Vein Style Deposits
Vein Style Deposits
Vein Style Deposits Loca tio n: Base m etal- tin association. Nigadoo River, New Brunswick, Canada Major Minerals: Pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, galena Minor Minerals: Stannite group minerals, marcasite, chalcopyrite, cassiterite, argentite, tetrahedrite Trace Minerals: Include rutile, dyscrasite, pyrargyrite, native bismuth, native antimony, boulangerite, jamesonite, mackinawite, bournonite Textures: Prismatic and acicular cassiterite is unzoned and untwinned. Euhedral arsenopyrite is replaced by pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite. Chalcopyrite encloses mackinawite and exsolved sphalerite stars.Sphal erite has a number of generations and encloses stannite and tetrahedrite inclusions and has suffered from chalcopyrite disease. It is rimmed by stannite g roup minerals, especially at sphalerite- chalcopyrite junctions. Galena enclose s native bismuth and silver sulphosalt inclusions. Pyrrhotite is extensively alter ed to Pyrite and marcasite giving bird's-eye textures and lathshaped intergrowths parallel to (0001) planes of pyrrhotite Reference: Suensilpong and Stumpfl, 1971 Pyrrhotite, pyrite and galena. Nigadoo River, New Brunswick, Canada 250µm A small galena crystal (blue-white, centre) lies at the junction of a number of pyrrhotite (brown, centre) grains, which show faint differences in reflectance and surface colour due to the presence of monoclinic (darker brown) and hexagonal (lighter brown) pyrrhotite (centre). Euhedral pyrite crystals (pale yellow, high reflectance, right) carry pyrrhotite inclusions (top right). Pyrrhotite is extensively altered to finegrained pyrite and marcasite which are not distinguishable from each other at this magnification. The alteration is to lath-shape d pyrite, marcasite aggregates (bottom centre) oriented along the (0001) plane of the pyrrhotite and to areas of very fine-grained pyrite-marcasite (top left); these appear brown due to the fine grain size of the sulphides. Probably all the pyrite in this section was originally pyrrhotite. The gangue minerals are dark grey. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Sphalerite, pyrite, chalc opyrite and arsenopyrite. Nigadoo River, New Brunswick, Canada 500µm Sphalerite (grey, top right) has chalcopyrite (yellow) inclusions and an incomplete chalcopyrite rim (bottom right). Two euhedral rhombs of arsenopyrite (white, centre, bottom right) have higher reflectance than coarse-grained pyrite (light yellow, bottom left). Fine-grained pyrite and marcasite have totally replaced pyrrhotite and appear brown-yellow due to their fine grain size. Successive 'shells' of pyrite-marcasite with different grain sizes can be seen and form a poorly defined bird's-eye texture (bottom left) growing out from coarse-grained pyrite. Gangue phases are dark grey (centre). Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and mackinawite. Nigadoo River, New Brunswick, Canada 110µm Sphalerite (grey, bottom left) contains submicroscopi c chalcopyrite inclusions (yellow-grey areas) and is intergrown with chalcopyrite (yellow, right) which carries sphalerite exsolution stars (top right). Pyrite (light yellow-white, top right) is euhedral or has been replaced by chalcopyrite (centre). Mackinawite (brown, centre) is intergrown with chalcopyrite and shows polysynthetic twins (oriented north-south), some of which have a colour and reflectance that is very similar to the host chalcopyrite. Black areas are polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 180, air Loca tio n: Copper- silver polymetallic veins. Ballycummisk, County Cork, Ireland Small polymetallic sulphide-oxide quartz veins of Hercynian age cut Upper Palaeozoic sediments within the Munster Basin. The ores of Ballycummisk were mined in the nineteenth century and are associated with a quartz,c hlorite and siderite gangue. Major Minerals: Haematite, chalcopyrite, silver-bearing tetrahedrite Minor Minerals: Molybdenite, pyrite Trace Minerals: Include magnetite, bornite, chalcocite, galena, native gold, native bismuth, bismuthinite, bismuth sulphosalts Textures: Lath-shaped haematite is enclosed within chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite form coarse-grained symplectite-like intergrowths References: Reilly, 1986; Ixer, 1987 Chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and pyrite. Ballycummisk, County Cork, Ireland 250µm Chalcopyrite (yellow, centre) is intergrown with silver-bearing tetrahedrite (light grey-green, bottom centre). A single crystal of pyrite (light yellow-white, top centre) is enclosed within chalcopyrite. Dolomite rhombs (medium grey, top right), euhedral quartz (centre left) and chlorite (bottom right) are the gangue phases. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Stromeyerite, bornite, tetrahedrite group mineral and pyrite. Unknown Provenance 250µm Euhedral pyrite (light yellow-white, top left) and subhedral tetrahedrite (green-grey, centre) are harder than bornite (brown, top) and stromeyerite (pink-grey to blue-grey, bottom right). Stromeyerite shows faint bireflectance and reflection pleochroism from pink-grey (centre right) to blue grey (bottom right). Black areas are polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Pyrite, stromey erite, bornite and tetrahedrite group mineral. Unknown Provenance 250µm Euhedral to subhedral pyrite (light yellow-white, bottom left) is replaced by copper-silver sulphides and is associated with tetrahedrite (green-grey, centre top). Bornite (brown, centre top) is intergrown with stromeyerite which shows strong reflection pleochroism from blue-lilac (top left) to light purple (centre right). Black areas are polishing pits. Pyrite is scratched (centre left), showing the effect of incomplete polishing at coarser grades leaving relict scratches not removed by later polishing with finer grades of polishing paste . Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Stromeyerite, bornite, gale na, chalcocite and tetrahedrite group mineral and pyrite. Unknown Provenance 250µm Inclusion-free galena (white, centre right) is intergrown with bornite (brown, top) and stromeyerite, showing purple-grey (left centre) to bluegrey (bottom centre) reflection pleochroism. Stromeyerite occurs in a symplectite-like intergrowth with chalcocite (light blue, centre, bottom right) which is accentuated in the section by relief differences. Subhedral tetrahedrite (green-grey, moderate reflectance, centre left, extreme bottom right) is pitted and is associated with euhedral quartz (dark grey, centre left). Pyrite (light yellow-white, high reflectance, centre) is subhedral to euhedral. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite and pyrite. Sark's Hope Mine, Sark, Channel Islands, Britain 110µm Altered euhedral tetrahedrite (light grey, left) is rimmed by chalcopyrite (yellow, centre). Chalcopyrite is zoned with inclusion-rich growth bands (lower reflectance) alternating with inclusion-free bands (centre). Pyrargyrite (blue, centre) has infilled a void betw ee n chalcopyrite crystals. Minor amounts of pyrite (pale yellow-white, high reflectance, bottom centre) have altered to limonite (grey) or form small framboids (bottom right, centre top) associated with tetrahedrite. Limonite (grey, top right) pseudomorphs after pyrite occur in chalcopyrite. Quartz is black. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 180, oil Galen a, chalcopyrite, argentian tetrahedrite, bournonite and native antimony. Le Pulec, Jersey, Channel Islands,Britain 50µm Galena (white, top) is intergrown with chalcopyrite (yellow, bottom) which carries bournonite inclusions (blue-grey, bottom centre). Argentian tetrahedrite (brown, centre) is rimmed by bournonite (blue-grey, centre right) and chalcopyrite. Small grains of native antimony (white, high reflectance, bottom right) are enclosed within bournonite. Black areas are polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 400, oil Loca tio n: Copper-be aring arsenopyrite veins. Wanthwaite Vein, English Lake District, Britain Copper-bearing quartz-chlorite veins are associated with the faulted contact between the Skiddaw Slates and Borrowdale Volcanic s. Major Minerals: Pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite Minor Minerals: Galena, rutile Trace Minerals: Include pyrrhotite, graphite Textures: Arsenopyrite is euhedral and optically zoned. Sphale rite shows extensively developed chalcopyrite disease References: Stanley and Vaughan, 1980, 1982 Arsenopyrite and covelline. Cligga Head, Cornwall, Britain 250µm Characteristic rhombic crystals of arsenopyrite (white, high reflectance, centre) occur within quartz (low reflectance, bottom centre) and the main gangue phase, tourmaline, which shows bireflectance (greys, centre). Banded covelline (deep blue, top left) has extensively replaced a large arsenopyrite crystal. Black areas are vugs and polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Arsenopyrite, covelline, altered sphalerite, stannit e and chalcocite. Cligga Head, Cornwall, Britain 250µm Coarse-grained subhedral to euhedral arsenopyrite (white, high reflectance, right) has been replaced by banded covelline (deep blue, bottom left). Altered sphalerite (bottom centre) shows an anomalous, but characteristic, brown-grey surface colour associated with its replacement by copper-rich minerals. Chalcocite (light blue, centre) has replaced sphalerite about its grain edges and along veinlets. Chalcocite has altered to covelline (deep blue, centre). Minor amounts of stannite (brownyellow, centre right) surround the altered sphalerite. Quartz (light grey, centre) is the main gangue material. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Chalcopyrite, arsenopy rite, pyrite, sphale rite and native gold. Clogau Mine, Wales, Britain 250µm Arsenopyrite (white, centre) is highly fractured and these fractures are infilled by sphalerite (light grey, centre left), native gold (yellow-white, high reflectance, poorly polished, centre) and chalcopyrite (yellow). Chalcopyrite also encloses much of the arsenopyrite. A euhedral cube of pyrite (light yellow-white, right centre) has lower reflectance than arsenopyrite. Dark grey area is quartz (bottom). The native gold is 950 fine, and to the eye has a higher reflectance than the photomicrograph would suggest. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Pyrite, arsenopy rite, sphale rite and chalcopyrite. English Lake District, Britain 500µm Euhedral rhombic arsenopyrite (white, right) has higher reflectance than pyrite (light yellow, bottom left). Sphalerite (light grey) occurs as rare inclusions in arsenopyrite (top right) but mainly as large aggregates (bottom) with abundant crystallographically oriented chalcopyrite inclusions (chalcopyrite disease). Dark grey areas are chlorite-rich gangue. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air Loca tio n: Lower temperature copper-bearing assemblages. Wood-tin. Devon and Cornwall, Britain Major Minerals: Chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite, chalcocite, covelline, haematite, cassite rite (as wood-tin) Minor Minerals: Galena, sphalerite, arsenopyrite Trace Minerals: Include tetrahedrite group minerals, lead sulphosalts, silver sulphosalts Textures: Rhythmical and botryoidal haematite or cassiterite (known as wood-tin) are common. Bornitechalcocite form symplectite-like intergrowths and have sulphosalt inclusions. Sphalerite and chalcopyrite are intergrown with tetrahedrite group minerals. Galena carries silver sulphosalt inclusions. Alteration of primary sulphides to secondary copper sulphides is widespread Reference: Hosking, 1969 Chalcopyrite, pyrite, stannite group mineral, arsenopy rite and covelli ne. Wheal Jane, Cornwall, Britain 250µm A single euhedral pyrite (light yellow-white, centre) and subhedral to anhedral arsenopyrite grains (white, higher reflectance than pyrite, bottom centre) are enclosed within chalcopyrite (yellow, left). Chalcopyrite is rimmed by a stannite group mineral (pink-brown, centre), which is inclusion-free, but is also altered to covelline (deep blue, centre right). Quartz is dark grey and well polished (bottom right); chlorite is poorly polished and has lower reflectance than quartz (right centre). Black areas are polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Chalcocite, bornite and pyrite. Levant Mine, Cornwall, Britain 250µm Chalcocite (blue) has a symplectite-like intergrowth with bornite (brown, centre right). Euhedral to subhedral pyrite (light yellow-white, centre bottom) shows relief against chalcocite and its irregular shape suggests that it has been partially replaced by chalcocite. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Bornite, covelline and sulphosalt. Levant Mine, Cornwall, Britain 250µm Bornite (brown, bottom right) is intergrown with covelline (blues) which shows good cleavage, bireflectance and reflection pleochroism. Trace amounts of an uncharacterized sulphosalt (cream-white, bottom right) are intergrown with bornite. Black areas are polishing pits. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air Cassiterite. Botallack Mine, Cornwall, Britain 110µm Radiating botryoidal cassiter ite, known as wood-tin (light grey-brown), is intergrown with quartz (dark grey, top right). Variations in colour of the cassiterit e are related to grain size and abundance of fine-grained silica inclusions. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 180, air Cassiterite. Botallack Mine, Cornwall, Britain 110µm This is the same field of view as 32e but with crossed polars. Radiating wood-tin showing very strong internal reflections from white (bottom) to dark brown (top) which mask the anisotropy of the cassiter ite. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 180, air Loca tio n: Stibnite ores. Bo Thong,T hailand Major Minerals: Stibnite, stibiconite, cervantite Minor Minerals: Pyrite Trace Minerals: Include chalcopyrite, carbonaceous matter, enargite group minerals Textures: Bladed crystals of stibnite are extensively alter ed to antimony ochres. Deformation textures in stibnite are complex and common Stibnite. Bo Thong, Thailand 250µm Stibnite crystals, showing bireflectance and reflection pleochroism (brown-grey to light brown-grey), have altered to stibiconite (dark grey, centre top) along a fracture. Black areas are polishing pits. Polished thin section, plane polarized light, x 80, air Stibnite. Unknown Provenance 250µm This is the same field of view as the previous section but with crossed polars. Stibnite showing strong anisotropy along complex deformation twins and 'pressure lamellae'. Polished block, crossed polars, x 80, air Cinnabar. Mount Amiata, Italy 110µm Bladed aggregates of fine-grained cinnabar crystals show characteristic deep red internal reflections. Light coloured internal reflections belong to quartz and carbonates (top right). Polished block, crossed polars, x 180, oil Cinnabar (and pyrite). Mount Amiata, Italy 250µm This is the same field of view as 41e but with partially crossed polars. Pyrite is no longer visible. Cinnabar crystals show strong anisotropy (bottom left), but the anisotropy colours are largely masked by st rong red internal reflections (centre bottom). The grain size difference betw ee n single crystals and aggregates of cinnabar is clearly seen. Polished block, partially crossed polars, x 80, air Loca tio n: Uranium-rich ores. Port Radium, Northwest Territories, Canada Uranium ores with by-product radium and silver were mined until 1960. The ores occur as veins within faults and shear zones cutting cherry sediments of the Lower Echo Group, close to biotite granite and granodiorite. The mineraliza tion is multistage and comprises e arly haematite and quartz followed by pitchblende, haematite and quartz; by quartz, cobalt-nickel arsenides and sulphides; by copper sulphides with chlorite and carbonates; and a final silver, bismuth, chalcopyrite-rich stage associated with carbonates. Argillization, chloritization, haematitization and carbonatiz ation of the wallrocks are associated with the mineraliz ation. The assemblage is very complex, with over forty recorded ore minerals and is essentially the same as that of the Camsell Rive r area. Major Uraninite (Pitchblende), haema tite, chalcopyrite, niccolite, Min er als: rammelsbergite, skutterudite, native silver Minor and Include lollingite, tetrahedrite, bornite, chal cocite, sphalerite, Trace galena, marcasite,a canthite, magnetite,coffin ite, native bismuth Min er als: Textures: Pitchblende is collomorphic, dendritic and botryoidal, forming 'blasenblende' within quartz and carbonates. It forms rims around wallrock clasts but is fractured and cemented by later sulphides References: Campbell, 1957; Robinson and Morton, 1971; Robinson and Ohmoto, 1973; Miller, 1982 Uraninite and chalcopyrite. Port Radium, Northwest Territories, Canada 500µm Coarse botryoidal uraninite (light grey, bottom) is accompanied by smaller botryoidal uraninite, 'blasenblende' (top). Chalcopyrite (yellow, centre bottom) lies along fractures and shrinkage cracks of the uraninite. The carbonate gangue shows bireflectance (top left). Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air Uraninite and chalcopyrite. Port Radium, Northwest Territorie s, Canada 500µm Botryoidal, collomorphic uraninite (light grey, centre) encloses a rhombic carbonate (dark grey, centre). Fine-grained chalcopyrite (yellow, centre bottom) is abundant within uraninite. The carbonate gangue shows bireflectance (light and darker grey, top). Grey area (bottom) is resin. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air Uraninite, carbonaceous matter and chalcopyrite. Port Radium, Northwest Territories, Canada 500µm Uraninite (light grey, left) forms coarse botryoidal aggregates and smaller 'blasenblende' (bottom centre) and contains chalcopyrite (yellow, top centre), often along shrinkage cracks. Coarse carbonaceous matter (brown-grey, top right) shows faint bireflectance and reflection pleochroism (brown-grey to grey, right centre). The carbonate gangue (dark greys) shows cleavage, polysynthetic twinning (centre top) and bireflectance. Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air Loca tio n: Zinc-lead-silver ore. Le Pulec, Jersey, Channel Islands Zinc-lead-silver dolomite veins cut Brioverian sediments close to an exposed granite in northwest Jersey. They were unsuccessfully mined in the nineteenth century. Major Minerals: Sphale rite Minor Minerals: Chalcopyrite, galena Trace Minerals : Include argentian tetrahedrite (freibergite ), bournonite, stibnite, plagionite, native antimony, cubanite, bornite and pyrite Textures: Coarse-grained sphalerite has chalcopyrite disease and small crystallographically oriented tetrahedrite inclusions. Chalcopyrite, with cubanite lamella e within it, and galena form rims about sphalerite. Galena carries intergrowths of tetrahedritebournonite-native antimony. Tetrahedrite has colourzoning, is argentian and has replaceme nt rims of bournonite with minor chalcopyrite. Discrete lathshaped crystals of stibnite are present in dolomite References: Ixer and Stanley, 1980; Stanley and Ixer, 1982