How to Register Items Slide #1


How to Register Items Slide #1
How to Register Items
Slide #1
How to Register Your Items
Elke Parker
IUID Data Analyst
Jenna Tomalka
IUID Registry Functional Lead
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Contracts issued after 1
Jan 2004 that qualify for
UII will have contract
language inserted to
ensure the manufacturer
physically applies the UII
mark and enters the item
into the IUID Registry
prior to delivery to DoD.
That mark can be
applied via label,
nameplate, or metal
tags. Direct markings
are via dot peen,
chemical or laser
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UII mark (label) affixed to an item in accordance with
UID policy and standards is encoded in a twodimensional (2D) Data Matrix that can only be read
by a 2D scanner. UIIs cannot be read using an
ordinary linear barcode laser scanner. The
appropriate reader technology is available in the
commercial market. The DoD does not endorse any
specific vendor, but recommends that defense
suppliers conduct market research and select from
among Automated Identification Technology (AIT)
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• Your UID Forum Conference Guide and Exhibit
Directory will have a list with Contact information
regarding the exhibitors at this Forum.
• The World-Wide Web will also provide you with other
• Request a list of Vendors from
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Who is responsible for submitting IUID data?
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New Procurement: In accordance with DFARS 252.211-7003, the prime contractor
has the responsibility to submit Unique Item Identifiers (UIIs) or other DoD recognized
unique identification equivalents and to provide the IUID data for items that are
delivered to the Department under a DoD contract.
GFP: In accordance with DFARS 252.211-7007, the prime custodial contractor has
the responsibility to submit UIIs or other DoD recognized unique identification
equivalents and to provide the IUID data for all Government Furnished Equipment
(GFE) that meets IUID policy criteria.
In addition to mandatory GFE submissions, voluntary submission of other GFP data
to the IUID Registry is encouraged for contracts with GFP awarded. Volunteer
contractors should submit GFP IUID data related to the IUID Registry no later than
May 31 of the transition year in order for the validation and contract change to be
completed prior to September 30. Detailed instructions on voluntarily transitioning
contracts from use of the DD Form 1662 to use of the IUID Registry for reporting GFP
are available at:
Legacy: Government program and item managers are responsible for applying IUID
policy to existing personal property in inventory and operational use, including items
manufactured by organic DoD depots. They are also responsible for recording the
IUID data in the IUID Registry for those items that meet the criteria for IUID. (See:
Policy for Unique Identification (UID) of Tangible Personal Property Legacy Items in
Inventory and Operational Use, Including Government Furnished Property (GFP)
(December 23, 2004)).
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How do I submit IUID data?
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3,005,563 New Procurement UIIs
were entered into the IUID Registry
from March 2009 to January 2010
43% of entries are via WAWF
53 % direct submission (XML, GEX)
4 % via Web entry
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WAWF Submission
– Government users, which include inspectors and acceptors,
have the ability to review Material Inspection and Receiving
Reports, compare products/services to the contract terms,
and accept shipments online. Improper documents can be
electronically rejected back to the vendor for modification
and resubmission.
– Legacy items, including Government Furnished Property
(GFP), cannot be initially populated in the IUID Registry via
– Vendors can submit Invoices and Material Inspection and
Receiving Reports electronically into WAWF using existing
Electronic Commerce methods. Choices include web
interactive forms and electronic submission from Vendor
automated systems.
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Step-by-step instructions on manually providing
IUID data on the MIRR or Combo in WAWF are
available at:
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Note: New procurement data submitted in WAWF is limited to a
single automatically-generated 2D COMPLIANT UID mark and a
single level of embedded UIIs (see Question 4). Property
transfers of legacy items submitted via WAWF provide the IUID
Registry custody updates when there is a transfer of GFP items
between DoD and a contractor. Part number rollovers can also
be recorded in the Registry via WAWF Property Transfers.
Direct submission to the IUID Registry via web entry at or via IUID XML or IUID flat file format
is required to provide additional marks, more than one level of
embedded items below a “parent” end-item UII, and any UII
updates (e.g., life cycle events, rollovers, or embedded status
changes) not available with WAWF’s property transfer
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Direct submission is defined as the process of
submitting IUID data outside of the WAWF
process. It should be used to provide IUID
data to the IUID Registry only when WAWF is
not available.
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UID XML Submission (available for new procurement, legacy, and GFP)
– Direct submission of data to the production registry is for items that
currently do not go through Wide Area Workflow (WAWF).
– The XML option provides the most flexibility.
– If you have tens or hundreds of thousands of UII to put into the registry, you
could create large XML files and they could be loaded directly at the IUID
registry by the registry developers.
– With the XML schema, you can partially validate your XML files for sound
structure prior to sending them to the registry. This could help you identify
data issues with your file before it becomes a production data issue down
the line.
UID Flat File Submission (available for new procurement, legacy, and GFP)
– Flat files tend to be smaller than the XML equivalent.
– Depending on your resources, some people feel that flat files are easier to
– In general, if there are data issues with one item in your flat file, all the items
in the file are rejected.
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For the IUID flat file data submission method
(available for new procurement, legacy, and PIPC),
the portable document format (pdf),,
contains the flat file format particulars.
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All electronic submission methods require
access to the Global Exchange (GEX).
The person to contact at GEX is:
Teri Benveniste
Teri will send you a GEX application form. If
you plan on pushing data to GEX, a DD2875
must be submitted.
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If you are only sending a handful of items at a
time, you might want to consider using the
production registry website
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Manual Submission
available for new procurement, legacy, and
GFP items
- User can enter, update and/or correct
UIIs, and retrieve queries and reports
- To do so, each Registry user must register
for Controlled Access at the production
IUID Registry via the website
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Applying for Access to the Registry
Go to
Select ‘Controlled Access’
Click ‘Register’
Next select the appropriate access required
– Contractor Access (non-government personnel) – Company must have DUNS
number and have an active registration in CCR.
– Inquiry Access (government personnel, government sponsored contractors) – Can
retrieve reports and queries only.
– Legacy Access (government personnel, government sponsored contractors) –
Information can be submitted into the registry.
– DCMA – for DCMA personnel only.
Select ‘New User’ – next you will see a page with 5 questions
– DCMA, Legacy and Inquiry: select ‘Yes’ to the appropriate questions
– Contractor: select ‘No’ to all questions and enter your company’s DUNs number.
Scroll down to IUID and select ‘IUID: Contractor, Inquiry, Legacy, or DCMA’ (depends on
which type of access is being requested). Then submit.
Enter data into profile and submit
Enter a justification and click ‘submit’.
Slide #22
Common Pitfalls and Errors
• Legacy – load date
• Enterprise Identifier vs Prime Contractor
• Incorrect part number or serial number
• Construct 1 (UID1) vs Construct 2 (UID2)
• Life Cycle Event vs GFP Custody transfer
• Original Part Number vs Current Part Number
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Identifies the enterprise that assigned the
item with the UII data elements.
Identifies the agency that holds the
Contract for the UII
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Original vs Current Part
Original Part Number The enterprise assigned
part number corresponding to the assigned UII.
Current Part Number Used only if the item's
current part number is different from the Original
Part Number.
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Life Cycle Event vs GFP
Custody Transfer
• When an item moves from government hands to a
contractor or vice versa, a custody record is required
to indicate the change. This record gives the
custodian the access to see the item and perform
other update events on that item
• When an item leaves DoD inventory, its status, or life
cycle event, can be changed in IUID.
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Helpful websites
IUID toolkit – explains everything or
Overview of IUID and UID Policies – has many links
IUID newsletter – has a wonderful tutorial
our practice website
Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) for paperless shipping and invoicing
WAWF training module
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UID Policy Issues and Help Desk
For Registry Assistance
Slide #28