You Are InvIted to the GrAnd openInG CelebrAtIon And


You Are InvIted to the GrAnd openInG CelebrAtIon And
The Meadows Mirror
college preparatory, nonprofit, nonsectarian, PK-12
September 2010
Volume 27, Number 1
You Are Invited to the Grand Opening Celebration and
Open House of the Athletic Complex Improvements
Friday, October 1, at 5:30 p.m.
The Meadows School was created by families and parents who
saw a need for an educational program that would offer a challenging
curriculum for grades preschool to 12. All funding of the physical
plant at TMS has come from the generosity of
Meadows families and members of the Las Vegas
community. The School has always addressed its
construction program with a focus on its mission
and with careful planning to meet the needs of
the student body and School, but always with
“academics being first.” Several years ago, it
became apparent that there was a need to provide
an auxiliary practice gymnasium for use by both
Middle and Upper School students. Because the
campus had one gym, grades 6 through 8 could
only use the facility for team practices at 6:00 a.m.
or after the Upper School teams finished using it
after 7:00 p.m. Given the rigor of The Meadows’
academic, performing arts, extracurricular, and
adjunct activities, Middle School students were
not getting home until late in the evening and
were up early in order to develop and practice
their athletic skills when the gymnasium was available and open. In
addition, the locker and training facilities were old, out-of-date, far
too small, and thus crowded and inadequate. Outdoor facilities used
too much water during these days of environmental conservation; the
weight-training area was inadequate in the old Field House; and overall
there was a growing awareness of the less than ideal condition of the
Thus, the Board of Trustees
voted two years ago to embark on a
program to address improving the
physical fitness facilities at the School.
The architectural firm of Lucchesi
Galati was selected, and plans and
budgets were created. What has
resulted is that new additions to the
School’s Athletic Complex have been
completed, and a Grand Opening
and Open House will be celebrated
on Friday, October 1, beginning at
5:30 p.m., including a ribbon-cutting
ceremony and thank you’s.
Phase I of the project included
Linda R. Richardson
new turf on the football field, a new
Hall of Athletes
surface on the track, a press box, and
remodeling of the Field House. Phase II included new boys’ and girls’
locker facilities, the Key Fechser Fitness Center, a trainer’s taping and
treatment facility, a sports studio (multi-purpose use for wrestling,
dance, cheer practice, and a 60-75 seat lecture room), the Linda R.
Richardson Hall of Athletes, a new and relocated concession area, a
small, outdoor amphitheater, and new public restrooms. Phase III was
the new practice gym. The new practice gym provides students with
room to prepare for team competition and room to hold classes for
New addition to Athletic Complex
four groups (two in each gym) throughout the day rather than holding
some practices outdoors.
You are cordially invited to celebrate the completion of the
improvements and
join the School in
thanking those whose
support will enrich
the lives of countless
young people by
making it possible for
them to learn about
maintaining healthy
physical activity. It
has been proven that
Key Fechser
physical activity
Fitness Center
increases intellectual
and artistic productivity and promotes stronger emotional and
psychological growth. Physical exercise goes hand-in-hand
with the mission of the School
because it enhances the qualities
of leadership, fosters cooperation
and teamwork, and builds
character. We look forward to
you joining us for a familyfriendly picnic and open house.
Come and see the new facilities
and then stay for Kindergarten
Key Fechser
Night and the Varsity Football game
Fitness Center
against White Pine at 7:00 p.m.!
All Divisions
TMS Wel comes New Faculty M embers
by Henry L. Chanin, Head of School
It gives me great pleasure to introduce readers of The Meadows Mirror to the very talented group of new faculty members joining
the School for the 2010-11 academic year. In alphabetical order, they are:
Douglas E. Bowser begins this fall as the Lower School Music
Teacher after teaching in the Clark County School District for the
past 11 years, during which time he received a number of honors
and recognitions. Doug is an Orff-Schulwerk specialist who leads
training sessions for music teachers around the country, including
a summer session at UNLV. He has earned an M.S. in curriculum
and instruction from UNLV and a B.A. in music education from
Grove City College.
Sarah A. Buchanan (TMS Class of 2003) returns to her alma
mater as Upper/Middle School Librarian. Sarah holds an M.L.I.S.
from UCLA and a B.A. in classical studies from the University of
Pennsylvania. In addition to her library duties, Sarah will be teaching
Latin in Upper School.
Hillary Jarvis Campos joins the Middle School faculty as
an English teacher. She holds an M.A. in British literature and a
B.A. in humanities from Brigham Young University. Mrs. Campos
has taught both literature and composition classes at BYU and at
Stevenson University.
Sarah D’Stair is also an English teacher who will become part
of the Upper School faculty this year. Mrs. D’Stair advanced to
candidacy for her Ph.D. in English at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst after completing both an M.A. and B.A. in English at San
Jose State University. In addition to teaching modern fiction and
drama, she has a number of years experience in editorial work.
Courtney K. Friedman (TMS Class of 2001) is another alumna
who will be back at the School serving as the Co-Teacher in Lower
School. As part of the “Teach for America” program, Courtney spent
two years teaching at a local public elementary school. She holds two
advanced degrees, an M.S. in publishing from New York University
and an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction from UNLV, as well as
a B.A. in communications from Denison University.
Francesca M. Gerbino is joining the Middle School faculty as
a science teacher. Ms. Gerbino holds an M.S. degree in education
from Florida State University and a B.S. in biology (magna cum
Front row from left: Sarah D’Stair, Doug Bowser, and Colleen
Kodweis. Back row: Sarah Buchanan, Dr. Luke Turner, Hillary
Campos, Francesca Gerbino, and Courtney Friedman.
laude) from St. Thomas Aquinas College. She has been a science
camp counselor as well as a zookeeper.
Colleen C. Kodweis will be teaching mathematics, also in
Middle School. A former award-winning instructor and Department
Chair at a local public middle school, Mrs. Kodweis earned both
an M.S. in Education and a B.A. in Mathematics from Potsdam
College of SUNY. She also has a number of years experience as a
Math Counts coach.
Luke E. Turner has relocated to Las Vegas from Florida to
assume the duties of a chemistry teacher in the Upper School. Dr.
Turner holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University, an M.S. from Illinois
State University, and a B.S. from the University of Evansville, all in
chemistry. He has also done postdoctoral research at the University
of Bath in England under a fellowship funded by The Royal Society.
Dr. Turner has taught chemistry at Brevard Community College
and North Broward Preparatory School in Florida since his return
to the USA.
Anticipating the upcoming retirement of veteran TMS instructor Duane
Loesch, David Santo Pietro is assuming the duties of Chairman of the Science
Department beginning in 2010-11. Mr. Santo Pietro, who teaches both AP and
Honors Physics, joined the School in 2007. He holds an M.S. in physics from the
University of California, Davis and a B.S. in physics/mathematics from UNLV.
Irene Frazier began work this summer as Administrative Assistant to Head of
School Henry Chanin. She will also serve as Governance Coordinator for the School’s
Board of Trustees. Mrs. Frazier holds an M.S. in library science from the University
of North Texas and a B.A. in industrial technology from Southern Utah University.
S tudent/Parent Ha ndbook a nd Director y 2010-2011 Updates
PK Campos
f: Joshua
10 Hilts
f: E.J. Hilts (h,f) 233-9509
(c,f) 203-5590
m: Teresa (o,f) 256-4006
f: Rick
(c,f) 283-4656
WOLFF m:Maryann
WOLFF f: Scott
WOLFF e-mail:
m:Hui-Li Chien (h) 838-9256
f: Aaron e-mail:
f: Clay
f: Kevin
(o,f) 515-2057
(c,f) 460-2819
If you have any corrections or additions, please call the Office of Development and
Alumni Relations at 254-1610 ext. 5935 or e-mail
The Meadows Mirror
All Divisions / Upper School
Mustang Pride and Annual Fund
by Kari Halkyard, Board Member
I am excited as a parent and as a new Board of Trustees member
as we begin a new phase in the growth of The Meadows School.
The last 25 years were spent building this great school, but the
next 25 years will be spent sustaining The Meadows as a top-notch
educational institution. While tuition “pays the bills” in many
respects (80 cents of every dollar goes back into the classroom),
how do we keep the momentum going? The answer involves giving
back with a little Mustang Pride.
Here is what I see: First and foremost, The Meadows School is
a great school. I have lost count of the number of times my children
have told me something they learned at TMS that blew my mind.
Have play dates or have your child play sports with children who
attend other schools in Las Vegas, and you will see what I mean.
The quality of the education our children are receiving is remarkable
and probably the best in all of Nevada.
We all want to give back to our community, and there are many
charities I see TMS parents support. However, wouldn’t you rather
support a nonprofit that DIRECTLY affects the one thing that is
most important to you: your family? The Meadows School is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit institution. The School is unique in that it was
started by parents over 26 years ago, and it continues to be sustained
by parents. (Our Board is comprised of all TMS parents/alumni
parents. TMSPA is run by parents). The School is not owned by a
church, run by a foundation, nor financed by a rich person. All the
School has is YOU.
I have thought about why 100 percent of our faculty give. It is
not because they love all of our children. They give because they
believe in the School’s mission. It is frustrating to apply for grants
and to be eliminated in the first round because of the Annual Fund
giving rate among parents. Participation is always important.
Every gift, large or small, is meaningful and shows your pride in
the School.
This is the point where I want you to consider continuing The
Meadows tradition of being a parent-driven school. Please give to
Annual Fund today. Get it off your “to-do” list. We parents can
support our School with pride every year and beyond for the next
25 years of excellence.
Please join The Meadows School Board of Trustees
for the inaugural fundraiser
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Caesars Palace
Tournament Poker Room
Not sure of the rules?
Ongoing tutorials and check-in at noon.
Tournament play begins promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Tournament and awards shall conclude by 5:00 p.m.
All proceeds benefit The Meadows School.
by David Lamb, Upper School Director
Upper School has been busy throughout the summer prepping
for the new school year with a few new faces and some old ones in
new places. In the middle of our preparations, we received exciting
news from the College Board regarding our 2010 AP Scores. During
the first two weeks of May, the School had 135 students sit for 292
AP exams in 22 different subjects. The results were electrifying as
Meadows students earned a passing rate of 90 percent!
An AP course is a college-level course taught in high schools
throughout the country, and in May students sit for a national
standardized exam. The exam is scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with
5 being the best, by either college professors or high school AP
experienced teachers. A “passing grade” is considered to be a 3 or
above, meaning that a student who receives a 3 on the exam would
be able to pass that course at the university level. A five demonstrates
superior knowledge of the subject.
In a typical year, students across the nation have about a 55 to
60 percent passing rate (meaning students scored a 3 or above on the
exam), and students in Nevada have between 40 and 50 percent. The
Meadows School is usually somewhere between 75 and 80 percent
on any given year. One can easily see that our 2010 AP scores were
nothing short of brilliant!
Of course, our wonderful students and faculty deserve all
TO register:
use the enclosed registration Form
or e-mail
No one under the age of 21 is allowed to attend this event
as it is being held in a gaming area.
AP Scores continued on page 6
September 2010
www . t h e m e a d o
Everyone in The Meadows community is encouraged to check the news and calendar pages under “The Meadows Today” sect
Aca dem ic s & Sc hool Li fe
Upper/ Middle/ Lower/ Be ginni ng School Inform at ion
Information for prospective families or current families who would like to learn more about a particular
division can be found under this section.
Colle ge Counseling
The “Announcement” section will be regularly updated to relay information to Meadows families about
all aspects of college access including college entrance testing, evening programs, city-wide events of interest,
and college visitors to our School. Please make a habit of checking this comprehensive resource.
Upper/ Middle Sc hool Li bra ry
Contains links to reference materials, newspapers and magazines, and homework and writing aids for
Upper and Middle School students.
About Us
Learn about general
School information such
as the mission and history,
take a campus tour, or find
faculty and staff e-mail
addresses. Employment/
career opportunities may be
found under this section.
Low er School Librar y
Contains links to reference materials for Lower School students.
Summer Pro gram
This section will be updated when the 2011 Summer Program becomes available.
Athlet ic s S ecti on
Upper School
Team information (schedules and results) is listed by season. A history of state team
championships may be found under Mustang Hall of Champions.
Middle School
Team information (schedules and results) is listed by season.
Directions to Games
Contains links to MapQuest for most competition sites.
Athletic Faciliti es
Displays a map of the athletic facilities.
Athletic Forms
Contains PDF files of Meadows athletic forms and a link to NIAA forms.
Athletic News
Newsletters from the Athletic Department will be posted periodically.
Booster Club
Contains information about the Booster Club such as positions, activities, and store items.
Pa rents Sec tion
Parent Links
Contains links to other websites that may be useful to parents, such as where to purchase
uniforms or how to register store cards for fundraising.
Parents Asso ciation Informat ion
Lists committee chairs and descriptions for the 2010-2011 school year.
Parents Social Events
The Meadows School offers events for the parents to participate in and socialize with each
other. Some events may be “friend” raisers; others may be fundraisers to benefit the School.
School Store
Displays items which may be ordered through the Parents Association. You may print an order
form to return to School with your child (online purchasing is not available).
S ummer Camp Expo
Contains information about the annual event held the first Saturday in March.
The Meadows Tod ay
Links to the “News/Calendar” sections.
The Meadows Mirror
Registered users may view The Meadows Mirror online.
Directo ry
Direct link to faculty and
staff e-mail addresses.
Al u m ni
Click here to link to the alumni
website to connect with former
classmates and find information
about alumni events. Some of the
features available to registered
users include viewing The Meadows
Mirror and photos of alumni events.
tion for the latest information. Please e-mail with questions about the website.
The Meado ws Tod ay
A d m is s i ons
Learn about the application
process, financial aid, and tuition
information. Application forms may
be downloaded and printed from this
News is updated as it becomes known to the Webmaster. Please check this
section regularly. Students’ last names will not be posted on the Web for security
School Calendar
Events are posted under the month in which the event takes place. Updates
to the 2010-2011 School Year Calendar are noted in this section. The 2010-2011
Calendar link contains the entire school year as published in the school year
calendar as of June 2010. The Two-Year Schedule link lists the major dates for
the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school years. All dates may be subject to change.
Links to the athletic schedules may be found in the Calendar section each month.
Photo Galler y
A selection of student artwork is displayed in the Photo Gallery section. Click
on the thumbnails of a photo to view a larger display.
S earc h E ngine
The site contains a search engine to assist users looking
for particular information. To use this feature, type in a
keyword(s) in the box following “SEARCH” in the lower,
right-hand corner of each webpage, then press enter or click on
“Go.” You will receive a list of all webpages on the School’s
site that contain the keyword entered.
Course Links
Middle School students and parents have the capability to view the
syllabus, course outline, and homework assignments for a given course.
Users must be registered to access the system. Middle School parents will
be receiving a letter with login access request information shortly. Upper
School students also have access to this system.
Faculty and
staff use only.
Giving to The Me ado ws
Read about the various ways to donate to the School,
check on the progress of the Annual Fund Campaign, and
donate online using a credit card.
Fa mi ly Connection
Used mostly by Upper School seniors to track their
progress during the college admission process. Users must
be registered to access the system. The College Counseling
department distributes information about using this link.
Upper/Middle/Lower School
of the semester grade. It would seem that these two very simple
policies have played an important role in encouraging our students
to perform at their highest level.
In an article that ran in The New York Times on February 11,
2010, the author, Tamar Lewin, discusses how the expansion of AP
Exams has brought about more failures across the nation. In another
New York Times article dated August 5, 2009, the author, Jennifer
Medina, discusses how some schools have created policies actually
to pay their students for certain AP scores. Here at The Meadows,
we are not only bucking the national trend of more failures, but we
are also blessed to have such a dynamic faculty and student body
whose main motivation for success is that intrinsic desire to pursue
excellence. Well done!
AP Scores continued from page 3
the congratulations possible for a job well done. These scores
are indicative of the hard work put forth by so many. It is not
uncommon to drop by Upper School on a weekend in March or
April and find an AP teacher holding an extra session with his or
her AP students. I have observed that their passion and dedication
is a sweet manifestation of the pursuit of excellence.
Some of the credit, however, may also go to our Head of School,
Henry Chanin, who installed two minor policy changes three years
ago. The first being that all students enrolled in an AP course must
sit for the AP exam. The second policy change is that all students
in an AP course must take an AP style exam as their final for the
course which must be worth somewhere between 25 and 33 percent
Assignments/Syllabi Posted on Course Links on the Website
by Abby Hilson, Middle School Director
A new Meadows School year is beginning, and everyone this information online, and you as a parent will know there is
in Middle School is excited about the beautiful changes around something for you to read when an Alert notice comes up as you
campus and about new students coming to us from Lower School log on to Course Links. There will still be both types of notices,
and outside. Every year we, as teachers and administrators, try to those complimenting your child for work well done as well as those
make adjustments to programs and policies which will make life notifying of a need to improve. This system will expedite notification
easier for everyone involved and to hold on to things that have since it will be faster than the mail, and it will also eliminate the
proven helpful in previous years.
temptation for students to remove the less-than-complimentary
One of the biggest assets for parents and students in Middle notices from the mailbox before parents arrive home. As with the
School is our Course Links system, which allows viewing of course hard-copy postcards, the information in the Alerts will be short and
syllabi and outlines as well as weekly homework assignments for without lengthy explanation so they will not ever take the place of a
every teacher and every class. For Middle School students it is vitally Progress Report which explains in detail items that might be missing
important to keep on top of all work that must be completed, and or unsatisfactory patterns of behavior or work that are continuing.
your child’s teachers aid in this process by posting all homework, Progress Reports will come from some teachers on a one or twotests, and long-term assignments every Friday on the School’s week basis throughout the year and as needed by others, but you
website under Course Links. This is supplemental, of course, to can always request a report or parent conference at any time. The
making sure that they write all daily assignments down in their only Progress Reports that will be mailed out for every student in
agenda books which the School also provides for each student.
Middle School will come after the first four weeks of School to let
All students of Middle School age struggle with organization, you know of your child’s achievements or difficulties up to that
and you as parents can check online to make sure your son or point. Parents of students whose grades have dropped one letter
daughter has completed the assignments that are posted and has grade or who are at a C- or below at any time during the year will
studied for any tests or quizzes he or she might have. Most of them always receive a Progress Report notifying them of this status.
are not of the age yet where you can trust their judgment or their Students whose weekly grade drops to an F or who have two D’s
accuracy wholeheartedly, and checking what has been assigned for an overall average at any point will be ineligible to play a sport
online, even if they are not aware that you are doing it, is never or participate in any other extracurricular activity, including dance
a bad idea. There definitely are some children in Middle School team and drama presentations, for the following week or until the
whose parents never need to check that they are doing what has grades are in the satisfactory range.
been assigned, but those are the exceptions. If yours is one of these
Communication is always a key for Middle School parents,
children, you are extremely lucky. Those of you whose children need teachers, and students, and our Course Links online setup is an
constant reminding and guiding, please realize that your child is the extremely valuable tool for disseminating important information
norm, and there is absolutely nothing to be upset about.
and for assisting students in staying organized and on top of their
A new addition to Course Links this year is Alerts, which will assignments. Teachers find this tool indispensable, and you as
be taking the place of the parent postcards that teachers have mailed parents need to take advantage of the opportunities offered on
out in the past, complimenting your child on a job well done (beige Course Links, including the new Alerts, to keep you as informed and
card) or notifying you of disruptive behavior, a missing assignment, updated about your child’s Middle School academic life as possible.
or a low test or quiz grade (white card). Teachers will now post
Welcome Back to Lower School
by Sara Carlson, Lower School Director
Welcome to Lower School. The energy in the building is friendly and caring staff can help you with your needs, each member
exciting as we begin a new academic year. Teachers and staff are of the Lower School office team is assigned specific duties. These
thrilled to be back to begin working with the students again. In their are, in part: Mrs. Connie Boily watches everyone coming and going
ongoing pursuit of excellence, the Lower School teachers have been from her seat at the reception desk. She takes care of attendance and
busy creating an inviting learning environment in each classroom arrival and dismissal changes. She also offers loving and competent
and planning lessons for the new year. We are always amazed at how first aid and comfort to all of the children. Ms. Starr Moore is
much the children have grown over the summer! On behalf of the alongside Mrs. Boily on the front lines. She also takes your calls
entire Lower School I sincerely welcome both new and returning and makes dismissal arrangements. Additionally, Ms. Moore enjoys
families for the new school year.
her time as one of our lunch time playground supervisors. Mrs.
As always, Lower School strives for regular, productive Diana Romo makes sure each classroom has all of the necessary
communication between parents, faculty, and staff. The Front books and supplies and a teacher every day when a substitute is
Office staff is always happy to assist you. While each member of our
Lower School continued on back page
The Meadows Mirror
Calendar Events
Times/dates/locations may change due to last-minute conflicts. Please check for updates.
* denotes a change from what was printed in the 2009-2010 School Year Calendar
All Divisions
Aug. 30, Monday
First semester lunch program begins
Sept. 3, Friday
9:10 a.m. All-School Assembly in gym
dress uniform required
Sept. 6, Monday
NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept. 12, Sunday
12:00-5:00 p.m. “All In” For The Meadows
fundraiser at Caesars Palace
Sept. 13, Monday
Annual Fund Campaign 2009-2010 begins
Sept. 16, Thursday
8:15 a.m. TMSPA Open Meeting in
Athletic Complex Sports Studio
Sept. 29, Wednesday
8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Blood Drive in the Upper
School Common
Oct. 1, Friday
5:30 p.m. Athletic Complex Build-Out Grand
Opening Celebration
Upper School
Sept. 7, Tuesday
6:30 p.m. Upper School Parents Night
Sept. 11, Saturday
8:00 a.m. ACT Exams - TMS is not a test site
Sept. 14, Tuesday
6:30 p.m. College Night for seniors and parents
in CFA
Sept. 20, Monday
Picture Day
Sept. 24, Friday
Final day for seniors to have yearbook photos
taken at Bernhard & Williams
Sept. 29, Wednesday
8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Blood Drive in the
Upper School Common
Upper School Sports - Varsity Home or Championship Games/Meets Only
Go to www.the, click on “Athletics” for updates
Sept. 7, Tuesday
2:30 p.m. Boys’/girls’ tennis vs. Arbor View
6:30 p.m. Girls’ volleyball vs. Pahranagat
Sept. 11, Saturday
6:00 p.m. Football vs. Virgin Valley
Sept. 13, Monday
2:30 p.m. Boys’/girls’ tennis vs. Legacy
Sept. 14, Tuesday
5:30 & 6:30 p.m. Girls’ volleyball vs. Calvary
Sept. 16, Thursday
7:00 p.m. Football vs. Calvary Chapel
Sept. 22, Wednesday
2:30 p.m. Boys’/girls’ tennis vs. Cheyenne
3:00 p.m. Boys’/girls’ soccer vs. Moapa Valley
Sept. 24, Friday
3:00 p.m. Boys’/girls’ soccer vs. Virgin Valley
Sept. 28, Tuesday
5:00 p.m. Girls’ volleyball vs. Beatty
Sept. 30, Thursday
2:30 p.m. Boys’/girls’ tennis vs. Palo Verde
5:30 & 6:30 p.m. Girls’ volleyball vs. Lake
Oct. 1, Friday
7:00 p.m. Football vs. White Pine
Kindergarten Night
Middle School
Sept. 16, Thursday
6:30 p.m. Middle School Parents Night
Sept. 20, Monday
Picture Day
Middle School Sports - Home or Championship Games/Meets Only
Go to www.the, click on “Athletics” for updates
Sept. 11, Saturday
10:00 a.m. Football vs. Cornerstone
Sept. 16, Thursday
4:00 p.m. Football vs. Calvary Chapel
Lower School
Sept. 2, Thursday
6:30 p.m. Lower School Parents Night
Sept. 7, Tuesday
1st/2nd quarter Meadows After-School Programs
(MAPS) begin
Sept. 24, Friday
2:00 p.m. Lower School program
Sept. 29, Wednesday
8:15 a.m. Parents Coffee in the Lower School
Oct. 1, Friday
Picture Day
7:00 p.m. Kindergarten Night at Upper School
varsity football game
Beginning School
Please check student backpacks for information.
SAVE THE DATE Arbor Day/Renaissance Fair October 22, 2010
Volunteers are always needed for the Arbor Day event. If you wish to help in any way, please call
Debbie Youngblood in the Development Office, 254-1510 ext. 5935. Thank you.
September 2010
The Meadows School
8601 Scholar Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Lower School continued from page 6
necessary. Mrs. Romo also works with the students
on programs and choreography. She is very talented
and enjoys each grade level. Mrs. Judy Mace is the
Lower School Registrar. She handles all student
records, tracks grades, test scores, immunizations,
etc. She also takes care of admissions and schedules
my appointments. I could never list everything these
incredible ladies do in the course of a day, but it is
always done with a smile and the goal of giving each
child (and parent) a wonderful school experience.
The teachers and I also want to hear from you. I
am happy to chat with you when I am in the office
or via telephone or e-mail. I enjoy getting to know
each family, and I value your input. I work hard to
make the Director’s Office a positive place. I WANT
the teachers to send students to my office with good
news and/or good work to share. The teachers also
strive to be accessible to parents. They check e-mail
and phone messages regularly in their effort to keep
the lines of communication open. During the school
day, of course, instruction is the priority, but the
teachers make every effort to return messages in a
timely manner.
This school year marks the third year of our
MAPS after-school program. While the course
offerings vary somewhat each semester, the program
always offer a variety of enrichment opportunities
for the students, focusing on arts, athletics, and
academics. MAPS provides a way to extend learning
after the regular academic day in exciting ways.
Again, welcome to a brand new year. We are
thrilled to be sharing in the education of your
children. Stay tuned for more news from Lower
PERMIT # 970
by Heather Kristich,
Beginning School Director
Welcome back! It is hard to believe that
Beginning School is starting its twelfth
year and a new era of administration. Most
of you already know me, but I would like
to take a moment to introduce myself. I
am Heather Kristich, the new Director of
Beginning School. However, I am in no
way new to The Meadows School. As an
alumna of The Meadows, I knew that when
I was offered a teaching job in the preschool
twelve years ago, I could not pass it up. My
love for The Meadows and the education
it offers its students is incomparable. I
knew when I began teaching here that I
would build my career not only to teach,
but some day, be in administration. So
when Carolyn Goodman asked me to be
Assistant Director in 2007, I willingly
embraced the opportunity. While we were
all sad to see Mrs. June Pierce retire at the
end of the 2009-2010 school year, I was
more than pleased to accept the Director
position. Teaching is my passion and so
with that being said, I am going to stay in
the classroom teaching one morning class.
My hope is that as this new period in the
life of Beginning School commences, you
will all join me in celebrating The Meadows
and its pursuit of excellence.
by Christine Ramenofsky,
TMSPA President
Please plan to attend the first Open
Meeting on September 16, at 8:15 a.m.
for conversation with Head of School
Henry Chanin in the new Sports Studio.
TMSPA Fundraising
TMSPA fundraising links may be
found under the “Parents/Parent Links”
section on the School’s website
Register your debit, credit, and grocery
club cards, and participating merchants
will donate a percentage of your purchases
directly to TMS.
Wraps and Premium Gift Products
by Cindy Eaton and Erin Luebke,
Gift Wrap Committee Chairs
Meadows family and friends can
help support TMSPA by ordering from
Innisbrook. Any order, big or small,
will help increase the profit for school.
The 2010 selections include a variety of
quality gifts for everyone on your list.
Items ordered between August 23 and
September 13 will be delivered during
mid-October. Please feel free to contact
Cindy Eaton at ceaton1014@yahoo.
com if you have any questions or need
assistance with online ordering.