Affixing the Blame for Black Poverty


Affixing the Blame for Black Poverty
A life is a terrible thing to
waste in exchange for a vote.
Affixing the Blame for Black Poverty
By John Eidson | January 1, 2016
After seven years of America being led by a
black president, here are a few headlines about
the plight of the African-American underclass:
Only 7% in Detroit public schools proficient in reading
8th graders in DC finish dead last in science proficiency
Black unemployment rate more than twice that of whites
Joblessness among black teens 600% higher than national average
Inner-city youth worse off than counterparts in Nigeria, India
Black pastors endorse Trump: “What do black folks have to lose?”
n a long overdue civil rights awakening that began in the
1960s, liberals were the first to recognize that something
had to be done to correct the gross inequities resulting
from slavery and segregation. No conservative can argue
that the war on poverty initiated by a Democrat president
was not well-intended. But, after decades of stratospheric social
spending, it is obvious that the law of unintended consequences
kicked in long ago, with the disintegration of the black family
as Exhibit A. Some blacks are poor because of conditions beyond
their control; most have simply forfeited the chance to succeed in
the greatest land of opportunity on earth, thanks to social policies
that kill the human spirit. What began as a noble experiment in
the sixties has been turned into a cynical vote-buying scheme. If
left in place, welfare-for-votes will continue condemning millions
of innocent black children to spend their entire lives mired in
hopelessness. To allow that to happen would be unconscionable.
It is time for a new civil rights awakening.
heir living conditions could only be described as tragic.
Of the seven black adults who shared the ground floor
unit of a badly dilapidated duplex in a rundown area of
southwest Atlanta, not one held a job. They eked out a
debasing existence for themselves and the two young
children who lived with them by pooling government benefits, including an
$852 per month Section 8 housing subsidy that covered the rent for their
3-bedroom flat. The day I visited them, all nine were watching Saturday
morning cartoons as the children were being fed a breakfast of Coca-Cola
and pop tarts. Not a book, magazine or newspaper was in sight. Just dirty
dishes, empty food containers and thrift store clothing strewn about
in every room. This was a haunted house, a place devoid of hope, its
occupants victims of a welfare system that kills the human spirit.
Locked securely behind the
fences of the New Plantation,
millions of innocent urban
children are condemned to
eventually choosing between
the dead-end options of crime
or government dependency.
1 man, 11 women, 30 children
noxville, Tennessee resident Desmond Hatchett has fathered
30 children with 11 women. That’s 42 lives that have been
virtually destroyed by liberal social policies that have been
catastrophic for the black family. Struggling to make ends
meet with his minimum wage job, Hatchett appealed to the court for a
break on his child support payments. With a father unable to provide
them with a stable and nurturing upbringing, Hatchett’s 30 children likely
face bleak futures as permanent tenants of the New Plantation. For the
last five decades, Democrats have won elections by leading impoverished
black voters to believe that the road to a better life is paved with cheese
from the welfare trap.
The Democratic Party cannot win elections without
a large base of government-dependent voters.
We don’t want welfare.
We want jobs!
Democrats have maintained an ironclad lock on the black electorate in
part by pushing a welfare system known to kill the human spirit on millions of
inner-city voters who yearn for a better life. After 50 years of being lured into
the demeaning lifestyle of government dependency, the urban poor are wising
up to the flimflam known as welfare-for-votes. On plantations of the Old South,
bodies were enslaved, but minds were free; on the New Plantation, the opposite
is true. But, things are changing. White liberals who think the urban poor are
grateful to them for the way they vote have another think coming. Click on the
must-see YouTube link to hear what the jobless black men below have to say
about the Democratic Party. Their words will shock you.
A life is a terrible thing for a political
party to throw away in exchange for a vote.
iara, a 30-year-old Baltimore mother of four, has been on public
assistance for 12 years, ever since she was 18. When asked if she feels
bad about living off welfare, she replied: “I’m comfortable with that and
I don’t feel like I need to look for one (a job) because I get a check from
the government every month.” This intelligent and well-spoken woman is obviously
capable of working, but the desire to build a better life for herself and her children
has been snuffed out by welfare policies that virtually ensure poor people will stay
poor. Kiara is a classic example of how looking the other way as the black underclass
becomes addicted to public assistance pays off big-time on election day for the Party
of Government Dependence. In the last four presidential elections, Democrats
received 95%, 99%, 93% and 95% of the black vote, respectively.
Despite $22 trillion spent over the last half -century on anti-poverty programs,
both welfare spending and child poverty continue to grow exponentially.
Bribing Voters With Free Cell Phones
Massive Fraud in Federal
Free Phone Program
An investigative report by Fox5/Baltimore
Lifeline is a federal program originally intended to provide low income
people with a free landline phone. Seeing an opportunity to get more
disadvantaged people to vote for them, Democrats expanded the program
to include cell phones. To maximize the number of new cell phone users,
‘free phone’ vans, like the one shown above, patrol the streets of lower
income neighborhoods, a practice that has resulted in massive fraud.
According to the Fox 5 report, one woman in Baltimore owns a total of
36 cell phones, all obtained through the federal free phone program.
In a viral video that shows how easily poor people
can become addicted to welfare benefits, Cleveland,
Ohio, hotel maid and Obama campaign worker,
Michelle Dowery, said this to a TV cameraman:
Obama’s got my vote.
He gives us free phones.
Millions of inner-city children are
impacted by the unmitigated havoc that
liberalism has unleashed on the black family.
Welfare mother Angel Adams told a Tampa TV station, “Somebody needs to take care of all my children.”
“Somebody needs to take care of all my children”
ew examples of the devastation Democrat social policies have inflicted on
the black family are more poignant than the plight of Angel Adams and her
15 out-of-wedlock children, 12 of which are shown with her in the picture
above. After being kicked out of a taxpayer-provided six-bedroom home where she
and her children were living, Adams stayed in a free motel room while waiting for
government to find her another place to live. Shortly after relocating, Adams got
pregnant for the 16th time. Infected by a cancerous sense of entitlement that
broke her spirit long ago, Adams justified her irresponsible lifestyle to a reporter:
“Children are a gift from God, and I can have as many as I want.”
Liberalism Has Been Catastrophic For The Black Family
In the mid-1960s, 24% black babies were born out-of-wedlock
A half-century later, that number has exploded, to 72.3%.
“I may be poor, but I don’t have to live poor.”
n 2010, the New Orleans Times Picayune ran a feature about Sharon Jasper,
a local woman who became addicted decades ago to the demeaning lifestyle
of government dependence. With shocking ingratitude fueled by a sense of racial
victimhood taught to her by the party that swaps welfare for votes, Jasper complained
about the new public housing apartment she was given after Hurricane Katrina:
“They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors
because it was more expensive, but I am not a fool—that was just
a way to make me take scratched-up wood because I am black.”
Jasper, who has lived on the public dole for all but one year of her life, shared her
views about self-sufficiency with the reporter:
“I tried it for a year—you know, working and all.
It’s not anything I’d want to go through again.”
Rather than helping Jasper get on her feet, liberalism has enabled her to live quite
well, apparently without lifting a finger. It’s no wonder millions of poor people avail
themselves of a welfare-for-votes system that makes work an avoidable option.
Sharon Jasper in the kitchen of her new apartment. Insert: Sitting beside her 60” HD TV.
America is the only nation in the
world where poor people are fat.
Using Food Stamps To Build
A Permanent Majority 0f
Government-Dependent Voters
Nobody minds helping the needy, but Democrats have made food stamps a
way of life for millions of able-bodied people. Under Obama, 13 million more
recipients have been added to food stamp rolls. In a move that’s exploding food
stamp usage even further, the Obama administration runs ads that encourage
more people to apply for federal food assistance:
USDA suggests holding food stamp parties to increase participation
“Host a social event. Make it fun by having activities, games and food, and provide information
about signing up for food stamps.”
To expand food stamp rolls in rural areas, the USDA runs ads that
denigrate and discourage self-sufficiency
A 2011 USDA pamphlet reveals that local food assistance offices are rewarded for “counteracting” the
pride many rural Americans have in self-sufficiency.
USDA “outreach” uses Spanish-language soap opera ads to
boost food stamp use among legal & illegal Hispanics
To prevent taxpayers who do not speak Spanish from discovering the content of these ads, the
USDA website does not provide English translations. When the Daily Caller News Foundation
exposed the Spanish-language soap opera ads, the USDA removed them from its website.
In addition to basic foods (what food
stamps were originally intended for),
Democrats have seen to it that food
stamp EBT cards can legally be used
to buy cigarettes, beer, wine, liquor,
$7 Starbucks coffee, coldwater lobster,
Beluga caviar, filet mignon & dining
at 5-star restaurants, as well as virtually
any kind of non-food items, including
online gambling, iPhones, video games,
60” TVs, vacations, Jimmy Choo shoes,
alligator hand bags, designer clothes,
jewelry and tattoos.
How welfare reform was
murdered in the dark
he demise of welfare reform was one of many parts of
the rushed-into-law 2009 stimulus bill that saw the light of
day only after the bill was enacted. Prior to 1995, the federal
government paid more money to states that increased their
welfare rolls. The welfare reform law signed by President Bill Clinton
the following year changed the rules by instead rewarding states that
decreased welfare rolls. The encouraging result was a significant drop in
both welfare dependency and child poverty. Written behind closed doors,
the stimulus law enacted by President Barack Obama and a Democratic
Congress ended the requirement that able-bodied adults perform work
in exchange for government benefits. The Democrat message to the
urban poor: “Keep voting for us and we’ll keep giving you welfare, only
this time with no strings attached.” The demise of welfare reform is
creating record numbers of government dependents.
Activities that meet the new welfare work requirements include:
Welfare-for-votes is one leg of the Democrat strategy to dominate the black vote.
The other is ….
Using character assassination to
lock up the support of black voters
o solidify their advantage with the African-American electorate,
Democrats have made an art form of frightening black voters
with the scurrilous charge that Republicans are little more than
modern day Klansmen dressed in business suits instead of
white sheets. One of the most shameful examples of this indefensible
practice occurred in 2006. With ominous music playing in the background,
John Lewis and Andrew Young, two of the greatest icons of the civil rights
movement, trashed the spirit of everything they fought for by lending their
voices to a despicable radio ad warning black voters “your very lives”
will be threatened if Republicans are elected. Similar hate-filled racist
ads are aired in the lead-up to every election to distract black voters from
the crime, hopelessness and urban decay that are directly linked to the
welfare-for-votes policies of the Democratic Party.
Racial politics by Democrats is intentionally deceitful, as acknowledged
by lifelong Democrat activist Mary Frances Berry, former chairwoman of
the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights:
“Tainting the tea party with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective
strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more
racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. Having one’s
opponents rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”
Using false charges of Republican
racism to justify voter fraud
eeing voter fraud as a justifiable act is an inevitable byproduct of Democrats
falsely portraying Republicans as racists and bigots. In 2013, Democrat activist
Melowese Richardson was convicted on multiple counts of voter fraud. When
released early from a 5-year prison sentence, Richardson was hailed by
Al Sharpton and local Democrats in her hometown of Cincinnati as a conquering hero at a
“Welcome Home” party held in her honor. Richardson, who admitted to personally voting
twice for President Obama in 2012, was convicted of voting illegally over three election
cycles, using her own name as well as the names of others, including her sister, who has
been in a coma for ten years. That Al Sharpton hailed Richardson as a hero shows that
acceptance of election fraud extends to the highest level of the Democratic Party. Invited to
the White House 61 times since 2009, Sharpton is President Obama’s senior confidant on
race matters, and his public honoring of a convicted election fraud felon would not have
been done without knowledge and approval of the Obama White House.
Inserts: Being hugged by Sharpton at “Welcome Home” party; Sharpton and Obama .
Government-Sanctioned Election Fraud
In 2008, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign gave
$832,000 to ACORN, the community organizing group
that was convicted of voter fraud in multiple states.
Obama & Holder greased skids for illegal immigrants
to help determine outcome of U.S. elections
The New York Times:
DOJ to Florida: Stop purging non-citizens from voter rolls
DOJ blocks Texas law requiring voters to present ID
Although 3 out of 4 Americans favor stronger voter ID laws, the Obama administration
says such laws are racist, and it therefore obstructs reasonable efforts to prevent vote
fraud. Why do Democrats want to make it easy for illegal immigrants to vote? Because
their message to illegal immigrants is the same as their message to low-income blacks:
Republicans are racists—vote for us and we’ll give you welfare.
Donating blood
Buying a gun
When paying by check
When using a credit card
Buying car insurance
Buying train tickets
Boarding a cruise ship
Volunteering at charities
Driving a vehicle
Boarding an airplane
Doctor’s office/hospital
Outpatient testing
A library card
Professional applications
Buying a house
Apt. rental applications
Opening a bank account
Applying for a job
Applying to college
Applying for store credit
Open retirement account
Buying a car
Getting a passport
Voter ID laws are not racist, but blocking them is how
Democrats facilitate and encourage election fraud.
If the truth sells, tell it; if not,
say whatever it takes to win.
A dead man’s role
in race card politics
nown as the father of community organizing, Saul Alinsky has
been the most revered political strategist of the Democratic
Party since his passing in 1972. In reaching beyond the grave,
the hands of the author of Rules for Radicals are deeply
involved in the prosecution of race card politics. Alinsky believed that
progressives are so morally superior that their ideas must prevail at all costs,
even if by deceit. Based on that scorched earth doctrine, Alinsky taught his
followers to tell the truth if the truth sells, and if not, say whatever it takes to
win. This ends-justify-the-means rationale is why Democrats falsely accuse
Republicans of being racists at every turn. As lifelong Democrat Mary Frances
Berry said in so many words (see page 11), lying about Republicans being
racists is far more effective than having to defend welfare-for-votes policies
that have virtually destroyed the lives of millions of poor people of all races.
Alinsky’s most famous disciples
Hillary Clinton was so infatuated with
Alinsky that she wrote her senior thesis
at Wellesley College about him. Barack
Obama taught Alinsky’s win-at-all-costs
tactics at the University of Chicago.
For far too long, government at all levels looked the other
way as black men, women and children were murdered.
America’s deplorable racial history will always be a dark
stain on the legacy of an otherwise great nation, but no
country has ever done more to right the wrongs once
committed against an oppressed minority than this one.
As long as Democrats continue to throw gasoline on
the lingering embers of racial resentment caused by
past injustices, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream
of racial harmony will remain just that—a dream.
“Dear Mr. President Obama …”
Dream Killers
n 2009, President Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress killed
a highly popular educational scholarship program for disadvantaged
children in the nation’s capitol. The DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
was an initiative of President George W. Bush that enabled low-income
minority students to get out of the District’s sorry and unsafe public schools,
and into the same top-quality private academies attended by children of affluent
parents. Republicans are accused of standing in the way of educating minority
children, yet it was Democrats who killed the dreams of thousands of minority
DC kids. Why? To mollify teachers unions, one of the Democratic Party’s most
important constituencies. If you think the unholy alliance between Democrats
and teachers unions doesn’t do grievous harm to urban children who want
to learn, your mind will be changed by watching the heart-wrenching videos
below of minority students literally begging President Obama to not take away
their scholarships.
“Dear Mr. President Obama …” 2:01 5:26
In 2010-11, DC’s public schools spent $29,349 per pupil, nearly $600,000 per classroom of 20 students,
but the District’s 8th graders came in dead last in a nationwide proficiency test in reading and math.
How much longer will white liberals tolerate this kind of travesty against black children?
Mass genocide on the New Plantation
Capital Punishment for Unborn Black Babies
New York Times:
Blacks receive 40% of U.S. abortions,
but make up only 13% of population.
Centers for Disease Control:
Abortion kills more black people than the
seven main causes of death combined.
78% of Planned Parenthood abortion
clinics are in minority neighborhoods.
Democrats support aborting black babies, Republicans don’t.
The Democrat message for poor black women: Vote for us and we’ll see that you
get welfare for as many out-of-wedlock babies as you want to have. If you get
pregnant and don’t want the baby, we’ll tell you where to go to get rid of it.
One of the Democratic Party’s most damnable legacies
A Relentless Epidemic of
Black Men in Prison
hy are America’s prisons filled with so many young
black men? Are they inherently bad? Too stupid to be
educated? Too shiftless to succeed? Actually, none of
the above. Most black males who serve time do so
because of the desperate living conditions to which they have been
condemned by the failed social programs of the last five decades. By
discouraging work and encouraging idleness, Democrat social policies
rob the urban poor of any realistic chance for a better life. Like young
males of all races, when young black men grow up in poverty and
hopelessness, some will inevitably resort to crime.
Living On The New Plantation
Has Been Catastrophic For Black Men
According to FBI crime statistics, black men make up 6% of
the U.S. population, but account for 50% of all murder victims.
Policies that created the New Plantation have been catastrophic for generations of urban Americans .
Conditions similar to those shown below can be seen in every Democrat-run city in America.
Democrats say their motives were pure.
And they were—a half-century ago.
They say they need more time, more money.
Another half-century?
Another $22 trillion?
Crumbled infrastructure is bad enough,
but the real tragedy is the human cost.
Created by a progressive welfare system
known to kill the human spirit, the New
Plantation has foisted unmitigated havoc
on the lives of the most vulnerable people
in America, with the virtual destruction
of the black family as Exhibit A.
The four jobless black men in the video on page 4
are not alone in recognizing the Democratic Party’s
abysmal failure to improve the lives of impoverished
minorities. Meet two more men of color who wised
up to the scandalous promises of liberalism.
After witnessing in their own demographics the failure of Democrats to
help lift disadvantaged minorities out of poverty and into the American
mainstream, two prominent state elected officials decided they’d had
enough. Click on the images above to hear Louisiana state senator
Elbert Guillory and Arizona state senator Carlyle Begay explain
why they gave up on the Party of Government Dependence and joined
the Party of Lincoln.
Here’s another
man of color
who knows of
the carnage
that liberalism
has foisted
on the black
hen Marcus Lloyd was nine years old, his father moved the
family to a brand new public housing high-rise. Although
the building was in mint condition when the Marcus family
moved in, it had become a virtual ghetto within six
months. Residents had to take the stairs because the
elevators had been vandalized. The light bulbs in common areas of the building
had been broken, forcing people to walk the stairwell in virtual darkness, while
avoiding broken whiskey bottles, putting up with the smell of urine, and hoping
they would not be beaten up, raped or murdered. Even though everyone in the
building received free housing, free food and free medical care, most were angry
at white people, having been taught by Democrats to blame their problems on
Republicans. Lloyd learned a powerful lesson while living in public housing as a
child—that liberalism does virtually nothing to help poor people get on their feet.
To hear him tell the heart-wrenching story of how he escaped the New Plantation
and became a black conservative, click here.
ismayed at how five decades of liberalism have destroyed hope
in urban America, Baptist preacher Rev. C. L. Bryant produced the
feature-length film Runaway Slave to awaken inner-city blacks to
the false promises of welfare-for-votes. Formerly president of the
NAACP in Garland, Texas, Bryant gave up on liberalism and is now affiliated
with Freedomworks, a conservative/libertarian advocacy group aligned with
the limited government principles of the Tea Party movement.
RUNAWAY SLAVE See movie trailer here. Own it on DVD here.
Because they pose a mortal threat to the Democratic Party’s stranglehold
on the African-American electorate, black conservatives are smeared
by Democrats as turncoat Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas.
Dr. Ben Carson; Utah Congresswoman Mia Love; South Carolina U.S. Senator Tim Scott;
former Florida Congressman Allen West; former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Actor James Earl Jones; Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.;
former presidential candidate Herman Cain; James “Bo Snerdley” Golden, producer of The Rush Limbaugh Show
Syndicated columnist Star Parker; former NFL superstar Herschel Walker; rapper LL Cool J;
Frances Rice, chair of National Black Republican Association; retired NBA superstar Shaquille O’Neal
The overseers of plantations in the Old South used whips to encourage cooperation;
on the New Plantation, welfare and the race card accomplish that task.
Overseers of the New Plantation
Who are the overseers of the New Plantation, the people who use the race
card and welfare-for-votes to enslave one generation after another of impoverished
black people to the humiliating lifestyle of government dependency? Here are a few
of the most prominent: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi,
John Kerry, the Kennedys, Cher, Julia Roberts, Barbra Streisand, Michael Moore,
Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros and
every other ultra-wealthy progressive who lives in the lap of luxury, while looking
the other way as inmates of the New Plantation suffer in perpetual squalor. The
overseers are enabled by every rank-and-file liberal who votes Democrat because
of being taught, falsely, that the conservative half of the country is a racist lot
whose ideas must be rejected at all costs. As long as liberal voters continue to
support the party that consciously pushes policies known to kill the human spirit,
millions of disadvantaged minorities will continue to be plagued by crime, despair,
sorry schools, too few jobs, urban rot and crushing poverty.
It’s time for a new
civil rights awakening
Over the last half-century, government has annexed an ever-increasing role in caring
for the poor. In leading that charge, Democrats have created a weakened society where
millions of citizens who ought to be working instead rely on public largess. By giving
the poor benefits they have not earned, the federal government has become a giant
enabler that doles out just enough welfare to extinguish the willingness of poor people to
make it on their own, and more than enough to attract millions of votes.
Liberals are due full credit for being the first to recognize that something had to be
done to correct the horrible injustices caused by slavery and segregation. But, after five
decades of unchecked liberalism, chronic poverty among black Americans remains
appallingly high, with one generation after another of innocent black children born
into tragic conditions. The Democrat answer to black poverty is like a broken record:
We are Good People. We mean well. We just need more time and more money. How
many more black lives must be wasted before voters say enough is enough?
The way out of poverty is self-reliance, a lifestyle that welfare does little to encourage.
From food stamps and Section 8 housing to WIC payments and Medicaid, government
programs for the poor discourage work, reward idleness and make it easy for children to
be born into desperate conditions. Some of the chronically poor are where they are due
to circumstances beyond their control; many more have simply forfeited the chance to
succeed in the greatest land of opportunity on earth, thanks to a welfare-for-votes system
that killed their human spirit.
No, we cannot declare cold turkey on the welfare-addicted. But, we should do far more
to actively encourage them in the other direction, not for our benefit, but for theirs. For
too long, our national answer has been to consign them to a dead-end existence, while
the rest of us live in comfort as far from the projects as we can get. In the process, we
are robbing them of the only thing of value they have—the chance for a better life.
Liberalism has heaped havoc on the residents of America’s inner cities long enough.
It’s time for a new civil rights awakening; it’s time to give conservative ideas a chance.
Black lives do matter.
Liberalism has been an unmitigated
disaster for millions of innocent black
children trapped behind the fences
of the New Plantation. For the sake of
the most vulnerable young people
in America, how you vote matters.
Someone will be watching which
lever you decide to pull.