How to Prevent Unionization CPEhr Management Training


How to Prevent Unionization CPEhr Management Training
CPEhr Management
How to Prevent
copyright© 2014 CPE HR, Inc. All rights reserved
Identify reasons employees join or
reject unions
 Recognize signs of a union
organizing campaign
 Learn legal and effective action to
take to avoid unionization in your
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How Much Do You Know?
1. You may not tell employees what you think about
unions. True or False?
2. Unions are only for manufacturing industries.
True or False?
3. The behavior of supervision and management has
very little to do with unionization True or False?
4. You always have time to plan and act when you
become aware of union activity. True or False?
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What is a Labor Union?
Legally recognized collection of
employees who organize to equalize
the bargaining power between
management and employees
Private sector unions strictly regulated
by the NLRB (NLRA)
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A Union Means…
To Management:
 Loss of operational flexibility
 Loss of merit based systems
 Loss of “team” mind set by
 Cost
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A Union Means…
To Supervisors:
 Confined to the contract
 Inability to deal with employees
 Challenges to supervisory
 Cooperation of 3rd party
 Time
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A Union Means…
To Employees:
 Loss of merit based system
 No longer able to discuss
issues directly with
 Cost of dues and fees
 Strikes
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Why Do Employees
Join Unions?
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Growth &
Pride in
Reasonable coworkers/good
Fair wages and
Safe environment
Reality Check
Wishy-washy, micromanaging or absent
Poor communications
Favoritism and inconsistent treatment
Disregard of employees as members of
the team
Disrespectful, demeaning, humiliating,
undignified treatment
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Are You Vulnerable?
Are supervisors fair?
 Are supervisors trained to be
 Are resources available?
 Does the company culture
Professionalism and respect
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Are You Vulnerable?
Are employees:
Treated fairly and consistently?
 Listened to ?
 Recognized?
Are working conditions good?
 Is there a open-door policy?
 Are complaints taken seriously?
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Reasons Employees Reject
 Good
employee relations
 Good
 Recognition
 Pride in work
 Fair discipline
Employees are already happy
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Signs of a Union-Organizing
Changes in complaints
Large number of inquiries about
policies especially, pay, benefits and
Change in vocabulary, especially
phrases “protected activities”,
“grievances”, “unfair labor practices”
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Organizing Techniques
Organizers play on the negative
feelings, anger and resentment of
employees because of poor
management to manipulate employees
into a union choice
Technically savvy: Facebook, Twitter,
MySpace and other social networks to
create a membership
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Techniques to Organize
Union employees hired by a company to
Inside organization
Company employees who
 Are targeted by union because of
 Are union sympathizers
 Approach unions requesting
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Where Unions Organize
On the premises
Break rooms, parking lots, restrooms
Shifts with fewer managers
At employee homes
 In public places
Grocery stores
Shopping centers
On the street
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How Campaigns Occur
Campaigns can be:
 Secretive
 Open, mass meetings and
corporate campaigns
 May notify management in
advance or may wait until fully
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How Much Do You Know?
1. You may fire an employee for supporting a union
True or False
2. Unions never go to an employee’s home and
solicit membership True or False
3. Favoritism and inconsistent treatment of
employees impacts the morale of staff
True or False
4. Bullying by management can encourage a union
friendly environment True or False
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Consider This
Typically employees don’t quit
companies, they quit managers
Employees don’t vote FOR
They vote AGAINST management
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Prevention Techniques
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As a Company
Implement and enforce a No
Solicitation/No Distribution policy
Enforce it in a non-discriminatory manner
Be clear on definitions: work time, work
Other Policies
Off duty access
Bulletin boards
Internal grievance process
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Assess the Environment
Do individuals feel safe?
Does the culture of the workplace
encourage respect, and courtesy?
Do management and employees alike
think as a WHOLE team?
Are opinions and ideas are
Is two-way communication the norm?
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The Workplace Culture
People want real life examples to
They want to be treated fairly AND
they want to see people who break the
rules held accountable
It is natural to want to be a part of an
organization where it is comfortable to
do the right thing
Employees want positive leadership
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As The Leader
Understand the handbook
 Work with HR, especially if you feel
there is an “exception”
 Always document even informal
corrections and coachings
 Address performance not
 Be available: “see” your team
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Be Fair
Avoid favorites
Apply the policies evenly
 Coach, guide, encourage whenever
 Discipline when necessary
 Deal with issues immediately
 Work only with facts, avoid rumors
Make evaluations honest and
constructive AND TIMELY
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Be Professional
Never gossip or leap to
conclusions from hearsay
 Criticize in private, praise in public
 Keep your promises
 Never yell, shout or raise your
voice in anger
 Use HR; never feel you must solve
all issues alone
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Motivate Your Staff
Expect the best from both yourself
and your team
 Acknowledge stellar moments
 Acknowledge steady moments too
 Make sure expectations are clearly
defined and understood
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Be the role model
If you don’t care, why should
your employees?
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Be accessible formally and informally
Always follow-up, even if the answer
is no
All issues are important—to someone
Give advance notice of changes
Ask for input and opinions and
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Teach Leadership
See employees as the individual
ADULTS they are
Drop the parental attitude
Them and Us- drop it!
Realize that leadership is nonstop
Make every decision inclusive of the
impact on employees
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Gives the big picture
Shows the employee how they fit in
this picture; why they are unique and
Take time—full day or longer
Orientation is where introduction of
the culture begins
Maintain this cultural perception
throughout the work environment
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Let Employees Participate
 Suggestion boxes
 Performance reviews
 Invite guest employees to meeting
 Newsletters
 Brown Bag luncheons
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Fair Wages, Benefits,
Make sure employees KNOW all
the benefits available to them
 Fair Wages
 Benefits
 Performance Appraisals
(provides opportunities for growth,
development and formal
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From the Top Down
Everyone should recognize the
value of each other individually and
as a team
 Always be professional, courteous
and constructive
 All employees should have a clear
vision of their purpose and how
they fit into the whole picture
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To Be Union-Free
Employees don’t need
protection from fair,
honest and positive
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July Webinar
Is It Time to Outsource
Your Human Resources?
July 31, 2014
12 noon – 1 pm
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HRCI Credit
Program ID: ORG-PROGRAM-213508
Title: How to Prevent Unionization
 Start Date: 6/26/2014
End Date: 6/26/2014
 Recertification Credit Hours Awarded:
 Specified Credit Hours: General
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Presented by:
Linda Robinson, PHR
Training & Development Manager
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