Part 2 -
Part 2 -
Diagram Humidity 38 Spain 11 3 ' 82 La Coruilla 800/,, Viqo 6 Madrid 651,, , Barcelona 7 I1 P MáIaga 6~ ~ Monterrey o a ~-,ada~nj,3ra o Leo n Irapuatc) T,-)Iuc,3,,~` Mexico'D.F . -Tuebi a c, Average humidity atvenues 52% 40% 27% o ci .R 2 .2 cc m '70 2 0 m ci 4) .0 C o 114 Environmental Infloences on Sporttnq Performanc e Thus humidity must be considered i n conjunction with the temperature prevailing at kick-off time . in order to b e able to estimate the. total stress on pla y er s The r-nap shows the average values fo r humidity in Mexico . emphasising that humidity decreases with allitude eve n though temperatures Temain the sam e This provides even more maileriaj to b e taken into account when discussing th e problem of dehydration, and makes a solution even more of a challeng e Other Environmental Factors Affecting Performance The World Youth Championship in Mex- In the 1982 World Cup report the condi lions in the Calderon Stadium in Madri d ico took place in densely- populated were specially considere d areas, as shown on the following map The external conditions there (stadiu m construction, kick-off tfroe, temperatur e It is by no rneans typical of Mexico tha t and altitude) cast a different light on th e densely-populated areas are also area s result s of heavy airpollotio n Concern has already been expresse d about the construction of stadiums fro m the point of view of temperature and th e possible formation of hear- traps . ari d this consideration becomes of eve n greater importance in densely-populated area s Air pollution increases with the CO2 co n lent and this leads to a simultaneous reduclion in the amount of 02 in the ai r In conjunction with the other factors mentioned this condition must be regarded as a limitation on performance Similar consideration also apply to man y of the games played during the Worl d Youth Championship in Mexico Two examples Ilustraie the possible ad verse effect s There is a large steel works in the m mediate vicinity of the stadium in Monterrey If Ihis is in operation before o r during a game then the importance t o be attached to air pollution as a performance-limiting factor increases significantly It is left to the reader to imagin e the relationships between the degree o f air pollution, temperature . kick-off tim e and hurniclity Population Diagram 39 11 5 This diagram shows total population per venue and capacity of stadia at venue s of World Youth Championship in Mexic o ra -11 Le6n L 3 000 000 500 U0 0 700000 ,q3 )-i,1 - Irapuat o 350,000 Toluca 600D00 73 114 Mexico D .F . 1 Monterre y 1 li 7 93~~ i 1111111E 116 Environmental Influences on Sporling Performanc e Also, in densely -populated regions the In the case of Mexico City then the pro traffic density is high usually reaching a blems of temperalure, stadium construc ~ maximum at the end of the working day tion and altitude are of primary irnpor tance, in Monterrey humidit y This leads— paricularly in Mexic o City—to addifonal air pollution, the nor The only point of these observations i s that in future planning, kick-ofi times an d mal big city level being exceeded a t these time s office closing times should also be considered If the evening ~(rush lhouo~ coincides wil h kick-off time . then this factor alone has a For clarity ' s sake . populalion and indus multiplicative effect on performance de- trial densities are presented on the fol tenoration )owing ma p The Possible Effects of Travel o n Tournament Performanc e It was mentioned in an earlier chapte r that people today have become mor e adaptable, compared to those part(cipa t ing in the Olympics or World Cups o f 15 and 13 years ag o Jet travel or local journey,, in aircondi - tioned buses are regarded today as be Ing much less fatiguin g However, the problem of travel shoul d not be regarded as a single entity, but Te quires a more complex approach Travel Diagram 40 I 11 7 Travelling to Mexico was particularly important beca u se] of acclimatisation . I L- China PR Korea Rep . Ivory Coast Nigeria Mexico USA Argentina Brazil - 19 .5 . 17 .5 . 10 .5 . 23 .5 . — 31 .5 . 20 .5 . 22 .5 . Uruguay Australia Austria CSSR Netherlands Poland Scotland USSR - 29 .5 . 29 .5 . 31 .5 . 28 .5 . 26 .5 . 28 .5 . 31 .5 . (24 .5. to USA ) 28 .5 . --j 118 Environmental friflaences on Sportinq Performanc e 1 . Arriva l The extreme conditions in Mexico made This all the more important when the en pre -planning necessary for all teams vironmental conclilions are extreme. O n free days players should have a chanc e to rechartje their batterie s Evaluation of a questionnaire sent to th e learnS shows arrivals between 3 week s arid 3 days before the start For this reason hotels located outsid e the populated areas are preferable t o those in the cit y There is certainly a justifiable reason fo r each of these periods, but hindsigh t would now cause some of the tearns t o Training facilities should be available i n come to other conclusion s the immediate vicinity of the hotel s The questionnaire about arrival date s shows a spread from a 3-week ' in sit e ' adjustment period llvory Coast and P R China) to arrivals 3 days before the firs t match (Austria and USSR) Background information on this subjec t is either lacking or insufficient, so that n o general conclusions can be reached Accomoclation in Mexico was enlirely i n hotels, but this fact alone does mea n that conditions were arranged whic h were always favourabl e The evaluation of the suftahilityof accornodation during World Youth Chary i pionships cannot and should not b e judged just on the quality of the rooms , service and cookin g Travel During the Competitio n From the sporting point of view othe r considerations take priority relaxatio n after garnes and training However, this requirement is oppose d by reality, since both hotels and sladiums are often centrally located Still, it i s not likely that a 40 min trip will in an y way diminish the positive effects of a successful training sessio n It was seen during the 1982 World Cup , and is in fact generally accepted, tha t teams that have to travel to a new venu e after a game are at a disadvantage, des pite all modern conveniences The travelling team must waste a well-earne d day of rest in a bus or plane with all th e problerns and stress that this involve s while the opponent is recuperating O f ten decisive reserves of strength can b e lost in this wa y Statistics showing journeys of relativel y short distances only confuse the overal l picture, for the distance involved mus t be considered in the context of the envi ronmental factors previously mentioned – temperature altitude changes , humidity, hotel changes et c The following section provides an ana ;ysis of these team-specific factors - Travel Otagrarn 4 1 F 1 rxMM 11 9 km 1304 244 15721758 J 760 1443 79 1 570 445 1383 731 510 385 94 9 127 64 1—076 93 1 19 1 Travel during a tournament involved additional strain : distances in kilometres between the venues are show n in this diagram. 120 Environmental Influences on Sporttnq Performanc e A possible solution for the future woul d must be noted that even the best possibe to concentrate the teams in 4 grou p ble organisation would not be able t o centres Certain advantages would b e provide conditions equally favourabl e achieved, against which the risk of a los s for all participating team s of public interest would have to be balance d Nor will the most intensive and scientifi c learn preparation be able to reproduc e To conclude this chapter, however, it all the environmental factor s This diagram illustrates the problem s of adjustment to time . 23 1 24 01 1 02 03 04 ao 171 1 Li ~ 06 07 08 05 1 - - 09 10 1 1 - Chapter6 12 7 Analysi s of the Gam e General Tendencies Defence Midfiel d Attack Stationary Bal l Physical Conditio n Techniqu e Individual Playe r General Survey 12-2 AnalVsis of rhe Game 43 A at 1982 World Cup i n Spain: this diagram clraws,~ a parallel between yout h and national teams . Ai r 140-& Tk ESPANA 82 123 Analysis of the Gam e It was noted with pleasure that in comparison to the previous World Yout h Championship there was a further rise i n the quality of play This continues th e trend noted since 1979 in Japa n This rise in the quality of play has severa l cause s 1 . The value of the World Youth Championships in building up the nationa l team has been recognised since th e 1982 World Cup (see separate chapter) . 2 The World Youth Championship i s rated highly within the confederation s and is a fixed itern on the continental fixture list (see separate chapter ) 3 The siror)gly contested qualificatio n matches result in early talent scoutin g and development. Team performance s thus become more consislent and rnor e determined (see separate chapter ) 4 . Expectation of a strong competitio n meanS more intensive team preparatio n (see separate chapter ) 5 Anotherdecisivefactor—alread y mentioned — is that most players alread y belong to first division clubs The hig h levels demanded — particularly in training — are obviously reflected in the over all standard of the World Youth Championshi p Naturally, new tactical concepts canno t be expected from a World Youth Cha m pionship It is rather a testing ground fo r ideas gained from the last World Cu p and an opportunity for analysing trends As already mentioned the trainers of th e teams in Mexico were in close contac t with their own national sides It would b e unrealistic to expect anything other tha n a parallel to the style of the nationa l team . As a reminder . those teams are show n here. whose national side .,.; took parl i n the 1982 World Cup, thus providing a d i rectly comparitive stud y For the others the general statement s previously noted should appl y Although there were no differences du e to formation . certain points of similarit y can be riote d All the youth teams worked better together than many of the national team s in Spai n The reasons forthis will again be comple x I More time was available for buildin g the tearn than in the case of the nationa l team . where players with a regular place in a 1st division side are subjected to th e extra stresses of national and international competition s 2 . The trend towards block formation s already noted in the World Cup 1982 analysis was even more pronounced in th e World Youth Championship, a fact leading almost directly to greater harmon y within the parts of the tearn . 3 In preparation for the World Yout h Championship coaches were able to pa y more attention to the development of 124 team play by undertaking competitiv e tours and entering tournaments Durin g preparation the greatest emphasis wa s frequently on the learns s skill s 4 It also emerged that juniors are mor e (~coachable)i . their style not yet bein g moulded to a fixed pattern It was als o observed that the players showed more initiative and greater willingness to tak e risk s It is exactly these last two qualities tha t enliven the game making it less predict able and more attractive for the spectator s This is certainly one of the reasons fo r the strong public interest during th e World Youth Championship in Mexic o The educational element was very i m portant for both coaches and player s Analysis of the Gam e The trend towards more compact tea m play (see World Cup Report 82) continued during lhe World Youth Chamonship The same observalions wer e made here as had been previously publishe d The consequences of more compac t play have already been dealt with in th e chapter or) Youth Training Method s The tactics involved in the compact game have lechnical and conditionin g requirements which need only to b e briefly restated her e Techniqo e Shori, quick, refined surprising passing . plus possession in confined space s Conditionin g Speed instead of pure siarnina enablin g the player to explode '' away from hi s opponent and take advantage of ope n space s 5 When the points mentioned above ar e Versatility and manoeuvrability instea d taker) into account it is not surprisin g of strength (See separate chapter ) that during the enlire tournament th e majority of teams showed a preferenc e for an attacking style of pla y Obviously offensive football, based o n attacking and having the courage to lak e risks and show initiative . has not ye t been influenced by defensive tactics . where the only considerations are su c cess, prestige or commercial interest s It was pleasing to note that the goo d standard of the first and second round s was maintained right through the quarter- and semi-finals into the final itsel f Poorer games in the I/ri-finals could b e explained by the fact that neither tea m had anythmg left to play for General Trends Diagram 44 Broniszewski, M . i Hitzel, Gerhar d Mario Velarde Kiselev, Nikola y A Roxburgh, Andre w ~7ì,e£ 1~,~ ~ -,-i zg 05 Odjedje, njamin M,ry C, Christopher Udomezue N,p,~ , ~, 1~ Jial-Yang-ChenPR C Plì - o ulo 1 / Park-Jong-Whan ~,- 1, - , f ~ 'I , (~ ì-` /,~- Les Scheinflug J This diagram shows the correlatio n between FIFA development projects P1/P7 . The national coaches participated in the FIFA/Coca-Cola International Academies . 125 126 Analysis of the Gam e Tactical Analysi s Mention has already been made of th e tactical formations and the style of th e national team, as well as of observation s made during the World Cup 1982 The open spaces that used to exist between the various parts of the team — de fence, mid-field, attack —are simply n o longer ther e 11 is natural that the execution of tactic s will not be as perfect during Worl d Youth Championships as with nationa l tearns . Any shortcomings . however, ca n often be compensated for by determination and spontaneit y Again . it should be pointed out to youn g players that it requires a lot of experience —plus self-confidence and authority—to risk going forward with an attac k arid temporarily neglect organisationa l duties in defence . 1 it was clear that the majority of team s had first-class goalkeepers . and there fore it is difficult to select an outstandin g player in this position Only very rarel y can a goalkeeper be held responsible fo r a team s losing a game Here the positive aspects are dominan t In comparison to national teams ther e were fewer noticeably offensive defenders Independent of statements alread y made, similar arguments could be produced here as were seen in the analysi s of the position of the offensive libero These remarks about goalkeepers underline the tendency for thern to make a name for themselves during a Worl d Cup e g Chanov (Russia) and Kaszimierski (Poland), to name but tw o 2 In defencelhe emphasis was on disci- plined play . without . as previously mentioned, the adoption of stubbornly defensive tactic s As a safety factor a defensive player covered the zone behind the back fou r The proper timing of such movement s was too great a demand for most of th e player s 3 Mid- field play was both offensivel y and defensively oriented In this area th e differences in formation and style wer e most noticeabl e The Latin Americans played compactly , i e both defensively arid offensively oriented, while those of the Europea n school were more position-consciou s playing the traditional mid field garn e The player employed here was see n more as a defence organiser than as a starting point for attacks In all direct comparisons the superiorit y of the Latin Americans was apparen t They were more harmonious and mor e supponive both in attack and defence The observation was again made tha t the offensive role of the libero is only occasionally exercised . due to the modern . cornpact, mid field arrangement The game between Argentina and Nether lands seems to confirm this rule On th e basis of their performance in Mexico th e Dutch and their mid-field in this garne Defence 45 might well be counted in with the Latin , American group The opposite was tru e in the final between Brazil and Argen tina, in which the Argentines, despit e their compact style, came closer to a Eu ropean mid-field game Traditional mid f ield play often assigns offensive an d defensive functions individually and th e pattern is thus not easily discerne d This fact alone requires a lot of space 72 7 and the previously mentioned technica l and tactical consideration s During attacking play the mid-field personalities emerge and in this contex t four examples should be mentione d I Brazi l 2 Argentin a 3 Mexico 4 Netherland s Basic forms in defence man-to-man marking with space marking sweepers 128 Analysis of the Game Midtield Diagram 4 6 An important tactical rnanoeuvre has a l The same applies to Polster (Austria ) ready been noted, in which an attacke r who was not able to assume the leadin g drops back to escape man to man mark- role expected of him within his learn ing and thus opens a space tip front for a 4 In the light of the above remarks . it i s mid-fielder to attack As an exampl e not therefore surprising that the mos t Zahere, the young Argentinian No 10, outstanding players are found in the at rate . is selecte d tack since they are the ones who mak e attacking football possible, as describe d Mid-field playmakers, still to some ex tent evident in Japan and Australia, wer e abov e Forwards were Marked man-to man exalmost completely absent in Mexic o actly as in national teams It should als o This is explained by the lack of ope n be recorded that practically all the team s spaces into which the ball could b e played with real wingers This forced th e played Even a player like Vanenbur g ~the Netherlands) could not play the rol e opposing backs into a more defensiv e that was expected of him on the basis o f orientation since there was less room fo r his expetience with the national A-team them to move forward if they wanted t o Basic formsm midfield comnact 1 ~_ -r . . t'~ ~~*~ ~~ 4 10, ~' 1 I f, ra I, láw Diagram 47 Attack Surprises were thus produced by the i n dividual efforts of the winger s The World Youth Championship in Me x ico brought to light a wealth of talente d forwards . But the transition from youth to international level requires a significant adjustment—especially for forwards . A selection of the most talented player s could include the following narTie s (diagram 54, page 143) Mention has already been made of th e connection between the greater influence of coaches and the general level o f play, but to end the technical/tactical analysis a look will be taken at " set-piec e situation s Even during the World Cup in Mexico a number of well-planned variations were seen often leading to a successful conclusio n The following situations are presente d as examples . Basic forms in attack . wtng play — _:c 1 - A _>_ — 129 130 Analysis of the Game Stationary Ball Diagrams 481,49 Some standard forms with stationary ball free-kick ,9 141 I~p Diagram 50 Stationary Ball Standard forms of stationary ball corner G 13 7 of the Gam e 132 Technical Analysi s Conditto n In their efforts to make the TechnicalAna/ysiseven more valuable and to presen t their impressions of the standard of pla y in a more detailed manner, the nierTiber s of the Technical Study Group awarde d precise marks to every team for condition and technique, since these tvvo factors are often key elements in a team s performanc e compare the final results of the point s analysis vvilh the team s actual succes s in the tournamen t The sarne system was used to evaluat e the technical Jeve) and the results wer e presented in similar for m Without losing siqlit of the importanc e of the collective effort . it is recogmse d that a learn s performance is largely governed by the sum of the qualities of it s The previous practice of evaluating a individual players so the final collectiv e team ' s attributes in a sub)ective and un values for condition and technique were. defined manner was replaced by a mark multiplied by the number of outstandin g mg system running from 'very good ' personalities on the tea m down to '' poor ' I 2 = very goo d 4 = goo d 6 ~ satisfactor y 8 = poo r As the following tables show, this method of evaluation produced surprisin g results which, however unlikely this ma y appear . accurately reflected the actua l outcome of the World Youth Champion shi p Metho d During each round the learns wer e awarded points based on the abov e scale Dividing the total number of points by the number of games playe d produced the average per gam e As a team progressed lion) one round t o the next its points total increased but thi s was then divided by the new total nUM ber of games playe d Thus it was possible to compare perfo r mances in the different rounds . and to Members of the Technical Study Grou p were instructed to single out those play ers who, in their opinion, had a decisiv e influence on their learn s pertorr-nance 133 Physical Conditio n Remarks on the Fitness of Teams Eliminated in the '/a-Finals : (Group games ) Group 1 Mexico lAtistrafi a In this group in parlicular, the qualifyin g games were hotly contested, as all ab servers will certainly remember Despit e relatively high levels of fitness, superio r in some cases to those of teams that di d qualify for the qUarter-finals . both Mexico and Australia were eliminated Th e reasons for this must be sought in other , less obvious aspects of their performance Group 2 awarded clearly show the superiority o f the other two teams which did qualifi y for the next roun d The poor ratings earned are all the mor e surprising in view of the fact that th e Ivory Coast had a relatively long adjust merit period in Mexico and lhe USA ha d been to a special high altitude trainin g camp in Colorado . as a direct preparation for the altitude in Mexic o In this case the skills and experience o f the Polish and Uruguayan team were the. telling factor s Ivory CoastIUSA Comparison of the fitness points lì 1 JM = 1 1 - 4, r Analysis of the Gam e Group 3 IngfuLjp3 in whichAustria arid P R China were eliminated there is a paralle l to group 2 Both teams, Austria and P R China . had at least on paper very well planned preparations with early arriva l (PR China) and altilude training (Austria ) Their opponents Argentina and Czechoslovakia . who it should be note d achieved approximately the same fitness ratings had better individual pla y ers plus greater experienc e Group 4 1 n gfoup 4 it was indeed the f itter teams that qualified Nigeria were knocked out , though their excellent preparation (altitude . arrival) paid off . above all in th e first game Their success over the Russians was a warning for their other tw o opponents, and despite consistent performances in regard to fitness they could riot manage another victor y What is remarkable here is the poor fi t ness rating of the USSR It appears that a number of factors coincided to produc e this decrease in fitness ~Iate arrival r demoralisation after the defeat by Nigeria environmental conditions . such a s hurnicity and smog ) Remarks on the Fitness of Teams Eliminated in the Quarter-Final s Scotlan d Although their fitness was one of th e factors that gave Scotland the edge ove r their opponents in the group games, th e team literally ran out of steam in th e quarter final game against Korea Re p To throw some light or) this occurrenc e it should be added that it was clear righ t from the first game, that despite at tempts at acclimatisation (in Colorado , USA), the players were suffering unde r the Mexican conditions Some of the players had obviously no t recovered physically from the strains o f the professional league and the Euro pean cup competitions and thus Wer e unable to make use of their undoubte d skill s The Polish team, however, der-nonstrated greater fitness than in the firs t round, this being all the more effectiv e since their collective style of play economised or) energy under the difficul t tournament and envir-onmenlal condilions Physical condition Czechoslovakia Despite losing to the Brazilians . th e Czechs showed themselves to be as fi t as their opponents The ratings the tea m obtained reflected their scientific preparation, their performance from the fitness angle being even better than in th e previous roun d Without doubt their failure to reach th e semi-finals must be attributed to othe r aspects of the gam(~ (skills and a greate r number of outstanding players ) Urugua y All the other technical qualities of th e South Americans were not sufficient t o compensate for their failing strengt h This observation is all the more vali d since their quarier-final opponent . Korea 135 Rep ., not only demonstrated better skill s but also greater fitness than in the previousroun d Doubts about the U rug uayans ' corid itio n had been shown in the last group gam e against the Ivory Coast, and a let-up i n their tactical concentration was notice d Netherland s The Dutch position is much the same a s that of Czechoslovakia In regard to fi t ness there was little to choose betwee n them and their opponents, Argentina I n this quarter-final game the complexitie s of football were illustrated When tw o learns are equal in terms of tactics/lechnique and fitness . siutattons develop i n the course of the game in which the factors analysed here become unimportan t and other attributes lip the scales on e way or the other . Remarks on the Fitness of the Losing Teams in the Semi-Finals and Fina l Korea Rep . went down against Brazil , despite absolutely equal fitness rating s Once again other factors play the decisive role, and these cannot be itemise d her e In the second semi-final, Argentina wer e able to show an improvement, while th e Poles were not able to raise their standard as they had done in the quarter final Their better physical performance in th e semi-finals made Korea Rep favourite t o win against Poland in the play-off fo r third place However, it was interestin g to observe that the individual style of th e Korean players was less economica l than the more collective team play of th e Poles 136 Aiialysis of the Game 51 This rational style showed its effect mos t In comparison to Argentina the mos t clearly in the greater concentration in ex- striking features of the Brazilians pla y ploiting goal-scoring opportunities . were their zone marking, their bette r control of the rhythm of the game an d Looked at this way it is not paradoxica l their overall technical abilit y to assert that fitness alone will not wi n game s These technical skills of the Brazilians . A lesson for the. Korean side especiall y plus their excellent physical preparatio n resulted in an average rating of 3 .3 fo r In the final itself both teams not onl y the whole Tournament Only one teani maintained the fitness levels shown i n obtained a higher rating —Korea Re p earlier rounds but were to some exten t with 3,1 Korea s 4th place and their difable to improve on thi s ficult games in the preliminary and inter As the game progressed however, it be - mediate rounds were among 1he high came clear that the more rational style of lights of the World Youth Championshi p the Brazilians seemed to be giving them This performance earned Korea Rep th e respect of the other participating team s an advantage I l(rvAA Ron Scotland Ivory Coast 1112 11 +6 13 Uruguay 14 1+] 19b-11 174=4 . 2 ~5 ~3 - 1+6 +4 28 6 =4. 6 174-4 .2 5, 3 16 3 ~ 6~1 Austria China PR 1+2 5.3 . 163 Poland USA 1+2 A, 3 5 .0 .3 4.6 Czechoslovaki a 4 154-3 Netherland s 4 164-4. 0 .7 1+2 Nigeria 33 4.3 TSSR §S—R__ 15 3 0 Ptq sicai titoess of teams in r-narke — overallpresentui g i 13 7 Technique Techniqu e Statistical Evaluation of th e Technical Level of Teams Eliminate d in the Preliminary Roun d team was lacking in this respect All th e games were exciting and entertainin g for the spectator s Group 1 Group 2 MexicolAustralia Once again the experts evaluation of th e technical level contains a clear messag e The diffp.rence in ratings between th e tearns qualdying and those eliminated i s all too obvious The undoubted technica l abilities of these teams could not be full y utilised because of deficiences in thei r physical conditio n The previous evaluation of the level o f conditioning pointed out the, evennes s wilhin this group The same proved tru e of their technical abilities . It is certainly true that the standard o f play was the highest in this group and no W ~-V - _, -13,- Mt^ 1b-, - 738 Group 3 hi comparison to group 2 the situatio n here is different The teams eliminate d were rated technically just as high a s those that qualified However . in comparison to the other groups the genera l technical level was below that of th e group winners and runners-u p Analysis of the Game top teams in the group in fact surpassing these to some extent in mcmdua l skills, even though the group winner s were Brazi l Group 4 The Russians were technically disappointing for all their skills were demonstrated at only a relatively slow pace Be cause of this lack of speed none of thei r technical refinements could decisivel y influence a gam e Ehrumaied USSR and Nigeri a Once again the performance of the Nigerian team deserves special mentio n Compared to the Russians, they man aged to match the technical level of the The Netherlands and Brazil offered a better combination of skills and condition which proved decisive, particularl y because of the speed elemen t Remarks on the Technical Level of Team s Eliminated in the Quarter-Final s As a preface to this section it should b e rioted that all the quarter-final game s were of a consistently high standar d The observation is confirmed by the statistical rating s Generally speaking, the tearns that wer e eliminated were those will) fewer ou t standing players, technique and fitnes s being approximately equal all roun d This point will be referred to again later It is particularly worthwhile to study th e performance of the Korean team, whic h demonstrated skills of a very high orde r They were later defeated by Brazil in th e semi-firial . because of a lack of out standing individual players, and by Po land in the play-off for third place be cause of their failure to make use of thei r goal scoring opportunities . a con sequence of their decrease in menta l concentration Diagram 52 Technique 739 Remarks on the Technical Level o f the Semi-Finals and Fina l The semi-final between Brazil and Kore a Rep . deserves special mention It wa s probably the most skillful game in th e whole tournamen t mance of the Poles whose game wa s characterised by longer passes . greate r determination and above all by bette r finishin g In the second semi-final the two team s differed considerably in technical abilit y In this situation the players were not abl e to demonstrate their skills so brilliantl y In the final the two teams were onc e again of different technical standard Al though the talent was available on bot h sides, the Brazilians used theirs more fo r brilliant individual efforts, while the Argentinians employed their skills more i n collective pla y In the play-off for third place the individual skills of the Koreans were no matc h for the more homogeneous team perfor - Team Match 1-3 Australia 123 4.0 Korea Rep, Mexico 11 113 1 3 .6 163 5. 3 Scotland Ivory Coast Poland Uruguay ' Final '/. Final +2 +4 112 13 USA ger g a ni 163 Austria China PR 143 4 .6 133 14 4.3 Czechoslovakia Netherlands 16 Nigeria USSR 133 4 .. 1 16LL:j.: 5 .3]— 3 1+3 + 1+5 1+4 Fina l 15 4 = 3.7 +4 +2 3,dPlace ~2 25 6 - 4 . 1 154–3.7 53 4 F+i___2$_,6- 471 j +5 194-4 .7 +5 21 4 -5 .2 1 Marks on teams techniqu e 140 AnalysIs of the Gam e The Outstanding Player s An analysis oi the garnes in terms oi ou t standing players shows that next to fi t ness and technique the quality of the inclividual players is the decisive facto r Fighth-Final s Those teams that went out in the preliminary round did not have more than thre e outstanding players in their ranks, at though PR China with four and Nigeri a with five were exceptions to this rul e However it must be added I ial, excep . tional though these players re, the r lack of international experien , large~ y prevented them from being able t o stamp their mark on their team ' s pla y In this respective the Russian and Austrian teams were disappointing, partic u larly since most of their players belon g to first division teams in their hom e countries Quarler-Final s Even the teams eliminated at this stag e had an average of five outstanding pla y ers in their sides, which explains th e high standard of these matches Howe ver this was not sufficient, since th e successto I teams here had an average o f six outstanding players on the fiel d Serni-Final s There the more homogeneous and betler-balanced teams, averaging seve n outstanding players each, came out o n to p Both in the final itself and in the play-off for third place all the teanns were able t o raise their games once again and aver aged no less than eight outstanding per formers per tea m Regarded from this angle, team performances became more homogeneous a s the tournament progressed ,, %~, EpORT E ' 1 h. * 4 4 liv- >% :' "j..X '1 A" *-J3 mo ~k ;'% > ". 1*MI 47h ; Il I- IN> L ~ I# t - ~. . , -t~ í -k. '.O.A t #4 -à~úá^ tà.A ru Analysis of the Game 142 Diagram 53 This can clearly be traced back to th e fact that the Poles ' success was due to a collective effort whereas Brazil Argen tina and Korea Rep [lad won through t o the finals more on the strength of thei r individual brilliant players Thus it is no t surprising to find the very best players o f the tournament in these three team s The following table lists once again th e outstanding individual players of th e 1983 World Youth Championship i n Mexic o The following graphical presentatio n shows the evaluation of the rating s given The raised figures indicate the i n div(dual players who were selected o n more than one occasio n When comparing the last four teams . i t is readily apparent that Brazil and Arge n tina the finalists had a greater wealth o f outstanding individual players than di d Poland . who finished Ihird Outstanding individual players in teams of World Youth Champ~onship Th e number indicates the player the exponent indicates reverition of his mentio n Match 1-3 Team Australia 9, {~, 19 Korea Rep. 1, I~ Final Final Mexico 5 .42. DI 9, 11) . 2 43 52102 ___ 17,103,93 — 63 112 22 3 Scotiand 1, 62, W . 4 lvory Coast 2 POW1(11 7,143,42 112. 4 2 USA 014 61 14 tp,,p China PR 15 147 Czechoslovaki a W. 7 ~" Netherlari USS13 j 7 1 _[14 Sì s i __fó~ 0, 42.82 F105 73 2 71 o Austria Nigeria 5 li, 9.1 ___F1610 ' W, 9 5, il uruguay [31dPIIIácé --TFin.I 3 1 IL- VI i. i 4 15 133,8.3 15 1 6 lo, li, 1119 613 1 8 p Im- 3 82 .9,1 5 5 2 EEE~___4 83 , i 1 &. 112. 9, " ß 54 Outstanding Players ((The All-Star Team)) r Tw_ i,~7-ì * ` k !,Ias, LU, s Bas—Id . FM,m, — ,> e, (N , ECI 5IIva~ GIovann , G .-M , 1 Va~ bu,g ——d . Gerald 4,1 _ io; Zarate Po " rto A,, B~w, 143 144 of the Gam e Overall Survey s The following table summarises the evaluations given to the different teams fo r condition, technique and number of ou t standing player s The table effectively confirms the result s that the teams in fact obtained on th e pitc h Group 1 Corictlion and technical evaluation s were relatively even here Scotland ari d Korea Rep deservedly winning throug h against stiff opposition with Korea eve n tually going furthes t was riot dependent or) just a few to p player s Group 3 In this group too, the message to b e read from the condition ratings is ver y clear, especially in the cases of the tw o eliminated teams . while Argentina, th e group winners . stand alone as far a s technique goes Looking at the numbe r of outstanding players removes an y doubt that Argentina was a worthy grou p winner and eventual finalis t Group 4 The separate ratings for this group hav e The decisive element seems to hav e already been dealt with The summar y been the greater number of players ca p shows the clear superiority of the Brazili able of turning a gam e ans in all respects . while the Nether lands not only had a plus over Nigeria i n , it is interesting to note that the Koreans terms of fitness, but were probably give n after some hard qualifying matches , the decisive edge by the greater experiwere able to maintain their form an d could quite justifiably be regarded as th e ence of their individual player s best team from this grou p The order produced by this new evalua iion system produces a striking confirGroup 2 rination of the actual match result s It has already been mentioned that thi s group was less even and so the tw o qualifying teams had an easier passag e Brazil (58A Points ~ Worthy World Champions thanks t o their excellent condition and technique , The clear differences in the conditio n plus the greatest number of outstandin g arid technical ratings makes this super i player s ority even more apparen t A remarkable feature is the round-t o round iMprovement shown by the Polis h tea m Argentina (553 Points ) Silver medallists despite good condition not quite equal to their final opponents in technique nor in the number o f outstanding players . A closer analysis, however indicate s that this was an improvement of th e whole team and that their performance Poland (52 2 Points ) Thirdplace largely due to the whole Overall team ' s improvement from round t o round, as already mentioned The dominating factor here was the level of collective team play . Korea Rep (46,2 Points ) Fourth place— by no means surprising i f the ratings are studied The team was at most able to match the Brazilians in al l respects However . the excellent individual players were not so successful at integrating themselves into a hornogenous teani effort This observation applie s both to the serni-final defeat agains t Brazil and the play-off for third plac e against Poland Their opponents ' greate r international experience appeared to b e the telling factor in every gam e The Netherlands (46,0 Points ) The total of 46,0 points confirms the impvession that the team made on th e field The defeat by Argentina was e x tremely close, and this game can well b e regarded as the best of all the quarte r finals After a very even garne the Dutc h lost by a whisker In the opinion of th e experts the Netherlands was the most talented team after the top South American s While Scotland and Uruguay were al most able to hold their own as quarter-finalists . the Czechs disappointed with a poor performance against the eventua l winners, Brazil . 11 should also be noted that the Uruguay / Korea Rep . and Scotland/Poland game s were more fiercely contested, while i n their game against Czechoslovakia th e Brazilians were more easily able to demonstrate their superiority, and tha t without any great physical effort Nigeria, with 42,0 points . was the bes t team to be eliminated in the preliminary 145 round This evaluation is due to the fac t that the team managed to beat the Russians —one of the tournament favounte s and a traditionally strong team — an d also produced similar, excellent performances in the games against Brazil an d the Netherland s The performances shown by the Ivor y Coast and Austria must certainly be regarded as unsatisfactory During the tournament neither team wa s able to repvoduce the form shown in th e continental qualificalion oanies 146 Analysis of the Game Diawam 55 No clue to these teanns ' inabi(ity to play well can be obtained by looking at thei r preparatory training, since this was wel l planned in every respect Nor do poo r condition . skills and lack of good player s provide an exp)anaipo n As the statistics show . other tearns wer e equally handicapped in these respects . but compensated through other attributes not listed in the statistics (efforts , will to win, discipline etc ) Toralfr7arksofcondirton tachniquean d -~I Il - IA 1 ouIstanffing players LeA_, .0 2.0 ,v 25.2 22A 20 . 6 19 .6 A 9 Outirt. Playors 3 7 3 5 1 6 5 3,7 S~ 3 4.11 -4 6 ~4—3 11513 6 1 ~—7 5 3 .4 .1 Techinkliiin 4D CondWm 3 6 1 3 .1 1 4 2 13 1 4 .2 5,3 1 4 .6 4 .2 5,3 3'8~ 5 .0 4~6 3 k~71 ~O m D < ci CI> o DS '0 , S ~ , ' o CO o 2 5 Z7 g,1 5.2 b-7 W 4 .6_ i ^ 0' ce 2 I :D (n I I=, :3 < S~ U' _U; C) C 5 2 4 .1 5. 3 4.3 5.0 2 = Q> m z m 21 Z 5 i Z cc v) i D 14 7 Qualification s Within Confederation s AF C CA F CONCACA F CONMEBO L UEFA Intercontinental Qualification Lo E ct Asian Football Confederation - AFC Kore a China P R /,j Chinese Taipe i r— 1,13 1 1 9 r Af91hanista Afgli a is nista a n 1 Macao jr.tnam SH T3 C) ra n Syriaa Lenanon s~rakàl Pa'3 k i s t a n n Jraq 1 ra q ni e, 'Il Bahrd,i i akJErmratps–I 1 p _Iordan Qata r ( ~a.9 n Saudi 1, Arabia r, Yemen r,Arab Pbi)ubli - Y- rì P R enPD Ind, 3 ,..i kune , Sri Lanka S Philippine s '-Ay 23rd Asian Youth Football Tournament 18th—22nd December 1982, Bangko k Date Match 181282 181282 China PR UAE Iraq China PR Korea Rep UAE 201282 201282 22 12 .82 2212 .82 Champions Runner-up 3rd Place 4th Place - Iraq Korea Rep UAE Korea Rep Iraq China PR Result Refere e 2 Steven Ovinis . Malaysi a Koh Guan Kial, Malaysi a Parnon Saismutir Thailan d T Gurukan, Philippine s Vichat Charupunt Thailan d Sebastian Yap, Singapore 1 04 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Korea Rep . China P R Ira q United Arab Emirates QUalitied for the FIFA/Coca Cola WmId Youth Climrpiuwship, Mexico 198 3 KOREA REPUBLIC and PEOPLE ' S REPUBLIC OF CHIN A Diagram 57 150 i- Con k GarT- G Sierra 15 1 Qualifications Within Confederations III African Youth Cu p 1/8 Final s 13662 27882 5982 19982 15882 24882 Khailourn Cairo Conakry Lom6 Libreville Lagos 15882 24882 Mbabane Harare 15882 29882 15882 Ludrida Yaound(~ 25782 6882 19982 26982 Banjul Alger Rabat Abidjan TUMS 114 Final s 31 1082 Cairo 14 11 82 Conakry 23 1082 7 11 82 37 1082 14 11 82 31 1082 '13 11 82 Lagos Bulawayo Yaounde Abidjan Alger Mohamecha Sudan v Egypt Egyptv Sudan Guineav Togo Togo v Guinea Gabon v Nigeria Nigeriav Gabon Swazilandv Zimbabwe withdrawai Swazilan d qualified Zimbabwe Angolav Cameroon Camerconv Angola Ivory Coast v EquaionaiGuinea * * Equ Guinea disqualified for havin g used non qua6fied ptayet s q,,ahbed l,n,yC,,as r I I 31 G Mapiinda,7anzani a Said Ali Khamis. Keny a 2 1 1 1 M Conieh Sierra Leon e S Sow6 . Gambi a 01 20 H Opangault Cong o M Dormoh . Liberia 15 1 M Costa, Mozambiqu e of 2 1 T Albert CrinlialAlric a K Kambal,,Zair e 41 M Tutu . Ghana Gambiav Algeria Algenav Gambia Maroccov TUnisa Tunisiav Morocco 00 2 1 Y Ngom Senega l T H Zaglout Libya 40 00 R Medliba Alqeri a Morched, . Egyp t Egypt v Guinea Guoneav Egypt ' Resul i after penalty kicks Nigeria v Zirnbabwe Zimbabwev Nigeria Cameroon v Ivory Coast IvoryCoastv Cameroon 10 1 0* 8 7 31 10 H Ben Hamida Tunisi a Fall Babacar . Mauritani a 02 32 20 31 Kabongo Kambali Zair e Y Thiombiano . Upper Volt a ldrissaTraore Mal i B Sary, Senega l 2 1 20 10 Baba Laouissi, Morocc o H Opangauit . Cong o M Donnoh Liberi a Algeria v Morocco Moroi Algeria Saleh M Ada] Liby a ZO Bundala Tanzani a Semi-Final s 19 1282 8 1 83 19 1282 Conakry Lagos Abidjan Guineav Nigeria Nigertav Guinea Ivory Coast ~ Algeria Alger Algeria v Ivory Coast 21 H Ben Hamida Tunisi a Qualified for the. FIFA/Coca Cola Cupfn Mexicci NIGERIA and IVORY COAST 9 1 83 Finals Firsi Match 1/2/3 April 19&~ Second Match 15/16/17Aprii 19&3 Ivory Coast v N ;ger a Hussain El Din . Egypt Nigeria v Ivory Coast IdTissaTraofe Mal , 152 Quahbcat~on Within Confederatlons r4 IL- ,i 40 ri- Diagram 58 Confederación Norte- Centroamerican a y del Caribe de Fútbol - CONCA CA F kI14-, 4,!~k Canad a USA Bermuda u k ~' «ì 1 BaNma s C t1 1 . ' H, ~[i(Iuras El Salvador ík Ni~ aiII(.)a~ Costa Janiaica L),- !iiif[iican Republi c I~~ Ptjert, Rico~~ì RicaA _ Arìtgu a íì~ I. Panama ' M Ne1herIarì(Is Ari,111es 1 Trirudad 3nd T~,ìhaqe, Gu Ba, ' , s 753 CONCACAF 1982 CONCACAF Youth Tournamen t 15 .8 .-5 .9 .a2 in Guatemala-City First Roun d Group I (USA Guatemala Jamaica Puerto Rico ) 158 198 Classification Puerlo Rico v USA Guatemala v Jamaica USA v Jamaica Puerio Rico v Guatemala Jarrialf 'av Puerto RICO Guaien-alav USA I USA 2 Guatemala 3 Jamaica 4 P.en . Rico P Mendez Molina Guatemal a A Bralsis US A R Reyes Rodas, El Salvado r R Mnse.s NP.1h Antille s J L Uirer),i Raroos G—ternal a C L Alfaro Venegas Costa Ric a 05(01) 3 0 ~O 0) 00(00) 02(01) 60(20) 1 3j1 2) 3 3 3 3 12 2 2 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 5 81 63 63 0 13 2020 5 4 3 0 12 Groupli (Honduras, Trinodadand Tobago, Cinada Nethe0andsAnri8es ) R Rannirez Zermehn . Mexic o Honduras v Trin and lob 22(l 0) C L Altaro Vetiegas Costa Ric a Ca .adéi v Nelheïlands Aniffles 3 1 (2 01 D Arron Godoy Guatemal a Hond-as, Neth Antilles 30(l 0) B Uljo~j Moo,~,i Coma Rica C~.nada . and lobago 2 0(l 0) J M Montane Puerto Ric o 228 Trin arid lob v Netti Antilles 5 1 (2 0) M Gracias Regalado Guate m Canada v Honduras 1 2(01) Classification 1 Honduras 2 Canada 3 Tri, and Tob 4 Neni Antilles 3 3 3 3 12 2 2 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 5 Group 111 (El Salvador Nicaragua~ Costa Rica Berrnuda ~ 178 El Salvadot v Nicaragua 80~40) Costa Riri v Bermuda 1 0(00) 198 Costa Rica v Nicaragua 80(30) FI Salvador v Bermuda 2 1 (1 0) 228 Nicaragua v Bermuda 1 2(0 1) FI Sal .ddor v Costa Rica 23(02) 1 Costa Rica 2 El Salvador 3 Be ' niudd 4 Nicaragua 3 3 3 3 12 3 2 1 0 6 73 63 75 211 2222 5 4 3 0 12 FI Tuomp Neth Antille s P Clarke Canad a G OrlaridoPalma Hondura s J A Narvaez Mexico R Ramcharéin Ton and To b M E Nequeros C Guatemal a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 6 122 124 34 1 18 2828 6 4 2 0 12 754 Qualifications Within Coofederations CONCACA F Second Roun d Group A (PSA CclsfaRici3 Canada ) USA v Canad a Canada v Costa Ric a 2/8 USA v Costa Ric a 298 Classification I USA 2 Costa Ric a 3 Canada Group B (Honduras, Guatemala, EI Salvador ) Guaternala v Hondura s Honduras v El Salvador 278 Guatemala v El Salvado r 298 Classification 1 Hondufa s 2 Guatemal a 3 El Salvador 32(12) 22(11) 00(00) 2 2 2 6 1 0 0 1 IF Ramire7Zerme6o Mexico A Mendez Molina Guatemal a H Tromp Nell, Antille s 1 2 1 4 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 3 2 1 6 P Clarke Canad a j A Narvaez Mexic o A Brats .s USA 03(02) 2 1 (0 1) 1 0 io 0) 2 2 2 6 32 22 45 99 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 41 1 2 13 66 4 2 0 6 Semi-Final s 19 Gualernalav USA 13(11) H Trornp Nelh Antille s 19 Honduras v Costa Ric a 1 0(00) J A Narvae7 Mexico Costa Rica v Guatemal a 32(1 1) P Clarke Canad a USA v Honduras 01(00) R Mendez Molina . Guatemal a Third Place Matc h 59 Fina l b9 Diagram 59 r-- - CONMEBOL 755 156 Gualfficarions Within Confederation s X Campeonato Sudamericano «Juventud de América» 198 3 22 .11—13 .2 .1983 - Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivi a Group matche s Group A 22 1 iBrazil Colonibi~i Chdo, Fcuador Uri.,goay) 83 241 83 271 83 291 83 1 283 Classification Chilev Colombia Brazil v Ecuador UFUgLJaYV Chile Braz,lv Colombia Chile v Ecuador Uruquayv Columbia Colombia v Ecuador Brazil v Uruguay Uruguayv Ecuador Brazliv Chile 1 2 3 4 5 Brazil Uruguay Chile Ecuador Colombia 12( ) 30 (1 O l 1 0(1 0 ) 30(00 ) 32(00 ) 32(11 ) 1 2(01 ) 3 1 (1 0) 32(1 0) I 0~1 0) 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 C Montalvdri Per u J Aritecluerd Bolivi a JC Lowista(i Argentin a J Vefgara Venezuel a G Gu .nlez Paraguay J Antequera Bolivi a JC LouslaU Argentina L SdesCaldwon CoslaRic a J Vergara . Venezuel a C Montaivan Penj 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 10 101 8 7 46 610 59 3333 8 6 2 2 2 20 Group IS - (Argentind Bolivia Paragoav Pero Venezuela ) 2 3 1 P-I 25 1 B3 281 83 301 83 2283 Classification Peru v Argentina Boliviav Venezuela Argentina v Paraguay Boliviav Peru Pafaguayv Peru Argentina v Venezuela Peru v Venezuela Paraguayv Bolivia Paraguay v Venezuela Bol,v,av Atgenhna 02(0 1) 40(20) 2 0 ~O 0) 3 1 (2 1) 42(2 1) 2 1 it 1) 80(30) 3 1 ~3 0) 01 (01) 1 3i(T 2) 1 Argentina 2 Bolivia 3 Paraguay 4 Peru 5 Venezuela 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 2 2 1 1 10 R Arripi B,az, l E JacomeG Ecuado r L Site$ Calderon Costa Ric a A Blanquiceil-i Colombi a H Silva Chil e A Sencion . Urugua y A BlanquiCelh Colombi a A SeFIC1011 Urugua y H Silva Chil e R Arpp, Brazi l 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 92 97 76 11 9 2 14 8 4 4 2 2 0 10 3838 20 CONMEBOL 157 Final Round 5283 6283 9283 Brazil v Bolivia 30(1 0) Argentina v Uruguay 33(00) Brazil v Uruguay 0 0 (0 0~ Argentina v Bolivia 32(2 1) Uruguay v Bolivia 32(2 1) Bra7ilv Argentina * 32(12) match abandoned at 81 st minut e 12283 13283 Final Classification I 2 3 4 Brazil Uruguay Argentina Bolivia 3 3 3 3 12 2 1 1 0 4 E Jacorne G Ecuado r G Gonzales Paragua y H Silva Chil e C Monialvan Per u A Blanquiceth . Colombi a L SilesCalderon CostaRic a 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 4 62 65 88 49 24 24 5 4 3 0 12 South American Youth Champions BRAZI L Otia I it - I f- It o IF IF A/C- i ( dki (up BRAZIL - URUGUAY - ARGENTIN A World Yout h Champions I ip Mexico 1983 - %7Union of European Football Associations - UEF A Q)) i Q) Norway Scotlan d Ireland N(-rT[ , Ireland Repubi ,1( 4 wal - JG Denmar k Lrig lan d USSR P~ 1 p r, ; ;I j 1~ rg,, Germany Fed R rI Dechtens, ein ~~, -1" .e ' llhu t_ ~-z Poriupla . l (J ;: r,1 n C í, ---/, -ra ~2 ( 3~5 Z M 3 G t, rman Dem. I Mali a Reo 11?2* 759 UEFA 11 . European Championship for A-Youth Team s 11 . Championnat d ' Europe pour équipes juniors A 11 . Campeonato Europeo para equipos juveniles A 11 . Europameisterschaft f 6r A-Junioren-Nationalmannschafte n Venue Lieu L ugar 0, r Match Match Parrido sp " l Result RiOsultar Resultadr, Resul r,, r Referee Arbirre Arbitro Sch~easri ch re r 21,5 Salo 23 .5 Para-en Raisio Paimio Turku Ausiria v . USS R Germany FR v, Ireland Rpp Austria ,, G,,miny F R USSR v . Ireland Rep . Austria v, Ireland Rep USSR v . Germany FI R 1 4 (0 :1 ) 1 0 (0 :W 4 1 12 0) 2 0 (2 0) 4 2 (3 :2) 1 0 (1 :0) E . Golksel . Turke y P . Kothprla . Albani a J . Marko . Cze, hoslovaki a A . Thomas, Netherlands K Hope . Scotlan d M Da Silva Luis, Portuga l Karja a Hank o KLIu,ankosk . Sal o Karja a Nummel a Spain v . Bulgari a Poland v . Belgiu m Spain v Polan d Bulgaria v . Belgiu m Spain v . Belgiu m Bulgaria v . Polan d 1 :2 (1 :1 l 1 0 (0 :0) 0 1 (a 1) 0 . 1 (0 :0) 1,3 (1 :1) 0 0 (0 :0) L . Gyori, Hungar y A . Ravander, Finlan d K Hope, Scutlin d M . Da Silva Luis, Portuga l J . Marko, Czechoslovaki a A . Thomas, Netherland s Kuusankosk i Hyvinkaa Kuusankosk i Kouvol a Laht i Hemol a Portugal v . Hungar y Czechoslovakia v . Finlan d Portugal v . Czechoslovaki a Hungary v . Finlan d Portugal v . Finlan d Hungary v . Czechoslovaki a 2 1 (2 1) 2 1 (1 :1~ 1~1 (1 :0) 2 3 (1 .2) I 1 (0 . 1 l 0 :2 (0 2) D . Dimitrov, Bulgari a Scotland v . Albani a Turkey v . Netherland s Scotland v . Turke y Albania v . Netherland s Scotland v . Netherlands Albania v . Turkey 3 :0 l2 :0) 1 ~3 (0 :3) 2 0 (1 :0) 1 :3 (1 :2) 1 :1 (0 :11 1 :1 (1 :1) F . Latzin, Austri a K . Kwiatkowski, Polan d E . Az,m Zade, USS R J . Miguel Perez, Spai n D . Dimitrov, Bulgari a L . Delsernme, Belgium Date Date Fecha Da t .. .. 7 Group A 25,5, Tu, k . Group B 21 .5 23 .5 25 .5, Group C 21 .5 . 23 .5 . 25 .5, Group D 21 .5 . Kotk a Anlalankosk i 23 .5 . Hamin a Lov,is a 25 .5 . Anialankosk i Kotka L . Delsernme, Belgiu m K H Tritschler, GF R P . Daly, Ireland Rep . E . Azim Zade, USS R F . Latzin, Austri a Qualifications Within Confederation s 760 Classifica rions a frer group rratches Group A I USSR 2 Austria 3 . Germany FIR 4 Ireland Rep . Group B I . Poland 2~ Belgium 3, Bulgaria 4, Spain Group C I Czechoslovakia 2, Portugal 3 . Finland 4 . Hungary Group D 1 , Scoiland 2 . Netherlands 3 Turkey 4, Albania 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 77 9 :7 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 25 3 2 :7 12 6 0 6 20 20 12 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 1 1 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 :6 5 4 3 0 12 5 2 5 10 10 12 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 5 :2 4 :3 55 37 5 4 3 0 12 4 4 4 17 .17 12 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 61 2 2 2 :6 2 :7 5 5 1 1 12 4 4 4 2 4,2 22 7 :3 6 4 2 0 17 17 1 2 Semi Finals / Demi finales / Semifinales / Halbfinal s 28,5 . Hirneecl,nna Lathi D . Dilnitl` QV, Bulgari a A . Ra,ander . Finlan d 0 1 (0 01 USSR v . Czechoslovakia Poland v . Scolland 0 2 (0 2) Match for 3rd place / Match pour la 3e place / Partido por at 3ero puesto / Spiel um den 3 . Platz A Thomas, Netherland s 3 .1 lo 1) USSR v . Poland 30 5~ Helsrik, Final / Final e 30 5 Helsinki Czechoslovakia v Scotland K-H Tritschler, GF R 1 3 00 1) The European Championship also served as qualifying round for the FIFAICoca Cola Cup World Youth Championship . Mexico 19&3 The teams to have qualifie d were POLE N AUSTRI A THE NETHERLAND S SCOTLAND CZECHOSLOVAKIA USSR Intercontinental Tournament in San Josd, Costa Ric a I Australia 2 Israel 3 Cusla Rica Oijalified lor Ow FIFACoca C()I3CLJP 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 95 63 18 6 b 1 5 2 5 16 16 12 4 4 4 3 12 2 World Youth Charripionqruc~ Mexico 198:3 AUSTRALIA Diagram 61 Intercontinental Qualification Israe l Costa Rica F1 F A Intercontinenta l Australia 76 1 Oualifications Within Confederation s 162 Group C Group A 1 Mexico 2 Australia 3 Korea Republic 4 Scotland 9 China FIR (PRC ) (ARG ) 10 Argentina 11 Czechoslovakia (CS R ) 12 Austria (AUT ) (MEX ) (AUS ) JKOR ) (SCO) Group D Group B 5 Poland 6 Ivory Coast 7 Uruguay 8 USA 13 USSR 14 Nigeria 15 Netherlands 16 Brazil (POO (CIV) (URU) (USA) (U RS ) JNGR ) (HOL ) (BRA ) Match Programme F—, R—d MEX ~ AU S 14 9 A2 2 J— KOR A3 F, . J., 3 j— ~ SCO A4 CSR, c' i IRC ~ AFIG — 4 J.— cio C9 POL . 85 — S—d- o. A3 ~ ME . .~rSA SCO ~ AUS A4 A9 A2 — URU . US A Is? 88 CIV 96 UT I éIOL , c, D i URS ~ NG R ~ 0,3 DI . R. —i 7 - -~11 I. 0,6 ßRA~ NGA D14 AUT ~ ARG C12 C70 ME X , SCO A, A4 a j— AUSI KOR A2 43 POL, US A 85 68 M—, N,, 28 DI - C2 i S- """' M—I, i ., 3,d P1 - ciIr cs, ~ nu Morri, No 2 1 CI 1 02 o,, NGR c r- 7 i ~ ~ 1R ~ csn ci, ', - 86 Th—,I. , 9 j... M, r,h N, 25 B2 -o e ci ~ ~~~~ i.AA~s 1 ci ~G 1 0—1 .1 F—I . UR S 0 . . . i' UL 95 L17 Z21 5 ---Im.11 1,1 26 ~ B, 1 A 2 -1 1 11— 2- '-" , ', 3 i F-- 2 29 30 . - -- L- - ~ - -~ -- 163 Individual Analysi s of World Yout h Championship Teams 764 Individual Analvsis of WYC Team s Australia Hitherto participation 198 1 In 1981, Australia, as host country . did not have to qualify, this time they had t o compete in intercontinental qualification games and did so successfully — evidence of further footbalhng progress in that continent The association prepared the tea m excellently in every respect, sparing neither time nor money The hope was to reac h at least the quarter-fina l 26 1 133 30183 1283 3283 Austrahav Isiael Costa Rica v Australia Israel v Australia Australia v Costa Rica 1 3 13 1 2 3 0 1 Austfaiia 2 Israel 3 Costa Rica 4 3 0 4 2 1 4 0 1 1 1 3 1 Scotland 2 Korea Rep 3 Australia 4 Mexico 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 95 63 18 6 5 1 First Final Roun d GroupA 26 36 56 56 86 86 Mox,ccj, Australia, KoreaRepubfic, Scollarid Mexico v Australia Korea Rep v Scolland Korea Rep v Mexico Scollandv Australia Mexicov Scotland Austral ia v Korea Rep 1 1(10 ) 02(00 ) 2 1 (1 1) 1 2~00) 01 (01) 1 2(02) 2 2 T 0 0 0 1 1 42 44 44 24 4 4 3 1 165 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams Team : AUSTRALI A MexicoDF Venue Toluca Toluc a 2665 m 2665 rn Attitude Temp . '_' ~i 28 * 37% Humidity Km 24* 27% 27% 16 h 16 h 60 Before a record crowd for the openin g garne the Australians overcame thei r initial nervousness and their dra w against the Mexicans was a good resul t The viclory over Scolland, one of th e ~avo i u n les i n their next game, under ned he p ogress they had made an d awakened hopes of a place in th e quarter-final s The decision had to fall in the gam e against the strong Korean side Th e aggressive (attackmg) play of the Asian s prevented theAusiralians from makin g LiSe Of their own tactical concep t Travel L Kickof Resuf pp_nt tf Opp .ft.. nt R .suit 0 21 h Mexico 1 :1 Scotland KoreaRe p 2:1 Tearn List No ~ Pla NoTlPlaye 7No layer ~r 1 Humme l 2 Maie r 3 McCulloch 4 Dakos 5 Jone s 6 Stewart 7 Farin a 8 Patika s 9 Brow n 10 Lo-e 11 lncantalup o 12 Dale y 13 Rizzo" o 14 Vlietstr a 15 Licat a 16 Glockne r 17 Wright 18 Franken Match 2 1 :2 This defeat meant that they did no t qualify for the next roun d 766 Ind(vidualAnalvsis of INYC Team s Mexico Hitherto participation 1977,1979,198 1 o, I, ì* t- 0g, 9 Jì~ A - 11.~~ C - Expectations ran much higher than the team ' s preparatory showing would justify This did not alter the fact that the Mexicans, having qualified for every World Yout h Championship since 1977 . and now playing at home, had to be regarded as ho t favouriles However . their well-planned preparatory prograrnme suffered repeate d interruptions, for various reasons . and was not a total success However, it was stil l thought that the team ' s performance would be strong enough aided b y determination and public support to bring them success Automatically qualified as host Indwidual Analvsis of WYC Teams 167 Team : MEXIC O Mexico D F . Mexico D .F I Mexico D F . Venue 7 —MU—M—Muffl— m The Mexican team brought good skill s (tactics, technique and fitness) to th e tournament but were unable to cop e ~ith the mental strain High expectations were not matched by result s Altitude 35' 28 ' ~ ' Temp .___ Humidity 25 * 37% 40% 42% 21 h 21 h 21 1 , Km Travel Kick off 1 0— 140 4 1 ' %. p I, .I, . Korea Rep Scotlan d 11 F7T7 0:1 Matchl Match2 Match M .' c ', 3, Team List Nl~o Player 1 Navaor o 2 Hernande z 3 lylacedc, 4 Quintero 5 Villega s 6 Berna l 7 Garci a 8 Espari a 9 Mucifio 10 Reyn a 11 Moren o 12 Nava 13 1 Gamboa 1 14 ~ Pajarito 15 Huert a 16 Gonzàle z 17 Vazque z 18 Panduro elu met , =7 As the. tournament progressed their ne r vouS tension increased resulting in a drop in the standard of play and less fle x (" hTym 1he ' r styl e All tDur teams in this group were quit e evenly matched but the Mexicans, a s hosts and tavouriles . carried an extr a l,ijrdp,n which led to their prematur e ' .111ninaiion destine passionate 5UpPor l fron) enthusiastic spectator s 168 Individual Analvsts of WYC Team s Ivory Coast Hitherto participation 197 7 «q~ wàM~-&~ 4, a r Il1 IVIII ~v ah í§ ì21 - This was their second appearance at a World Youth Championship After the first ever tournament in Tunisia in 1977, this requalification indicated the progress mad e in youth football in the Ivory Coast . In the qualifying round, played on a home-andaway basis, they managed to reach the final . and despite losing this game t o Nigeria, still qualified for Mexico . After a short bu)ld-up penod, the team Weil l through an impressive preparatory programme and set off for Mexico with hig h hopes 15882 '/. Finafs 31 1082 Ivory Coasiv Equatorial 4 1 Cameroon v Ivory Coast Ivory Coast V Cameroon 0 2 3 2 Final s 19 12 82 1~j 9 1 83 1 0 Ivory Coast v Algeria Algeria v )vury Coast 2 1 First Final Round Group B 36 36 56 66 86 86 Puland Ivory Coast, Utuguay, USA Poland v Ivory Coast Uruguay, USA USAv IvoryCoast Uruguayv Poland Po)and v USA Ivory Coast v Uruguay 72(30) 32(l 0) 10 ~O 0) 31 (00) 20(DD) 00(00) 1 Uruguay 2 Poland 3 USA 4 Ivory Coast 3 3 3 3 2 2 ) 0 7 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 63 105 35 28 5 4 2 1 169 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams Team : IVORY COAST Venue -77 20 1 -- Puebla I Puebla lrarivat o 2162 m 2162- 2037 m C ,I \,, 1~j Attitude - -- 0 ,,— I 1_1~ 30 * 26 * Temp . M~ì Humidity , ~— 1^ 52% 14% , I A USA 14 4451h 0 Km Travel Kick off 0 Opponent Result -Ir 14h 14 0 h 15 h Poland US A Urugua y 2 :7 1 0 :11 Tearn List No Player 1 Lancin a 2 D .d i 3 Gued e 4 Soro 5 Baroa n 6 Bousso u 7 Gbezi e 8 Sacr e 9 Tchetch e 10 Diab y 11 Gbal a 12 Gb a 13 Ka h 14 Fofana 15 Kassy 16 Ouma r 17 On la Assieoussou Match 2 1 0:0 -lie heavydeleal in their opening gam e againsl Poland destroyed all hope fo r the ivory Coast lear n At least the severity of this defeat could have beer) avoided but a naive tactica l plan perhaps due to a lack of intern a tional experience ruined all their prospect s Their problems were compounded by the unfarnihar environment and inco r reci evaluation of their own abilit y le 11,e garee against the USA thei r desoe to rehabilitate the selves wi s obviotis but they were, unable io matc h this with the quality of jheir play and th e spectators suffered a poor gam e Only against Uruguay who had alread y qualified for the quarter-finais did th e team show a ray of hope and they man aged a remarkable result . at least fro m 1—1—1— 111—1loivievv The lesson learned tFOfn their exoe n ences in MeXLCQ will be. to play less em a tionallyand with more self-control i n folure hopefully producing mor e 170 Individual Analysis of WYC Team s USA ~ Hitherto participation 198 1 511 kl-7:~,17-4 This was the USA s second consecutive qualification and it was regarded as a sig n of the positive development of football in the States, and confirmation that they ha d got the basics right Their good preparatory programme was rounded off at a hig h almucle training camp in Colorado, on the way to Mexico, and hopes of reaching th e quarter-final seemed realisti c 15882 19882 22882 25882 29882 os Puerio ffico v USA USA v Jamaica Guatemalav USA USAv Canada USA v Costa Rica 00 1 3 32 0 0 ~ Finajs 5 10 82 USA ~ Guatemala Fina l 81082 Hondurasv USA 3 1 1 0 First Final Roun d Group B 36 36 56 66 86 86 Poland Ivory Coas I. Uruguay USA Poland v Nory Coast Uruguayv USA USA v ivory Coast Urugijayv Poland Poland v USA Ivory Coas(v Uruguay 7 2 13 D~ 32(l 0 ) 1 0(00) 31 (00) 20(00) 00(00) 1 Uruguay 2 Poland 3 USA 4 lv(jrvCoasi 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 63 105 35 2 28 5 4 2 1 InottividualAnalt,sis 17 1 of WYC Teams Team : US A Gundalaraja Venue Puebla 2162 1567 m Attitude lr XI-L 2162 2m ~ ~ 26 ' 21 26* 17% 16% '-;~Y Temp . m Puebl abl a I i 46% Humidity 725 Km Travel Kick 0 01111 Opponent Result I 19h 14 h 114 16% 62 eb 2h6. m l ea Polan d , 1 2 :3 1 1 :0 1 0:2 Team List Player No 1 Dubac k 2 Pea t 3 Blac k 47 Caligiuri 5 Groessor 6 Maure r 7 a Ste-a, d I Arya 9 Brady 10 Ervin e ' Ill Ramo s 12 Snyde r 13 Forero 14 e1novatch O er 111 5~ HH 16 Pere z 17 Sanderso n 18 Snyder Match 2 1~11---!s In 3 The I ISA team started their programm e ;it ' he World Youth Championship with a ~jamP against one of the lavourites . Ur u j,jay Despite. playing well they lost thi s encounte r Tineir next game, against the Ivory Coas t was a relatively poor one both team s wanting to make up for their openin g defeats The. level of play was low an d the game suffered from many fouls an d infringement s The final match was charactersed by th e Pi)I: sh learn s taciical concept The Pole s wa iled to quality for the quarter final a t iny cost and adopted a classical cou n tering formation against which the U S team could nor find an effective answe r Ir, spite. of good individual playe' s (Mauref No 16) ihe level within the tea m was too uneven However, Their overal l performance was encouragin g 17-2 Individual Analysis of WYC Team s Austria Hitherto participation 197 7 J,AL Austria s qualification in their European group was rather a surprise Th e association took up the challenge and gave the team thorough preparation over a n extended period This triggered off the hope that they would prove the. sensation o f the tournament as they had done in the European Championship s 21 582 23582 25582 Ausinav USSR Austria v Germany FR Ausirrav IreJand Rep 14 41 42 1 USS R 2 Austri a 3 GerrnanyP R 4 rerland Rep 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 1 Argenfina 2 Czechoslovak,a 3 China PR 4 Austria 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 1 97 0 2 25 0 3 27 6 4 2 0 First Final Roun d Group :C - China PR. Argentina Czechosiovakia Austri a 46 46 China PR v Argentina Czechosiovakia v Austria 05(0 1 ) 40J7 01 76 76 96 96 Ausiria v Argenlina Czecinosiovakiav ChinaPR Argeni,na v Czechosiovakia China PR v Austria 03(03) 32(1 0) 2 0 Il 0) 30100) 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 100 74 58 010 6 4 2 0 173 Individual Analvsis of WYC Teams Team : AUSTRI A Venue ~ Puebla 2162 m 1 León 2037 m Iraputito 2037 m In every respect the Austrian team s showing was a disappointment At n o point did they reach the expected leve l and they were unable to obtain the kin d of results hoped fo r Altitude jj~ 35 1 29 27 " Temp i 1/~ ~' , Humidity Km ', 1^ 40% 545 -100 52% Travel CI 14h CSSR 04 Team List No Player 1 Wohlfahrl 2 Cvetk o 3 Frind 4 Klembichle r 5 Stumpf l 6 Tatar 7 09ris 8 1 Weinrich 9 TP.Isl r 10 Haizinge r 11 Mark o 12 G.n 13 Riede, 14 Hirstic 15 Strob l 16 Gabriel 17 0 exe ~ Icher 19 1 o Arge .tinaChnaPIF11 0 3 33J PR 11 Match 1 Match 2 r1m 1 Match 3 OW777 A sco resheetof three defeats in thre e qames and0goals for, 10against doe s nut need elaboratin g A careful internal analysiswill certainl y hrtng out the reasons for this dramati c decline That the reasons lie outside th e purely footballing domain is one conle c ture, since the team s preparation ha d been goo d 774 Individual A nalysis of WYC Teams China PR ìr For the Chinese this was the first time a tearn had ever qualified for the final roun d of an official FIFA competilion The team was prepared with Chinese thoroughness . and tour matches were arranged to gain experience at international level Thei r immediate aim was to qualify for the quarier-final s 31 782 2882 4882 6882 China PR v Hong Kong Korea Hep v China PR Singapur v China PR China PR v Malaysia 40 02 02 91 ~~ Final s 12882 Ch,naPR . Thadand Fina l 14882 ChinaPPv KoreaDPR 1 0 1 0 Group C - Chtna PR. ArgenPna Czéchos~ovaksa Austri a 46 46 76 76 96 96 China PH v Argentina Czechoslovakia v Austria Austria v Argenitna Czechoslovakia v China PH Argentina v Czechoslovakia China PH v Austria 05(01 ) 40(1 0) 03(03) 32(10) 2011 0) 3 OlOO) 1 Argentina 2 Czechoslovakia 3 China PH 4 Austria 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 100 74 58 010 6 4 2 0 Individual Analvsis of WYC Teams 175 Team : CHINA P R Venue Mexico D F I Irapuato_ Irapuato 2240 m 2037 , V, Altitude 1 26 ' 30 ' 30 ' 52% 55%, Temp 37% Humidity Km 320 Travel Kick of f 10 Opponent IT, Result 1 12 h rgentina 051 15h 15 h CSSR Austri a 2 3 1 3 :0 Team List [N ~Plu aya, 14 1 Fu Match 2 i 2 Wan g 3 Ji a 4 Ma i 5 1 Hu 6 ~ Zhon g 7 Li, Huayu n 8 Zh u Chen 10 Fa n 11 Li . Yon g 12 Gu o 13 Che n 14 Wan g 15 Li u 16 Duan 17 Sha n 18 Li, Zhiga o -.dldg 1 The l ack of intemalional experienc e q uo ed above (especially agai nst Sout h American opponents) made the weaknesses of The Team apparent in the first gam e If they were guilty of paying too muc h respect to the big names in that game , they certainly managed to shake [his of f in the next against Czechoslovakia, an d played a much better and more conce n trated gam e Their last group game, against Austri a confirmed quis improvement and the. resi 11 mearil an horioutable departur e Their well disciplined behaviour t o Mexico won the entire delegation a lot o f friend s 176 IndividualAnalysis of WYC Team s Nigeria 4 Nigeria ' s first-ever qualification for a World Youth Championship spurred th e association to specially intensive preparatory efforts After beating the Ivory Coas t in the final of the African qualifying group the tearn went on tours specifically t o prepare for the Mexican geographical conditions and to gain experience o f tournament play against strong opposition The results achieved were encouraging , and both players and officials approached the Championship in Mexico optirnisticall y 15882 24882 '/. Final s 23 1082 7 7182 Group D 46 46 66 66 96 96 Gabon v Nigeria Nigenav Gabon 0 1 2 0 Nigeriav Zimbabwe Z(mbabwev Nigeria 3 1 1 0 !t Fmal s 19 12 82 8 1 83 Guinea v N .gena Nigeria v Sumea 2 1 20 USSR Nigeria, Netherlands . Brazi l Netherrandsv Brazil USSRv Nigeria Brazil v Nigeria Nelherlaridsv USSR LISSRv Brazil Nigeria v Netheirlands, I 1 (00 ) 01 (00 ) 30(30 ) 32(l 0 ) 1 2100 ) 00(00) 1 Brazii 2 Netheriands 3 Nigeria 4 USSR 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 43 13 36 5 4 3 0 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams 77 7 Team : NIGERI A Venue Monterrey Guadalajara Monterre y I 156 7 I ;"N " - 538 m — 32 * ( 28 * 538 m 1 W. Temp . Humidity Kan 1 68% 46% 660 660 17h 19 h 21 h Brazil Netherland s 0 :3 0:0 72%, Travel Kick o " Opponen ul t j Result — 0 t 40 4 t USSR 1 :0 Team List No Ployer 1 Adebani o 2 Jeje 6 Okhik u 7 Olukann i 8 Dahir u 9 Otti 10 Kpako 11 Ahanmb a 12 Akhaha n 13 Sieste 14 Buraimoh 15 Akinlota n 16 Ehilegbu 17 Anigala 18 Olukanni voll One of the surprise teams in thecomp e tition Their performance in a stron g group and especially the, victory ove r the Russians and the draw with th e Netherlands were significant result s Even the 0 3 defeat by The evenlUal wi n ners Brazil did riot dismay This tea m Their showing in Mexico proved the m worthy representauvP.s of African too t ball and documented the progres s made in that conlinent a trend that ha d already been noticed during the Vvorl d Ctip in Spain in 1982 178 lodividualAnalysis of WYC Team s USSR Hitherto participation 1977, 197 9 Ilia A7 Based on their sporting record and well-known thoroughness in preparation, th e opinion was that the Russian youth team would be one of the favourites, althoug h the delegation leaders tried to play this down, stressing that they were re-buildin g after falling to reach the final round of the previous World Youth Championship i n Australi a 21 582 23582 25582 '6 Finals 28582 3rd Plac e 30582 Austriav USSR USSR v Ireland Rep USSRv GermanyFR 1 4 20 I () USSR v CSSR 0 1 USSRv Poland 3 1 1 USSR 2 Ausina 3 Germany FR 4 Ireland Rep 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 71 97 25 27 6 4 2 0 1 Brazil 2 NelheancI5 3 Nigeria 4 USSR 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 43 13 36 5 4 3 0 1 First Finsi Roun d Group D - USSR Nigeria. Nethertaods, Brazi l 46 46 66 66 96 96 Nelherlands v Brazil USSR v Nigeria Brazil v Nigeria Nelherlandsv USSR USSR v Brazil Nigenav Netherlands 1 1 (00 ) 0 1 (0 q 30130) 32(10) 1 2 JO 0) 00(00) 179 Individual Analysts of WYC Teams Team : USS R It cameasa surprise that in thei r Montefrev ~Mon1úrrey Guadelaiatl a opening match . against the suppose d outsidersfrom Nigeria . the Russian s 1567 nri were not at)fe to perform as everyon e 5M m had expecte d Venue Aftitude ~28 * Temp . 86% Hunniclity 78% , 660 Km Travel Kick-of f 1 46% 1 (D Oppon o è" q. 17 h 21 h Nigeria ~NetherI»nds~ 4 Ar - 0 :1 1 2 :3 Team List No[ Player 1 Palamarchuk 2 Islamo v 3 Agapo v 4 Dochi a 5 Karatae v Match 1 6 ~ M .tiiiski, 7 Eremerik o 8 1akcivenk o 9 Litovchenko 10 Petro v 11 Protasov 12 Salirno v 13 Dernido v 14 Tkebuchav a 15 Rc>dneno k 16 Cherchesci v 17 Dimitriev 18 . Liaviandrauskas Ig h _da@ 1 Brazi l 1 :2 The mainly individual style of the Afr i cans who had prepared very thoroughl y for the tournament was more than th e Russians, playing a more collective tea m game . could cope wit h With the burden of this defeat on thei r shoulders they were unable to gathe r themselves together lot the Iw o ~emami, nq games against the Nethe r ands a A Brazil where their nervou s ness was eviden t Once again they hnished last in thei r group and thus one of the favourileswa s soon on the way hom e A detailed analysis of the technical lea d - - . of the Russian team will certainly resul I in better performances in th e future The players potential also sup ports lh is theor y 780 Individual Analysis of WYC Teal77s Scotlan d The Scots were repeatedly named as one of the top faVOUrites . coming as they di d with the European title in their pockets Not only did the title raise expectations fo r this tearn . but hopes were backed up by the quality of their individual players . thei r professional backgrounds and their successes with club learns In a short but well planned preparatory prograrnme it was hoped to make the team even mor e effective arid thus iustify its role as favourit e 21 582 23582 25582 '~ Finals Final GTOup A 36 ~' (i 56 86 6 (3 r4 Scoi[and v Albania SCOt1dr)dV Turkey Scol ;andv Nelhetiands Poland v Scolland CSSRv Scotland 30 20 1 1 02 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 61 73 26 27 5 5 3 1 1 Scrilland 2 Korea Rep 3 Australia 4 Mexico 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 7 1 1 1 2 42 44 44 24 4 4 3 1 Mexico, Australia. Korea Republic Scollan d Mexico v Australia Korea Rep v Scuiland Korea Rep v Mexico Scotland v Australia Me~,cov Scotland Australia v Korea Rev) ? I (I or 02(00 ) 2 1 (1 1) 1 2(00) 01 (01) 1 2(02~ ',( ,tlarid 0 1 (() 1 ) Final s 11c 1 Scotland 2 Netherlands 3 Torkey 4 Albania v Poland hidividual Analysis of WYC Team s 18 1 Team : SCOTLAN D Venue Toluca Toluca 2665 m 2665 m Mexico D .F. l MexicoD F . I 2240 m 2240 m rhe preliminary round alread y ~howed that the Scolswcul d 11ave a hard time justifyin g 11,etr role as one of the faVOLi r t' s A" ude _ Temp . . . .... 27% j26 24 27% 37% Humidity Kim the strong Korean tea m caLi5ed them problems at th e ~4] 0025' beginning but in the secon d half the Scots pulled oif a ILickywi n 40% % It seemed that having a nu m ber of players already in pr o tessional sides hada negativ e ,r,i %—ncP (titledness after a seaso n 60 Travel 15h f 46 4 '-W. r KoreaRep 1 __ _ 2 :0 T 16 h Aust 20 h .7 Mexico '" — 1 :2 j 10 12 h j1an 0 1 d 0 1 Yet the, g realef experience di d IT . . . the decisive grou p !"1~11"'I'l-aq ." .'I Mexico As against Korea Rep th e goal came at a decisive m e men t Team List Player Match 3 Gun n Beaumont 3 Bowma n 4 Blac k 5 Clark e 6 Cooper 7 Dic k 8 Dobbi n 9 McClai r 1( ) McGinni s 11 McInall y 12 Westwater L13 McPherson 14 Mcsta y 15 Macka y 16 Nevi n 17 Philliben 18 Rice3 'A Fina l Thanks to building-up extr a fitness at a high attitude cam p . . . Colorado, USA) on Thei r way to Mexico . the Scots were able to reach the quarter fina l but their energy ran out, an d they were not able to over come the more consistent Po l ' sh team Overall more had been ex . pecled from the reigning European Champions The ac cent in Their play was not o n technical skill s _911111 low 182 IndIvidual A nalysis of WYC Team s Uruguay Hitherto participation 1977, 1979, 198 1 Their record of parlicipation and success in previous tournaments made them a c o favourite for the title of World Youth Champions . all the more so since they wer e able to call Upon a good group of players for their careful preparatory programme , and conditions in Mexico would be relatively familia r 24 1 83 27 1 83 29 1 B3 1 2 K3 10 32 31 32 Uruguayv Chile Uruguay v Columbia Bf,3711 V Uruguay Uruguayv Ecuador 1 Brazil 3 Chile 4 Ecuador 5 Colornnia 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 10 1 87 46 610 59 8 6 2 2 1 Brazil 2 Uruguay 3 Argentina 4 Bolivia 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 65 88 49 5 4 3 0 1 Uruguay 2 Poland 3 USA 4 Ivory Coast 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 63 105 35 28 5 4 2 1 2 Uruguay 2 Final Roun d 6283 92W 12 2 B3 Group 8 36 36 56 66 86 86 Argentinav Uruguay Brazil v Uruguay Uruguay v Bolivia 3 3 ~O 0) 00 (0 0~ 32(2 1) PoYand Ivory Coast Uruguay. USA Polandv ivory Coast Uruguayv USA USA v Ivory Coast UrL]guayy Poland Poland v USA Ivory Coasiv Uruguay 72(30) 32(l 0 ) 1 0 io 0) 3 1 (00) 20(00) 00100) OrUgUaYv KoreaReto 1 2 * (00 1 1) Final s 6 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams 183 Tea- : U R U G UA Y Venue ' __V" 1 Guadalajara I— 1567 m , 5.( "" - — 2~xc — Le6n -55T7_m 538 m nn~' ~' ~ - Attitude 30 * The. group game against th e 1.) .';A was of a good standard . the Uruguayans needing thei r j,ealer international expen P.nce to Come Out on top Finally decisive were their mor e ,ompact style of play an d ,peater consistency withu) th e lrapuato Monterrey _MT1_ m 32 * 30' t_~ Temp . f'A '1 tea m 1!/ ' 46% 40% 52% Km A v,n against the strong Polish team laid the foundation for a qualification for the quar te, fina l 86% Humidity 660 I l--e, the tean, —th lh e number (.)i appeafa n W .rid Yo .th Chaml—r)slhipswasdenred a piac e ,ri Tho. semi final by the con %lanfly improving Korean s Travel D, Kick-of f Opponent I Resutt I _4 '.%~ P 119h 17h USA Poland 3 ;2 3 :1 15 h F IZ—1yCoast I Korea Rep 1 0 :0 Team List No Player 1 Picu n 2 Martinez, C . 3 Ubart i 4 Esna l 5 Perclomo 6 Silva 7 Miranda 8 ZBlaze r 9 Aguilers 10 Martinez .J . 11 Sosa 12 Fuente s 13 De Le6 n 14 Anchet a 15 Pintos 16 Montan o 17 Olivera is Ayala Match 3 —..dd 17 h 1 1 :2 ' 1 A theoretical question i s whether the disappoinling 0 0 against the ivory Coast in the ld~t group ganiupsel the. Uruguayains rhythIn and led in their eliminalion in th e ;uairter fina l 184 Individuai Analysis of WYC Teain s Czechoslovaki a The Czechrs had juntiably high hopes of doing well . since lhey were not onl y European runners-up but also underwent thorough team preparalio n In a group of strong learns, particularly from South America, their airn was to reac h the quarter-fina l 21 582 23582 25582 '~ Final Final GroupC 46 46 76 76 96 96 14 Cze.choslDvakiav Finland PO ' lugal V Czechoslovakia Hungary v Czechoslovakia USSR v CSSR CSSR v Scolland 2 1 1 1 02 () 1 3 3 3 Finland 4 H,ngary 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 Argentina 2 C7e&oslovakia 3 China PH 4 AL]stna 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 52 43 55 37 5 4 3 0 0 1 100 74 58 010 6 4 1 3 China PR Argentina Czechoslovakia Austna China PH v Argenlina Czechoslovakia v Ausiria Ausinav Argennna Czechoslovakia v China PH Argentinav Czechoslovakia China PH v Ausina 05(0 1 ) 40(l 0 ) 0 3 (0 3~ 3 2 (1 O~ 20(1 0) 30(00) Brazil v Czechoslovakia 4 1 (3 1) Final s 26 1 Czechoslovakia 2 Parluga) 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 Individual Analysis of WYC Team s 185 Team : CZECHOSLOVAKI A Venue "~7-2~« I. Puebla lrapuato ,1— 2162 m _ — 2037 m León 2037 ni j Guadalajar a 1567 m (XX Altìtude " 2* 30' 27' Temp . 4 f Humidity 17% , 52% Km 445 mio ~ 14 h 'q~0~F4 15h Austria China PA 4 :0 1 Krbece k 2 Hate k 3 Vrb a 4 Kopt a 5 Baian t 6 Kubi k 7 Dosth l 8 1 Match 2 Kula . V . —A d 9 Karoch 10 Kula, K . 11 Mitkulf 12 Fieber 13 Halkoc i 14 Hirk o 15 Suka d 16 Ho " at h 1 7 Zblegh k 1 8 Pfibyl 11111101111MEN 1 17 h rgentine 0 2 1 Team List Player 46% 100 Trovai No 40% I -6 14 h Bra M I r) their first garne the Czech s made short work of their r e nowned neighbours fro m Austria whoseopen style o f play posed no problems fo r the Czechoslovakian tea m However inthefollowinglw o games their limitations wer e P.xposed, and they had a muc h harder time against team s whose abilities were relalivel y E ,,nknown they earhPd th e ;,i`a hey had d f., 'N I i,'~ : w s a quarter fina l plac,! But that was l he end o f the road for 11he Czechs wh o were I el minaled by the stron g Braz, ian tea m Nonetheless the Czechs pa r lJ 4Ah t,c,pabonm the World Yout h pionship had its pos i live side since their talented young players were. a ble t o gather international exper i ence against less familiar sy s Terns and styles of pla y Individoal_Analysis of WYC Team s 186 Netherland s After qualifying successfully in the European Championships, the Dutch made th e most of their opportunity Despite strong competition, the learn s extremel y thorough preparation and the quality of its players led to high expectation s 21 582 23582 25582 Turkeyv Netherlands Albaniav Netherlands Scotland v Netherlands 13 13 1 Group D - LISSR Nigeria Netherlands . Brazi l 1 1 (00 ) 46 Netherlandsv Brazil 0 1 (00) USSR v Nigeria 46 30(30) Brazilv Nigeria 66 32(1 0) Nelherlandsv USSR 66 1 2(00) ijSSRv Brazil 96 00(00) Nugenav Netherlands 96 2 1 (0 1) Arqentinav Netherlands 126 1 Scotland 2 Netherlands 3 Turkey 4 Albania 3 3 3 1 Brazil 2 Netherlands 3 Nigeria 4 USSR 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 61 73 26 27 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 3 6 2 43 13 36 5 4 3 0 Individual Analysis of WYC Team s 187 Team : NETHERLAND S Venue Guadalajara Monterrey 7- 2~ 1,. Altitude 2000 — 1 15wIM) " ,' Monterrey Le6n _'MJ/ m 1567 m 538 an 31 ' 538 m 032 '* 30' Against Argentina one of th e tournament favountes. th e Dutch were able to raise thei r gam e Temp. 46% Humidity Kra 86% 83%, 660 560 In a hard-fought game, th e SOLJ[h Americans proved th e cleverer team and won a pa s sage to the next roun d Travel Kick of f ®r Opponent Result 0 1 19h 21 h 21 h 12 h Brazil USSR Nigeria Argentin a 1 :1 1 0 :0 1 0 :0 Team List No Player 1 Menzo 2 Koo t 3 Duu t 4 Siloo y 5 Teube n 6 Snoe i 7 Schip, van ' t a Vanenbur g 9 Basten, va n 10 Roor d 11 Wit, de 12 Boogaard, v .d . 13 Been 14 Goose 15 Krame r 16 Laurs 17 Bakke r 18 Panhuis Match 3 l The results of the preliminary round do not accurately re liect the talent present in thi s team, since despite playin g wel I . too many lapses of co n centration crept in especiall y in finishin g 1 1 .2 The Dutch learn came to me , cu, very well prepared an d wor, a lot of h, " ds 1h .r e Their style of play was ver y modern and their talentecimdividua) players provided a real challenge for the Sout h American s 788 Individual Analysis of INYC Team s Korea Rep . Hitherto participation 1979,198 1 Korea s qualification for Mexico can ultimately be traced back to experienc e gathered at previous World Youth Championships After qualifying, the tea m underwent a concentrated preparatory training programme and hoped to be able t o repeat earlier successe s 2882 4882 6882 8882 Group A 0 2 06 6 1 06 Korea Rep v Korea DPR Maiaysia v Korea Rep Korea Rep v Hung Kong Singapore v Korea Rep 1 T (I O ~ 02(00 ) 2 1 (1 1 ) 1 2lOO) 0 1 (01 ) 1 2 ~O 2) ~ P,griay ~ 1(mea R,~p á Final s ' 1 il . e, 1 Scollari(I 2 Korea Rep 3 Australia 4 Mexico 3rd ~~ Final s 16 3 1 4 Me—co Atisfraha Korea Rep Scotlan d Mexikov Australia Korea Rep v Scolland Korea Rep v Mextro Scoiland v Ausiralia Mexico v Scotland AusIraha v Korea Rep 26 36 56 56 86 86 t Final s Ktirea DPR v Kti—a Her; 3,d Place Thailand v Korea Rep ' K : 1-1 ~~ep 1 BIa2d 1 2 ' (0 0 1 t ~~ 1 ~I C, 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 42 44 44 24 4 4 3 1 Piac e I ' ~ lar d , Korea Rep 2 1 ' (0 1 1 1 l 189 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams Team : KOREA REP . Toluc a — Mexico D . F --- Venue Attitude i ,- I xx ' 538 m ~2 4 * 27% 1 37% 60 15 h 12 h Scotlan d Mexico 02 2 :1 Travel Result 29% 60 C. ~ I 538 m 30' 30 * 26 * ~f5* 26 * 85% 86% 46% 1 1 Km I Monterrey ~uadaleje r 1567 m - ~N Humidity Opponent Monterrey 2665 m I Temp Kick of f Toluca I m -2666 60 t 16 h 1040 660 17 19 h Australia Uruguay 2 :1 1 21 * Brazil 1 Polan d 1 :2 ' 1 :2 1 1 Team List tch 3 1 ". Final r11-TPl-1a-1 1 Kim . P . J . 2 Kim . P . K . 3 Moo n 4 No Final 1 31, Plac e did -..Ngd. Yo o Jan g 1 7 Lee, T . H 8 Lee, K . K . 9 Kim . J . B . I 10 1 Shi n 11 Lee .S .-H . 12 Cho,J-H , i -..ggd 13 K m, H . K . 14 Kan g 15 K,m,J .-K . 16 hot . 17 Lee, H .-C . 18 j Lee, M . Y . -.Mdgd . - .Md~~L'9991 I 190 The Korean teani played better round by round i n the preliminary games and deservedly qualified fo r thequarter final s This improvement continued and their sport s man~htp won Them extra friends in Mexic o Their playing ability reinforced by great enlh u siasin for the. game brought thern Ithrough th e quarTer-final game against Uruguay into a se.m i final encounter with Brazi l in what was perhaps the best game of the whol e tournament in Mexico it looked tot a while as if th e eventual champions were in for a surprise hot th e greater professional and international experienc e of the South Americans finally turned the gam e theirway Kore a A criticism levelled at the Koreans in the. earlie r rounds was a failure to take good scoring chance s and cerlainly greater success in this respect woul d have bionghl a better result in the play-off for thir d plac e Nevertheless the Korean learn has a right to b e proud of its achievement leaving many highl y favoured European and South American team s below Them in the final placings and obtaining th e highest posilion ever reached byan Asian team i n a FIFAYouth Competitio n It is hoped that this succes s" will have an influenc e on The Asian Confederation and provide mo h vation for the further development of football Polan d Despite initial unconvin~irlj pertormances in th e group games, the Poles were able to collec t enough points against their less internationall y experienced opponents to enter the quarter final s Thanks to a more homogeneous and more consisterif team performance, the Poles beat Scotlan d in this all-European battle in the hea t Despite losing to Argentina in the serni-final th e Poles had once again demonstrated their knack of being able to play better in !the hio loollball Tourn a ment s Against the Koreans they were able loclinch a scarcely hoped-for victory and thus end up th e most highly placed of all the European team s Although they did not shine vviih the individua l brilliance of the South Americans their solid lear n performance was most impressiv e ,Iii — , , - A~ ~0 .C 792 Individual Analysis of NYC Teams Poland Hitherto parlicipalion 1979, 198 1 I Polish youth teams have a tradition of doing well at World Youth Championships , and this lifted the 1983 side into the group of fancied tearris, while recognising tha t environmental factors might possibly disturb the learn s harmon y 21 532 23582 25582 '/, Final s 28582 3rd Plac e 30582 Group B 36 36 56 66 86 86 1/4 I C 0 1 0C Poland v Scotland 0 2 USSR v Poland 3 1 Poland v Ivory Coast Uruguayv USA USA v Ivory Coast Uruguayv Poland Poland v USA Ivory Coasiv Uruguay 72(30 ) 3 2~1 0 1 1 0(00 ) 3 1 (00) 20(00) 00(00) Poland Belgium Bulgaria Spain 1 Uruguay 2 Poland 3 USA 4 Ivory Coast 3rcì Scoliano v PoJand e i lo li Final s 156 I 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 20 1 42 1 22 3 26 5 4 3 0 Potand. ivory Coast Uruguay USA Final s i1 6 1,t, Poland v Belgium Spain v Poland BUlganav Poland Poland v Argentina 01(00) 1 'H i ', 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 63 105 35 28 5 4 2 1 Piac e , Ko,ea Rep 2 )* ~O 1 1 l ~ Individual Analysts of WYC Teams 193 Team : POLAN D Venue Leon Puebla 2162 m Puebla 2162 m 2037 m Mexico D F Mexico D .F, Guadalajar a 2240 m 1 2240 m 1567 rin Attitude 32 * 2 26 * Temp . Humidity Km 17% 40% 14% 545 545 125 14 h 17h 14 h 27' 26 * 24* 37% 40% 46% 600 Travel lvoryCoastj Uruguay I 7 :2 1 13 1 USA 2 :0 12 h 1 Wandzi k 2 Piotro-ic z 3 Wenciewsk i 4 Gorgoil 5 Modrzeiewsk i 6 Gruszeck i 7 My * liiisk i 8 Wrag a 9 Klemenz 10 , Beaszczyk 11 Krauz e 12 Bak o 13 Wat;riiewsk i 14 Dobrovvolsk i 15 Szczepailsk i 16 Stroifisk i 17 Ludwicza k 18 Letniak tch 2 M 1 19 h Scotland Arqentina~ Korea Rep . 1~0 Team List Nof Ptayer 20 h '1. Final 1 01 j 2 I QA Individual Analysis of WYC Team s Argentina Hitherto participation 1979 . )98 1 ~\ j é1-~ Mf - . i ~ iiiiliwA ~ * 1 . á>I. W Taking early successes into account it-leant that Argentina had to be aniong th e close favourites Potential, preparation and experience raised them above the leve l of the other teams The earlier exploits of the Argentines, with MHradona, Diaz , Barbas etc are still remembered —a rerninder to other tearns but perhaps a burde n for the Argentines themselves . 231 83 25 1 83 28 1 B3 2 2 80 PeTuv Argenima Argentina v Paraguay Argentina v Venezuela Bolivia v Argentina 02 20 21 13 Final Roun d Argeniinav Uruguay 33 62W 32 92M Argeniinav Bolivia 13283 Brazil v Argentina ' 32 ' match abandoned al 81st minute Group C 46 46 76 76 96 96 '/4 Finals 126 Argenimav Netherlands 2 1 (0 1) Polandv Argentina 0 1 (00) Finals i ~, 6 1,~ China PR Argen tina Czechoslovakia Austri a China PH v Argentina 05(01 ) Czechoslovakia v Austria 40(l 0 ) 03(03) Auslfiav Argentina Czectiosi v ChinaPR 32(l 0) 20(1 0) Argenimav Czechosl China PH v Austria 30100) 1 Argeni~na 2 Bolivia 3 Paraguay 4 Peru S Venezuela 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 92 97 76 119 2 14 8 4 4 2 2 1 Brazil 2 Uruguay 3 Argentina 4 Bolivia 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 65 88 49 5 4 3 0 1 Argentina 2 Czechoslovakia 3 China PR 4 Ausv,a 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 100 74 58 010 6 4 2 0 Fina l 196 Argenwia~ 6,11,1 0 1 (0 1 ) 795 Individual Analysis of WYC Teams Team : ARGENTIN A Venue I ~-~ '~ : ~ - Altitude "I Temp . Mexico D Fj Le6n 2240 rn 2037 in i 1 30 ' 37% I Leon Leon 2037 on 2037 rn 35 ' 32. 4 ! 1 40% 40% 1 Mexico7DF F-- Mexico D Fj 2240 on 2240 rn 32 ' 1 26, 40% 37% 1 27 ' ~ 3-p~,. Humidity Km 42 0 - - Aw— - ---~ " Travel Kick-o " Opponent Result -11W.J~ I I 0 0 -r" 404 % jr 12h 19 h 17h I China PR A stria 50 10 12 It 20 h 12 h 1 CSSR_ Netherlands Poland 2 0 21 Brazil ~ 0 1 j Team List Nol Plaver 1 Isla s 2 Borell i 1 3 1 livera 4 Basualdo 5 Dos Santo s 6 Theile r 7 1 Garci a 8 Vanernera k 9 Gabric h Match 1 a:t~ch L ch2 ~2Match Mat Match 2 3 L 1w ~~M I 1 0 Zarate 11 Dertyci a 12 Prono 13 Moren o 14 Gracian i 15 Solaberriet a 16 Dezott i 17 1 Acost a 18 Gaona Final '~ Fina Fine IL l Fina l j j'~ M -.9910 , j L, , 1, ~ tA ~ ,k p , 1,4 ', , , - - 1 , , i x~ V 7~, ~ T 1 I< ' 1, ~ ~ Ar- '4LI —* i' , o , )~ ~, t 'r .a>" , ~` ì-. N ~ 1 ~ 1", ~i 1 ~ ~, ', , ~ , 1 0,il14,.. 1 , ~ , 1 p 1 , l' . - M t iq , . lk . k , ~", ,I' - :~ ~í 11 . , ~* ; -~ ro "00 , - - - C1-1,4 ~~ I- í I. 1 'N ì -è l It I I , 198 By their resu its it) I he preliminary round I he Argen lines emphatically underlined their position as favourites and many observer% saw them as likely successors to the team thaT won the. World Yout h Championship in Japan in 1979 A real challenge was provided tor them rn the quarter final by a very well disioDstnoried D learn The Aigentines emerged as the lucky "to winners in a hard fought match In a somewhat easier semi-final match against Poland they demonstrated all their skills and the positive aspects of South American football which had been so impressive throughout the championship tin a This win over the best placed European tea m brought thern into the final not undeservedly i t their overal~ performance fs considered In the final local rivalry dominated and the rea l skills were only sporadically displayed Th e expected football demonstration which attracte d 110,000 spectators into the A?iec Stadium did no t come, to pass Physical and lactical aspects wer e dominant the, Argentines adopting a defensiv e formation to stop the Brazilians developing thei r gam e A single penalty goal prevented the Argentinian s from repeating their 1979 victor y Brazil The high point of their games in Guadalajara ( 3 preliminaries and quarter final) was definitely th e match against Czechoslovaki a At last their technical superiority seemed to b e paying off in terms of results This victory effectively confirmed their position a s favourile s The Brazilians were superior to the Czechs in ever y respect Above all their attacking play was ver y impressive, with every player technically brilliant . playing a part 199 in the semi-tinal the Koreans forced the Brazilian s to use every bit of their ability, and even threatene d to keep them out of the final In the last quarter o f an hour the Brazilians managed to raise their gam e even a bit more . and assured themselves ol victor y in a match that produced the best skills and th e best football of the whole tournamen t As mentioned in the case of Argentina, the tina l provided no further improvement Ultimately thei r greater numberof outstanding individual player s made Brazil worthywinners of the 1983 Worl d Youth Championship in Mexico 200 Individual A oalysis of WYC Team s Brazil Hitherto participation 1977,198 1 Even before the tournament they were the top favountes The environmenta l conditions and the potential of their players only strengthened the experts ' opinio n 22 1 B3 24 1 83 291 83 I 2a3 30 30 31 10 1 Brazil 2 Uruguay 3 Chile 4 Ecuador 5 Columbia 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 30 Brazil v Bolivia 00 Btazilv Uruguay 32 Bra2ljv Arge,,l,na * ' Triatch abandoned at 81 st rumulu 1 Brazil 2 Uniguay 3 Argentina 4 Bolivia 1 Brazil 2 Netherlands 3 Nigeria 4 USSR BraMv Ecuador Brazil v Columbia Brazil v Uruguay Brazil v Chile 1 1 0 0 (J 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 10 1 87 46 610 59 8 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 ) 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 65 88 49 5 4 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 62 43 13 36 5 4 3 0 1 Final Round 5283 92B3 13283 Group D 46 46 66 66 96 96 4 Finals C, USSR, Nigeria Netherlands Braz d Netherlandsv Brazil USSR v Nigeria Brazil v Nigeria Neiheflandsv USSR USSRv Braid Nigeriav Netherlands 1 1 io 0 ) 01 (00 ) 30(30) 32(1 0) 1 2(00) 00(00) Braid v Czechoslovakia 4 1 (3 1 j Korea Rep ~ Brazil 1 2 (1 1) Final s I ,~ Final s I i, 6 , .4 f , Brazil 01 (01 ) 20 1 Individual Analvsis of WYC Teams Team : BRAZI L —~~~GuadalajaraIGuadalalara~uadalaiara Monterrey Venue 1567 m 1567 m 1567 m I 1567 m M o 2240 538 m Attitude 30 ' 30W j 31 ' _I 32' 30 * Temp . :, 46% ~111 Humidity 46% ' 52% I 50 ~o I 86% 27 371. - I Km 660 980 14h 17 h 12 h CSSR Korea Rep 41 21 Travel Kick off Opponent _R (D , 1 40 4 -k ~- 19 h 19 h 19 h 1 Netherlands 1 1 N,ge, . a ~ USSR 1 3 :0 1 21 Match 2 1 Match 3 Team List No Player 1 Duarte 2 Bonifacio 3 Alve s 4 CamarinJunio r 5 Coelho Filho 6 Machad o 7 Vilell a 8 Silv a 9 Santos 10 Gamade0liveir a 11 Ferreira Pri- o I Brigatti 13 Campo s 14 Bagati m 15 Angel i 16 Bledom Verri 17 Oliveir a 18 Tobias ' 1 ' Fina l .Final ~M m, t l1 (0 1 ~ rg eart n , 7 " 7, -,: -, , - 1 , ' é~- à p, - 1 1 , 14, acKd > ~- , -)tk rt . t~ 1 . 4 ;r Il vi, , vi 1 lì - - tv~ì I ,,m i * " ' AR& "\ . i f oi > l~l ~ , -1 ~ - .~ A .- - l~- 1 ~ '1 1 1 . 14M 1-~ ,-0 1 .1 203 General Statistics Team Lists Fair Pla y Goal-scorer s Substitution s Awards 204 General Statistics FIFA/Coca-Cola Cup — World Youth Championship, Mexico 1983 Official Results / Rdsultats officials / Resultaclos oficiales / Offizielle Resultat e First Final Round Group A - Mexico Australo Korea Republic Sco0an d 26 36 56 b6 86 86 Mexico Toluca Mexico Toluca Mexico Toluca Mexicov Australia Korea Rep v Scotland Korea Rep v Mexico Scotlandv Australia Mexico v Scolland Australia v Korea Rep 1 1(10) 02(00 ) 2 1 (1 1) 1 2(00) 01(01) 1 2(02) Classificatio n 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 42 44 44 24 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 63 105 35 28 5 4 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 too 74 58 010 6 4 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 C 0 1 3 62 43 13 36 5 4 3 0 1 Scniland 2 Korea Rep 3 A,istralha 4 Mexico GroupB-Poland IvaryCoast Urugual, USA 36 36 56 66 86 86 Pw~bla Guadalajara Puebla Le6n Puebla Irapualu Poland v Ivory Coast Uruguayv USA USA v Ivory Coast Uruguay v Poland Poland v USA Ivory Coasiv Uruguay 72(30) 32(l 0 ) 1 0(00) 31 (00) 20ji)0~ 00(00) classdicatio n 1 Uruguay 2 Poland 3 IJSA 4 Ivory Coast 1 1 2 2 Group C - China PR . Argentina Czechoslovakia, Austri a Mexica Puebla Le6n frapualu Lecin Irapuatu 46 46 76 76 96 96 China PR v Argentina Czechoslovakiav Austria Ausinav Argentina Czechosl v ChinaPR Argentinav Czechosl China FIR v Austria 05(01) 40(l 0) 0 3 (0 31j 32(10) 20(1 0) 30(00) class,ficatio n 1 Argentina 2 Czechos~ovakfa 3 China PR 4 Austria Group D - USSR Nigeto, Netherlands Brazi l 46 46 66 66 96 96 Guadalajara Monterrey Guadalajara Monterrey Guadalajara Monterrey 1 1(00) 01 (00 ) 30(30) 32(1 0) 1 2(00) 00(00) Netherlands v Brazil USSR v Nigeria Brazil v Nigeria Netherlandsv USSR USSR v Brazil N)geriav Netherlands C(assifical ' o n 1 Brazil 2 Netherlands 3 Nigeria 4 USSR Quarter Finals / Quarts de finale I Cuartos de final I Viertelfinal s i-,,aiitied lor Sern, Final s Polan d Scotland v Poland 0 1(01) 11 6 Mexico 1 2* Korea Repubb c 1 6 Monterrey Ufuguayv Korea Rep (00 .1 1 ) 726 Leon Argentina v Netherlands 26 Guadalajara BranIv Czechosinvakia 2 1 ~0 1) 4 1 (3 1) Serni- Finals/ Derni- finales/ Sernifinales / Halbfinals Puld,d , A,gon--ina I " F) M— '' u ol (00) li,13 Monterrey Korea Rep v Brazil 12(1 1) 4~genl,na Brazi l 0,aldiedforl ' ,,a l Argenima Brazi l Match for 3rd place / Match pour 3a place / Partido por el 3er puesto / Spiel unn don 3 . Plat z ~ 1~ t, -, .~ I 1 ', 1,,! , K4 o-a Hq~ 11 1 ' [0 1 1 1 l Final / Finale / Endspiel Argunlinav BraM 196 Mexico %7(tet extra tirne apr6s proicingarron 0 1 jo 1) despu6s de twrripo 1 . Brazil 2 . Argentina :1 i . ?, 3 . Poland 4 . Korea Republi c I P,Jangemriq 205 Group Matches Group Matches / Matches de groupe / Partidos de grupo / Gruppenspiel e Group A — Mexico, Australia, Korea Republic, Scotlan d 1 2 .6 . 21 .00 Mexico Mexico Y. Australia Mexico : 1 Navarro . 2 Hernandez . 3 Macedo, 4 Quintero, 5 Villegas . 8 Espaiiia . 9 Muci~o (66 min 17 VaZqUez), 10 Reyna, 11 Moren o Res . : 12 Nava . 13 Gamboa, 16 GonzSlez, 17 Vazquez, 18 Pandur o 1 :1 (1 :0 ) 6 Bernal, 7 Garcia , Australia : 18 Franken, 2 Maier, 3 McCulloch, 5 Jones, 6 Stewart (46 min 4 Dakos~, 7 Farina , 8 Patikas, 9 Brown, 10 Lowe . 11 Incantalupo (59 min 15 Licata), 14 Viietstr a Res, 1 Hummel, 4 Dakos . 13 Ri7totio . 15 Licata, 16 Gluckne r a) 1 :0 (16 min) 6 Bernal / 1 1 (73 mm) 7 Farin a bl A, Biguet (France) - H . Silva (Chile) . H Brummeier (Austria ) c) 108,90 0 d) Mexico : 4 Quintero / Australia 6 Russel l e) - 2 3 .6 . 15 .00 Toluca Korea Rep . v . Scotland 0 :2 (0 :0 ) Korea Rep . : 1 Pung Joo, 2 Pan-Keun, 3 Won-Keun, 4 In-Woo, 5 Byting-Ok, 6 Jang Jung , 7 Tae Hyung, 8 Kee-Keung (59 min 9 Jong-Boo), 10 Yon-Ho . 16 Yong-K,l J64 mi n 15 Jung-Kon), 17 Hyun-Chu l Res . 18 Moon Young, 15 Jong-Kon . 13 Heung-Kwon, 11 Sung Hee . 9 Jong Bo o Scotland : 1 Gunn, 2 Beaumont, 6 Cooper, 13 McPherson, 1 1 McInally . 14 McSiay, 3 Bowman , 8 Dobbin, 16 Nevin, 9 McCtair (55 min 7 DickJ, 4 Black 180 inin 10 McGinnis ) Res ~ 12 Westwater, 17 Phillibpn . 18 Rice, 10 McGinnis . 7 Dic k a) b) c) d) e) 9 0 :1 (62 min) 8 Dobbin 1 0 :2 (76 min) 8 Dobbi n E . Bellhon (USA) - J . Keizer (Netherlands), C, Esposito (Argentina ) 26,19 1 Korea Rep . : 6 Jang Jun g - 5 .6 . 12.00 Mexico Korea Rep . v . Mexico 2 :1 (1 :1 ) Korea Rep- 18 Moon Young, 2 Pan Keun, 3 Won-Keun, 5 Byung Ok, 6 Jang Jung, 4 in Wo o 157 min 16 Yong-Kil), 15 Jong-Kon, 7 Tae-Hyung, 9 Jong-Boo, 10 Yon-Ho, I I Sung He e J64 min 14 Jae-Soon ) Res . 1 Pung-Joo, 8 Kee-Keun, 13 Heung-Kwon, 14 Jae-Scion, 16 Yong Ki l Mex1co, 1 Navarro . 2 Hernandez, 3 Macedo, 4 Quintero (64 niin 12 Nava), 5 Villegas, 6 Bernal . 7 Garcia, 8 Espai5a, 9 Muc ;ho (65 min 17 Vazquez~, 10 Reyna, 11 Moren o Res . 18 Paunduro, 12 Nava, 15 HLierta, 17 Vazquez, 16 Gonzale z a) 0 :1 J10 min) 10 Reyna 1 1 J29 min~ 4 ln-Woo ~ 2~1 (89 min) 10 Yofi-H o b) J . Keizer (Netheriands) - A Brguel JFrance), E . Beilion (USA ) c) 71,19 8 ci) e) General Sta tístics 206 10 5 .6 . 16 .00 Toluca Scotland v . Australia 1 :2 10 :0 ) Scorland I Gunn, 2 Beaumont, 3 Bovvman, 4 Black, 5 Clarke, 6 Cooper . 8 Dobbin (70 mi n 7 Dick), 13 McPherson, 14 McStay, 16 Nevin, 18 Rice (70 rilin 10 McGinnis ) Rp,s 12 Wesiwater, 7 Dick, 10 McGinnis, 15 McKay, 17 Phillibe n Australia : 18 Frankpn . 2 Maier, 13 Rizzotto, 14 Viietstra, 4 Dakos, 8 Patikas, 6 Stewart , 7 Fdrina (58 min 17 Wright), 10 Lowe, 9 Brown, 1 1 Incantalupo (63 min 15 Licata ) Res 1 Hummel . 5 Jones, 12 Daley, 15 Licata, 17 Wrigh t a) 0 1 152 min) 1 1 Incantalupo 1 1 161 min) 14 r\AcStay ~ 1 :2 (87 min) 8 Patika s H Brummeter (Austria), L Felix (Brazil ) p~ C Esposito (Argentina) c) 22,11 1 cO Australia 13Rizzotto .9Brow n el - 17 8 .6 ~ 20 .00 Mexico Mexico v . Scotland 0 :1 (0 :1 ) . 4 Quintero, 5 Villegas Mexico : 1 Navarro, 2 Hernandez (46 roin 16 Gonzalez), / Garcia 151 min 13 Gamboa), 6 Bernal, 8 Espaha, 10 Reyna, 11 Moreno, 15 HIJeria, 17 Vazque z Res ., 18 Pandora, 12 Nava, 13 GaToblaa, 16 Gonzalez, 9 MijciFi o , SCOrl3r?d I GLmn, 3 Bowman, 5 Clarke, 6 Cooper, 7 Dick (84 min 15 McKay), 8 Dobbin 10 McGinnis, 1 1 McInally, 14 McStaV, 16 Nevin 172 inin 4 Black), 17 Phillibe n Res , 12 Westwatpr, 2 Beaumont . 4 Black, 9 McClair, 15 McKa y a) 0 1 05 min) 5 Clark e h) L Felix iBrdzll) — E . Bellion (USA) . J, Keizer (Netherlands ) 0 86,58 2 (1) Scotland 7 Dic k e) - 18 8 .6. 16 .00 Toluca Australia i . Korea Rep . 1 :2 10 :2 ) . 8 Papkas . Australia 18 Franken . 2 Maier, 3 McCulloch, 14 Viietstra, 4 Dakos, 13 Rj7zotto Foin 15 Licata ) 9 Brown .6 Stewart 165 min 7 Farina), 10 Lowe, I I IncantalLIP0 (35 Res . 1 Hummel, 5 Jones, 15 Licata, 16 Glockner, 7 Farin a , Korea Rep . : 1 Pung-Joo, 2 Pan Keon, 3 Won K,,un, 4 In-Woo, 5 Byung-Ol 6 Jang Jung 7 Tae Hyung (65 min 13 Heung Kwon), 9 Jong Boo, 10 Yon-Ho, 15 Jong Kon, 17 Hyun-Chu l (56 min 8 Kee-Keun ) .~Soo n Res ., 18 Moon Young, 8 Kee KeLin, 1 1 Sung Hee. . 13 HeUng Kwon, 14 Jap a) O~ 1 (16 imn) 15 Jong Kon 0 2 (34 min) 9 Jong-Boo , 1 2 (53 nitn) 9 Brow n b) H Brommeier lAustria) — C . Esposito (Argentina), H . Silva (Chile ) r) 24,81 2 (1) Australia 2 Maier , Korea Rep , 3 Won-Keu n e) — 207 Group Matches Group B — PolatW, Ivory Coast, Uruguay, US A 3 3.6 . 14 .00 Puebla Poland v . Ivory Coast 7 :2 (3 :0 ) 7 Gorgon , 1 7 VVenclevvskj, 2 Piotrovicz (72 ,in 14 Kra .ze), Poland : I Wandzik, 16 Modrzejewski, 10 Wraga, 8 Gruszecki, 9 Klemenz, 5 Mislinski, 1 1 Blaszcyk, 15 Lesnia k Res . 12 Baku, 4 Stroinski, 6 Dobrovvolski, 13 Ludwiczak, 14 Krauz e Ivory Coast : 1 Lancina, 13 Kah (46 rnin 4 Soro), 8 Sacrp, 9 Tchetche, I I Gbala, 17 On , 6 Boussou (62 min 12 Gbal, 16 Ournar, 15 Kassy, 14 Fofana, 2 Dich Res . : 18 Assieciussou, 4 Soro, 7 Gbezie, 12 Gba, 3 Gued e a) 1 :0 (4 min) 9 Klemenz / 2 0 (21 min) 9 Klemenz ~ 3 0 122 minl, 7 Gorgon ~ 4 0 (48 min ) 10 Wrap / 5 0 (51 min) 9 Klorneni / 6 0 (59 -in) 5 Myslinskt / 6 1 (67 m) 2 D ' d s 6 .2 180 min) 15 KassV 1 7 2 (85 -,n) 15 Le—191, b~ Zhang Daqwo (PR China) - F Okubule (Ntgerkal . R . Yushka (USSR I c) 14,13 0 d) Ivory Coast 4 Sor o P. ) 4 3 .6 . 19~0o Guadalajara Uruguay v . USA 3 :2 (11 : W Uruguay : 1 Picum . 2 I\Aariinez, 3 Uberti, 4 Esna~, 5 Pi,~rdomo, 1,1 Anchpia, 7 Miranda (70 mi n 13 De Leon), 8 Salazar . 9 Aquilera, 16 MonWio (81 moi 10 Martinez~, 11 Sus a Res- 12 Fuentes, 13 De Leon, 18 Ayala, 15 Salda?ia, 10 Martine z USA I Duback . 4 Caligturi, 5 Grop.sser, 6 Maurer, 8 Arya (75 min 7 Stewart), 10 ErvinL . 11 Ramos (65 Min 9 Brady~, 14 GeIncivatch, 15 Hooker, 16 Perez, 17 Sanderso n Res . : 2 Peat, 13 Forero, 7 Stewart, 9 Brady, 12 T . Snyde r a) 1 0 il min~ 9 Aguilpra i' 2 :0 (57 min) 1 1 Sosa / 2 1 160 min) 15 Hooker !' 3 1 (64 min) 11 Sosa / 3 :2 (67 min) 16 Pere z b) i . Gregir (Czechoslovakia) - C .L . Alfaro (Costa Rica), K Hackett (Englind ) c) 17,82 1 d) USA 10 Ervin e e) - 11 5.6 . 14 .00 Puebla USA v . Ivory Coast 1 :0 0 :0 ) USA . I Duback, 3 Black (66 min 13 Forero) . 4 Caliguiri, 5 Groesser . 18 Scott Snyder (46 rni n I I Rdmos), i0 Ervine, 14 Gelnovatch, 9 Brady, 17 Sanderson, 16 Perez, 15 Hooke r Res . 2 Peat, 8 Arya . 1 1 Ramos, 12 Troy Snyder, 13 Forero Ivory Coasf : 18 AssicoussoLi, 3 Guede (74 mi n 4 Soro), 8 Sacre, 7 Glcezie, 9 Tchetche, 12 Gba . 2 Dici, 17 Ori, 15 Kassy, 5 Barcan, 14 Fofan a Res . 4 Soro, 16 Curnar, 13 Kah, 6 Boussou, 10 Diab y a) b) c) c11 eI 1,0 (79 min) 14 Ge.1novatc h C. Pagano (Peru) R, Yushka (USSR), Zhang Daqiao (PR China ) 11,83 6 Ivory Coast : 12 Gba, 17 Ori, 15 Ka5sy General Statistic s 206 12 6 .6 . 17 .00 León Uruguay v . Puland 3 :1 10 :0 1 U, .9,d Y I P, oni, 2 Carlos Martinez, 3 Ul 4 Esna~, 5 Perdomo (80 "' in 10 Jorge Martinez), 14 Ancheta, 7 Miranda (66 min 18 Ayala), 8 Salazar, 9 Aquitera . 16 Montaho , I I Sos a Rf-~ 12 Fuentes . 13 Di~ Leon, 6 Silva, 18 AVala . 10 Jorge MartmP 7 . 9 Klemenz, 10 Wraga, 1 1 B(aszczyk , Poland 1 Wancl7il 4 Stromki, 7 Gorgon, 8 Gw5zecki 13 Luclvv~czak, 15 Lesmak, 16 Modrzejewski, 17 Wenclewsk i Res ., 3 Szc7epansl 5 Myslinski, 6 Dubrovvolski, 12 Bako, 18 Wasmewsk i 1 0 l52 min) 8 Salazar 2 :0 l54 mini 9 Al ' 2 1 (57 min) 9 Klemenz , 3 1 (66 min 19 Agui ler a Mendoza lMexico ) kO M . Larache iMorocco) - B . McGiniay (Scollancil, E C) 23,11 7 ci) UrLIqLldy 3 Uberi t Pl ai 19 8 .6 . 14 .00 Puebla 2 :0 (0 :0 ) Poland ~ . USA Poldrid: I Wancizilk, 2 Pintrowicz, 7 Gorgon, 8 Gruszecl 9 Klemenz, 10 Wraga, 1 1 B,aszczyk , 14 Kratize (86 min 6 Dobrowolski), 15 Lesmak (79 rnin 3 Szc7epanski), 16 Modrzelewski . 18 lNasn iewsk i Res, 3 Siczepanski, 5 Myslinski, 6 Dobrowolski, 12 Bako, 13 Ludvv1c7a k 6 Maurer (59 min 17 Sanderson), 5 Groesser, 4 Catigiuri, 10 Er~ine, 8 Ary a USA . 1 D~jl r (37 min 3 Black) . 14 Gelnovatch, 9 Brady, 16 Perez, 18 Scott Snyder, 15 Hooke Res 17 Sanderson, 7 Stewart, 2 Ppar, 12 Troy Snyder, 3 Blac k a) h) ci CI) ci 1 0 (76 min) 15 Lesnial, : 2 :0 (85 nim) 3 51czepansk i F, Okul ~Niqeriai — Zhanq Dailsao (PR China), C Pagano ( ) 16 .10 3 Poland 11 B~aszczv k 20 8 .6 . 15 .00 lirapuatu 18 Assie.oussou, 4 Soro, 16 Ournar, 6 Boussou, 2 Dicli, 14 Fofan a Res 10 Diahy . 11 Gijala, 1 Dolumbi a lvory Coas t, Ivory Coasi Y. Uruguay 0 : 0 (0 : 0 ) 8 Sacre, 3 Guede. . 9 T chetche, 5 Barcan, 13 Kah , Uruguay 1 Picum, 15 Salclaria, 13 Dp Leon . 2 Carlos Martinez, 6 SOva, 8 Salazar, 14 Ancheta , 10 Jorge Martinez 162 min 16 Montaft), 7 Miranda . 9 AgUllera (46 min 17 Clivera), 18 Ayal a Res 12 Fuentes, 4 Esnal, 3 Uberl I I Olivera, 16 Mootah o al W Lee Do Ha (Korea Rep ) C, Barnbridge (Ausl M . Karim ~Bahram ) 0 15,31 7 (1) Ivory Coast ~ 14 Fotana ~ Uruguay 16 Montari o P) - 209 Group Matches Group C — PR China, Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Austri a 5 4 .6 . 12 .00 Mexico PR China v . Argentina 0 :5 (0 :1 ) PR China : 18 Lt Zhigao, 2 Wang VVenzhong (74 min 17 Shan Gunp) . 3 Jia Xiuquan, 4 Mai Chao, 5 Hu Yilun . 6 Zhong YunVue, 7 Lt Huayun, 8 Zhu Ping, 9 Cheng Fangping (46 mi n 14 Wang Jun~, 15 Liu Haiguang, 166 Duan Ju Res . : 1 Fu Yubin, 1 1 L, Yong, 12 Guo Yijun, 14 Wang Jun, 17 Shan Cunj i Argentina . I Islas, 4 Basualdo, 15 SolabeTriela, 6 Theiler, 3 OI,vpra, 18 Gaona, 9 Vanemerak , 10 Zarate . 7 Garcia, 9 Gabrich, 1 1 Dertvcia (72 min 17 Acost O Res, : 12 Prono . 13 Moreno, 14 Graciani, 16 Dezotti, 17 Acost a a) 0 :1 (16 min) 9 Gabrich 0 :2 (53 min) 7 Garcia ~ 0 :3 (70 min) 11 Dertyci a 0 4 (81 mini 10 Zarete 0 5 (89 min) 17 Acost a H . Silva (Chile) — L . Felix (Brazil), A, Biguet lFrance ) b) c) 19,376 d) PR China : 2 Wang VVenzhon g el - 6 4 .6 . 14 .00 Puebla Czechoslovakia v . Austria 4 :0 (1 :0 ) Czech,,sloviA,d 18 P,hyl, '.) H,,~k, 3 VrIba, 4 Kopca, ~i Ha/arit, 6 Kubik (81 min / Dostal) , 8 Vlastimil Kula, 9 Karoch, 10 Karel Kula, 11 Miskut (66 min 13 Hdikoci), 14 H ' rk o Res~ 1 Krbecek, 7 Dostai, 12 Fleber, 13 Halkoci, 15 Suka c Austria : I VVoiilfahrt, 2 Cvetku, 4 Kleiribichler, 5 Stumpil, 6 Tatar . 7 Ogris (33 min 13 Riecipr) , 8 Weinrich . 9 Poister, 10 Haizinqpr (54 min 14 I-Irstic) . 1 1 Marko, 3 Frin d Res ~ 13 Rieder, 14 Hirstic . 16 Gabriel, 17 Obexer . 12 Gor t a) b) c) d) e) 15 1 :0 ~9 min) 8 Vlastimil Kula / 2,0 148 min) 9 Karoch / 3 0 (71 min) 8 Vlastimil Kul a 4 0 (89 min) 14 Hirk o R, Yushka iUSSR) — C . Pagano (Peru), F . OkUbule (Nigeria ) 21,11 2 Austria 5 Stumpil, 6 Tatar, 14 Hysti c - 7 .6 . 19 .00 Leon Austria v . Argentina 0 :3 (0 :3 ) Austria . I VVohlfahrt, 2 Cvelko, 3 Frind, 4 K(Pinbichler (54 min 10 Haizinger), 5 Stumpfl . 6 Tatar, 7 Ogrss, 8 Weinrich (67 min 1 1 Marko), 9 Polster, 13 Rieder, 14 Hirsti c Res ., 12 Gort, 10 l 11 Marko . 15 Strobl, 17 CibeXe T Argentina . I Islas, 4 Basualdo . 15 Solaberrieta . 6 Theilier, 3 Clivera, 18 Gaona, 8 Vanemerak , 10 Zarate, 7 Garcia 161 min 16 Dezotti), 9 Gabrich, 17 Acost a Res ., 12 Prono, 2 Borel h, 14 Gracian 1, 16 Dezotu, I I Dprtyci a a) 0 : 1 il 3 min) 9 Gabrich 0 :2 (20 min) 10 Zaratp. 1 0 3 (28 min) 9 Gabric h b) B . McGinlay (Scotland) B Grah (Ivory Coast), M, Larache (Morocco ) c) 31,IA 4 c!) Austria 14 I-Irstic Argentina : 15 Solaberrieta, 6 Theilpr, 16 Dezott i el Austria 9Poister 210 16 General Statistic s 7 .6 . 15 .00 Irapuatu Czechoslovakia v . PR China 3 :2 11 :0 1 Czechoslovakia . IS Pribyl, 2 Hasek, 3 Vrba, 4 Kolica, 5 Bazant (66 min 12 Fieber), 7 Costal , 8 VIasbm,l Kula (61 min 1 1 Miskut), 9 Karoch, 10 Karel Kula, 13 Halkoci, 14 Hirk o Reh~ : I Krbecek, 6 KLJb)k, 11 Mi~skul, 12 Fieber, 16 Horvat h PR China : I Fij Yubin, 3 Jia XiLiquan, 4 Mai Chao, 6 Zincing Yunyue, 7 Li Huayun, 12 Gu o Yqur 161 min I I Lt Yonq~, 13 Chen Gyozhong, 14 Wang Jun, 15 Liu Ha(guang, 16 Duan j u (38 min 9 Chen Fangping), 17 Shan Cun p Res, IS Li Zhigao, 8 Zhu Ping, 9 Chen Fangptn_q . 11 Li Yong, 5 Hu Yiju n a) 1 0 (34 min], 7 Dostat 1 1 1 (49 mtn) 4 Mai Cliao ' 1 :2 (56 min) 7 Li Huavun / 2 2 (75 min) 10 Karp.I Kula i 3 :2 (89 rnin) 7 Dosia l b) M Karin) (Sahrain) - Lee Do Ha (Kofei Relij, C . Banibrtdg(-. (Australia l e) 15 .31 7 d) Czeefiosiovakii 3 Vrba, 4 Kopca, 8 Vlastimil KuIj ' PR China, 3 1a Xiuqua n e) 2 21 9 .6, 17 .00 Leon Argentina Y . Czechoslovakia 2 :0 (1 :0 ) Argentina . I Islas, 4 Basualdo, 15 Suiatierriela (65 min 2 Barelh), 6 Theiler, 3 Olivera , 18 Gaona, 8 Vanemerak, 10 Zarate, 7 Garcia (84 min 14 Gracfan)), 9 Galortch, 17 Acosta Res 12 Prono . 2 Borelli, 13 Moreno . 14 Graciam, 16 Dpzott i Czechosfovakta ' 18 Priby( . 2 Hasek, 4 Konica, 6 Kubik, 7 Costal (73 min 9 KarocW, I I M ' sku t (58 min 17 Zalesak), 12 Fteber, 13 HdIkoci, 14 Hirko, 15 Sukac, 16 Horvat h Res . I Krbecpk, 3 Vrba, 8 Vlastimil Kula, 9 Karoch, 17 k a) 1 0 (15 min) 8 Vanemerak ) 2 :0 (77 min) 9 Gabric h bi B, Grah (Ivory Coast) - M Laradhe IMurocco), 8 McGinlay ~Scotland l c) 14,14 3 d) Argentina, I Islas, 15Solaberrieta e) - 22 9 .6 . 15.00 lirapuatu PR China v . Austria 3 :0 (0 :0 ) PR China, I Fu Yubin, 3 Jia XlUqLlafl, 4 Mai Chao . 6 Zhong " UrIYUP, I Li HiJayun, 9 Chen g Fangluing (24 min 8 Zhu Pingl, 12 GUO Yijun, 14 Wang Jun . 15 Liu Haiguang, 16 Duan JU . 17 Shan Cun p Res~ 18 Li Zhigao, 5 Hu Yijun, 8 Zhu Ping, 13 Chen Gyozhong, 11 U Yon g Austria I Wol-iffahirt, 2 Cvetko ~34 (nin 8 Weinnehi, 3 Frfnd, 4 Kleinhichipir, 6 Tatar, 7 Oqri s (58 rmn 5 SIUMIDO), 10 Hatzinger, 11 Marko . 12 Gort, 13 Rieder, 16 Gabrie l Res, 5 SilimPfl, 8 ~Neinrich, 15 Strobl, IS Watche r a) 1!0 (48 rnin) 15 Liu Haiguing ~ 2 0 (79 mun) 12 GUO YI]Lin ~ 3 0 (88 min) 16 Duan J u b) C . Bdimbridge (Australia) - M, Karlin (Bahrain), Lee Do Ha (Korea RP.P . 0 15,31 7 & PR China 17 Shan Cunji ' Austria 2 Cv~ik o e) - 21 1 Matches Group D — USSR, Nigeria, Netherlarids, Brazil 7 4 .6 . 19 .00 Guadalajara Netherlands v . Brazil 1 :1 (0 :0 ) 1 Laurs, 2 Koot . 3 Duul, 4 Siloov, 5 Teuben, 6 Snoei, 7 Van ' t Netherlands . 8 Vanenburg, 9 Van Basten, 10 Roord, 17 Bakker (46 min 13 Been ) Res . 12 Van der Boogaard, 13 Been, 15 Kramer . 16 Snelders, 18 Panhu) s Schip , Brazil : 1 Duarte, 2 Bonifacio, 3 Alves, 4 Camarin . 5 Coelho Filho (55 min 17 Oliveira) , 7 Vilella, 8 Silva, 9 Santos (64 min 10 Gama tie Oliveira), 11 Ferreira, 13 Campos, 16 Bledor n Res . 6 Machado, 10 Garna de Oliveira . 12 Brigatti, 14 Bagatini . 17 Oliveir a a) 1 :0 (49 min) 13 Been 1 1 177 min) 8 Silv a 1 . Gregir (Czechoslovakia) . C . Aliaro lCosta Roca ) b) R Ericsson (Sweden) ') 68,130 d) Netherlands 4 Solooy, 5 Teub,,n, 17 Bakker ~ Brazil 2 Bontiario, 3 Alves, S Solv a e) a 4 .6 . 17 .00 Monte,,ey USSR %i . Nigeria 0 : 1 (0 :0 ) USSR . I Palamarcri 2 islamov W6 min 15 Rodnenok) . 3 Agapov, 4 Duchid, 5 Karataev , 6 Metlitskiy, 7 Eremenko, 10 Petrov, I I Protasov, 12 Salimov, IS Liaviandrauskas (46 mi n 17 Dmitnev ) Res, 13 Demidov, 14 Tkebuchava, 75 Rodnenok, 16 Chprchesov, 17 Dmttrie v Nigeria : 18 Udoh, 8 Jele., 13 Otti, 4 Okoku, 12 Disu, 15 Aclesma, 1 1 Okoronvvania, 3 Olukarml . 10 Akinlotan (59 min 9 Akhahan 1, 2 Ehilegbu, 14 Eclohor (78 min 7 Anigala ) Res . 17 Ade.banjo, 6 Shofoluvvp, 7 Anigala, 9 Akhahan, 5 Sad i a) 0 1 178 min) 11 Okoronwanta A . Libich (Poland) . J . Martinez (UrugUaVll b) F . Ramirez (Mexico) c) 37,83 7 LI) USSR 7 Eremenko / Nigeria : 15 Adesm a e) - 13 6.6 . 19 .00 Guadalajara Brazil v . Nigeria 3 :0 (3 :0 ) Brazil. 1 Duarte, 2 Bonnfacio . 3 Alves, 4 Camarin, 7 Vilella, 16 Blecorn, 9 Santos, 11 Ferreir a (60 min 18 Tobias), 13 Campos, 8 Silva, 17 Oliveira (76 min 5 Coelho Filho ) Res .~ 5 Coelho Filho, 10 Gama de Oliveira, 12 Brigatti, 14 Sagatini, 18 Tobia s Nigeria : 18 Udoh (45 min 1 AbcIonavibareO, 8 Jele, 13 Otti, 4 Okoku, 12 Disu, 15 Adesma , 11 Okoronwanta, 3 Olukanni, 5 Sadi 145 min 9 Akhahan) . 2 Ehtlegbu, 14 Eclobo r Res, 1 Abgonavbare, 6 Shofoluvve, 7 Anigala, 10 Akinlotan, 9 Akhaha n a) 1 :0 (7 min) 17 Oliveira 2 :0 (32 min) 9 Santos / 3 :0 (43 min) 8 Silv a b) C . Alfaro (Costa Rica) K . Hackett (England), R . Ericsson (Sweden ) c) 41,18 2 d) Brazil : 3 Alves / Nigeria 2 Ehilegbu, 4 Okoku, 15 Adesin a el — General Statistics 212 14 6 .6 . 21 .00 Monterrey Netherlands v . USSR 3 :2 (11 :0 ) Netherlands . 1 Laurs, 2 Koot, .3 Duut, 4 Silociv, 5 Teubpri, 6 Snoe, (31 min 15 Krame r 8 Vanenburg, 10 Roord, 9 Van Basten . 13 Been, 17 Bakker ( 79 111r, 12 Van der Boogaard ) Res . 11 De. Wit, 14 Godep- 15 Kramer, 12 Vat) der Boogaard, 16 Snelder s USSR : 1 Palamarchuk . 15 Rodnenok, 3 Agapov, 4 Dochia, 5 Karataev, 7 Erernenko (68 mi n 17 Dmitriev), 8 lakovenko . 9 Litovchenko, 1 1 Protasov, 12 Sahmov, 13 Derniclo v Res . 6 Methiskiv . 10 Petrov, 17 Dmitriev, 18 Liavianurau5kas, 16 Chercheso v 1 0 (12 min) 3 Duut ~' 1 1 (40 min) 12 Salimov , 1 2 (46 min ; 1 1 Protasov , 2 2 (48 min) 13 Been 3 .2 149 min 1 9 Van Baste n F . Ramircz Z . (Mexico), A . Libich (Poland ) b) J, Mdritnez (UtUgUdy) 0 2?,13 6 d) Netherlands 13 Bee n e) a) 23 9 .6 . 19 .00 Guadalajara USSR v . Brazil 1 :2 (0 :0 ) n USSR- 16 Cherche.sov, 15 Rodnenok, 13 Dpn)idov, 3 Agalpov, 5 Karataev, 6 Mpti,tskly 183 mi . . 7 Eremenko (63 min 18 Liaviandrauskas), 8 lakoveriko, 9 Litovcherilka, I I Protasov 4 Cochia) 12 Sal i mo v k Res, 4 Dochia, 14 Tkebuchava . 17 Dmitriev, 18 Liaviandrauskas . 1 PalamarchLi Gama ti e Brazil . I Duarte . 2 Bonilacio, 4 Cannatin, 7 Vitella, 8 Silva, 9 Santos (46 min 10 Oliveira), 11 Ferreira, 13 Campos, 14 Bagatim . 16 Bledorn . 17 Oliveir a s Res . : 5 Coelho Filho, 6 Machado, 10 Garna cle Oliveira, 12 Brigam, 1 R Tobia (80 min), 8 Silva 1 2 (86 min) 9 Litovchenk o a) 0 1 147 min) 3 Agapov (own goall, ~ 0 2 ) b) K . Hackett (England) - R, Ericsson ~Svvrdpnl, 1, Gregr (Czechoslovakia c) 31 .380 o d) USSR 15 Rodnenok, 8 lakovenko, 9 LitovchLnk e) USSR : 1 1 Protaso v 24 9 .6 . 21 .00 Monterrey Nigeria v . Netherlands 0 : 0 (0 : 0 ) a Nigeria, 1 AgbonavIbarp . 8 Jele, 13 Ott,, 4 Okoku, 12 DiSLA . 6 Shofolkiwe . 11 Olkoron,r,ant (75 min 7 Anigala), 3 Olukanni, 9 Akhahan (53 min 10 Alkinlotan), 2 Ehkeghi,J, 14 Edobo r Res 1 7 Adebanio, 7 Anigala, 10 Aksirilotan, 16 Edema . 5 Dahir u .n, 6 Snoei, 8 Vanpnburg, 9 Va n Netherlands: 1 Laurs, 2 Kooi, 3 DWit . 4 SilooV . 5 Teub,,i 79 min 15 Kramer ) Basten, 10 Roord, 13 Been, 14 Godee (46 min 12 Van den Boogaard Res 12 Van den Boogaard, 15 Kramer, 16 Snelders . 17 Bakker, 18 PanhLJI S a) b) A . Libich iPoland) - T Martinez (Uruquay~, F . Ramirez Z (Mexico ) C) 41,28 3 (1) Nigeria 10 Alkinlota n e) 21 3 Ouarter FInals Quarter Finals / Quarts de finale / Cuartos de final / Viertelfinal s 25 11 .6 . 12 .00 Mexico Scotland v . Poland 0 :1 (0 :1 ) Scotland. I Gunn, 3 Bowman (75 min 9 McClair), 5 Clarke, 6 Cooper, 7 Dick, 8 Dobbi n 10 McGinnis, 11 McInally (46 min 4 Black~, 14 McStay, 16 Nevin, 17 Phillibp n Res ., 12 Westwater, 2 Beaumont, 4 Black, 9 McClair, 15 Mcka V Poland . I Wandzik, 2 P,otravv,cz, 5 Myshnski (69 min 13 Ludwiczak) . 7 Gorgon, 8 Gruszecki , 9 Klemenz, 10 Wraga, 1 1 Blaszczyk (79 min 3 Szczepanski), 15 Lesniak, 16 Modrzelevvski , 18 Wasnuevvsk i Res . : 3 Szczepanski, 4 Stroinski, 12 Bako, 6 Dobrovvoiski, 13 Ludvvicza k a) 0 1 (5 min) 9 Klemen z b) A . Biguet lFrance) - L . Felix (Brazil), C Esposito (Argentina ) c) 11,98 6 & Po$ancl~ 2 P,otrowicz, 13 Klemen t V ) 26 11 .6 . 17 .00 Monterrey Uruguay v . Korea Rep . 1 :2 * (0 :0 . 1 :1 ) Utuguay . I Picury' , 14 Anclieta, 2 Carlos Martinez, 3 Uberti, 4 Esnal . 8 Salazar . 5 Perdonlo . 16 MontaRo (57 min 10 Jorge Martinez), 7 Miranda (46 min 18 Ayala), 9 AgOilera, I I Sos a Res . 12 Fuentes, 13 De Leon, 10 Jorge Martinez, 15 Saldaria, 18 Aval a Korea Re. p . 18 Moon Young, 2 Pan Keon, 3 Won-Keun, 4 In-Woo, 5 ByOng-Ok, 6 Jang Jung . 7 Tae Hyung (64 min 8 Kee-Keun), 9 Jong Boo, 10 Yon-Ho, I I Sung-Hee, 15 Jong Ko n Res_~ I Pung-Joo, 8 Kee~Keun, 12 lk-HNan, 13 Heung-Kwon, 14 Jae-Soo n a) b) c) d) e) . 27 0 1 (54 min) 10 Yon-Ho i 1 1 (71 min) 10 Jorge Martinez ; 1 .2 (104 min) 10 Yon H o C .L . Alfaro (Costa Rica) — H . Silva (Chile), J . Keizer (Netherlands ) 39,87 6 Uruguay : 5 Perdomo, 16 Monta6c, — after extra-time lapr6s prolongation Idespueis de tiernpo suplementariv loach Vertangerun g 12 .6 . 12 .00 Leon Argentina Y. Netherlands 2 :1 (0 :1 1 Argentina I Islas, 4 Basuaido, 2 Borellh, 6 Theiler, 3 Olivera, 18 Gaona . 8 Vanernerak , 10 Zarate, 7 Garcia, 9 Gabrich, 17 Acost a Res . : 12 Prono, 5 Dos Santos, 13 Moreno, 14 Graciant, 16 Dezott t Netherlands : 1 Laurs, 2 Knot, 3 DULIt . 4 Silocy, 5 Teuben, 6 Snoei, 7 Van ' l Schip , 8 Vanenburg, 9 Van Basten, 10 Roord, 13 Been (78 min 11 De Wit ) Res . 11 De Wit, 14 Godee, 17 Bakker, 15 Kramer, 16 Snelder s al 0 : 1 (4 minIl 9 Van Basten / 1 1 (65 m1nIl 2 Borelli 1 2 :1 (90 min) 18 Gaon a b) K . Hackett lEngland) A . bloich lPoland), F . OkLibule iNigeria ) c) 24,83 0 d) Argentina 2 Borelli, 7 Garcia, 9 Gabrich I Netherlands 3 Duut, 6 Snoei, 7 Van ' t Schi p el Netherlands 5 Teuben, 8 VanenbUTY 214 28 General Statistics 12.6 . 12 .00 Guadalajara Brazil v . Czechoslovakia 4 :1 (3 :1 ) Brazil: 1 Duarte, 2 Bonifacio, 3 Alves, 4 Camarin, 7 Vilella, 8 Silva, 10 Gama de Oliveira . 11 Ferreira, 13 Campus, 16 Bleclorn, 17 Oliveira (77 min 5 Coelho Filho ~ Res .~ 12 Br?gatti, 5 Coelho Filho, 6 Machado . 9 Dos Santus, 14 Bagati m CzechoslovaAia . 16 Prsbyl, 2 Hasek, 3 Vrba, 4 Kopca, 5 Bazant, 6 KLibik, 7 Dostal (61 rni n 9 Karoch), 8 Vlastimil Kula, 10 Karel Kula, 14 Hirko (76 min 13 Halkoc(), 15 Suka c Res . : I Krbecek, 9 Karoch, I I Miskut, 12 Ffeber, 73 Halkoc t a) 0 :1 (6 min) 7 Dostal / 1 1 (18 mini 16 Bledorn / 2 1 (29 min) 10 Gama de Oliveira : 3 :1 (40 min) 8 Silva / 41 (60 min) B Silv a J . Martinez (Uruguay), C . Bambridge (Au5tralta ) bl F Ramirez Z . lMexico) c) 36,183 d) Brazil 2 Bonifacio, 13 Campos, 11 Ferreira i' Czechoslovakia~ 2 Hasek, 4 Kopci , 10 Karel Kul a e) - Semi- Finals il Demi- Finales il Sem if inales il Halbf inal s 29 15 .6 . 17 .00 Mexico Poland v . Argentina 0 :1 10 :0 1 (76 min 3 Szczepanski), 7 Gorgon , I Wa n d z, k, 2 Picitro-,cz, 6 Dubrowolski Poland : 9 Klemenz, 10 Wraga, I I B[aszczyk (76 min 5 Myslinskid, 15 Lesmak, 16 Modirzelewski , 17 Wenclewski, 18 Wasniewsk i Res 3 Szczepanski, 5 Myslinski, 8 Gruszecki, 12 Hako, 13 Ludvvicza k Algentena ., 1 Islas, 4 Basualdo, 2 Borelli, 6 Theiler, 8 Oliveira, 18 Gaona, 8 Vanerneralk , 10 Zarate, 7 Garcia, 9 Gabrich, 17 Acosta (26 min 16 Dezoti O Res~ 12 Prono, 5 Dos Santos, 13 Moreno, 14 Graciam, 16 Dezott i a) b) cl d) P) 30 0 : 1 (59 min) 10 Zarat e J .L . Martinez B . (Oruguay) - C, Barnbridge (Australia), F . Ramirez Z . iMexico ) 39,89 6 Poland 10 VVraga / Argentina 18 Gaona, 10 Zarat e - 15 .6 . 17 .00 Monterrey Korea Rep . v . Brazil 1 :2 (1 :1 1 Korea Rep- : 18 Moon-Young, 2 Pan Keun, 3 V'Jon KeUn, 4 in Woo (46 min 13 Heung-Kvvon) , 5 Byung-Ok . 6 Jang Aing, 7 Tae-Hyung (61 min 14 Jae-Soon), 9 Jong Roo, 10 Yon Ho , 15 Jong Kon, 17 HVUn-Chu l Re.s . : I Pung-Joo, 12 Ik Hwan, 13 Heung-Kvvon, 14 Jap-Soon, 8 Kee-Keu n Brazil : 12 Brigatti, 4 Caniarm, 3 Alves, 7 Vilella, 8 Silva, 10 Gami dp Oliveira (71 mi n 9 Santos), 11 Ferreira, 13 Camoob, 14 Bagatini, 17 Oliveira, 16 81pdor n Res, 1 Duarte, 5 Coelho Filho, 6 Machado, 9 Santos, 15 Angel t a) 1 0 (14 min) 9 Jonq~Boo 1 1 1 (22 mini 17 Oliveira 1 1 2 (81 rniW 9 Santo s b) J . Ke,zer lNetherlands) - H . Silva ~Chde), G, Biguet lFrance ) c) 55,91 4 dI Korea Rep . 4 in Woo, 9 Jong Bo o e) - Finals 21 5 Match for 3rd place / Match pciur la 3e plac e Partido por el 3er puesto / Spiel um den 3 . Plat z 31 18 .6. 19 .00 Guadalajara Poland ~ . Korea Rep . 2 :1 * (0 :1, 1 :1 1 Poland, 1 VVandzik, 2 Piotrov~ic7, 7 Gorgon 146 min 6 Dcibrov~olski) . 9 Klemenz, 10 Vvraga , 11 Blaszczyk (71 min 3 Szczepanski), 14 KraLl7e . 15 Lesniak, 16 Modrzelp.wski . 17 Wenclewski , 18 Wasniewsk i Res~ : 3 Szczepanski, 4 Stromski, 6 Dobrovvolski, 12 Bako, 13 Ludvyicza k Korea Rep. : 1 Pung-Joo, 2 Pan-KPLin, 3 Won KeLm, 5 ByLing Ok, 6 Jang Jung, 8 Kee-Keu n 167 min 10 Yon-Ho), 9 Jong Boo, 11 Sung-Hee. . 13 Heung Kwon, 14 Jae Soon, 15 Jong-Ko n (59 min 4 In-Viloo ) Res 18 Moor) Young, 4 in Woo, 10 Yon Hii . 12 Ik Hwan, 16 Yong Ki l a) 0 :1 (37 min) 8 Kee.-Keun / 1 1 177 min) 14 Krauze / 2 :1 (103 rnin) 3 Szczepansk i b) L .C . Felix (Brazil) - C . Esposito (Argentina), H . Silva (Chile ) c) 35 .000 d) Poland, 2 Piotrowicz / Korea RPF) .~ 5 Byung O k e) . after extra-ttme lapr6s prolongation Idespu6s de tiempo suplementarto ' nach Veriangerung Final / Finale 32 19 .6 . 12 .00 Mexico Argentina v . Brazil 0 :1 (0 :1 ) Argentina . I Islas, 4 Basualdo, 2 Borellh, 6 Thpiler . 3 Oliveira, 18 Gaona (75 m ' n 14 Graciarn) , 8 Vanemprak . 10 Zarate, 7 Garcia, 9 Gabrich, 16 Deiott i Res : 12 Prono, 11 Dertycia, 13Moreno, 14 Graciarn, 15Solaberriet a Brazil: 1 Duarte, 2 Bonifacio, 4 Camarm, 7 Vilella, 8 Silva, 9 Santos (82 min 10 Gama d e Oliveira), 1 1 Ferreira, 13 Campos, 14 Bagatini, 16 Bledorn, 17 Oliveira ~69 min 5 Coelho Filho ) Res . : 12 Brigatti . 3 Alves, 5 Coelho Filho, 6 Machado, 10 Garna de Oliveir a a) O~ 1 (39 min) 8 Silva b) A, Biquet (France) - F . Ramirez Z, lMexico), C . Bambrtdge (Australia ) e) 110,00 0 (1) Argentina 2Boreii,,8VanerTierak ' Brazii~14Bagatini .16B[edurn,5CoelhoFtlh o e) - 1 Ch A> C 9~ E 2 ~ > - ~ F ~ Pl-mp. 9 ~ , 91 n C 1 N — Tea.s o — Pi, a 5 i dedwt d Z., i m. & afr,, f-r ~ rch . S—d ~h Points * , 1 , ~, ~* , 711 11 j~ ~ ~ , , 1 ~i 1 ~+ ~+ 1 ~~ 1 Il deducred ThildMalch Pbin a deducred ofter third march + 1 +. . , à, , , il F . .Ith —t ìz ' N—b— fw fo-th h ~ 1. 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 - 1 , , i ~ I 1 - I l~ Pi.a dM.ct d Numberofpoin a Sé— F,,al~ machfo,3MPI~ -1 F. .. d Fi 3 a Numb~rofpoin n +, ~ ~ 1. .1 Il 31 51 S., i~ :~Z - N - 883: Il Il ~l E . . ~ Il , Il j.~ ~ ~ Il li I. :- :. ~jl . E I. &SI~`lg di~iddby — f—tc o5 Fi-Iva (—.g. ding Fair 21 7 " FrDIRAFION 93Bstn INIIRNA1IONALI Di " FUOIBALI , ~A 4, 4R~ E~M~A d ìà 1 , í/ , —, m1m?~e IZ, C5 A~ ',O(AAIIO \ - % 218 Substitution Diagram 62 4 3 á i /INI \V/ -A/ 11 o 3 1 ~ - ~ 6 2 ~ ~- ~- ~ —. 3 11 I I ~ 15 1 - I \VAN \NI 1 12 9 111 I 3 i, MM, kK /A, 2 i 3 1 313 ~ I .- , , , . ~ 24 27 18 " 27 ~ "f \V/\VI N/ A 30 0 1; !1 1 33 1 3 2 ' i ~ . 36 1 3 Z2 — Spain 82 Substitution 39 ~42 2 11 2 4 Mexico 83 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 1 27 1 30 33 1 1 36 2 39 4 42 11 i 63 Goal Statistics 21 9 5~ 4 222 48 3 333 3 3 51 2 54 3 1 31222 15 222 57 2 2 60 1 2 63 222 2 66 69 2112 1 2 75 72 2 1 1 78 333 81 4 2 87 84 2 90 3 1 12 5 Mexico 83 Goal statistic s A i Spain 82 7 6 -- - 1 1 5 - r $o ~ A v] , ~ ~ » ~ . 5 , o 2 5 , , 0-5 , , 5 4 4 4 4 4 V3 k 2 222 2 2 2 48 51 i 54 il i 1 57 60 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 63 2 66 1 6 2 3 44 4 69 1 2 72 75 1 1 3 2 4 62 78 81 442 2 1 84 1 1 2 87 90 1 -1 220 Awards General Statistics adidas competition : Ball " for the best player, and " Golden Shoe " fo r the best goal-scorer of the tournament " Golden " Golden Ball " Winner of the Golden Bal l Geovanni Silva, Brazi l 266 points Winner of the Silver Bal l Zarate Roberto, Argentin a 178 points Winner of the Bronze Ball Islas Luis, Argentina 157 point s Winner of the. Golden Shoe Geovanni Silva, Brazil 6 goal s Winner of the Silver Shoe Klementz Joachim, Poland 5 goal s Winner of the Bronze Shoe Gabrich Jorge, Argentina 4 goals " Golden Shoe " 222 General StatistIc s Reference s a) FIFA publications : - National Associations of FIFA . 1982 Editio n - 1968 Olympic Football Tournamen t Report on Final Competition in Mexic o Results of Preliminary and Final Competition . Englis h - Official FIFA Report , 1970World Cup, Mexic o 1982 FIFA World Cup Spai n b) Mexican Football Association . - Officia[ source s El Campeonato Muridial Juveni l La Capa FJFA/Coca-CoJa 1 La Copa FIFA/Coca-Cola I l c) Magazine " E urop6ische Trainer- Union " : - Gerhard Bauer, Munic h Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Talentsuche im Fussbal l - Dr HermannAndrecs DieSch~ilerliga—einModelldesSchulsport s - Dr NorbertBachl,W[e n Die Belastbarkeit des Jugendlichen aus sportmedizinischer Sicht M FIFA/Coca-Cola Cu p World Youth Championship —Mexico 198 3 Technical Study Grou p í, René Hüss y tSvvitzerland) Heinz Marotzk e (Germany FR ) P O i , Walter Gag g (Svviizerland ~ Responsibl e ~à f, José Bonett i IBr~izil) fA, ~.._ Billy Bingha m INoilliern Ireland)