How to burn x-ray images onto a CD-ROM


How to burn x-ray images onto a CD-ROM
How to burn x-ray images onto a CD-ROM
This instruction is to explain how to burn x-ray images of your patients with
the image viewing software (NAOMI VIEWER) onto a CD-ROM.
This is the software to view x-ray images of your patients (incl. DICOM files) in
the operation environment, where the NAOMI software is not installed.
• NAOMI VIEWER only runs on Microsoft Windows Vista, XP and 2000.
(Not compatible with Windows Vista Service Pack 64bit / XP 64bit.)
• You can burn DICOM images and NAOMI VIEWER onto CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R,
- Keep in mind that some PCs do not have DVD ROMs, or DVD Dual Layer ROMs on
their computers.
- CDs can only hold a certain amount of images. If you have more than 30 images,
with each image averaging around 20MB, you will need to use DVDs.
- You can only burn CDs on a computer that has a DVD or CD burner. If you are
burning DVDs, make sure that you use the right type of blank DVDs for your burner.
• NAOMI VIEWER will automatically start when CD / DVD is inserted into a computer.
It may take time to start NAOMI VIEWER depending on the amount of
data saved on a CD/DVD.
Preparation to burn a CD-ROM for the first time
Contents of NAOMI VIEWER folder
Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
STEP A Copy x-ray images onto a CD-ROM
STEP B Burn a CD-ROM with the x-ray images
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1 Preparation to burn a CD-ROM for the first time
1. Insert the “NAOMI VIEWER” CD-ROM,
which came with your NAOMI sensor.
2. Open “My computer”. Then double click
to display the contents of CD-ROM.
3. Copy the folder, “NAOMI VIEWER” with
right click and select “Copy”.
4. Right click on any empty space on the
desktop, then select “Paste”.
Confirm the NAOMI VIEWER folder is copied
to your desktop.
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2 Contents of the NAOMI VIEWER folder
There are 3 files inside of the NAOMI VIEWER folder, which you have copied onto
your desktop. They are important files for burning and opening a CD-ROM with
x-ray images.
“” folder
This folder contains the imaging viewing
software files.
Do not modify, rename, or delete any
of the files inside, or the image viewing
sof t ware may not work properly. If
any files in this folder were modified,
renamed or deleted, then repeat #1
through #4 on page 2 of this instruction.
“Autorun.inf” file
This is the file to open NAOMI VIEWER
automatically when the CD - ROM is
inserted into a computer.
Do not modify the content, delete or
move the file, or CD-ROM may not open
automatically and work properly.
“Sample” folder
This is the folder for you to put the x-ray
images. Copy the x-ray images of your
patients into this folder to burn onto a
CD-ROM. (Refer to Step A on page 4 for
more details.)
If the x-ray images were copied into a
different folder, the CD-ROM may not be
able to open the images.
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3 Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
STEP A Copy x-ray images onto a CD-ROM
1. Click “NAOMI” icon on your desktop to
start the NAOMI software.
2 . C li c k “ O p e n” i c o n o n t h e N AO M I
software to locate the images you wish
to copy.
3. Open the patient folder by double
clicking on it.
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Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
4. Select the files you wish to copy onto a
key on your keyboard to
Hold the
select multiple images.
If you wish to copy the annotated images along
with their originals, select the annotation files
(.ann) as well.
Do not select the patient folder. Select the files
5. Right click and select “Copy”.
Do not select “Cut”.
6. Double click the “Sample” folder inside of
the NAOMI VIEWER folder.
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Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
7. Right click any empty space in the
“Sample” folder window and select
8. Confirm all files, which you intend to
copy, are now copied into the “Sample”
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Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
Burn a CD-ROM with the x-ray images
1. Open the NAOMI VIEWER folder by
double clicking on it.
Confirm the “Autorun.inf” file is present
in the NAOMI VIEWER folder.
2. Open the “Sample” folder to confirm all
files you want to burn are inside.
Then close the “Sample” folder.
3. Select all 3 files ( folder,
Sample folder, Autorun.inf file) in the
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Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
4. Right click and select “Send to”, and then
select “DVD-RW Drive (D:)”.
5. A progress window appears on the
screen. Once it finishes, the balloon
pops up in the lower right hand corner of
the screen.
Click directly on the balloon.
6. Click on the link “Write these files to CD”.
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If the link “Write these files to CD” does
not appear, right click on the empty
space and select “Write these files to
Instruction: How to burn a CD-ROM
7. CD Writing Wizard appears on your
screen. Type in the CD name as you
Then click Next.
8. Insert a blank CD or DVD into your
drive and click “Next”. Once the writing
p r o c e s s f i ni s h e s, t h e C D o r DV D
is ejected automatic ally from your
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