World Federation of Public Health Associations
World Federation of Public Health Associations
World Federation of Public Health Associations Féderation mondiale des associations de santé publique Federación Mundial de Asociaciones de Salud Pública MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AND APPLICATION HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER If an association fits the standards set by the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), as indicated below, the attached application should be completed (IN ENGLISH) and forwarded to: Office of the Secretariat World Federation of Public Health Associations c/o Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine University of Geneva, CMU 1, rue Michel Servet CH-1211 Genève 4 Switzerland Tél.: +41 22 379 04 53, Fax.: +41 22 379 04 52 e-mail: Website: There are four membership categories: 1. Full Membership National, multidisciplinary public health associations that meet the qualifications stated in the Federation's Constitution (Articles I, II, and III). Each country represented by one or more full member body shall have one vote on all matters to come before the Federation. National umbrella Public Health Associations can be Full members of the WFPHA, but may also apply for Sustaining membership. When a country is represented in the WFPHA by more than one full member, the one vote available is as a rule determined by consensus – either for each vote or by agreeing to a rotating schedule. Where needed, the Council can offer mediation between the involved members. Newly accepted Full Members become eligible for membership in the Council and Committees and for organizing a World Congress on Public Health after one year of membership. US$100.00+ US$0.20 for industrialized countries (according to the WHO classification) and US$ 0.10 for other countries multiplied by the number of members in the association, with a ceiling of US$3,000.00 for industrialized countries and US$300.00 for other countries. The Council may reduce or waive membership dues in specific circumstances with due reason given, such as disaster or economic crisis in a specific country, or when in addition to national public health associations a national umbrella public health association is a member of WFPHA and multiple payments for their individual members are to be avoided. The Council may also give a dispensation from paying monetary dues if the member agrees in writing to provide to the Federation a comparable in-kind contribution. These decisions are to be reviewed tri-annually by the Council. 2. Associate Members National associations or organizations that meet some but not all of the qualifications stated in the Federation's Constitution (Articles I, II, and III) and which could reapply for Full Members at some time in the future when they meet all the qualifications necessary for Full membership and at the Council’s discretion. The membership of Associate members is renewable every three years. Associate members pay dues but cannot vote. They can attend meetings as observers, are encouraged to participate on Federation Working groups and have access to all materials and information WFPHA may provide to its members. US$100.00 per year. The Council may reduce or waive membership dues in specific circumstances with due reason given, such as disaster or economic crisis in a specific country, or when in addition to national public health associations a national umbrella public health association is a member of WFPHA and multiple payments for their individual members are to be avoided. The Council may also give a dispensation from paying monetary dues if the member agrees in writing to provide to the Federation a comparable in-kind contribution. These decisions are to be reviewed tri-annually by the Council. World Federation of Public Health Associations Féderation mondiale des associations de santé publique Federación Mundial de Asociaciones de Salud Pública 3. Regional Membership Federations of national public health associations or of Schools of Public Health of a geographic region representing three or more countries. Regional members shall promote the objectives of WFPHA within their region. Regional members pay no dues (except for the possibility that they collect the dues of their national members for transfer to WFPHA), do not have voting rights and can attend meetings as observers and have access to all materials and information WFPHA may provide to its members. The Council can allow exceptions to this rule. WFPHA aims at having regional members from all Regions, as follows: Africa (AFPHA), Americas, Eastern Mediterranean/Middle East, Europe (EUPHA), South-East & Central Asia, Asia-Pacific. Regional members pay no fees. 3. Sustaining Membership Organizations that do not meet the qualifications stated in the Federation's Constitution (Articles I, II, and III) but which endorse the principles of the Federation and desire to collaborate with it in reaching its objectives actively or through annual donations. Sustaining members are non-voting but pay dues or contribute services and can attend meetings as observers with access to all materials and information WFPHA may provide to its members. The membership of Sustaining members is renewable every three years. For Sustaining members from not-for-profit organizations and other similar bodies working for the broader goals of public health, a minimum annual donation of US$ 100.00, or support in kind shall be agreed upon at entry into membership. For commercial companies and for organizations without a link to the goals of public health, a minimum annual donation of US$ 5,000.00 shall be agreed upon at entry into membership. 4. Individual Membership Individuals who endorse the principles of the Federation and provide an active in-kind collaboration or a monetary donation. Admission requires endorsement by their national Public Health Association. If there is no Full Member association, 2 other Full Members must support the admission. Individual members will receive Federation publications and shall be invited to attend business or committee meetings if indicated by their function in Federation activities. They have no voting rights. Membership terminates on the recommendation of the Membership Committee following the termination of active collaboration. For individual members, a minimum annual donation of US$ 500.00 shall be agreed upon at entry into membership. A comparable inkind contribution for services rendered will also be accepted as payment of annual assessed dues. WFPHA Constitution (articles I, II and III) 1. The World Federation of Public Health Associations shall be a Federation of national multidisciplinary associations concerned with public health generally as distinct from single or individual disciplines, subjects, professions, or occupations. 2. The World Federation of Public Health Associations shall be composed of nongovernmental public health associations. These associations may include within their respective membership organized groups or individuals from governmental, as well as nongovernmental, organizations and individuals who have an interest in public health. 3. As public health associations are designed to be an integrating force among all elements within a country, only one such body from each country shall as a rule be recognized and admitted as a full member to the Federation. When two or more eligible associations exist in a country, these may be admitted with equal status as full members. In this case, they jointly have one vote, which they lose in case of disagreement between them. Please note that the WFPHA is NOT a funding agency and that solicitations for funds will not be accepted nor responded to. World Federation of Public Health Associations Féderation mondiale des associations de santé publique Federación Mundial de Asociaciones de Salud Pública MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 1. Name of organization (or individual) _________________________________________________________________ 2. Permanent Address _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. Telephone Alternate Telephone 4. Fax Alternate Fax 5. Email Alternate Email _________________________________(Please include country and city codes) _________________________________(Please include country and city codes) _________________________________(Please include country and city codes) _________________________________(Please include country and city codes) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. Date Legally Incorporated ______________________________________________________________ 7. Membership Category □ Full □ Associate □ Regional □ Sustaining □ Individual (For individuals, please skip to Question #14, and respond with information pertaining to your activities.) 8. How many individual members are in your association? ____________________________________ 9. Does the association fulfill the requirements of Articles I, II, III of the WFPHA Constitution? (Please attach a copy of your organization’s Constitution and By-laws.) □ Yes □ No 10. Current officers and tenure of office _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Most recent meeting of your organization (Attach a copy of the program or agendas, if available) _____________________________________________________________________________________ World Federation of Public Health Associations Féderation mondiale des associations de santé publique Federación Mundial de Asociaciones de Salud Pública 12. Publications issued during the past year (Attach copies, if available) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Membership of the Association (Provide the number of members by professional/occupational categories, i.e. epidemiologists, health educators, health administrators, physicians, nurses, development workers, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Other activities (For sustaining members – give the main purpose of your organization; individual membersprovide information on your activities and/or attach a CV.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. For individual membership applications, please provide the name(s) of the endorsing organization(s): a) _________________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________________ 16. The applicant organization/individual accepts the dues assessment. (Please do not send the dues payment at this time.) □ Yes □ No 17. Signature: ______________________________ Print name: ____________________________________ 18. Official Position in the Association: _________________________________________________________