PARTICIPANT FAQs 1. What is the JobBridge the National Internship Scheme?


PARTICIPANT FAQs 1. What is the JobBridge the National Internship Scheme?
What is the JobBridge the National Internship Scheme?
JobBridge, the National Internship Scheme (NIS) is a Government initiative designed
to offer jobseekers that have a live claim and have been in receipt of Jobseekers
Allowance/Jobseekers Benefit/One Parent Family Payment/Disability Allowance or
signing for Social Insurance Contribution credits for at least 3 months (78 days), the
opportunity to enhance their current skills and develop new ones. The duration of
individual internship positions will be a 6 month or a 9 month placement.
What is a Host Organisation and an Intern?
Host Organisation – Organisations providing internship opportunities and
participating in the Scheme are referred to as ‘Host Organisations’ (HO).
Intern - A person who is engaged by another person to carry out work experience or
perform any duty or service pursuant to a placement under the JobBridge, National
Internship Scheme shall, for the purposes of any enactment or rule of law (other than
the Tax Acts and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005), be deemed not to
be an employee of the other person or to carry out such work or perform such duties
pursuant to a contract of service.
Am I eligible?
In order to be eligible to participate in JobBridge – the National Internship Scheme an
individual must be:
Currently be in receipt of a live claim (Jobseekers Allowance/Jobseekers
Benefit/One Parent Family Payment/Disability Allowance /Signing for
And have been in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance/Jobseekers Benefit/ One
Parent Family Payment/Disability Allowance or signing for Social Insurance
Contribution Credits for a total of 3 months (78 days) or more in the last 6
Periods spent on Back to Education Allowance, VTOS, FÁS/SOLAS and Fáilte
Ireland Training courses, Youthreach, FIT, Community Employment Schemes, TUS,
Gateway, the Rural Social Scheme, Back to Work Scheme, Back to Work Enterprise
Allowance, Momentum Courses, Job Initiative or Job Assist will count towards
meeting the eligibility of JobBridge, provided:
 The individual has completed these programmes
 Has a live claim
 Is in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance/Jobseekers Benefit/ One Parent Family
Payment/Disability Allowance or signing for Social Insurance Contribution
Credits immediately before commencing on JobBridge.
Commencement on the internship is dependant on DSP confirming the
individual’s eligibility
I am currently in receipt of One Parent Family Payment (OPF) am I eligible for
Individuals in receipt of One Parent Family Payment are eligible to participate in
JobBridge as long as they are in receipt of their OPF payment.
How do I know if I can retain my social welfare allowance?
If you have a qualifying claim (see below) and have been for 3 months (78 days) or
more in the last 6 months and currently in receipt of any of the following payments:
Job Seeker’s Allowance
Job Seeker’s Benefit
One Parent Family Payment
Disability Allowance
Signing for Social Insurance Contribution Credits
You will retain your current social welfare allowance plus an additional €50 per week
top-up which will be paid by the Department Social Protection (DSP). This top-up
will be paid for the duration of the internship.
Can casual claimants on the Live Register participate on JobBridge?
While on an internship interns can commence casual employment without affecting
their entitlements provided that it is not with the host organisation (i.e. not with the
same employer) and it does not interfere with their internship.
Can I apply for an internship with an organisation that I have completed a WPP
No, an individual cannot apply for an internship with an organisation that they have
previously completed a WPP with.
Can I apply for an internship with an organisation that I have an existing or
prior employment relationship e.g. working part-time?
No, an individual cannot apply for an internship with an organisation that they have
an existing or prior employment relationship with.
Will I get paid?
You will receive an internship allowance that is equal to your current social welfare
allowance (at time of commencement on the Scheme) plus an additional €50 per
week top-up which will be paid by the Department Social Protection (DSP). All
changes in circumstances must be notified to your local Social Welfare office as this
may affect your social welfare payment.
This top-up will be paid for the duration of the internship but in arrears and it is
expected that participants will receive this top-up allowance approximately 2 weeks
after commencing on the programme.
All payments of the Internship Allowance will be made by the Department of Social
Protection via Electronic Fund Transfer into the Intern’s bank account.
Will I get any top up contributions from the Host Organisation?
There is no employer top up contribution. However, there is nothing to prevent a
Host Organisation reimbursing an Intern for expenses incurred as part of the
Where do I go to find an internship?
The internships will be advertised at , Jobs Ireland website, WATIS
machines and in Employment Services offices. Host Organisations can advertise their
placements once they meet eligibility criteria and have been approved. Alternatively,
if you wish to acquire an internship within a specific organisation you can approach
them yourself informing them of the National Internship Scheme (NIS) and direct
them to the website to apply as a Host Organisation.
What type of placements will be on offer?
Placements may be offered across a wide range of sectors and occupation areas.
I’m under 25, am I entitled to the SW higher rate?
Individuals will be entitled to their base rate of social welfare plus the weekly top-up
of €50.
How long can I participate on an internship for?
A participant can avail of a placement on an internship work experience opportunity
delivered under the National Internship Scheme (NIS) for a 6 month (26 weeks)
period or a 9 month (39 weeks) period. It will be the Host Organisations who will
advertise for either a 6 month or a 9 month placement.
How many hours do I have to work?
A standard internship working week will range from 30-40 hours per week.
Therefore an Intern will be required to participate on the Scheme for a minimum of 30
hours and a maximum of 40 hours per week.
What if I start an internship and I realise this placement is not for me, can I do
One week’s written notice must be given by either party. The Host Organisation must
log-on to their JobBridge account and enter the early completion (Actual Finish Date)
immediately after early completion date.
Individuals may avail of a maximum of 3 JobBridge internships, however, the total
cumulative time spent on the Scheme cannot exceed 18 months (78 weeks). An
Intern will not be permitted to do more than one internship with the same Host
Organisation. The maximum duration of an individual internship is 9 months (39
How do I apply for internship placement?
Go to and click on current internship opportunities to see what
internships are on offer. And, if interested apply directly to the Host Organisation by
the method they specify in their advertisement.
How will I be selected?
Each Host Organisation will decide how they select the person for the placement.
For example they may ask you to forward a CV and call you for an interview. When
you make contact with the Host Organisation about the placement they will tell you
more about their selection process.
If selected and you are currently on Jobseekers Allowance/Jobseekers Benefit/One
Parent Family Payment/Signing for Social Insurance Contribution Credits, the Host
Organisation will give you an UP51C form (Eligibility Form) to bring to your local
Social Welfare office to be completed and stamped.
Once eligibility is confirmed, the Social Welfare office returns (for eligible clients
only) the completed form to JobBridge for processing.
If you are selected and you are currently on Disability Allowance you will need to
complete the following steps.
You must download the DIR PMT 1 form please use the link below:
Please ensure you complete all parts of the DIR PMT1 form as incomplete
forms will not be processed.
The HO will give you an eligibility (UP51C) form .
You must post the completed DIR PMT 1 form and the eligibility
(UP51C) form to the following address:
Social Welfare Services
Department of Social and Family Affairs
Ballinalee Road
Co. Longford.
Once eligibility is confirmed, the Social Welfare Services returns (for eligible
individuals only) the completed form to JobBridge National Contact Centre for
Individuals who are ineligible will have the form(s) returned to them by the Social
Welfare office/ Social Welfare Services and the individual must notify the Host
Organisation that they are ineligible to participate on JobBridge.
Commencement on the internship is dependant on DSP confirming the
individual’s eligibility.
Should I inform DSP that I have started an Internship?
Yes, individuals must notify their local Social Welfare Office when there is any
change in their status/circumstances. Commencing an internship is a change in your
What will I be doing on my placement?
When a Host Organisation selects a potential Intern, they complete a Standard
Agreement to include details of the skills, experience you will have the opportunity to
learn and/or apply during the internship. The Host Organisation will give you a copy
of the Standard Agreement that will be signed by both you and the Host Organisation.
Who will look after me during my placement?
The Host Organisation will nominate an individual to support and/or mentor you
during your placement. This person will have responsibility to ensure that you
receive a proper induction, ensure that your work experience as described in the
standard agreement is progressing and that monthly compliance checks are being
completed (to ensure your internship allowance continues to be paid by DSP). If an
organisation has a formal mentoring programme, they should include you in this
Will my placement be checked?
Yes, there will be a monthly compliance check that the Host Organisation will return
each month. The purpose is to confirm your attendance and that the work experience
described in the Standard Agreement is progressing. This return must be made each
month in order to ensure the payment of your internship allowance.
Can I participate on education and training courses while on the internship?
Interns on JobBridge may engage in education and training provided by the Host
 or part time education and training courses, irrespective of length and which
are paid for by the State provided that it does not have an adverse impact on
the internship.
Interns on JobBridge are not eligible to access:
 full time education or full time training courses paid for by the State,
 other Department of Social Protection initiatives such as the Back to Education
Allowance and the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance.
Can I access Technical Employment Support Grant (TESG)?
JobBridge participants are eligible to be considered for TESG. Please discuss this
option with an Employment Services Officer or LES Mediator at your local
Employment Services/LES office.
Am I eligible for a FÁS/SOLAS Course Fee Waiver?
JobBridge participants are eligible to be considered for the fee waiver. Please discuss
this option with an Employment Services Officer or LES Mediator at your local
Employment Services/LES office.
Will I receive a reference at the end of the Internship?
Yes, when the placement is finished the Host Organisation must supply you with a
reference that will detail the professional development/learning outcomes and
experience you have acquired over the course of the placement.
Do I get time off during an Internship?
Although you are not an employee of the company you should still be given adequate
time off for attending job interviews during the placement to visit your local Social
Welfare Office and Employment Services Office in order to facilitate your job
seeking activities.
You are entitled to a minimum daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours in every 24
hour period.
You are entitled to at least one rest break during working time each day. You should
not be required to work additional time to make up time spent on rest breaks. You are
entitled to a break of at least 15 minutes after a 4 ½ hour work period. If you work
more than 6 hours at a time you are entitled to a break of at least 30 minutes, which
can include the first 15-minute break. Breaks at the end of the working day do not
satisfy these requirements.
You are entitled to a minimum weekly rest period of 24 uninterrupted hours.
In cases where you may be engaged in evening work, you must not be required to
perform heavy or dangerous work for longer than 8 hours in any 24 hour period.
Am I entitled to any leave during my time on the placement?
Yes, you are entitled to the following leave:
Annual Leave – Interns will be entitled to all Public Holidays and 1.75 days
annual leave for each month that they participate on the National Internship
Maternity Leave – Interns are entitled to suspend a JobBridge placement early due
to maternity leave. Host Organisations will enter a finish date when you
commence your maternity leave. Eligibility needs to be confirmed before
recommencing on your Internship. The top up payment will cease whilst on
maternity leave.
Sick Leave – The maximum cumulative sick leave permissible over the course of
an internship is 2 weeks (10 working days). Where an Intern has exceeded this
limit, the Host Organisation shall terminate the internship immediately.
What if the Internship is not working out as I expected?
Workplace issues should be resolved with the Host Organisation.
If the internship is not working out as expected you should discuss this with the
person that is supervising/mentoring your internship. If this does not resolve the issue
you can contact us by sending an email to providing the
following: Your name, contact details, the Host Organisation name, internship title
and brief outline of the issue.
An internship can finish early with one week’s written notice on either side. In this
event, the Host Organisation must log on and notify JobBridge immediately of the
new completion date. The Intern must notify their local Social Welfare Office
What if I get a job?
If you get paid work that is great! If you get a job during the placement you are under
no obligation to stay, again you should give the Host Organisation one week’s written
notice that you are leaving. You also must notify your local Social Welfare Office.
Can Adult Dependents avail of an Internship?
Qualified Adults cannot participate in JobBridge nor can they use a spousal swap to
become eligible. The only way for them to qualify is to get a Jobseekers claim in
their own name; however the standard 78 days must expire before they will become
eligible for the Scheme.
When I finish an Internship, can I apply for the Back to Work Enterprise
Yes, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. See
Is there any reduced rate childcare if I take up this Scheme?
No, but a Host Organisation may have childcare facilities available.
If I’m signing for credits and/or my stamps run out during the internship, what
An individual’s entitlements or stamps are unable to run out during an internship.
They are effectively frozen for the period spent on the National Internship Scheme
and will resume immediately upon completion subject to their circumstances not
Can I participate on Springboard or JobBridge Scheme or Back to Education
allowance and simultaneously participate on Community Employment (CE)?
Can time spent on JobBridge, Springboard or Back to Education allowance
count towards the qualifying period for eligibility to CE?
If I am on JobBridge, Springboard or receiving the Back to Education allowance
can I avail of spousal swap option for CE (to allow my spouse on CE)?
No. Persons engaged on Springboard, JobBridge or receiving Back to Education
allowance may not avail of spousal swap option for CE (to allow their spouse on CE)
for the duration of their own programme.
Can I convert from WPP to NIS?
No transfers are permitted.
I am currently in receipt of Widows Pension am I eligible for JobBridge?
Individuals in receipt of Widows Pension are ineligible to participate in JobBridge
even if they are also receiving half rate Jobseekers Benefit.
I am currently in receipt of Blind Pension am I eligible for JobBridge?
Individuals in receipt of Blind Pension are ineligible to participate in JobBridge even
if they are also receiving half rate Jobseekers Benefit.
I am currently in receipt of Disability Allowance am I eligible for JobBridge?
Individuals in receipt of Disability Allowance are eligible to participate in JobBridge.
If you are selected by a Host Organisation you will need to complete the following
Download the DIR PMT 1 form please use the link below:
Please ensure you complete all parts of the DIR PMT1 form as incomplete
forms will not be processed.
The HO will give you an eligibility (UP51C) form.
You must post the completed DIR PMT 1 form and the eligibility (UP51C)
form to the following address:
Social Welfare Services
Department of Social and Family Affairs
Ballinalee Road
Co. Longford.
Once eligibility is confirmed, the Social Welfare Services returns (for eligible
individuals only) the completed form to JobBridge for processing.
Individuals who are ineligible will have the form(s) returned to them by Social
Welfare Services and the client must notify the Host Organisation that they are
ineligible to participate on JobBridge.
Can an individual progress onto a JobBridge Internship from Community
Employment (CE)?
Yes, subject to completing their CE Scheme and all other eligibility criteria met. An
individual cannot apply for an internship with an organisation that they have
previously completed a CE Scheme with. However, moving from JobBridge to CE is
not viewed as an appropriate progression route by the Department.
Does an individual receive credits whilst partaking on JobBridge?
Yes. An individual who was receiving credits on their JA/JB claim prior to JobBridge
will continue to receive their credits for the duration of their internship.
Who is responsible for providing the Intern with appropriate clothing &
equipment during the course of their internship?
It is the responsibility for the Host Organisation to provide an Intern with appropriate
clothing and equipment as required during the course of their internship.
Is there an age limit to partaking on the Scheme?
An eligible individual can partake on a JobBridge internship from 18 years up to the
age of 65 years and their internship must finish the Friday before the individuals 66th
Can I undertake my JobBridge Internship from home?
No, an individual cannot undertake their JobBridge Internship from home.
Can I stop my internship to take up full time employment and return to my
An intern can take up full time employment, however, the internship must end and the
intern cannot recommence the internship with the same Host Organisation.