
A person can be hurt in the head. This can happen from an accident or injury, post-traumatic stress
disorder, drug or alcohol use, an infection, or Systeming by Department of Defense “Potentials Initiative”
agents who call themselves “CiA” although they did not make the cut.
Since US mental health hospitals were closed in the 1980s, there are no long-term hospital options.
Instead, here are approaches to allow you to get along with a head hurt person safely, lifelong.
When a member of your family develops bipolar or another disorder, often they may not wish to take
antibiotics, give up drugs, exercise, change diet, seek counseling or do other things to restore
themselves to homeostasis health.
Here are some tips on how to handle a mentally ill friend or relative long term.
1) Allow the person to live alone in a place with support. A Best Western can cost as little as $30
per night, and offers breakfast plus maid service. The person can isolate, read, watch TV, and
use the pool or Jacuzzi. Stress there is low.
2) Make sure the person can watch TV or listen to their headphones all day. Make a YouTube
playlist of songs the person might love. It will be a peacemaker. Listening to Enya will turn their
emotions to love.
3) Try to get him to the doctor for a full physical. All their symptoms could be caused by a blood
sugar issue or an infection. A good diet or antibiotics could make them better. Also antiworm
medication for autistic/Asperger’s symptoms may be very helpful. Grave’s Disease, Multiple
Sclerosis, and even flu symptoms overlap with bipolar ones.
4) Limit illegal drug use as much as possible. If they are willing to go to a rehab facility, they can do
talk therapy and wean off drugs and alcohol. Cottonwoods in Arizona (for addiction) and
Menniger’s in Texas (for personality disorders in high achievers) are well recommended.
5) Don’t talk more than a little. Try to not to boss the person. Just send him one email or text
message per day. Limit it to three sentences max if you can. Finish each request with a question
6) Don’t try to reason with the person. Instead, improvise. Whatever he wants, say “Yes and…” to.
Try to follow it up with a reasonable idea.
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7) You are parent now, not lover. They’ll find their own.
8) No children around this person, if possible. He or she is the baby.
9) If you have children together, they can live in the middle at a relative’s home. This is called
nesting. Mommy visits when daddy’s not there, and daddy visits when mommy’s not there. If
the children live with you, you can leave when your nutter butter visits, so long as you have a
nanny, family member, or relative present. Then you can run errands, go to yoga, or get a
massage. Try to do something daily to take care of you too.
10) If you feel threatened by the person, try to live with family or friends, so you feel protected.
Don’t reveal your address. Have your bills sent to a PO Box. Avoid in-person meetings or phone
conversations with your lover/stalker.
11) Visit once per week with a strong male if you can. Bring their favorite foods, especially fatty
foods like meat, mayo, fish, anything they’ll enjoy. Find out if they need anything else. You may
also wish to bring fresh laundry, an inspirational book or magazine, and cash. Just $100 per
week may be enough for them if you bring groceries they like.
12) If you can’t visit the person, try to Skype daily or weekly.
13) If you were married to the person, make sure you split the money 50/50 as of a date before
filing for divorce. That will negate any animosity.
14) You can’t expect a hurt head to reasonably handle money, so you probably will be handling the
person’s finances entirely. Social Security and/or Disability Insurance may be enough to cover
the person’s expenses if they get close to $2,000 per month. This can be deposited into a joint
account you handle. You may need to transfer their funds into another account as soon as they
arrive, or the nutter could withdraw them and then have them stolen. It’s not unusual for a
homeless person to have his wallet taken from him.
It’s possible the person could have bipolar and/or borderline personality disorder. Below please see a
list of symptoms for each. They overlap.
Accusatory, self-blaming thoughts
Aggressive driving
Argues or bosses others
Blames others for own mistakes or inappropriate behavior
Bosses others
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Depressed, sad or very irritable; cannot be "cheered up" (dysphoria: anxiety and depression at
the same time)
Excessive anxiety or worry
Excessive distress when separated from family
Exhibits inappropriate sexual humor and behavior
Extremely controlling
Has made clear threats of suicide
Has periods of excessive, rapid speech
Has short rages
Hypersensitive to noise, light, stress
Inability to see problems caused by own actions; problems typically attributed to someone or
something else
Inflated self-concepts of power, greatness, importance (grandiosity)
Irritable, critical, argumentative, stubborn
Is easily angered when people set limits
Is intolerant of delays
Is willful and refuses to be subordinated
Lies to avoid consequences of actions
Makes threats against others or self
Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicidal plans
Refusal to accept the possibility that something may be "wrong" with thinking or behavior
Relentlessly pursues own needs
Withdrawal and isolation: no desire to talk, interact, socialize
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
A switch between idealizing and demonizing others
Affective distress
Anxiety disorders
Black-and-white thinking or splitting
Chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships with family, friends, and co-workers
Dissociative disorders
Extreme sensitivity to the way others treat them, reacting strongly to perceived criticism or
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
Highly reactive mood (irritability, anxiety, or dysphoria lasting a few hours to a few days)
Idealization and devaluation episodes
Impulsive behaviors are common, including alcohol or drug abuse, promiscuous and intense
sexuality, gambling, and other recklessness
Inability to recognize the existence of other personalities despite their obvious presence
Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper,
constant anger)
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14. Increased levels of chronic stress and conflict in romantic relationships, decreased
satisfaction of romantic partners, abuse and unwanted pregnancy
15. Insecure attachment styles (fearful, preoccupied, unresolved)
16. Instability in mood
17. Lack of affection
18. Lack of embarrassment
19. Lack of emotional intelligence
20. Lack of guilt
21. Manipulation and deceit are viewed as common features of BPD
22. Marked impulsivity
23. May show lability (changeability) between anger and anxiety or between depression and
anxiety and temperamental sensitivity to emotive stimuli
24. Men are less likely to display emotions and usually switch to another personality in subtle,
inconspicuous ways
25. Mood disorders (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder) – the large majority,
estimated to be around 96% of hospitalized borderlines, have a mood disorder
26. No interest in improving personal well-being despite overwhelming lifestyle
27. Non-recognition or sense of disreality when looking in the mirror
28. Ongoing family interactions and associated vulnerabilities can lead to self-destructive
29. Poor understanding of jokes, irony, false pretenses, figurative speech
30. Self-harming
31. Self-image can also change rapidly from extremely positive to extremely negative
32. Strong and long-lasting states of aversive tension, often triggered by perceived rejection,
being alone or perceived failure
33. Strong feeling of responsibility, even for things over which he has no control
34. Substance abuse, especially alcoholism
35. Suicidal speech and suicide attempts (10% successful)
36. Tendency to believe in the supernatural
37. Tendency to be overwhelmed by life in one of the most depressed personalities
38. The negative emotional states specific to BPD fall into four categories: destructive or selfdestructive feelings; extreme feelings in general; feelings of fragmentation or lack of
identity; and feelings of victimization
39. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a
disappointment or perceived threat of abandonment or of losing someone
40. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms
41. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading (in extreme cases) to suicide attempts
Source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
Note: Heavy long-term alcohol use can cause encephalopathy, as well as frontal lobe and limbic damage,
leading to BPD behavior. Systeming by Department of Defense “Potential Initiative” agents to make
your family member a Manchurian Candidate and Stonelayer prostitute, can also cause BPD? If not, why
do so many people who look like Clinton, act like Primary Colors? These symptoms wear off after age 50
years, when your Systemed Man does not run for government and is set free. Ages 35-47 are the most
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A psychiatrist, psychologist, or minister will have more advice for handling challenging family members.
Threats of death can be quite common from those hurt in the head. Please take them seriously. It is not
normal to talk about killing. If someone says he is thinking about killing you, it could happen. As Ruiz
said, first there is the thought, then the word, then the deed.
There are no long-term mental health care facilities, as they were closed in the Reagen Era. Jail costs the
government less, since therapy is not offered to prisoners. Now mentally ill people are either there,
fighting-it-out with their families, or homeless (as their families may not be able to cope with their
threats and lack of reality).
It is very stressful to be in relationship life-long with someone who abuses, uses fear, and even force to
control those around him, all in order to reinforce an ill view of the world. Relaxation strategies are
important for you, as well as your nutter. These are detailed in the book, 110%, found in the eStore at
Word count: 1,601
Date: 7 November 2013
Revised: 17 August 2014
To reprint this article, please contact Price: $1,250
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