TB10 - How to lodge a Non-Domestic EPC using iSBEM Contents


TB10 - How to lodge a Non-Domestic EPC using iSBEM Contents
TB10 - How to lodge a Non-Domestic EPC
using iSBEM
General information................................................................................................................................ 2
Address Details ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Requesting a new UPRN ......................................................................................................................... 8
Lodging the EPC ................................................................................................................................... 10
Retrieve EPCs Lodged in Scotland .................................................................................................... 15
Retrieve EPCs Lodged in England & Wales ........................................................................................ 15
Other SBEM software options................................................................................................................17
Need further assistance? ........................................................................................................................17
To access the lodgement facility for Non-Domestic EPCs please go to
Simply save this internet link to your toolbar and always use this to access to your
Non-Domestic Member’s area.
If you have any issues with lodgments and need advice, please contact the Elmhurst
Non-Domestic Technical Support Team who will be happy to help.
T: 01455 883231 E: nondomestic-support@elmhurstenergy.co.uk
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TB10 – Version 006
April 2014
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General information
It is important to make sure that the details under General Information in iSEBM are correct.
You must complete all fields the Energy Assessor details.
The Assessor number is your Elmhurst accreditation number which should follow the format
EES/00**** and will be assigned upon accreditation.
Qualifications - relates to the level of building that you are qualified to assess.
If you are Level 3 accredited you should select NOS3 and if you are Level 4 accredited select NOS4.
If you are accredited for both you should always use NOS4
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TB10 – Version 006
April 2014
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Address Details
The first step in Lodging a Non Domestic EPC is to get the buildings address details including the Unique
Property Reference Number (UPRN). The buildings address details must be inserted correctly for the
survey to Lodge successfully.
To find the correct address details including the UPRN log onto Access Elmhurst
Enter the Elmhurst surveyor ID and the password that you have been sent via email. The ID is in the
format XXXX-XXXX. The password can be changed upon first access to something memorable.
NOTE: You should not share your password with anyone else as this ensures that no-one else can lodge
EPCs under your name/accreditation.
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Once logged in Click NDEA Zone
The NDEA Zone contains a list of all previous lodgements, an address search and lodgement facility
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To search for an address to eneter into your EPC calculation click on “Address search” from the menu on
the top left
Enter the postcode then click Search.
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Locate and select the appropriate Base address, then select the lodgement address and click Select.
You now need to enter the address details and UPRN into iSBEM
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iSBEM Building details tab
The address details you have retrieved and the property details in iSBEM must match exactly, even
down to the ‘address line’ The simplest way of ensuring that these are correct is by copying and pasting
from the retrieved address in Elmhurst to the address fields in iSBEM.
To do this;
1) Highlight the first line of the address on the address details page of the Elmhurst Member’s
area. (leave line one blank if this field is empty)
2) Hold ctrl on your keyboard and press ‘c’ (ctrl + c)
3) Place the cursor of your mouse in the same line number on iSBEM
4) Hold ctrl on your keyboard and press ‘v’ (ctrl + v)
5) Repeat this until the addresses are identical
6) Re-calculate your EPC so that the xml file produced contains this information.
The XML is now ready to lodge.
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April 2014
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Requesting a new UPRN
If the building address required is not listed, you can click Add new base address which will allow you to
request a new UPRN
This screen will show where you should enter the address details fully and accurately. Click Request
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Upon clicking Request an e-mail is sent directly to Landmark for them to process a UPRN for the building
you are assessing.
Landmark will then e-mail you with a UPRN. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive this.
A sub address can be requested immediately where a building is located in the form above but the
individual unit is not listed. Click Add new sub address, complete the form exactly as you wish it to
appear and request. It will instantly inform you that this address has been created.
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April 2014
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Lodging the EPC
Once you are happy that your information in iSBEM is complete and the address is correct you can click
Calculate EPC rating.
One the command box has finished calculating the report an XML file is created in the format
<RRN>.xml, (e.g. 0000-0000-0000-0000-0000.xml). This is located in the same folder as the open iSBEM
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Return to the NDEA zone and click New Survey
Click on the region your EPC is to be lodged
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Click Browse and navigate to the folder where the XML file was created in the iSBEM software, i.e. same
location as your project.
Once the XML has been located click OK to upload, this will then give you the calculation results and
show that the .XML file has been validated
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If you are lodging a Level 4 project in England, Wales & Northern Ireland or an EPC in Scotland and you
have the appropriate qualification, you are required to state whether the building type is Existing or
New build.
Finally, click Lodge Survey to submit the EPC to the central register
Click OK to confirm lodgement
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April 2014
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At this point your survey is a live document, it cannot be amended.
To retrieve the report, click on the RRN link, this will take you to the Non Domestic central register
appropriate to the region. The central register is the only location that you can retrieve an unwatermarked EPC.
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April 2014
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Retrieve EPCs Lodged in Scotland
Clicking the RRN link will retrieve and display the un-watermarked PDF of the EPC
Retrieve EPCs Lodged in England, Wales & Northern Ireland
Clicking the RRN link will retrieve take you to the Landmark register
Click Accept Terms.
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On the next page enter the RRN enter the security code and click Retrieve Report
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Other SBEM software options
CLG guidance now states that anyone lodging either EPCs or DECs must also be able to prove
competency in the software they have chosen to use. If you chose to start producing certificates in any
of the software approved by Elmhurst, you must inform the Elmhurst Accreditation Team and provide
them with the evidence that you have been trained to use the software.
Elmhurst trained NDEAs do not need to provide evidence of their competency as this is part of the
overall qualification.
Elmhurst has selected a number of preferred SBEM and DEC software providers with which you are able
to lodge your Energy Performance Certificate (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates (DECs).
Elmhurst preferred software providers are:
SBEM Software:
Lifespan SBEM
Design Builder
DECs Software:
OR Calc
SystemsLink OR Toolkit
Lifespan DEC
If you wish to use another software provide to lodge you Non-Domestic EPCs or DECs, please contact the
Accreditation Team by e-mail accreditation@elmhurstenergy.co.uk or call 01455 883 253 to discuss this
Need further assistance?
If you have any issues or questions, the Non Domestic Technical Support team is happy to assist please
contact us on 01455 883231 or E-mail nondomestic-suppport@elmhurstenergy.co.uk
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April 2014
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