Somayeh Malakuti Curriculum Vitae


Somayeh Malakuti Curriculum Vitae
Somayeh Malakuti
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Malakuti Khah Olun Abadi
23 Sep. 1980
Heutinkstraat 21, 7535AX, Enschede, The Netherlands
Research/Professional Experience
Jun. 2011Jun. 2013
Postdoc in Software Engineering, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Performing academic research in the fields of green computing and
programming language design, for the semi-industrial project ENOFES (EnergyOptimization Framework for Embedded Systems), with the Oce printing
company, and SIG, ASML, and ESI as the users
Designing and implementing domain-specific programming languages to
enhance the modularity, compose-ability and abstractness of implementation of
self-energy-adaptive systems
Teaching and (Co-) Supervising Ph.D. and master students
Writing grant proposals for NWO and Marie Curie programs
Organizing a track in 28th ACM SAC symposium entitled “Software Engineering
Aspects of Green Computing”
Ph.D. in Software Engineering, University of Twente, Netherlands
Mar. 2007–
Jun. 2011
Performing academic research, partially in the context of the TRADER project,
funded by NXP semi-conductors and lead by Embedded System Institute
Introducing a comprehensive computation model named as Event Composition
Model for event-based domain-specific aspect-oriented languages
Introducing a comprehensive aspect-oriented language composition framework
named as EventReactor based on the proposed computation model, and
employing EventReactor for implementing runtime-verification techniques
Supervising master and bachelor students
Organizing the workshop “Recent development in runtime verification
Solution Engineer, Nokia Siemens Network, Iran
Nov. 2006 –
Feb. 2007
Nov. 2001 –
Apr. 2006
Maintaining and managing the Nokia-Siemens tools in a project aiming at
establishing a mobile operator
Software Designer and Developer in various companies, Tehran, Iran
Ph.D. in software engineering, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Promoter: Prof. Dr. Ir. Mehmet Aksit, and co-promoter: Dr. Christoph Bockisch
MSc in software engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Supervisor: Dr. Saeed Jalili
• GPA 17.59 out of 20, equivalent to “A”
BSc in software engineering, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
• GPA 17.65 out of 20, equivalent to “A”
Technician in software engineering, Shariaty College, Tehran, Iran
GPA 18.88 out of 20, equivalent to “A+”
“Supervising Ph.D. Students”, University of Twente
“VENI Training”, writing grant proposal course, University of Twente
“How to write a proposal”, University of Twente, 1 day
“Professional effectiveness”, University of Twente, 7 days
“4th European summer school on Aspect-Oriented Software Development”, Ecole des
Mines of Nantes, France
“Technical writing and editing”, University of Twente, 8 days
“Dutch language courses”, University of Twente (acquired Dutch language diploma)
Invited and participated in Dagstuhl seminar on Runtime Verification, Diagnosis,
Planning and Control for Autonomous Systems
Graduated with the 1st rank among the software engineering MSc students
Awarded 1st rank in national computer science competition of college students
Ranked 42nd in the BSc entrance examination of Azad Universities
Ranked 1st in the entrance examination of the technical college
Academic Services
Conference Reviews
PC member of the track “Programming for Separation of Concerns”, ACM
SAC 2013
• Co-reviewer for the 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and
Advanced Applications, Izmir, Turkey, 2012
• Co-reviewer for the 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for
Resilient Systems, Pisa, Italy, 2012
• Co-reviewer for the Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Fukuoka, Japan,
Grant Proposals
Co-writer of the NWO grant proposal for the visit of Prof. Shmuel Katz to the
Software Engineering Group at the university of Twente, accepted in 2012
Writer and the applicant of a Marie Curie Intra-European Career development
grant, to be assessed
Co-supervisor of Ph.D. student Steven te Brinke in the ENOFES project, from
• The supervisor of the master assignment by Roel ter Maat, University of
Twente, 2012
• The supervisor of the individual research project by Vincent van Donselaar,
University of Twente, 2012
• The supervisor of master assignment “Maintaining the causal thread of
execution in distributed and multi-language software”, by Rik Schutte,
University of Twente, 2011
• The supervisor of the summer intern Aysenur Aydin, University of Twente, 2009
Lecturer of the “Aspect-Oriented Programming” 2012-2013, University of
Guest lecturer of the “Aspect-Oriented Programming”, first semester 2011-2012,
University of Twente
Track/Workshop Organizations
The lead organizer of the track “Software Engineering Aspects of Green
Computing” at the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 2013,
Coimbra, Portugal.
The main organizer of the workshop “Green In Software Engineering, Green By
Software Engineering”, co-located with AOSD, March 2013, Japan.
The organizer of the workshop “Recent Developments in Runtime Verification
Techniques”, September 2011, Enschede, The Netherlands
Journal papers:
• Somayeh Malakuti, Christoph Bockisch and Mehmet Aksit, “Event
Composition Model and EventReactor: A Computation Model and Language
for Modular Implementations of Runtime Enforcement Techniques”, submitted
to ACM Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Special Issue
on Runtime Verification and Analysis, 2012.
• Somayeh Malakuti, Mehmet Aksit, and Christoph Bockisch, “Runtime
Verification in Distributed Computing”. Journal of Convergence, 2 (1). pp. 110. ISSN 2093-7741.
Conference papers:
• Steven te Brinke, Somayeh Malakuti, Christoph Bockisch, Lodewijk
Bergmans, and Mehmet Aksit, “A Design Method for Modular Energy-Aware
Software”, submitted to ACM SAC 2013.
• Somayeh Malakuti, and Mehmet Aksit, “Evolution of Composition Filters to
Event Composition”. The 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2012,
Riva Del Garda, Italy.
• Somayeh Malakuti, Mehmet Aksit, and Christoph Bockisch, “DistributionTransparency in Runtime Verification”. The International Conference on
Advanced Software Engineering, 2011, Busan, Korea.
• Christoph Bockisch, Somayeh Malakuti, Shmuel Katz, and Mehmet Aksit,
“Making Aspects Natural: Events and Composition”. The 10th International
Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 2011, Porto de
Galinhas, Bernambuco, Brazil.
• Selim Ciraci, Somayeh Malakuti, Shmuel Katz, and Mehmet Aksit, “Checking
the Correspondence Between UML models and Implementation”. The 1st
International Conference of Runtime Verification, 2010, Malta.
• Somayeh Malakuti, Christoph Bockisch, and Mehmet Aksit, “Applying the
Composition Filter Model for Runtime Verification of Multiple-Language”, The
20th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)
2009, Mysore, India.
• Saeed Jaliliand Somayeh Malakuti, “AECM: an Aspect Enabled Component
Model”, APSEC 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
Workshop papers:
• Somayeh Malakuti, Steven te Brinke, Lodewijk Bergmans, and Christoph
Bockisch, “Towards Modularizing Resource-Aware Applications”, The
VariComp workshop at AOSD 2012, Potsdam, Germany.
• Gunter Mussbacher, “Comparing Six Modeling Approaches”. MoDELS
Workshops 2011
• Somayeh Malakuti, Christoph Bockisch, and Mehmet Aksit, “A Rule Set to
Detect Interference of Runtime Enforcement Mechanisms”, Student paper,
ISSRE 2009, Mysore, India.
Books chapters:
Chapter 8 of “Trader: Reliability of high-volume consumer products”,
Embedded Systems Institute, ISBN: 978-90-78679-04-22009
• Somayeh Malakuti, “Event Composition Model: Achieving Naturalness in
Runtime Enforcement”. Ph.D. thesis, University of Twente, available at
• Somayeh Malakuti, “Applying the Aspect-Oriented Technique in the Design
and Implementation of Component-Based Software”. Master thesis (in Farsi),
University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
• Mohmmad Adeli Nia and Somayeh Malakooti, “C Programming Language for
College to university Entrance Examinations” (in Farsi), Dibagaran Tehran
Artistic and Cultural Institute, September 2000
Mohmmad Adeli Nia and Somayeh Malakooti, “Pascal Programming Language
for College to university Entrance Examinations” (in Farsi), Dibagaran Tehran
Artistic and Cultural Institute, March 2000
Mohmmad Adeli Nia and Somayeh Malakooti, “Pascal Programming
Language (for College Entrance Examinations” (in Farsi), Dibagaran Tehran
Artistic and Cultural Institute, August 1999
• CTIT progress report 2010-2011 available at
“Evolution of Composition Filters to Event Composition”, SAC conference,
2012, Riva del Garda, Italy
“Event Composition Model: Achieving Naturalness in Runtime Enforcement”,
workshop on Recent Developments in Runtime Verification Techniques, 2011,
Enschede, The Netherlands
“Events, Actions, Compositions”, Workshop in AO Modeling, 2011, Barbados.
“Events, Actions, Compositions”, lightening talk at MISS workshop at AOSD
2011, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil
“A Framework for Runtime Enforcement Systems”, Presentation in Dagstuhl
seminar on Runtime Verification, Diagnosis, Planning and Control for
Autonomous Systems, 2010, Germany
“Advanced Separation of Concerns for Dependability”, Poster in CTIT
Symposium on Dependability. 2010, Enschede, The Netherlands
“Vertical Aspects in Runtime Verification of Distributed Applications”, Poster
in Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering Conference (AOSD) 2010, Rennes,
“Verifying System-Wide Properties of Multiple-Language Software”, Poster in
SIREN 2009, Enschede, the Netherlands
“Applying the Composition Filter Model for Runtime Verification of MultipleLanguage”, Paper in ISSRE 2009, Mysore, India
“A Rule Set to Detect Interference of Runtime Enforcement Mechanisms”, Paper
in ISSRE 2009, Mysore, India
Computer Skills and Technologies
Java, AspectJ, Compose*, C#, Visual Basic, C, XML, JSP, ASP, HTML, .Net Remoting,
Java-RMI, UML, Spring Framework, Webwork and Hibernate
Linux, Windows
Oracle 8i/9i, Oracle XML database, MySQL
Software engineering in general, object-oriented and aspect-oriented software
development, software architecture, design, programming languages, compilers, software
reliability and safety, runtime verification and recovery
Professional/ Personal Skills and Interests
Persian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Dutch (NT2 Program I)
Various software engineering topics, in particular design and implementation of domain-
Other Interests
specific languages, aspect-oriented languages, software modularity, self-adaptive systems
Volunteering and charity activities, classical music and movies, swimming, fitness,
cooking, traveling, dancing