PET design


PET design
PET design
Lightweighting – this is how to reduce your Bottle Mass Index
krones – the front-runner when it comes to
krones Lightweighting
Find your ideal BMI
“Lightweighting” – this is one of the
most effective methods for achieving sustained cost savings. Here, too,
krones has already advanced the
frontiers of the feasible further than
any other company can claim. Our
PET design people will be pleased
to tell you how you can significantly
improve your bottle mass index and
keep your costs permanently slim.
the NitroPouch
concept study
breaks all records.
Every gram counts
You're thinking: “What can one gram
more or less possibly matter?” And
our answer is: quite a lot – as this
actual example goes to show:
The job profile:
■■ Weight optimisation for a 0.5-litre
bottle weighing 15 g
■■ Bottle runs on three lines, each
rated at 36,000 containers an hour,
an operating time of 5,000 hours a
year and an OEE von 75 %.
krones Lightweighting
Cost distribution:
The result:
■■ Savings of 3 g per bottle – while
retaining full quality and processability
■■ Savings of € 1,579,500 per annum
(given a PET price of € 1,300 per
ton, status July 2012)
1.4% 0.8%
■ Film
■ Layer pads
■ Trays
■ Closures
■ Labels and
Capital cost
Packaging costs
Personnel costs
Identifying improvement potentials
Losing weight in the right places
If you're going to slim down, then
do it properly: reducing the weight
of bottles is a ticklish business. Even
the tiniest of alterations can entail
unpleasant consequences for processability. So lightweighting means
quite a lot more than just “tweaking
away” a few grams here and there.
Lightweighting is a complex design
process that focuses on ideal material
distribution for saving weight while
retaining the requisite quality features.
Better neck geometry for
optimum material distribution
Neck finish + closure:
krones Lightweighting
Thinner walls
Higher stack loading thanks to
modified shoulder design
Structural elements for more
Weight-reduced base
Savings in the high-price segment
Imagine you've lost weight and no
one notices
Rather a nice idea – at least for premium products. After all, they're
expected to be stable and pleasant to
handle. Weight reductions can have
devastating effects here. Unless our
designers have had a hand in them.
They're quite capable of squeezing
another gram or two even out of bottles in the high-price segment. These
savings don’t show up in the bottle
itself – but they most certainly do in
your bottom line.
krones Lightweighting
krones’ designs – creative, intelligent, compatible
Lots of things only look good on
paper. Containers from krones cut
a fine figure on both the production
line and the supermarket shelves.
The secret: at krones, the marketing
professionals sit round a table with
designers and technicians. The result:
a distinctively eye-catching design
that does full justice to your production line and your brand personality.
To the delight of your customers and
your production managers alike!
krones Lightweighting
Design that really works
Why settle for a compromise when
you can have everything?
Out-of-the-ordinary and nonetheless fit for purpose? Product design
is a balancing act between creative
flair and technical feasibility. Design
offices pure and simple are often not
up to this sort of challenge. Our own
designers, by contrast, know exactly
what the bottles and other containers
can expect in the production environment, and what kind of stresses they
will have to cope with. Because they
have the entire fund of krones' accumulated expertise to tap into. Which
means they're probably the only creative minds who are backed up by long
decades of relevant experience as a
complete-systems supplier. An advantage you can't help noticing!
krones Lightweighting
Container design and the requisite machinery from a
single source
Reassuringly process-friendly right
from the start
At krones, designers, development
engineers and technicians work not
just next door to each other, but hand
in hand. By synergising our creative
and technical capabilities, we are able
to offer you a full-coverage service
package second to none. We handle
all the worksteps involved – from the
initial design concept and subsequent
feasibility studies all the way through
to the ready-for production container. And, of course, we'll be pleased to
find the perfect preform for your new
krones Lightweighting
Subject to technical changes · The illustrations can contain optional auxiliary equipment · PDF_en · 12/12
IT solutions
Lifecycle Service
krones Service Line
The SitePilot modular system
includes IT solutions which we developed especially for the beverage and
food industry. Whether you want to
increase the utilisation of your line
capacity, monitor product quality, or
make spare parts handling more efficient: With SitePilot, you will always
get the best result.
Your company is unique – why be satisfied with conventional solutions?
The krones Lifecycle Service will support you and your production also
after the purchase of new machines.
These are services which are individually tailor-made to suit your products
and location.
You need support with a technical problem? Or you have an urgent
question about you line? No problem:
We are just a call away from you. Dial
+49 9401 708090 to get quick and
straightforward assistance – in several languages around the clock!
krones Academy
High-performance technology with
low consumption of resources offering safety for humans and the environment – this is all guaranteed by
the enviro sign. TÜV SÜD (technical
control board) as an impartial assessor has confirmed, that the enviro
method leads to energy- and mediaefficient and environment-compatible machines and lines.
Make your colleagues high performers: The training of krones Academy
provides first-hand trade information
proven in field. You will find the suitable know-how package for almost
any field and hierachy level ranging
from technical courses to management training.
krones ag
Böhmerwaldstraße 5
93073 Neutraubling
Phone +49 9401 70-0
+49 9401 70-2488