How to Judge Western Pleasure Supplement for CEV Video #103


How to Judge Western Pleasure Supplement for CEV Video #103
How to Judge Western Pleasure
Supplement for CEV Video #103
How to Judge Western Pleasure
Supplement for CEV Video #103
The student examines the major factors for judging the Western
Pleasure class.
1. to evaluate functional correctness
2. to appreciate the importance of attitude and quality of
3. to assess head carriage and head set
4. to assess the manners of the horse
How to Judge Western Pleasure
Video Quiz
True or False
___1. The horse should look straight through the bridle.
___2. The horse should be able to back up straight and responsively.
___3. The horse should travel on a tight rein.
___4. The length of stride in the back should be less than in the front.
___5. The horse should travel in a fluid motion.
___6. When judging a class, each horse must be compared to others in that
Fill in the Blank
7. Head set refers to the amount of f
8. Ideally, the top of the n
at the poll.
should be parallel to the ground.
9. It is considered bad manners for the horse to mouth the b
10. The horse should have a relaxed a
How to Judge Western Pleasure
Answer Key for CEV Video #103
True or False
1. The horse should look straight through the bridle.
2. The horse should be able to back up straight and responsively.
3. The horse should travel on a tight rein.
a relatively loose rein
4. The length of stride in the back should be less than in the front.
the length of stride in the front and the back should be the
5. The horse should travel in a fluid motion.
6. When judging a class, each horse must be compared to others in that
each horse must be compared to others in that class.
Fill in the Blank
7. Head set refers to the amount of flexion at the poll.
8. Ideally, the top of the neck should be parallel to the ground.
9. It is considered bad manners for the horse to mouth the bit.
10. The horse should have a relaxed attitude.
Practice Class
Critique and Placing
This class of Western Pleasure should be placed
4 - 3 - 1 - 2 with cuts of
2 6
In this class of Western Pleasure there was a relative easy top, a close middle pair, and
obvious bottom horse.
In the top pair (4 over 3) 4 was more cadenced at the trot and had a more even stride
length in the rear at the trot and 3 was short in the left hind leg in the trot. 4 was rounder
at the lope with a more deliberate three-beat rhythm.
3 was smoother and had a more desirable attitude towards the rider in the transitions into
the lope to the left.
In a close middle pair (3 over 1) 3 worked in a lighter, more desirable expression through
the class and was more collected at the lope.
3 worked at a slower, more consistent rate at the trot and showed greater flexion at the
poll. 3 also backed more quickly.
1 was more distinct and symmetric at the trot and worked in a looser rein. 1 was also
slower and steadier at the lope.
In the bottom pair (1 over 2) 1 was more functionally correct being more responsive to the
rider and more correct in picking up the right lead.
1 was slower at the trot and the lope, working with more drive and impulsion at the hocks.
1 worked with more flexion at the poll and was quicker and more responsive at the back.
2 should be criticized and placed last for being unresponsive to the sides, working in an
uncollected manner with excessive speed and for missing the right lead.
This class of Western Pleasure should be placed
4 - 3 - 1 - 2 with cuts of
2 6