5/9/2012 How to Compensate in Today’s  Regulatory Environment


5/9/2012 How to Compensate in Today’s  Regulatory Environment
How to Compensate in Today’s Regulatory Environment
Jon McDowell, BKD, LLP
Kathy Smith, Bank Compensation Consulting
Kelly Earls, Bank Compensation Consulting
May 17, 2012
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Increased Regulations
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
• The Department of the Treasury
• Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks
• U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
• United States Federal Reserve System
New Compensation Rules
• Interagency Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies (Federal Reserve Guidance) June 25, 2010
• Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act (Dodd‐Frank) July 21, 2010
• FDIC rule implementing Sec 956 of Dodd‐Frank builds on above regulations
• SEC – say‐on‐pay rules
• Regulation Z rules for compensating mortgage loan originators (MLO)
Success of Financial Institutions
• Compensation arrangements are critical in successful management of financial institutions
Attracting skilled staff
Promoting better organizationwide & employee performance
Providing retirement security to employees
Allowing organization’s personnel costs to vary along with revenues
Federal Reserve Guidance on Compensation
• Why was it implemented?
Common belief that poorly designed & unbalanced compensation structures contributed to financial industry crisis in 2007, 2008 & 2009
Short‐term nature of growth in revenue & profit with little regard to risk
Three Principles in Guidance
• Provide incentives that balance risk & reward from financial results that do not encourage employees to expose institution to imprudent risks
• Be compatible with effective controls & risk management
• Be supported by strong corporate governance with effective & active oversight by board of directors
• Nonbinding vote on executive pay & golden parachutes
• Shareholder proxy access
• Independent compensation committees
• No compensation for lies
• SEC review
• Enhanced compensation oversight for financial industry
FDIC Rules for Sec 956
The new rule affects institutions of $1 billion or more
Prohibits inappropriate risk‐taking
Requires deferred compensation
Requires additional reporting
Requires disclosure of policies & procedures
Regulation Z
• MLOs under strict compensation rules
• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) taking broad approach to MLO compensation
• Message is inconsistent with other regulatory agencies
• Recent clarification to guidance
• Additional clarification coming this year
• How to incent your MLOs
Concluding Comments
• Know that regulators are serious about it & it will be part of their exam
• Review existing plans if you have not already
• Review financial institution’s internal risk management & control processes with respect to compensation matters & oversee that financial institution has proper corporate governance processes to meet requirements of guidance. This entire process should be well‐documented for regulatory review during exam process
Jon McDowell, CPA | Partner | 210.341.9400 | jmcdowell@bkd.com
Kathy Smith | President | 972.781.2020 | kathy.smith@bcc-usa.com
Kelly Earls, J.D., CPA | Principal | 972.781.2020 | kelly.earls@bcc-usa.com
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