How to use this handbook
How to use this handbook
– A-1 How to use this handbook A description of this Handbook and its purpose can be found on the following pages, it pays to read it! The handbook contains three main sections: 1. Course details 2. Schools and Disciplines details 2. Unit details page B-1 page B-251 page C-1 Explanatory notes on how to interpret schedules and unit details can be found on pages A-4 and A-5 of this Handbook Unfamiliar words and words with special meanings are explained in the glossary of terms which may be found on page A-6; and abbreviations are explained on page A-9. Do you want to find a course? If you know the name of the course you are interested in ... If you know the discipline or field of study you are interested in ... —> Turn to the Index of Courses (on page A-19) —> Turn to the Index of Disciplines (on page B-252) Do you want to find a subject or unit? If you know the subject or title of units you are interested in ... If you know the unit code you are interested in ... —> —> Turn to the Index of Unit Titles (on page A-23) Turn to the Index of Unit Codes with page references (A-39) Use the JUMBO indexes, the easy way to find what you want! Turn to the indexes beginning on pages A-19 for the jumbo indexes that will allow you to search for courses, units, disciplines and subjects, by title and code. For course contacts see the Table on page A-11. There is also a Synoptic Index on the inside back cover of this handbook. This is the foolproof way of finding disciplines and units. For University of Tasmania campus maps turn to <> Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-2 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details KEY DATES Enrolment days – continuing students Burnie, North-West Centre ...................................................................... 6 October 2003 Launceston ................................................................................................. 7 October 2003 Hobart ........................................................................................................ 8 October 2003 Last day for continuing students to submit re-enrolment forms ...... 17 October 2003 Enrolment days – new students Burnie, North-West Centre ...................................................................... 14 January 2004 [a] Launceston ................................................................................................. 15 January 2004 [a] Hobart ........................................................................................................ 16 January 2004 [a] Last day for new students to submit enrolment forms ....................... 19 January 2004 [a] Graduation ceremonies Hobart ........................................................................................................ 15–17 December 2003 Launceston ................................................................................................. 20 December 2003 Hobart ........................................................................................................ 7 August 2004 [a] Launceston ................................................................................................. 14 August 2004 [a] Hobart ........................................................................................................ 13–15 December 2004 [a] Launceston ................................................................................................. 18 December 2004 [a] Academic calendar Deferred Ordinary and Supplementary Examinations ....................... 11–17 December 2003 First semester lectures begin ................................................................... 23 February 2004 Easter break ............................................................................................... 8 April – 15 April 2004 First semester lectures resume ................................................................ 22 April 2004 First semester lectures end ...................................................................... 28 May 2004 Study week ................................................................................................ 31 May – 4 June 2004 Examinations period ................................................................................ 5–22 June 2004 (mid-year AV-CC common week is not observed by the University) Mid-semester break .................................................................................. 23 June – 9 July 2004 Second semester lectures begin .............................................................. 12 July 2004 AV-CC common week .............................................................................. 27 September – 1 October 2004 Second semester lectures resume ........................................................... 4 October 2004 Second semester lectures end ................................................................. 15 October 2004 Study week ................................................................................................ 18–22 October 2004 Examinations period ................................................................................ 23 October – 9 November 2004 Closing dates for Scholarships (annual) Tasmania Scholarships (postgradaute) .................................................. 31 October Tasmania Scholarships (undergradaute) ............................................... 30 November Australian Postgraduate Awards (Research) ........................................ 31 October Public holidays The University observes only statewide holidays[b], namely: Australia Day (26 January), Eight Hours Day (8 March), Good Friday and Easter (9 April–12 April), Anzac Day (25 April), Queen’s Birthday (7 June) Tasmanian State and Hobart/Launceston regional holidays are: Hobart Regatta Day (10 February), Launceston Cup Day (25 February), Burnie Show Day (1st October), Launceston Show (7 October), Hobart Show (23 October), Recreation Day [Northern Tas] (1 November) Daylight saving finishes: last Sunday in March, starts: First Sunday in October. School terms (Tasmanian state schools): Term 1 12 February – 28 May 2004; Term 2 15 June – 3 September 2004; Term 3 20 September – 16 December 2004. (Easter Break = 9–18 April) [a] [b] Readers are advised to confirm all dates as the information published here is subject to change. Please confirm dates for graduation ceremonies with the Graduation Office, phone (03) 6324 3034. For daylight saving, public holidays, school terms and other public events visit Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to <> This Handbook – A-3 • Arts, page A-5 • Commerce, page A-83 • Education, page A-119 • Health Science, page A-145 • Law, page A-169 Undergraduate Admissions Guide, 2004, • Science and Engineering, page A-175. • Postgraduate Admissions Guide, 2004, Contents and Indexes • Student Information Handbook, 2004, which summarises information that students need to know when they become members of the University. This handbook is published on the internet in downloadable format; Students are advised to make full use of the many comprehensive tables of contents and indexes. THIS HANDBOOK This Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 (detailing all coursework courses) is the first volume in a series of publications which give details of the University and its courses. The other volumes are: • • Calendar, which gives the specifications for all courses offered by the University, a copy of the University of Tasmania Act, all current University By-laws, Ordinances and many Rules (including rules of prizes and awards), Codes of Conduct and Policies, a list of academic and senior administrative staff as well as the membership of Council, Academic Senate and their various committees. Copies of the Calendar are held in the University libraries; In addition to these the University publishes an Annual Report, copies of which are held in the University libraries. The official publications of the University are also published on the web and may be accessed from the Handbooks Homepage at: <> The Research Higher Degrees Handbook, 2003 was published by the Research Office and summarises all information needed by those embarking on a research degree at the University. It may be accessed on the web from the Handbooks Homepage. Course and Unit Handbook Structure and content The handbook is divided into four sections: (a) (b) (c) (d) Contents and Indexes, inside front cover and the following pages prefixed A-; Course details , pages B-1 to B-250; Schools and Discipline entries, pages B-251 and following; Unit details, pages prefixed C-. The Glossary of Terms (page A-6) and the Abbreviations (page A-9) provide an explanation of special words and abbreviations employed by the University and used throughout this handbook. The Table of Courses and Contacts (page A-11) provides a quick reference to the pages on which individual courses are described. The Index of Unit Titles (page A-23) includes the titles of all coursework units offered by the University and the pages on which a fuller description of the units may be found. The Index of Unit Codes (page A-39) enables the reader to find the unit details of any unit currently being offered whose enrolment code number is known. To save space, it has been necessary to refer to prerequisites, corequisites and mutual exclusions by their unit enrolment code number; some of these will refer to units not currently offered by the University. The Index of Schools and Disciplines (page B252) provides page references to details of Schools and/or Disciplines. The Index of Unit Code Prefixes, with interpretation (page A-48) provides useful information as well as page references to the unit details. The Index of Course Codes (page A-21) indicates the page on which the courses are described as well as giving the interpretation of the course codes. The Synoptic Index (inside back cover) provides a quick reference to all main topics of this handbook. A summary of Key Dates for the academic year may be found on page A-2. The faculties Course details The University’s courses are administered and taught by six faculties as follows: These include such important information as the course code, the campus(es) where the course is Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-4 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details taught, its duration, details of admission requirements and any prerequisites (over and above those listed below as necessary for general entry into the University), as well as the course objectives and its structure. The course structure is summarised in the various schedules. These schedules indicate the level or year of study, the title, campus(es), semester(s), (HECS) weighting, page reference (to the unit details), and enrolment code number of the units which may or must be studied as part of the course. How to interpret a course schedule coded BFA207/307 means BFA207 or BFA307). 6. Biological Physics is to be offered at Launceston; the tag w indicates the study of the unit will be web-based (at least in part) and the ? indicates that the semester when the unit is to be offered has yet to be advised. 7. The footnote advises students that in order to enrol in KJC103 they must first have completed Year 12 Chemistry. This prerequisite does not apply to those who choose the alternative combination of units. Other abbreviations which may appear in the schedules are described on page A-7. Note: the example of (part of) a course schedule Schedule in the next column does NOT represent a real course nor are details such as unit titles and page 1 Unit title campus-sem weight page code references necessarily current. 2 Year 1 3 Either KJC103 or (KJC161 and CXA125) The numbers in the shaded left-hand margin [a] L1&2 25% C-406 KJC103 refer to the numbered explanations given below. 4 Chemistry 1 Chemistry for Life Sciences L1 12.5% C-407 KJC161 1. Schedules typically provide the title, campus, Introductory Biochemistry L2 12.5% C-87 CXA125 semester, weight, page reference and Either BMA109 or KYA185 enrolment code number of the units which 5 Introduction to may or must be taken as part of the course. Management H1/2~L1/2~D1 12.5% C-16 BMA101 2. Most units are studied at a certain level. In 6 Biological general, level 100 refers to units taken in the Physics L?w 12.5% C-477 KYA172 first year of study, level 200 to the second-year, ..................etc and level 300 to the third-year, and so on. The 7 [a]Students must have completed Year 12 Chemistry present example applies to the first year of the course. Unit details 3. The schedule may contain explanations such as the present one which advises that students must study either Chemistry 1 or the combination of Chemistry for Life Sciences and Introductory Biochemistry. 4. This line provides some information about the first of the three units, Chemistry 1. The campus-sem details appear as L1&2, meaning the unit is taught at Launceston over the first and second semesters. The 25% is the unit HECS weighting. In other words, it is the equivalent of one quarter of a full-year’s study. Fuller details of the unit may be found on page C-406. When enrolling in the unit, students employ the code number KJC103. The tag [a] refers to the footnote which appears at the end of the schedule. 5. Introduction to Management is offered at Hobart and at Launceston in either semester 1 or semester 2. It is also offered by distance education, but in semester 1 only. The unit is weighted at 12.5% or one eighth of a full year’s study. Note: the forward-slash ( /), when used in schedules, always means ‘or’ (thus a unit Section C of this handbook provides fuller descriptions of each unit, its content and objectives. Other details listed may include (where known at the time of publication) the names of teaching staff, the campus where the unit is taught, the HECS weight (which may vary depending on the course in which the unit is studied), the teaching pattern, any prerequisite and corequisite units, mutual exclusions, the method of assessment, and any required or recommended texts or other materials. It is important to note that these details, which are based on information which was correct at the time of publication, may be altered by the University. Students are advised to check the details prior to enrolling in any course or units. The unit descriptions include reference to the course codes of the course(s) for which the units are offered. To find the page on which the courses are described use the Index of Course Codes (page A-21). It is important to note, however, that a large number of units may be studied by students as electives or options in a wide range of courses, even those offered by other faculties. Where the code [OC] Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Interpreting schedules and unit details – A-5 appears, this is a positive indication that the unit is available to students enrolled in ‘Other Courses’. However, students are urged to seek advice from their course coordinator or tutors as well as from the providing school concerning the availability of any units they may be interested in. How to interpret the unit details In the next column is an example of a typical unit. As this unit is here being used as an example, the details are not necessarily those which are current. 1 2 3 4 5 HSG200/300 Approaches to Political Analysis Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2 [video] Special note: strongly recommended for students intending to undertake Honours in Public Policy or Political Science Examines theory and methods employed in the study of politics and public policy. In addition to examining key methodological issues, the unit focuses on the development of theoretical understandings of government. It includes the detailed analysis of selected key pieces of research, examining critically the use of theory and methods by notable scholars. Staff: Dr WN Citizen Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lectures weekly, 1-hr tutorial, fortnightly (13 wks) Prerequisites: 25% at level 100 in Political Science or Public Policy or equiv Assessment mode: 2,500-word essay (30%), 1,000-word tutorial report/project (15%), tutorial participation (5%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam (50%) Required texts etc: Reader, available from the School of Government Majors: Political Science, Public Policy Courses: [R3A] [R3C] [R3K] The numbers down the left-hand margin relate to 6 7 the numbered paragraphs which follow. 8 1. The enrolment code. In this example, the unit has two codes: HSG200 and HSG300. 9 Students would normally use the code which is appropriate to their level of study. In such cases, students studying the code at level 300 10 would typically be expected to show a higher level of understanding or compentence than 11 they would at level 200. 2. The unit title. To find a unit whose title is 12 known, use the index on page A-23. 13 3. This 'Offered:' line ought always to be read in present unit; and 'Mutual exclusions:' or units conjunction with details given at 8 below. On which cannot count with the present unit as the implications of ‘video-link’, see the part of the same course. explanation on page A-8. 10. 'Assessment mode:' indicates the way in which 4. Some units will include a 'Special note:' the student’s ability is assessed by the Faculty. which may include advice, warning or other important considerations. 11. 'Required texts etc:' lists any books or equipment that the students will need to 5. The description of the unit is given. complete their study of the unit. Students are 6. Where known, the 'Staff:' who will be advised, however, to check with the unit teaching the unit are listed. coordinator or with School staff before 7. The 'Unit weight:' is shown as a percentage of purchasing expensive books. Some texts are a full-year’s work and represents available on loan from the library. Besides (approximately) the proportion of the HECS this field, the unit details may also list or other fee that may be payable. For ‘Recommended reading:’, ie a list of works example, if the course costs $10,000 a year to considered to be helpful in the study of the study, a 12.5% unit has an effective cost of unit. $1,250 or one-eighth of the cost of the whole 12. 'Majors:' applies primarily to the Bachelor of course for that year. Arts degree course. In the present example, 8. The 'Teaching pattern:' gives an indication of the unit is listed as one which may be used as the amount of staff-student contact time. As a part of a major study in Political Science or in general rule, lectures and tutorials are of an Public Policy. On the meaning of ‘major’ refer hour’s duration; but in some cases may be to the Glossary of Terms on page A-4 and to much longer. Fuller details are provided by the appropriate course details. the School at the time of the first lectures. 13. 'Courses:' lists those courses for which this 9. The 'Prerequisites:' details what students must unit is a part. To understand the meaning of have completed in order to apply for entry these codes, turn to Index of Course Codes into this unit. In addition to this field, some on page A-21. units also list 'Corequisites:' or units which Note: [OC] means ‘Other (unspecified) Courses’. must be studied at the same time as the Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-6 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details School and Discipline entries These are to be found on page B-252. The schools and disciplines are grouped under their appropriate Faculty headings and are listed sequentially according to the prefix which characterises the unit details taught by that school or discipline. Students are urged to read carefully any discipline entry related to the units or course they are studying as many of them contain vital information. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Some terms used in this handbook may be unfamiliar to new students. The explanations listed here relate to these terms as they are used by the University of Tasmania. Academic Senate: the principal academic committee of the University, with undergraduate and postgraduate student representatives, responsible for academic matters including the approval of courses and policy covering entry requirements, admission, enrolments, assessment and course completions. academic year (see also teaching year): extends from the end of February to the end of November (see page A-2). associate lecturer (also called tutor): a member of the academic staff who works with small groups of students to develop their knowledge by a process of discussion and review of material. AV-CC: Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee, comprising the Vice-Chancellors of all Australian universities, provides broad policy within higher education and represents universities in relations with the Commonwealth Government and other bodies. bachelor degree: an award following completion of an undergraduate course of at least three years full time (or equivalent part time), designed to provide a systematic introduction to a field of study, with some specialisation at a deeper level of content and knowledge, and to the underlying principles and concepts and associated problemsolving skills, eg Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts. taken in conjunction with another. For example, a student enrolling in KGG220 Geomatics 2a: Surveying (page C-376) must also enrol in KGG270 Geomatics 2e: Analysis of Observations (page C-377). Council: the University Council is the governing body of the University. course: a program of study leading to an award, eg the Bachelor of Science course. credit: exemption from the requirement to undertake specified units to complete a course, eg an applicant with an associate diploma may be given credit towards a bachelor degree. credit hours: the number of hours deemed to have been completed by students attending given (School of Education) classes (workshops and seminars). credit pass (CR): a pass in which the student gained at least 60% but less than 70%. credit point: see weighting. dean: the head of a faculty; the dean is responsible for the administration of the faculty and its academic and research pursuits. deferred ordinary examination (DO): students suffering from illness or other adverse circumstances at the time of the examination may apply for a deferred examination. A student whose application is granted is permitted to sit an equivalent examination at a later date. The deferred examination should not be confused with the supplementary examination which is, in effect, an exam which gives the student a ‘second chance’. department: see school. diploma: an award following completion of a specified two-year full-time (or equivalent parttime) undergraduate course designed to develop skills, including significant practical experience, and knowledge in a specific field of activity, leading to professional registration or meeting the needs of employers in the field, eg Diploma of Music. diplomate: a person who has graduated with a diploma or graduate diploma. conversion: when applied to an education unit is one which extends the competencies gained by someone with a non-University certificate to a standard required for the University award course (eg the Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education unit ESV209) discipline: a field of related studies, eg the disciplines of physics, mathematics, history, Latin. Some schools are divided into a number of disciplines; eg the School of Asian Languages and Studies includes the following disciplines: Asian Studies, Chinese, Indonesian, and Japanese. corequisite: a companion unit which must be distance education: is used loosely of courses or Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Glosary of Terms – A-7 units which can be studied off-campus. Such units or courses may require attendance at a weekend seminar at a designated centre or campus (see also ‘flexible delivery’). distinction (DN): a pass in which the student gained at least 70% but less than 80%. EFTSU (see also weighting): Equivalent Full-time Student Unit. Each unit has a weight or load assigned to it in specific courses, expressed as a proportion of the total full-time course requirement in a year. All enrolled students have an EFFSU value calculated on the units in which they are enrolled in each semester. The EFTSU calculation determines the HECS liability of a student. The weights of the full-time course requirements in a year normally add up to one EFTSU. elective (also called an option or optional unit): a unit which counts towards the requirements of a course but which is not specified and may be chosen by the student. For example, the first year medicine student is required to select an elective unit weighted at 12.5%. Elective units are generally in another discipline and may even be taken in another faculty. examiner (also called the assessor): a lecturer or lecturers responsible for the examination of a unit. faculty: a formal academic body responsible for the administration of courses, with membership largely comprised of the teaching staff of schools assigned to the faculty and student representatives from the courses for which it is responsible. faculty pass (FS/FP): a pass awarded by a faculty, after consideration of the student’s overall performance in that academic year, in a unit in which the assessors did not award a pass grade. FS means permission to enter a supplementary examination has been granted; FP means permission refused. fail (NS/NN): achieving less than 50%. See, however, ‘terminating pass’ and ‘faculty pass’. NS means permission to sit a supplementary examination has been granted; NN means permission refused. flexible delivery: referring to the way in which a unit is taught (may include lectures, distance education, video conferencing, use of the internet, in-campus or statewide weekends, summer school or winter school). full year: when applied to a unit means one which is taught over two semesters, generally semester 1 and semester 2. Grade-Point Average (GPA): a numerical representation of the average grade or pass of a student across a defined number of units. Each faculty determines the method of calculation for students enrolled in its courses. graduand: a person who has completed the requirements of a course but who has not yet been admitted to a degree or awarded a diploma. graduate: a person who has completed the requirements of a course and has been admitted to a degree. graduation ceremony: ceremony at which qualifications are formally granted (conferred) HECS: Higher Education Contribution Scheme. The Commonwealth Government scheme requiring students to contribute towards the cost of their higher education. HECS liability is calculated by multiplying the student’s EFTSU value by an annual course contribution set by the Commonwealth Government. high distinction (HD): a pass in which the student gained at least 80%. honours: either an additional year of full-time study after a three-year full-time degree, predominantly spent on a research project, or, in the case of a four-or-more-year full-time single degree, a defined higher level of expectation for meritorious students in the later stages of the course. in-country (also Osea): used of units which are studied within the relevant country eg some foreign language units are studied during the summer vacation within the country where that language is used. key learning areas (KLAs): refers to the major disciplines or subjects within the Primary and Secondary school-system curriculum. lecturer/senior lecturer: academic staff with responsibility for curriculum design, teaching and assessment. level: units are often referred to by their level. Level 100 units are generally deemed to be at first-year level, level 200 at the second-year, level 300 as the third-year level. major: an area of specialisation continued for the duration of a degree at a deeper level of content with knowledge developed to a high level providing the basis for postgraduate study. minor (also called a sub-major): an area of specialisation continued for two years of a Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-8 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details degree. module (or sub-unit): when used in relation to a unit refers to a discrete part within that unit. mutual exclusion: another unit which may not be counted with the present unit in the same course. For example, a student who enrolled in KGA100 Geography and Environmental Studies 1 may not now enrol in KGA101 Geography and Environmental Studies 1A. pass (PP): a pass in which the student gained at least 50% but less than 60%. postgraduate (study): further study for a higher qualification following the successful completion of a bachelor degree, eg graduate diploma or master degree by coursework. practicum: a unit where the emphasis is on gaining practical professional experience, generally in the workplace. prerequisite: a unit or level of study which must be successfully completed before a later unit can be studied. For example, in order to enrol in BEA130 Foundations of Economic Policy the student must have first successfully completed BEA110 Economics for Business. professor: the most senior academic rank, and often the head of a school. rotation: when used of the teaching mode of a unit, means that some students will be studying a given unit at one time while others are studying another unit; and then they swap round. schedule: part of the course specifications listing units that may be studied in a particular course. The schedules in this handbook detail the unit title, where and when it is offered, its weight expressed as a percentage of a full-year’s work, the reference to the page where fuller details of the unit may be found and the enrolment code of the unit. school (formerly known as ‘department’): the academic body responsible for the teaching of a discipline or group of related disciplines within a faculty. semester: teaching period including 13 teaching weeks and a one week study period followed by examinations. Within each semester, there is a mid-semester break of about one week (see Key Dates on page A-2). Note: 'semester' was formerly used to speak of the first half and the second half of the year's program. Nowadays, the word means any designated teaching period, including semester 3: the summer school held after Christmas, semester 4 the winter school held between the two normal semesters, and semester 5 the summer school held at the end of the year, before Christmas. Services and Amenities Fee (S&A Fee): an annual fee levied on all students by the student associations to fund services and amenities. The amount is calculated on the EFTSU value of each student. specifications: the rules by which a faculty administers a course. sub-unit: see ‘module’. summer school: some courses or units require students to attend lectures or other University activities during the long summer vacation. For administrative purposes, this period is referred to as semester 5 if it falls before Christmas and semester 3 if it falls after Christmas. supplementary examination: students whose examination result has been borderline may be required to sit another examination. Supplementary examinations are generally held in December and July. teaching year: comprises two semesters and two examination periods; usually extending from late February to early December. teachout: refers to a course of study for which there are no new enrolments. Students whose course is being taught out should make sure they know what provisions are being made for them eg, to transfer to another course, and so on. It is understood that no student is to be disadvantaged by changes to their course or its structure. terminating pass (TS/TP): means the student is not permitted to undertake studies in the same subject at a more advanced level. TS means permission has been granted to sit a supplementary examination; TP means permission refused. testamur (also called a certificate): the certificate awarded on graduation. undergraduate (study): study undertaken in order to gain a diploma, degree or honours degree. unit: a set of lectures, seminars, tutorials and /or practical sessions on a particular topic and the associated assessment. VET in schools: Vocational Education and Training courses included in senior secondary school certificates. The University’s admission procedures provide for assessment under Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Abbreviations – A-9 alternative entry of appropriate levels of achievement in VET courses undertaken as part of senior secondary school certificates. (For more details, refer to the Admission Guide 2004). videolink: some units employ video conferencing (PicureTel 4000 videoconference system) to deliver lectures by screen to an audience in an alternative location to the lecturer. (See page A-38 for more information) viva voce: an oral, face-to-face examination. WebCT (Web Course Tools): is used to provide some or all of the teaching via the internet. For access to detailed information, visit the University’s online site at: <>. weighting: a measure of the proportion that a unit represents of the total credit specified for completion of a course. The weighting is expressed as an EFTSU percentage. (Typically, a full year’s study is the equivalent of 100%). ABBREVIATIONS TCE subjects are abbreviated in this Handbook as follows: *AG806 Agricultural Science *BY826 Biology *CH856 Chemistry *EL750 Electronics *EV846 Environmental Science *FRS34 French Stage 4 *CG833 Geography *CL876 Geology *GR813 German Stage 4 *IF862 Computer Science *IN837 Indonesian Stage 4 *JP839 Japanese Stage 4 *MT730 Mathematics Applied *MT841 Mathematics Stage 2 *MT843 Mathematics Stage 3 *SC786 Applied Science - Physical Sciences *PH866 Physics ~ when employed in tables or schedules, is used to separate distinct references, eg H1~LI, meaning Hobart, semester 1; Launceston, semester 1. / (forward slash) when employed in tables or schedules, always means ‘or’ 1: referring to a unit offered in semester 1 1&2: referring to a unit which is studied over semester 1 and semester 2 (ie as a full-year unit) 1/2: referring to a one-semester unit which may be studied in either semester 1 or semester 2 2: referring to a unit offered in semester 2 3: summer school; referring to a unit which is offered during summer vacation after Christmas 4: winter school; referring to a unit which is offered during the between-semester (mid-year) break 5: end-of-year (summer) school; referring to a unit which is offered during summer vacation prior to Christmas assess: method of assessment AV-CC: Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee AVE: Adult and Vocational Education B: North-West Centre in Burnie CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning coreq: corequisite CR: pass with credit CUP: Cambridge University Press D: by distance education dist.ed: by distance education DN: pass with distinction Edin: Edinburgh EFTSU: Equivalent Full-time Student Unit end-of-yr-sch: a summer school held prior to Christmas each year; is also known as semester 5 equiv: equivalent FP: faculty pass H: Hobart [h/b]: hardback edition Hbt: Hobart HD: pass with high distinction HECS: Higher Education Contribution Scheme HoS: Head of School hr: hour int: internal L: Launceston lab: laboratory LGH: Launceston General Hospital Ltn: Launceston [na]: refers to a unit which is not offered in 2004 NN: a fail grade NW: North-West (Centre) NWC: North-West Centre Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-10 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details NWGH: North-West General Hospital O: in-country, off-shore (generally in the combination O3 meaning ‘in-country during the summer vacation’) Osea: overseas - has the same general meaning as ‘in-country’ and ‘off-shore’ [OC]: refers to a unit which may be taken in a variety of courses not specified [?] or ?: depending on context means ‘to be confirmed’ or ‘to be advised’ INDEX OF DISCIPLINES–SCHOOLS OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Examination OUP: Oxford University Press OWC: Oxford World’s Classics [p/b]: paperback edition PP: a pass grade prereq: prerequisite r: in rotation rdg: recommended reading req: required texts and materials RHH: Royal Hobart Hospital SAQ: Short Answer Question sem: semester. Following the trail of a unit s-sch: summer school (sometimes referred to as semester 3) SOSE: Studies of Society and Environment tba: to be advised TP: terminating pass v: (used in schedules) signifies by videolink w: (used in schedules) signifies by the web WebCT: Web Course Tools (see ‘Glossary of Terms’) w-sch: winter school (sometimes referred to as semester 4) wk, wks: week, weeks xx%: the HECS weighting (see also EFFSU) The Index of Schools and Disciplines is given on page B-252. See also page A-48 – INDEX OF UNIT-CODE PREFIXES with interpretation. The unit code prefixes identify the Discipline and the School. The unit details provide information concerning the courses (and in the case of the Bachelor of Arts, the majors) in which that unit may form a part. Units are sometimes prescribed as part of a course, but in many instances, units may be electives which means the student can choose whether or not to take that unit. Where the unit is part of a course, it will be listed in the course schedules. The units are also indexed in two ways: by title and by code number. This means that if you know the subject title you can trace the unit by searching the Index of Unit Titles on page A-23. Sometimes units are referenced only by their code number: for instance, some unit details list prerequisites by quoting only the code number of units that must have been satisfactorily completed prior to enrolling in the unit being described. Note however, some codes listed as prerequisites, corequisites or mutual exclusions may no longer be current, in this case, you may need to seek the advice of the school responsible for the unit). Units given by code number can be searched for in the Index Unit Codes on page A-39. Once you have found the unit details, this can lead you to the courses in which it is offered. Alternatively, if you are reading through the course schedules, these reference the pages on which each unit can be found. Following the trail of a course code Each course has its own code number. As a convenience, these numbers are employed in the unit details to reference the course(s) for which a unit is offered. To follow the trail from the course code to the course itself, use the Index of Courses – code, title, page which can be found on page A-21. Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Table of courses and contacts – A-11 TABLE OF COURSES AND CONTACTS The name of each course is followed by the abbreviated title (shown in brackets, if there is one) and by the Course Code (three-characters in the pattern A2A), contact phone number(s) and the page reference for the course details. Apart from the enabling courses which are grouped together at the beginning, all courses are grouped according to the faculty which is chiefly responsible for administering the course. In the case of combined degrees involving two faculties, the course is listed under both faculties. For information on higher degrees by research and higher doctorates, readers should contact Research Higher Degrees Inquiries, Student Administration (Hbt) phone: (03) 6226 7495. Following the name of each faculty is a list of the schools and teaching centres within that faculty. Bridging or Enabling Programs The University provides a number of enabling programs for applicants who do not meet the normal University admission requirements. They include the following. University Preparation Program (UPP) E0D Secretary (03) 6430 4905 [B-1] Foundation Studies Program (FSP) E0E Secretary (03) 6226 2540 [B-1] Commerce Enabling Program (CEP) C0F Secretary (03) 6226 2160 [B-2] BioStart (BioStart) H0F Secretary (03) 6324 5400 [B-2] Science Enabling Course (ScEnb) S0F Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-3] Riawunna – Centre for Aboriginal Education: Murina (Pathway to Higher Education) Program W0D Secretary (03) 6324 3386 (Ltn) or 6226 2516 (Hbt) [B-3] UniStart X0A Secretary (03) 6226 1905 [B-4] Faculty of Arts Schools and Centres of the Faculty of Arts Including the following disciplines Asian Studies Chinese Indonesian Japanese School of English, Journalism and European Languages Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2348 Including the following disciplines English Journalism and Media Studies French German School of Government Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2329 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3946 Including the following disciplines Political Science Public Policy Police Studies School of History and Classics Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2298 Including the following disciplines History Ancient Civilisations Ancient Greek Latin Tasmanian School of Art Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4304 Conservatorium of Music Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7302 School of Visual and Performing Arts Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3601/3599 Including the following disciplines Theatre Contemporary Music Visual Arts School of Philosophy Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2255 Including the following disciplines Philosophy Logic and Philosophy of Science School of Asian Languages and Studies Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2342 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3223 Riawunna Centre for Aboriginal Education Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2772 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3491 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-12 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details School of Sociology and Social Work Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2338 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3946 Including the following Disciplines Sociology Social Work The courses are listed as follows: diplomas first, then bachelor degrees, bachelor with honours degrees, combined bachelor degrees, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, and master degrees except that where the graduate programs are designed to articulate one into the other, they grouped together; eg the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Public Policy. Diploma of Fine Art and Design (DipFAD) F2F Secretary (03) 6324 4400 [B-7] Diploma in Languages (DipLang) R2A Secretary (03) 6226 2061 or 6324 3684 [B-8] Diploma of Music (DipMus) F2K Secretary (03) 6226 7314 [B-8] Bachelor of Arts (BA) R3A Secretary (03) 6226 2061 (Hbt) or 6324 3624 (Ltn) [B-10] Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) R4A Secretary (03) 6226 2249 [B-25] Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (BCA) F3J Secretary (03) 6324 4400 [B-28] Bachelor of Contemporary Arts with Honours (BCA(Hons)) F4J Secretary (03) 6324 4400 [B-33] Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) F3E Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3624/3601 or (Hbt) (03) 6226 4304 [B-35] Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours (BFA(Hons)) F4A Secretary (03) 6324 3624 [B-38] Bachelor of Music (BMus) F3K Secretary (03) 6226 7314 [B-39] Bachelor of Music (Honours) (BMus(Hons)) F4D Secretary (03) 6226 7314 [B-42] Bachelor of Performing Arts with Honours (BPA(Hons)) F4B Secretary (03) 6324 3624 [B-43] Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) R3C Secretary (03) 6324 3624 [B-44] Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) (BSocSc(PoliceStudies)) R3K Secretary (03) 6226 2319 [B-47] Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) R3B Secretary (03) 6324 3528 [B-51] Bachelor of Social Work with Honours (BSW(Hons)) R4B Secretary (03) 6324 3528 [B-53] Bachelor of Tourism (BTourism) R3J Secretary (03) 6324 3579 [B-54] Bachelor of Tourism with Honours (BTourism(Hons)) R4J Secretary (03) 6226 3579 [B-55] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BA–BCom) R3M Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 [B-56, 103] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing (BA–BComp) R3S Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-58, 222] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics (BA–BEc) R3O Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Economics Secretary (03) 6226 7672 [B-58, 107] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BA–BFA) R3T Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Visual and Performing Arts Secretary (03) 6324 3624 [B-60] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BA–LLB) L3D Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-60, 170] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music (BA–BMus) R3N Secretary (03) 6226 2061 [B-61] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BA–BSc) R3I Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-64, 222] Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Information Systems (BFA–BIS) F3R Visual and Performing Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 or 6226 4304 Information Systems Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-65] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Music (BIS–BMus) G3C Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687120 [B-66, 109] Graduate Certificate in International Politics (GradCertIntPol) R5Q Secretary (03) 6226 2335 [B-66] Graduate Diploma in International Politics (GradDipIntPol) R6Q Secretary (03) 6226 2335 [B-67] Master of International Politics (MIntPol) R7Q Secretary (03) 6226 2335 [B-68] Graduate Certificate in Journalism and Media Studies (GradCertJMS) R5P Secretary (03) 6226 2365 [B-68] Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies (GradDipJMS) R6P Secretary (03) 6226 2365 [B-69] Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Table of courses and contacts – A-13 Master of Journalism and Media Studies (MJMS) R7P Secretary (03) 6226 2365 [B-69] Graduate Certificate in Police Studies (GradCertPoliceStuds) R5L Secretary (03) 6226 2319 [B-70] Graduate Diploma in Police Studies (GradDipPoliceStuds) R6L Secretary (03) 6226 2319 [B-70] Master of Police Studies (MPoliceStuds) R7L Secretary (03) 6226 2319 [B-71] Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (GradCertPubPol) R5M Secretary (03) 6226 2364 [B-72] Graduate Diploma in Public Policy (GradDipPubPol) R6M Secretary (03) 6226 2364 [B-73] School of Management Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7686 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3014 The courses are shown in the following order: bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees with honours, combined bachelor degrees, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master degrees except that where courses articulate from the graduate certificate and/or graduate diploma to the master degree, these are grouped together. Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) (BBA(HospMgmt)) C3T Secretary (03) 6226 7686 [B-83] Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) (BBA(HRM)) C3U Secretary (03) 6226 7686 [B-84] Master of Public Policy (MPubPol) R7M Secretary (03) 6226 2364 [B-74] Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) (BBA(Tourism Mgmt)) C3V Secretary (03) 6226 7686 [B-85] Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies (GradDipAsianStuds) R6K Secretary (03) 6226 2342 [B-75] Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) C3C Secretary (03) 6226 2160 [B-85] Master of Asian Studies (MAsianStuds) R7K Secretary (03) 6226 2342 [B-75] Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHum) R6B Secretary (03) 6226 2249 [B-76] Graduate Diploma in Languages (GradDipLang) R6J Secretary (03) 6226 2249 [B-77] Graduate Diploma of Music (GradDipMus) F6D Secretary (03) 6226 7340 [B-79] Master of Fine Art and Design (MFAD) F7D Secretary (03) 6324 4400 [B-79] Master of Music (MMus) F7E Secretary (03) 6226 7340 [B-81] Master of Social Work Practice (MSocWkPrac) R7H Secretary (03) 6324 3528 [B-82] Faculty of Commerce Schools of the Faculty of Commerce School of Accounting and Finance Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2266 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3088 School of Economics Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7672 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3088 School of Information Systems Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 6200 Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3145 Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (BCom(Hons)) C4C Accounting and Finance Secretary (03) 6226 2266 Management Secretary (03) 6226 7686 [B-92] Bachelor of Economics (BEc) C3E Secretary (03) 6226 7672/2160 [B-92] Bachelor of Economics with Honours (BEc(Hons)) C4E Secretary (03) 6226 2825 [B-98] Bachelor of Information Systems (BIS) C3S Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-99] Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours (BIS(Hons)) C4S Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-102] Bachelor of Aquaculture and Bachelor of Commerce (BAqua–BCom) S3W Commerce Secretary (03) 6324 3014 Science Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-103] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (BA–BCom) R3M Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 [B-103] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computing (BCom–BComp) C3X Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2009 Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-103] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Systems (BCom–BIS) C3L Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2009 Information Systems Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-104] Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-14 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (BCom–LLB) L3F Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-105, 170] Graduate Diploma in Information Management (GradDipInfoMgt) C6R Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-115] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BCom–LLB(Hons)) L4F Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-106, 170] Master of Commerce (MCom) C7C Secretary (03) 6226 2266 [B-116] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCom-BSc) C3Z Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-106] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics (BA–BEc) R3O Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Economics Secretary (03) 6324 7672 [B-58, 107] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Economics (BComp–BEc) S3U Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 or 6226 2125 Economics Secretary (03) 6226 7672 [B-107, 223] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws (BEc–LLB) L3E Economics Secretary (03) 6226 7672 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-107, 173] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BEc–LLB(Hons)) L4E Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-107, 173] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science (BEc-BSc) G3A Economics Secretary (03) 6226 2160/ 2308 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-107, 225] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws (BIS–LLB) L3K Information Systems Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-109, 173] Master of Information Systems (MIS) C7A Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-117] Faculty of Education The Faculty of Education is a single-school faculty School of the Faculty of Education Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3265 The courses are shown in the following order: bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees with honours, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master degrees except that where courses articulate from the graduate certificate and/or graduate diploma to the master degree, these are grouped together. Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education (BAdVocEd) E3G Secretary (03) 6324 3794 [B-119] Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education with Honours (BAdVocEd(Hons)) E4G Secretary (03) 6324 3794 [B-120] Bachelor of Education (BEd) E3A Secretary (03) 6324 3396 [B-121] Bachelor of Education with Honours (BEd(Hons)) E4A Secretary (03) 6324 3712 [B-122] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BIS–LLB(Hons)) L4K Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-109, 174] Bachelor of Education (In-Service) (BEd(In-Service)) E3B Secretary (03) 6324 3045/ 3051 [B-123] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Music (BIS–BMus) G3C Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687120 [B-66, 109] Bachelor of Education with Honours (In-Service program) (BEd(Hons)) E4C Secretary (03) 6324 3045 [B-124] Graduate Certificate in Information Systems (GradCertIS) C5S Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-111] Graduate Certificate of Management (GradCertMgt) C5T Secretary (03) 6324 3436 [B-112] Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (GDBA) C6Q Secretary (03) 6324 3436 [B-112] Bachelor of Human Movement (BHM) E3J Secretary (03) 6324 3337 [B-125] Bachelor of Human Movement with Honours (BHM(Hons)) E4J Secretary (03) 6324 3337 [B-127] Bachelor of Teaching (BTeach) E3H Secretary (03) 6226 2550 [B-128] Bachelor of Teaching – Preliminary Studies E3H Secretary (03) 6226 2550 [B-131] Master of Business Administration (MBA) C7H Secretary (03) 6324 3436 [B-113] Bachelor of Teaching with Honours (BTeach(Hons)) E4H Secretary (03) 6226 2560 [B-131] Graduate Diploma in Information Systems (GradDipIS) C6P Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 [B-114] Graduate Certificate of Counselling (GradCertCouns) E5W Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-132] Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Table of courses and contacts – A-15 Master of Counselling (MCouns) E7W Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-133] School of Pharmacy Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2190 Master of Counselling (Honours) (MCouns(Hons)) E7X Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-134] University Department of Rural Health Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 4000 Postgraduate Education Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-135] Graduate Certificate of Education (GradCertEd) E5E Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-137] Master of Education (MEd) E7E Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-139] Master of Education (Honours) (MEd(Hons)) E7D Secretary (03) 6324 3038 [B-140] Menzies Centre for Population Health Research Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7702 The courses are shown in the following order: bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees with honours, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master degrees. Bachelor of Biomedical Science (BBiomedSc) M3G Secretary (03) 6324 5400 [B-145] Graduate Certificate of Human Movement E5J Secretary (03) 6324 3337 [B-140] Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours (BBiomedSc(Hons)) M4E Secretary (03) 6324 5400 [B-146] Master of Human Movement (MHM) E7J Secretary (03) 6324 3337 [B-141] Bachelor of Health Science (BHlthSc) M3H Secretary (03) 6324 5400 [B-146] Professional Doctorate in Education – (EdD) E9Z Secretary (03) 6324 3038 (this course is in teach-out) [B-142] Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours (BMedSc(Hons)) M4J Secretary (03) 6226 4757 [B-149] Faculty of Health Science Schools and Disciplines of the Faculty of Health Science Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) M3B Secretary (03) 6226 4757 [B-149] Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours (MBBS(Hons)) M4B Secretary (03) 6226 4757 [B152] School of Human Life Science Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3229 Bachelor of Nursing (BN) H3D Secretary (03) 6324 3318 [B-152] School of Medicine Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4757 Including the following disciplines Anatomy & Physiology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2678 Biochemistry Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2672 Epidemiology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7702 General Practice Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4757 Medicine Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4870 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4850 Paediatrics & Child Health Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4860 Pathology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4830 Psychiatry Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4885 Surgery Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 4890 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours (BN(Hons)) H4A Secretary (03) 6324 3318 [B-155] School of Nursing Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3318 Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) M3F Secretary (03) 6226 2190 [B-156] Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours (BPharm(Hons)) M4C Secretary (03) 6226 2190 [B-157] Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours (BPharm(Hons)) M4F Secretary (03) 6226 2190 [B-157] Graduate Certificate in E-Health (Health Informatics) (GradCertE-Health(HI)) H5E Secretary (03) 6324 4025 [B-158] Graduate Certificate in Nursing (GradCertN) H5F Secretary (03) 6226 4895 [B-159] Graduate Diploma of E-Health (Health Informatics) (GradDipE-Health(HI)) H6E Secretary (03) 6324 4025 [B-161] Graduate Diploma in Immunology and Microbiology (GradDipImmunolMicrobiol) M6A Secretary (03) 6226 4830 [B-162] Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-16 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Graduate Diploma of Nursing (GradDipN) H6F Secretary (03) 6324 3087 [B-162] Graduate Diploma of Midwifery (GradDipMid) H6C Secretary (03) 6324 3398 [B-164] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws (BIS–LLB) L3K Information Systems Secretary (03) 6226 6200 or 1800 687 120 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-109, 174] Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Science (GradDipPharmSc) M6E Secretary (03) 6226 2190 [B-165] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BIS–LLB(Hons)) L4K Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174] Master of Clinical Nursing (MCN) H7F Secretary (03) 6324 3318 [B-166] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (BSc– LLB) L3G Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174, 226] Master of Pharmaceutical Science (MPharmSc) M7E Secretary (03) 6226 2190 [B-167] Faculty of Law The Faculty of Law is a single-school faculty School of the Faculty of Law Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2073 The courses are shown in the following order: bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees with honours, combined bachelor degrees, graduate certificate. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) L3B Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-169] Honours in Law (LLB(Hons)) L4B Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-170] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BA–LLB) L3D Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-60, 170] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BA–LLB(Hons)) L4D Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-171] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (BCom–LLB) L3F Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-105, 171] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BCom–LLB(Hons)) L4F Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-172] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws (BComp–LLB) L3L Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-172, 224] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BComp–LLB(Hons)) L4L Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-172] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws (BEc–LLB) L3E Economics Secretary (03) 6226 7672 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-173] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BEc–LLB(Hons)) L4E Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-107, 173] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BSc–LLB(Hons)) L4G Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174] Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice (GradCertLegPrac) L5B Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174] Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Schools of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology School of Agricultural Science Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2620 School of Aquaculture Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3801 School of Architecture Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3586 School of Chemistry Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 7886 School of Computing Secretary (Ltn) (03) 6324 3347 School of Earth Sciences Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2476 School of Engineering Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2135 School of Geography and Environmental Studies Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2463 Including the following disciplines Geography and Environmental Studies Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies School of Mathematics and Physics Including the following disciplines IASOS, Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2971 Physics Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2401 Mathematics Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2439 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Table of courses and contacts – A-17 School of Plant Science Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2603 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons)) N4A Secretary (03) 6226 2135 [B-209] School of Psychology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2237 Bachelor of Environmental Design (BEnvDes) D3A Secretary (03) 6324 3586 [B-210] School of Zoology Secretary (Hbt) (03) 6226 2613 Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honours (BEnvDes(Hons)) D4A Secretary (03) 6324 3586 [B-211] The courses are shown in the following order: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science with Honours (generic degree courses), diplomas, other bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees with honours, combined bachelor degrees, graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and master degrees except that where courses articulate from the graduate certificate and/or graduate diploma to the master degree, these are grouped together. Bachelor of Science (BSc) S3G Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-175] Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSc(Hons)) S4E Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-190] Diploma in Aquaculture (DipAq) S2B Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-191] Bachelor of Agricultural Science (BAgrSc) S3A Secretary (03) 6226 2620 [B-191] Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours (BAgrSc(Hons)) S4A Secretary (03) 6226 2620 [B-193] Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) (BAppSc(Agr)) S3B Secretary (03) 6226 2620 [B-194] Bachelor of Forest Science with Honours (BForSc(Hons)) S4N Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-212] Bachelor of Geomatics (BGeom) N3H Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-214] Bachelor of Geomatics with Honours (BGeom(Hons)) N4H Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-216] Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies (BNatEnvWildStud) S3T Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-217] Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies with Honours (BNatEnvWildStud(Hons)) S4T Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-219] Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons)) N4B Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-220] Bachelor of Technology (BTech) N3M Secretary (03) 6226 2135 [B-220] Bachelor of Aquaculture (BAqua) S3K Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-195] Bachelor of Aquaculture and Bachelor of Commerce (BAqua–BCom) S3W Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Science Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-103] Bachelor of Aquaculture with Honours (BAqua(Hons)) S4M Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-197] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing (BA–BComp) R3S Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2061 Science Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-58, 222] Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) D3B Secretary (03) 6324 3586 [B-197] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BA– BSc) R3I Arts Secretary (03) 6226 2249 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-64, 222] Bachelor of Architecture with Honours (BArch(Hons)) D4B Secretary (03) 6324 3586 [B-197] Bachelor of Biotechnology (BBiotech) S3V Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-198] Bachelor of Computing (BComp) S3F Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-200] Bachelor of Computing with Honours (BComp(Hons)) S4D Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-201] Bachelor of Engineering (BE) N3A Secretary (03) 6226 2135 [B-202] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computing (BCom–BComp) C3X Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2009 Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-103, 223] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (BCom-BSc) C3Z Commerce Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-106, 223] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Economics (BComp–BEc) S3U Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 Economics Secretary (03) 6226 7672 [B-107, 223] Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-18 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws (BComp–LLB) L3L Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-172, 224] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BComp–LLB(Hons)) L4L Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-172, 225] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science (BComp–BSc) S3L Computing Secretary (03) 6324 3347 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-224] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science (BEc–BSc) G3A Economics Secretary (03) 6226 2160 Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-107, 225] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (BSc–BE) N3C Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 Engineering Secretary (03) 6226 2135 [B-226] Graduate Diploma of Computing with Honours (GradDipComp(Hons)) S6S Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-232] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Planning (GradDipEnvPlg) S6L Secretary (03) 6226 2464 [B-232] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies (GradDipEnvSt) S6B Secretary (03) 6226 2458 [B-233] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies with Honours (GradDipEnvSt(Hons)) S6W Secretary (03) 6226 2462 [B-234] Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling (GradDipRehabCouns) S6R Secretary (03) 6226 2237 [B-235] Graduate Diploma of Science (GradDipSc) S6D Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-235] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (BSc–LLB) L3G Science Secretary (03) 6226 2125 Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174, 226] Graduate Diploma of Science with Honours (GradDipSc(Hons)) S6X Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-238] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law (BSc–LLB(Hons)) L4G Law Faculty Officer (03) 6226 7510 [B-174, 226] Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information Science with Honours (GradDipSIS(Hons)) N6Y Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-239] Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours (BAntSt(Hons)) S4G Secretary (03) 6226 2971 [B-226] Master of Applied Science (MAppSc) S7P Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-240] Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GradCertGIS) S5A Secretary (03) 6226 2463 [B-227] Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) (GradDipSc(ASOS)) S6G Secretary (03) 6226 2971 [B-228] Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) with Honours (GradDipSc(ASOS)(Hons)) S6U Secretary (03) 6226 2971 [B-229] Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science (GradDipAgrSc) S6A Secretary (03) 6226 2620 [B-229] Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science with Honours (GradDipAgrSc(Hons)) S6Y Secretary (03) 6226 2620 [B-230] Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture (MAppScAqua) S7C Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-241] Master of Computing (MComp) S7T Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-242] Master of Economic Geology (MEconGeol) S7R Secretary (03) 6226 2374 [B-242] Master of Engineering Technology (MEngTech) N7R Secretary (03) 6226 2135 [B-243] Master of Environmental Management (MEnvMgt) S7D Secretary (03) 6226 2458 [B-244] Master of Environmental Planning (MEnvPl) S7U Secretary (03) 6226 2464 [B-245] Master of Information Technology (MIT) S7S Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-246] Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture (GradDipAqua) S6K Secretary (03) 6324 3801 [B-230] Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) (MPsych(Clin)) S7J Secretary (03) 6226 2237 [B-247] Graduate Diploma of Computing (GradDipComp) S6J Secretary (03) 6324 3347 [B-231] Master of Science Studies (MScSt) S7E Secretary (03) 6226 2125 [B-248] Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of courses – A-19 INDEX OF COURSES – title, code, page Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education [E3G] ............ B-119 Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education with Honours [E4G] ..................................................................... B-120 Bachelor of Agricultural Science [S3A] ................................. B-191 Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours [S4A] ........ B-193 Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours [S4G] ............. B-226 Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) [S3B] ................. B-194 Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture) [S3C] ............... B-195 Bachelor of Aquaculture [S3K] ............................................... B-195 Bachelor of Aquaculture and Bachelor of Commerce [S3W] ................................................................. B-103 Bachelor of Aquaculture and Bachelor of Commerce [S3W] ................................................................. B-221 Bachelor of Aquaculture with Honours [S4M] .................... B-196 Bachelor of Architecture [D3B] ............................................... B-197 Bachelor of Architecture with Honours [D4B] ..................... B-197 Bachelor of Arts [R3A] ............................................................... B-10 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce [R3M] ..... B-56, 103 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing [R3S] ...... B-58, 222 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics [R3O] ...... B-58, 107 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts [R3T] .................. B-60 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws [L3D] ................ B-60, 170 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4D] ........................................................................ B-171 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music [R3N] ...................... B-61 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science [ R3I] ............. B-64, 222 Bachelor of Arts with Honours [R4A] ..................................... B-25 Bachelor of Biomedical Science [M3G] .................................. B-145 Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours [M4E] ........ B-146 Bachelor of Biotechnology [S3V] ............................................ B-198 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) [C3T] .............................................................. B-83 Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) [C3U] ............................................................. B-84 Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) [C3V] ............................................................. B-85 Bachelor of Commerce [C3C] ................................................... B-85 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computing [C3X] ........................................................ B-103, 223 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Systems [C3L] ...................................................................... B-104 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws [L3F] ... B-105, 171 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4F] ................................................ B-106, 172 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science [C3Z] ............................................................... B-106, 223 Bachelor of Commerce with Honours [C4C] .......................... B-92 Bachelor of Computing [S3F] .................................................. B-200 Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Economics [S3U] ......................................................... B-107, 223 Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws [L3L] .. B-172, 224 Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4L] ................................................ B-172, 225 Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science [S3L] ....... B-224 Bachelor of Computing with Honours [S4D] ....................... B-201 Bachelor of Contemporary Arts [F3J] ...................................... B-28 Bachelor of Contemporary Arts with Honours [F4J] ............ B-33 Bachelor of Economics [C3E] .................................................... B-92 Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws [L3E] ... B-107, 173 Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4E] ................................................ B-107, 173 Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science [G3A] ............................................................... B-107, 225 Bachelor of Economics with Honours [C4E] .......................... B-98 Bachelor of Education [E3A] ................................................... B-121 Bachelor of Education (In-Service) [E3B] .............................. B-123 Bachelor of Education with Honours [E4A] ......................... B-122 Bachelor of Education with Honours (In-Service program) [E4C] .................................................................... B-124 Bachelor of Engineering [N3A] .............................................. B-202 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours [N4A] .................... B-209 Bachelor of Environmental Design [D3A] ............................ B-210 Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honours [D4A] .................................................................... B-211 Bachelor of Fine Arts [F3E] ....................................................... B-35 Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Information Systems [F3R] ........................................................................ B-65 Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours [F4A] ............................. B-38 Bachelor of Forest Science with Honours [S4N] .................. B-212 Bachelor of Geomatics [N3H] ................................................. B-214 Bachelor of Geomatics with Honours [N4H] ....................... B-216 Bachelor of Health Science [M3H] ......................................... B-146 Bachelor of Human Movement [E3J] ..................................... B-125 Bachelor of Human Movement with Honours [E4J] ........... B-127 Bachelor of Information Systems [C3S] ................................... B-99 Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws [L3K] .................................................................. B-109, 173 Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4K] ............................ B-109, 174 Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Music [G3C] ............................................................. B-166, 109 Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours [C4S] ....... B-102 Bachelor of Laws [L3B] ............................................................ B-169 [Bachelor of Laws with] Honours in Law [L4B] .................. B-170 Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours [M4J] ............... B-149 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery [M3B] ........ B-149 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours [M4B] .................................................................... B-152 Bachelor of Music [F3K] ............................................................ B-39 Bachelor of Music (Honours) [F4D] ......................................... B-42 Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies [S3T] ........................................................................ B-217 Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies with Honours [S4T] .............................................. B-219 Bachelor of Nursing [H3D] ..................................................... B-152 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours [H4A] ........................... B-155 Bachelor of Performing Arts with Honours [F4B] ................. B-43 Bachelor of Pharmacy [M3F] .................................................. B-156 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-20 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours [M4C] ........................ B-157 Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours [M4F] ......................... B-157 Bachelor of Science [S3G] ........................................................ B-175 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering [N3C] .... B-226 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws [L3G] ......... B-174, 226 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law [L4G] ............................................... B-174, 226 Bachelor of Science with Honours [S4E] ............................... B-190 Bachelor of Social Science [R3C] .............................................. B-44 Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) [R3K] .................. B-47 Bachelor of Social Work [R3B] .................................................. B-51 Bachelor of Social Work with Honours [R4B] ........................ B-53 Bachelor of Surveying with Honours [N4B] ........................ B-220 Bachelor of Teaching [E3H] ..................................................... B-128 Bachelor of Teaching with Honours [E4H] ........................... B-131 Bachelor of Teaching – Preliminary Studies ......................... B-131 Bachelor of Technology [N3M] ............................................... B-220 Bachelor of Tourism [R3J] .......................................................... B-54 Bachelor of Tourism with Honours [R4J] ................................ B-55 BioStart [H0F] ................................................................................ B-2 Commerce Enabling Program [C0F] .......................................... B-2 Diploma in Aquaculture [S2B] ............................................... B-191 Diploma in Languages [R2A] ..................................................... B-8 Diploma of Fine Art and Design [F2F] ...................................... B-7 Diploma of Music [F2K] .............................................................. B-8 Foundation Studies Program [E0E] ........................................... B-1 Graduate Ce.rtificate of Counselling [E5W] ......................... B-132 Graduate Certificate in E-Health (Health Informatics) [H5E] .............................................................. B-158 Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems [S5A] ...................................................................... B-227 Graduate Certificate in Information Systems [C5S] ............ B-111 Graduate Certificate in International Politics [R5Q] ............. B-66 Graduate Certificate in Journalism and Media Studies [R5P] .......................................................................... B-68 Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice [L5B] ........................ B-174 Graduate Certificate in Nursing [H5F] ................................. B-159 Graduate Certificate in Police Studies [R5L] .......................... B-70 Graduate Certificate in Public Policy [R5M] .......................... B-72 Graduate Certificate of Counselling [E5W] .......................... B-132 Graduate Certificate of Education [E5E] ............................... B-137 Graduate Certificate of Human Movement [E5J] ................ B-140 Graduate Certificate of Management [C5T] ......................... B-112 Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture [S6K] ............................. B-230 Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies [R6K] ............................. B-75 Graduate Diploma in Humanities [R6B] ................................ B-76 Graduate Diploma in Immunology and Microbiology [M6A] ........................................................... B-162 Graduate Diploma in Information Management [C6R] ..... B-115 Graduate Diploma in Information Systems [C6P] .............. B-114 Graduate Diploma in International Politics [R6Q] ................ B-67 Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies [R6P] .......................................................................... B-69 Graduate Diploma in Languages [R6J] ................................... B-77 Graduate Diploma in Police Studies [R6L] ............................. B-70 Graduate Diploma in Public Policy [R6M] ............................. B-73 Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling [S6R] .... B-235 Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information Science with Honours [N6Y] ........................................................... B-239 Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science [S6A] ............... B-229 Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science with Honours [S6Y] ..................................................................... B-230 Graduate Diploma of Business Administration [C6Q] ....... B-112 Graduate Diploma of Computing [S6J] ................................. B-231 Graduate Diploma of Computing with Honours [S6S] ...... B-232 Graduate Diploma of E-Health (Health Informatics) [H6E] .............................................................. B-161 Graduate Diploma of Environmental Planning [S6L] ........ B-232 Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies [S6B] ........... B-233 Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies with Honours [S6W] .................................................................... B-234 Graduate Diploma of Midwifery [H6C] ............................... B-164 Graduate Diploma of Music [F6D] .......................................... B-79 Graduate Diploma of Nursing [H6F] .................................... B-162 Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Science [M6E] ......... B-165 Graduate Diploma of Science [S6D] ...................................... B-235 Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) [S6G] ......................................... B-228 Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) with Honours [S6U] ............... B-229 Graduate Diploma of Science with Honours [S6X] ............. B-238 Master of Applied Science [S7P] ............................................ B-240 Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture [S7C] ................ B-241 Master of Asian Studies [R7K] .................................................. B-75 Master of Business Administration [C7H] ............................ B-113 Master of Clinical Nursing [H7F] ........................................... B-166 Master of Commerce [C7C] ..................................................... B-116 Master of Computing [S7T] .................................................... B-242 Master of Counselling [E7W] .................................................. B-133 Master of Counselling (Honours) [E7X] ............................... B-134 Master of Economic Geology [S7R] ....................................... B-242 Master of Education [E7E] ...................................................... B-139 Master of Education (Honours) [E7D] .................................. B-140 Master of Engineering Technology [N7R] ............................ B-243 Master of Environmental Management [S7D] ..................... B-244 Master of Environmental Planning [S7U] ............................. B-245 Master of Fine Art and Design [F7D] ...................................... B-79 Master of Human Movement [E7J] ........................................ B-141 Master of Information Systems [C7A] ................................... B-117 Master of Information Technology [S7S] ............................... B-246 Master of International Politics [R7Q] ..................................... B-68 Master of Journalism and Media Studies [R7P] ..................... B-69 Master of Music [F7E] ................................................................ B-81 Master of Pharmaceutical Science [M7E] .............................. B-167 Master of Police Studies [R7L] .................................................. B-71 Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) [S7J] .............. B-247 Master of Public Policy [R7M] .................................................. B-74 Master of Science Studies [S7E] .............................................. B-248 Master of Social Work Practice [R7H] ..................................... B-82 Murina (Pathway to Higher Education) Program [W0D] ...... B-3 Professional Doctorate in Education – Launceston [E9Z] .. B-142 Science Enabling Course [S0F] ................................................... B-3 UniStart [X0A] ............................................................................... B-4 University Preparation Program [E0D] ..................................... B-1 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of courses – A-21 INDEX OF COURSES – code, title, page [C0F] Commerce Enabling Program .......................................... B-2 [C3C] Bachelor of Commerce ................................................... B-85 [C3E] Bachelor of Economics .................................................... B-92 [C3L] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Systems ........................................................... B-104 [C3S] Bachelor of Information Systems ................................... B-99 [C3T] Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) ......................................................................... B-83 [C3U] Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) ........................................................ B-84 [C3V] Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) ......................................................................... B-85 [C3X] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Computing ................................................................... B-103, 223 [C3Z] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science .......................................................................... B-106, 223 [C4C] Bachelor of Commerce with Honours .......................... B-92 [C4E] Bachelor of Economics with Honours .......................... B-98 [C4S] Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours ....... B-102 [C5S] Graduate Certificate in Information Systems ............ B-111 [C5T] Graduate Certificate of Management ......................... B-112 [C6P] Graduate Diploma in Information Systems .............. B-114 [C6Q] Graduate Diploma of Business Administration ....... B-112 [C6R] Graduate Diploma in Information Management ..... B-115 [C7A] Master of Information Systems ................................... B-117 [C7C] Master of Commerce ..................................................... B-116 [C7H] Master of Business Administration ............................ B-113 [D3A] Bachelor of Environmental Design ............................ B-210 [D3B] Bachelor of Architecture ............................................... B-197 [D4A] Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honours .. B-211 [D4B] Bachelor of Architecture with Honours ..................... B-197 [E0D] University Preparation Program ..................................... B-1 [E0E] Foundation Studies Program ........................................... B-1 [E3A] Bachelor of Education ................................................... B-121 [E3B] Bachelor of Education (In-Service) .............................. B-123 [E3G] Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education ............ B-119 [E3H] Bachelor of Teaching ..................................................... B-128 – Bachelor of Teaching – Preliminary Studies ...................... B-131 [E3J] Bachelor of Human Movement ..................................... B-125 [E4A] Bachelor of Education with Honours ......................... B-122 [E4C] Bachelor of Education with Honours (In-Service program) ........................................................... B-124 [E4G] Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education with Honours ....................................................................... B-120 [E4H] Bachelor of Teaching with Honours ........................... B-131 [E4J] Bachelor of Human Movement with Honours ........... B-127 [E5E] Graduate Certificate of Education ............................... B-137 [E5J] Graduate Certificate of Human Movement ................ B-140 [E5W] Graduate Certificate of Counselling .......................... B-132 [E7D] Master of Education (Honours) .................................. B-140 [E7E] Master of Education ...................................................... B-139 [E7J] Master of Human Movement ........................................ B-141 [E7W] Master of Counselling .................................................. B-133 [E7X] Master of Counselling (Honours) ............................... B-134 [E9Z] Professional Doctorate in Education – Launceston .. B-142 [F2F] Diploma of Fine Art and Design ...................................... B-7 [F2K] Diploma of Music .............................................................. B-8 [F3E] Bachelor of Fine Arts ....................................................... B-35 [F3J] Bachelor of Contemporary Arts ...................................... B-28 [F3K] Bachelor of Music ............................................................ B-39 [F3R] Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Information Systems ................................................................................... B-65 [F4A] Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours ............................. B-38 [F4B] Bachelor of Performing Arts with Honours ................. B-43 [F4D] Bachelor of Music (Honours) ......................................... B-42 [F4J] Bachelor of Contemporary Arts with Honours ............ B-33 [F6D] Graduate Diploma of Music .......................................... B-79 [F7D] Master of Fine Art and Design ...................................... B-79 [F7E] Master of Music ................................................................ B-81 [G3A] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science .......................................................................... B-107, 225 [G3C] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Music .......................................................... B-66, 109 [H0F] BioStart ................................................................................ B-2 [H3D] Bachelor of Nursing ..................................................... B-152 [H4A] Bachelor of Nursing with Honours ........................... B-155 [H5E] Graduate Certificate in E-Health (Health Informatics) .......................................................................... B-158 [H5F] Graduate Certificate in Nursing ................................. B-159 [H6C] Graduate Diploma of Midwifery ............................... B-164 [H6E] Graduate Diploma of E-Health (Health Informatics) .......................................................................... B-161 [H6F] Graduate Diploma of Nursing .................................... B-162 [H7F] Master of Clinical Nursing ........................................... B-166 [L3B] Bachelor of Laws ............................................................ B-169 [L3D] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws ................ B-60, 170 [L3E] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws ... B-107, 173 [L3F] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws ... B-105, 171 [L3G] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws ......... B-174, 226 [L3K] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws ......................................................... B-109, 173 [L3L] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws .. B-172, 224 [L4B] Honours in Law ............................................................. B-170 [L4D] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law .................................................................. B-171 [L4E] Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law ................................................. B-107, 173 [L4F] Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law ................................................. B-106, 172 [L4G] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law ................................................. B-174, 226 [L4K] Bachelor of Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law .................. B-109, 174 [L4L] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Laws with Honours in Law ....................................... B-172, 225 [L5B] Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice ........................ B-174 [M3B] Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ........ B-149 [M3F] Bachelor of Pharmacy .................................................. B-156 [M3G] Bachelor of Biomedical Science .................................. B-145 [M3H] Bachelor of Health Science ......................................... B-146 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-22 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details [M4B] Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours ....................................................................... B-152 [M4C] Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours ........................ B-157 [M4E] Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours ........ B-146 [M4F] Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours ......................... B-157 [M4J] Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours ............... B-149 [M6A] Graduate Diploma in Immunology and Microbiology ........................................................................ B-162 [M6E] Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Science ......... B-165 [M7E] Master of Pharmaceutical Science .............................. B-167 [N3A] Bachelor of Engineering .............................................. B-202 [N3C] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering .... B-226 [N3H] Bachelor of Geomatics ................................................. B-214 [N3M] Bachelor of Technology ............................................... B-220 [N4A] Bachelor of Engineering with Honours .................... B-209 [N4B] Bachelor of Surveying with Honours ........................ B-220 [N4H] Bachelor of Geomatics with Honours ....................... B-216 [N6Y] Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information Science with Honours ......................................................... B-239 [N7R] Master of Engineering Technology ............................ B-243 [R2A] Diploma in Languages ..................................................... B-8 [R3A] Bachelor of Arts ............................................................... B-10 [R3B] Bachelor of Social Work .................................................. B-51 [R3C] Bachelor of Social Science .............................................. B-44 [R3I] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science .................... B-222 [R3I] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science ...................... B-64 [R3J] Bachelor of Tourism .......................................................... B-54 [R3K] Bachelor of Social Science (Police Studies) .................. B-47 [R3M] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce ..... B-56, 103 [R3N] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music ...................... B-61 [R3O] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics ...... B-58, 107 [R3S] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing ...... B-58, 222 [R3T] Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts .................. B-60 [R4A] Bachelor of Arts with Honours ..................................... B-25 [R4B] Bachelor of Social Work with Honours ........................ B-53 [R4J] Bachelor of Tourism with Honours ................................ B-55 [R5L] Graduate Certificate in Police Studies .......................... B-70 [R5M] Graduate Certificate in Public Policy .......................... B-72 [R5P] Graduate Certificate in Journalism and Media Studies ........................................................................ B-68 [R5Q] Graduate Certificate in International Politics ............. B-66 [R6B] Graduate Diploma in Humanities ................................ B-76 [R6J] Graduate Diploma in Languages ................................... B-77 [R6K] Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies ............................. B-75 [R6L] Graduate Diploma in Police Studies ............................. B-70 [R6M] Graduate Diploma in Public Policy ............................. B-73 [R6P] Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies ........................................................................ B-69 [R6Q] Graduate Diploma in International Politics ................ B-67 [R7H] Master of Social Work Practice ..................................... B-82 [R7K] Master of Asian Studies .................................................. B-75 [R7L] Master of Police Studies .................................................. B-71 [R7M] Master of Public Policy .................................................. B-74 [R7P] Master of Journalism and Media Studies ..................... B-69 [R7Q] Master of International Politics ..................................... B-68 [S0F] Science Enabling Course ................................................... B-3 [S2B] Diploma in Aquaculture ............................................... B-191 [S3A] Bachelor of Agricultural Science ................................. B-191 [S3B] Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) ................. B-194 [S3C] Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture) ............... B-195 [S3F] Bachelor of Computing .................................................. B-200 [S3G] Bachelor of Science ........................................................ B-175 [S3K] Bachelor of Aquaculture ............................................... B-195 [S3L] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science ....... B-224 [S3T] Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies .............................................................. B-217 [S3U] Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Economics ................................................................ B-107, 223 [S3V] Bachelor of Biotechnology ............................................ B-198 [S3W] Bachelor of Aquaculture and Bachelor of Commerce .................................................................... B-103, 221 [S4A] Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours ........ B-193 [S4D] Bachelor of Computing with Honours ....................... B-201 [S4E] Bachelor of Science with Honours ............................... B-190 [S4G] Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours ............. B-226 [S4M] Bachelor of Aquaculture with Honours .................... B-196 [S4N] Bachelor of Forest Science with Honours .................. B-212 [S4T] Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies with Honours .................................... B-219 [S5A] Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems ........................................................... B-227 [S6A] Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science ............... B-229 [S6B] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies ........... B-233 [S6D] Graduate Diploma of Science ...................................... B-235 [S6G] Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) .................................................... B-228 [S6J] Graduate Diploma of Computing ................................. B-231 [S6K] Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture ............................. B-230 [S6L] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Planning ........ B-232 [S6R] Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling .... B-235 [S6S] Graduate Diploma of Computing with Honours ...... B-232 [S6U] Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies) with Honours .......................... B-229 [S6W] Graduate Diploma of Environmental Studies with Honours ....................................................................... B-234 [S6X] Graduate Diploma of Science with Honours ............. B-238 [S6Y] Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science with Honours ....................................................................... B-230 [S7C] Master of Applied Science in Aquaculture ................ B-241 [S7D] Master of Environmental Management ..................... B-244 [S7E] Master of Science Studies .............................................. B-248 [S7J] Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) .............. B-247 [S7P] Master of Applied Science ............................................ B-240 [S7R] Master of Economic Geology ....................................... B-242 [S7S] Master of Information Technology ............................... B-246 [S7T] Master of Computing .................................................... B-242 [S7U] Master of Environmental Planning ............................. B-245 [W0D] Murina (Pathway to Higher Education) Program ...... B-3 [X0A] UniStart ............................................................................... B-4 Note: The Faculty of Arts offers courses whose codes begin with Fand R-. The Faculty of Commerce offers courses whose codes begin with C- or G-. The Faculty of Education offers courses whose codes begin with E-*. The Faculty of Health Science offers courses whose codes begin with H-, M-. The Faculty of Law offers courses whose code begins with L-. The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology offers courses whose codes begin with D-, N-, S-. Non-faculty based courses have various codes including E0-, W-, X-. * Except some non-faculty based courses beginning with E0-. Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-23 INDEX OF UNIT TITLES Titles with 'The', 'A' or 'An': eg 'The Art of the Potters Wheel' are listed as 'Art of the Potters Wheel, The' 3D Modelling and Animation A .... C-230 3D Modelling and Animation B .... C-231 Aboriginal Arts ................................ C-247 Aboriginal Education ...................... C-248 Aboriginal Knowledges .................. C-247 Aboriginal Studies 4 (Honours) .... C-249 Aboriginal Women .......................... C-247 About Research in AVE .................. C-167 Academic Literacy ........................... C-497 Academic Studies I .......................... C-497 Academic Studies II ........................ C-498 Accompaniment A ........................... C-180 Accompaniment B ........................... C-181 Accompaniment C ........................... C-183 Accompaniment D .......................... C-184 Accounting and Financial Decision Making ......................................... C-7 Accounting Context and Method ...... C-7 Accounting Information Systems .... C-10 Accounting Theory ............................ C-11 Acting and Theatre: Introduction, An ............................................. C-217 Action Research Project .................. C-155 Acute Care Management of the Child & Family Practice .......... C-70 Acute Care Management of the Child & Family Theory ........... C-69 Acute Care Nursing .......................... C-61 Adapted Physical Activity ............. C-151 Adult Learning ................................ C-139 Adult Learning Issues ..................... C-139 Adult Psychopathology .................. C-396 Advanced Planning Theory and Practice ..................................... C-372 Advanced Accounting Information Systems ................................ C-14, 16 Advanced Accounting Theory .. C-13, 15 Advanced Ancient Greek A ........... C-345 Advanced Ancient Greek B ............ C-345 Advanced Ancient Greek Grammar .................................. C-345 Advanced Aquaculture Technology .............................. C-451 Advanced Assessment .................... C-398 Advanced Audio Design ................ C-176 Advanced Auditing ..................... C-13, 15 Advanced Biochemistry for Biotechnology ........................... C-48 Advanced Black and White Photography ............................ C-210 Advanced Circuit Analysis ............ C-422 Advanced Clinical Nursing PracticeC-75 Advanced Commercial Programming .......................... C-467 Advanced Computer Security ....... C-467 Advanced Constitutional Law ...... C-489 Advanced Control Engineering .... C-431 Advanced Core Studies (Classical) C-179 Advanced Core Studies (Contemporary) ...................... C-196 Advanced Digital Project ............... C-211 Advanced Dynamics and Control C-433 Advanced Electives 1 ...................... C-395 Advanced Electives 2 ...................... C-395 Advanced Electronic Commerce ............................ C-32, 35 Advanced Finance ............................. C-15 Advanced Financial Accounting .................... C-11, 13, 15 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) .......................... C-379 Advanced Health Assessment in Rural/ Remote Nursing Practice ........ C-64 Advanced Indonesian Language Skills ......................................... C-305 Advanced Indonesian Language Skills (Padang) ........................ C-305 Advanced Investigative Journalism ............................... C-275 Advanced Latin A ........................... C-346 Advanced Latin B ............................ C-346 Advanced Latin Grammar ............. C-346 Advanced Management Accounting .......................... C-14, 16 Advanced Manufacturing .............. C-433 Advanced MIDI & Digital Audio .. C-178 Advanced Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing .............................. C-467 Advanced Music Teaching and Learning ................................... C-177 Advanced Networking ................... C-469 Advanced Physiology and Nutrition .................................... C-95 Advanced Practical Study .............. C-197 Advanced Practice A ....................... C-292 Advanced Practice B ....................... C-292 Advanced Professional Nursing Practice ....................................... C-74 Advanced Programming for Outdoor Recreation Pursuits – Land and Water-based ........... C-157 Advanced Research Methods ........ C-389 Advanced Spatial Data Analysis ........................... C-379, 381 Advanced Study/Research/ Additional Study ...................... C-40 Advanced Systems Development ... C-32 Advanced Taxation Accounting C-13, 15 Advanced Technical Theatre .......... C-218 Advanced Topics in Antarctic and Oceans Policy .......................... C-327 Advanced Topics in Psychology ... C-392 Advanced Web Data Management C-468 Advanced Web Development ........ C-464 Advanced Writing ........................... C-275 African Literature ............................ C-258 African Literature West and South C-257 African–American History ............. C-339 Agricultural and Forest Pathology C-407 Agricultural Geology & Soil Science ...................................... C-404 Agricultural Science Honours Thesis ........................................ C-409 Agricultural Technology ................. C-405 Agroforestry ..................................... C-366 Agronomy ......................................... C-407 Algebra and Applications 2 ........... C-413 Algebra and Applications 3 ........... C-414 Algorithms and Metrics .................. C-462 Alien Encounters ............................. C-263 American Literature and Film ....... C-255 American Nature Writing ............... C-260 American Women Writing ............. C-258 Analysis 3 ......................................... C-415 Analysis of Systems .......................... C-29 Analytical Chemistry .............. C-402, 457 Anatomy and Physiology 1 .............. C-88 Anatomy and Physiology 2 .............. C-91 Ancient Civilisations 1A: Gender and Politics in Classical LiteratureC-341 Ancient Civilisations 1B: Introduction to Greek and Roman History C-341 Animal Production Systems .. C-405, 409 Animal Science ................................. C-407 Antarctic and Oceans Policy .......... C-326 Antarctic Ecology ............................ C-478 Antarctic Tourism ............................ C-460 Applied Algology ............................ C-448 Applied and Environmental Microbiology ........................... C-448 Applied Biology Honours .............. C-401 Applied Developmental Psychology: Childhood ................................ C-400 Applied Food Science ............. C-158, 159 Applied Issues in Educational Psychology .............................. C-400 Applied Physics ............................... C-471 Applied Physiology .......................... C-52 Applied Topics in Psychology ....... C-387 Approaches to Child Development in Child & Family Health: Practice Perspectives ............................... C-66 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-24 Approaches to International Relations .................................. C-318 Approaches to Political Analysis .. C-331 Aquaculture Honours ..................... C-452 Aquaculture Policy and Operations ....................... C-451, 452 Aquaculture Professional Development ................... C-449, 452 Aquatic Animal Health ................... C-451 Aquatic Botany ................................ C-441 Aquatic Ecology II ........................... C-447 Aquatic Zoology .............................. C-446 Architecture Honours ..................... C-356 Art and Design Theory 2/3 ............ C-238 Art and Education ........................... C-143 Art of Costume 1, The ..................... C-214 Art of the Potters Wheel, The ........ C-203 Art, Media and Culture .................. C-310 Art, Natural Environment and Technology .............................. C-241 Art, Natural Environment and Wilderness ............................... C-242 Artificial Intelligence ....................... C-463 Arts in Revolt, The .......................... C-202 Asia in the Curriculum ................... C-131 Asia-Pacific Economies: Tigers, The . C-3 Asian Cultures and Societies ......... C-139 Asian Environmental Justice .......... C-325 Asian Ethnic and Religious PoliticsC-295 Asian Languages and Cultures (Chinese) .................................. C-293 Asian Languages and Cultures (Indonesian) ............................ C-293 Asian Languages and Cultures (Japanese) ................................. C-293 Asian Studies 1A ............................. C-292 Asian Studies 1B .............................. C-293 Asian Studies 4 (Honours) ............. C-295 Asian Studies for Professional Purposes ................................... C-296 Aspects of Linguistics ..................... C-125 Assessment & Individual Differences ............................... C-390 Assessment and Evaluation ........... C-163 Assessment and Research MethodsC-387 Assessment, Professional Roles & Ethics ................................... C-392 Astronomy ........................................ C-472 Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics ...................................... C-472 Atlantic Worlds, 1450–1807 ............ C-339 Atomic, Nuclear and Semiconductor Physics ...................................... C-473 Audio Design ................................... C-174 Auditing .............................................. C-11 Aural & Ensemble 1A ..................... C-220 Aural & Ensemble 1B ...................... C-221 Aural & Ensemble 2A ..................... C-222 Aural & Ensemble 2B ...................... C-223 Australia and Asia ........................... C-294 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Australia and the Asia-Pacific Economies: Trade Principles and Policy ............................................ C-5 Australia from 1918 to 1975 ........... C-335 Australia from the 1850s to 1918 ... C-335 Australia, Art and Design .............. C-201 Australian Art of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s ................................. C-238 Australian Environmental History ..................................... C-339 Australian Environmental Policy .. C-325 Australian Foreign Policy ............... C-319 Australian History 1788–1990s ...... C-338 Australian Literary Environmentalism .................. C-263 Australian Literature ....................... C-252 Australian Political Economy ............ C-3 Australian Political Institutions ..... C-319 Australian Society ........................... C-282 Australian Theatre ........................... C-215 Australian Tourism Typologies ..... C-286 Avant-Garde and the Necessity of the New, The ....................... C-201 Baby Care Following Birth ............... C-67 Baby Who Experiences Problems, The ............................ C-67 Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours ................................... C-461 Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) .................................. C-95 Bachelor of Commerce Honours ..... C-14 Bachelor of Contemporary Arts with Honours .......................... C-346 Bachelor of Economics (Honours) .... C-7 Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours ................................... C-225 Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours ............................ C-33 Bachelor of Music with Honours .. C-198 Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) ....... C-62 Bachelor of Performing Arts Honours ................................... C-215 Banking and Financial Institutions ... C-6 Bases of Educational Decision ....... C-140 Bass Strait Islanders ........................ C-245 Behaviour Change 1 ........................ C-396 Behaviour Change 2 ........................ C-398 Biochemistry (Agriculture) .............. C-46 Biochemistry (Pharmacy) ................. C-45 Biochemistry 2 (Medicine) ............... C-45 Biochemistry 4 (BSc Honours) ......... C-48 Biochemistry for Biotechnology ...... C-47 Biochemistry: Metabolism & Nutrition .................................... C-46 Biogeography and Climatology .... C-365 Biological and Psychological Treatments in Mental Care ..... C-63 Biological Chemistry ....................... C-402 Biological Physics ............................ C-471 Biology of Animals .......................... C-476 Biology of Plants .............................. C-440 Biomechanics ...................................... C-92 BioStart ................................................ C-86 Biosynthesis & Function of Natural Products ................................... C-459 Body in the Text: 20th Century Australian Fiction, The .......... C-258 Botany & Genetics for Biotechnology 2 ...................... C-440 Botany 1E .......................................... C-439 Botany 1G ......................................... C-438 Botany 2 ............................................ C-440 Botany 4 ............................................ C-443 Botany, Cell Biology & Genetics for Biotechnology 1 ..................... C-439 Bridging Maths ................................ C-498 Bridging Program 1 ........................... C-41 Bridging Program 2 ........................... C-41 British Literature 1800–1850 ........... C-258 British Literature 1850–1900 ........... C-253 Buddhism, Ethics and Nonviolence ............................ C-315 Building Blocs: Economic Regionalism ............................. C-331 Building Technology in Design 1 .. C-350 Building Technology in Design 2 .. C-351 Building Technology in Design 3 .. C-352 Building Technology in Design 4 .. C-352 Building Technology in Design 5 .. C-353 Building Technology in Design 6 .. C-354 Building Technology in Design 7 (BArch) ..................................... C-355 Building Technology in Design 8 (BArch) ..................................... C-355 Business Information Systems ......... C-28 Business Logistics .............................. C-29 Business of Agriculture and Horticulture ............................. C-403 Business Programming ............... C-28, 30 Business Research Methods ............. C-18 Business–Government Relations ... C-324 Buyer Behaviour ................................ C-19 Calculus and Applications 1 .......... C-410 Calculus and Applications 1A ....... C-410 Calculus and Applications 1B ........ C-411 Calculus and Applications 1S ........ C-411 Calculus and Applications 2 .......... C-413 Calculus and Linear Algebra ......... C-436 Calculus of Several Variables ......... C-438 Cell and Molecular Biochemistry .... C-91 Cell Biology ...................................... C-441 Cell Biology and Function ................ C-88 Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution ................................. C-445 Cellular Immunology ....................... C-56 Ceramics 1 ........................................ C-203 Ceramics 2 ........................................ C-205 Ceramics for the Kitchen Dresser .. C-204 Ceramics: Precious and EphemeralC-204 Challenges to Governance ............. C-328 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-25 Challenging Behaviours and Curriculum Practices A ........ C-134 Challenging Behaviours and Curriculum Practices B ......... C-134 Chamber Music A ............................ C-181 Chamber Music B ............................ C-182 Chamber Music C ............................ C-184 Chamber Music D ............................ C-186 Chance, Coincidence and Chaos ... C-312 Changing Physical Activity Patterns Across the Lifespan C-155 Chemistry (Honours) ...................... C-460 Chemistry (Pharmacy) .................... C-456 Chemistry 1 ...................................... C-401 Chemistry 1 (Agricultural Science) ..................................... C-455 Chemistry 1 (Applied Agriculture)C-455 Chemistry 1A ........................... C-401, 454 Chemistry 1B .................................... C-401 Chemistry 2 ...................................... C-456 Chemistry 3A ................................... C-458 Chemistry 3B .................................... C-459 Chemistry Bridging Unit ................ C-454 Chemistry for Life Sciences .... C-401, 457 Chemistry of Materials ................... C-456 Chemistry Option (Medicine) ........ C-455 Chemotherapy and Infection ........... C-82 Child and Adolescent Health .......... C-60 Chinese 1 ........................................... C-297 Chinese 2 Language Skills A .......... C-297 Chinese 2 Language Skills B .......... C-297 Chinese 4 (Honours) ....................... C-299 Chinese Culture and Society .......... C-298 Chinese Language, Society and Culture ..................................... C-294 Chinese Reading and Writing Skills ......................................... C-298 Chinese Speaking and Listening Skills ......................................... C-298 Chinese Special Topic A .................. C-299 Chinese Special Topic B .................. C-299 Chinese Special Topic C .................. C-299 Chromatic Theory ............................ C-197 Cinema and Modernism ................. C-254 Civil and Environmental Engineering Project ................ C-427 Civil Engineering Design 1 ............ C-426 Civil Engineering Design 2 ............ C-427 Civil Engineering Honours ............ C-427 Civil Engineering Practice .............. C-427 Classic Tracks: Music on Record ... C-198 Classical Chinese ............................. C-298 Classical Epic and Novel ................ C-343 Classical German Literature .......... C-270 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 1A ................................. C-188 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 1B .................................. C-190 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 2A ................................. C-191 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 2B .................................. C-192 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 3A ................................. C-193 Classical or Contemporary Guitar 3B .................................. C-195 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 1A ........................... C-188 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 1B ............................ C-189 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 2A ........................... C-191 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 2B ............................ C-192 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 3A ........................... C-193 Classical or Contemporary Keyboard 3B ............................ C-194 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments1A .... C-188 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments1B ..... C-189 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments2A .... C-190 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments2B ..... C-192 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments3A .... C-193 Classical or Contemporary Orchestral Instruments3B ..... C-194 Classical or Contemporary Voice 1A ................................... C-189 Classical or Contemporary Voice 1B .................................... C-190 Classical or Contemporary Voice 2A ................................... C-191 Classical or Contemporary Voice 2B .................................... C-192 Classical or Contemporary Voice 3A ................................... C-194 Classical or Contemporary Voice 3B .................................... C-195 Classical Performance ..................... C-217 Classical Production ........................ C-217 Classical Tragedy: Euripides and Beyond .............................. C-343 Classics 4 (Honours) ....................... C-344 Classroom Management: Theory and Practice A ......................... C-134 Classroom Management: Theory and Practice B .......................... C-134 Clinical & Health Psychology ........ C-387 Clinical Chemistry 1 .......................... C-90 Clinical Chemistry 2 .......................... C-94 Clinical Chemistry 3 (Endocrinology) ........................ C-94 Clinical Child Psychology .............. C-398 Clinical Communication: Working with the Patients Perspective . C-59 Clinical Exercise Testing ................... C-93 Clinical Microbiology 3 .................... C-55 Clinical Microbiology 4 .................... C-55 Clinical Neuropsychology .............. C-399 Clinical Perspectives of Emergency Nursing Practice ...................... C-73 Clinical Perspectives of Nursing the Complex and Critically Ill Neonate ...................................... C-71 Clinical Pharmacokinetics ................ C-81 Clinical Pharmacokinetics 3 ............. C-81 Clinical Pharmacokinetics 4 ............. C-83 Clinical Pharmacy Residency 3 ....... C-83 Clinical Pharmacy Residency 4 ....... C-85 Clinical Psychology ................. C-384, 400 Clinical Psychophysiology ............. C-397 Clinical Specialties ....................... C-39, 40 Coaching Theory & Practice .......... C-150 Cognition and Memory .................. C-388 Cognitive Models & Cognitive Deficits ..................................... C-395 Cognitive Psychology ..................... C-390 Cognitive Social Psychology .......... C-387 Cold War Europe, 1945–1989 ......... C-335 Colonial USA, 1607–1789 ................ C-338 Colonialism/Postcolonialism in Southeast Asia ......................... C-296 Commercial Law ............................. C-490 Commercial Practice ....................... C-495 Commercial Transactions ................... C-8 Communication ............................... C-161 Communication & Counselling for Health Professionals ................ C-62 Communication Strategies ............. C-162 Communication Systems 1 ............. C-422 Communication Systems 2 ............. C-429 Communications I ........................... C-497 Communications II .......................... C-497 Community & Group Processes .... C-398 Community and Public Education 1 .............................. C-165 Community and Public Education 2 .............................. C-165 Community Development A ......... C-132 Community Development B .......... C-132 Community Education & Learning A ............................... C-132 Community Education & Learning B ............................... C-132 Community Health and Medicine 1 C-38 Community Health and Medicine 2 C-38 Community Practice ......................... C-61 Community Work Practice ............. C-291 Comparative Administrative Law C-486 Comparative Curriculum A ........... C-128 Comparative Curriculum B ........... C-128 Comparative Law ............................ C-488 Comparative Political Systems ...... C-319 Comparative Politics: Order and Conflict ............................. C-321 Competition Law ............................. C-486 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-26 Complementary Study ... C-177, 224, 225 Complementary Study ................... C-346 Complexity & Intractability ........... C-416 Composition 1 .................................. C-172 Composition 1A ............................... C-189 Composition 1B ............................... C-190 Composition 2 .................................. C-172 Composition 2A ............................... C-191 Composition 2B ............................... C-193 Composition 3 .................................. C-174 Composition 3A ............................... C-194 Composition 3B ............................... C-195 Composition 4 .................................. C-174 Computation and Functional Programming .......................... C-468 Computational Mathematics & Linear Algebra (Geomatics) ............. C-414 Computational Techniques 3 ......... C-414 Computer Aided Design A ............ C-438 Computer Aided Design and Communication ...................... C-417 Computer Aided Design B ............. C-438 Computer Aided Drafting .............. C-435 Computer and Data Networks ...... C-429 Computer Applications .................. C-462 Computer Architecture ................... C-428 Computer Control and Communications .................... C-470 Computer Graphics & Animation . C-465 Computer Imaging .......................... C-211 Computer Networks ....................... C-465 Computer Organisation and Architecture ............................. C-461 Computer Science 1 ......................... C-461 Computer Security .......................... C-463 Computer Systems Engineering Design ...................................... C-428 Computer Systems Engineering Honours ................................... C-428 Computer Systems Engineering Project ....................................... C-428 Computer-aided Textiles ................ C-214 Computer-Based Chinese Business Writing ..................................... C-298 Computers in Geoscience ............... C-359 Computing for Human MovementC-461 Computing Honours ....................... C-466 Concrete Structures ......................... C-421 Conducting ....................................... C-177 Confessionalism ............................... C-257 Conflicts (Private International Law) .......................................... C-493 Conservation Geomorphology ...... C-366 Construction and Asset Management ............................ C-426 Construction of Genius, The .......... C-201 Consumer Protection ...................... C-490 Contemporary Art of the Asia-Pacific Region ...................................... C-240 Contemporary Asian Issues ........... C-294 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Contemporary Australian Writing C-253 Contemporary Bioethics ................. C-308 Contemporary Cinema ................... C-253 Contemporary Craft and Design ... C-239 Contemporary Critical Care Nursing Practice ....................... C-70 Contemporary Critical Care Nursing Science ........................ C-71 Contemporary Curriculum Development B ....................... C-100 Contemporary Curriculum Developments A ....................... C-99 Contemporary Educational Issues A .................................... C-122 Contemporary Educational Issues B ..................................... C-122 Contemporary Ensemble A ............ C-180 Contemporary Ensemble B ............ C-182 Contemporary Ensemble C ............ C-183 Contemporary Ensemble D ........... C-185 Contemporary Feminist Thought: Themes, Issues and Conflicts ................................... C-250 Contemporary Indigenous Australia .................................. C-244 Contemporary Indigenous Tasmania .................................. C-245 Contemporary Indonesian Texts ... C-305 Contemporary Issues for Youth in the Health Education and Physical Education Fields ..................... C-157 Contemporary Issues in Aged Care C-63 Contemporary Issues in EducationC-146 Contemporary Issues in Government ............................ C-331 Contemporary Painting Practices . C-209 Contemporary Policing .................. C-328 Contemporary Political Thought .. C-323 Contemporary Travel Narratives .. C-262 Contemporary Vocal Ensemble ..... C-224 Context in Which Women Live ....... C-73 Context of Social Work Practice .... C-292 Contract Law .................................... C-482 Convergent Journalism ................... C-275 Conversion (A&WPT) ..................... C-164 Conveyancing and Property Practice ..................................... C-495 Corporate Finance ............................... C-7 Corporate Governance ........................ C-9 Corporate Governance and Accountability ..................... C-14, 16 Corporate Internship ........................ C-12 Corporate Regulation and Accountability ........................... C-10 Corporate Reporting and Disclosure C-9 Corporations Law 1 ......................... C-484 Corporations Law 2 ......................... C-486 Counselling Adolescents ................ C-169 Counselling Research and Assessment .............................. C-169 Counselling Skills ............................ C-168 Creating an Online Teaching Course A .................................. C-133 Creating an Online Teaching Course B ................................... C-133 Creative Arts in Counselling .......... C-169 Crime and Criminal Justice ............ C-278 Crime and Social Control ............... C-283 Crime and the Law in Historical Perspective ............................... C-336 Criminal Law ................................... C-483 Criminology ..................................... C-487 Critical Theory ................................. C-258 Crop and Pasture Production ....................... C-405, 409 Crop and Plant Physiology ............ C-404 Crop Health Management .............. C-407 Cross-Cultural Communication: English–French ....................... C-264 Cross-Cultural Dimensions: Preparing for In-Country Experience ... C-140 Cross-Curriculum Studies: Interdisciplinary Project ....... C-112 Cross-Curriculum Studies: Multiliteracies 1 ...................... C-105 Cross-Curriculum Studies: Multiliteracies 2 ...................... C-112 Cross-Media Studies ....................... C-224 Crustacean & Zooplankton Culture ............................. C-446, 449 Cultures and Societies of Southeast Asia ........................................... C-280 Current Issues in Assessment ........ C-396 Current Issues in Second Language Learning ................................... C-125 Current Trends in IS .......................... C-31 Curriculum and Assessment ......... C-121 Curriculum and Method 2 ............. C-117 Curriculum and Method Studies: Early Childhood and Primary Education (K–6) ...................... C-105 Curriculum and Method Studies: English Literacy A ................. C-105 Curriculum and Method Studies: English Literacy B .................. C-113 Curriculum and Method Studies: Information Technology A .................. C-106, 113 Curriculum and Method Studies: Languages Other Than English (LOTE) A .................................. C-106 Curriculum and Method Studies: Languages Other Than English (LOTE) B .................................. C-113 Curriculum and Method Studies: Mathematics A ........................ C-106 Curriculum and Method Studies: Mathematics B ......................... C-113 Curriculum and Method Studies: Middle School ................. C-110, 118 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-27 Curriculum and Method Studies: Multi-Media A ........................ C-109 Curriculum and Method Studies: Multi-Media B ......................... C-116 Curriculum and Method Studies: Music – Performance Practice B .................................. C-114 Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts – Music A ... C-108 Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts – Music B .... C-114 Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts: Drama ....... C-107 Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts: Drama B ... C-114 Curriculum and Method Studies: Performing Arts: Music – Performance Practice A ......... C-108 Curriculum and Method Studies: Primary Education ........ C-110, 119 Curriculum and Method Studies: Primary Education (K–6) ....... C-112 Curriculum and Method Studies: Science A .................................. C-107 Curriculum and Method Studies: Science B .................................. C-114 Curriculum and Method Studies: Society and Environment (SOSE) A .................................. C-114 Curriculum and Method Studies: Society and Environment (SOSE) B ......................................... CCurriculum and Method Studies: Technology Education A ............................ C-108 Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology Education B ............................ C-115 Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology Single Major, A ....................... C-109 Curriculum and Method Studies: Technology Single Major, B ....................... C-115 Curriculum and Method Studies: Visual Art A ............................. C-109 Curriculum and Method Studies: Visual Art B ............................. C-115 Curriculum and syllabus in TESOL ...................................... C-126 Curriculum Development .............. C-163 Curriculum Investigations A ........... C-99 Curriculum Investigations B .......... C-100 Curriculum Issues in Arts Education 1 A .......................... C-134 Curriculum Issues in Arts Education 1 B .......................... C-134 Curriculum Issues in Arts Education 2 A .......................... C-135 Curriculum Issues in Arts Education 2 B .......................... C-135 Curriculum issues in TESOL ......... C-126 Curriculum Studies 1 ........................ C-98 Curriculum Studies 2A (English, Mathematics, LOTE) ............... C-98 Curriculum Studies 2B – Science & Technology ................................ C-98 Curriculum Studies 2C – SOSE, Health & Physical Education . C-98 Curriculum Studies 2D – Arts Education ................................... C-99 Curriculum Studies 3A (English, Mathematics) ............................. C-99 Curriculum Studies 4A (English, Mathematics) ........................... C-100 Curriculum Theory and Practice ... C-130 Data Handling and Statistics 1 ...... C-411 Data Handling and Statistics 2 ...... C-413 Data Handling and Statistics 3 ...... C-415 Data, Information and Knowledge . C-75 Database Administration ................. C-30 Database Management Systems ...... C-29 Decision Support and Executive Information Systems ............... C-34 Decision Support Systems ................ C-31 Design & Context in Technology Education ................................. C-145 Design & Technology 1 ................... C-158 Design & Technology 2 ................... C-158 Design & Technology 3 ................... C-159 Design & Technology 4 ................... C-160 Design & Technology 5 ................... C-159 Design & Technology 6 ................... C-161 Design & Technology 7 ................... C-160 Design & Technology 8 ................... C-160 Design Drawing ............................... C-226 Design for Manufacture .................. C-425 Design Studies ................................. C-356 Design Studio 3 ................................ C-351 Design Studio 4 ................................ C-352 Design Studio 5 ................................ C-353 Design Studio 6 ................................ C-354 Design Studio 7 (BArch) ................. C-354 Design Studio 8 (BArch) ................. C-355 Design Studio 9 (BArch) ................. C-357 Design Theory (BEnvDes Hons) ... C-356 Designing Physical Activity programs for Special Populations ......... C-157 Designing Teaching and Learning Experiences in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum .............................. C-156 Devised Performance ...................... C-217 Diagnosis and Intervention in Mathematics A ........................ C-127 Diagnosis and Intervention in Mathematics B ......................... C-127 Diction ............................................... C-175 Difference, Disability and Diversity A .............................. C-133 Difference, Disability and Diversity B ............................... C-133 Differential Equations, Linear Algebra & Applications 2 ..... C-140 Differential Equations, Linear Algebra & Applications 2 ..... C-413 Diffusion of Health Technology (Managing Change), The ........ C-76 Digital and Microprocessor Systems .................................... C-470 Digital Communication Systems ... C-429 Digital Electronic Systems .............. C-422 Digital Imaging A ............................ C-228 Digital Imaging B ............................ C-228 Digital Project ................................... C-210 Discipline Studies in Nursing .......... C-58 Dispossession in Tasmania ............. C-248 Dissertation .............................. C-123, 167 Dissertation ...................... C-14, 16, 23, 33 Dissertation .............................. C-323, 327 Dissertation (BEnvDes(Hons)) ...... C-356 Dissertation (Part A) ........................ C-168 Dissertation (Part B) ........................ C-168 Dissertation A .................................. C-121 Dissertation B ................................... C-121 Dissertation in Counselling ............ C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part A C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part B C-170 Dissertation Part A .......................... C-123 Dissertation Part B ........................... C-123 Doing Research in AVE ................... C-167 Drama in Education ........................ C-144 Drama in Education 1 A ................. C-135 Drama in Education 1 B .................. C-135 Drama in Education 2 A ................. C-135 Drama in Education 2 B .................. C-135 Drawing 1A ...................................... C-205 Drawing 1B ....................................... C-205 Drawing 2A ...................................... C-206 Drawing 2B ....................................... C-206 Drawing in the Landscape ............. C-206 Drawing into Print .......................... C-206 Drawing: Approaches to Abstraction .............................. C-206 Drawing: Body, The ......................... C-206 Drawing: Questioning the Practice C-205 Dynamic Systems ............................ C-424 Dynamical Systems and Chaos ..... C-474 E-Media 1 .......................................... C-228 E-Media 2 .......................................... C-228 E-Media 3 .......................................... C-231 Early Childhood Education ........... C-144 Early Middle Ages: From Rome to the Millennium AD 410–1000, The ................... C-334 Earth Resources, Environments & Evolution ................................. C-358 Eco and Nature-based Tourism ..... C-286 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-28 Ecology .............................................. C-445 Ecology of Aquatic Ecosystems ..... C-446 Ecology of Aquatic Sustainability . C-445 Ecology of Tasmania ....................... C-440 Econometrics ........................................ C-7 Economic Geology ........................... C-360 Economic Geology 4 (Honours) .... C-361 Economics for Business ...................... C-2 Economics for Managers .................. C-25 Economics of Human Resources ....... C-6 Economics, Management and Organisation ................................ C-5 Ecosystems ............................... C-373, 374 Education 1 ....................................... C-101 Education 2 ....................................... C-101 Education 3 ....................................... C-101 Education 4 ....................................... C-102 Education 5 ....................................... C-102 Education and Womens Careers ... C-137 Education of Women and Girls ..... C-137 Education Project ............................. C-131 Education Project 1 .......................... C-131 Education Study .............................. C-140 Education Study (Part 1) ................ C-142 Education Study (Part 2) ................ C-142 Educational Administration .......... C-139 Educational Policy and Professional Practice ..................................... C-120 Educational Psychology ................. C-386 Educational Research Methods ..... C-145 Effective Implementation A ........... C-138 Effective Implementation B ............ C-138 Effective School Leadership ........... C-142 Elective 1 (Jessup Moot) ................. C-493 Elective 2 (Supervised Research) ... C-492 Elective 3 (Supervised Research) ... C-494 Electrical Design Management and Law ................................... C-423 Electrical Engineering ..................... C-418 Electrical Fundamentals ................. C-435 Electrical Power Design .................. C-432 Electrical Power Engineering Honours ................................... C-432 Electrical Power Engineering Project ....................................... C-432 Electromagnetism and Kinetic Theory ...................................... C-472 Electronic Commerce ............ C-31, 33, 35 Electronic Commerce Project ........... C-31 Electronic Engineering ............ C-420, 437 Electronic Health Records ................ C-76 Electronic Installation ..................... C-230 Electronic Marketing ................... C-18, 25 Electronic Media and the Visual Arts ........................................... C-240 Electronic Systems ........................... C-429 Electronics and Communication Engineering Design ............... C-430 Electronics and Communication Engineering Project ............... C-430 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Electronics and Communications Engineering Honours ............ C-430 Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy .................................... C-255 Emergency Management in Rural/ Remote Nursing Practice ........ C-65 Empathetic Intelligence: Theory and Practice ..................................... C-129 Endangered Bodies in Colonial Space ......................................... C-262 Engineering Design ......................... C-437 Engineering Design and Project Management ............................ C-418 Engineering Graphics and Design B ................................... C-435 Engineering Mathematics .............. C-417 Engineering Mechanics .................. C-417 Engineering Mechanics A ............... C-436 Engineering Mechanics B ............... C-436 Engineering Numerical Methods .. C-417 Engineering Physics ........................ C-473 Engineering Profession and Industry ............................ C-418, 435 Engineering Project Management and Economics ................................ C-420 English 1A ........................................ C-252 English 1B ......................................... C-252 English 4 (Honours) ........................ C-260 English Literature ............................ C-252 Ensemble 1 ........................................ C-173 Ensemble 2 ........................................ C-173 Ensemble 3 ........................................ C-174 Ensemble 4 ........................................ C-174 Entrepeneurship ................................ C-27 Entrepreneurship and Creativity .... C-18 Entrepreneurship and Innovation .. C-21 Environment, Crime and Social Regulation, The ....................... C-284 Environmental and Resource Economics .................................... C-5 Environmental Chemistry .............. C-457 Environmental Design 1A .............. C-350 Environmental Design 1B ............... C-350 Environmental Design 2A .............. C-350 Environmental Design 2B ............... C-351 Environmental Engineering ........... C-434 Environmental Engineering 2 ........ C-434 Environmental Ethics ...................... C-314 Environmental Geology ................. C-360 Environmental Geomorphology ... C-366 Environmental Impact AssessmentC-370 Environmental Journalism ............. C-272 Environmental Law: Development Control ..................................... C-489 Environmental Law: Resource Management, Conservation and Heritage ................................... C-489 Environmental Management ......... C-365 Environmental Perspectives .......... C-157 Environmental Planning C-371, 373, 374 Environmental Politics and Policy C-327 Environmental Remote Sensing .... C-369 Environmental Technology .... C-373, 374 Environmental Values ..................... C-374 Epistemology ................................... C-310 Equity and Trusts ............................. C-484 Espionage, Terror and Global Disorder ................................... C-320 Essential Mathematics .................... C-411 Ethical and Professional Issues ...... C-168 Ethical Issues & Professional Practice 1 .................................. C-397 Ethical Issues & Professional Practice 2 .................................. C-399 Ethical, Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives of Palliative Care ........................... C-63 Ethics in Journalism ........................ C-272 Europe at War 1914–1945 ............... C-336 Europe in an Age of Crisis 1560–1640 ................................. C-335 Europe in the High Middle Ages, 1000–c. 1300 ............................. C-336 Event & Sport Marketing ............... C-154 Event and Operations Management ............................ C-152 Evolution, Ecology & Society ........ C-477 Evolutionary Biology & Biogeography .......................... C-478 Exceptionality & Special Children C-400 Exercise & Sport Governance ........ C-152 Exercise Assessment and Prescription ............................... C-92 Exercise Physiology & Nutrition ..... C-90 Existentialism and Beyond ............. C-311 Experimental Design and Analysis C-419 Exploration Geophysics .................. C-360 Exploration in Brownfield TerrainsC-363 Family 1 – the Family and the Child .................................. C-492 Family 2 – Financial Aspects of Family Law .............................. C-492 Family and Couple Counselling ... C-169 Family Law Practice ........................ C-496 Fashioning the Body ....................... C-239 Fauna Conservation Management C-369 Feature Writing ................................ C-271 Fibres and Fabrics ............................ C-214 Fiction in Divided Germany .......... C-269 Fictocriticism .................................... C-263 Field Agriculture .............................. C-405 Field Botany ..................................... C-441 Field Mapping and Measurement . C-377 Film Noir ........................................... C-256 Finance for Managers ........................ C-25 Financial Accounting .......................... C-8 Financial Institutions Law .............. C-491 Financial Management ....................... C-8 Financial Planning ............................. C-11 Financial Reporting ........................... C-11 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-29 Financial Reporting & Analysis ....... C-24 Finfish Culture ................................. C-448 Fish Health Management ............... C-449 Fisheries & Wildlife Management . C-478 Fluid Mechanics ............................... C-474 Fluid Mechanics 1 ............................ C-424 Fluid Mechanics 2 ............................ C-432 Food Microbiology .......................... C-408 Food, Culture and Health ................ C-66 Foreign Correspondence: Foreign Policy and the Media ............ C-320 Forensic Psychology ........................ C-398 Forest Ecology (Honours) .............. C-444 Forest Ecosystems ............................ C-366 Forest Policy: Global and Local ..... C-329 Forest Science (Honours) ................ C-443 Fossils and Environments Through Time .......................................... C-359 Foundation Audio ........................... C-186 Foundation Core Studies (Classical) ................................. C-178 Foundation Core Studies (Contemporary) ...................... C-196 Foundation Medical Studies ............ C-38 Foundation Musicianship .............. C-186 Foundation Practical Study ............ C-197 Foundation Theory .......................... C-186 Foundations of Acute Care Nursing Practice ....................................... C-72 Foundations of Acute Care Nursing Theory ........................................ C-72 Foundations of Adult Learning ..... C-162 Foundations of Cancer Nursing Practice ....................................... C-64 Foundations of Cancer Nursing Theory ........................................ C-64 Foundations of Critical Care Nursing Practice ....................................... C-70 Foundations of Critical Care Nursing Science ........................................ C-71 Foundations of Economic Policy ....... C-2 Foundations of Emergency Nursing Practice ....................................... C-73 Foundations of Emergency Nursing Science ........................................ C-73 Foundations of Entrepreneurship ... C-18 Foundations of Media and Information Technology Law ..................... C-485 Foundations of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Practice ............. C-71 Foundations of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Theory .............. C-72 Foundations of Paediatric Nursing Practice ....................................... C-69 Foundations of Paediatric Nursing Theory ........................................ C-69 Foundations of Palliative Care Nursing Practice ...................... C-64 Foundations of Perioperative Nursing Practice ....................... C-68 Foundations of Perioperative Nursing Theory ........................ C-69 Foundations of Tourism A ............. C-285 Foundations of Tourism B .............. C-285 Frege to Wittgenstein ...................... C-314 French 1 ............................................. C-264 French 4 (Honours) ......................... C-267 French for Tourism and Business .. C-266 French Language Skills 2 ................ C-264 French Language Skills 3 ................ C-265 French Language Skills 3B ............. C-265 French Linguistics: Overview, An . C-264 French Linguistics: Semantics ........ C-267 French Linguistics: Syntax ............. C-266 French Linguistics: Syntax A ......... C-267 French Literature: Overview, An ... C-266 French Novel (1750–1900), TheC-265, 268 French Novel (1900–1950), The ...... C-266 French Novella, The ........................ C-265 French-Canadian Women Writers . C-266 Freshwater Ecology ......................... C-479 From Realism to Naturalism .......... C-270 Fundamentals of Planning Theory and Practice ............................ C-372 Fundamentals of Soil Science C-406, 409 Furniture Design 1 ........................... C-231 Furniture Design 2 ........................... C-231 Furniture Design 2A ....................... C-232 Furniture Design 3 ........................... C-232 Furniture Design 3A ....................... C-232 Gallery Studies ................................. C-200 Games Programming ...................... C-469 Gender and Nation .......................... C-260 Gender and Power .......................... C-281 Gender and Society ......................... C-249 Gender in European Thought ........ C-334 Gender Studies ................................. C-147 Gender Studies 4 (Honours) .......... C-251 Gender Studies: Contexts, Conflicts, Crisis? ....................................... C-251 Gender, Sexuality and the Past ...... C-250 General and Medical Microbiology C-90 General Microbiology ..................... C-447 Genetics ............................................. C-442 Genetics 4 .......................................... C-443 Geochemistry 4 (Honours) ............. C-361 Geochemistry, Hydrology and Geochronology ........................ C-363 Geographic Information Systems Project ............................... C-379, 381 Geography and Environmental Studies 1 ................................... C-363 Geography and Environmental Studies 1A ................................ C-364 Geography and Environmental Studies 4 ........................... C-370, 371 Geography of Asia ........................... C-364 Geology 2 .......................................... C-358 Geology 3 .......................................... C-359 Geology 4 (Honours) ....................... C-361 Geology for Environmental Scientists .................................. C-361 Geology for Geophysicists ............. C-361 Geomatics (Honours) ...................... C-382 Geomatics 1a – Introduction to Geomatics ................................ C-375 Geomatics 1c – Surveying .............. C-375 Geomatics 2a: Surveying ................ C-376 Geomatics 2b: Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry ..................... C-376 Geomatics 2c: Introduction to GIS C-376 Geomatics 2d: Transformations and Projections ............................... C-377 Geomatics 2e: Analysis of Observations ........................... C-377 Geomatics 2f: Studio ....................... C-378 Geomatics 3a: Surveying ................ C-378 Geomatics 3b: Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry ..................... C-378 Geomatics 3c: Advanced Geographic Information Systems ( GIS) ... C-378 Geomatics 3d: Geodesy .................. C-379 Geomatics 3e: Studio ....................... C-379 Geomatics lb – Studio ..................... C-375 Geophysics 4 (Honours) ................. C-361 Geotechnical Engineering 1 ........... C-421 Geotechnical Engineering 2 ........... C-426 German 1 .......................................... C-268 German 4 (Honours) ....................... C-270 German Age of Chivalry, The ........ C-270 German for Tourism and Business C-268 German Language Skills ................ C-271 German Language Skills 2 ............. C-268 German Language Skills 3 ............. C-269 German Language Skills 3B ........... C-269 GIS Application DevelopmentC-379, 381 Global Environmental Policy ......... C-325 Global Political Economy ............... C-326 Global Space Economy, The ........... C-365 Globalisation and Accountability ..... C-9 Globalisation and East Asian Politics ...................................... C-319 Globalisation and the Information Economy ...................................... C-6 Golden Age of German Cinema, The ............................ C-268 Gospel Choir A ................................ C-180 Gospel Choir B ................................. C-182 Gospel Choir C ................................. C-184 Gospel Choir D ................................ C-185 Governance and Leadership .......... C-120 Government Financial Management ........................ C-14, 16 Graduate Diploma in Immunology & Microbiology ......................... C-56 Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling ............................. C-393 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Botany ...................................... C-444 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-30 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Chemistry ................................ C-460 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Forest Processes .................................. C-444 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Genetics .................................... C-444 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Geography ............................... C-371 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Geology .................................... C-362 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Mathematics ............................ C-416 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Microbiology ........................... C-410 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Physics ...................................... C-475 Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours, specialising in Zoology .................................... C-480 Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information Science with Honours ................................... C-381 Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science ...................................... C-410 Graduate Diploma of Science (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies)C-461 Graduate Diploma Project Work ... C-382 Graphic Design 1 ............................. C-232 Graphic Design 2 ............................. C-232 Graphic Design 2A .......................... C-232 Graphic Design 3 ............................. C-233 Graphic Design 3A .......................... C-233 Greek and Roman Mythology ....... C-344 Greek Tragedy .................................. C-343 Gross Anatomy A .............................. C-50 Gross Anatomy B ............................... C-51 Guided Reading for Honours in Chinese ..................................... C-300 Guided Reading for Honours in Indonesian ............................... C-307 Guitar Ensemble A .......................... C-180 Guitar Ensemble B ........................... C-181 Guitar Ensemble C .......................... C-183 Guitar Ensemble D .......................... C-185 Haematology 1 ................................... C-89 Haematology 2 ................................... C-93 Health & Rehabilitation Psychology .............................. C-385 Health and Fitness Issues ............... C-153 Health and Physical Education ..... C-141 Health Assessment and Ageing ...... C-65 Health Care Physical Assessment ... C-59 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Health Care Where People Live and Work ................................... C-58 Health Enhancement Curriculum . C-156 Health Fitness & Physical Activity C-150 Health Informatics Research Methods ..................................... C-77 Health Information Systems ............ C-77 Health Online ..................................... C-76 Health Psychology .......................... C-400 Health Services and Health Informatics ................................. C-92 Health Sociology .............................. C-280 Healthy Ageing .................................. C-65 Hegel to Freud ................................. C-314 Histology ............................................ C-87 Histology for Aquaculture ............... C-89 Histopathology .................................. C-89 Historical Geography ...................... C-367 Historical Indigenous Australia .... C-244 Historical Landscape, The .............. C-227 History & Theory in Design 1 ........ C-350 History & Theory in Design 2 ........ C-351 History & Theory in Design 3 ........ C-351 History & Theory in Design 4 ........ C-352 History & Theory in Design 5 ........ C-353 History & Theory in Design 6 ........ C-354 History 1A ........................................ C-333 History 1B ......................................... C-333 History 4 (Honours) ........................ C-340 History and Development of the Chinese Language ................. C-299 History and Development of the Indonesian Language ............ C-306 History and Heritage ...................... C-340 History of Jazz .................................. C-175 History of Jazz & Rock A ................ C-199 History of Jazz & Rock B ................ C-199 History of Philosophy 1: from Early Greece to the Renaissance .... C-312 History of Philosophy 2: Modern Philosophy ............................... C-312 History of the Indigenous Peoples of North America ....................... C-340 Honours .............................................. C-85 Honours Dissertation ...... C-102, 120, 146 Honours Dissertation .............. C-251, 316 Honours Management ...................... C-23 Honours Project ............................... C-346 Honours Research Essay ................ C-261 Honours Seminar ............................. C-120 Honours Seminar and Dissertation ............................. C-155 Honours Seminar and Dissertation C-96 Honours Thesis ........................ C-374, 469 Honours unit ............................ C-460, 475 Horticultural Physiology and Technology .............................. C-405 Horticultural Production Systems ............................ C-405, 409 Horticultural Science ....................... C-407 Human Biology (Pharmacy) ............ C-49 Human Biology (Science) ................. C-48 Human Bioscience (Advanced Standing) .................................... C-91 Human Bioscience 1 & 2 ................... C-88 Human Bioscience 3 & 4 ................... C-91 Human Molecular Biology ............... C-92 Human Movement Independent Study ........................................ C-156 Human Movement Laboratory 1 .. C-149 Human Movement Laboratory 2 .. C-152 Human Movement Laboratory 3 .. C-153 Human Movement Pedagogy 1 .... C-151 Human Movement Pedagogy 2 .... C-151 Human Movement Pedagogy 3 .... C-153 Human Movement Pedagogy 4 .... C-154 Human Movement Project ............. C-157 Human Neuroscience ..................... C-388 Human Nutrition 1 ......................... C-160 Human Physiology ........................... C-51 Human Resource Development C-19, 26 Human Resource Management in Tourism and Hospitality ......... C-19 Human Resource Theory and Practice ....................................... C-23 Human Rights .................................. C-489 Human-Computer Interaction ....... C-465 Hydraulic Engineering ................... C-425 Ideas and Faiths ............................... C-311 Ideas of Authorship ......................... C-256 Image Development A .................... C-227 Image Development B .................... C-228 Image Processing and Computer Vision ........................................ C-428 Images of Women in Contemporary Indonesian Culture ................ C-307 Imaging the Body ............................ C-240 Immunisation Education for Registered Nurses .................... C-65 Immunology ....................................... C-92 Immunology (MLS) ........................... C-89 Inclusive Curriculum Leadership A ........................... C-133 Inclusive Curriculum Leadership B ............................ C-134 Independence and Revolution in Modern Asia ............................ C-337 Indigeneity, Citizenship and the State .................................... C-248 Indigenous Health ........................... C-245 Indigenous Justice Issues ............... C-245 Indigenous Life Histories ............... C-248 Indigenous Political Indentities ..... C-247 Indigenous Tourism ........................ C-245 Individual and Society, The ........... C-279 Individual Differences .................... C-389 Individual Research Project ........... C-263 Indonesian 4 (Honours) .................. C-306 Indonesian Literature and its Social Context .......................... C-305 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-31 Indonesian Literature in Context (Padang) ................................... C-305 Indo–Tibetan Philosophy, History and Culture ..................................... C-313 Industrial Organisation ...................... C-5 Industry Project ............................... C-407 Information Economy, The ................. C-3 Information Industries ...................... C-28 Information Management .......... C-29, 33 Information Modelling and Infrastructures ........................... C-28 Information Systems Modelling Techniques ................................. C-34 Information Systems Research Methods ............................... C-32, 34 Information Systems Strategy Formulation ............................... C-34 Information Technology Law ........ C-491 Insect Diversity and Function C-406, 409 Insect Ecology and Behaviour ....... C-406 Instructional Design in AVE 1 ........ C-165 Instructional Design in AVE 2 ........ C-166 Instructional Issues for Effective Learning in Outdoor Education ................................. C-158 Instrumental Analytical ChemistryC-459 Instrumentation and Control ......... C-423 Integrated Structure and Function .. C-49 Intellectual Foundations of Education, The ........................ C-121 Intellectual Property ........................ C-490 Intelligent Software Agents ............ C-469 Intelligent Systems .......................... C-431 Intensive Algal Culture ................... C-447 Intensive Crustacean & Zooplankton Culture ............................. C-446, 448 Intensive Finfish Culture ................ C-451 Intensive Molluscan Culture .. C-449, 450 Inter-cultural Communication ....... C-246 Interactive Design ............................ C-230 Intermediate Ancient Greek A ....... C-344 Intermediate Ancient Greek B ....... C-344 Intermediate Ancient Greek Grammar .................................. C-345 Intermediate Core Studies (Classical) ................................. C-179 Intermediate Core Studies (Contemporary) ...................... C-196 Intermediate Indonesian (Conversation) ........................ C-304 Intermediate Indonesian (Conversation) (Padang) ...... C-304 Intermediate Indonesian (Reading and Writing) ............................ C-303 Intermediate Indonesian (Reading and Writing) (Padang) .......... C-304 Intermediate Latin A ....................... C-345 Intermediate Latin B ....................... C-345 Intermediate Latin Grammar ......... C-345 Intermediate Macroeconomics .......... C-3 Intermediate Microeconomics ........... C-2 International Business ManagementC-26 International Cooperation .............. C-331 International Finance .................... C-7, 26 International Human Resource Management ........................ C-22, 26 International Issues in Tourism ..... C-287 International Law ............................ C-488 International Marketing ............. C-20, 27 International Relations in Asia ...... C-323 International Trade .......................... C-490 Interpersonal Theory and Practice 1 .................................. C-289 Interpersonal Theory and Practice 2 .................................. C-290 Interpreting and Translation .......... C-305 Introduction to Acute Care Mental Health Nursing: Practice Perspectives ............................... C-68 Introduction to Acute Care Mental Health Nursing: Theoretical Perspectives ............................... C-67 Introduction to Agriculture and Horticulture ............................. C-403 Introduction to Aquaculture .......... C-446 Introduction to Art and Design Theory 1A ................................ C-237 Introduction to Art and Design Theory 1B ................................. C-238 Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy ............................... C-310 Introduction to Ceramics ................ C-203 Introduction to Clinical Studies ...... C-38 Introduction to Counselling ........... C-148 Introduction to Cultural Practices 1C-199 Introduction to Cultural Practices 2C-199 Introduction to Drawing 1 ............. C-205 Introduction to Drawing 2 ............. C-205 Introduction to Econometrics ............ C-4 Introduction to Electronics ............. C-469 Introduction to General Philosophy ............................... C-308 Introduction to Geophysics & Computer Applications ........................... C-359 Introduction to GIS .......................... C-377 Introduction to Government A ...... C-330 Introduction to Government B ...... C-330 Introduction to Health Informatics . C-75 Introduction to Health Sciences ...... C-86 Introduction to Human Biology ...... C-87 Introduction to International Business ...................................... C-17 Introduction to Journalism ............. C-271 Introduction to Law ........................ C-482 Introduction to Life Drawing ........ C-226 Introduction to Logic ...................... C-314 Introduction to Management ........... C-16 Introduction to Media Studies ....... C-271 Introduction to Moral Philosophy C-307 Introduction to Painting ................. C-207 Introduction to People with Long Term Mental Illness: Practice Perspectives ............................... C-68 Introduction to Plant Diseases C-406, 409 Introduction to Printmedia ............ C-209 Introduction to Research ................ C-356 Introduction to Sculpture ............... C-212 Introduction to Special Education C-142 Introduction to Textiles ................... C-213 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Studies ...................................... C-207 Introduction to Two-Dimensional Studies ...................................... C-207 Introductory Biochemistry ............... C-87 Introductory Educational Studies 1 ................................... C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 1 (Part 1) ..................... C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 1 (Part 2) ..................... C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 2 ................................... C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 2 (Part 1) ..................... C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 2 (Part 2) ..................... C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 3 ................................... C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 3 (Part 1) ..................... C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 3 (Part 2) ..................... C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 4 (Part 1) ..................... C-142 Introductory Educational Studies 4 (Part 2) ..................... C-144 Introductory Indonesian ................. C-303 Investigative Journalism ................. C-274 Investment Analysis ............................ C-4 IS Project ............................................. C-30 IS Project Management ............... C-30, 35 IS-based Knowledge Management ........................ C-33, 35 Islam, Law and Women – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives . C-337 Issues and Contexts in AVE ........... C-163 Issues in History .............................. C-337 Issues in Mathematics Education A ............................. C-127 Issues in Mathematics Education B ............................. C-128 Issues in Polar and Marine Policy . C-323 Issues in Sport & Recreation Management ............................ C-155 Issues in Studies of Society and Environment ............................ C-142 Japan in the 21st Century ............... C-300 Japanese 1 ......................................... C-300 Japanese 2 Language Skills A ........ C-300 Japanese 2 Language Skills B ......... C-300 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-32 Japanese 4 (Honours) ...................... C-302 Japanese Applied Linguistics ........ C-303 Japanese Film ................................... C-301 Japanese for Business and TourismC-302 Japanese-English, English-Japanese Interpreting ............................. C-302 Journalism: the Peoples Witness ... C-273 Jurisprudence A ............................... C-487 Jurisprudence B ............................... C-487 Kinesiology ......................................... C-87 Knowledge-Based Systems ............ C-466 Laboratory Instrumentation .......... C-470 Labour Law ...................................... C-485 Land Development Planning ......... C-380 Land Law and Cadastral Studies .. C-380 Language and Communication ..... C-126 Language and Education ............... C-146 Language and Literacy in Education A ............................. C-136 Language and Literacy in Education B ............................. C-136 Language in Aboriginal Society .... C-246 Language Learning for Specific Purposes ................................... C-127 Language, Culture and Society ..... C-125 Language, Gender and Communication in Education ........................... C-137 Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 1 ........................................ C-166 Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 2 ........................................ C-166 Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe ...................................... C-334 Late Shakespeare ............................. C-262 Later Roman Empire, The .............. C-342 Latin 1 ........................................ C-344, 345 Law and Ethics of Health Care ...... C-493 Law Elective 1 .................................. C-493 Law Elective 2 .................................. C-491 Law Elective 3 .................................. C-491 Law for Managers ............................. C-24 Law of Nations ................................. C-486 Law of the European Union ........... C-489 Law of the Oceans and the Antarctic ................................... C-486 Law, Society and Morality .............. C-311 Le grand écran: French Cinéma .... C-266 Leadership and Supervision .......... C-138 Leadership, Influence and Dispute Resolution ................................ C-329 Learning & Skilled Performance ... C-385 Learning and Development: Practices and Theories ........................... C-121 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care ............................................. C-60 Legal and Ethical Issues of Emerging Technologies ............................. C-76 Legal History .................................... C-488 Legend of King Arthur, The ........... C-259 Life Drawing A ................................ C-227 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Life Drawing B ................................. C-227 Life Science Supplementary Unit .. C-445 Lifespan Developmental Psychology .............................. C-384 Lighting Design ............................... C-219 Linguistics of French Newstexts ... C-264 Linux Internals ................................. C-468 Literary Theory ................................ C-256 Literature and Environment .......... C-367 Literature for Children ............ C-136, 146 Literature of Tasmania .................... C-254 Literature Review .................... C-409, 453 Literature, Gender and Education C-137 Litigation ........................................... C-484 Logic and Philosophy ..................... C-315 Logic of Decision, The ..................... C-315 LOTE/ESL A .................................... C-129 LOTE/ESL B ..................................... C-129 Love and Politics in Augustan Literature ................................. C-342 Love, Family and Sexuality: East–West Comparison ............................ C-278 Machine Learning and Data Mining ...................................... C-468 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy .. C-6 Magic, Spirituality and Religion ... C-278 Magistrates Court Practice & Advocacy ................................. C-494 Major Research Project .................... C-276 Management Accounting ................. C-10 Management Ethics ........................... C-25 Management Honours Seminar ...... C-22 Management of Human Resources . C-17 Management of Information Systems ................................ C-31, 33 Management of the Cancer Patient Practice ....................................... C-64 Management of the Cancer Patient Theory ........................................ C-64 Management of the Palliative Care Patient ........................................ C-64 Management of the Perioperative Patient Practice ......................... C-69 Management of the Perioperative Patient Theory ........................... C-69 Managerial Accounting .................... C-25 Managerial Social Responsibility .... C-20 Managing AVE ................................. C-167 Managing Business in the Asia Pacific ......................................... C-20 Managing e-Business ........................ C-26 Managing Human Resources .......... C-24 Managing Learning ......................... C-162 Managing Organisational Change .. C-34 Manufacturing, Maintenance and Quality ..................................... C-424 Marine Ecology ................................ C-479 Marine, Freshwater and Antarctic Biology (Honours) . C-409, 444, 480 Marketing Communications ............ C-19 Marketing Management ............. C-22, 24 Marketing Theory and Research ..... C-23 Mass Media and Contemporary Societies .................................... C-281 Mass Social Movements ................. C-279 Master of Commerce ......................... C-16 Master of Economic Geology ......... C-362 Materials and Manufacturing ........ C-418 Materials for Engineering Design . C-437 Materials for Marine Applications C-437 Materials Technology 1 ................... C-435 Mathematical Analysis & Applications 3 ......................... C-415 Mathematical Methods ................... C-436 Mathematics 4 unit .................. C-416, 417 Mathematics and Education .......... C-141 Mathematics Bridging Unit ............ C-410 Mathematics for Computer Science 1 ................................... C-411 Mathematics Honours .................... C-416 Mathematics I ................................... C-412 Mathematics II ................................. C-412 Mathematics III ................................ C-414 Mathematics in Life Sciences 1 ...... C-412 Meaning of Life, The ....................... C-309 Mechanical Engineering Honours C-433 Mechanical Engineering Project .... C-433 Mechanics and Structures .............. C-419 Mechatronic Systems 1 ................... C-425 Mechatronic Systems 2 ................... C-434 Mechatronics Engineering Honours ................................... C-434 Mechatronics Engineering Project C-434 Media and Methods in Drawing ... C-227 Media and Politics ........................... C-318 Media and the Environment .......... C-274 Media Law ........................................ C-490 Media Policy ..................................... C-325 Media Studies ................................... C-275 Medical Laboratory Practice 1 ......... C-86 Medical Laboratory Practice 2 ......... C-86 Medical Laboratory Practice 3 ......... C-95 Medical Microbiology A ................... C-93 Medical Microbiology and Immunology .............................. C-54 Medical Microbiology B ................... C-94 Medicinal Chemistry ......................... C-80 Medicinal Chemistry in Pharmacy . C-80 Medicine 3 .......................................... C-57 Medicine 4 .......................................... C-58 Medicine Year 5 - RHH Clinical School ......................................... C-44 Medicine Year 5 – LGH Clinical School ......................................... C-43 Medicine Year 5 – NWRH Clinical School ......................................... C-42 Medicine Year 6 – LGH Clinical School ......................................... C-44 Medicine Year 6 – NWRH Clinical School ......................................... C-45 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-33 Medicine Year 6 – RHH Clinical School ......................................... C-45 Medieval and Gothic Fictions ........ C-254 Medieval Britain: Myth, Power and Identity ..................................... C-335 Metabolic Biochemistry .................... C-90 Microbial Ecology and Evolution . C-408 Microbiology ...................................... C-56 Microbiology (Pharmacy) ................. C-53 Microbiology 4 (Honours) (Science) ................................... C-409 Microbiology and Health ................. C-88 Microbiology and Mycology .......... C-403 Microclimatology ............................. C-369 Microeconomic Theory and Policy ... C-5 Microprocessor Systems and Data Acquisition .............................. C-438 Microprocessors and Data Acquisition .............................. C-420 Middlebrow Fiction ......................... C-256 MIDI & Digital Audio ..................... C-177 Migrants in Australian Society ...... C-279 Mind and Language ........................ C-309 Mineral Exploration ........................ C-360 Minor Thesis ..................................... C-292 MIS Project .......................................... C-35 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing .............................. C-465 Modern Australian Poetry ............. C-257 Modern Chinese Literature ............ C-298 Modern Drama ................................ C-255 Modern Europe 1815–1914 ............. C-334 Modern India till Independence ... C-337 Modern Japanese Literature .......... C-301 Modernism in British Literature 1910–1930 ................................. C-259 Modernism in British Literature: Poetry ....................................... C-259 Modes of Curriculum Inquiry A ... C-100 Modes of Curriculum Inquiry B .... C-101 Molecular Biochemistry: Techniques and Theory ................................ C-47 Molecular Biology in Health & Disease ....................................... C-46 Molecular Evolution ....................... C-442 Molluscan Culture ........................... C-449 Monuments of Rome: Image and Ideology ................................... C-343 Mooting ............................................. C-485 Moral Philosophy ............................ C-309 Motor Learning & Skill Development 2 ........................ C-154 Motor Learning and Skill Development 1 ........................ C-151 Movement Concepts ....................... C-149 Moving Image A, The ..................... C-230 Moving Image B, The ...................... C-231 Multimedia and Internet Applications ............................ C-468 Multimedia and Web Applications C-462 Multimedia Professional Placement C-32 Municipal Engineering for Surveyors ................................. C-425 Music and Education ...................... C-141 Music History (1680–1880) ............. C-187 Music History (1880–Present) ........ C-187 Music History (Antiquity–1680) .... C-187 Music Project .................................... C-224 Music Publishing ............................. C-173 Music Research Project ................... C-173 Music Research Seminar ................. C-187 Music Teaching and Learning ....... C-175 Music Technology ............................ C-172 Music Technology: Computers and Sequencing .............................. C-223 Music Typesetting ........................... C-176 Natural Environment and Wilderness Management (Honours) ....... C-371 Natural Environment Field Techniques ............................... C-365 Natural Environment: Interpretation .......................... C-287 Natural Vegetation of Tasmania .... C-439 Neuroanatomy for Psychologists .. C-399 Neuroscience ...................................... C-39 Neuroscience A .................................. C-52 Neuroscience B .................................. C-52 New Directions in Art Education 1A ........................... C-129 Novel in the Nineteenth Century, The ............................ C-259 Numeracy and the Mathematics Curriculum A .......................... C-127 Numeracy and the Mathematics Curriculum B ........................... C-127 Nursing Inquiry in Practice ............. C-62 Nutrition and Disease ....................... C-94 Nutrition of Aquatic Organisms ... C-450 Objective, Structured Clinical Examination .............................. C-43 Old Regime France, 1715–1789 ...... C-336 Older Adults ..................................... C-395 Online Journalism ........................... C-273 Online Learning and Teaching in AVE ....................................... C-166 Operating Systems .......................... C-463 Operations Research 2 .................... C-414 Operations Research 3 .................... C-415 Oral and Written French 4 .............. C-267 Orchestra A ....................................... C-179 Orchestra B ....................................... C-181 Orchestra C ....................................... C-183 Orchestra D ....................................... C-184 Orchestration .................................... C-177 Ore Deposit Studies and Exploration Models ...................................... C-362 Ore Deposits of South America ..... C-363 Organic Chemistry (Agricultural Science) ..................................... C-458 Organic Chemistry (Pharmacy) ..... C-458 Organisational Behaviour .......... C-17, 24 Organisational Context ................... C-290 Organisational Psychology ............ C-386 Organisational Risk Management ... C-12 Outdoor Education .......................... C-143 Outdoor Recreation and Education Field, The ................................. C-157 Ovid and Chaucer ........................... C-255 Painting 1 .................................. C-208, 234 Painting 2 .................................. C-209, 234 Painting 2A ....................................... C-235 Painting 3 .......................................... C-235 Painting 3A ....................................... C-235 Painting Media, Processes and Approaches .............................. C-208 Painting: Material/Descriptive Exploration .............................. C-208 Painting: Self-directed Project ........ C-208 Parliament in Society ...................... C-322 Parliamentary Internship ....... C-321, 322 Participation and Public Policy ..... C-329 Pasture and Animal Science ........... C-404 Pathological Basis of Disease 2 ........ C-53 Pathological Basis of Disease 3 ........ C-54 Pathological Sciences (BSc Honours)C-55 Pathology of Common Diseases ...... C-89 Peace, Conflict & Law ..................... C-385 Pedagogy .......................................... C-223 Pedagogy of Online Learning A, The ...................... C-132 Pedagogy of Online Learning B, The ....................... C-133 Performance 1 .................................. C-172 Performance 2 .................................. C-172 Performance 3 .................................. C-173 Performance 4 .................................. C-173 Performance and Production ......... C-216 Perspectives on Ageing .................... C-60 Persuasion, Propaganda, and the Movies ............................... C-254 Pharmaceutical Science ..................... C-80 Pharmaceutical Science and Practice 1 .................................... C-78 Pharmaceutical Science and Practice 2 .................................... C-79 Pharmaceutical Science and Practice 3 .................................... C-81 Pharmaceutical Science and Practice 4 .................................... C-84 Pharmacology .............................. C-78, 79 Pharmacy Honours ........................... C-83 Pharmacy in Health Care ................. C-77 Philosophy 1A .................................. C-307 Philosophy 1B .................................. C-307 Philosophy 4 (Honours) ................. C-316 Philosophy and Literature ............. C-308 Philosophy and the Body ............... C-313 Philosophy Honours Special Topic C-316 Philosophy of Biology ..................... C-310 Philosophy of Kierkegaard, The .... C-308 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-34 Philosophy of Nietzsche, The ........ C-311 Philosophy of Religion ................... C-315 Photography 1 .................................. C-233 Photography 2 .................................. C-233 Photography 2A ............................... C-233 Photography 3 .................................. C-234 Photography 3A ............................... C-234 Photography as Service .................. C-211 Photography Project ........................ C-210 Physical Environment, The ............ C-364 Physical Sciences Honours ............. C-402 Physics ............................................... C-435 Physics 1A ........................................ C-471 Physics 1B ......................................... C-471 Physics 4 (Honours) ........................ C-474 Physics Bridging Unit ..................... C-470 Physics for Health Sciences .............. C-87 Physiology 4 (BSc Honours) ............ C-53 Physiology of Aquatic Organisms C-451 Picturing the Wilderness ................ C-239 Place and Environment ................... C-308 Place in the Wilderness, A .............. C-257 Planning Project ............................... C-373 Plant Biodiversity ............................ C-441 Plant Development & Structure .... C-480 Plant Ecology ................................... C-442 Plant Nutrition & Soil Fertility ...... C-406 Plant Physiology & Genetics .......... C-480 Plant Science Research .................... C-442 Policing and Governance ............... C-324 Policy Development ........................ C-328 Policy Frameworks for the Information Economy ........ C-29, 35 Policy Implementation and Evaluation ................................ C-329 Political Activism: Local to Global C-331 Political Economy of Education in International Perspective, The ............................................ C-121 Political Ideologies .......................... C-318 Political Philosophy ........................ C-314 Political Science 4 (Honours) ......... C-321 Political Thought: Liberal Democracy ............................... C-318 Politics in Literature and Film ....... C-318 Politics of Democratisation, East and West ................................... C-319 Politics of International Justice, The ............................................ C-320 Politics of International Relations . C-321 Politics of Terrorism ........................ C-322 Popular Culture and Resistance in Indonesia ................................. C-306 Popular Fiction ................................. C-258 Population and Society ................... C-284 Population and Urbanisation ........ C-364 Population Health ............................. C-63 Post-1945 German Film .................. C-269 Post-Tonal Theory ........................... C-198 Postcolonial Fictions ....................... C-256 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Postcolonial Narratives .................. C-262 Postgraduate unit ............................ C-475 Postmodern American Poetry ....... C-259 Postmodern Politics: East and WestC-296 Postmodernism ................................ C-309 Postmodernism and Visual CultureC-239 Pot as Narrative, The ...................... C-204 Power Systems 1 .............................. C-423 Power Systems 2 .............................. C-431 Practical Study 1A ........................... C-221 Practical Study 1B ............................ C-222 Practical Study 2A ........................... C-222 Practical Study 2B ............................ C-223 Practice Perspectives in Managing the Complex Acute Care Patient .. C-72 Practicum (Degree) .......................... C-450 Practicum (Diploma) ....................... C-452 Practicum (GradDip) ...................... C-452 Prices and Profits ................................. C-6 Principles of Marketing .................... C-17 Principles of Public Law ................. C-483 Principles of Statistics 3 .................. C-415 Principles of Western Theatre ........ C-215 Printmaking 1 ................................... C-235 Printmaking 2 ................................... C-235 Printmaking 2A ............................... C-236 Printmaking 3 ................................... C-236 Printmaking 3A ............................... C-236 Printmedia 1 ..................................... C-209 Printmedia 2 ..................................... C-211 Professional and Organisational Frameworks in Nursing Care Delivery ...................................... C-62 Professional Computing ................. C-462 Professional Conduct ...................... C-494 Professional Development ............. C-370 Professional Ethics ........................... C-310 Professional Experience .................. C-380 Professional Experience 1 ............... C-150 Professional Experience 2 ............... C-152 Professional Experience 3 ............... C-154 Professional Experience 4 ............... C-154 Professional In-Country Development – Part A ........................................ C-129 Professional In-Country Development – Part B ........................................ C-129 Professional Issues in Midwifery Practice ....................................... C-63 Professional Issues in Nursing Practice ....................................... C-61 Professional Placement ................... C-274 Professional Placement ................... C-372 Professional Practice ............... C-178, 200 Professional Practice ......................... C-95 Professional Practice (Business Skills) ...................... C-241 Professional Practice (Writing Skills) ........................ C-240 Professional Practices 1 ........... C-202, 226 Professional Practices 2 ........... C-202, 226 Professional Practices 3 ........... C-202, 226 Professional Presentation Skills ..... C-218 Professional Project (BArch) .......... C-357 Professional Skills .............................. C-32 Professional Skills, Responsibilites & Ethics .................................... C-496 Professional Studies 1 ..................... C-104 Professional Studies 1 ..................... C-354 Professional Studies 2 ............. C-111, 112 Professional Studies 2 (BArch) ...... C-357 Professional Translation of Japanese ................................... C-302 Programming and Problem Solving ............................. C-436, 461 Programming Paradigms ............... C-465 Project ................................................ C-460 Project A ............................................ C-416 Project B ............................................ C-416 Project C ............................................ C-416 Project D ............................................ C-416 Project Evaluation and Planning ..... C-21 Promoting Health in Child & Family Health: Practice Perspectives . C-66 Promoting Health in Child & Family Health: Theoretical Perspectives ............................... C-66 Promoting Play and Developing Motor Skills in Primary HPE .......................... C-156 Property Law .................................... C-483 Psycho-Social Aspects of Physical Activity ..................................... C-150 Psychology 1A ................................. C-383 Psychology 1B .................................. C-383 Psychology 4 (Honours) ......... C-390, 391 Psychology 4 (Honours) ................... C-51 Psychopharmacology & Psychopathology .................... C-396 Psychophysiology & Emotion ....... C-388 Public Policy 4 (Honours) .............. C-326 Public Relations ............................... C-272 Public Sector Internship ................. C-328 Public Sector Resource ManagementC-12 Pursuit of Empire: Philip, Alexander and Rome, The .... C-341 Qualitative Research Methods ....... C-279 Quality Systems ............................... C-156 Quantitative Methods 1 ...................... C-2 Quantitative Methods 2 ...................... C-4 Quantitative Methods in Biology .. C-479 Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics ............................ C-473 Race and Ethnic Politics .................. C-317 Race and Politics in Southern African History ....................... C-339 Radio Journalism ............................. C-272 Re-inventing Governance ............... C-332 Reading Indonesian ........................ C-306 Reading Japanese ............................. C-301 Reading Theory ............................... C-261 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-35 Real and Complex Analysis 2 ........ C-412 Reason, Truth and Knowledge A .. C-130 Reason, Truth and Knowledge B ... C-130 Reasoning Skills ............................... C-313 Reflections in Music Education A . C-136 Reflections in Music Education B .. C-136 Reflective Practice ............................ C-292 Refugees and Australian Society ... C-282 Regional Development Policy ....... C-324 Regulatory Compliance .................... C-12 Rehabilitation Counselling 1 .......... C-393 Rehabilitation Counselling 2 .......... C-393 Rehabilitation in Medical Settings C-394 Rehabilitation of Cognitive Deficits ..................................... C-396 Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ..................................... C-394 Reporting Asia ................................. C-294 Representation of Gender, The ...... C-249 Reproduction and Endocrinology for Conservation .................... C-477 Rereading Chaucer .......................... C-261 Research And Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing .................. C-59 Research and Methods in AVE ...... C-164 Research and Topics in Health Sciences ...................................... C-95 Research Concepts ........................... C-149 Research Design & Ethics ............... C-391 Research Design 1 ............................ C-397 Research Design 2 ............................ C-400 Research Dissertation ...................... C-453 Research in Midwifery ...................... C-63 Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences ...................................... C-84 Research in Pharmacy ....................... C-82 Research Investigation (In-Service) .............................. C-145 Research Methodology ................... C-121 Research Methodology and Writing ..................................... C-261 Research Methods ....................... C-13, 15 Research Methods 2 ........................ C-383 Research Methods A ....................... C-122 Research Methods and Behavioural Neuroscience ........................... C-389 Research Methods B ........................ C-122 Research Methods for Finance ........... C-4 Research Methods in Counselling C-170 Research Methods in Management . C-22 Research Methods in the Arts ........ C-347 Research Practice in AVE ................ C-167 Research Processes in Social Work C-290 Research Project ....................... C-203, 226 Research Project ....................... C-260, 295 Research Project ................................. C-27 Research Project ............................... C-392 Research Project ................................. C-56 Research Project (French) ............... C-267 Research Project (German) ............. C-270 Research Project (Pass)/(Honours) C-409 Research Project 1 ............................ C-393 Research Project 2 ............................ C-394 Research Project Thesis ................... C-374 Research Project/Thesis ................. C-297 Research Seminar ............................ C-155 Research Seminar ............................ C-202 Research Seminars and Project ........ C-62 Research Thesis ........ C-323, 324, 330, 333 Research Thesis .................................. C-85 Research Thesis 1 ............................. C-397 Research Thesis 2 ............................. C-399 Research, Development and Extension Methods ................................... C-408 Responding to Domestic Violence .. C-66 Return of the Figure, The ............... C-203 Revisiting the Figure ....................... C-212 Revolutions of the Mind ................. C-339 Robotics ............................................. C-434 Rock Revolution .............................. C-175 Roman Empire: Tiberius to Hadrian .................................... C-342 Roman Imperial Society ................. C-342 Roman Republic 133–31 BC ........... C-341 Romance and Realism ..................... C-201 Romantic Poetry .............................. C-259 Rural Systems ................................... C-367 School and Classroom Based Curriculum Development .... C-148 School Experience 1 (ECE/Primary) ........................ C-103 School Experience 1 and 2 (Middle School) ....................... C-111 School Experience 1 and 2 (Primary) .................................. C-111 School Experience 1 and 2 (Primary, K-6) .......................... C-110 School Experience 1 and 2 (Secondary) .............................. C-110 School Experience 2 (ECE/Primary) ........................ C-103 School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Middle) ................................... C-118 School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Primary) ................................. C-119 School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Primary, K–6) ........................ C-117 School Experience 3 & 4: (Internship) (Sec) .......................................... C-116 School Experience 3 (ECE/Primary) ........................ C-103 School Experience 3: (Primary, K–6) ................. C-117, 119 School Experience 3: Middle School ....................................... C-118 School Experience 3: Secondary .... C-116 School Experience 4 (Early Childhood/Primary) .............. C-103 School Experience 4: (Internship) (Middle) ................................... C-118 School Experience 4: (Internship) (Primary) ............ C-119 School Experience 4: (Internship) (Sec) .................... C-116 School Experience 4: (Primary, K–6) ......................... C-117 School-Based Counselling .............. C-169 Science and Religion ....................... C-313 Science Education A ........................ C-140 Science Education B ........................ C-140 Science of Agriculture ..................... C-403 Science, Technology and Contemporary Society ........... C-279 Scientific Analysis and Presentation for Aquaculture .............. C-447, 450 Scriptwriting .................................... C-219 Sculpture 1 ................................ C-212, 236 Sculpture 2 ................................ C-213, 237 Sculpture 2A ..................................... C-237 Sculpture 3 ........................................ C-237 Sculpture 3A ..................................... C-237 Sculpture: Fine Art Metal Casting . C-213 Sedimentary Environments ........... C-360 Selected Topics in Australian Politics ...................................... C-322 Self and Subjectivity ........................ C-311 Seminar in Foreign Correspondence ...................... C-323 Sentencing ........................................ C-493 Services Marketing ............................ C-22 Sex, Drugs and Toxic Waste: Risk and Regulation ....................... C-324 Sex, Gender and Philosophy .......... C-312 Sexualities: Histories, Representation, Politics ..................................... C-250 Shakespeares Comedies ................. C-255 Shakespeares Political Plays .......... C-254 Shakespeares Stage: Play of Power, The ............................... C-263 Signals and Linear Systems ............ C-422 Small Scale Sculpture ...................... C-213 Social & Environmental Accounting C-9 Social and Political Research .......... C-277 Social Ecology .................................. C-284 Social Ecology 4 (Honours) ............ C-285 Social Ecology of the City ............... C-284 Social Inequality .............................. C-281 Social Policy ...................................... C-290 Social Policy in Welfare States ....... C-325 Social Problems and Social Policy . C-279 Social Psychology ............................ C-384 Social Research ................................. C-283 Social Science Special Topic (Civics and Citizenship) .................... C-147 Social Work Honours Dissertation C-291 Social Work Practice and the Law . C-290 Social Work Practice and Theory .. C-289 Social Work Practicum 1 ................. C-289 Social Work Practicum 2 ................. C-291 Social Work Practicum 2 (Honours)C-291 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-36 Social Work Practicum 3 (Honours)C-291 Society, Culture and Health ........... C-277 Sociological Analysis of Modern Society ...................................... C-277 Sociology 4 (Honours) .................... C-283 Sociology A ....................................... C-276 Sociology B ....................................... C-276 Sociology of Deviance ..................... C-280 Sociology of Law ............................. C-488 Sociology of Nature ......................... C-281 Sociology of Youth ........................... C-281 Soft Sculpture ................................... C-212 Software Design ............................... C-463 Software Engineering Project A ..... C-464 Software Engineering Project B ..... C-464 Software Process ...................... C-437, 462 Software Systems ............................. C-464 Soil and Land Resources ................ C-408 Sound A ............................................ C-229 Sound B ............................................. C-229 Special Pathology 3 ........................... C-54 Special Pathology 4 ........................... C-55 Special Project in TESOL ................ C-126 Special Reading Program ....... C-322, 327 Special Secondary – Middle School Mathematics B ........................ C-115 Special Secondary – Middle School Mathematics A ....................... C-109 Special Study (Literacy) .................. C-149 Special Study (Models in Teaching)C-149 Special Study (Music Composition and Technology in the Classroom) ............................... C-149 Special Study (Online Learning) ... C-145 Special Study 1 ................................. C-138 Special Study: Visual Literacy ....... C-148 Special Topic (Design & Context in Technology Education A) ..... C-140 Special Topic (VET in Schools A) .. C-124 Special Topic (VET in Schools B) ... C-124 Special Topic (VET in Schools) ...... C-145 Special Topic 1 .................................. C-466 Special Topic 2 .................................. C-466 Special Topic 3 .................................. C-466 Special Topic 4 .................................. C-466 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies A .................................. C-244 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies B .................................. C-244 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies C .................................. C-246 Special Topic in French Linguistics ................................ C-268 Special Topic in French Literature . C-268 Special Topic in German Language and Linguistics ....................... C-271 Special Topic in German LiteratureC-271 Special Topic in Government ......... C-332 Special Topic in History .................. C-340 Special Topic in Philosophy ........... C-316 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Special Topic in Policing ................. C-333 Special Topics in Accounting ............. C-8 Special Topics in Counselling ........ C-168 Special Topics in Health Psychology .............................. C-395 Special Topics in Human Movement 1 C153 Special Topics in Human Movement 2 ............................. C-153 Special Topics in IS ............................ C-36 Special Topics in Management .................. C-22, 23, 27 Specialised Studio 1 ........................ C-352 Specialised Studio 2 ........................ C-353 Specialised Studio 3 ........................ C-353 Specialised Studio 4 ........................ C-354 Specialist Practical Skills ........ C-453, 454 Spoken Japanese .............................. C-301 Sport Injuries .................................... C-151 Sport Psychology ............................. C-152 Spreading the Word: History of Image and Text, A .............................. C-337 Stage Design ..................................... C-218 States of Consciousness .................. C-386 Statistics Education – Data Handling .................................. C-124 Statistics Education – Data Reduction and Chance ............................. C-124 Statistics Education – Inference and Advanced Topics ................... C-124 Statistics for Managers ...................... C-24 Steel and Timber Structures ........... C-421 Strategic Information Systems ......... C-32 Strategic Issues in Human Resource Management .............................. C-21 Strategic Management ................ C-21, 27 Strength of Materials ....................... C-437 Stress Analysis ................................. C-426 Structural Mechanics ...................... C-420 Structure and Function – Clinical Correlations ............................... C-50 Student Initiated Sculpture Project 1 .................................... C-212 Student Initiated Sculpture Project 2 .................................... C-213 Studies in Classroom ManagementC-145 Studies in Musicology ..................... C-187 Studies in Teaching .......................... C-143 Studio Glass Studies ........................ C-204 Studio Project (2D Studies) ............ C-207 Studio Project (3D Studies) ............ C-207 Study Skills ....................................... C-497 Sub-editing and Layout .................. C-273 Succession ......................................... C-492 Supervised Practicum in Counselling ............................. C-169 Supportive Care in Hospital and Community Settings 1 ............ C-59 Supportive Care in Hospital and Community Settings 2 ............ C-60 Supreme Court Practice & Advocacy ................................. C-494 Surgery .......................................... C-56, 57 Surrealist Art Between the Wars .... C-239 Survey Research ............................... C-278 Surveying for Engineers ................. C-376 Surveying Practice ........................... C-380 Surveying V (Honours) .................. C-382 Sustainable Resource Management ............................ C-403 Sustainable Tourism ........................ C-286 System Development Methodologies .......................... C-34 Systems Development ...................... C-36 Talking the Talk: Social Speech ...... C-219 Tasmanian Fauna: Ecological & Evolutionary Studies ............. C-477 Tasmanian Politics and Australian Federalism ............................... C-320 Tax 1 ................................................... C-490 Tax 2 ................................................... C-491 Taxation ............................................... C-13 Teacher Research and Curriculum Change ..................................... C-130 Teaching and Assessment ............... C-120 Teaching and Learning 1 ................ C-162 Teaching and Learning 2 ................ C-164 Teaching Asia ................................... C-131 Teaching English as a Second/ Foreign Language ................... C-125 Teaching Studies A .......................... C-123 Teaching Studies B ........................... C-124 Technical Theatre ............................. C-216 Technology 1 .................................... C-158 Technology 2 .................................... C-159 Technology 5 .................................... C-160 Technology 6 .................................... C-161 Technology 7 .................................... C-161 Technology 8 .................................... C-161 Technology for Aquaculture .......... C-447 Technology Studies ......................... C-143 Technology Studies (1) .................... C-143 Technology Studies (2) .................... C-143 Technology Studies (3) .................... C-144 Technology Studies Part 1 .............. C-148 Technology Studies Part 2 .............. C-149 Television Journalism ...................... C-273 Temporal Imaging and 2D Animation ................................ C-229 Tertiary Teaching A ......................... C-139 Tertiary Teaching B .......................... C-139 Textile Design ................................... C-161 Textiles ............................................... C-159 Textiles 1 ............................................ C-213 Textiles 2 ............................................ C-215 Textiles: Pattern and Form, Symbol and Meaning ........................... C-214 Thai Art and Culture ....................... C-200 Theatre Project 1: Student Directed Production ............... C-220 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of Unit Titles – A-37 Theatre Project 2: Graduate Production ............................... C-220 Theatre Skills 1 ................................. C-216 Theatre Skills 2 ................................. C-216 Theatre Skills 3 ................................. C-218 Themes of Love in German Texts .. C-269 Theoretical Concepts in Managing the Complex Acute Care Patient . C-72 Theoretical Controversies in Psychology .............................. C-391 Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing the Complex and Critically Ill Neonate ....... C-72 Theories of Counselling .................. C-168 Theories of Social and Cultural Expression in Asian Contexts ................................... C-296 Theory in Design 1 (BArch) ........... C-355 Theory in Design 2 (BArch) ........... C-357 Theory, Composition & Arranging 1A ......................... C-220 Theory, Composition & Arranging 1B ........................... C-221 Theory, Composition & Arranging 2A .......................... C-222 Theory, Composition & Arranging 2B ........................... C-223 Therapeutics 3 .................................... C-82 Therapeutics 4 .................................... C-84 Thermal and Fluid Engineering ..................... C-419, 436 Thermal Engineering 1 ................... C-424 Thermal Engineering 2 ................... C-433 Thesis ................. C-267, 271, 289, 296, 303 Thesis ................................................... C-75 Thesis Project .................................... C-363 Thinking and Working Mathematically A ................... C-128 Thinking and Working Mathematically B .................... C-128 Thinking Strategically: Competitive Edge, The ..................................... C-4 Third World Development Politics C-332 Time and Narrative ......................... C-262 Time Travel ....................................... C-309 Tonal Theory .................................... C-197 Topic in Comparative Philosophy and Religion .................................... C-317 Topic in Ethics and Applied Philosophy ............................... C-317 Topic in European Philosophy ...... C-317 Topic in Gender Studies ................. C-317 Topic in Logic and Philosophy of Science ................................. C-317 Topics in Advanced Mathematics 3 ......................... C-415 Topics in Applied Statistics 3 ......... C-416 Topics in Rehabilitation .................. C-394 Topics in Science .............................. C-145 Torts ................................................... C-482 Tourism 4 (Honours) ....................... C-288 Tourism Geography ........................ C-285 Tourism Policy and Planning ......... C-288 Tourism Practice .............................. C-289 Tourism Project ................................ C-288 Tourism Theory ................................ C-288 Tourism, Sport and Leisure ............ C-280 Toxicology ..................................... C-82, 83 Transfusion Science ........................... C-93 Transportation Engineering ........... C-421 Triage and Complex Management of the Emergency and Trauma Patient ........................................ C-73 Trust and Office Accounts .............. C-496 Twentieth Century French Theatre C-265 Twentieth Century Japanese Literature ................................. C-303 Twentieth-Century German Novel, The ............................... C-270 Uncovering the Past ........................ C-342 Understanding Contemporary Societies .................................... C-282 Understanding Earth Systems ....... C-358 Understanding Health Informatics Research ..................................... C-77 Understanding Organisations ....... C-280 Understanding Public Policy ......... C-326 UniStart Program ............................. C-498 Urban Environments and Sustainable Communities ........................... C-367 Urban Planning ................................ C-372 USA: Nation from 1789, The ......... C-338 Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes I ............ C-497 Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes II ........... C-497 Van Diemens Land 1642–1850 ....... C-338 Vegetation Management ................. C-369 Visual Neuroscience ........................ C-386 Vocal Ensemble A ............................ C-180 Vocal Ensemble B ............................. C-182 Vocal Ensemble C ............................ C-183 Vocal Ensemble D ............................ C-185 Vocational and Legal Rehabilitation .......................... C-394 Voice for Radio ................................. C-219 Voice for TV ...................................... C-219 Volcanology and Mineralisation in Volcanic Terrains .................... C-362 War and Peace in the Pacific .......... C-339 Wave Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Advanced Electromagnetism ................... C-473 Waves and Thermodynamics ........ C-472 Wayang Shadow Puppet Theatre .. C-304 Web Management .............................. C-30 Web Page Design ............................. C-210 What are the Limits of Painting? ... C-209 What Is a Person? A ........................ C-130 What Is a Person? B ......................... C-131 Wilderness and Natural Area Management ............................ C-368 Wilderness and Natural Environment ............................ C-200 Wilderness Ecology and Management ............................ C-368 Woman During Pregnancy, The ...... C-74 Women and Public Policy ...... C-326, 328 Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity .................................. C-344 Woodskills 1A .................................. C-241 Woodskills 2A .................................. C-241 Work in Context Paper ................... C-347 Working with the Woman During and After a Complicated BirthC-67 Working with the Woman During and After a Normal Birth ....... C-67 Workplace Learning and Training 1 ................................. C-164 Workplace Learning and Training 2 ................................. C-165 Workplace Relations .......................... C-19 World Music ............................. C-176, 200 Writing About Science .................... C-253 Writing for Media ............................ C-274 Writing Japanese .............................. C-301 Writing Narrative ............................ C-260 Writing Poetry and Short Fiction .. C-253 Writing the Grand Tour .................. C-257 WWW (World Wide Web) Design . C-229 Zoology 1E ........................................ C-475 Zoology 1G ....................................... C-475 Zoology 2: Animal Form & Function ................................... C-476 Zoology 4 (Honours) ....................... C-480 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-38 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own; for example, using an author's words without putting them in quotation marks and citing the source, using an author's ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation, copying another student's work. In fact the intentional copying and submission of someone else's work as one's own is a serious offence tantamount to academic fraud. It is a University offence punishable by a range of penalties including, a reprimand, a fine or deduction/cancellation of marks and, in the most serious of cases, exclusion from a unit, a course, or the University. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assignments, please consult with your lecturer or tutor. Details of penalties that can be imposed are available in the Ordinance of Student Discipline. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a student can be accused of plagiarism : (Please note this is not a comprehensive list, there may be other activities that can be considered plagiarism). • Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally (by failure to adequately cite the work) • Handing up assignments markedly similar to or copied from another student. • Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work. • Handing up assignments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assignments taken totally or in part from the internet. Students are required to submit a signed cover sheet with every assignment. This includes a declaration that all material submitted is their own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others and that they have read the University statement on Academic Misconduct (Plagiarism) on the University website at < plagiarism> or in the Student Information Handbook. Equal Opportunity in Education and Employment The University of Tasmania is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in education and employment. Consequently it is committed to ensuring that students and staff with disabilities are accorded complete and equitable access to all facets of the life of the University as far as circumstances reasonably allow. The University accepts that it has a legal and moral responsibility to eliminate from its structures and practices any source of direct or indirect discrimination affecting people with permanent or temporary disabilities. Video Conferencing The table on page A-57 lists units which may be offered by videolink from some campuses. For example Modern Chinese Literature (HMC307) is shown as offered at the Hobart campus in semester 1 and at Launceston by videolink. What this means is that students enrolled at Launceston will experience both face-to-face teaching in lectures and tutorials as well as video conference (VC). In order to prepare for ‘VClearning’ students will need to find out what is available in terms of delivery of materials, technical assistance and expectations of participation. They may also need some training in how to manage the technology. This preparation and training will be undertaken as part of the intial tutorials within the unit. It will be particularly important for tutorial groups to get to know each other. Students benefit greatly from being able to share understandings particularly when the lecturer is teaching from a different location. The leaflet entitled ‘The student’s guide to video conferencing’ is being prepared and will provide some guidance. Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of unit codes – A-39 INDEX OF UNIT CODES BEA110 ................. C-2 BEA130 ................. C-2 BEA140 ................. C-2 BEA200 ................. C-2 BEA210 ................. C-3 BEA211 ................. C-3 BEA212 ................. C-3 BEA220 ................. C-3 BEA235 ................. C-4 BEA240 ................. C-4 BEA241 ................. C-4 BEA242 ................. C-4 BEA286 ................. C-4 BEA300 ................. C-5 BEA301 ................. C-5 BEA302 ................. C-5 BEA303 ................. C-5 BEA305 ................. C-5 BEA306 ................. C-6 BEA310 ................. C-6 BEA320 ................. C-6 BEA321 ................. C-6 BEA325 ................. C-6 BEA341 ................. C-4 BEA342 ................. C-7 BEA343 ................. C-7 BEA384 ................. C-7 BEA498 ................. C-7 BEA499 ................. C-7 BFA103 ................. C-7 BFA104 ................. C-7 BFA141 ................. C-8 BFA181 ................. C-8 BFA201 ................. C-8 BFA203 ................. C-8 BFA206 ................. C-9 BFA207 ................. C-9 BFA209 ................. C-9 BFA211 .................. C-9 BFA221 ............... C-10 BFA241 ............... C-10 BFA261 ............... C-10 BFA281 ................. C-8 BFA290 ................ C-11 BFA301 ................ C-11 BFA302 ................ C-11 BFA303 ................ C-11 BFA305 ................ C-11 BFA306 ............... C-12 BFA307 ................. C-9 BFA311 .................. C-9 BFA320 ............... C-12 BFA347 ............... C-12 BFA366 ............... C-12 BFA390 ................ C-11 BFA391 ............... C-13 BFA401 ............... C-13 BFA408 ............... C-13 BFA409 ............... C-13 BFA410 ............... C-13 BFA420 ............... C-13 BFA425 ............... C-14 BFA427 ............... C-14 BFA429 ............... C-14 BFA435 ............... C-14 BFA441 ............... C-14 BFA498 ............... C-14 BFA499 ............... C-14 BFA701 ............... C-15 BFA708 ............... C-15 BFA709 ............... C-15 BFA710 ............... C-15 BFA711 ................ C-15 BFA724 ............... C-15 BFA725 ............... C-16 BFA727 ............... C-16 BFA729 ............... C-16 BFA735 ............... C-16 BFA741 ............... C-16 BFA750 ............... C-16 BFA751 ............... C-16 BMA101 .............. C-16 BMA121 .............. C-17 BMA151 .............. C-17 BMA181 .............. C-17 BMA201 .............. C-17 BMA204 .............. C-18 BMA205 .............. C-18 BMA208 .............. C-18 BMA213 .............. C-18 BMA221 .............. C-17 BMA224 .............. C-19 BMA225 .............. C-19 BMA241 .............. C-19 BMA251 .............. C-17 BMA252 .............. C-19 BMA255 .............. C-19 BMA281 .............. C-17 BMA282 .............. C-20 BMA285 .............. C-20 BMA291 .............. C-20 BMA302 .............. C-21 BMA308 .............. C-18 BMA324 .............. C-19 BMA325 .............. C-19 BMA326 .............. C-21 BMA330 .............. C-21 BMA333 .............. C-21 BMA351 .............. C-22 BMA353 .............. C-22 BMA371 .............. C-22 BMA381 .............. C-22 BMA382 .............. C-20 BMA385 .............. C-20 BMA391 .............. C-20 BMA401 .............. C-22 BMA402 .............. C-22 BMA403 .............. C-23 BMA404 .............. C-23 BMA421 .............. C-23 BMA451 .............. C-23 BMA498 .............. C-23 BMA499 .............. C-23 BMA581 .............. C-24 BMA582 .............. C-24 BMA583 .............. C-24 BMA584 .............. C-24 BMA681 .............. C-24 BMA682 .............. C-24 BMA683 .............. C-25 BMA684 .............. C-25 BMA771 .............. C-25 BMA772 .............. C-25 BMA773 .............. C-25 BMA774 .............. C-26 BMA775 .............. C-26 BMA776 .............. C-26 BMA777 .............. C-26 BMA778 .............. C-26 BMA785 .............. C-27 BMA787 .............. C-27 BMA790 .............. C-27 BMA798 .............. C-27 BMA799 .............. C-27 BSA101 ............... C-28 BSA102 ............... C-28 BSA103 ............... C-28 BSA104 ............... C-28 BSA201 ............... C-29 BSA202 ............... C-36 BSA203 ............... C-29 BSA204 ............... C-29 BSA205 ............... C-29 BSA206 ............... C-29 BSA207 ............... C-30 BSA208 ............... C-30 BSA209 ............... C-30 BSA301 ............... C-30 BSA302 ............... C-30 BSA303 ............... C-31 BSA304 ............... C-31 BSA305 ............... C-31 BSA306 ............... C-31 BSA307 ............... C-31 BSA308 ............... C-32 BSA309 ............... C-32 BSA410 ............... C-32 BSA411 ............... C-32 BSA413 ............... C-32 BSA414 ............... C-32 BSA415 ............... C-33 BSA416 ............... C-33 BSA420 ............... C-33 BSA498 ............... C-33 BSA499 ............... C-33 BSA751 ............... C-33 BSA752 ............... C-33 BSA753 ............... C-34 BSA754 ............... C-34 BSA755 ............... C-34 BSA756 ............... C-34 BSA757 ............... C-34 BSA758 ............... C-34 BSA759 ............... C-35 BSA760 ............... C-35 BSA761 ............... C-35 BSA762 ............... C-35 BSA763 ............... C-35 BSA764 ............... C-35 BSA769 ............... C-36 CAM100 ............. C-38 CAM105 ............. C-38 CAM205 ............. C-38 CAM300 ............. C-38 CAM310 ............. C-39 CAM320 ............. C-39 CAM400 ............. C-40 CAM410 ............. C-40 CAM415 ............. C-41 CAM420 ............. C-40 CAM425 ............. C-41 CAM500 ............. C-42 CAM501 ............. C-43 CAM504 ............. C-43 CAM505 ............. C-44 CAM604 ............. C-44 CAM605 ............. C-45 CAM606 ............. C-45 CBA200 .............. C-45 CBA220 .............. C-45 CBA235 .............. C-46 CBA260 .............. C-46 CBA265 .............. C-46 CBA327 .............. C-47 CBA330 .............. C-47 CBA335 .............. C-48 CBA410 .............. C-48 CHG100 .............. C-48 CHG101 .............. C-49 CHG110 .............. C-49 CHG210 .............. C-50 CHN115 .............. C-50 CHN225 ............. C-51 CHN415 ............. C-51 CHP206 .............. C-51 CHP311 ............... C-52 CHP312 .............. C-52 CHP330 .............. C-52 CHP415 .............. C-53 CHP416 .............. C-53 CJA211 ................ C-53 CJA212 ................ C-53 CJA308 ................ C-54 CJA312 ................ C-54 CJA315 ................ C-54 CJA325 ................ C-55 CJA400 ................ C-55 CJA410 ................ C-55 CJA417 ................ C-55 CJA510 ................ C-56 CJA515 ................ C-56 CJA520 ................ C-56 CJA525 ................ C-56 CJA530 ................ C-56 CKA320 .............. C-56 CKA400 .............. C-57 CMM300 ............ C-57 CMM400 ............ C-58 CNA105 .............. C-58 CNA126 .............. C-58 CNA127 .............. C-59 CNA128 .............. C-59 CNA205 .............. C-59 CNA215 .............. C-59 CNA226 .............. C-60 CNA245 .............. C-60 CNA246 .............. C-60 CNA308 .............. C-60 CNA309 .............. C-61 CNA315 .............. C-61 CNA316 .............. C-61 CNA400 .............. C-62 CNA405 .............. C-62 CNA435 .............. C-62 CNA701 .............. C-62 CNA702 .............. C-62 CNA703 .............. C-63 CNA704 .............. C-63 CNA707 .............. C-63 CNA708 .............. C-63 CNA709 .............. C-63 CNA715 .............. C-63 CNA717 .............. C-64 CNA718 .............. C-64 CNA719 .............. C-64 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-40 CNA720 .............. C-64 CNA721 .............. C-64 CNA722 .............. C-64 CNA723 .............. C-64 CNA724 .............. C-65 CNA725 .............. C-65 CNA726 .............. C-65 CNA727 .............. C-65 CNA728 .............. C-66 CNA729 .............. C-66 CNA730 .............. C-66 CNA731 .............. C-66 CNA732 .............. C-66 CNA733 .............. C-66 CNA734 .............. C-67 CNA735 .............. C-67 CNA736 .............. C-67 CNA737 .............. C-67 CNA740 .............. C-67 CNA741 .............. C-68 CNA742 .............. C-68 CNA743 .............. C-68 CNA754 .............. C-68 CNA755 .............. C-69 CNA756 .............. C-69 CNA757 .............. C-69 CNA764 .............. C-69 CNA765 .............. C-69 CNA766 .............. C-69 CNA767 .............. C-70 CNA770 .............. C-70 CNA771 .............. C-70 CNA772 .............. C-71 CNA773 .............. C-71 CNA774 .............. C-71 CNA775 .............. C-71 CNA776 .............. C-72 CNA777 .............. C-72 CNA780 .............. C-72 CNA781 .............. C-72 CNA782 .............. C-72 CNA783 .............. C-72 CNA784 .............. C-73 CNA785 .............. C-73 CNA786 .............. C-73 CNA787 .............. C-73 CNA788 .............. C-73 CNA789 .............. C-74 CNA802 .............. C-74 CNA803 .............. C-75 CNA809 .............. C-75 CNA810 .............. C-75 CRH500 .............. C-75 CRH501 .............. C-75 CRH502 .............. C-76 CRH503 .............. C-76 CRH504 .............. C-76 CRH505 .............. C-76 CRH506 .............. C-77 CRH507 .............. C-77 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details CRH508 .............. C-77 CSA105 ............... C-77 CSA115 ............... C-78 CSA201 ............... C-78 CSA202 ............... C-79 CSA203 ............... C-79 CSA215 ............... C-79 CSA216 ............... C-80 CSA225 ............... C-80 CSA226 ............... C-80 CSA227 ............... C-80 CSA311 ............... C-81 CSA312 ............... C-81 CSA315 ............... C-81 CSA320 ............... C-82 CSA323 ............... C-82 CSA325 ............... C-82 CSA331 ............... C-82 CSA332 ............... C-83 CSA350 ............... C-83 CSA400 ............... C-83 CSA401 ............... C-83 CSA411 ............... C-83 CSA415 ............... C-84 CSA420 ............... C-82 CSA421 ............... C-84 CSA423 ............... C-84 CSA440 ............... C-85 CSA441 ............... C-85 CSA450 ............... C-85 CXA001 .............. C-86 CXA101 .............. C-86 CXA102 .............. C-86 CXA106 .............. C-86 CXA115 .............. C-87 CXA121 .............. C-87 CXA125 .............. C-87 CXA132 .............. C-87 CXA161 .............. C-87 CXA171 .............. C-88 CXA172 .............. C-88 CXA176 .............. C-88 CXA181 .............. C-88 CXA211 .............. C-89 CXA212 .............. C-89 CXA222 .............. C-89 CXA223 .............. C-89 CXA231 .............. C-89 CXA237 .............. C-90 CXA241 .............. C-90 CXA251 .............. C-90 CXA261 .............. C-90 CXA262 .............. C-91 CXA273 .............. C-91 CXA282 .............. C-91 CXA284 .............. C-91 CXA300 .............. C-92 CXA301 .............. C-92 CXA308 .............. C-92 CXA309 .............. C-92 CXA321 .............. C-92 CXA332 .............. C-93 CXA333 .............. C-93 CXA337 .............. C-93 CXA342 .............. C-93 CXA343 .............. C-94 CXA352 .............. C-94 CXA353 .............. C-94 CXA385 .............. C-94 CXA386 .............. C-95 CXA400 .............. C-95 CXA401 .............. C-95 CXA405 .............. C-95 CXA410 .............. C-95 CXA437 .............. C-95 CXA465 .............. C-96 EPC150 ............... C-98 EPC250 ............... C-98 EPC251 ............... C-98 EPC252 ............... C-98 EPC253 ............... C-99 EPC350 ............... C-99 EPC351 ............... C-99 EPC352 ............... C-99 EPC353 ............. C-100 EPC450 ............. C-100 EPC451 ............. C-100 EPC452 ............. C-100 EPC453 ............. C-101 EPF150 .............. C-101 EPF250 .............. C-101 EPF350 .............. C-101 EPF400 .............. C-102 EPF450 .............. C-102 EPF451 .............. C-102 EPT150 .............. C-103 EPT250 .............. C-103 EPT350 .............. C-103 EPT450 .............. C-103 ESA102 ............. C-104 ESA104 ............. C-105 ESA109 ............. C-105 ESA110 ............. C-105 ESA111 .............. C-106 ESA112 ............. C-106 ESA113 ............. C-106 ESA114 ............. C-107 ESA115 ............. C-107 ESA116 ............. C-107 ESA117 ............. C-108 ESA118 ............. C-108 ESA122 ............. C-108 ESA123 ............. C-109 ESA124 ............. C-109 ESA125 ............. C-109 ESA126 ............. C-109 ESA132 .............. C-110 ESA142 .............. C-110 ESA145 .............. C-110 ESA146 .............. C-110 ESA147 .............. C-111 ESA148 .............. C-111 ESA202 ...... C-111, 112 ESA204 .............. C-112 ESA205 .............. C-112 ESA209 .............. C-112 ESA210 .............. C-113 ESA211 .............. C-113 ESA212 .............. C-113 ESA213 .............. C-113 ESA214 .............. C-114 ESA215 .............. C-114 ESA216 .............. C-114 ESA217 .............. C-114 ESA218 .............. C-114 ESA222 .............. C-115 ESA223 .............. C-115 ESA224 .............. C-115 ESA225 .............. C-115 ESA226 .............. C-116 ESA231 .............. C-116 ESA232 .............. C-116 ESA235 .............. C-116 ESA240 .............. C-117 ESA241 .............. C-117 ESA242 .............. C-117 ESA245 .............. C-117 ESA246 .............. C-118 ESA247 .............. C-118 ESA248 .............. C-118 ESA251 .............. C-118 ESA252 .............. C-119 ESA253 .............. C-119 ESA254 .............. C-119 ESA258 .............. C-119 ESA280 ............. C-120 ESA281 ............. C-120 ESF900 .............. C-120 ESF901 .............. C-120 ESF902 .............. C-120 ESF903 .............. C-121 ESF904 .............. C-121 ESF905 .............. C-121 ESF906 .............. C-121 ESF910 .............. C-121 ESF911 .............. C-121 ESF912 .............. C-121 ESG700 ............. C-122 ESG701 ............. C-122 ESG702 ............. C-122 ESG703 ............. C-122 ESG704 ............. C-123 ESG705 ............. C-123 ESG706 ............. C-123 ESG707 ............. C-123 ESG708 ............. C-124 ESG709 ............. C-124 ESG710 ............. C-124 ESG711 ............. C-124 ESG712 ............. C-124 ESG713 ............. C-124 ESG714 ............. C-125 ESG715 ............. C-125 ESG716 ............. C-125 ESG717 ............. C-125 ESG718 ............. C-126 ESG719 ............. C-126 ESG720 ............. C-126 ESG721 ............. C-126 ESG722 ............. C-127 ESG723 ............. C-127 ESG724 ............. C-127 ESG725 ............. C-127 ESG726 ............. C-127 ESG727 ............. C-127 ESG728 ............. C-128 ESG729 ............. C-128 ESG730 ............. C-128 ESG731 ............. C-128 ESG732 ............. C-128 ESG733 ............. C-129 ESG734 ............. C-129 ESG735 ............. C-129 ESG736 ............. C-129 ESG737 ............. C-129 ESG738 ............. C-129 ESG739 ............. C-130 ESG740 ............. C-130 ESG741 ............. C-130 ESG742 ............. C-130 ESG743 ............. C-130 ESG744 ............. C-131 ESG745 ............. C-131 ESG746 ............. C-131 ESG747 ............. C-131 ESG748 ............. C-131 ESG749 ............. C-132 ESG750 ............. C-132 ESG751 ............. C-132 ESG752 ............. C-132 ESG753 ............. C-132 ESG754 ............. C-133 ESG755 ............. C-133 ESG756 ............. C-133 ESG757 ............. C-133 ESG758 ............. C-133 ESG759 ............. C-133 ESG760 ............. C-134 ESG761 ............. C-134 ESG762 ............. C-134 ESG763 ............. C-134 ESG764 ............. C-134 ESG765 ............. C-134 ESG766 ............. C-134 ESG767 ............. C-135 ESG768 ............. C-135 ESG769 ............. C-135 ESG770 ............. C-135 ESG771 ............. C-135 ESG772 ............. C-135 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of unit codes – A-41 ESG773 ............. C-136 ESG774 ............. C-136 ESG775 ............. C-136 ESG776 ............. C-136 ESG777 ............. C-136 ESG778 ............. C-137 ESG779 ............. C-137 ESG780 ............. C-137 ESG781 ............. C-137 ESG782 ............. C-138 ESG783 ............. C-138 ESG784 ............. C-138 ESG785 ............. C-138 ESG786 ............. C-139 ESG787 ............. C-139 ESG788 ............. C-139 ESG789 ............. C-139 ESG790 ............. C-139 ESG793 ............. C-139 ESG794 ............. 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C-387 KHA351 ............ C-389 KHA352 ............ C-390 KHA353 ............ C-390 KHA354 ............ C-387 KHA356 ............ C-387 KHA400 ............ C-390 KHA401 ............ C-390 KHA415 ............ C-391 KHA416 ............ C-391 KHA451 ............ C-391 KHA452 ............ C-391 KHA453 ............ C-392 KHA454 ............ C-392 KHA455 ............ C-392 KHA500 ............ C-393 KHA501 ............ C-393 KHA502 ............ C-393 KHA503 ............ C-393 KHA504 ............ C-394 KHA505 ............ C-394 KHA506 ............ C-394 KHA507 ............ C-394 KHA508 ............ C-394 KHA510 ............ C-393 KHA701 ............ C-395 KHA702 ............ C-395 KHA704 ............ C-395 KHA705 ............ C-395 KHA706 ............ C-395 KHA707 ............ C-396 KHA711 ............ C-396 KHA712 ............ C-396 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details KHA713 ............ C-396 KHA714 ............ C-396 KHA715 ............ C-397 KHA716 ............ C-397 KHA717 ............ C-397 KHA718 ............ C-397 KHA719 ............ C-398 KHA721 ............ C-398 KHA722 ............ C-398 KHA723 ............ C-398 KHA724 ............ C-398 KHA725 ............ C-399 KHA726 ............ C-399 KHA727 ............ C-399 KHA728 ............ C-399 KHA729 ............ C-400 KHA749 ............ C-400 KHA750 ............ C-400 KHA775 ............ C-400 KHA783 ............ C-400 KHA785 ............ C-400 KJB400 .............. C-401 KJB401 .............. C-401 KJC101 .............. C-401 KJC102 .............. C-401 KJC103 .............. C-401 KJC161 .............. C-401 KJC162 .............. C-402 KJC252 .............. C-402 KJP400 .............. C-402 KJP401 .............. C-402 KLA100 ............ C-403 KLA105 ............ C-403 KLA110 ............. C-403 KLA115 ............. C-403 KLA210 ............ C-403 KLA211 ............. C-404 KLA213 ............ C-404 KLA214 ............ C-404 KLA215 ............ C-405 KLA217 ............ C-405 KLA220 ............ C-405 KLA233 ............ C-405 KLA242 ............ C-405 KLA250 ............ C-405 KLA254 ............ C-406 KLA287 ............ C-406 KLA297 ............ C-406 KLA314 ............ C-406 KLA318 ............ C-406 KLA320 ............ C-405 KLA326 ............ C-407 KLA329 ............ C-407 KLA331 ............ C-407 KLA333 ............ C-405 KLA342 ............ C-405 KLA346 ............ C-407 KLA350 ............ C-405 KLA354 ............ C-406 KLA365 ............ C-407 KLA377 ............ C-407 KLA381 ............ C-408 KLA387 ............ C-406 KLA396 ............ C-408 KLA397 ............ C-406 KLA398 ............ C-408 KLA405 ............ C-408 KLA414 ............ C-406 KLA415 ............ C-409 KLA416 ............ C-409 KLA418 ............ C-406 KLA420 ............ C-409 KLA426 ............ C-407 KLA429 ............ C-407 KLA431 ............ C-407 KLA442 ............ C-409 KLA446 ............ C-407 KLA450 ............ C-409 KLA454 ............ C-409 KLA455 ............ C-409 KLA456 ............ C-409 KLA465 ............ C-407 KLA481 ............ C-408 KLA483 ............ C-409 KLA487 ............ C-409 KLA490 ............ C-409 KLA496 ............ C-408 KLA497 ............ C-409 KLA498 ............ C-408 KLA500 ............ C-409 KLA515 ............ C-410 KLA516 ............ C-410 KLA520 ............ C-410 KLA521 ............ C-410 KMA003 ........... C-410 KMA150 ........... C-410 KMA152 ........... C-410 KMA153 ............ C-411 KMA154 ............ C-411 KMA155 ............ C-411 KMA156 ............ C-411 KMA157 ............ C-411 KMA165 ........... C-412 KMA171 ........... C-412 KMA172 ........... C-412 KMA215 ........... C-412 KMA251 ........... C-413 KMA252 ........... C-413 KMA253 ........... C-413 KMA254 ........... C-413 KMA255 ........... C-414 KMA265 ........... C-414 KMA271 ........... C-414 KMA315 ........... C-412 KMA350 ........... C-414 KMA351 ........... C-414 KMA352 ........... C-415 KMA353 ........... C-415 KMA354 ........... C-415 KMA355 ........... C-415 KMA356 ........... C-415 KMA357 ........... C-415 KMA358 ........... C-416 KMA400 ........... C-416 KMA401 ........... C-416 KMA402 ........... C-416 KMA500 ........... C-416 KMA501 ........... C-416 KMA581 ........... C-416 KMA582 ........... C-416 KMA583 ........... C-416 KMA584 ........... C-416 KMA586 ........... C-416 KMA589 ........... C-417 KME271 ............ C-417 KME300 ............ C-417 KNE111 ............. C-417 KNE112 ............ C-417 KNE121 ............ C-418 KNE122 ............ C-418 KNE210 ............ C-418 KNE211 ............ C-418 KNE212 ............ C-419 KNE213 ............ C-419 KNE214 ............ C-419 KNE222 ............ C-420 KNE232 ............ C-420 KNE301 ............ C-420 KNE312 ............ C-420 KNE313 ............ C-421 KNE314 ............ C-421 KNE315 ............ C-421 KNE316 ............ C-421 KNE331 ............ C-422 KNE332 ............ C-422 KNE333 ............ C-422 KNE334 ............ C-422 KNE335 ............ C-423 KNE336 ............ C-423 KNE342 ............ C-423 KNE351 ............ C-424 KNE352 ............ C-424 KNE353 ............ C-424 KNE354 ............ C-424 KNE355 ............ C-425 KNE364 ............ C-425 KNE405 ............ C-425 KNE411 ............ C-425 KNE412 ............ C-426 KNE413 ............ C-426 KNE414 ............ C-426 KNE415 ............ C-426 KNE416 ............ C-427 KNE417 ............ C-427 KNE418 ............ C-427 KNE419 ............ C-427 KNE422 ............ C-428 KNE423 ............ C-428 KNE424 ............ C-428 KNE425 ............ C-428 KNE429 ............ C-428 KNE431 ............ C-429 KNE432 ............ C-429 KNE433 ............ C-429 KNE434 ............ C-429 KNE435 ............ C-430 KNE436 ............ C-430 KNE439 ............ C-430 KNE441 ............ C-431 KNE443 ............ C-431 KNE444 ............ C-431 KNE445 ............ C-432 KNE446 ............ C-432 KNE449 ............ C-432 KNE451 ............ C-432 KNE453 ............ C-433 KNE454 ............ C-433 KNE455 ............ C-433 KNE459 ............ C-433 KNE462 ............ C-433 KNE464 ............ C-434 KNE465 ............ C-434 KNE466 ............ C-434 KNE469 ............ C-434 KNE470 ............ C-434 KNE472 ............ C-434 KNT115 ............ C-435 KNT116 ............ C-435 KNT119 ............ C-435 KNT120 ............ C-435 KNT121 ............ C-435 KNT122 ............ C-435 KNT123 ............ C-436 KNT124 ............ C-436 KNT125 ............ C-436 KNT126 ............ C-436 KNT131 ............ C-436 KNT210 ............ C-436 KNT214 ............ C-437 KNT216 ............ C-437 KNT219 ............ C-437 KNT221 ............ C-437 KNT222 ............ C-437 KNT224 ............ C-437 KNT225 ............ C-438 KNT226 ............ C-438 KNT227 ............ C-438 KNT229 ............ C-438 KPA150 ............. C-438 KPA151 ............. C-439 KPA152 ............. C-439 KPA157 ............. C-439 KPA161 ............. C-440 KPA202 ............. C-480 KPA203 ............. C-480 KPA205 ............. C-440 KPA206 ............. C-440 KPA207 ............. C-440 KPA210 ............. C-440 KPA220 ............. C-441 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Index of unit codes – A-47 KPA320 ............. C-441 KPA372 ............. C-441 KPA373 ............. C-441 KPA375 ............. C-441 KPA376 ............. C-442 KPA377 ............. C-442 KPA378 ............. C-442 KPA379 ............. C-442 KPA400 ............. C-443 KPA401 ............. C-443 KPA410 ............. C-443 KPA411 ............. C-443 KPA420 ............. C-443 KPA421 ............. C-443 KPA450 ............. C-444 KPA451 ............. C-444 KPA460 ............. C-444 KPA461 ............. C-444 KPA500 ............. C-444 KPA501 ............. C-444 KPA510 ............. C-444 KPA520 ............. C-444 KPA521 ............. C-444 KPZ002 ............. C-445 KPZ163 ............. C-445 KPZ164 ............. C-445 KQA102 ............ C-445 KQA103 ............ C-446 KQA104 ............ C-446 KQA110 ............ C-446 KQA121 ............ C-446 KQA124 ............ C-446 KQA201 ............ C-447 KQA204 ............ C-447 KQA207 ............ C-447 KQA212 ............ C-447 KQA214 ............ C-447 KQA218 ............ C-448 KQA220 ............ C-448 KQA228 ............ C-448 KQA241 ............ C-448 KQA242 ............ C-449 KQA243 ............ C-449 KQA270 ............ C-449 KQA271 ............ C-449 KQA272 ............ C-449 KQA302 ............ C-450 KQA303 ............ C-450 KQA311 ............ C-450 KQA319 ............ C-450 KQA320 ............ C-451 KQA321 ............ C-451 KQA325 ............ C-451 KQA326 ............ C-451 KQA330 ............ C-451 KQA340 ............ C-452 KQA350 ............ C-452 KQA370 ............ C-452 KQA371 ............ C-452 KQA401 ............ C-452 KQA403 ............ C-452 KQA817 ............ C-453 KQA818 ............ C-453 KQA819 ............ C-453 KQA820 ............ C-453 KQA821 ............ C-454 KRA001 ............ C-454 KRA110 ............ C-454 KRA120 ............ C-455 KRA121 ............ C-455 KRA145 ............ C-455 KRA160 ............ C-456 KRA170 ............ C-456 KRA210 ............ C-456 KRA211 ............ C-457 KRA213 ............ C-457 KRA215 ............ C-457 KRA222 ............ C-458 KRA262 ............ C-458 KRA301 ............ C-458 KRA302 ............ C-459 KRA303 ............ C-459 KRA305 ............ C-459 KRA400 ............ C-460 KRA401 ............ C-460 KRA500 ............ C-460 KRA501 ............ C-460 KRA580 ............ C-460 KRA583 ............ C-460 KRA586 ............ C-460 KRA589 ............ C-460 KSA201 ............. C-460 KSA301 ............. C-460 KSA410 ............. C-461 KSA411 ............. C-461 KSA505 ............. C-461 KSA506 ............. C-461 KXA111 ............. C-461 KXA150 ............ C-461 KXA151 ............ C-461 KXA152 ............ C-461 KXA153 ............ C-462 KXA154 ............ C-462 KXA155 ............ C-462 KXA156 ............ C-462 KXA251 ............ C-462 KXA252 ............ C-463 KXA253 ............ C-463 KXA254 ............ C-463 KXA262 ............ C-463 KXA281 ............ C-464 KXA351 ............ C-464 KXA352 ............ C-464 KXA353 ............ C-464 KXA354 ............ C-465 KXA355 ............ C-465 KXA356 ............ C-465 KXA357 ............ C-465 KXA358 ............ C-465 KXA359 ............ C-466 KXA362 ............ C-463 KXA381 ............ C-464 KXA434 ............ C-466 KXA435 ............ C-466 KXA436 ............ C-466 KXA437 ............ C-466 KXA450 ............ C-466 KXA451 ............ C-466 KXA452 ............ C-467 KXA453 ............ C-467 KXA454 ............ C-467 KXA455 ............ C-468 KXA456 ............ C-468 KXA457 ............ C-468 KXA458 ............ C-468 KXA459 ............ C-468 KXA461 ............ C-469 KXA462 ............ C-469 KXA463 ............ C-469 KXA470 ............ C-469 KXE131 ............. C-469 KXE132 ............. C-470 KXE231 ............. C-470 KXE232 ............. C-470 KYA004 ............. C-470 KYA101 ............. C-471 KYA102 ............. C-471 KYA171 ............. C-471 KYA172 ............. C-471 KYA181 ............. C-472 KYA201 ............. C-472 KYA202 ............. C-472 KYA204 ............. C-472 KYA275 ............. C-473 KYA301 ............. C-473 KYA302 ............. C-473 KYA303 ............. C-473 KYA304 ............. C-472 KYA314 ............. C-474 KYA315 ............. C-474 KYA410 ............. C-474 KYA411 ............. C-474 KYA510 ............. C-475 KYA511 ............. C-475 KYA583 ............. C-475 KYA586 ............. C-475 KYA589 ............. C-475 KZA150 ............ C-475 KZA151 ............ C-475 KZA161 ............ C-476 KZA205 ............ C-476 KZA215 ............ C-477 KZA225 ............ C-477 KZA325 ............ C-477 KZA350 ............ C-477 KZA351 ............ C-478 KZA353 ............ C-478 KZA354 ............ C-478 KZA355 ............ C-479 KZA356 ............ C-479 KZA357 ............ C-479 KZA400 ............ C-480 KZA401 ............ C-480 KZA450 ............ C-480 KZA451 ............ C-480 KZA500 ............ C-480 KZA501 ............ C-480 LAW101 ............ C-482 LAW200 ............ C-482 LAW201 ............ C-482 LAW202 ............ C-483 LAW203 ............ C-483 LAW303 ............ C-483 LAW305 ............ C-484 LAW401 ............ C-484 LAW402 ............ C-484 LAW407 ............ C-485 LAW602 ............ C-485 LAW603 ............ C-485 LAW604 ............ C-486 LAW606 ............ C-486 LAW607 ............ C-486 LAW608 ............ C-486 LAW609 ............ C-486 LAW611 ............ C-487 LAW612 ............ C-487 LAW615 ............ C-487 LAW616 ............ C-488 LAW617 ............ C-488 LAW618 ............ C-488 LAW631 ............ C-488 LAW634 ............ C-489 LAW636 ............ C-489 LAW641 ............ C-489 LAW643 ............ C-489 LAW644 ............ C-489 LAW652 ............ C-490 LAW661 ............ C-490 LAW662 ............ C-490 LAW663 ............ C-490 LAW664 ............ C-490 LAW669 ............ C-490 LAW670 ............ C-491 LAW671 ............ C-491 LAW673 ............ C-491 LAW677 ............ C-491 LAW678 ............ C-491 LAW679 ............ C-492 LAW681 ............ C-492 LAW682 ............ C-492 LAW683 ............ C-492 LAW684 ............ C-493 LAW688 ............ C-493 LAW692 ............ C-493 LAW693 ............ C-493 LAW695 ............ C-493 LAW696 ............ C-494 LAW699 ............ C-494 LCA101 ............ C-494 LCA102 ............ C-494 LCA103 ............ C-495 LCA104 ............ C-495 LCA105 ............ C-496 LCA106 ............ C-496 LCA107 ............ C-496 UPP010 ............. C-497 UPP020 ............. C-497 UPP030 ............. C-497 UPP040 ............. C-497 UPP050 ............. C-497 UPP060 ............. C-497 UPP070 ............. C-497 UPP080 ............. C-498 UPP090 ............. C-498 XAA001 ............ C-498 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-48 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details INDEX OF UNIT-CODE PREFIXES with interpretation The first letter of the unit code indicates which faculty the unit belongs to: B = Faculty of Commerce C = Faculty of Health Science E = Faculty of Education F = Faculty of Arts (performing and visual arts) H = Faculty of Arts (humanities and social sciences) K = Science, Engineering and Technology L = Law The second and third letters indicate the School and the discipline. See also Schools and Disciplines on page B-251 Code prefix–discipline Code prefix Discipline ................................................ page reference BEA Economics ........................................................... B-253 BFA Accounting and Finance ................................... B-253 BMA Management ...................................................... B-254 BSA Information Systems ......................................... B-254 CAM Medicine (multi-disciplinary) ......................... B-255 CBA Biochemistry ...................................................... B-255 CHG, CHN, CHP Anatomy and Physiology ................................ B-256 CJA Pathology .................................... see Medicine B-257 CKA Surgery ........................................ see Medicine B-255 CMM Medicine ..................................... see Medicine B-255 CNA Nursing ............................................................... B-257 CRH E-Health (Rural Health) ................................... B-257 CSA Pharmacy ............................................................ B-257 CXA Human Life Sciences ......................................... B-257 EPC, EPF, EPT Education (Bachelor of Education) ................. B-258 ESA, EST Education (Bachelor of Teaching) ................... B-258 ESI Education (In-Service) ...................................... B-258 ESF Education (Doctorate) ....................................... B-258 ESG, ESW Postgraduate Education ................................... B-258 ESP Human Movement ............................................ B-258 ESV Education (Adult and Vocational) .................. B-258 FC– Music (Hobart) ................................................... B-258 Includes: FCA, FCB, FCF, FCE, FCG, FCH, FCN, FCM, FCP, FCT, FCZ FF– Visual Arts (Launceston) FFA Theory FFC Ceramics FFD Drawing FFE General Studio FFP Painting FFR Printmedia FFS Sculpture FFX Textiles FP– Performing Arts, Launceston, see Theatre and Contemporary Music FPA Bachelor of Performing Arts (Honours) FPB Theatre ................................................................ B-260 FPF, FPM Contemporary Music ........................................ B-260 FS– Visual arts in Hobart ......................................... B-260 FSA Bachelor of Fine Arts FSD Drawing FSE E-media FSF Furniture Design FSG FSH FSP FSR FSS FST FSW FSZ HAB HAF HEA HEF HEG HEJ HGA HGE HGT HGW HMA HMC HMJ HMN HPA HPS HSA HSD HSG HSP HTA HTC HTG HTL HXA K– KDA KEA KGA KGE KGG KGN KHA KJB KJC KLA KMA KME KNE KNT KPA KPZ KQA KRA KSA KXA KXE KYA KZA LAW UPP Graphic Design Photography Painting Printmaking Sculpture Art and Design Theory Woodskills Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies Aboriginal Studies ............................................ B-263 Gender Studies .................................................. B-263 English ................................................................ B-264 French .................................................................. B-266 German ............................................................... B-268 Journalism and Media Studies ........................ B-270 Sociology ............................................................ B-271 Social Ecology .................................................... B-273 Tourism ............................................................... B-275 Social Work ......................................................... B-275 Asian Studies ..................................................... B-275 Chinese ............................................................... B-277 Japanese .............................................................. B-278 Indonesian .......................................................... B-279 Philosophy .......................................................... B-280 Logic and Philosophy of Science .................... B-281 Political Science ................................................. B-282 Public Policy ....................................................... B-284 Political Science and Public Policy .. see B-282, 284 Police Studies ..................................................... B-286 History ................................................................ B-287 Ancient Civilisations ......................................... B-289 Ancient Greek .................................................... B-290 Latin .................................................................... B-290 Contemporary Arts .......................................... C-243 Science ................................................................. B-290 Architecture and Environmental Design ....... B-291 Geology ............................................................... B-291 Geography and Environmental Studies ........ B-294 Environmental Studies ..................................... B-296 Geomatics ........................................................... B-296 Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies ................................................................. B-296 Psychology ......................................................... B-297 Applied Biology (Launceston) ....................... C-349 Chemistry (Launceston) .................................. C-349 Agricultural Science .......................................... B-299 Mathematics ....................................................... B-300 Mathematics for Engineering ......................... C-417 Engineering (Hobart) ........................................ B-301 Engineering (Launceston) ................................ B-301 Plant Science ...................................................... B-301 (Plant Science-Zoology) ................................... C-445 Aquaculture ....................................................... B-303 Chemistry ........................................................... B-303 Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science .......... B-304 Computing ......................................................... B-305 Computing (Electronics ) ................................. B-305 Physics ................................................................ B-306 Zoology ............................................................... B-306 Law ...................................................................... B-308 University Preparation Program units ........... B-308 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to North-West Centre – A-49 NORTH-WEST CENTRE University Preparation Program (course code E0D) The University Preparation Program (detailed on page B-1) is run from the North-West Centre and provides unqualified mature-age students with the skills and knowledge required to undertake a University course of education. North-West Centre and transfer to Hobart or Launceston courses Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts (course code R3A) The Faculty of Arts offers first-year units from the following disciplines at the North-West Centre: English, Sociology, and History. Students can also study Geography and Environmental Studies and Psychology offered by the Faculty of Science and Engineering as part of the BA degree. English, Sociology and History are also available by distance education. Aboriginal Studies, Philosophy, Political Science and Public Policy are available by distance education only. Students interested in a subject area not taught in the BA may take one subject (25% at level 100) from Science, Computing or Commerce as part of their BA and continue this subject to complete a major. (They should discuss the possibility with the Faculty adviser as restrictions apply.) Note: Students wishing to complete a major outside the Faculty of Arts at the North-West Centre are restricted to Accounting, and Corporate Accountability. Completing the Bachelor of Arts Students take four different subject areas in their first year. In second and third year, they complete majors in two different disciplines. A limited number of second- and third-year subjects will be offered at the North-West Centre in 2004. However, students normally complete their degree by transferring to Launceston or Hobart, or by studying by distance education. A full explanation of the structure of the BA degree is contained in the Faculty entry on page B-10. Students can also consult the Faculty of Arts website at <> for information on studying by distance, units offered, rules of the degree. Bachelor of Tourism (course code R3J) The compulsory first-year Tourism units in the Bachelor of Tourism are offered at the North-West Centre, by flexible delivery only. First-year Bachelor of Tourism students at the North-West Centre take the four compulsory Tourism units and complete year 1 of the course by choosing 50% from any other disciplines offered either on campus or by distance education. Students need to ensure that the 50% includes 25% in one discipline as the level 100 prerequisite for a complementary major in the course. Students who are currently studying for another degree at the North-West Centre can transfer to the Bachelor of Tourism and apply for credit. Students enrolled in other degree programs may take any of the core Tourism units as electives, subject to the rules of their degree course. Faculty of Commerce Bachelor of Commerce (course code C3C) The core program of first-year Bachelor of Commerce units is available at the North-West Centre. Disciplines are offered by the Faculty’s Schools of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Information Systems and Management. The Accounting and Corporate Accountability majors can be completed in their entirety at the NorthWest Centre. Completing the Bachelor of Commerce After completing first year at the North-West Centre, students selecting Finance, Management of Information Systems or Marketing must transfer to the Hobart campus, whilst Electronic Business, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management and Marketing & International Business are available in Hobart and Launceston. The Information Economy major is offered in Launceston. The Accounting and Corporate Accountability majors are also available in Launceston and Hobart. The degree may be studied on a full- or part-time basis. For students electing to complete the Accounting and/or Corporate Accountability majors at the NorthWest Centre, second- and third-year study is undertaken part time. The Commerce degree with an Accounting major, a Corporate Accountability major or both of these majors Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-50 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details allows a number of elective units to be studied. Students taking elective units through the NorthWest Centre can select units not previously studied from Commerce or units from Science, Computing and Arts (see the Index of Units offered at NWC in 2004, page A-51). Bachelor of Information Systems (course code C3S) The Bachelor of Information Systems may be studied on a full- or part-time basis with first year core units available at the North-West Centre. From time to time some second year units in the Bachelor of Information Systems are available at the North-West Centre. The remainder of the three-year degree program must be completed at either the Launceston or Hobart campus. The Electronic Business program is offered in Launceston and Hobart whilst the Management of Information Systems program is available in Hobart. Students taking elective subjects through the North-West Centre can access units from Commerce, Science, Computing, and Arts (see Index of units at the North-West Centre page A-51). Faculty of Education Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) (course code E3A) The Faculty of Education offers the first year of the Bachelor of Education (BEd) at the NorthWest Centre. The first year of the BEd comprises 2 education subjects – EPC150 Curriculum Studies 1 and EPF150 Education Studies 1. Students are also required to enrol and participate in the School Experience unit – EPT150. (Specific information regarding these units can be found under ‘Education’ in the Unit details section of this handbook on page C-97) In addition to these units, students are required to enrol in ‘liberal studies’ undertaken in other faculties. These units represent 50% of a full-time student’s first-year load. Completing Bachelor of Education The remaining three years of the BEd course are undertaken at the Launceston Campus. It is expected that one of the two liberal studies selected by first-year students will be carried forward and studied at a second-year level in Launceston the following year. Some liberal studies units are offered at second- and third-year level by distance education. These may therefore be completed from the North-West Centre. Consideration should be given to the choice of liberal studies subjects in relation to the specialisations that are offered within the BEd degree. The availability of the liberal studies units is subject to respective faculty requirements. In general, they can be drawn from the full range of units offered at the North-West Centre (see the Index of units offered at NWC in 2004 and the Index of units offered by distance education in 2004, page A-51). Faculty of Law The Faculty of Law offers the first year unit LAW101 Introduction to Law to allow students the opportunity of a career path in Law. After having passed the first year of an undergraduate degree in another Faculty (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Information Systems, Bachelor of Computing or Bachelor of Science) including the unit Introduction to Law students are eligible to apply for entry to a Law degree. In the second year of study students can either undertake a straight Law degree or a combined degree with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Information Systems, Bachelor of Computing or Bachelor of Science. The first year of these degrees may be studied at the North-West Centre with a limited range of units. From second year a Law degree can only be undertaken on the Hobart campus. Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology offers a variety of first-year units at the North-West Centre. These units are offered by the Schools of Agricultural Science, Computing, Geography & Environmental Studies, Mathematics & Physics, and Psychology. Students can study the first year of either the Bachelor of Computing, Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies or the Bachelor of Science at the North-West Centre. After completion of Year 1, students will then be able to transfer to Hobart or Launceston to complete the remainder of the course. Bridging units in Chemistry and Mathematics, which form part of the Science Enabling Course, are also available at the North-West Centre over the summer semester. For information on the Science Enabling Course, see the course entry included in this handbook (page B-3). Students can also elect to study the first year of a Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to North-West Centre – A-51 number of combined degrees at the North West Centre, including the: • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science; • Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science; • Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science; and • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing. Bachelor of Science (S3G) Students can study the first year (100%) of the BSc in Burnie. The first year of the course requires students to study three science cores (75% from Schedule B), while the remaining 25% can be made up from either a fourth science core or from units offered by other Faculties. There are four science core areas available in Burnie at the first year level: Computer Science, Geography & Environmental Studies, Mathematics and Psychology. Bachelor of Computing (S3F) Year 1 of the Bachelor of Computing consists of the six KXA units listed above (75% – Computing core units) and two non-Computing level 100 electives (25%). Completing the Bachelor of Computing Second and third-year core computing units must be undertaken in Hobart or Launceston. However, up to 50% of second year units and 25% of third year units may be studied from noncomputing electives. Most students move to Launceston to complete their degree. However it is possible to maximise the number of units undertaken at the NorthWest Centre in years 2 and 3 by selecting a major from another discipline. Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies (S3T) A number of first year units are available at Burnie. Some of these units are also available by distance education. The foundation units for the Bachelor of Natural Environment & Wilderness Studies are KGA121 and KGA122 (25% of the first year). The student’s program of study must be carefully structured from the units available to enable articulation to Launceston or Hobart in years two and three. Students should, therefore, discuss their enrolment with the Faculty Adviser. Units listed as offered at the North-West Centre Unit title campus-semweight Economics for Business B~1 12.5% Foundations of Economic Policy B~2v 12.5% Quantitative Methods 1 B~2v 12.5% Accounting and Financial Decision Making B~1 12.5% Accounting Context and Method B~2 12.5% Commercial Transactions B~2 12.5% Financial Management B~2 12.5% Special Topics in Accounting B~tba 12.5% Globalisation and w B~1 12.5% Accountability Social & Environmental Accounting B~3/1 12.5% Corporate Reporting and Disclosure B~2 12.5% Corporate Regulation and Accountability B~1 12.5% Management Accounting B~2 12.5% Advanced Financial Accounting B~2 12.5% Auditing B~1 12.5% Public Sector Resource w B~1 12.5% Management Corporate Internship B~tba 50% Regulatory Compliance B~1 12.5% Introduction to Management B~1 12.5% Foundations of w B~1 12.5% Entrepreneurship Business Information Systems B~1 12.5% Information Modelling and Infrastructures B~2 12.5% Analysis of Systems B~1 12.5% Business Logistics B~1 12.5% Advanced Study/Research/ Additional Study B~2 50% Medicine Year 5 – NWRH Clinical School B~1&2 100% Objective, Structured Clinical Examination B 0% Medicine Year 6 – NWRH Clinical School [na] 100% Legal and Ethical Issues in wB~1 12.5% Health Care Professional Issues in Nursing w B~2 12.5% Practice Acute Care Nursing B~3/1/2 37.5% Community Practice B~3/1/2 37.5% page C-2 code BEA110 C-2 C-2 BEA130 BEA140 C-7 BFA103 C-7 BFA104 C-8 BFA141 C-8 BFA181/281 C-8 BFA203 C-9 BFA206 C-9 BFA207/307 C-9 BFA209 C-10 C-10 BFA241 BFA261 C-11 C-11 BFA301 BFA303 C-12 C-12 C-12 BFA306 BFA320 BFA347 C-16 BMA101 C-18 BMA204 C-28 BSA101 C-28 C-29 C-29 BSA102 BSA201 BSA204 CAM400/420/ C-40 CAM440 C-42 CAM500 C-43 CAM501 C-45 CAM606 C-60 CNA308 C-61 C-61 C-61 CNA309 CNA315 CNA316 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-52 Nursing Inquiry in Practice B~1&2 30% C-62 Research Seminars and Project B~1&2 70% C-62 Professional and Organisational Frameworks in Nursing Care Delivery [na] 25% C-62 Population Health [na] 25% C-63 Contemporary Issues in Aged Care [na] 25% C-63 Ethical, Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives of Palliative Care [na] 25% C-63 Biological and Psychological Treatments in Mental Care [na] 25% C-63 Management of the Palliative Care Patient [na] 25% C-64 Foundations of Palliative Care Nursing Practice [na] 25% C-64 Advanced Health Assessment in Rural/Remote Nursing Practice [na] 25% C-64 Emergency Management in Rural/Remote Nursing Practice [na] 25% C-65 Healthy Ageing [na] 25% C-65 Health Assessment and Ageing [na] 25% C-65 Advanced Professional Nursing Practice B~1 25% C-74 Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice B~2 25% C-75 Curriculum Studies 1 B~1&2 12.5% C-98 Education 1 B~1&2 25% C-101 School Experience 1 (ECE/Primary) B~1&2 12.5% C-103 Dissertation A B~1&2 25% C-121 Dissertation B B~1&2 25% C-121 Technology Studies (1) [na] 12.5% Supervised Practicum in Counselling B~1/2/1&2 12.5% C-169 Dissertation in Counselling B~1&2 37.5% C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part A B~118.75% C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part B B~218.75% C-170 Australian Literature B~1v 12.5% C-252 English Literature B~2v 12.5% C-252 Persuasion, Propaganda, and the Movies [na] 12.5% C-254 Ideas of Authorship B~1v 12.5% C-256 Writing the Grand Tour [na] 12.5% C-257 Confessionalism [na] 12.5% C-257 The Body in the Text: 20th Century Australian Fiction [na] 12.5% C-258 The Novel in the Nineteenth Century [na] 12.5% C-259 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details CNA405 CNA435 CNA702 CNA703 CNA704 CNA709 CNA715 CNA717 CNA718 CNA719 CNA724 CNA725 CNA726 CNA802 CNA803 EPC150 EPF150 EPT150 ESF903 ESF906 ESI443 ESW709 ESW712 ESW713 ESW714 HEA101 HEA102 HEA216/316 HEA233/333 HEA234/334 HEA255/355 HEA269/369 HEA282/382 Writing Narrative B~1v 12.5% C-260 HEA290/390 w B~1&2vw 25% C-268 HEG100 German 1 Sociology A B~1 12.5% C-276 HGA101 Sociology B B~2 12.5% C-276 HGA102 HGT101 Foundations of Tourism A w B~1 12.5% C-285 HGT102 Foundations of Tourism Bw ~2 B~2 12.5% C-285 w ~1 B~1 12.5% C-285 HGT103 Tourism Geography Australian Tourism w B~2 12.5% C-286 Typologies HGT104 International Issues in w B~2 12.5% C-287 HGT204/304 Tourism Natural Environment: w B~1 12.5% C-287 HGT207/307 Interpretation Asian Studies for Professional Purposes B~1/2w0%/25%C-296 HMA410 Theories of Social and Cultural Expression in Asian Contexts B~1v0%/25%C-296 HMA414 Japan in the 21st Century B~2v 12.5% C-300 HMJ210/310 HMJ306 Reading Japanese B~1v 12.5% C-301 Japanese Film B~2v 12.5% C-301 HMJ334 Introduction to Logic B~1v 12.5% C-314 HPA291/391 HTA101 History 1A B~1v 12.5% C-333 HTA102 History 1B B~2v 12.5% C-333 Population and Urbanisation B~1 12.5% C-364 KGA121 The Physical Environment B~2 12.5% C-364 KGA122 Natural Environment Field Techniques B~3 12.5% C-365 KGA213 KHA101 Psychology 1A B~1v 12.5% C-383 KHA102 Psychology 1B B~2v 12.5% C-383 Research Project (Pass)/(Honours) B~1&2 0% C-409 KLA500 Mathematics Bridging Unit B~3 12.5% C-410 KMA003 KRA001 Chemistry Bridging Unit wB~3 12.5% C-454 Programming and Problem KXA151 Solving B~1v 12.5% C-461 Computer Organisation and Architecture B~2v 12.5% C-461 KXA152 KXA153 Computer Applications B~1v 12.5% C-462 KXA154 Software Process B~2v 12.5% C-462 KXA155 Professional Computing B~1v 12.5% C-462 Multimedia and Web KXA156 Applications B~2v 12.5% C-462 Physics Bridging Unit B~5 12.5% C-470 KYA004 Introduction to Law B~1&2 25% C-482 LAW101 Study Skills B~1 12.5% C-497 UPP010 wB~1 12.5% C-497 UPP020 Communications I Communications II B~2 12.5% C-497 UPP030 Academic Literacy B~2 12.5% C-497 UPP040 Using Information Technology UPP050 for Academic Purposes I wB~1 12.5% C-497 Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes II B~2 12.5% C-497 UPP060 Academic Studies I B~1 12.5% C-497 UPP070 Academic Studies II B~2 12.5% C-498 UPP080 Bridging Maths B~2 12.5% C-498 UPP090 UniStart Program B18.75% C-498 XAA001 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Distance education units – A-53 Units listed as available by distance education Unit title campus-semweight page Child and Adolescent Health L~1 D~1 12.5% C-60 Perspectives on Ageing L~2w D~2 12.5% C-60 Population Health [na] 25% C-63 Biological and Psychological Treatments in Mental Care [na] 25% C-63 Advanced Health Assessment in Rural/Remote Nursing Practice [na] 25% C-64 Emergency Management in Rural/Remote Nursing Practice [na] 25% C-65 Immunisation Education for Registered Nurses D~1/2 12.5% C-65 Food, Culture and Health [na] 12.5% C-66 Responding to Domestic Violence [na] 12.5% C-66 Introduction to Health Informatics D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-75 Data, Information and Knowledge D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-75 Health Online D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-76 Legal and Ethical Issues of Emerging Technologies D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-76 The Diffusion of Health Technology (Managing Change) D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-76 Electronic Health Records D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-76 Understanding Health Informatics Research D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-77 Health Informatics Research Methods D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-77 Health Information Systems D~3/1/4/2/5 12.5% C-77 Contemporary Educational Issues A L~3/1/2 D~3/1/2 12.5% C-122 Contemporary Educational Issues B L~3/1/2 D~3/1/2 12.5% C-122 Research Methods A L~3/1 D~3/1 12.5% C-122 Research Methods B L~3/1 D~3/1 12.5% C-122 Dissertation Part A H~1/2 L~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-123 Dissertation Part B H~1/2 L~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-123 Dissertation H~1/2 L~1/2 D~1/2 25% C-123 Teaching Studies A L~3 D~1 12.5% C-123 Teaching Studies B D~1/2 12.5% C-124 Special Topic (VET in Schools A) [na] 12.5% C-124 code CNA245 CNA246 CNA703 CNA715 CNA719 CNA724 CNA727 CNA728 CNA729 CRH500 CRH501 CRH502 CRH503 CRH504 CRH505 CRH506 CRH507 CRH508 ESG700 ESG701 ESG702 ESG703 ESG704 ESG705 ESG706 ESG707 ESG708 ESG709 Special Topic (VET in Schools B) [na] 12.5% C-124 Statistics Education – Data Handling D~1/2 12.5% C-124 Statistics Education – Data Reduction and ChanceD~1/212.5%C-124 Statistics Education – Inference and Advanced Topics D~1/2 12.5% C-124 Current Issues in Second Language Learning D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 Aspects of Linguistics D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 Language, Culture and Society D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 Teaching English as a Second/Foreign LanguageD~3/1/2w12.5%C-125 Curriculum and syllabus in TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Curriculum issues in TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Special Project in TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Language and Communication D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Language Learning for Specific Purposes D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-127 Numeracy and the Mathematics Curriculum A D~1 12.5% C-127 Issues in Mathematics Education A D~1 12.5% C-127 Issues in Mathematics Education B D~2 12.5% C-128 Thinking and Working Mathematically A D~1 12.5% C-128 Thinking and Working Mathematically B D~2 12.5% C-128 Education Project H~1/2 L~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-131 Education Project 1 H~1/2 L~1/2 D~1/2 25% C-131 Difference, Disability and Diversity A [na] 12.5% C-133 Difference, Disability and Diversity B [na] 12.5% C-133 Inclusive Curriculum Leadership B [na] 12.5% C-134 Classroom Management: Theory and Practice A [na] 12.5% C-134 Classroom Management: Theory and Practice B [na] 12.5% C-134 Challenging Behaviours and Curriculum Practices A [na] 12.5% C-134 Challenging Behaviours and Curriculum Practices B [na] 12.5% C-134 Language and Literacy in Education B H~3 D~3 12.5% C-136 Special Study 1 L~1/2 H~1/2 D~1/2 25% C-138 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> ESG710 ESG711 ESG712 ESG713 ESG714 ESG715 ESG716 ESG717 ESG718 ESG719 ESG720 ESG721 ESG722 ESG723 ESG727 ESG728 ESG729 ESG730 ESG747 ESG748 ESG757 ESG758 ESG760 ESG761 ESG762 ESG763 ESG764 ESG776 ESG782 A-54 Tertiary Teaching A L~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-139 Tertiary Teaching B L~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-139 Asian Cultures and Societies L~1 D~1 12.5% C-139 Literary Representatons of Asian Australian Relations H~1/2 D~1/2 12.5% C-140 Science Education A D~3 12.5% C-140 Science Education B D~3 12.5% C-140 Education Study D~tba 25% C-140 Mathematics and Education D~tba 25% C-141 Health and Physical Education D~2 25% C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 1 (Part 1) [na] 12.5% C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 2 (Part 1) [na] 12.5% C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 3 (Part 1) [na] 12.5% C-141 Introductory Educational Studies 4 (Part 1) D~1/2 12.5% C-142 Introduction to Special Education D~tba 25% C-142 Issues in Studies of Society and EnvironmentL~1&2 D~1&2 25% C-142 Effective School Leadership D~3 25% C-142 Outdoor Education D~tba 25% C-143 Studies in Teaching L~3/4 D~1&2 25% C-143 Introductory Educational Studies 1 (Part 2) [na] 12.5% C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 2 (Part 2) [na] 12.5% C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 3 (Part 2) [na] 12.5% C-144 Introductory Educational Studies 4 (Part 2) D~1/2 12.5% C-144 Research Investigation (In-Service) D~tba 25% C-145 Special Study (Online Learning) D~tba 12.5% C-145 Design & Context in Technology Education D~3 25% C-145 Special Topic (VET in Schools) D~tba 12.5% C-145 Honours Dissertation L~tba D~tba 50% C-146 Social Science Special Topic (Civics and Citizenship) D~tba 25% C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 1 D~1&2 25% C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 2 D~1&2 25% C-147 Introductory Educational Studies 3 D~1&2 25% C-147 School and Classroom Based Curriculum Development D~3/1&2 25% C-148 Introduction to Counselling D~tba 25% C-148 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details ESG787 ESG788 ESG793 ESG794 ESG795 ESG796 ESI408 ESI414 ESI419 ESI421 ESI422 ESI423 ESI424 ESI428 ESI429 ESI435 ESI438 ESI439 ESI447 ESI448 ESI449 ESI450 ESI457 ESI460 ESI461 ESI462 ESI466 ESI469 ESI471 ESI472 ESI473 ESI475 ESI477 Technology Studies Part 1 [na] 12.5% C-148 Technology Studies Part 2 [na] 12.5% C-149 Special Study (Models in Teaching) [na] 25% C-149 Communication D~1/2 12.5% C-161 Managing Learning D~1 12.5% C-162 Foundations of Adult Learning D~2 12.5% C-162 Teaching and Learning 1 D~1&2 12.5% C-162 Communication Strategies D~1 12.5% C-162 Curriculum Development D~2 12.5% C-163 Assessment and Evaluation D~2 12.5% C-163 Issues and Contexts in AVE D~2 12.5% C-163 Conversion (A&WPT) D~1/2 12.5% C-164 Teaching and Learning 2 D~1&2 12.5% C-164 Research and Methods in AVE D~1 12.5% C-164 Workplace Learning and Training 1 D~1 12.5% C-164 Workplace Learning and Training 2 D~2 12.5% C-165 Community and Public Education 1 D~1 12.5% C-165 Community and Public Education 2 D~2 12.5% C-165 Instructional Design in AVE 1 D~1 12.5% C-165 Instructional Design in AVE 2 D~2 12.5% C-166 Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 1 D~1 12.5% C-166 Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 2 D~2 12.5% C-166 Online Learning and Teaching in AVE D~2 12.5% C-166 Managing AVE D~1&2 12.5% C-167 Research Practice in AVE D~2 12.5% C-167 About Research in AVE D~1/2 25% C-167 Doing Research in AVE D~1/2 25% C-167 Dissertation D~1&2 50% C-167 Dissertation (Part A) D~1/2 25% C-168 Dissertation (Part B) D~1/2 25% C-168 Counselling Adolescents H~2 D~2 12.5% C-169 Supervised Practicum in Counselling H~1/2/1&2 L~1/2/1&2 B~1/2/1&2 D~1/2/1&2 12.5% C-169 Dissertation in Counselling H~1&2 L~1&2 B~1&2 D~1&2 37.5% C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part A H~1 L~1 B~1 D~118.75% C-170 Dissertation in Counselling Part B H~2 L~2 B~2 D~218.75% C-170 Contemporary Indigenous Australia L~2 H~2 D~2 12.5% C-244 ESI480 ESI481 ESI490 ESV201 ESV202 ESV203 ESV204 ESV205 ESV206 ESV207 ESV208 ESV209 ESV301 ESV302 ESV305 ESV306 ESV307 ESV308 ESV309 ESV310 ESV311 ESV312 ESV313 ESV314 ESV315 ESV401 ESV402 ESV403 ESV404 ESV405 ESW705 ESW709 ESW712 ESW713 ESW714 HAB102 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Distance education units – A-55 Historical Indigenous Australia L~1 H~1 D~1 12.5% C-244 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies A L~1 H~1 D~1 12.5% C-244 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies B L~2 H~2 D~2 12.5% C-244 Contemporary Indigenous Tasmania L~2 H~2 D~2 12.5% C-245 Indigenous Justice Issues [na] 12.5% C-245 Bass Strait Islanders [na] 12.5% C-245 Language in Aboriginal Society L~1 H~1 D~1 12.5% C-246 Inter-cultural Communication [na] 12.5% C-246 Special Topic in Aboriginal Studies C L~1&2 H~1&2 D~1&2 25% C-246 Indigeneity, Citizenship and the State [na] 12.5% C-248 Indigenous Life Histories L~1 H~1 D~1 12.5% C-248 Dispossession in Tasmania [na] 12.5% C-248 Contemporary Feminist Thought: Themes, Issues and Conflicts H~1 D~1 12.5% C-250 Australian Literature L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-252 English Literature L~2 B~2v D~2w 12.5% C-252 Contemporary Australian Writing [na] 12.5% C-253 Ideas of Authorship L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-256 Confessionalism [na] 12.5% C-257 Romantic Poetry D~1w 12.5% C-259 The Novel in the Nineteenth Century [na] 12.5% C-259 Modernism in British Literature 1910–1930 [na] 12.5% C-259 Modernism in British Literature: Poetry D~2 12.5% C-259 Sociology A H~3/1 L~1 B~1 D~1 12.5% C-276 Sociology B H~2 L~2 B~2 D~2 12.5% C-276 Sociological Analysis of Modern Society H~1 L~2 D~2 12.5% C-277 Love, Family and Sexuality: East–West ComparisonH~2 D~2 12.5% C-278 Magic, Spirituality and Religion H~1 D~1 12.5% C-278 Cultures and Societies of Southeast Asia [na] 12.5% C-280 HGA219/319 Sociology of Deviance H~1 D~1 Social Inequality D~2 Gender and Power [na] Introduction to Moral Philosophy L~1 D~1 Introduction to General Philosophy L~2 D~2 Time Travel [na] Law, Society and Morality D~1w History of Philosophy 2: Modern Philosophy D~2w Sex, Gender and Philosophy D~1w Science and Religion [na] Reasoning Skills [na] Environmental Ethics [na] Frege to Wittgenstein [na] Espionage, Terror and Global Disorder H~1 D~1w Introduction to Government A H~1 L~1 D~3/1w Introduction to Government B H~2 L~2 D~2w History 1A H~1 L~1 B~1v D~1 History 1B H~2 L~2 B~2v D~2 Medieval Britain: Myth, Power and Identity H~2 D~2 Europe in an Age of Crisis 1560–1640 [na] Australian History 1788–1990s D~1 Colonial USA, 1607–1789 L~2 D~2 USA: The Nation from 1789 [na] African–American History L~1 D~1 Australian Environmental History H~1 D~1 History of the Indigenous Peoples of North America [na] History and Heritage H~1 L~2 D~2 Information Literacy & Lifelong Learners D[1] Information Resources and Services D[1] Information Organisation D[1] Information Literacy (Teacher-Librarian focus) D[1] Psychology 1A H~3/1 L~1 B~1v D~1w HGA254/354 [1] These units are offered by distance education from Edith Cowan University HAB103 HAB201/301 HAB202/302 HAB206/306 HAB208/308 HAB209/309 HAB214/314 HAB215/315 HAB220/320 HAB248/348 HAB252/352 HAB256/356 HAF215/315 HEA101 HEA102 HEA205/305 HEA233/333 HEA255/355 HEA280/380 HEA282/382 HEA283/383 HEA284/384 HGA101 HGA102 HGA202 HGA212/312 12.5% C-280 HGA259/359 12.5% C-281 HGA262/362 12.5% C-281 HGA272/372 12.5% C-307 HPA181 12.5% C-308 HPA182 12.5% C-309 HPA208/308 12.5% C-311 HPA242/342 12.5% C-312 HPA268/368 12.5% C-312 12.5% C-313 12.5% C-313 12.5% C-314 12.5% C-314 HPA270/370 HPA274/374 HPA275/375 HPA277/377 HPA288/388 12.5% C-320 HSA270/370 12.5% C-330 HSG101 12.5% C-330 HSG102 12.5% C-333 HTA101 12.5% C-333 HTA102 12.5% C-335 HTA208/308 12.5% C-335 HTA209/309 12.5% C-338 HTA240/340 12.5% C-338 HTA242/342 12.5% C-338 HTA243/343 12.5% C-339 HTA252/352 12.5% C-339 HTA271/371 12.5% C-340 HTA275/375 12.5% C-340 HTA290/390 12.5% IST3162 12.5% 12.5% IST4104 IST4106 12.5% IST4117 12.5% C-383 KHA101 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-56 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Psychology 1B H~2 L~2 B~2v D~2w 12.5% C-383 Introduction to Agriculture and Horticulture H~1 D~1 12.5% C-403 Sustainable Resource Management H~2 D~1/2 12.5% C-403 Mathematics Bridging UnitB~3 D~312.5%C-410 Mathematics I L~1 D~1 12.5% C-412 Mathematics II L~2 D~2 12.5% C-412 Mathematics III L~1 D~1 12.5% C-414 Mathematical MethodsL~3/1 D~3/1 12.5% C-436 Calculus and Linear Algebra L~3/2 D~3/2 12.5% C-436 Calculus of Several Variables L~3/1 D~3/1 12.5% C-438 Study Skills B~1 D~1/2 12.5% C-497 Communications I wB~1 D~1/2 12.5% C-497 Academic Literacy B~2 D~2 12.5% C-497 Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes IwB~1 D~1/212.5% C-497 Academic Studies I B~1 D~1 12.5% C-497 Academic Studies II B~2 D~2 12.5% C-498 Bridging Maths B~2 D~1/2 12.5% C-498 KHA102 KLA100 KLA115 KMA003 KMA171 KMA172 KMA271 KNT125 KNT126 KNT227 UPP010 UPP020 UPP040 UPP050 UPP070 UPP080 UPP090 Units listed as being available (in whole or in part) via the internet Unit title Globalisation and Accountability campus-semweight page w H~1 L~1 B~1 12.5% C-9 Public Sector Resource Management code BFA206 w H~1 L~1 B~1 12.5% C-12 BFA306 CNA246 Perspectives on Ageing L~2w D~2 12.5% C-60 Legal and Ethical Issues in w L~1 H~1 Health Care B~1 12.5% C-60 CNA308 CXA300 Human Molecular Biology w L~1 12.5% C-92 Communications I wB~1 D~1/2 12.5% C-497 UPP020 Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes IwB~1 D~1/212.5%C-497 UPP050 Current Issues in Second ESG714 Language Learning D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 Aspects of Linguistics D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 ESG715 Language, Culture and ESG716 Society D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-125 Teaching English as a Second/Foreign LanguageD~3/1/2w12.5%C-125 ESG717 Curriculum and syllabus in ESG718 TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Curriculum issues in ESG719 TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Special Project in TESOL D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 ESG720 Language and ESG721 Communication D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-126 Language Learning for Specific ESG722 Purposes D~3/1/2w 12.5% C-127 ESG745 Teaching Asia H~1w 12.5% C-131 Asia in the Curriculum L~1w 12.5% C-131 ESG746 Community Development A [na] 12.5% C-132 ESG751 Community Development B [na] 12.5% C-132 ESG752 The Pedagogy of Online Learning A L~1&2w 12.5% C-132 ESG753 The Pedagogy of Online Learning B L~1&2w 12.5% C-133 ESG754 Creating an Online Teaching Course A L~3/1&2w 12.5% C-133 ESG755 Creating an Online Teaching Course B L~1&2w 12.5% C-133 ESG756 Technology Studies [na] C-143 ESI443 Technology Studies (2) [na] 12.5% ESI443 Technology Studies (3) [na] 12.5% ESI443 Australian Literature L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-252 HEA101 Confessionalism [na] 12.5% C-257 HEA255/355 Romantic Poetry D~1w 12.5% C-259 HEA280/380 The Novel in the Nineteenth Century [na] 12.5% C-259 HEA282/382 German 1 H~1&2 L~1&2vw B~1&2vw 25% C-268 HEG100 Foundations of Tourism Aw L~1 H~1 B~1 12.5% C-285 HGT101 Foundations of Tourism Bw L~2 H~2 B~2 12.5% C-285 HGT102 Time Travel [na] 12.5% C-309 HPA208/308 Law, Society and Morality D~1w 12.5% C-311 HPA242/342 History of Philosophy 2: Modern Philosophy D~2w 12.5% C-312 HPA268/368 Sex, Gender and Philosophy D~1w 12.5% C-312 HPA270/370 Reasoning Skills [na] 12.5% C-313 HPA275/375 Environmental Ethics [na] 12.5% C-314 HPA277/377 Espionage, Terror and Global Disorder H~1 D~1w 12.5% C-320 HSA270/370 Introduction to Government A H~1 L~1 D~3/1w 12.5% C-330 HSG101 Introduction to Government B H~2 L~2 D~2w 12.5% C-330 HSG102 Psychology 1A H~3/1 L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-383 KHA101 Psychology 1B H~2 L~2 B~2v D~2w 12.5% C-383 KHA102 Foundations of Entrepreneurship w H~1 L~1 B~1 12.5% C-18 BMA204 Ideas of Authorship L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-256 HEA233/333 Asian Studies for Professional Purposes H~1/2w L~1/2w B~1/2w0%/25%C-296 HMA410 Tourism Geography w L~1 H~1 B~1 12.5% C-285 HGT103 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to Units by web and by video conferencing – A-57 Australian Tourism Typologies Sustainable Tourism Natural Environment: Interpretation English Literature International Issues in Tourism L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-256 HEA233/333 Writing the Grand Tour [na] 12.5% C-257 HEA234/334 Confessionalism [na] 12.5% C-257 HEA255/355 The Body in the Text: 20th Century Australian Fiction [na] 12.5% C-258 HEA269/369 The Novel in the Nineteenth Century [na] 12.5% C-259 HEA282/382 Writing Narrative L~1 B~1v 12.5% C-260 HEA290/390 HEA406 Reading Theory H~1v L~1v 12.5% C-261 HEA410 Rereading Chaucer H~1v L~1v 0% C-261 Research Methodology and HEA411 Writing H~2v L~2v 12.5% C-261 Postcolonial Narratives [na] 0% C-262 HEA412 Time and Narrative [na] 0% C-262 HEA413 HEA414 Late Shakespeare H~1v L~1v 0% C-262 Endangered Bodies in Colonial HEA415 Space H~1v L~1v 12.5% C-262 Contemporary Travel Narratives H~1 L~1v 0% C-262 HEA419 Australian Literary Environmentalism [na] 0% C-263 HEA425 HEA430 Alien Encounters H~1 L~1v 0% C-263 Fictocriticism [na] 12.5% C-263 HEA435 Shakespeare’s Stage: The Play of Power [na] 0% C-263 HEA475 Le grand écran: French Cinéma [na] 12.5% C-266 HEF330 German 1 H~1&2 L~1&2vw B~1&2vw 25% C-268 HEG100 Social Ecology H~2 L~2v 12.5% C-284 HGE203/303 Population and Society H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-284 HGE204/304 HMA101 Asian Studies 1A H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-292 HMA102 Asian Studies 1B H~2 L~2v 12.5% C-293 Asian Languages and Cultures (Indonesian) [na] 12.5% C-293 HMA122 Australia and Asia H~2 L~2v 12.5% C-294 HMA211/311 Theories of Social and Cultural Expression in Asian Contexts H~1v L~1v B~1v 25% C-296 HMA414 Chinese Culture and Society [na] 12.5% C-298 HMC303 HMC307 Modern Chinese LiteratureH~1 L~1v12.5%C-298 History and Development of the HMC402 Chinese Language H~1 L~1v 25% C-299 Guided Reading for Honours in HMC403 Chinese H~1 L~1v 25% C-300 Japanese 2 Language Skills B H~1&2 L~1&2v 25% C-300 HMJ202 Japan in the 21st CenturyH~2 L~2v B~2v 12.5% C-300 HMJ210/310 Reading Japanese H~1 L~1v B~1v 12.5% C-301 HMJ306 Modern Japanese Literature [na] 12.5% C-301 HMJ331 Japanese Film H~2 L~2v B~2v 12.5% C-301 HMJ334 Ideas of Authorship w L~2 H~2 B~2 12.5% C-286 12.5% C-286 w L~1 H~1 HGT104 HGT203 wL~1 H~1 B~1 12.5% C-287 HGT207/307 L~2 B~2v D~2w 12.5% C-252 HEA102 wL~2 H~2 B~2 Antarctic Tourism H~2w L~2w Professional Issues in Nursing w L~2 H~2 Practice B~2 Chemistry Bridging UnitwH~3 B~3 w H~2 L~2 Entrepeneurship Indigeneity, Citizenship and the State [na] Inter-cultural Communication [na] Clinical Communication: Working with the Patient’s Perspective L~2w Pharmaceutical Science H~1&2w Contemporary Issues in Aged Care [na] Professional and Organisational Frameworks in Nursing Care Delivery [na] Frege to Wittgenstein [na] 12.5% C-287 HGT204/304 12.5% C-460 KSA201/301 12.5% C-61 12.5% C-454 12.5% C-27 CNA309 KRA001 BMA787 12.5% C-248 HAB248/348 12.5% C-246 HAB215/315 12.5% C-59 25% C-80 CNA128 CSA216 25% C-63 CNA704 25% C-62 CNA702 12.5% C-314 HPA288/388 Units employing video-link Unit title campus-semweight page code Foundations of Economic Policy H~2 L~2 B~2v 12.5% C-2 BEA130 Quantitative Methods 1 H~3/2 L~2 B~2v 12.5% C-2 BEA140 IS Project Management H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-30 BSA301 Management of Information Systems H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-31 BSA303 Current Trends in IS H~2 L~2v 12.5% C-31 BSA305 Strategic Information Systems H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-32 BSA411 Advanced Electronic Commerce H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-32 BSA414 Australian Literature L~1 B~1v D~1w 12.5% C-252 HEA101 English Literature L~2 B~2v D~2w 12.5% C-252 HEA102 Contemporary Australian Writing [na] 12.5% C-253 HEA205/305 Persuasion, Propaganda, and the Movies [na] 12.5% C-254 HEA216/316 Look for 'AMENDMENTS 2004' on <> A-58 Course and Unit Handbook, 2004 – Unit Details Interpreting and Translation [na] 12.5% C-305 HMN303 Indonesian Literature and its HMN304 Social Context H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-305 History and Development of the HMN402 Indonesian Language H~1 L~1v 25% C-306 Guided Reading for Honours in HMN403 Indonesian H~1 L~1v 25% C-307 Images of Women in Contemporary Indonesian Culture H~1 L~1v0%/25%C-307 HMN404 Mind and Language L~1 H~1v 12.5% C-309 HPA207/307 Introduction to Logic H~1 L~1v B~1v 12.5% C-314 HPA291/391 Logic and Philosophy L~2 H~2v 12.5% C-315 HPA292/392 Philosophy 4 (Honours) H~1&2v L~1&2v 100% 50% C-316 HPA400/401 Topic in Logic and Philosophy HPA412 of Science H~2 L~2v 0% C-317 Topic in Ethics and Applied Philosophy H~1v L~1 0% C-317 HPA413 Topic in European HPA415 Philosophy H~1 L~1v 0% C-317 Approaches to International Relations H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-318 HSA202/302 Tasmanian Politics and Australian FederalismH~2 L~2v 12.5% C-320 HSA260/360 Policing and GovernanceH~1 L~1v 12.5% C-324 HSD205/305 Sex, Drugs and Toxic Waste: Risk and Regulation [na] 12.5% C-324 HSD207/307 Business–Government Relations [na] 12.5% C-324 HSD208/308 Regional Development Policy H~2v L~2 12.5% C-324 HSD223/323 Media Policy [na] 12.5% C-325 HSD227/327 Global Environmental Policy [na] 12.5% C-325 HSD229/329 Australian Environmental Policy H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-325 HSD230/330 Social Policy in Welfare States [na] 12.5% C-325 HSD231/331 Global Political Economy [na] 12.5% C-326 HSD241/341 Antarctic and Oceans Policy H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-326 HSD242/342 Understanding Public Policy H~1 L~1v 12.5% C-326 HSD243/343 Approaches to Political Analysis H~2 L~2v 12.5% C-331 HSG200/300 Political Activism: Local to Global [na] 12.5% C-331 HSG202/302 International Cooperation [na] 12.5% C-331 HSG203/303 Building Blocs: Economic Regionalism [na] 12.5% C-331 HSG204/304 Re-inventing GovernanceH~2v L~2 12.5% C-332 HSG205/305 Third World Development Politics H~2v L~2 12.5% C-332 HSG207/307 History 1A History 1B H~1 L~1 B~1v D~1 12.5% C-333 H~2 L~2 B~2v D~2 12.5% C-333 War and Peace in the Pacific [na] The Pursuit of Empire: Philip, Alexander and Rome H~2 L~2v Geomatics 1a – Introduction vH~1 L~1 to Geomatics Geomatics 1c – Surveying H~2v L~2v Psychology 1A H~3/1 L~1 B~1v D~1w Psychology 1B H~2 L~2 B~2v D~2w Programming and Problem Solving H~1 L~1/2 B~1v Computer Organisation and Architecture H~2 L~2 B~2v Computer Applications H~1 L~1 B~1v Software Process H~2 L~2 B~2v Professional Computing H~1 L~1 B~1v Multimedia and Web Applications H~2 L~2 B~2v Foundations of Media and Information Technology Law H~1 L~1v HTA101 HTA102 12.5% C-339 HTA255/355 12.5% C-341 HTC200/300 12.5% C-375 KGG145 12.5% C-375 KGG155 12.5% C-383 KHA101 12.5% C-383 KHA102 12.5% C-461 KXA151 12.5% C-461 KXA152 12.5% C-462 KXA153 12.5% C-462 KXA154 12.5% C-462 KXA155 12.5% C-462 KXA156 12.5% C-485 LAW602 Can't find what you want? Try the Synoptic Index on the last page. Feedback? send to