‘Quality control: why standards matter and international markets’.
‘Quality control: why standards matter and international markets’.
‘Quality control: why standards matter and how to meet them for local and international markets’. Presented by Dr. Joseph Ikemefuna Odumodu DG/CE SON ,nmkmnjk Contents • • • • • • Quality and quality control Standards are everywhere. Examples What is a standard? Definitions Why are standards important? Why participate in making standards? Which types of standard are there? Classifications • Summary …WHAT IS QUALITY The Quality Gurus – Edward Deming Quality is “uniformity and dependability” Focus on SPC and statistical tools 1986 “14 Points” for management PDCA method 1900-1993 The Quality Gurus – Joseph Juran Quality is “fitness for use” Pareto Principle Cost of Quality 1951 General management approach as well as statistics 1904 - 2008 • ISO 9000:2005: Is the degree to which a set of inherent CHARACTERISTICS fulfills REQUIREMENTS NOTE: 1. The term quality can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent. 2. Inherent, as opposed to assigned, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic. QUALITY IS …. • Defined by the customers • Must be measurable; if you can measure it you can maintain & improve it • Relative • Cannot be inspected into our products. It must be in-built into the product • Means do it right first time • Requirements can come from the customer or you but agreed to by the customer …… QUALITY IS A MOVING TARGET DRIVEN BY THE CUSTOMER …… Where we want to be Quality is….. Invisible when GOOD Impossible to ignore when BAD Dynamics Of Quality And Standards • Both quality and Standards which defines the former are dynamically aligned with the global quality game for fair and healthy trade • Standards helps in the determination of Quality • Without Standards, quality cannot be controlled nor assured! • Standards help in establishing the consistency and reliability of quality otherwise known as quality control and quality assurance Why are Standards important?...competitive tools! Continual quality awareness creation Conscientious implementation of Standards enables Implementation of quality control, quality assurance and formal quality management system Provision of objective evidence of product performance as expected by…standards These are the competitive tools which guarantee market share and are strategic for sustainable economic growth Standards are generally… Democratic. Voluntary Can be used to regulate or legislate. Market-driven Consensus Standards usually represent the state of the art. Globally relevant Standards are technical agreements which provide the framework for compatible technology worldwide. They are designed to be globally relevant - useful everywhere in the world. WHAT IS QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ? Quality Control: • Operational techniques and activities used to fulfill requirements for quality Quality Assurance: • Planned and systematic activities to provide adequate confidence that requirements for quality will be met Quality Management System: • Organizational structure, resources, processes and procedures needed to implement quality management • Thus quality control ensures consistency, Assurance guarantees reliability of the controls and a structured formal system ensures quality is total Quality Control • The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. • Input includes: work results, Quality Management Plan, operational definitions, and checklists. • Methods used include: inspection, control charts, Pareto diagrams, statistical sampling, flowcharting, and trend analysis. • Output includes: quality improvements, acceptance decisions, rework, completed checklists, and process adjustments Quality Control • Quality control is a set of “activities” that need to be performed in order to detect problems during production and before the product goes live. • These activities ensure that final deliverable meets the specifications and quality standards set by the organization. • QC often includes peer reviews, “testing”, code reviews etc. Quality Control • In theory, quality control can be achieved with minimal testing. • For example, a thorough review of source code and checks for known previously problems can reduce the possibility of defects and might be enough to meet the quality standards set by the organization. • However in most cases, testing is the most important activity for quality control, but it is not the ‘only’ activity. Quality Assurance • The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. • Input includes: Quality Management Plan, results of quality control measurements, and operational definitions. • Methods used: quality planning tools and techniques and quality audits. • Output includes: quality improvement. What is Quality Assurance? • Quality Assurance (QA) is a process driven approach, it is a process to monitor and improve existing quality processes. • It is a process of verifying whether the product or services meets or exceeds the customer expectations. • It ensures that the product or services are developed or implemented on agreed standards. • Quality assurance ensures that the processes designed for the product development and services are effective enough to meet the objectives. • It prevents defects/errors. Quality Assurance • Quality assurance is about engineering “processes "that assure quality • The keyword to pay attention to is “processes”. Processes need to be: – – – – – – Defined Measured Compared to a standard Evaluated Take corrective action on Evaluate corrective action taken Quality Assurance • Defects occur because something somewhere did not happen the way it needed to. • Testing might help in detecting those defects, but not in avoiding them. • A defect once fixed cannot ensure that it won’t occur again, even if the root cause is found. The process or the system that allowed that defect to occur is what needs to be re-engineered, and this is what is called quality assurance. Quality Assurance • Everyone who is involved in the end to end development process, including analysts, developers, testers, managers etc., is an important player in assuring quality. • In fact, QA might not involve testing at all. Quality Assurance • If a company wanted to bring down its defects per million ratios, would testing alone be able to help achieve this goal? • The answer is no, because in practice, not every defect can be found and fixed. • However, if the processes that go into developing a product were reviewed and best practices were implemented, the load on testing team is likely to reduce. W. Edwards Demming on Quality • Quality is an attribute of a product or service that can only be defined by the customer. • Because of this its meaning is relative • Quality or lack of it is one of the outcomes of the specific business process that produces a product or service • Quality is produced by proper execution of such a process • The job of quality management is to provide the system and the leadership to facilitate such proper execution • Quality is heavily reliant on Standards Successful standards go unnoticed Successful standards usually go unnoticed The importance of standards is noticeable when problems arise, e.g. ◦ Incompatible electrical plugs and sockets worldwide ◦ Baltimore fire 1904: Hoses of fire fighters from neighbouring cities did not fit hydrants in Baltimore A lack of standards can lead from mere frustration to needless deaths 24 Standards are everywhere! e.g. ISO freight containers (ISO,1968) Redefined Shipping and international trade!!! 25 Standards are everywhere! e.g. McDonald’s Hamburgers 26 Standards are everywhere! More examples … • Units of measurement • Length, width and thickness of credit and bank cards, as well as the location of the magnetic strip on such cards, are standardized, which allows the use of the cards in any automatic card reader, not just the automatic teller machines of one’s own bank. • Layout of QWERTY computer keyboard • Size of light bulb fitting • Paper format (A0, A1…..; height-to-width ratio 1.4142 : 1) • GSM protocol for mobile phones • Vehicle safety test procedures 27 What is a standard? Mostly used in two rough senses: • it is an agreement developed by several parties with the intent that all parties comply • it is a product or service with a significant market share There are many definitions. Most try to specify the first type of standard (i.e. the agreement). • Standards prescribe behavior or characteristics of people or inanimate objects, often in technical terms Many definitions of standard Definition depends on who is asked, e.g. • Formal standards bodies: a standard is “a document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context” (ISO/IEC, 2004b, p.8) • Industry: “A standard [can be] of any form or type (…). A standard is also one of the agents used (…) to bring about market change” (Cargill, 1989, p.41) 29 Why are standards important? Standards contain information “We live in a world profoundly reliant on product standards” (WTO, 2005, p. XXIV) Standards contain Information. They – – – – – – – – Indicate product safety Clarify health risks Clarify environmental risks Increase transparency in the market (consumer and producer expectations) Create a level playing field Reduce information search costs Reduce production costs (allows economy of scale in production) Necessary for diffusion of new technologies 30 Standards ensure products safety • A consumer buying a gas stove, for instance, might want to know whether it complies with a standard that specifies how the oven must be designed to ensure that heating the oven will not cause parts to expand and cause a gas leak and explosion! 3 Why are standards important? Standards create compatibility Compatibility defined as • ‘the suitability of products, processes or services for use together under specific conditions to fulfill relevant requirements without causing unacceptable interactions.’ (ISO/IEC, 1991) • Two types of compatibility between components (David & Bunn, 1988) • compatible complements (e.g. plug and socket) • compatible substitutes (e.g. plug A and B in respect to socket) 32 Why are standards important? Standards create compatibility (cont..) • Standards create Compatibility – Networked environments* like telephone communication and broadcasting require standards – Standards coordinate technology (Schmidt & Werle, 1998) – Standards coordinate markets, e.g. availability of complementary products – Standards facilitate international trade 33 Causes for the increasing importance of standards • Expansion of global markets • Increasing anonymity of markets (standard-compliance raises trust) • Increasing concern for safety, health and environmental issues • Growing quality consciousness (higher demand for quality standards) • Use of standards to protect against mistakes > legal accountability • Regulation which encourages the use of standards 34 Why participate in making standards? Industry • Why do companies participate? (Cargill, 1989) – A standard is a change agent, a strategic tool to influence the market – Participate if a proposed standard affects their business, responds to a problem, focuses on their market need – Standardization is an effort to guide momentum in the market (p. 69) • Creating a standard is a form of collective consensual leadership, leadership by conviction – Standard is a guidepost that points towards the future of a market. • It provides predictability to business (p. 48) • It provides constancy to user operation (p. 70) 35 Why participate in making standards? Consumers Why do consumer organizations participate? (WTO, 2005, p. XXVII): • Standards are important for consumer goods like food, drugs, vehicles, electrical appliances, safety equipment • Standard requirements regarding design (toys), ingredients (paint), process of manufacture or production (meat), performance (helmets) Why participate in making standards? Consumers (cont..) “Consumers expect that services and products will be consistent in quality, durability and ease of use. International Standards are voluntary rules and guidelines that help to ensure: • safer, healthier, more environmentally sound products and services; • products with improved quality and reliability; • better operational compatibility between products and greater consistency in the delivery of services; • improved choice and access to goods and services; • lower costs for consumers; • better product or service information.” (ISO/IEC, 2003) 37 Why participate in making standards? Government Governments need standards for • Regulation (e.g. minimum standards for consumer protection) • Economic growth – Information and compatibility – Education on standardization is part of the national economic strategy (e.g. Asian countries) 38 Why NOT participate in standards making? Who does not want standards • Those with a stake in the status quo (e.g. company with a large market share in the area of standardization) • These parties sometimes participate in order to frustrate the standards process 39 Many kinds of standards • • • • • • Terminology standards Safety standards Health standards Procedural standards Compatibility standards Etc. 40 When does standardization take place? Anticipatory – Responsive standardization • Anticipatory standardization o standardize before technology has been developed and marketed • Enabling standardization o Parallel standards and market development • Responsive standardization o standardize technology variety available on the market 41 THE STANDARDS ORGANIZATION OF NIGERIA (SON) Established by Act of decree 56 on 1st Jan 1970 Sole statutory body that is vested with the responsibility of standardising and regulating the quality of all products in Nigeria. Headed by a Director-General Supervised by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Governing council is called the Nigerian Standards council Members of the Board drawn from private and public sector The main reference point in matters of standardisation as well as quality and technical competence required to launch Nigerian products into the competitive global market. Functions of SON To organize tests and do everything necessary to ensure compliance with standards designated and approved by council. To undertake investigations as necessary into the quality of facilities, materials and products in Nigeria, and establish a quality assurance system including certification of factories, products and Laboratories To ensure reference standards for calibration and verification of measures and measuring instruments. To foster interest in the recommendation and maintenance of acceptable standards by Industry and the general public Functions of SON Cont. Develop methods for testing of materials , supplies and equipment including items purchased for use of departments of the Government of the Federation or a state and private establishment Register and regulate standards marks and specifications Undertake preparation and distribution of standard samples Establish and maintain such a number of laboratories or other institutions as may be necessary for the performance of its functions Compile and publish general scientific or other data Resulting from the performance of it’s functions From other sources when such data are of importance to scientific or manufacturing interest or to the general public and are not available elsewhere. Functions of SON cont.. Advise departments of governments of the Federation or a state on specific problems relative to standards specifications Sponsor such national and international conferences as it may consider appropriate Co-ordinate all activities relative to it’s functions throughout Nigeria and to cooperate with corresponding national or international organisations in such fields of activity as it considers necessary with a view to securing uniformity in standards specifications Undertakes any other activity likely to assist in the performance of its functions The Role of SON • • • • SON is the apex standardisation body in Nigeria. Staff strength of over 1,000 personnel Operates in almost all of 36 states of Nigeria SON primary role is to prepare standards which are use to monitor quality and safety of products • SON prepare standards through an open process of consensus by all stakeholders • More than 500 Technical Committees/Work Groups members The Role of SON cont’d • • • • Member of ISO, ARSO, IEC (Affiliate), CAC National Enquiry point for WTO Secretariat/Codex contact point for Nigeria 70% funded by Government and 30% through service charges • SON has five (5) major specialized laboratories and is in the process of upgrading these. The Role of SON cont.. • SON has developed over 1,000 standards • Presently, 502 standards are in process of adoption/elaboration • 45% of SON standards are fully or substantially aligned with International standards • SON Technical Library houses over 100,000 International and National standards (ISO, IEC, CODEX, ASTM, ISI, JIS, SABS, GSB, KEBS, etc. The Role of SON cont.… • • • • • • • • • Standards Development Product Testing Personnel Certification Process Certification Quality/Environmental System Training LPG Tank Certification Laboratory Accreditation SONCAP MANCAP The Role of SON cont.…. • Assist Importers/Exporters/Manufacturers on standards issues. • Product Certification • Laboratory Accreditation Training • HACCP Training SONCAP – Control of Substandard Imports An offshore scheme for checking and controlling importation of substandard and unsafe products into the country Oversea manufacturers submit their products meant for Nigeria market to IEC accredited labs in case of electrical/electronics products or ISO/IEC Guide 17025 accredited labs in case of other products Upholds the WTO agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) Summary • • • • There are many types of standards Standards are everywhere Standards influence everything we do Participating in standards development can therefore be very important for companies, consumers and government • Standards participation and compliance guarantees market shares. 52 SON can provide access to power quality standards such as…… 1. IEEE Standard 141-1993 Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, aka the Red Book. – A thorough analysis of basic electrical-system considerations is presented. Guidance is provided in design, construction, and continuity of an overall system to achieve safety of life and preservation of property; reliability; simplicity of operation; voltage regulation in the utilization of equipment within the tolerance limits under all load conditions; care and maintenance; and flexibility to permit development and expansion. 2. IEEE Standard 142-1991 Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, aka the Green Book. – Presents a thorough investigation of the problems of grounding and the methods for solving these problems. There is a separate chapter for grounding sensitive equipment. 3. IEEE Standard 242-1986, Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, aka the Buff Book. – Deals with the proper selection, application, and coordination of the components which constitute system protection for industrial plants and commercial buildings. Contact Information For inquiries concerning this lecture, contact: DR JOSEPH IKEMEFUNA ODUMODU E-mail: jiodumodu@gmail.com Also attached in word are a list of power generation quality standards for the consideration of the participants. THANK YOU! 54
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