Document 6488225
Document 6488225
INFOGUIDE 6 Writing Your Business Plan An InfoGuide produced by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, 2013 A business plan is an essential guide to running your business. Because it generally projects three to five years ahead, it provides a roadmap for the future on how you intend to grow revenues. It includes an executive summary, organization and management information, com- pany description, service or product lines, financial projections, market analysis, marketing and sales, and any additional information such as resumes, permits, and leases referred to in the main part of the document. In order to prepare your business plan you will use a variety of PREMIUM WEBSITES The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records provides access to subscription resources— info-rich websites and databases with premium content—that otherwise would be cost-prohibitive for small business owners. They are available to all Arizona residents. An Arizona zip code is required to log in. Business Source Complete Includes thousands of full text journals in marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more. Regional Business News Incorporates more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the U.S. Legal Information Reference Center Includes many top consumer legal reference books (including Nolo publications), more than 310 full-text publications, and thousands of legal forms covering a wide variety of legal issues including business law, financial planning, family law, property and real estate, and rights and disputes. informational sources to compile data for each section. There are plenty of templates available online and in books to help you get started. In addition to the resources listed below, a reference librarian at your local public library can help you find more books, articles, and online resources. WEBSITES Create Your Business Plan A resource from the U.S. Small Business Administration that describes each component of the business plan. Your Business Plan Guide Explains the process of writing a business plan and why every business needs one. Answers basic questions about how long the plan should be, when it should be written, and who needs a business plan; provides guidelines on determining your goals and objectives and updating and enhancing your already-written business plan. Business Plans Template Gallery (SCORE) Business planning tools and templates for a start-up or established business, including finance templates for start -up expenses, opening day balance sheet, cash flow statements and breakeven analysis. Business Plans and Profiles Index bplansindex.html A comprehensive subject guide to sample business plans and profiles for specific business types. Links to resources such as books, websites and subscription-based websites. BOOKS Preparing Effective Business Plans: an entrepreneurial approach Bruce R. Barringer Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Helps with understanding the critical issues and feasibility of developing a business venture, while developing and extensive business plan. Topics guide students through every step of the business plan process including feasibility analysis worksheets, creating a sample plan, and presenting a business plan. How to Write a Business Plan Mike McKeever Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2012. Covers choosing the right business, potential sources of money to start or expand, resume and financial statement, profit and loss forecast, cash flow loss forecast and capital spending plan, writing marketing and personnel plans, editing and finalizing the business plan, selling the business plan, and keeping on the path to success. Successful Business Plans in a Week Maitland, Iain Teach Yourself, 2012. Topics include: composing the commercial section of a business plan, compiling the financial section, adding the appendices, submitting a business plan, presenting a business plan, and surviving in tough times. How to Write a Business Plan Brian Finch Kogan Page, 2013. Covers all of the issues involved in producing a business plan, from profiling competitors and forecasting the market to the importance of providing accurate financials. Includes a glossary and case histories. Writing winning business plans: How to prepare a business plan that investors will want to read-and invest in Sutton, Garrett BZK Press, 2012. Includes many illustrative stories as well as topics such as focusing your business vision, understanding your financials and analyzing your competition. Business Plans Handbook Gale Research Gale Research, Inc., 1995 – present. A collection of 24 actual business plans (with the company names and addresses removed) prepared by businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries seeking funding. Includes a list of organizations, agencies and consultants, as well as a glossary and bibliographical references. KEYWORDS Writing Your Business Plan - InfoGuide #6 of 15 ● updated 8/9/13 Get the entire set at Business planning. Business writing. New business enterprises -- Planning. Small business -- United States -- Planning -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Small business -- Canada -- Planning -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Business planning -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. New business enterprises -- Finance. Small business -- Planning. Small business -- Finance.
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