grace and praise, the kids explore through scripture and song how anyone, at anytime, can be a part of the family of God. The easy-to-stage drama involves mostly one-liners that can be given to any number of children. This missionoriented musical draws the audience in as they learn that the love and grace of God coupled with our belief is indeed something to be praised. Easy 765762104921 Acc. CD (split/stereo) 49.99 765762104822 Bulk CD (10) 49.99 765762157804 Bulletins (100) 20.00 765762104723 CD 16.99 9780834176652 Choral Book 5.99 765762157705 Set w/CD 12.00 Let’s Rock By Pam Andrews, Rob Howard and David Guthrie Unison/2-Part Let’s Rock! is a non-seasonal musical for kids that is bursting with the coolest music out there and wrapped in a fun and meaningful story just right for today’s kids. While our culture keeps telling kids “you can be a star... just grab for the spotlight,” Jesus taught that to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be a servant. God has given us all gifts and talents to be used to bless others, and to glorify God. If your kids are captivated by the music of Camp Rock, The Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montanta, you can meet them “right where they are” with the sizzling, but oh-so-singable music of Let’s Rock. Nine speaking parts plus 2 minor parts. 45 minutes in length. Easy 892028002087 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 892028002100 Bulk CD (10) 59.99 892028002070 CD 16.99 892028002063 Choral Book 7.99 892028002094 Director’s Resource Kit 69.99 892028002117 Set w/CD 12.00 Navigate your way back to page 25 for a new Celeste Clydesdale musical for kids called GPS Parablelooza By Jimmy and Gail Getzen Unison What does The Good Samaritan have in common with children’s music? (Tick, tock, tick, tock...) Time’s up-what’s your final answer? If you answered Parablelooza, the interactive children’s musical that combines the excitement of the gameshow phenomena with Jesus’ lessons, then you are correct. The parables of Jesus contained truths that were pertinent to spiritual growthtruths that are key to believers of all ages, including children. What better way to teach them biblical truths than with a gameshow musical. In Parablelooza, each parable has a corresponding game and song, but there’s a twist- actual winners aren’t revealed until the end because the games are played live-so each performance has a different outcome. Easy 005153927 Acc. CD 90.00 005153929 Bulletins (100) 17.50 005153926 CD 9.98 005110732 Choral Book 7.95 005154570 DVD 24.95 005153931 Dovetailor 59.95 005153930 Posters 17.50 005153928 Set w/CD 12.00 Children’s Resources Children’s Music Series In this Passport To Adventure, The Children’s Music Series is pairing music and missions as they travel around the globe, learning how missionaries share Jesus with the world. Music Time 4.2 Ages 4-Kindergarten 005099259 005099401 005099265 005099262 005079359 Acc. CD (stereo/demo) Activity Book CD Songbook Teacher’s Kit 14.98 2.35 9.98 9.95 69.95 Music Makers 4.2 Grades 1-3 Young Musicians 4.2 Grades 4-6 005099258 005099263 005097145 005099261 005079360 005099257 005099264 005097066 005099260 005097401 Acc. CD (stereo/demo) CD Choral Book Set w/CD Teacher’s Kit Acc. CD (stereo/demo) CD Choral Book Set w/CD Teacher’s Kit 14.98 9.98 4.45 12.00 69.95 14.98 9.98 4.45 12.00 69.95 Visit for a unique selection of downloadable children’s music resources. To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 IT Is GooD arr. Harold Ross Harold Ross has arranged this song by Lynn DeShazo. This song is most appropriate as a call to worship and the easy laid back feel will be welcomed by your choir. 08749105 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749106 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749107 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 new DoxoloGy arr. J. Daniel Smith Does AnyboDy Here Ken Reynolds Written and arranged by Ken Reynolds, this call to worship is arranged in a tasty gospel style. This song asks the question, “Does anybody here want to praise the Lord with me? Yes, we give you glory and honor to your Holy name.” 08749093 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749094 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749095 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 Flow To you arr. J. Daniel Smith From the Gateway worship team in Ft. Worth, TX who brought us the new Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King comes this exciting new arrangement by J. Daniel Smith starting with the well-known Doxology and adds a great new chorus. This one will be a “winner” with your congregation. 08749108 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749109 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749110 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 For you I lIve Ken Reynolds This song written and arranged by Ken Reynolds declares the greatness of God, and is a powerful way to proclaim our faithfulness and devotion to Him. This gospel arrangement is easy to learn and great to sing. arr. Marty Hamby Marty Hamby has arranged this song written by Lee Black and Annette Oden. It is a simple statement affirming that because Christ has laid down His life for us, we can know true love ourselves. 08749114 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749115 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749116 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 worsHIpInG you arr. Harold Ross Written by Jonathan Stockstill and arranged by Harold Ross, this anthem is a true statement of praise and worship. What a wonderful declaration of love and adoration. “I live to worship you”... forever. 08749117 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749118 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749119 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 sAve me you GAve your lIFe AwAy Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Miller have written this sensitive song calling for the graciousness of God to “save me.” This song would be used well as a call to prayer, or an invitation song. Written by Paul Baloche and Kathryn Scott and arranged for SATB voices by Richard Kingsmore, this song makes a positive statement of the gratitude we have because of what God has done for us when He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave to give us life eternal. arr. Richard Kingsmore arr. J. Daniel Smith 08749111 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749112 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749113 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 J. Daniel Smith has arranged this song from Lynn DeShazo for SATB voicing. This is a great prayer of devotion and dedication. 08749096 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749097 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749098 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 THIs Is How we Know wHAT love Is w e n Ds! KI r Fo 08749099 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749100 CD Accompaniment ............................ $24.95 08749101 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 GreAT reDeemer 08749120 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749121 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749122 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 THe KIDs’ prAIse TeAm projecT arr. Annette Oden and Jeff Sandstrom The Kids’ Praise Team Project was created to give you the songs, complete with great tools and instruction, to offer young leaders everything they need in leading people to worship. These are big songs for kids praise teams; for kids who know that they can be leaders right now, while they’re still young. It is for kids’ worship leaders who are passionate about giving kids tools, both musically and spiritually, so that they can become all they were created to be. This collection contains songs in singable keys, with cool background vocals, and keeps everything that originally made them “big songs.” Titles include: Everybody Praise the Lord, The Gift of His Presence, Glorious,I Belong, I Know Who I Am, I Will Bow to You, The Kingdom of God, Open Up the Sky, Speak to Me, Welcome to Our World, You Are the One I Love, and You Left Your Throne. arr. Richard Kingsmore Written by Paul Baloche and arranged by Richard Kingsmore, this is a moving statement of the awe we experience just standing in God’s presence. 08749102 SATB ..............................................................$1.80 08749103 CD Accompaniment Trax ................... $24.95 08749104 Orchestration ..........................................$69.95 08749080 08749081 08749082 08749083 08749084 08749085 08749086 Call Pine Lake Music at 1-800-241-3667 or visit to place your order today! Unison/2-Part Collection ..............................................$7.95 Preview CD .....................................................................$16.98 CD Accompaniment Trax (Split) .......................... $95.00 Preview Pack (CD) ........................................................$14.95 CD 10-Pak .......................................................................$59.95 Director’s Disc ...............................................................$59.95 DVD .................................................................................. $24.98 The Cross says Come we’ve Been Blessed Veteran singer/songwriter Babbie Mason has again teamed with Eulalia King to create this sensitive musical portrayal of Calvary. You will find this usable as a compelling anthem in any service, or for a more intimate invitation or decision time. Keith Wilkerson brings us this original anthem with an inspiring message of God’s blessing. It is just contemporary enough to be appealing to and embraced by congregations of all styles or ages. arr. Camp Kirkland 08749311 SATB ...................................................................$1.80 08749312 ChoirTrax CD .............................................. $24.95 08749313 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) .......$55.00 Keith Wilkerson 08749321 SATB ...................................................................................................................... $1.70 08749322 ChoirTrax CD .................................................................................................. $24.95 08749323 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) ..........................................................$55.00 I wIll TrusT you Bruce Greer Because of Jeremiah 29:11 we can trust the Lord with all of our heart. This original worship ballad by Bruce Greer is both inspiring and comforting. you, you are God arr. Michael Lawrence This modern song from Gateway Worship’s “Living for You” recording is full of energy and uplifting praise in Michael Lawrence’s arrangement. 08748369 SATB ...................................................................................................................... $1.70 08748370 ChoirTrax CD .................................................................................................. $24.95 08748373 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) ..........................................................$55.00 God and CounTry CeleBraTIon 08749382 SATB .....................................................................................................................$1.80 08749383 ChoirTrax CD .................................................................................................$24.98 08749384 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) ..........................................................$55.00 (Medley) arr. Dave Williamson all BeCause of Jesus Dave Williamson’s contrasting styles on God of Our Fathers, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, and America the Beautiful are dovetailed together in stellar fashion, creating a tour de force celebration of God and country! arr. Richard Kingsmore Recently recorded by the group Casting Crowns, this Steve Fee song arranged here by Richard Kingsmore is a musical and lyrical tribute to the Lord and King. 08747927 08747928 08747929 08747930 08749429 SATB .................................................................$1.80 08749430 ChoirTrax CD ............................................. $24.95 08749431 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) .....$55.00 SATB ................................................................... $1.70 SAB ..................................................................... $1.70 ChoirTrax CD ............................................... $24.95 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) .......$55.00 reJoICe, The lord Is KInG arr. Keith Christopher We proudly present this premiere title from our new series Hymns Everlasting. In addition to providing excellent anthem choices, this series will allow you to update your congregational singing. The arrangements are congregation-friendly melodically and are in accessible keys for group singing. Whether using piano, piano/organ, the Choirtrax CD or the orchestration, Hymns Everlasting will spice up your congregational singing while using your existing hymnal. I saw The lIGhT arr. Camp Kirkland The choir parts are standard harmony and the verses are easy to sing on this old gospel favorite arranged by Camp Kirkland. This is so much fun don’t be surprised if you hear your congregation singing along! 08749416 SATB .................................................................$1.80 08749417 ChoirTrax CD ............................................. $24.95 08749418 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) .....$55.00 08749386 SATB .................................................................. $1.70 08749387 ChoirTrax CD ............................................... $24.95 08749388 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) ..........................................................$55.00 all Glory, laud, and honor God, GreaT God arr. Richard Kingsmore Hip and upbeat, this tune from the Kurt Carr “One Church Project” is full of praie and rejoicing. 08749330 SATB .....................................................................................................................$1.80 08749331 ChoirTrax CD ................................................................................................. $24.95 08749332 Full Orchestra (Print and Digital) .........................................................$55.00 (with “hosanna, loud hosanna”) new for ChurCh orChestra arr. David Winkler Designed especially for church orchestras, this festive pairing of two hymns works well for the Easter season or in any service where you would like to program an instrumental piece. With careful attention to ranges, keys, and accessibility, this piece is workable for a wide variety of instrumental groups. Parts are included for all band and orchestral instruments, with strings being completely optional. 08749306 Orchestra (Print and Digital)............................................................. $60.00 Call Pine Lake Music at 1-800-241-3667 or visit to place your order today! 42 Nonseasonal Youth Collections Ready To Sing Youth Choir Arr. by Russell Mauldin SAB Ready To Sing Youth Choir is the first student choir collection from America’s best-selling Ready To Sing series. These twelve amazing songs, made popular by today’s top Christian artists, are now available in easy SAB arrangements by Russell Mauldin for youth choirs of all sizes. Titles include: Undo, Made To Love, East To West, All Because Of Jesus, Let It Fade, You Are and more. Easy 4575715833 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 4575715832 CD 16.98 4575715837 Choral Book 7.95 4575715835 Reh. CD (Alto) 5.00 4575715836 Reh. CD (Baritone) 5.00 4575715830 Reh. CD (Soprano) 5.00 4575715831 Set w/CD 10.00 Stand And Shout Created by Dennis & Nan Allen SAT(B) Student and contemporary choirs will have plenty of reasons to stand and shout about the blessings of our Savior, Jesus Christ, with this collection of thirteen praise and worship songs. Songs from Casting Crowns, Matthew West, 33 Miles and others are effectively blended together with sketches and Scripture resources so that worshipers have ample opportunities to thank God for His blessings. Optional cued notes in arrangements, an a cappella section, production notes and studio rhythm charts for praise bands are all included to enhance rehearsals and performances. Moderate 005110816 Acc. CD (split) 90.00 005110815 CD 9.98 005110729 Choral Book 8.95 005110818 Rhythm Charts 25.00 005110817 Set w/CD 12.00 Nonseasonal Drama 12 Bells In F: Praise & Worship Favorites Arr. by Bill Ingram 3 Octave (3-6 Ringers) Titles include: How Great Is Our God, Here I Am To Worship, Lord I Lift Your Name On High, You Are My All In All, In Christ Alone, Come Now Is The Time To Worship and Shout To The Lord. Level 2-3. Moderate RP7510 Handbell Book 6.95 After The Prelude (Year B) By William H. Mathis After The Prelude is designed to correspond with the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of scripture readings used in worship in many demonimations. Valuable resources for utilizing handbells and handchimes throughout the worship service are provided. Included are ways to add sparkle and meaning to hymns, calls to worship, processions, scripture readings, prayers, fanfares and other responses. It is available in a printed format or CD-ROM. CGB567 CD-ROM 49.95 CGB568 Handbell Book 59.95 All Creatures Of Our God And King Arr. by John A. Behnke 3-6 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 3. Moderate AG36041 Handbell Parts This valuable compilation of SFX, music and voiceovers will give you an instant go-to library for your next production. With over eighty-five selections, you’ll get more than your money’s worth with sounds and music such as: cooking, office SFX, restaurant, countdowns, applause and many more! 765762100022 CD 39.99 Onetimeblind once again delivers field-tested materials that appeals to the modern church. Topics such as confession, materialism, surrender, true faith and Jesus’ relevancy in today’s world are explored with a contemporary edge while maintaining a biblical focus. 4-8 minutes in length. 9780834176584 Drama Book 18.99 4.95 All Creatures Of Our God And King Arr. by Michael Ryan 2-3 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2. Easy 20/1466L Sound Effects For Church Productions #3 Think Again Onetimeblind Nonseasonal Handbell Music Handbell Parts 4.50 As The Deer Arr. by Susan E. Geschke 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2+. Easy 2464 Handbell Parts 4.95 Easy To Ring Praise & Worship #5 Arr. by Peggy Bettcher 3-5 Oct. Titles include: Knowing You, Days Of Elijah, In Christ Alone, Holy Is The Lord, The Potter’s Hand, Lord Reign In Me and more. Level 1-2. Easy 2474 Handbell Book 9.95 Fanfare Prelude On Come Christians Join To Sing Arr. by Derek K. Hakes 3-5 Oct. w/organ/trumpet/timp. Level 2. Easy 20/1460L 20/1459L Full Score Handbell Parts Fantasy On Terra Beata (This Is My Father’s World) Arr. by Dean Wagner 3-7 Octave w/opt. flute Level 2+. Easy 2477 Handbell Parts 4.50 Fantasy On Trust And Obey Arr. by Catherine McMichael3-5 Octave Level 3. Moderate AG35282 Handbell Parts 4.50 Forever By Chris Tomlin Arr. by Douglas E. Wagner 3-5 Octave Level 3. Moderate 99/2371L Acc. CD 20/1462L Handbell Parts 30/2415L Instrumental Parts 24.95 5.25 39.95 God Of Wonders Arr. by Patricia Cota 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 4-. Advanced 2462 Handbell Parts Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah Arr. by Lloyd Larson Level 3. Moderate 20/1474L Handbell Parts 4.95 3-5 Octave 4.95 I Want Jesus To Walk With Me Arr. by Brian Childers 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 3+. Moderate 2463 Handbell Parts 2463P Violin & Percussion Part 4.25 5.00 Immortal Invisible God Only Wise Arr. by Cathy Moklebust 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 3+. Moderate CGB583 Handbell Parts 4.95 Light & Shine (Siyahamba/ Shine Jesus Shine) Arr. by Kathleen Wissinger 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 3. Moderate 2467 Handbell Parts 4.95 Praise Songs Vol. 3 Arr. by Douglas E. Wagner 3 Octave w/opt. handchimes Titles include: In Christ Alone, Here I Am To Worship, Beautiful One, Sing To The King, Cry Out To Jesus, Soon And Very Soon and more. Level 2. Easy 20/1458L Handbell Book 12.95 7.95 4.95 Prices are subject to change without notice. 43 Sweet Hour Of Prayer Arr. by Sandra Eithun 2-3 Octave or 3-5 Octave Level 1. CGB575 CGB576 Easy Handbell Parts (2-3 Oct.) Handbell Parts (3-5 Oct.) 3.95 3.95 Take It To The Lord In Prayer Arr. by Sandra Eithun 3-5 Octave w/opt. handchimes Level 2+. Easy 2466 Handbell Parts 4.95 Nonseasonal Instrumental Music Orchestra All Hail The Power Arr. by Jeff Cranfill 9+ Series. Moderate JC9P015 Orchestra Parts Back To Work Arr. by Jeff Cranfill Advanced JCOR-056 Orchestra Parts Orchestra 45.00 Orchestra 50.00 His Eye Is On The Sparrow Arr. by Jeff Cranfill Orchestra Moderate JCOR-057 Orchestra Parts 50.00 Brass Ensemble Fairest Lord Jesus Arr. by Ruth Elaine Schram Brass Instrumentation: trumpets 1 and 2, horn or trumpet 3, trombone 1, trombone 2 and/or tuba and piano. Moderate 30/2451L Brass Parts 15.95 Solo Instruments Contemporary P & W For Guitar Arr. by Ric Holloway Guitar Subtitled Twelve Weeks To Leading Worship, this instructional book for the intermediate guitarist contains over forty well-known praise and worship songs in guitar friendly keys. Included in the book are two CDs to guide you through each page of the book with strum patterns and vocal demonstrations for every title. 8361 Guitar Book & 2 CDs 29.95 Great Is Our God Arr. by Lloyd Larson Flute Designed as a resource for contemporary or blended worship gatherings, this collection of current favorites works well for prelude, offertory, special music or concert venues. An accompaniment CD is included with the book. Titles include: Be Still And Know, Forever, God Of Wonders, Here I Am To Worship We Fall Down and more. Moderate 30/2455L Flute Book & Acc. CD 22.95 The Violinist’s Wedding Album #1 Arr. by Lynne Latham Violin Everything the working violinist needs to play a wedding prelude and service, without being technically taxing. Violinists must be comfortable playing through fifth position. The piano accompaniment is moderately difficult. Titles include: Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring, Ave Maria, Pachelbel Canon, La Rejouissance, Water Music Selections and more. Advanced 710045 Violin Book 27.95 710175 Violin Book & Acc. CD 29.95 The Violinist’s Wedding Album #2 Arr. by Lynne Latham and Catherine McMichael Violin This second volume of wedding favorites offers selections to expand your repertoire. Violinists must be comfortable playing through fifth position. The piano accompaniment is moderately difficult. Titles include: Selections From The Four Seasons, Gymnopedie No. 1, To A Wild Rose, If With All Your Hearts, Clair De Lune and more. Advanced 710444 Violin Book 27.95 The Violist’s Wedding Album Arr. by Lynne Latham Viola Titles include: Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring, Sheep May Safely Graze, Wachet Auf, Ave Maria, La Rejouissance, Water Music Selections and more. Advanced 720469 Viola Book 27.95 Keyboard Symposium June 19-20, 2009 Be sure to let your church pianists know about this 2 day seminar just for them. This year’s clinicians include Joseph Martin, Heather Sorenson and Joel Raney. Nonseasonal Keyboard Music Organ Close To Thee Arr. by James Southbridge James Southbridge has skillfully crafted his arrangements of these eight enduring and dearly loved gospel classics, all colorfully arranged and simple to play. Titles include: Take Time To Be Holy, All The Way My Savior Leads Me, Hiding In Thee, Have Thine Own Way Lord and more. Moderate 70/1672L Organ Book 12.95 Easy Organ Library Vol. 45 Various Arrangers This ninety-six page, spiral-bound collection of preludes, offertories and postludes, printed on two staves and reprinted from The Organist, is the perfect resource for beginning organists. Easy 70/1667L Organ Book 19.95 I Am Thine O Lord Compiled by Dennis Eliot These expressive and beautifully crafted organ hymn settings will lead the listener’s ear into moments of Christian commitment and spiritual faith through fifteen innovative preludes, offertories and thrilling postludes. Titles include: Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us, To God Be The Glory, Love Divine All Loves Excelling, Breathe On Me Breath Of God, All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name, O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing and more. Easy 70/1675L Organ Book 15.00 I’ll Praise My Maker Compiled by James Southbridge As the title indicates, these thirteen organ settings of energetic and uplifting hymn tunes illustrate Isaac Watts’ exhortation: “I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath.” All of the selections are appropriate for dynamic preludes and postludes throughout the church year. Titles include: Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah, Fantasia On Austrian Hymn, This Is My Father’s World, For All The Saints and more. Moderate 70/1674L Organ Book 15.00 The Organist’s Library Vol. 45 Various Arrangers This set of moderately challenging classics, hymn fantasies and choral preludes, reprinted from The Organ Portfolio, is a must-have for every church organist. Moderate 70/1668L Organ Book 19.95 To ORDER: visit or call 1.800.241.3667 44 Piano All Things Bright And Beautiful Arr. by Sandra Eithun Sandra Eithun’s keyboard writing is simple, yet scintillating. This selection of favorites will provide you with service music that you can prepare quickly with rewarding results. Titles include: Holy God We Praise Thy Name, All Things Bright And Beautiful, Whiter Than Snow, Trust And Obey, When Morning Gilds The Skies and more. Moderate 70/1652L Piano Book 15.00 Amazing Love Arr. by Cindy Berry Master arranger Cindy Berry has provided this distinctive collection of contemporary praise and worship favorites and hymn classics. The book features creative medleys like Holy Ground with Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty, In Christ Alone with Jesus Paid It All, You Are My King with And Can It Be and more. Moderate 9780834176867 Piano Book 14.99 Blessed Be The Name Arr. by David McDonald This blended collection features six praise and worship songs along with six beloved hymns. One of the distinctive features of this book is that each of the twelve arrangements can stand alone as a piano solo or, by utilizing the optional segue, each song/hymn is bridged to a second thematically appropriate title to create a two-tune medley. Moderate 9780834176386 Piano Book 14.99 Classic Praise Arr. by Lloyd Larson Lloyd Larson turns his attention to some of the most memorable music of the 1970s and 1980s, with fresh arrangements of songs by Andrae Crouch, Annie Herring, Michael W. Smith, Melody Green and others. Moderate 70/1678L Piano Book 17.95 Evensong Various Arrangers Evensong is an outstanding compilation featuring quiet songs of hope and reflection. Perfect for communion, memorial services or special music, this book features some of your favorite writers: Lloyd Larson, Joseph M. Martin, Cindy Berry, Mark Hayes and others. Moderate HE5141 Piano Book 18.95 Fount Of Every Blessing By Karen Ball These artistic settings of hymn classics are designed for the advanced pianist or the pianist seeking more challenging repertoire. Advanced 9780834176904 Piano Book 15.99 My First Piano Book Vol. 3 Various Arrangers Titles include: Agnus Dei, All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises, Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone, Forever, You Are My King and more. For beginning level players. Easy 4575716667 Piano Book 14.95 Sacred Jazz Meditations Arr. by Phillip Keveren The jazz influence on these piano settings provides a fresh interpretation for these beloved hymns. Phillip Keveren’s creative and skilled arranging permeates these melodies giving them a life and vitality which can be appreciated by listeners young and old. Advanced 9780834176881 Piano Book 15.99 Songs Of Assurance Arr. by Charlie Miller Conceived with the weekly church pianist in mind, these creative hymn settings are designed to breathe fresh air into timeless hymn tunes. Advanced 9780834176874 Piano Book 14.99 Symphony Of Worship Arr. by Marilynn Ham This unique collection features eight creative arrangements of beloved standard hymns. These arrangements may be performed directly out of the book as stand-alone piano solos, or they may be performed using the fully-orchestrated accompaniment CD. Advanced 765762108424 Acc. CD 29.99 9780834176898 Piano Book & Demo CD 19.99 The Best Of Mark Hayes II Arr. by Mark Hayes This potpourri of praise from the renowned composer and performer is a must for every pianist. There are several selections written especially for this collection making this an essential and permanent addition to your keyboard library. Titles include: Great Is Thy Faithfulness, People Need The Lord, In Christ Alone, Alfred Burt Carol Medley, I’d Rather Have Jesus and more. Moderate HE5142 Piano Book 24.95 The Church Pianist’s Library Vol. 45 Various Arrangers Are you in need of musically satisfying but technically accessible repertoire for each Sunday? Are you looking for a repertoire source that follows the church calendar? Then you are looking for The Church Pianist’s Library, a compilation reprinted from The Church Pianist, a bi-monthly journal. Moderate 70/1669L Piano Book 19.95 The Contemporary Wedding Pianist Arr. by Lloyd Larson The beautiful piano artistry found in this Lloyd Larson keyboard collection for weddings provides versatility within lush, contemporary settings. The resources in this collection are appropriate for prelude, processionals, worship music and recessionals, with a wide range of musical styles represented, including several recent contemporary Christian songs as well as historic hymns. 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