ermox V Kill worms!


ermox V Kill worms!
Kill worms!
(dead simple)
Helpful tips to prevent re-infection
kills worms
• Treat the whole family at the same time.
Treatment is simple.
One tablet or one 5mL dose of liquid
suspension, once only for each member
of the family is all that’s needed. As the
intestines, where the worms live can be 9
metres long, it may take up to 3 days for
the medicine to work its way through.
For more information
ask your healthcare professional
or freecall 1800 620 898
VER022 Vermox Consumer Leaflet v2.2 - FA HR.indd 1
• S ame dose for adults and
• O
ne tablet once – quick, no fuss,
• N
o weighing or dosage
• May be used from 2 years of age
Available from your pharmacy.
Always read the label.
Use only as directed.
If symptoms persist, see your
healthcare professional.
Biotech Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd
ABN 91 009 701 517
83 Cherry Lane, Laverton North, VIC 3026
• P leasant tasting orange flavoured
tablets or Banana flavoured liquid
• S hower rather than take a bath for several
days after treatment to wash any remaining
eggs away from the anal region.
• C
hildren’s clothing and bed linen should be
washed in hot water, which kills any eggs.
• D
o not shake or flick the bed clothes and linen
when removing them for washing.
• D
isinfect common living areas such as
bathrooms and showers.
• E ncourage children to wash their hands with
soap and water.
• Keep fingernails short and clean.
one tablet - once!
for each family member
no dosage calculations required
kills worms
24/07/2009 9:44:38 AM
Does your child
have worms?
Signs &
Sometimes no symptoms are present,
however common symptoms include:
• Itching around the bottom
Worms are highly contagious and it is
reassuring to know that it isn’t a reflection on
the cleanliness of the home or family.
School children are particularly likely to
catch them because they often share things
like food, pencils, books or toys. Any of these
can carry tiny, almost invisible worm eggs.
All it takes is for the child to put his or her
fingers in the mouth or pick up contaminated
items and the worm infection cycle begins.
They can be and are usually passed from the
child to the rest of the family.
• T hreadworms visible on bowel
motion or around anus
• Restless sleep
• Bed wetting
• Grinding of teeth
• Lack of appetite
• Irritability
What do they look
like? Test for worms
Threadworms are the only common worms
that infect humans in Australia. They look like small short pieces of white
cotton thread about 5-10mm in length. If you
suspect threadworms:
• Y ou can check for eggs in the morning
by gently pressing sticky tape against
the skin around the anus where eggs will
stick to the tape and can be seen clearly.
• L ook for signs of the worms on the
surface of bowel motions.
• U sing a torch, look for moving worms
around the anus. This is best done at
night about an hour after the child has
gone to bed.
If there are signs, treat with Vermox.
With regular checks, you will know that
treatment has been effective.
Lifecycle of the
Threadworms are highly contagious.
They develop and breed in the human
intestine where they grow to about
13mm. A single female threadworm can
lay thousands of eggs over a 3 week life
1 Eggs are swallowed.
2 E ggs reach small intestine where they
3Larvae swim to large intestines and
grow into worms (3 weeks).
4Female worms lay eggs in the anal
opening and the cycle starts again.
Can you catch worms from pets?
Worms from pets cannot be directly
transferred to humans.
However it is possible for the common
roundworm of dogs to infect humans
indirectly if its eggs become infective by
lying in soil for more than 3 weeks.
Human infection can then occur if material
containing pet excretion is swallowed. This
can be a serious medical problem, as the
larvae of this worm can invade human
tissues such as liver, brain or eyes. A doctor
should be consulted. Fortunately, this is a
very rare condition in Australia.
What about other worms?
Rare worms such as whipworm,
roundworm and hookworm are not a
problem in Australia. If you suspect a rare
worm infection, check with your doctor
or pharmacist. If diagnosed with a rare
worm infection, Vermox may be used for
treatment as it is also formulated to kill
whipworm, roundworm and hookworm as
well as threadworm.
VER022 Vermox Consumer Leaflet v2.2 - FA HR.indd 2
kills worms
24/07/2009 9:44:39 AM