WELCOME TO SOUTHERN ELITE PAGEANTS National Glitz & Natural Pageant System Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC 2013 SOUTHERN ELITE PAGEANTS CALENDAR Date Location Theme September 21 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina School House Rock October 19 Roanoke, Virginia Halloween Disney World, Florida Pixie Perfect National Glitz NATIONALS November 2 2014 SOUTHERN ELITE PAGEANTS CALENDAR Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Date Location Theme January 18 Savannah, GA Cruise Under the Sea February 15 Raleigh/Durham, NC Daddy's Valentine February 22 Columbus, MS Arabian Adventure March 15 Baltimore, MD Luck of the Irish March 29 Atlanta, GA Out of this World April 12 New York, NY Super Heros and Villains May 17 Portland, ME 50's Sock Hop May 31 Pittsburgh, PA Beach Party June 14 Charleston, SC Wild Wild West June 21 Miami, Fl Slumber Party July 12 Houston, TX Into the Movies July 26 Phoenix, AZ It's A Pirate's Life for Me August 9 Charleston, WV Artic Adventures September 6 Richmond, VA Down on the Farm September 20 Columbia, SC Sports Extravaganza October 25 Disney World, Florida Pixie Perfect NATIONALS November 22 Raleigh/Durham, NC Master & Miss Santa Baby Registering is easy! We can’t wait to see your contestant on the stage!! Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC HOW TO REGISTER: 1.Fill out and sign the following forms: a) Contestant Information b) Registration/Payment c) Consent Agreement & Waiver 2. Send completed forms and payment to: Dorothy Poteat, Southern Elite Pageants PO Box 206, Hillsborough NC 27278 OR E-Mail forms to dorothypoteat@southernelitepageants.com Pay online through PayPal to dorospin@aol.com or Pay online with credit card at www.southernelitepageants.com 3. Questions? Send an email to: info@southernelitepageants.com or call director at 919-698-6113 REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTESTANT INFORMATION (Please print and use only the space provided) City and Date of Pageant: Contestant Full Name: Parent/Legal Guardian: Name Contestant Wants Announced (first name or first and middle): Full Address: Best Phone: Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Email: Birthday: Age on the day of Pageant: Goals/Interests: Three Favorite Things: One unique thing about contestant: How did you hear about us?: Send completed form along with payment to: Dorothy Poteat, Southern Elite Pageants PO Box 206 Hillsborough NC 27278 Or Email to: dorothypoteat@southernelitepageants.com REGISTRATION & PAYMENT CONTESTANT NAME:_______________________________________________ CITY & DATE OF PAGEANT: ________________________________________ NO REGISTRATION FEE! Just pick your options! ______$99 Glitz Starter Package Includes Glitz Beauty Wear, Outfit of Choice, Photogenic, ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. All pageants except Nationals. ______$99 Natural Starter Package Includes Natural Beauty Wear, Outfit of Choice, Photogenic, ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. All pageants except Nationals. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC ______$149 Glitz & Natural Starter Package Includes Glitz & Natural Beauty Wear, Outfit of Choice in Glitz & Natural, Photogenic, ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. All pageants except Nationals. _____$25 Talent Must enter in advance (If you are competing Glitz and Natural, you only have to enter Talent once – score will count for both pageants) _____$25 Theme Wear Each pageant has a different theme – see calendar above, Must enter in advance (If you are competing Glitz and Natural, you only have to pay one Theme Wear fee, but you will go on stage for Theme Wear once for Natural and once for Glitz) _____$25 Interview Closed room interview with the judges, suitable for ages 2 and up, Must enter in advance (If you are competing Glitz and Natural, you only have to enter Interview once – score will count for both pageants) ______$199 NATIONAL PAGEANT ONLY (11-2-13 or 10-25-14) GLITZ "ALL-IN" Package!! Includes as many of the following 6 categories as your contestant wants!! Glitz Beauty Wear (required), Glitz Outfit of Choice, Glitz Theme Wear, Photogenic, Talent, Interview! ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. ______$199 NATIONAL PAGEANT ONLY (11-2-13 or 10-25-14) NATURAL "ALL-IN" Package!! Includes as many of the following 6 categories as your contestant wants!! Natural Beauty Wear (required), Natural Outfit of Choice, Natural Theme Wear, Photogenic, Talent, Interview! ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. ______$325 NATIONAL PAGEANT ONLY (11-2-13 or 10-25-14) GLITZ AND NATURAL "ALL-IN" Package!! Includes as many of the following categories as your contestant wants!! Glitz Beauty Wear (required), Natural Beauty Wear (required), Glitz Outfit of Choice, Natural Outfit of Choice, Glitz Theme Wear, Natural Theme Wear, Photogenic, Talent, Interview! ALL 4 Side Awards (Best Dressed, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes), Scorecards, Eligible for all titles. _____$15 Best Personality Supreme Enter in advance or at the door; Judged category _____$15 Most Beautiful Supreme Enter in advance or at the door; Judged category _____$15 Overall Model Supreme Enter in advance or at the door; Judged category Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC _____$15 Beautiful Baby Supreme Enter in advance or at the door; Judged category; Ages 0-3 years _____$15 Overall Creative Supreme Enter in advance or at the door; Judged category ***ALL contestants will receive scorecards and Supreme title consideration! All contestants win a trophy and crown at a minimum. We do not double crown Supreme and Queen titles. FOR ALL: ____$695 Southern Elite Pageants All Stars One time per year fee of $695 entitles your contestant to one year of un-limited entry in our pageants with unlimited categories (Glitz and Natural Starter Packages, Talent, Theme Wear, and Interview) each time. Also includes your contestant featured on our website “All Stars” page, complete with photos of your contestant and brief biography of interests and talents. This package is for serious pageant contestants who want to be able to compete as often as possible against top-level competition and would like extra exposure in the pageantry world. Must have $200 deposit upon entry into this group, remaining fees may be paid by $100 monthly payments. Membership in this group is good for one calendar year. **If you are a returning All Star, please see below for returning discounted rates. Do you qualify for a discounted package?? *Only one discount per contest per pageant. If you qualify for more than one discount, pick the best! * Returning Contestant & Military Package Rates: Glitz or Natural Starter Package = $89 *Add on categories are as listed above *Sibling Package Rates: 1st Child = Glitz or Natural Starter Package = $99 2nd Child = Glitz or Natural Starter Package = $79 3rd Child or more = Glitz or Natural Starter Package = $59 *Add on categories are as listed above *Returning Southern Elite Pageants ALL STARS Discounts: Returning All Star = $595 *Online Photo Contest Winner: Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Overall Winner = 50% off Division Winner = 25% off Division Runner Up = 15% off Division Alternate = 10% off Which Discount Will You Be Applying (If Any): ___Military ___Returning Contestant ____Sibling _____Return All Star ___Online Photo Contest Winner CHOOSE YOUR EXTRAS: $15 Each Additional Photo (for Photogenic category) How many additional photos are you submitting?__________ $8 Tickets in advance ($10 at the door) How many advance tickets do you need?__________ Contestant and 1 parent do not need tickets. Children 5 and under are free. Individuals MUST have a ticket to be in the audience and/or backstage. All pageant areas are off-limits to anyone without a ticket. This policy is for the safety of your children and is strictly enforced. Advance People’s Choice Votes ($1/Vote) ________ Any amount. You can also place votes at the pageant. More information on People’s Choice awards below. Good Luck Bag ($25) ________ Filled with goodies and toys to make your pageant prince or princess feel extra special! Will be given at Registration! Must be ordered in advance. Calculate Your Total: $ NO Registration Fee $_________Glitz and/or Natural Starter Package $_________Add On Categories $_________Nationals Packages $_________Extras = $_________TOTAL Due **You may pay $50 as a deposit. The remainder is due on our before Pageant Day at Registration! All fees paid at Registration on Pageant Day must be paid in cash only. **A limited number of partial scholarships are available based on financial need. Please contact Dorothy Poteat at dorothypoteat@southernelitepageants.com to inquire. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC PAYMENT OPTIONS: Money Order, Personal Check, PayPal, Major Credit Card, NO checks accepted within 7 days of the pageant. CASH ONLY day of the pageant. All fees are non-refundable. Please make all checks payable to: Dorothy Poteat, PO Box 206, Hillsborough NC 27278 Paypal address: dorospin@aol.com Put Contestant’s name in the comments. To pay by major credit card: Go to www.southernelitepageants.com and click on “Payments” Circle method of payment: Money Order Personal Check Paypal Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Major Credit Card Southern Elite Pageants Talent Rules and Regulations 1. ALL entries have a 2 minute time limit to perform. A 5 point penalty will be assessed for every 10 seconds over time limit. CD accompaniment or hand-held musical instrument only. Notify us in advance if you need a different music option. A microphone is available for contestants to use – please notify us in advance if you wish to use the microphone. 2. Stage time will be given to everyone to mark their routine during the registration hour, but a complete run through will not be possible. One sound check will be done by sound crew prior to competition. 3. NO ONE is allowed near the judges table. 4. Dancers & Acrobats– this is a talent competition. You are not limited to how many “tricks”, etc. that you may have in your routine. Be as creative as you like. However, be advised that Southern Elite Pageants is not liable for any injuries while attending or competing at this competition. Keep in mind that the stage is usually portable and is NOT a fixed platform and space may be limited. Our stage is typically 16 ft x 12 ft. Please check with us before the pageant to confirm the exact size of the stage. 5. Vocalists – ABSOLUTELY NO lead vocals are allowed on your CD. This means you may not sing along with your favorite artist and expect to be judged for it. Nor are you allowed to pre-record your own voice and sing over the top of it. Background vocals allowed only. Any vocalists that compete and sing over lead vocals will receive the lowest placing at awards. Select AGE APPROPRIATE songs. This is just as important part of your score as the performance itself. 6. Props are allowed for entries but there are a few that are prohibited: Fire, water, pyrotechnics, glass, swords or knives or sharp objects. At NO time can objects be thrown off stage other than small confetti or items of this nature. Large props are only allowed 1 minute for set up time. Point penalties will be assessed after that. There is no prop master so make sure you have someone that will set up and remove your props. 7. MUSIC SELECTIONS – Remember there will be attendants of all ages. Please be conscious of other participants when selecting the content of your music. Excessive foul language in vocals will not be tolerated. Choreography presented showing displays of violence, social prejudice or overt sexual innuendo will result in point deduction. 8. Only one (1) song per CD is allowed. Do not give the sound booth a CD with several songs on it. They are not responsible for the wrong song coming on during your entrance to the stage. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC 9. CD’s must be labeled with contestant name and name of routine or song and presented alone or in a single slip or jewel case. NO CD books will be accepted. 10. By entering this competition, you release your likeness, vocals, choreography etc., to Southern Elite for website, promotions and photographs for promotional efforts. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Competition Rules and Regulations All contestants are eligible to compete in any of our pageants, regardless of whether or not they have competed with us before, without any need to qualify for any pageant. All pageants are open to contestants of all states and countries. All award ceremonies are held at the end of the Pageant Day. Judges decisions are final and personal scores/ranking are available at the end of pageant day when contestant turns in his/her contestant number. Other contestants’ scores are privileged. We do not discriminate against race, color, creed or heritage. Height and weight are not a part of the judge’s scores. At some events we will have a professional photographer/videographer present. During these events, no cameras or video-cameras will be allowed in the room. Director will send all contestants information regarding this specific to that event. Girls ages 0-19 years are allowed, boys ages 0-10 years, ladies 20+. Boys are judged in their own age groups, separate from girls, except for the Supreme titles, for which all contestants are judged together, except when there are 10 boys, in which case an additional Boys Supreme title will be added (the boys will also still qualify for all other Supreme titles). Ladies 20+ are judged completely separately from the children for all titles and awards. Contestants may compete Glitz, Natural, or both. Specific requirements for each section are described below. We will have completely separate awards and titles for glitz and natural. It is essentially two pageants in one. DRESS CODE: Southern Elite Pageants LLC is committed to putting on quality, professional pageants. Please understand that the way our parents dress impacts the overall feel of the pageant. We ask that all parents and guests please dress in Sunday/Easter attire. Pageant t-shirts (such as “Team Anna” or “Pageant Mom” etc) are acceptable. However, baggy pants, and untied sneakers are not allowed. A good rule of thumb is to dress as though you are going to Easter service (or your equivalent) at church! We will be giving out a Best Dressed Family award at EVERY pageant! Southern Elite Pageants LLC events are open to contestants of any skill level who meet our age requirements. We have had new-comers to the pageant world win our Ultimate title several times. We also have veterans who compete with us regularly. The most important indicators of success at our pageants are facial beauty and personality. If your contestant has these two things, he/she will do great and have tons of fun. We regularly have talent scouts from a variety of industries attend our events. Southern Elite Pageants LLC is a national system, operating in many states each year. A great emphasis is put on a fun environment, but we strive to also provide experiences Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC that will help our contestants pursue interests and possibly careers in many fields including modeling, acting, singing, and other entertainment based careers. We stress professionalism among parents at all time. Remember, “Compete with class” to set a good example for all of the contestants. Individuals may not approach Judges with the intent to influence or harass. This type of action will result in disqualification of the connected contestant. It is optional for contestants to stay at the host hotel during our pageants; contestants will provide their own transportation and provide their own wardrobe. Southern Elite Pageants expects each Contestant to show the highest degree of sportsmanship conduct and will not tolerate rude, mean, or inappropriate conduct. Such inappropriate conduct could end with Contestant being disqualified. The pageant is not responsible for any accident or injury, lost or stolen items. All contestants will have time on the stage/runway before each competition during the registration hour. All details regarding the event will be walked through so that each participant can enjoy her time in front of the judges. Babies under 14mo must be carried on stage by one parent and are allowed to be set down in front of judges. Babies are judged only on facial beauty, personality and wardrobe alone and there are no extra points or benefits to babies that can stand or walk, except if being able to walk at a young age is their talent. Toddlers must have a parent on stage with them at all times. PROPS are allowed in all categories accept BEAUTY. There are no registration deadlines – however – we are only able to accommodate a certain number of contestants at each pageant and if you wait until the last minute, your contestant’s age division may be full. Also, contestants who register first go last in their division. All fees must be paid in full before your contestant can compete. Cash or money orders only are accepted on Pageant Day. Please understand that all payments are non-refundable. $50 NSF Fee charged to all returned checks. Should the contestant be unable to compete for any reason after entry fees are paid, ALL fees are non-refundable. This includes deposits and any fees paid up until the competition. Under certain circumstances, a partial credit towards next scheduled competition may be issued. If a competition is cancelled by Southern Elite for any reason and an entry fee has been paid, delegate will have a credit with the option to enter the next competition of his/her choice within 1 year of the cancelled event or a full refund. Southern Elite Pageants holds the right to cancel any event due to low enrollment; however, any paid contestant who has registered shall be given the option to compete at another location free of charge in the categories in which he/she has already registered. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC We offer a referral award! Refer new contestants that enter one of our pageants (This cannot be contestants that have already competed with us). The contestant with the most amount of referrals will receive a prize on stage during crowning! The People’s Choice Queen/King $1.00 per vote…Paypal your votes to dorospin@aol.com. There is no limit to how many votes your family and friends can send in (ex - a $50 vote counts as 50 votes!) These will be added to the $1.00 ballots your friends and family can purchase and turn in the day of the pageant. Our People’s Choice proceeds go to provide scholarships to children who otherwise would be unable to experience pageantry. Bring your own cheering section… Most Beautiful Supreme, Best Personality Supreme, Overall Model Supreme, Beautiful Baby Supreme, Creative Supreme These five awards are judged awards but require no additional stage time. They are each $15 to enter and may be entered in advance or at the door. These categories, along with our People's Choice award, help us provide scholarships to children who would otherwise be unable to experience pageantry. These awards do not affect other scores or titles in any way. Age Divisions: *Age deadlines: The day of the pageant is the age cutoff for all contestants. *We top each age category at 7 contestants! Anything above 7 and we will split the division by birthdate. *Glitz and Natural contestants will compete separately but the age divisions are the same for both. Baby Miss Elite – 0-23 months Mini Miss Elite – 2-3 years Tiny Miss Elite – 4-5 years Petite Miss Elite – 6-7 years Little Miss Elite – 8-10 years Junior Miss Elite – 11-13 years Teen Elite – 14-19 years Miss Elite – 20-39 years Grand Miss Elite – 40+ years Baby Mister Elite – 0-2 years Little Mister Elite – 3-5 years Junior Mister Elite – 6-10 years *Boys will all compete together unless there are enough boys registered to make separate age divisions with at least 2 boys in each group Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC *Southern Elite Pageants reserves the right to slightly alter age groups. Sponsors/Vendors If you or someone you know is interested in being a sponsor or a vendor for one of our pageants, please have them go to www.southernelitepageants.com and click on “Vendors/Sponsors”. Southern Elite All Stars Southern Elite All Stars is a group open to all of our contestants. This is a program for our serious pageant contestants who wish to compete in several of our pageants per year and who wish to be featured on our website for maximum exposure in the pageantry world. Our All Stars group is not given any preferential treatment with regards to scoring. All Stars will have their pictures and profiles features on the “All Stars” page of our website and will be allowed to compete with unlimited stage categories at as many of our pageants for one calendar year as they want at no additional cost. All Star membership is good for one calendar year. Contestant Numbers Southern Elite Pageants will provide each contestant with a contestant number to wear during the pageant. Please note that all contestant numbers are the property of Southern Elite Pageants and MUST be returned immediately following crowning to the registration table. When contestants turn in their contestant numbers at the registration table immediately following crowning, they will then receive their scorecards, photographs, and music. Contestant numbers should be worn on the right hip. Contestant numbers MUST be worn every time the contestant goes on stage. This is the only way the judges will be able to identify the contestant. Awards We give out tons of awards at every pageant!! EVERY contestant goes home with no less than a beautiful crown, trophy, and gift! We award CASH prizes at EVERY pageant! We also award beautiful national level sashes, crowns, trophies, medals, ribbons, cash, gifts, and much more at every pageant! At NATIONALS – everything gets bigger!! Huge trophies, big crowns, gorgeous sashes, lots of $$$$ prizes, and, the Disney Princesses help us crown!! Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC General Pageant Day Procedure: - - - - Natural – o Our Natural contest will be in the morning, beginning with check in at approximately 8am and Beauty Wear beginning at 9am. Natural contestants will compete in Natural Beauty Wear, followed by Natural Outfit of Choice, followed by Natural Theme Wear. Exact stage times will be emailed to contestants prior to the pageant. Talent – o Talent will begin for all contestants at approximately 10:30am. All contestants, Natural and Glitz, who are competing in Talent, will be competing at this time; however, scores for Natural and Glitz contestants will be kept separately. If a contestant is competing in both Natural and Glitz, the contestant only needs to compete in Talent once – the score will count towards both Natural and Glitz. Talent order will be first ready, first on stage. Interview o Interview will begin for all contestants at approximately 11am. All contestants, Natural and Glitz, who are competing in Interview, will be competing at this time; however, scores for Natural and Glitz contestants will be kept separately. If a contestant is competing in both Natural and Glitz, the contestant only needs to compete in Interview once – the score will count towards both Natural and Glitz. Interview contestants should line up outside of the ballroom once they are ready for Interview. Contestants will be taken inside the ballroom one at a time to interview. The order will be first ready, first to interview. Glitz – o Our Glitz contest will be in the afternoon, with check in for Glitz contestants being anywhere from 8am to 12pm and Glitz Beauty Wear beginning at approximately 12:30pm, followed by Glitz Outfit of Choice, followed by Glitz Theme Wear. Exact times will be emailed prior to the pageant. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC - Crowning – o Crowning for both Glitz and Natural will be at approximately 4pm. **Exact itineraries will be sent to all contestants before each pageant. Please note that the above is a sample itinerary and may vary slightly from pageant to pageant. BEAUTY OVERVIEW - Glitz Beauty Attire: o Beauty dresses should be short, cupcake style for girls infant through age 7. o Girls ages 8 to 13 have the option of a short dress or a long dress. o Girls ages 14 and up should wear a ballroom floor-length dress. Slits are allowed. o Dresses are expected to have stones in Glitz Beauty. o Color and style of dresses is up to individual. o All girls in a cupcake dress should have white lacey socks and white MaryJane style shoes. o Boys can wear a tux or suit with jacket. o Hair pieces, tans, flippers, stoned dresses, are all acceptable in Glitz Beauty. o Any style modeling is allowed. - Natural Beauty Attire: o Flower girl dresses or Sunday attire are acceptable. o Stoned dresses are not acceptable in Natural Beauty Wear. o The only makeup allowed on girls ages 11 and under is lip gloss and blush. For girls over 11, light every day makeup is allowed. o Hair pieces, flippers, colored contacts, false eye lashes are not allowed. o Spray tans for girls also competing in the Glitz competition are allowed. o No pro-am modeling allowed in the Natural competition. - Stage: o The stage will be marked with six marks, three across the back and three across the front. o Contestants do not need to hit each of these marks; they are there to assist with girls modeling a “Front T” or “Back T” modeling routine. No modeling routine is required. - Music: Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC o Everyone will have the same background music for Beauty. Our music will be standard upbeat Beauty Wear music. - Introductions: o Information about each contestant, which should be included on the registration form, will be read during this time. - Props: o Props are not allowed in Beauty. - The Look: o For Beauty, judges will be looking for facial beauty, overall look as described in guidelines, and poise. - Time Limit: o For our beauty competition, each contestant is given 90 seconds on stage. - Natural v Glitz: o It is important to make sure that your dress is appropriate for the pageant in which you are competing. If your dress has stones, you must compete Glitz. If your dress does not have stones, you should compete Natural. o Girls under 11 years of age may NOT wear makeup in Natural except lip gloss and blush. If your contestant under 11 years of age will be wearing eye makeup, you should compete Glitz. o If your contestant plans on using a hair piece, flipper, false eye lashes, you should compete Glitz. o If your contestant plans to wear a Sunday or flower girl styled dress and little to no makeup, and natural hair style, you should compete Natural. **Beauty Wear is our most important category. Beauty Wear scores ALWAYS count towards Supreme title consideration (Beauty scores CANNOT be dropped). Beauty Wear scores count for 40% of the contestant's combined overall score. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC OUTFIT OF CHOICE & THEME WEAR OVERVIEW - Outfit: o Outfit of Choice is an opportunity for the contestant to show his/her personality, any age-appropriate outfit is accepted. GLITZ - Outfit of Choice needs to have some “glitz” to it! NATURAL - No stones allowed. No pro-am modeling allowed. o Theme Wear is an opportunity for the contestant to show his/her personality within the theme of our pageant! Our stage will be decorated based on our theme, so Theme Wear is a great opportunity to jump right in and have fun with our theme! Follow above Outfit of Choice guidelines for Glitz and Natural. - Time Limit: o For our Outfit of Choice and Theme Wear competitions, each contestant is given 90 seconds on stage. Contestants do not have to use the full 90 seconds. - Music: o Contestants may bring their own music for Outfit of Choice and Theme Wear. Please see the music requirements above in the Talent guidelines. Contestants do not have to bring their own music. Southern Elite Pageants will play music for contestant if music for contestant is not turned in. o Music does not have to be cut to time specifications. Southern Elite Pageants will fade contestants’ music when their time on stage is up. - Props: o Props are allowed for Outfit of Choice and Theme Wear. Please see prop guidelines above in talent guidelines. - The Look: o In these categories judges will be looking for personality, originality, and overall look. Let your personality shine in this category! The judges will be seeing a lot of outfits – make yours stand out! Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC INTERVIEW GUIDELINES - What Is Interview? o Interview will include the contestant having a casual conversation with the judges in a closed room environment. o These questions will be simple, straight forward questions such as – “Why do you enjoy pageants” or “What is your favorite movie and why”. Note – these questions are just samples. These questions will be tailored for the age of the contestants – contestants as young as 2 can compete in interview and will be given age-appropriate questions. o Contestants competing in both our Natural and Glitz sections will only have one interview since the attire requirement is the same for both – the score will count for both Natural and Glitz. - How is Interview Scored? o The contestant will be judged on poise/stage presence, his/her answers, personality, overall look, overall carriage of speech. - Interview Attire: o Girls ages 2-7 should wear Easter/Sunday wear. o Girls ages 8-10 have the option of wearing Easter/Sunday wear or business casual attire. o Girls ages 11+ should wear business casual attire. o Boys should wear Easter/Sunday wear. **Interview is not scary!! This category is our fastest category, and our cutest! During Interview we all are reminded that these little boys and girls all dressed up are really only 4 years old (or 2 or 9 or 13)! We love their honest, heart-felt answers. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC PHOTOGENIC COMPETITION GUIDELINES - How It Works: o Our Photogenic competition is not a stage category. Contestants turn in one 8x10 photo at Registration on pageant morning. The photo is judged by the judges before the pageant begins and is returned to the contestant at the end of the pageant. - Label: o Photos MUST be labeled with the contestant’s first and last name, and his/her age. - Photo Guidelines: o Photos may be either natural or glitz photos. Both have equal chances of winning. o Photos should be clear and the contestant’s face should be clearly visible on the photo. o Any inappropriate, violent, or offensive photos will cause the contestant to be disqualified from the pageant immediately. o Contestants who are competing in both Glitz and Natural will have one photogenic score for both sections. - Judging: o Photos will be judged on overall look, quality, beauty of contestant in photo, and overall impression. - Additional Photos: o A contestant may enter additional photos into the Photogenic competition at an additional charge of $15 per photo. o If a contestant has entered more than one photo, each judge will look at all of that contestant’s photos, judge each one, and then circle the highest score for that contestant (each judge’s highest score will go on the Auditor score-sheet). Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC “PRETTIEST” AWARDS - The Categories: o Every contestant will be judged in the side categories of Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, and Best Dressed. - Age Division Line Ups: o These categories will be judged when each age division does a “Line Up” before Beauty Wear. o For example, before the 2 year old age group competes in Beauty Wear, the entire group will go on stage together. They will stand in a line across the stage for one minute. The judges take this time to judge Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, and Best Dressed. After one minute, the contestants leave the stage. The contestants then will go on stage one at a time for Beauty Wear. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC SCORING AND AWARDS - Supreme Title Consideration: ***The progression described here will be done TWICE – once for Natural, and once for Glitz so there will be two sets of all awards described here. o All of our contestants will be eligible for Mini Supreme, Grand Supreme, and Ultimate Grand Supreme. Ladies 20+ will have separate Supreme titles and will not be in competition with the children. o Each contestant will have his/her Beauty score, plus his/her top two other scores (out of Outfit of Choice, Theme Wear, Talent, Interview, Photogenic), compiled to get his/her highest possible score for Ultimate, Grand, and Mini Supreme title consideration. Please note that the Beauty Wear score counts for 40% of the total score. The top two other scores will count for 30% each. o For contestants who only compete in 3 categories, all 3 scores will count. For contestants who compete in more than 3 categories, his/her lowest scores will be dropped until there are 3 scores left. The only exception to this rule is that the Beauty Wear score cannot be dropped. - What is the progression of titles?: o The highest overall score (Beauty at 40% plus top two other scores at 30% each) is our Ultimate Grand Supreme. The second highest overall score is our Grand Supreme. The third highest overall score is our Mini Supreme. o We then take these 3 contestants out of consideration for a moment and look at the highest overall scores in the following age breakdowns – 03years, 4-7years, 8+years, and boys if there are at least 10 registered boys. We then pull these contestants to win our 0-3, 4-7, 8+, and Boys Grand Supreme. We then look at the second highest scorers in these age groups who have not already been pulled, and award these contestants our 0-3, 4-7, 8+, and Boys Mini Supreme. o After our Supreme Winners, we then look at each age division. For our age division Queen/King and Princess/Prince awards, we are only looking at Beauty scores. The highest Beauty score (who has not already been pulled for a Supreme title), wins Queen/King in his/her age group. A contestant who has already Supreme title will NOT be eligible for an age division Beauty title. o All contestants who did not pull for a Supreme title or Queen/King title, will be awarded a Princess/Prince title in his/her age group. o Outfit of Choice, Talent, Photogenic, Theme Wear, and Interview, will all have Overall High Point winners, and also Age Division Winners. Contestants CAN win more than one High Point title (example: if a contestant is the highest scorer of the day in Glitz Outfit of Choice, and Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC also the highest scorer of the day in Glitz Theme Wear, he/she would be awarded both of those titles). o Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, Best Dressed awards will be given in each age division. - Order of Awards: o During crowning, we award winnings as follows: People’s Choice Awards Best Dressed Family Awards Referral Awards Best Personality Supreme, Most Beautiful Supreme, Overall Model Supreme, Beautiful Baby Supreme awards Age Division Awards – We start with Boys, then move to our youngest girls, and move to our older girls. Each age group comes on stage all together to receive all awards for that age division. This includes awards for Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, Best Dressed, Outfit of Choice, Theme Wear, Talent, Interview, Photogenic, and then Beauty Awards (Queen/King, Princess/Prince). **If your contestant does not receive a Beauty Award in his/her group, this means that he/she has pulled for a Supreme title. We then award High Point titles for Beauty Wear, Outfit of Choice, Theme Wear, Talent, Interview, and Photogenic. We then award 0-3 Supreme, 4-7 Supreme, 8+ Supreme, Boys Supreme. We then award 20+ awards We then award our Overall Mini, Grand, and Ultimate Grand Supreme Titles. - Score Tabulation: o All scores are tabulated by computer automatically as the pageant progresses. Scores are double checked by the auditor to ensure everything is correct. - Score Cards: o All contestants will receive their score cards immediately following the conclusion of the pageant, at no additional cost. o Contestants MUST turn in their contestant number that was given to them at Registration after crowning and will be given their scorecards in return. Helpful Tips: Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC - - We have a Facebook page which you can find through our website. This is a great resource to connect with other Pageant parents and find great deals on dresses etc. We have an online photo contest which gives contestants a chance to win fees off our pageants! Go to www.southernelitepageants.com and click on “Photo Contest” for more info. Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC SOUTHERN ELITE PAGEANTS CONTESTANT WAIVER AND CONSENT FORM 1. Individuals may not approach Judges with the intent to influence or harass. This type of action will result in disqualification of the connected contestant. It is optional for contestants to stay at the host hotel during our pageants; contestants will provide their own transportation and provide their own wardrobe. Southern Elite Pageants expects each Contestant to show the highest degree of sportsmanship conduct and will not tolerate rude, mean, or inappropriate conduct. Such inappropriate conduct could end with Contestant being disqualified. 2. Photography is prohibited unless directly allowed by the director. A professional photographer will be on hand to photograph EVERY contestant and photos will be available for order during the competition. ALL cell phones and pagers must be on silent in the facility at all times. 3. By entering this competition, you release your likeness, vocals, choreography etc., to Southern Elite for website, promotions and photographs for promotional efforts. 4. Judges decisions are final. Other contestants’ scores are privileged. We do not discriminate against race, color, creed or heritage. Height and weight are not a part of the judge’s scores. 5. Southern Elite Pageants LLC and Dorothy Poteat, director, and any representatives of Southern Elite Pageants LLC are not responsible for any accident or injury, lost or stolen items. 6. All fees must be paid in full before your contestant can compete. Cash or money orders only are accepted on Pageant Day. Please understand that all deposits are nonrefundable. $50 NSF Fee charged to all returned checks. Should the contestant be unable to compete for any reason after entry fees are paid, ALL fees are nonrefundable. This includes deposits and any fees paid up until the competition. Under certain circumstances, a partial credit towards next scheduled competition may be issued. 7. By signing this waiver, you acknowledge that you allow any film crews or photographers present today to film or photograph your child. 8. You acknowledge that if your contestant is to win cash money today, you will need to fill out an information sheet for tax purposes. 9. You acknowledge that the director, at her sole discretion, may disqualify any contestant at any time without a refund, if a contestant or a relation or someone associated with contestant is engaging in inappropriate behavior as determined by the director. Contestant(s) Name(s):___________________________________________ _______________________________ __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC Copyrighted 2012 Southern Elite Pageants LLC
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